Warped: Running In Time (Book...

By IsaAG163

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This is a Flash CW show fan fiction. The main character's contribution in the story starts from Season 1, Epi... More

Episode 1: The Flash is Born
Episode 3: Flash vs. Arrow and Singer Girl
Episode 4: The Man In The Yellow Suit
Episode 5: Revenge of the Rogues
Episode 6: The Sound And The Fury
Episode 7: Crazy For You
Episode 8: The Nuclear Man
Episode 9: Fallout
Episode 10: We Interrupt Your Daily Program For This Special Part 1
Episode 11: We Interrupt Your Daily Program For This Special Part 2
Episode 12: We Interrupt Your Daily Program For This Special Part 3
Episode 13: Tricksters
Episode 14: All-Star Team Up
Episode 15: Who Is Harrison Wells?
Episode 16: The Trap
Episode 17: Grodd Lives
Episode 18: Rogue Air
Episode 19: Fast Enough

Episode 2: Power Outage

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By IsaAG163

Barry was using his speed now to accomplish everyday tasks. Barry ended up telling Joe about my Multiversal situation. By now, Caitlin, Cisco, and Caitlin knew, now Joe. Dr. Wells didn't know about it, because I still didn't quite trust him. There was just something off about him. I couldn't quite put my finger on it though. There was just something very secretive about him. But there was a familiar feeling whenever I was around him. A bad familiar feeling. I could tell easily when people would lie to me or are putting on act, even if they are really good at it. I could tell when someone was hiding something. I would just know. And I felt Dr. Wells was hiding something big. I didn't know what it was, but something in my gut told me that it might cause harm.
In the meantime, Iris welcomed me with open arms. She was really nice to me, and treated me well, just like how my sisters back home would.
Most of my time, I was either with Barry at his work place, or at STAR labs. I would learn things from wherever I was.
One day, I was at STAR labs early, and was waiting for Barry to show up. I was eating my breakfast to go and learning Japanese from one of my textbooks. Dr. Wells was a little judgmental over my eating habits, and why I ate so slow, but I ignored him. I wasn't going to risk engaging in an argument without a defense.
As usual, Barry came late. He sped into the med-bay part of the cortex with a coffee cup. "Sorry I'm late, I got held up. Where's Isa?"
    "In the cortex, eating breakfast," Dr. Wells said. "You just ran past her. Isabella has good composure. Although I wish I could say the same about her eating habits."
    Barry walked over to me. "What are you eating? And what's that you're learning?"
    "Breakfast burrito," I said. "It has egg and bacon in it. I also have orange juice, and I had milk. And the book is Japanese."
    "Why's Dr. Wells saying you have bad eating habits?" Barry asked.
    "Because I eat really slow," I took another bite of my burrito, and a sip of my orange juice. "For the first time in years, I can eat my food, and enjoy it without worrying about it being taken away. I have great eating habits, because if you eat too fast you can choke, and even if you don't choke, it's not good for your digestive system. It causes bloating, gas, acid reflux, indigestion. It's also been linked to erosive gastritis. Trust me, I've gotten normal gastritis and it's painful and disgusting. And you can tell Dr. Wells I said so!"
     Barry laughed. "Okay, I'll let you finish your food."
Dr. Wells made Cisco and Caitlin leave the area, as well as me, so he could talk to Barry privately, until there was a homicide he needed to go to.
After a while he came back, to ID the corpse. The corpse had been killed with electricity. We found out the victim was somebody who worked at an electrical company. Just as we found out who it was, somebody was using this person's identity to get into the electrical company.
Barry and I suited up, and sped out to stop this person. I followed him to the company, and we got in.  There was some type of meta-human sucking the energy out. I hid while Barry went in first.
"I'm pretty sure this is a restricted area," Barry called to him.
The meta-human turned. His eyes looked dark, he was bald, and it looked like he had put on an eyeliner/eyeshadow disaster, because all around his eyes were black. His eyes themselves looked like that of a blind person, except he didn't look blind. Even more so, his skin, was covered in vein-like marks. The meta-human tried to strike at Barry, but he was too fast and dodged.
"Easy there, Zappy!" Barry called.
"I have to feed," the meta-human said in a deep demonic voice. He zapped, but Barry was still too fast. He zapped again, but this time Barry wasn't able to escape, and got caught in it, started sucking the lightning out of him.
I yelped in horror. I quickly did what I had to.

Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go
Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go

The sonic blast blasted the meta-human so hard that he stopped zapping. Barry escaped far from it, and I sped out of there, following him. Barry sped out, but his lightning started to flicker out. The meta-human caught up to us, and was about to zapped Barry again as he tried to escape.
"No!" I cried. I continued singing, bringing out my water bongos, creating water, enough to soak the meta human, releasing Barry.

