Alpha of Alphas

By Myst867

14.9K 438 31

Dying the second time hurt more than the first. When you're the Master of Death- the bite of a werewolf is mu... More

The Attack
A Diety
The Mate
The Cub
A Squeaky Teddy Bear
That F*cking Lilac Scent

Alpha of Alphas

945 35 4
By Myst867

It was difficult for Hermione to think with rage and jealousy flaring so hotly through her that the world seemed to take on a red tint. She knew she was saying things to Harry that she would have never never said in a saner moment but she couldn't quite stop herself.

"Doesn't she know who I fucking am?" Hermione growled into his neck, panting, her nails scraping over his skin. Harry felt so good against her, the heat and hardness of him. He smelled like sex and love and power . Harry was saying something back to her, but Hermione couldn't focus enough to process his words.

Her nostrils flared breathing deep parsing out the scent of her mate's growing desire. The growling wolf inside her made her insides vibrate. Hermione needed to make sure everyone knew Harry was hers. She pulled and pushed until he was under her, his hands rubbing along her as she buried her face in the curve of his neck licking his skin. His hard cock was pressing against her, almost exactly where she needed it.


My mate.

That fucking bitch had been touching her mate getting her smell on him. Hermione rubbed against Harry trying to make sure he smelled like her only. Harry's chest rumbled against her skin as she closed her eyes lost in the sensation. But Harry was saying too many words when she needed more action from him.

"It's okay baby." Harry soothed, his hands running up her back.

"No." Hermione insisted stubbornly. "They don't know." The threat was still aggravating her and she couldn't handle it. "She didn't know." Her nails pricked at his skin as her anger surged again. "I'll make sure she never forgets."

"What don't they know baby?" Harry asked still petting Hermione as she straddled him, trying to pull her closer as his hands ran over her hot skin. Her dark brown eyes had lightened to a wild golden color.

"That you're mine." Hermione pulled back, reaching between her legs to position his cock at her pussy. They both moaned as she slid down on him. Hermione immediately lifted again before slamming down on him harshly enjoying the way his cock felt too much this way, like she could barely swallow. Her eyes closed as she threw back her head grinding down him, all her muscles tightening heightening the sensations.

"Oh fuck." Harry groaned under her, the sound of his voice thrilling her. His fingers dug into her hips as she fucked him roughly, leaning forward to suck on the side of his neck. She licked against his hot skin, the darkening mark she left on him thrilling her.

"More, more until we both break," Hermione whispered against his skin, her jaw tightening as she refused to let herself bite him like she wanted. She didn't want lovemaking, she wanted rough desperation and teeth and nails digging into each other's skin. She wanted the iron taste of his blood in her mouth as she marked him.

Hermione forced herself not to bite him, her arms shaking with the effort it took to pull back from the curve of his neck. When she met his eyes, the green was lighter than normal, blind with lust and reflecting only her. Like nothing else existed for him. As it should be.

"Baby." He crooned to her, his hands coming up to grasp her as he flipped them, coming above her. His hands reached and grasped under her knees bending them upward, spreading her wide as his hips snapped against her driving deeper inside her.

Hermione writhed under him, trying to open her legs wider, trying to clench her pussy harder on his cock. Yes, this is what she had wanted. Harry was driving the breath from her each time his cock split her, every single one of her nerves tightening.

He leaned over her, and she was practically bent in two, her hands scrambling for his skin, nails sharp and pulling at him. Harder. Faster. More.

His cock withdrew each time with a wet sound, her pussy dripping as he fucked her. He was so close, his face near hers, their breath mingling while they slammed together harder as if they might become one. The brightness of his gaze was so mesmerizing, clear, and animalistic, not wavering or blinking.

Her mate.

"Who do I belong to Hermione?" Harry asked hoarsely, his lip curling back, showing teeth sharper than they should be and the question felt like permission.

It felt like encouragement.

Her arms wrapped around him, burying her face in the curve of his neck. "You belong to me!" And she bit him, her teeth sinking into his shoulder and tasting him. Hermione shuddered as she felt Harry's bite in response.

It was like an explosion rocked through her, her vision going white as she came, shuddering, her teeth locked into her mate.

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Harry stood alone in a clearing, the moon shining as brightly as the sun. The pale light washed over him, hot and whispering secrets. He was only clad in his pajama bottoms, but the chill air didn't bother him, it felt good against his hot skin, the muscles that twitched anticipating something coming.

A brown wolf walked into the clearing, its golden gaze fixed on him. Her paws no made no noise as she approached him, the length of her spine elegant as her upturned ears.

"Hermione," Harry whispered.


Her voice echoed in his mind as the light shifted, and something glimmered between them like a silver chain that he could only see from the corner of his eye. Harry shifted his head trying to catch sight of the bond again.

I can't become human, Harry.

Harry was going to respond to her when the wind shifted and smelled the other ones, the ones who started this shit, throwing it all into his lap, with really shitty directions. He turned to face them as they approached from the opposite side and Hermione came to a stop beside him, her hackles raised.

