The Anarchic Consort (1)

By sofiziv

11.5K 222 13

Not my story. Not my translation. Just for offline purpose. Got this translation from Alternat... More



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By sofiziv

Chapter 184

Translator: Misty Cloud Editor: Misty Cloud

Bestowing favours and disfavours, since ancient time, this was an emperor's method.

Helian Wei Wei observed this scene and took it all in without saying anything and merely curved her lips up. She's afraid this stay at Hidden Spirit Temple wouldn't be as peaceful as Retired Emperor desired...

"Eldest Miss." Wei Wei was just going to enter the side room to dine when she was stopped by a noticeably pretty maid's voice.

That maid was none other than Su Yan Mo's personal maid of many years, Little Lian.

She slowly walked towards Wei Wei, wearing light pink long skirt, covered in silk and satin, although she couldn't be considered outstandingly beautiful, she still always radiated a cultivated bearing.

She was only a maid, yet everything she ate and used was better compared to the one who truly carried the Helian family's blood.

"Eldest Miss, My Lady knows that you've been driven away from the clan, and is suffering, probably without much money to use, so she had me give you these jewelry. They lady said that you're also already at marriageable age, so you'll need these things for your dowry."

She deserved to be the head maid who'd followed by Lady Su's side, clearly concealing disdain within her eyes, yet each word spoken was appropriate to the circumstances.

Wei Wei didn't immediately immediately receive the jewelry from her hands at all and only smiled, seemingly absent-mindedly. "How many years have you worked for the Defense Division?"

Little Lian obviously didn't foresee that she'd ask this kind of question, and only stiffened slightly, after which she replied. "I've entered the Defense Division for almost eight years now."

Has it been eight years.

When she was seven years old, Mother passed away.

The Defense Mansion then changed owners, and Lady Su assumed power. Even though she's alive, yet she's a good-for-nothing who couldn't cultivate anything.

She looked on helplessly with a hatred that couldn't be revenged, an injustice yet couldn't cry out!

So it turned out that it's already been eight years...

Wei Wei profoundly inhaled a long breath. There seemed to be a slight chill while she breathed. The more it's like that, the more harmlessly she smiled. "I'll accept these jewelry then. Go back and tell Madam Su, just tell her that I thank her for taking care of me all these years."

Little Lian creased her long eyebrows and watched the retreating Wei Wei's back. Why did she feel that there were overtones in the words that person spoke. However, after carefully thinking about the way this good-for-nothing had been in the past, Little Lian then felt at ease. It's not that she hadn't heard. She'd also heard recently of Wei Wei's achievements, but no matter how awesome they were, there's still been no progress in the way she handled matters. This kind of temper that disregarded consequences would easily be caught in people's schemes. Taking all things into consideration, she merely had a bit of talent in armaments, and didn't possess the least bit of anything else.

A young silly girl relying only on this little bit of talent dared to make life difficult for Miss Jiao Er, was simply acting too recklessly.

In the past, the madam disdained to deal with her because simply by praising her in a way that put her at a disadvantage was already enough to disorient this girl.

Now, this girl unexpectedly didn't want to live that way anymore, therefore the time had come for her to die.

Little Lian looked down, malicious intent densely imaged within her eyes. action



Walking among the crowd, Su Yan Mo slowed down her steps as Little Lian leaned over and spoke in a muffled voice. "According to your instructions, this servant already took the box of jewelry and gave it to that girl. It's really as Madam expected, in regards to money, that girl has never refused."

Su Yan Mo circulated the beads in her hands.

As the setting sun descended, the temple's radiance became fully shaded. The dim light of night gradually enveloped everything. The temple after the rain actually looked a little bit sinister.

After eating vegetarian food, according to the customs from previous years, the students were able to take a break and could go to another courtyard to burn incense to seek a prophecy regarding their predestined marriages.

They waited until after Retired Emperor finished praying for blessings before they headed for the pavilion.