Some days, you're the best thing in my life
Sometimes when I look at you, I see my wife
Then you turn into somebody I don't know
And you push me away, push me away, yeah

Call me in the morning to apologize
Every little lie gives me butterflies
Something in the way you're looking through my eyes
Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive

Barry heaved, and tried to use his speed to get out, but he couldn't. I helped Barry out of the area and back to STAR labs.

At STAR labs we tested him, on the treadmill, after we got out of our suits. He wasn't running fast anymore.
"He runs slow even for a normal person," Cisco commented.
Barry got off the treadmill.
"You can't just lose your powers, okay," Caitlin said. "Your DNA was transformed by the particle accelerator blast. There's no way to untransform DNA."
"Yeah?" Barry heaved. "Tell that to Isa who had to carry me all the way over here on her own back."
I nodded, confirming this.
"So we were wrong," Dr. Wells said. "This meta-human doesn't electrocute people, he siphons electricity. . .thereby removing your power."
"Alright," Barry said. "Do we think this is temporary or. . .?"
"We have to run tests," Dr. Wells said.
Barry nodded. "Yeah. I've gotta warn Joe."
He got up and started exiting the room.
"Barry," Dr. Wells called him. "We will find a way to restore your speed. I promise you that."
"Come on, Isa, let's go," Barry told me.

I went with Barry to CCPD. In his lab, they were just in silence.
That's when Joe threw Barry's mug off the table and it smashed.
"You didn't catch it," Joe said, in disbelief.
"I loved that mug!" Barry whined. "And what part of 'a meta-human stole my speed' didn't you understand?"
"Barry, there's no part of anything you can do that I ever understand," Joe got up. "What does Dr. Wells say?"
"He's working on it," Barry said.
"Barry, you have to get your speed back," Joe said. "The people in this city need protecting. And I don't think Isa over there can do it on her own."
"I can do stuff on my own," I whined. "Just not in this case. I have to analyze. That's insulting."
"Anyways," Joe said. "If you don't get your speed, how the hell are we gonna keep them safe?"
"Ignoring the teenager, like always," I grumbled.
"Joe, the meta who stole my speed, he burned up the body we saw in the alley today," Barry told him. "You need to tell the police not to confront him. He would've fully electrocuted me, had Isa not put a stop to it. He's dangerous."
"Who's dangerous?" A voice asked coming in.
It was Iris.
"No one," Joe said. "Just some thief."
"Well, criminals better watch out," Iris said. "Cops in Central City are the best there are. And if you can't protect this city dad, I know the Flash and Singer Girl will."
"What if he can't?" Barry asked. "What if he's gone? What if Singer Girl can't do it on her own?"
"Gone?" Iris crossed her arms.
"Or maybe he's just done? Or maybe it's like whatever he could do before, he can't do anymore."
"Barry, don't you have some place to be?" Joe asked.
"Yeah, I'm going," Barry said. "Come on Isa, let's go."
As Barry and I left, we heard Iris say, "Aw. Barry loved that mug."
We went to the elevator, and just as the doors opened, we saw two police men bringing a criminal with weird round glasses in.
We went into the elevator, and the criminal told Barry, "That's a quality time piece, young man."
He was obviously talking about Barry's watch.
"Oh, um, thanks," Barry said.
"They took mine," the criminal said. "All of them."
"Um, guess you shouldn't have done whatever it is you did," Barry said, as the elevator doors closed.

