Young Royals - BRF

By KatieMidds

11.5K 267 14

Everyone knew Harry as the rebel royal so it was a bit of a surprise when his brother, William married at suc... More

Title Talks
Tantrums and Tours
Stolen Projects
Date? More like day out
August is for Sports
Green is definitely not your colour
Second Firsts
October...I'm very busy
Social media #1
You're a princess, act like it


447 11 0
By KatieMidds

Josie had just finished her training for the week and to say she was excited would be a understatement, she loved it, training with the marines was the best, well the first week was nice and soon she'd be flying or Paris to train with the girls so she was also excited about that.

Although her sleep schedule was a bit messed up she was still a bit excited about the training and living far from her great grandmother was also a new challenge but she'd make it through so her grandmother could see her graduate. And also see her prosper in her new interest.

The training only had 5 girls herself included and all of them were cordial with one another, they were after all the only girls so they would have to work together and work harder than the boys.

"Who's that?" Josie asked Cordelia, one of the girls Josie was closest too as the other 3 girls surrounded him, trying to join in on his little group. Josie had seen the girls fawn over him a couple of times and she was curious to find out who he was.

"Oh I don't know his names but I heard from the other girls that his father is some rich duke and owns this other football club and he's just existing, but in order to get in on grandpa's inheritance he has to complete the marines training," Cordelia explained looking at the table he was sat at the three girls all fawning over everything he said, Josie thought it was weird but she didn't blame them, she had been crying after seeing pictures of her crush with another girl.

"Oh yeah his name is Andrew," Josie frowned at the name thinking of the Andrew that was part of her family and shivering, yeah she didn't want to think about him.

"Let's go," one of the girls Amelia said calling out to Cordelia and Josie.

"Where are we going?" Josie asked as Cordelia dragged her out of her seat.

"Weren't you listening we're getting the weekend off," Cordelia said with a slight giggle before she felt arms wrap around her waist, her boyfriend who's name Josie had forgotten had pulled the girl aside.

"Drew rented a place a few from here party at his place," Amelia said to the two girls.

Josie shook her head, before telling her she wanted to check the town out, she didn't want to go out to any party, one because she didn't like parties and two she didn't want to be spotted at a party and three, she would much rather sleep then be at a party.

"Oh come on Josephine," Amelia cried out as Josie just shook her head, this girl did love using her full name.

"No plus, I'm not getting the weekend off remember harder training," she said although it was a lie, she just had longer days.

"Oh right, well you're boring let's go Cordelia," she said pulling the girl away from her boyfriends arms, and Josie was left with the guy.

"You didn't have to lie to her princess," Cordelia's boyfriend said looking at the girl in annoyance.

"Okay Bob," she said walking away from the boy who mumbled his name, following after Josie.

"You know if you were a bit more nicer to people you could be just like my man here," he said stopping to give his friend, the same guy they had just been discussing a bro hug.

Josie frowned in annoyance stopping to look at the two, "if people equals you, then I don't care...I just want to complete my training get my green beret and be out of here, it would be nice to make friends along the way but seriously Rob, 'hey princess can you get me a signed Kylian Mbappe shirt.'who do think I am?" She asked already tired of the boy, the fact that he was 24 didn't help his case, he was super childish and Josie didn't know how Cordelia had fallen for him.

"Craig stop bothering her."

"Yeah why don't ask your friend, doesn't his dad own a football club," Josie said looking her 'saviour' up and down.

"I said no," Josie chuckled at that, so why was he angry at her? When his friend denied him too.

"Both of you are lame."

"Thanks Bob," she said a small smirk on her face.

"It's Craig."

"Do you need a ride to the party? I told your girlfriends about it."

"Oh really, well I told your boyfriend that I was not going," she said with a eye-roll.

"Oh come on princess, the only reason I'm at this stupid training is because of my grandfather, can't you make a boys training a bit easier," he said with a small pout throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"No, I'm not here to make anyone's life easier," she stated as it seems most of the boys here who were between 18 and 25 weren't taking the training seriously, she was sure most of them would be dropping out soon.

"My grandfather completed this, my dad and uncle dropped out and he dropped them out of the inheritance, so yes I know what this is, and I have too much at stake more than you," he explained looking down at her, he was a a few centimetres taller than her the first guy she'd met who was taller than her by so much, now she knew what it felt like when people were talking to her.

"Then act like it, we get a break and you want to party, I get we all miss our lives or whatever but honestly sacrifices have to be made," she said looking up at him with a frown.

"Oh then why didn't you sacrifice your little football obsession?"

"I am sacrificing my mental health," she said with a shrug before brushing his hand off, "think about it, you have something to lose I don't they mostly don't."

"Come to my party, and tell me more about your ideas."

"Come to town with me I'll tell you, tomorrow at 10, I'm leaving with or without you," she said with a smirk knowing he's probably going to be hungover.

Josie walked around the small town, looking around the place she would be at for the next months. It was a picture perfect town right by the beach, It surely had a lot to offer. She had passed by a few of her mates in the early hours, the ones who hadn't gone to the party of course other than that it was quiet, no one seemed to recognise the girl and that was a added bonus.

"Josie, is that you?"

"No," she answered passing by the boy who looked dead on the outside.

"Come on, I made it didn't I?"

"I said 10, it's 12 plus you've been following me around for 10 minutes waiting to 'bump' into me," Josie said having spotted him at a store where she got her juice.

"Here," she said handing him coffee, "don't know how you like it, I just said they should do whatever, I don't drink coffee," she added as he took a sip and gave her a thumbs up.

"How was the party?"

"Do you really want to know or are you making small talk?" he asked.

Josie almost rolled her eyes before replying, "I don't do small talk," she said looking at a bookstore, probably wanting to remember where it was as she looked around it.