Wei Wei had just arrived at her room. She casually grasped the teapot on the wood table and was going to pour out some tea, when she heard a knock on her door.

After opening the door, she only saw the person who rode in the same carriage as her, Chen Wen Wan, standing outside holding an umbrella in her hand wearing a change of clothes, her voice low. "Younger Sister, it's time to make a move..."

Zaa zaa, a burst of heavy rain arrived.

All of the students had no choice but to drape on a cloak and carried an umbrella into the main hall of the Buddhist temple. It's difficult to avoid disrespecting the deities, but what made the students wait outside with their umbrellas open was that Retired Emperor also wasn't someone who adhered strictly to convention without considering the circumstances. Seeing that the rain was so big outside, he immediately instructed Eunuch Sun to have everyone called to the side chamber to avoid them being showered by the rain.

The little eunuch who passed on the message happened to be the one who arranged a horse carriage for Wei Wei. He shook his head and said. "This is so strange. How come this year's rain is so big. Usually, such a big rain hasn't been seen before."

"It's just heavy rain, you make it sound a bit too bizarre." Another person objected.

The little eunuch's eyes rolled, an acted seriously. "How am I exaggerating. Look at how when we arrived, there were trees on the road. The trunks were so thick, yet they still fell. According to what's commonly known, this is actually an extremely ill omen."

"Really?" That person looked left and right, and felt himself getting chills all over.

The little eunuch lowered his voice. "Generally speaking, females aren't permitted in a temple. However, these young ladies are all treasures, so there shouldn't be any problems. The only thing that we should be afraid of is someone born fated to be a scourge to others, whose appearance could offend the deities."

"What you're saying seems to make some sense."

Those two people muttering to each other beneath the eaves couldn't avoid being overheard by others.

Under this atmosphere, no matter whether it was the males or the females, they all loved to gossip. It just so happens that they also used this subject to lead into others. The more they chatted, the more their spirits rose, and also the more excessive their words became.

Wei Wei stood to one side, her body leaned by the side of the window, looking out at the falling rain outside, lightly creased her shapely eyebrows.

Don't know whether it's because the weather was bad, but from the start, Wei Wei felt that ever since she entered the temple, her heart already felt something difficult to define.

It's probably because Yuan Ming was asleep again. She truly wasn't accustomed to not hearing his constant 'need a spanking' voice.

This time, it's not because he wanted to cultivate, but rather because the demon and Buddha were supposed to clash...

"Younger Sister, Retired Emperor will soon come out. You should watch carefully." Chen Wen Wan was standing by Wei Wei's side, reminding her quietly. "Don't forget the thing I gave you."

Wei Wei levelly 'mm hm'd once, and immediately stood straight up afterwards.

The wood doors opened.

Head Abbot Fang Zhang led Retired Emperor and walked out. His two palms were placed together. One couldn't tell at all that he was that irascible man they met when they first came up the mountain. On the contrary, his demeanor belonged to a great master, with a merciful state of mind. "Amitabha, Buddha be praised, the Retired Emperor is dedicated to Buddha, truly is a blessing for us Buddhists."

"The great master is too polite." Retired Emperor's palms were also together, as he faced Fang Zhang he even bowed in ceremony. The smiling expression on his mouth seemed extremely forgiving and magnanimous.

Head Abbot Fang Zhang laughed and continued to lead the way. "According to your habits each year, I already had people prepare green tea made with spring water. Please."

"I'm already getting old and am only fond of the great master's peace and quietness here. This time I've brought a bit more people, I hope this won't be to much trouble for the great master." As Retired Emperor was speaking, he was walking outside. "Will the great master also take a look and see which of these daughters have good fates. That grandson of mine should be set up already."