At STAR labs, Barry stared longingly at his suit on the mannequin.
"You think I'll ever wear it again?" Barry asked.
"I hope so," Caitlin said.
In the meantime, I had set up a table in the cortex that I had found in storage and was making clay in a bowl with flour, salt, and cold water, and was kneading it while slowly adding the water. I also had my pottery making set on the table.
"I didn't have my speed for very long," Barry said. "But now that it's gone, it feels like a part of me is gone too."
"With or without your speed, you're still you, Barry," Caitlin told him.
"But I'm not," Barry glanced at the suit. "I'm not the best version of me. I love being the Flash. I love everything about it. The feeling of running hundreds of miles per hour. Wind and power just rushing past my face. Being able to help people. I'm not sure I can live without it, Caitlin."
That's when Cisco came in. "Farooq Gibran."
"Who?" Barry asked.
"The power vampire who jacked your speed," Cisco said, showing Barry his iPad. "I hacked into surveillance footage from the Petersburg substation. Once I got his face it was easy to get a match."
"He climbed an electrical tower the night of the accelerator explosion," Barry said.
"No surprise where his powers came from," Caitlin said.
That's when they finally noticed what I was doing.
"Isa, what exactly are you doing?"  Cisco asked.
"Making clay. Joe broke Barry's mug to prove for himself that Barry truly lost his speed," I said simply, kneading the clay to its clay-like form.
"Yeah, I know," Barry said. "But what does that have to do with making clay?"
"Clay equals pottery. Mug is a form of pottery. Barry got sad when Joe tossed and broke the mug. I see his sad blue aura. The blue got deeper when the mug was smashed. I make new mug. I got a pottery-making kit for Christmas on my earth. I take advantage and use it to make new mug."
Barry slightly chuckled. "You really don't have to do that."
I looked him dead in the eye. "You scare me when you're sad. You're always smiling, and now that you're not, I'm scared for you. I'm scared that you'll never smile again. And that smile was the one thing that broke my trust issues with you. You think I want that to vanish? No! I'm incredibly observant. So, I do what I know how to do best when other people are sad. I make gifts for them. And because I'm a perfectionist, I'm gonna make sure it's perfect. You're gonna be the first one of this earth that gets to experience just how dedicated I am in gift-giving and making."
Barry slightly grinned. "Have you even made pottery before?"
"No, but I'm trying!" I whined, as I put most of the clay on the little table of the kit, and turned on the spinning mechanism. "Are you gonna continue making fun of me or are you gonna thank me?"
"You gotta give it to her for trying to cheer you up,"  Cisco said. "If you don't want the mug, I'll take it."
"No," I hissed, using my hands to mold the clay into the cup shape I was looking for. "This is for Barry, whether he wants it or not. If he doesn't want it, I'll keep it, although I'll be really heartbroken if you don't."
"I think you better take the mug," Caitlin chuckled.
"You know, I could've made you anything else. A book of motivational quotes, a sun-catcher, a dream-catcher, origami, a wind chime, a wind chime/sun-catcher which I have made for someone out of sea glass and shells, a hoodie, a shirt, a painting, even string art. I could've chosen to do something I've done before," I said, smoothing out the main part of the mug. "But because I'm so observant, I decided to try something I've never done before. I could've even just gone to a store and bought a new mug. But I always put actual effort into my gifts, so I'm not just gonna buy something. The most priceless gifts are the ones that are made from the heart and by the hands of the person with that heart, because you can't get them anywhere else. I never got any gifts as a kid, much less getting one with minimal effort put into it. That's why I actually put effort into the gifts I give. So be grateful!"
Barry, for the first time since he lost his speed, laughed. "It's not that I'm not grateful. It's just I never expected this out of you. I didn't expect you'd be so good with your hands. You're always learning things, I didn't think you'd have enough time for yourself to do stuff like that, especially doing crafts. Thank you, though. It's not the same as getting my speed back, but at least I'll get a new mug to replace the one that broke."
That's when something started beeping. Cisco looked at the surveillance footage from outside STAR labs. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. This is not happening."
"Dr. Harrison Wells, I need to see you!" Farooq yelled. "Come on, I know you're inside, open the door! I just wanna talk, Dr. Wells. Wells, let me in!"
"Really?" I cried, turning off the machine. "Did this have to be now? I was just starting on the handle!"
"Clean off your hands, you can finish that later," Cisco said. "We might need you to protect us."
I cleaned off my hands with a paper towel, and saw the footage, as Farooq zapped the electric box, and took out the power.
The lights started flickering, especially all over the city. The power finally went completely out.
There was creaking in the walls, that we all heard.
"He's inside," Barry said.
Barry tried to get in contact with anyone at the station. Finally, he called Captain Singh, and got an answer. "Captain Singh, I've been trying to get in touch with Joe or anyone at the precinct."
I could hear with my enhanced hearing his response, "There's a hostage situation, Barry. Joe's inside, so's his daughter. I'll call you when I know more."
"Wait," Barry said, but he got hung up on. "Joe and Iris are in trouble. I need my powers back now."
"I have a theory," Dr. Wells said, coming in. "It's untested."
"I'm willing to roll the dice," Barry said.
"Okay. You've lost your speed. Yes. But nothing has changed inside you on a subatomic level. In other words, your cells are still primed."      "They just need a jump-start." Cisco said.
"Okay, how do we do that?" Barry asked. "How do we jump-start me?"
"We need to replicate the initial jolt to your system," Dr. Wells said.
"But that would mean a peak current of at least twenty thousand kilo amps," Cisco said.
"Are you insane?" Caitlin asked. "That's more electricity than they give to people in the electric chair."
"Caitlin, with Farooq in the building, and Isa being the only thing that can defend us, who has never worked on the field alone, we could be looking at a death sentence here," Dr. Wells said.
"Okay, I'm tired of people saying I can't do anything on my own!" I cried. "It's unfair! How can I, if I never get the chance? Let me at least try!"
"No, it's too dangerous," Dr. Wells said.
My eye twitched. I was really getting angry now. A storm cloud appeared over my head, and began to thunder. Nobody seemed to notice yet.
"The spare generator's offline," Cisco said. "If we can reboot it, we can get a charge that big."
"But we need something that can transmit the load from the generator to Barry, without shorting out." Dr. Wells said.
"The treadmill," Cisco said. "My baby can take the charge."
"What if Barry can't?" Caitlin asked.
"Well, that's up to Mr. Allen," Dr. Wells said.
The storm cloud above my head thundered loudly, startling everyone.
"Okay, I need to take my anger out on something, because this storm cloud is getting bigger, and soon, I won't be able to control what comes out of it," I said. "There's two of us, I can go deal with the hostage situation, while you deal with this."
"But Farooq will see you," Caitlin said.
"No he won't," I smirked. "If I have to, I'll turn invisible, and if not, I can use this to come back fast."
I took out the horse miraculous. "I can use this to teleport back if I need to. I'll be quick. In and out."
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Barry asked.
"Yes, I do," I said. "I know where the precinct is."
"Okay, do you have a plan to deal with the guy?" Cisco asked, giving me an earpiece so they could hear me and I could hear them, just in case I did need help.
I thought for a moment. For a minute I felt like my friend, Annabeth. Then I thought of it. I pulled out the bee miraculous too, as well as the ladybug miraculous. I grabbed my sword and elemental instrument just in case he tried to shoot me. "Yup, I do have a plan."
I suited up, grabbed my coconut water from my backpack, putting it on my belt, snapped twice to turn invisible, and sped out of STAR labs to the precinct, past Farooq, without him even knowing.