He placed his hand on her neck trying to calm her. Hermione was imagining attacking the other two wolves, and he didn't want her to get injured.

Do you think you would win? The black male wolf asked, amused as ever.

Harry's hand tightened in Hermione's fur as a low growl emerged from her. While biting her seemed to have calmed his anger issues, Hermione's own aggression still seemed to be amped up.

The white wolf laughed and she stepped closer slightly in front of the black wolf. Don't you know the females of a species are the most dangerous?

Hermione lunged at the white wolf and Harry struggled to hold her back. "Wait, Hermione! We just need more—" Faces flashed in his mind. Ron, Remus, Lavender.

Howling echoed through the forest, and suddenly Harry could feel them, running toward him. Remus burst through the treeline first, a large wolf so dark brown his fur almost looked black. He was followed by Ron, his red followed closely by a honey-colored wolf. Lavender.

The white female wolf stepped back, tossing her snout as if laughing. I think he does better when he's threatened.

Ron stepped forward, his shoulder bumping against Hermione as if trying to get her to chill out and she turned and snarled at him before looking at the other wolves again.

The black wolf nuzzled his mate before turning to Harry. You called them to you. Why are you so determined to ignore the ties that bind them to you?

"I–" Harry began to deny it again, but the glimmer caught his eye again, the chain that ran between him and Hermione. Blocking unwanted connections was old hat after Riddle, had he subconsciously stopped these too?

He reached for that connection tugging it, and with a burst of magic, Hermione was standing next to him.

"Oh, that felt quite queer," Hermione said drifting dangerously sideways and Harry caught her steadying her. "I think— I think I'm going to be sick." She pulled away abruptly going to her knees and hunched over holding her stomach.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked the other wolves sharply before going to knees beside her placing his hand on her back comfortingly.

Hermione reached out grabbing him, "There's so many."

"What?" But now Hermione was pulling from her side of the connection, and he saw what she meant. There were thousands and thousands of thin threads going out of from them, some disappeared into the darkness, but three went directly into the wolves next to them.

See I told you, women fix everything. The white wolf turned to the black. We should have gotten a female.

He was the only one stubborn enough to come back from dying.

"Dying?" Hermione's head snapped up, her eyes glittering. "You dare—"

Harry caught her just as she lunged at the wolves across the clearing shifting her quickly over his shoulder. Everyone paused for a minute looking at Hermione.

"I wasn't going to do anything!" Hermione lied from upside down facing Harry's back.

Remus' wolf snorted.

She'll probably calm down after a few centuries. The black wolf said with his mouth open in a grin.

Harry looked back at his friends, through Hermione he could see the bonds better, but Harry would work on seeing them on his own without her help. Even so, he could see that the connections between the wolf and the human with all of his little pack present were damaged, like a chokehold was placed on the wolf, driving it into a frenzy each time it finally had enough power to emerge on the full moon.

Frowning, he pulled on them like he had Hermione and a burst of different colored magic erupted from each as they suddenly stood before him in their human form. Ron dressed as if he was going out, but Remus and Lavender dressed in nightclothes.

"Bloody hell," Remus whispered, his eyes flickering between the large full moon and his human hands.

Ron and Lavender embraced tightly. "You're a really beautiful wolf, Lav," Ron whispered to his wife. Lavender huffed a quiet laugh and hugged him tighter.

Hermione tapped Harry on the back. "Let me down please."

Not wanting to piss her off again Harry let her slide slowly down until she was on her feet but kept his arm around her waist just in case. "We did it to ourselves then? That's how the story was going to end wasn't it?"

Of course, you did it to yourselves. So convinced you were better without the wolf even if meant the life of your children. The white wolf sneered. We saved Aurelian's life, binding him and Akela together, wolf and wizard. And Myridden tried to rip it out of him, not understanding neither could survive without the other. On the first moon where the wolf was able to emerge, he was feral and many died.

The white wolf broke off abruptly looking toward the moon and the black nudged her comfortingly before finishing shortly. They died. The corruption spread. We left you to your own mess until Elara. Her connection to the moon pulled us back, and then we saw Mikhail. But there was still nothing we could do until you joined the pack.

Ah, there that word was again. Joined. And wasn't it nice how they left hundreds of werewolves to suffer for centuries? Harry pushed all those thoughts away, it didn't matter. What mattered was he could fix it, and he suddenly realized he wanted to fix it.

Alpha. His wolf advised.

Harry paused, searching inside himself. Elara. He called reaching for the baby wolf to pull her into the dream.

The cutest little sneeze was heard by all before a tiny brown wolf tumbled into the clearing, sitting abruptly on her butt as if she was confused. Hermione darted to her reaching Elara just as the sparks burst around her, and there was a naked toddler with brown curly hair reaching for Hermione.

"Oh baby," Hermione said in a teary voice. "I'm so happy to meet you this way." She looked over at Harry and gave him the brightest smile.

