Best Friends (aespa X Male Re...

By Ragsify

9.4K 395 22

Y/N, a former SM trainee who unfortunately didn't manage to debut. Who is also best friends with aespa. More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 3

1K 43 0
By Ragsify

aespa POV

After a very long three days, the day for practice with Y/N's group has came and everyone was excited for it hiding the fact that they're gonna suffer from the challenging dance practice but they didn't mind about it.

"Guys hurry up! We're gonna be late for the practice!" An excited Winter appeared, standing in the living room of their dorm.

"Yah chill down Minjeong ah. We still have 20 more minutes until manager unnie comes to pick us up" Karina joined the hyper puppy.

"Really?!" Winter asked as she took a look at her watch, noticing Karina was right.

"I guess you were too excited to see Y/N" Karina smirked.

"Hehehe" Winter got embarrassed and sat down.

Soon after, their manager came to pick them up for their practice.

"Guys, do you think Y/N has a girlfriend?" The curious Giselle suddenly asked during their ride.

"Hmm I actually haven't thought about it" Karina answered with an innocent face.

"A guy like Y/N would for sure have a girlfriend already. I'd be more surprised if he hasn't got any" Winter laughed as they all joined.

"If he's available I'm taking my chance" Ningning joked as she naughtily smiled making the other members react surprised.

"Ning ah!" Karina looked at the maknae with a shocked face. "He's mine!" Karina then also joined the joke.

"Ok that's enough guys, we're here" Manager unnie stopped them as she parked the car at the parking lot of the building. Good thing it was a private building plus it was an underground parking so there were no fans in sight.

Just as they exited the car, Y/N also had just arrived as he parked his car just across aespa's. Winter literally ran to Y/N's car and excitedly greeted him.

"Hiii Y/N!!" Winter greeted as Y/N got out of the car with his bag.

"Hi Minjeongie" He smiled and greeted back. "You ready for practice?" Y/N asked.

"Yes we are ready!" Giselle interrupted Winter and Y/N.

"Hii Oppa! You look nice today" Ningning butted in and complimented Y/N.

"Oh really? Thank you Ningie. You guys look nice too" He said after giving our outfits a quick scan.

"By the way—" Winter was about to speak but Karina cut her off.

"Jagiya! What perfume are you using? I really like the smell" She crossed her arms with Y/N, pulling him as they walked ahead into the building. She then turned around for a moment to tease her members by sticking out her tongue to them.

It suddenly became a competition for the girls on who gets the most attention from Y/N, don't worry it's just a harmless fight. Y/N was clueless about it all as he just treat them all as usual.

Y/N was so occupied by the aespa girls to the point that he can't even greet his group members not that he's complaining.

During the entire practice, they all had a fun and enjoyable time with the constant tease and jokes between breaks while not forgetting to do their work professionally. Today's practice magically wasn't as hard as the first day for the girls as they had already adapted to the settings.

As the end of practice was reaching, everyone was packing up their things and all. Before the girls forget again, this time they properly exchanged contacts with Y/N.

They still had plans to hangout with Y/N so they waited till they reached the parking lot to ask him.

"Y/N-ie are you free now? You want to join us for dinner?" Giselle invited Y/N as the other girls anticipate his answer.

"Sorry guys, I unfortunately have plans to do later" He pouted. "Maybe some other days we can!"

"Oh it's totally fine Y/N. We can hangout any other time" Giselle reassured him, showing a thumbs up.

"Yea....I'm sorry again guys, I'll be going now. Byee" Y/N apologised again and bowed to us as he got in his car. "Text me!" He waved his hand towards us.

"We will Jagiya! Byeeee" Karina responded while waving her hand. Everyone said their byes and farewell to him as they watch him drive out the parking lot.

"He definitely has a girlfriend already" Winter said as they all stood side by side to each other and then laughed.

"She must be so lucky to have him" Ningning face palmed herself thinking about it.

"Alright alright that's enough girls, let's go buy food. I'm starving" The leader pulled everyone back to reality and entered the car.

The girls had planned to just buy ramen at a nearby convenience store which was next to a flower shop. Just as they had arrived at the store, manager unnie parked the car and that's where they saw Y/N again who just got out of the flower shop. He was holding a bouquet and entered the convenience store.

"Yah guys let's go" Karina exited the car immediately in hopes to meet Y/N again.

They all swiftly followed the leader and were greeted by Y/N as they face each other again at the store.

"Who's that for?" Ningning smirked as she pointed at the bouquet that Y/N was holding.

"This? It's for my mom" Y/N answered softly as he browsed through the aisle, searching for chocolates. The girls were following his every steps on the store not forgetting to take the things that they needed.

"That's so sweet~ How's your mom by the way? The last time we saw each other was when we were trainees" Karina asked.

"I'm actually going to go visit her now. You guys want to join? I'm sure she'll love to see you guys again" Y/N suddenly invited them as the other members just stared at their leader, hoping that she'd accept it.

"Sure! We would love to! Let me tell our manager first" Karina excitedly accepted his invite and proceeded to call their manager who was waiting in their van.

"Don't worry about transportation, you guys can just follow me in my car" He continued coolly as he proceeded to the cashier.

"I guess this'll make up for our hangout hahaha" Giselle laughed beside Y/N, waiting for their turn to pay.

"Definitely" Y/N laughed and then the cashier finished scanning his stuffs as he waited for Y/N to pay his amount. "Oh scan their stuffs too. I'm paying for it" Y/N then instructed the cashier to scan the girl's stuff too.

"You don't have to do that oppa" Winter shy from the sudden kind act of Y/N as he just waved in disagreement.

"Alright let's get going then" Y/N said as we all exited the store and got in his car.

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