In a few moments, I was outside the precinct, where other police were surrounded. There was even a SWAT team inside. I appeared and turned visible next to Captain Singh, which startled him.
"I'm here to help," I said. "Give me the information."
"Where's your partner?" Captain Singh asked. "I was expecting him to show up. I think he would know how to handle this situation a little better."
The storm cloud above me thundered even louder, even releasing a little lightning, as I glared at him. "Everyone has been telling me that I can't do anything on my own for a while now, and I'm sick of it. The Flash has been compromised at the moment, so I'm standing in until he's not compromised anymore. Do you understand?"
"Okay, no need to get feisty with me," Captain Singh said. "The criminal's name is Tockman. He has at least ten hostages inside, with two officers down. I'm gonna see what he wants first, and if it's too unreasonable or he doesn't comply after the demands have been met, I will send you in."
He used his radio to call Tockman.
"I am presently in control of eight of Central City's finest, three underpaid assistants, and one very brave civilian girl," Tockman said over the radio.
I recognized the voice as the guy who was talking to Barry when we got into the elevator.
"You've got demands. I wanna hear them." Captain Singh said. "But first let the civilians go."
"Would you prefer I sent them out alive or dead?" Tockman asked. "Please be more specific. One helicopter, one vegetarian takeout meal, one laptop with eight gigabytes of RAM will be delivered on this roof at exactly fifty-three minutes and twenty-seven seconds from now or I shoot a hostage."
"There is a citywide blackout, I'm gonna need more time," Captain Singh said.
"Captain, you may delay, but time will not," Tockman said. Then he logged off.
"Did he just quote Benjamin Franklin?" I asked.
"I think he did," Captain Singh sighed. "I don't wanna send you in just yet."
"So, we meet his demands?" I asked. "I can handle a vegetarian meal if you'd like. I've been cooking for myself since I was eight, and I have a couple friends who are vegetarian, so I know how to make a few quick and simple vegetarian dishes. I'm also very good at disguising things, so I can make it look like it's takeout."
"Thank you, so much Singer Girl," Captain Singh said. "You are getting one thing off our plate."
I nodded, and sped off to the nearest vegetarian place I could find. I turned on their electricity by channeling electricity from my anger storm. The people inside were in fear.
"Easy there," I said. "I am Singer Girl. I'm not here to hurt anyone, I just need to use the restaurant's kitchen. There's a hostage situation down at the precinct, and one of the demands is a vegetarian meal, and I need to help. You would be doing a good deed if you also helped me find things in the kitchen."
The workers of the kitchen nodded letting me into the kitchen. One of the quickest things I could think of was a Spinach Pizza Quesadillas. It was pretty simple. All the ingredients needed were in stock. It only took twenty minutes. From the stock I grabbed six whole wheat tortillas, spinach, eight ounces pizza sauce, and shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese.
I cut up three cups of spinach, and put that aside, as well as three cups of the cheese. I preheated the oven to four-hundred degrees. On half of each tortilla, I layered half a cup of cheese, half a cup of spinach, and about two tablespoons of pizza sauce. And just for a little kick, I put jalapeño seasoning on a few of them, enough where I could smell the seasoning. It was so bad I was sneezing. I folded each tortilla in half over the filling. I set up baking sheets and sprayed them with cooking spray. I placed each of the tortillas on the sheets, and placed it in the oven, for ten to twelve minutes.
After that, I took them out of the oven, cooling them down with a gust of wind I controlled. I put the quesadillas in a to-go box, and in a take-out bag. Then, I raced back to the precinct, appearing next to Singh again. "I'm back!"
"Wow, that was fast," Captain Singh asked. "I expected you to take a little longer. But I'm glad you're back, Tockman shot another officer."
"Maybe I could go in there and negotiate with him with the meal," I said, "Make him release the injured officers so they can get medical attention."
"I'm afraid I have no choice," Captain Singh sighed. "You can go in. Go in from the roof if you can though."
"You got it," I said. I sprouted my angel wings, and flew up to the roof. I retracted my wings when I landed, and I walked into the precinct,by going down the stairs. But I was also careful, to make sure the coast was clear. I went into the main part of the precinct, where all the hostages were being held.
Tockman pointed his gun at me.