Chapter 185: Wei Wei In Danger

Translator: Misty Cloud Editor: Misty Cloud

Head Abbot Fang Zhang's eyes opened wide. "Stinky, uh I mean, Third Prince's flood of good fortune fills the heavens and possesses such good karma." Dog sh*t! Whoever married him was out of luck! This kind of fellow, the one he married, could she live without being angered to death. What's more, that stinky fellow, could he do what he's supposed to do on the wedding night. Haha Haha, his face would probably turn dark half way through!

How could Retired Emperor not know that Fang Zhang was going to say the words 'stinky fellow'. He merely didn't expose it and instead smiled with another meaning. "Then I'll accept the great master's guidance. Go, don't leave the younger generation waiting anxiously."

It didn't take very long to reach the side chambers from the main hall. They were only separated by a dozen or more steps.

Seeing that the Retired Emperor came out, the student greeted him, one after another.

The Retired Emperor was just about to ask them to stand, when he heard a 'boom' sound out!

Apparently, something fell on the ground. Because it was so quiet inside the temple, the noise seemed to be a hundred percent more ear piercing.

One after another, people casted their gaze towards the direction of the sound and stopped on Wei Wei's body.

Wei Wei lowered her eyes, then narrowed her eyes at Chen Wen Wan standing by her side.

Chen Wen Wan seemed like she didn't notice Wei Wei's gaze as her face reveal a flabbergasted expression. "Wei Wei, why are you carrying so many things on your body."

The corners of Wei Wei's mouth held in a cold smile, her arms crossed her chest. "What's on my body, isn't Sister Chen clearer about it than I am." If it wasn't for the fact that she bumped into her, how would these things have dropped down. She said she'd bump into Helian Jiao Er when the time came, but now, the one who was bumped into was her. She truly performed an award worthy skit.

"Nothing. Only some jewelry. Mei Mei can just pick it up for you." After saying this, Chen Wen Wan then bent at the waist and then appeared as if she'd seen something frightening, shaking all over. "This, what's this!"

Originally, the echo already attracted Retired Emperor's attention, now that Chen Wen Wan put on this kind of act, there naturally would be an effect.

Retired Emperor along with a group of ministers were walking, furrowing his brows closely while asking. "What's happening?"

"Nothing, there's nothing going on." The more Chen Wen Wan appeared this way, the more suspicious people became.

Retired Emperor narrowed his eyes, and wanted to stroll over. action

Helian Jiao Er's little face seemed distracted as she looked at the thing on the floor. "This jade bracelet, this pendant...don't they belong to Mother? Oldest Sister, why are you carrying Mother's jewelry?"

Wei Wei's eyebrows rose, found it ridiculous as she replied. "Which mother are you talking about?"

"What's that!" Helian Jiao Er didn't care what Wei Wei replied, she immediately stepped back. "Witch wood, you actually brought witch wood to the temple!"

Hearing that, everyone, one after another, inhaled a mouthful of air. "No wonder strange things kept happening all day long. It turned out that someone caused mischief."

"She even carried Madam Su's jewelry on her. In all likehood, she cursed Madam Su throughout the her journey here."

"This Helian Wei Wei truly had the gall, if it were me, I wouldn't dare to touch those evil things."

"Let's wait and see, Retired Emperor won't let her go. He originally came to pray for blessings. Bringing this kind of purely evil, hugely demonic thing into the temple, no matter how ardent he prayed, he wouldn't receive the blessings."

By this time, Retired Emperor already came over. His long sleeves waved in a burst of cold air, as he lowered his eyes to scan that piece of black wood exposed beyond the yellow cloth bag on the ground. His expression darkened. "Who brought this here."

The side chamber was incomparably quiet for a period of time.

Chen Wen Wan looked down, her voice was like her person, gentle and pure. "Reporting to Retired Emperor, these things all fell from the Older Miss Helian's body."

Retired Emperor's gaze rose and looked towards Wei Wei.

Wei Wei didn't deny it at all. "Just now, Sister Chen bumped into me, so the jewelry fell on the ground, disrupting the temple's tranquility, and even startled Retired Emperor, please forgive us."