"Will your boyfriend mind us being together?" Josie just stared at him her face not changing, making the air around them a bit tense, one wether she had a boyfriend or not didn't mean she couldn't hang out with boys and two she was tired of people assuming she had a boyfriend.

"Jeez, sorry."

"So what were you up to last night?"

Josie shrugged they didn't do much, although they did have a movie night in one of the other rooms, Josie was the only girl there and it was kind of awkward at first since she didn't usually hang around the people she was with last night and most of them were still not over her being a princess but they were nice and to her they seemed like the serious ones, or they just weren't invited to the party.

"Well next time you should come to my parties, we get weekends off so it wouldn't hurt for you to come once or twice," he suggested making Josie sigh in annoyance.

"I have to be in shape for this training and football, I don't want to mix partying with all of that," she explained not adding that she wasn't a fan of parties, and alcohol.

"Well one party won't kill you."

"No but I'll kill you if you bring up partying one more time," she said a small smirk on her face.

"Woah okay got it, so since you're a fan of football I was wondering if you'd want to go watch a game with me, my grandfather says as the future owner of the club I have to go at-least once or twice," he explained making Josie nod her head, she didn't mind.

"Why not take your new boyfriend?"

"Okay can you stop saying that," Drew mumbled as he took Josie's bottle to throw in the bin, "I won't say the girls are your girlfriends anymore and those guys are waiting for me to invite them, that's the only reason they hang out with me."


"Next weekend."

"Wait what club is it?" She asked curiously as they stopped by the beach, she didn't realise they had been walking for so long.

"You'll see princess," he replied back with a smirk making Josie frown, she didn't like that smirk.

"I like it here, it's quiet and nobody knows who I am, or they know and they're just ignoring me and which is fun," she said deciding to sit.

"I mean I guess it's hard having to walk around and have everyone know who you are, trust me I know the feeling but I guess it's worse with you because I can go overseas or even some parts of the country and people won't know who I am," he said sitting next to her, "if you want to stay out of the limelight why are you seeing that guy then, the press would leave you alone if you were with someone less popular but you and him recipe for disaster."

"I'm not seeing him, I'm kinda friends with his younger brother, so everyone has decided to make up their own fictional story."

"If you aren't seeing him can I take you out?"

Josie looked at him before letting out a small chuckle, "How about this after the match, you can take me out for dinner or before doesn't matter."

"I got you this," Drew said handing Josie a identical shirt to the one he was wearing.

"Your grandfather owns Chelsea?" She asked looking at the blue shirt, in surprise she thought they'd be attending like a second or third league team match not the premier league.

"Hope you don't mind."

"I might have told my dad that I couldn't make his brother in law's wedding cause I'd be tired but hey who cares, right?" She said throwing the shirt on, she had first checked the name and it had her name written on it, she didn't want a repeat of last time.

"Right," they both chuckled heading out.

Josie had started regretting having accepted the offer to come here, she didn't mind being there per say but like she had said, she thought it would be some small team but here, she was sure she'd be spotted.

"Hey look," Josie smiled out giving a huge wave as she appeared on the big screen, "the press is going to have a field day with this one."

"Really I'm not the-"

Josie interrupted him with a growl, if he dared finish that statement she'd bite his finger off, "do you want to date him?"

"I'm not into guys although I'm sure he'd like me," Josie rolled her eyes before turning her focus onto the match, she wasn't going to listen to bullshit.

"Look I'm sorry okay, he's just this cool person and I'm me, maybe I'm insecure that you'd want to hang out with me when you got this cool guy waiting for you and I'm just me, before coming to the marines I was using daddies money to get by and the only reason I've started being a bit more serious about my life is because my grandfather is going to cut me off," he explained making Josie sigh as she looked at him.

"Well don't compare yourself to him for one, and maybe stop thinking you're a failure who needs grandpas money to survive, although you do need his money but you're doing this now and you're going to graduate with me, and then you'll do whatever, and become this great person that the you now is going to admire," Josie replied taking his hand into her own, yes she was going to regret doing this but her friend needed comforting.

"Can I kiss you?"

"No," Josie laughed knowing he was only joking before she concentrated back on the match.

"Hello," Josie answered her phone as they walked back to the house Drew's grandfather had rented for him, she'd be staying there for the night since they both didn't want to return back so late and to avoid rumours Josie would be returning back with her protection officers.

"You said you were too tired but you flew all the way back to London," William started off making Josie groan as she opened the fridge looking for water.

"Will, it was last minute," she said with a shrug not really caring seeing as she never planned on going to the said wedding.

"Well the family missed you," he said his voice softening knowing if he shouted at her she'd probably end the call.

"Well you guys can just come visit for a weekend or I'll be in London next week so I'll come visit," she explained, having missed her siblings as well.

"You know I'm talking about the extended family?"

"I was at Balmoral this August."

"I meant the Middletons Josie," he said annoyed at her acting dumb.

"I know I was just messing with you," she sighed out making William frown, the press had written about Josie going to the wedding and someone had even tipped them by saying she saw Josie there, outfit and all so imagine the surprise when Josie was spotted at Stamford bridge.

"You're friends with the Duke of Norfolk's grandson?" He asked now curious about the pictures, knowing Josie was not going to discuss not attending the wedding.

"I met him a week ago."


"Oh great you're scheming," she groaned out throwing herself on the bed.

"No, okay yes maybe I am," he admitted making Josie chuckle, he meddled into her nonexistent love more than these annoying mother in laws you'd see in movies.

"Don't even think about it," she said sternly, she wasn't up for this right now. She had too much on her plate to be thinking about relationships.

"Think about what? Look I have to go okay, I love you," he said making Josie smile.

"I love you too," she said before ending the call.

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