"Easy there," I said, putting up my hands. "I'm not here to fight. I just have your vegetarian meal. I actually cooked it myself at the nearest restaurant with vegetarian options. It's spinach pizza quesadillas. You weren't exactly specific with what you wanted your vegetarian meal to be, so I picked something quick and easy. I'm here to negotiate."
"I thought the Captain said that he would need more time," Tockman said.
"What can I say? I have mad skills in the kitchen."
"Where are my other demands?"
"They're working on it," I said, putting the bag of food on one of the desks. "But like I said, my first priority here, is not to fight. I'm here to negotiate. If I give you this food, would you be willing to release the already injured hostages so they can get medical attention?"
"Not until I get my other demands, will I be willing to negotiate," Tockman said. "Now go back out there, and get me my other demands!"
"Dude, I was trying to be nice!" I said. "That's not fair. I'm not your errand girl. How old do you think I am? I'm not even old enough to drive a helicopter! I might be a songwriter and someone who covers other song as my day job, but haven't you ever heard of saving up? I'm not planning on stealing a laptop. I was willing to negotiate so nobody dies, but you're really pissing me off right now."
"The district attorney that denied me furlough so I could visit my dying sister one last time," Tockman said. "Say goodbye to her in person. Time I'll never get back! I won't spend another minute in prison!"
"Listen to me," I said. "I've experienced loss too. I'm an orphan with hypermnesia. So you can understand, let me tell you my story. When I was little, I watched my mother die in a car accident. I was in the back seat. She was holding me when she died. Two years later, my father got into a car accident, and never came back home. We never heard of him afterwards. I had siblings. A lot of them. Nobody wanted to foster all of us at the same time, so I was separated from them, without even getting to say goodbye. They're spread all over the country, and I can't get in contact with them. I was put in an abusive foster home, where they did unspeakable things to me. I never thought to get help until this summer. I was in that home for ten years. That's time I'll never get back. I experienced loss even after I escaped them too. I hired an attorney to represent me in getting me out of that home. Turns out, we were blood relatives. He lived alone, and when he found out I was a blood relative, he was overjoyed. While we were preparing our case, we were also dreaming up a life together. We were gonna get a big house, find all my siblings again, have a big family reunion. But then, my foster father had to ruin it. Once I started testifying, he raged. He grabbed the piece of evidence that he used to abuse me, hit me with it, but before he could hit me again, my attorney jumped in the way, taking a load of damage to himself, before security could hold my foster father down. The damage done was so much, that he wasn't eligible to take care of me anymore. Life isn't always fair, Tockman. I get that. But life isn't always cruel. There are good people out there who are willing to help. Shortly after this, the orphanage kicked me out, for reasons even I still can't fathom. I was on the streets with nowhere to go. Then a good person found me one night, and took me in. Scripture says that God will bless those who were put in unfortunate circumstances, and those who help them. Those who oppress the poor will be punished. If you just stop this now, I promise you, that you will be blessed with good fortune."
"I don't believe that," Tockman said. "I will not be releasing anybody until all my demands are met, and that's final."
"Okay, I tried to get you on the right side of things," I said. "But now, you're asking for it. My friends have a saying about me." I took my jug of coconut water off my belt, and popped off the lid. "'Welcome to another episode of Once The Coconut Water Is Popped, She Can't Be Stopped.' This week, we have an idiot who's been given multiple chances to be good, yet he hasn't taken them. You shall be the first to know what that means, because you didn't decide to settle this the easy way."
I took a swig of the coconut water, putting the cap back on, and putting it down on the desk.
Tockman shot at me, but just in time, I pulled out my sword, blocked the bullet, and caught it.
I caught a look of fear in Tockman's eyes.
I raised my eyebrows. "That's right. How would you like me to beat you up? In a duel for honor, with a miraculous, with my sword, or with my powers. I will give you five seconds to decide. 5. . .4. . . 3. . .2. . .1. . .Alright, time's up! You're gonna get the Miraculous, sword, power combo!"
I put on the hair clip of the bee miraculous, and the earrings from the ladybug miraculous and said, "Tikki, Pollen, unify!"
My super suit combined the patterns of a ladybug and a bee in one, and my hair looked like a pony tail, in the shape of a hive, sort of like this:

I ran at Tockman, jumping onto a chair, up onto a desk, and came flying at him, knocking the gun out of his hands with my sword, catching it immediately.
"Not so tough without your weapon now, huh?" I said. "And just to make sure that if you do get it back, I am going to pull the Alexander Hamilton move, until the gun runs out of bullets, so you can't do anything with it."
I pointed the gun up, towards where the water pipes would be, strategically, and began pulling the trigger, releasing a bullet, one by one. I flinched every time one of those shots went off. I couldn't help but think of Aubree, who died during the mass shooting at my school, when I had tried to save her. I held back my tears, as every shot went off, until I pulled the trigger for the last time and nothing came out. I threw the gun away from me, just as water burst from the pipes.
I took out my water bongos and began playing rhythm to control the water, to soak my enemy in water a couple times. While he was trying to process what just happened, with my powers of creation, I repaired the pipes, so water would stop coming out.
When he did process what happened, I did not let him be able to make an escape. I transformed into a tiger, and pounced at him, scratching at his face with my claws, hissing madly.
After I scratched him up enough, I turned back into a human. Tockman tried to escape, but I had another trick up my sleeve.
I yelled, "Lucky charm!"
I got a pair of leg shackles with keys. I quickly went after him, attaching them to his legs, which made him trip and fall. Just as he was about to hit the ground I yelled, "Venom!"
My hand became a stinger, and I stung him with it, paralyzing him mid-fall. He was still conscious and could hear me, he just couldn't respond or move.
I laughed, putting away my bongos. "I did warn you, Mr. Tockman. And now that you can't respond to me, keep the hostages here, nor get away, I can insult you until I feel satisfied. Why don't you have common sense if it's common? Perhaps if you keep rolling your eyes you'll discover a brain. I wish I could see things from your perspective, but I just can't manage to get my head so far up my ass. I'm not sure what makes you so dumb, but it works. Everyone has the right to act foolish once, but you are violating that privilege. You are the cause God no longer speaks to us. I'd say you're dumb as a rock, but a rock at least can keep a door open. I thought evolution was true until I met you. Because of you, God handed us all the middle finger. I'm not stating you're stupid, but a glow stick has a better future than you. You're a gray sprinkle on a colorful cupcake. With you, I can finally prove my scientific theory that a human being can live without a brain. I'm gonna give you two medals, one for being stupid, and another for if in case you lose the first one. A donkey is more knowledgeable than you. Did you fall from heaven? Because so did Satan! And my favorite one of all, if defects were flowers, you would be the springtime. Also, I have a little something for you."
I grabbed the quesadillas from the takeout bag, smeared them all over his face, and stuck the last one, which had the jalapeño seasoning into his mouth.
"Enjoy it while it's in there," I said. "Because it won't be for long. And just so you know, your mouth is going to be getting really hot soon, because that one has some jalapeño seasoning on it."
    The only response that came from him was a bit of a moan, and a tear rolling down his face. Sweet justice! The anger storm cloud was now completely gone.
    I laughed, and said, "You all are safe now. I will send the paramedics in for those who are hurt, and in the meantime, try to get the power back on in the precinct, so I can free Tockman from the paralysis and leg shackles without him trying to get away."
    I went out of the precinct and went over to Captain Singh, "It's safe to go in there now. I have dealt with him. Just so you know, I put Tockman in a paralysis state, for now, until I can get the power in the precinct back on, so he can't take advantage of the darkness and try to get away. You can send the paramedics in. I'm gonna find the power box."
    "Thank you, Singer Girl, your help was much appreciated," Captain Singh said.
    I started searching around the precinct for the power box. I quickly found it, and took out my elemental instrument, which was now an electric guitar. I opened the power box, and I began playing the electric guitar with a pick, and singing "Heart Attack."