Chen Wen Wan's pair of eyes looked down and spoke with a grievance. "Younger Sister seemed to be saying that I deliberately bumped against you, however, as matters stand, Older Sister also don't care if that's what Younger Sister thinks. Only, how can Younger Sister bring such a malicious thing up the mountain. If this harms someone then what's to be done."

"How can piece of wood and a few pieces of jewelry harm anybody." After Wei Wei finished speaking, she was going to pick up the things scattered on the ground.

Helian Jiao Er stepped forward and pressed her wrist in place, seemed like she was being angered as she spoke, eyes red. "Oldest Sister, I've always treated you well, but nowadays, I also can no longer shield. Those pieces of jewelry that you spoke about, each of them belonged to my mother. That piece of wood on the floor, is actually the most evil wood in the world, witch wood. If you don't give me an explanation, I won't let go!"

"Explanation?" Wei Wei smiled for a bit. "While we were dining, Little Lian brought these pieces of jewelry to give to me and said that Mother is providing me with a dowry."

Helian Jiao Er tilted her head, seemingly pondering over something. Soon after, she then spoke to Retired Emperor. "In order to clarify everything, will Retired Emperor permit this commoner to call Little Lian."

The corner of Retired Emperor eyebrow rose as he said. "Send in Little Lian!"

Head Abbot Fang Zhang was standing to one side. Watching this scene, he couldn't help but sigh. These kinds of tricks were all those that he'd seen often before he became a monk, living as the son of a prestigious family.

In these kinds of circumstances were clearly set up by someone who wanted to give that girl a hard time.

He reckoned that having that maid, Little Lian, come in would only make the situation become even worse.

Someone as intelligent as Baili Jia Jue of course also saw through this situation. His long and narrow eyes narrowed and spoke in a cold tone of voice. "Merely dropping a few things became such a great fanfare?"

Head Abbot Fang Zhang tried to clean his ears in astonishment. Did he hear wrong, is this youngster speaking out to help that girl?

How's that possible!

How could he speak out to help a girl!

It must be because this fellow felt irritated because an investigation would be too troublesome, that's why he'd say that.

Helian Jiao Er also thought this as she faced Baili Jia Jue bashfully and smiled. "Your Highness, it really isn't a great fanfare. It's just that Your Highness don't understand this wood's insidiousness. This matter needs to be looked into."

Baili Jia Jue didn't continue to speak and only looked up to cast a glance at Helian Jiao Er.

That glance didn't have the slightest bit of warmth, breaking his whole image of being graceful and was like a snake hibernating in the underbrush, so cold it caused a person to be terrified.

Helian Jiao Er inexplicably shivered as she moved away from his line of sight, moving her gaze to Little Lian, who'd just entered.

It's originally been prearranged, therefore, Little Lian wasn't very far away at all. She was standing outside a side chamber, waiting for the summons.

"Servant Little Lian meets Retired Emperor, wishing Retired Emperor a thousand years, a thousand thousand years." Little Lian kneeled on the ground as required by her social status, lovable and beautiful.

Retired Emperor waved his sleeves. "Rise."

After he spoke, Retired Emperor neither coldly nor heatedly glanced at Helian Jiao Er. "You may personally ask whatever questions you have."

Helian Jiao Er also didn't waste any time and immediately asked bluntly. "Little Lian, I'm asking you. During mealtime previously, did you bring these jewelry on the ground belonging to Mother and give them to Oldest Sister?"

"Reporting to Miss, when this slave was eating, the madam indeed ordered my to give the Eldest Miss a package of jewelry." After Little LIan spoke, she pretended to incline her head in puzzlement. "But that package of jewelry contained mostly dangling ornaments and flowers to wear in the hair, and aren't these ones on the ground at all."

She's lying!

Wei Wei's pupils constricted, the light in her eyes also gradually submerged...