Putting my defenses up
'Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack

Never put my love out on the line
Never said yes to the right guy
Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you, I'm never good enough
When I don't care, I can play 'em like a Ken doll
Won't wash my hair, then make 'em bounce like a basketball

But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear high heels
Yes, you make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand

You make me glow
But I cover up, won't let it show
So I'm putting my defenses up
'Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack

    During the chorus, the guitar stared sparking electricity, and as I continued playing, the sparking became a string of electricity reaching towards the power box.

Never break a sweat for the other guys
When you come around, I get paralyzed
And every time I try to be myself
It comes out wrong like a cry for help
It's just not fair, pain's more trouble than love is worth
I gasp for air, it feels so good, but you know it hurts

But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear perfume for you
Make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand

You make me glow
But I cover up, won't let it show
So I'm putting my defenses up
'Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack

    Once again, during the chorus, the string of electricity reached the power box, and began sparking on it. The lights in the precinct began to flicker. I took a step back so I wouldn't get electrocuted.

The feelings got lost in my lungs
They're burning, I'd rather be numb (rather be numb)
And there's no one else to blame (no one else to blame)
So scared, I take off, and I run
I'm flying too close to the sun
And I burst into fla-fla-flames

You make me glow
But I cover up, won't let it show
So I'm putting my defenses up
'Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack (heart attack)
I think I'd have a heart attack-tack
I think I'd have a heart attack (oh, I think I'd have a heart attack)
I think I'd have a heart attack

    I stopped playing the guitar and the power completely came back on in the precinct. I put my elemental instrument away, and went back into the precinct.
    Two officers were already holding Tockman by the arms, ready for me to undo the damage and paralysis.
    I unlocked the leg shackles on Tockman, and threw them in the air. "Miraculous Lady Bee Singer Girl!"
    The magical ladybugs appeared, making the leg shackles disappear and repairing all the damage done on the precinct, even the damage from my Alexander Hamilton move. The last thing it did was take Tockman out of the paralysis, who quickly was caught by the officers. He spit out the quesadilla.
    I laughed. "Now you know why you don't mess with me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have other business to attend to."
    That's when Iris came up to me. "Why didn't the Flash come to help?"
    "He was compromised," I told her. "I saw your blog, how people like the Flash were spotted around the city. Well, some people are not like the Flash. Some people use the abilities they gained for bad, like the person who took you, Tony Woodward. Yeah, well, there was a person like him, who gained the ability to control electricity, and siphon it. In order to live, he has to feed on it, but because of that, he's also doing bad. That's what caused the power outage. He's really dangerous, and the Flash needed to deal with him, and because he can't be everywhere at once, he sent me over here to deal with your guy."
    Iris nodded in understanding.
    I ran out of the precinct, using my magical yo-yo to swing out of there. When I was out, I said the de-transformation phrases for the bee miraculous. "Pollen, Tikki divide."
    My super suit turned back to regular ladybug spots, my hair went into pigtails again, and I put the hair pin away, and I took out the horse miraculous, putting on the glasses. "Tikki, Kaalki unify. My super suit and hair changed to something like this:

    "Voyage!" I said, and it opened a portal to inside STAR labs. I appeared in the garage of STAR labs just as Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr. Wells were coming out.
    "You're back already?" Barry asked.
    "Yup, I dealt with Tockman pretty fast," I said. "You still need help?"
    "Yeah, Cisco says I have the yips," Barry said. "Dr. Wells released Tony Woodward, and sacrificed him to Farooq. Tony's dead now. I know you have a reason not to trust Dr. Wells, but now I might be on your side of that."
    "I don't know, I don't think that's the only thing off about Wells," I said. "Kaalki, Tikki divide."
    My super suit went back to its normal pink color, as I put the jewelry back in the magical miracle pouch on my belt.
    "Well, come on, we need to get in the van," Barry said.
    "He's in here!" I yelled, pointing.
    That's when Farooq zapped at him.
    Caitlin, Cisco and I ran over to him.
    "Are you okay?" I asked.
    "Did he hit you?" Caitlin asked.
    We helped him up.
    "Yeah, I'm okay," Barry said. "Guys. . ."
    Farooq started charging toward us with electricity charging in his hand.
    "Oh my God," Caitlin whimpered. "Oh my God, no please!"
    That's when Wells called at Farooq. "Hey!"
    Farooq turned around.
    Dr. Wells continued. "You're here for me."
    "Finally, you show your face," Farooq said.
    "Well, I wasn't exactly eager to be killed."
    "Neither were my friends." Farooq started walking towards him, with electricity charging in his hands.
    "I know. I hurt a lot of people that night." Dr. Wells admitted.
    "People? You don't even know their names!"
    "Jake Davenport. Darya Kim." Dr. Wells started listing. "Ralph Dibney. Al Rothstein. Grant Emerson. Will Everett. Bea De Costa. Ronnie Raymond. I know the names of every person who died that night. I know they all mattered. And the fact that the world is now deprived of their potential is something I have to live with every day, but these people—" He gestured over to us. "These people have done nothing wrong. You wanna punish me? Fine. Let's do that. But let these people live."
    "You died that night too," Farooq said. He blasted Dr. Wells off his chair.
    "No!" Barry cried.
    "You just didn't know it till today," Farooq said.
    Farooq was about to blast, when suddenly, Barry got his speed back again, and sped over to Dr. Wells, and got him out of the way of Farooq's blast, bringing him over to us.
    Barry sped into STAR labs, suited up, and came back out to confront Farooq. Farooq tried to blast Barry, but he dodged every single one. But then, Barry couldn't dodge one, and got caught in a blast.
    I took out the Fox miraculous from my magical miraculous pouch on my belt, and put on the necklace. Trixx, the kwami, appeared.
    "Trixx, let's pounce!"
    My super suit and hair turned into the colors of a fox. My hair turned orange, into a ponytail, with the ends white. My supersuit looked like this:

I thought I would have to make some sort of illusion, but thankfully, not, because Barry's electricity was too much for Farooq. The electricity stopped, and killed Farooq. Barry immediately went to go check on Iris afterward.
    I de-transformed, got out of my suit, and went with him.

When we got back to STAR labs, we put Farooq in a body bag, and in the pipeline prison.
    "We could've called him Blackout," Cisco said.
    "He had a name, Cisco," Wells said.
    Something still seemed off about Wells, although he offered to sacrifice himself. I still couldn't quite put my finger on it.
    "I'm still not sure what happened," Barry said. "Why didn't he just siphon all my powers like he did before?"
    "Because you finally stopped thinking about your powers and just connected to them," Caitlin said. She showed him her tablet. "Look, this is a sample of your blood from just after you were struck by lightning. Now, your cells are generating more energy than ever before. It was more energy than the meta could safely handle. It's almost like he choked on you."
    "Well, what does that mean?" Cisco asked.
    "I think it means you kicked it up a notch," Dr. Wells said.
    That's when I remembered I had to finish the mug for Barry, and sped back to the cortex to finish it.
    I made the handle into the handle-shape, spraying the clay with water, and attaching it to the mug. I used my powers to dry it off.
    That's when Barry came in, "I'm going to visit Eddie. He was one of the officers who was down. I know you want to make that mug for me, but do you think you can make that one for Eddie as a get well soon gift, and then you can make another one for me, how's that?"
    I thought for a moment. "Okay, fine. But now I have to think up a new quote concept."
    Barry laughed. "Okay, call me when you're finished, so I can come get you."
    He left the room, and with my super speed I made some more clay, and shaped it into a mug and handle, since I remembered how to do the first one. Both mugs both had a shape.
    Since I didn't have a concept for Eddie's yet, I kept working on Barry's, while simultaneously thinking about what I could put on Eddie's. I grabbed my paint brush, and started painting Barry's in a red color, like his super suit. I used my powers to dry it off, and did a few coats inside and out of the mug, then let it dry for a little bit without my powers. I took another paint brush, and painted Eddie's a dark blue. I did the same thing I did with Barry's in the coat process. When I was done with it, I used my powers to finish drying Barry's off. With a pencil, I outlined the letters all around the mug for this, "'I LEARNED THAT COURAGE WAS NOT THE ABSENCE OF FEAR, BUT THE TRIUMPH OVER IT. THE BRAVE MAN IS NOT HE WHO DOES NOT FEEL AFRAID, BUT HE WHO CONQUERS THAT FEAR.' —Nelson Mandela."
    Then I came up with a quote for Eddie's, and outlined the letters for this, "'Courage is resistance to fear, mastery to fear—not absence of fear.' —Mark Twain."
    I used a smaller paintbrush, and on Barry's mug, I painted a few coats on the letters in a golden-yellow color, drying it off with my powers. I used another small paintbrush to paint the quote on Eddie's, white. I did the same process with his.
    Then I painted on smaller designs on both mugs, star and galaxy designs on Eddie's and race car designs on Barry's, dried it with my powers, and then painted the polish on both of the mugs. It was what made the mugs shiny. Then, with my powers, with the power of providing incredible heat, I finished both of them. It baked them so that the mugs wouldn't be ruined when washed.
    I wrapped Eddie's mug in a plastic wrapping, and wrapping of other materials, so it didn't break on the trip over to the hospital. I cleaned off my hands, cleaned up the work station, and called Barry.
    In a couple minutes, Barry was back.
    "I thought it would take you a little longer to finish," Barry said.
    "I made both and cleaned up," I said, proudly. "Eddie's is the blue one. Yours is the red one."
    "That really was fast," Barry said, ruffling my hair. He picked up his mug. "You made it really nice. It has tiny race car designs! I honestly think I like this one better than the old one, because of the quote."
    I smiled. "So, has my strategy to cheer you up, worked?"
    Barry smiled. "Yes, it has. Now let's go give Eddie his."

Barry took me to the hospital to visit Eddie, bringing both mugs.
    "I'm back," Barry said. "I brought Isa with me. She brought a gift."
    "Hi," I said, twirling my hair.
    "That's really nice," Iris said, "don't you think, Eddie?"
    "It is, but you didn't have to do that," Eddie said.
    "Don't try that with her," Barry suggested. "I tried to be humble about when she gave me one too, because my old mug broke, but she insisted. She saw that I was upset earlier, and she decided to take it into her own hands, and cheer me up by giving me this. She made me take it because, as she said herself, 'the most priceless gifts are the ones made from the heart and by the hands of the person with that heart, because you can't get them anywhere else.' She's not wrong. And she put a lot of effort into it, considering the fact that she's never made pottery before. And I know she made it, because I saw her making clay."
    I stepped forward and gave it to Iris for Eddie to see it.
    "Wow, this is quite impressive for your first attempt at pottery, Isa," Iris said.
    "Thank you, Isabella, this is really nice," Eddie said.
     I shrugged.
    "Barry, let me see the mug Isa gave you," Joe said.
    Barry kept the mug he was holding from him. "No. How do I know you won't break it? This is priceless, I'm not letting you touch it. This is my new favorite mug."
    I laughed, and hugged Barry. Everything was good.

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