Chapter 186: Put Someone's Life On The Line and She'll Fight to Live

Translator: Misty Cloud Editor: Misty Cloud

"Oldest Sister, are you still trying to rationalize even now!" Helian Jiao Er suddenly turned her head around as her pair of beautiful eyes looked at Helian Wei Wei, they seemed as if they're looking at a thief with the heart of a wolf. "How did mother treat you. Everyone could see it, yet you treat Mother in this way. Even if you don't take note of Mother's kindness, you didn't have to mix the witch wood and her jewelry to curse her! Oldest Sister, your heart's so ruthless!"

All of these things could be considered definite proof.

Little Lian's answers were additional confirmation of Wei Wei's crime.

Everyone turned and glanced in Wei Wei's direction, the kind of gaze that seemed as if she was a poisonous snake, or scorpion.

Retired Emperor's face also expressed displeasure. He couldn't believe that someone dared to use witch wood at Hidden Spirit Temple in his presence.

How could this girl from the Helian family dare to do these things.

It's bad enough when these things happened at the palace.

Within a temple, even if someone created a scheme that she fell into, that's still bad luck.

Retired Emperor creased his dense eyebrows, the sound of his voice was deep as he spoke to Wei Wei. "What else do you want to say."

Wei Wei smiled levelly. "This commoner's jewelry was indeed delivered by this maid. I don't understand why she lied. However, there's one thing that needs clarification from Retired Emperor."

"Oldest Miss, even though this servant is but a maid, I still understand what justice is, don't wrong me!" Little Lian felt so aggrieved her eyes became red. Those tears falling on her little face that's as fair as an eggshell actually appeared somewhat lovely and pitiful.

Wei Wei stepped forward, extended her hand and grasped Little Lian's chin as she leaned her head and curved her lips up. After that, one of her palms slapped!


That kind of clear and loud sound echoed inside the side chamber and seemed especially ear-piercing.

Not only Little Lian, who was slapped senseless, even Eunuch Sun standing at Retired Emperor's side was shocked.

According to logic, under this kind of circumstance, shouldn't she apologize to Retired Emperor as quickly as possible.

This oldest daughter of the Helian family not only didn't apologize, she even slapped that maid, so rampant, so unbridled, did she want Retired Emperor to sentence her with a capital offense!

"You!" LIttle Lian simply couldn't believe that Wei Wei would have such nerve and dared to slap her in front of Retired Emperor. She was the personal maid beside Madam Su. For so many years, at the Defense Division, whatever she wanted she had. Her life was even more comfortable than those young ladies at the capital. When did she ever receive this kind of treatment!

Little Lian trembled from head to toe, so angry she couldn't speak!

Retired Emperor also didn't think that this would happen, and was just about to get angry.

When he heard Wei Wei's voice speak levelly. "I'm speaking to Retired Emperor, when is it up to a maid like you to interrupt. Or should we say that you believed your somewhat good looks could keep Retired Emperor from distinguishing right from wrong?"

Just as the sound of her voice dropped, the surrounding people stiffly sucked in a breath of cold air.

Especially Eunuch Sun serving by the side. Even his hand also trembled. This Oldest Miss Helian truly had a lot of nerve, to say that so impertinently!

How could Retired Emperor not know that these words were basically for him to hear!

In a split second, his face became green, and words continuously came out of his mouth. "Good, good, good! The oldest daughter of the Helian family's truly as they say, rude and unreasonable, rampant and unbridled, with disregard for consequences. An old man like me actually wants to hear, how is it that I'm unable to distinguish right from wrong!"

"Retired Emperor, don't get angry like this, there are times when someone's acting skills are just too good, such that it's truly difficult to see through. What's more, you're also getting old, to it's difficult to avoid making a mistake for once." Wei Wei smiled lightly, regardless who stood before her, her imposing manner like a queen wasn't reduced in the slightest.

Besides his treasured grandson, there wasn't anyone else who dared to make him angry like this!

Retired Emperor laughed coldly. "Helian Wei Wei, did you know or not, these words of yours alone are enough for me to take your life!"

"Of course Wei Wei believes in the broad and powerful imperial might." Wei Wei's tone of voice turned around. "However, in my heart, Retired Emperor has always been a monarch with keen mental perception, and wouldn't casually nor randomly take someone's life. I won't conceal from Retired Emperor in saying, when I was a child, the person I worshiped the most was you, Retired Emperor."

Retired Emperor stared blankly, how's there this kind of way of slapping a person, then feeding them sweets. So now, how the hell could he command someone to have her dragged out and beheaded!

"Cough cough." Standing by the side, Head Abbot Fang Zhang wanted to laugh when he heard this, yet couldn't help but not get involved too much. He only tactfully cleared his throat.

Actually, Head Abbot Fang Zhang especially wanted to ask where this girl sprung up from, possessing the same character as that stinky fellow, in regards to her words making people both hate and tickled, yet still couldn't do anything about it!

Thinking about this, Head Abbot Fang Zhang glanced at a certain someone, only seeing that person faintly narrowing his eyes, his dark pupils contained a dense dangerous aura. action

Head Abbot Fang Zhang was puzzled and knit his brows. Why did this stinky fellow have such a murderous aura?

Nobody provoked him, right?

Could it be because that the girl's words offended Retired Emperor?

Head Abbot Fang Zhang was still guessing when Helian Jiao Er already opened her mouth, fingers stroking Little Lian's to pacify her, speaking in an angry voice. "Oldest Sister, you're a bully! Do you think that saying this will cause Retired Emperor to pardon you? You cursed my mother. Little Lian was merely telling it like it is and you just slapped her like that. Is there still any justice in this world!"

Saying this, Helian Jiao Er walked to stand before Retired Emperor, and with a 'putt' fiercely kneeled on the ground. "Retired Emperor! Little Lian has followed my mother for over ten years, and has never committed any wrongs, yet ended up this way. Jiao Er earnestly requests that Retired Emperor bring justice to this commoner!"

After hearing this, Retired Emperor pressed at the space between his eyebrows, and didn't even take another glance at Wei Wei as he brandished his sleeves, somewhat fed up.

He's normally not like this. After all, that grandson of his had never specifically made any request on behalf of someone before.

But this Wei Wei truly made a person less than impressed.

Such a vicious and merciless girl, in addition to having no brains. How could he be at ease and have her placed at his grandson's side!

Shadow following by Baili Jia Jue's side saw Retired Emperor wave his hand, paused in his steps, and subconsciously turned to take a glance at His Highness.

It's just that before Baili JIa Jue opened his mouth, Wei Wei already laughed lightly. "Younger Sister, every time you open your mouth, you talk about cursing. From the start, I wanted to ask Younger Sister, you only saw a corner of that piece of wood and don't even know what's written on there, yet you already arbitrarily asserted that I'm carrying witch wood on my body. Do you want Retired Emperor to sentence me with a crime so much that you spare no effort in this way!"

Wei Wei spoke the last sentence very flatly.

But when it passed through Helian Jiao Er's ears, it seemed very ridiculous. The situation had already progressed to this point, yet she still tried to justify herself, truly, really was too ridiculous.

Could it be that she couldn't tell that in the current situation, no matter what she said, it's still impossible for Retired Emperor to pardon her!

The maid Little Lian also thought of this as she sneered in her heart. She spoke while her face dripped with pearly tears. "Eldest Miss, something terrible happened, so it doesn't matter that you accused me wrongly. After all, I'm merely a maid. Even if you force me to die unjustly, it's still not a big deal. It's just that Miss Jiao Er is kindhearted, pure, and innocent, yet you talk of her this way. Eldest Miss, you're really too much!"

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