Harry looked over the wolves who had started this whole thing watching him. The pack bonds, pulled on him slightly because Harry was the one keeping his pack here in the dream with him. The corner of his mouth lifted. "I think I've got this from here."

And with that Harry broke the dream.

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Screams and laughter echoed from downstairs as Hermione and Harry woke abruptly naked and still tangled with each other.

"Harry!" Yelled Sirius from below. "Get your arse down here!"

Harry pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms and Hermione quickly slipped on a dress, both of them almost slamming into each other as they rushed out the door. The first person they saw was a red-faced Ron holding Elara who was trying to lick his face, her tiny hands curled into little fists that rested against his cheeks.

"I have clothed your child who I found starker, please, please take it away from me." Ron held her out, his forehead starting to sweat from how uncomfortable he was with the toddler.

"Her, Ronald, not it ." Hermione grabbed the baby, cooing at her and trying to get her to unfist her hands. Hermione wiggled all of Elara's fingers spreading them wide. "We're going to have to learn all new things! Won't that be fun!"

As they descended the stairs approaching the landing Harry looked to where his godfather stood near the floo with a shell-shocked expression on his face, holding tightly to Remus' hand. "Harry— Remus— bloody hell— he said it was you—- fucking —-"

"Sirius Black you watch your language with a child in the house!" Hermione cut him off and Sirius rolled his eyes.

Remus looked at Harry and a wide grin spread across his face. "I can control it! I can feel him! He's not a monster Harry, he's not a monster—"

"Of course, he's not a monster, stupid. He's you." Sirius cut him off with a quick kiss. "Show Harry."

Remus looked at everyone around him, unable to get rid of the wide grin as he disappeared with a burst of magic, and a dark brown wolf sat in his place. The magic snapped again and Remus was human. "It doesn't even hurt! I mean it's like —"

"From what we can tell it's similar to the animagus transformation," Sirius advised with an affectionate glance at Remus as he stuttered in his excitement.

"We can do it too." Ron volunteered next to Lavender. "I'm glad I can poop in the toilet again."

"Ron!" Lavender said sharply, smacking the back of his head.

Harry winced on Ron's behalf, "Merlin, mate, overshare!"

"Where the bloody hell was he pooping before?" Sirius asked curiously.

"We don't want to know, Pads," Remus said dryly.

Hermione took a calming breath while Elara tried to yank her hair out. "Perhaps, now we can just pop over and take care of one mental Russian wolf."

"The timing is actually perfect for tonight, though," Harry said stepping closer to her to start trying to pry Elara's grip off Hermione's hair.

"Why?" Hermione winced as several strands were yanked out.

"It's the full moon tonight." Both Remus and Sirius answered, glancing at each other.

Ron went and sat on the couch, pulling Lavender into his lap. "What exactly is the plan for that anyway? I don't know what protections werewolves have with the Ministry – I'm not certain there are any laws we can get Morozov prosecuted for – in fact, if we talk to the Ministry and I advised that Elara bit me — they'd probably try to arrest her. You know how they can be."

Hermione cocked her head looking at Ron, "Why would we involve the Ministry? He went against Harry— so he is going to be eliminated."

It was a bit disconcerting for Harry to hear Hermione say that, and he suddenly had a lot more sympathy for her initial meltdown after he had dealt with the intruders in Grimmauld. He looked over to Lavender "Do you mind watching Elara for just a minute while I talk to Hermione?"

"Of course!" Lavender popped up with a smile, reaching for the baby and cooing at her. Elara whined a bit, trying to reach back to Hermione or Harry but eventually settled with a pouting expression. When Lavender sat near Ron her pouting disappeared though as she tried to get at his hair again.

Harry nodded his thanks and pulled Hermione to the kitchen closing the door for privacy. "So suddenly you're just okay with killing someone? Or excuse me, eliminating them."

"He abused a child in his care and was probably the one who forced her into that state. He threatened you. I –" Hermione paused shaking her head before meeting his eyes again. She stepped closer to him, her hand sliding up his chest. Her brown eyes were lighter than normal, a golden whiskey color as her lips came closer to his. The kitchen felt so much hotter suddenly as she was pressed against him.

"I think I was always willing to kill someone for you." Her voice was low and secretive. "I remember when we were little and that bludger was after you, there were so many different spells I could have cast at Snape to get him to stop, but I set him on fire."

Harry stepped back a little trying to think clearly and remember what had concerned him so much just a few minutes ago. "Hermione, you don't— look even a few weeks ago you were upset at me for those wizards who broke into Grimmauld."

Hermione nodded agreeing with him. "I was."

"So then how does this make sense?"

"Because now I understand." She followed him, and Harry was pressed against the kitchen door. "I was worried you weren't you, but now I know what happens with the wolf inside you. I feel it."

"Feel what?"

Hermione smiled slowly at Harry, her hand sliding under his shirt to caress his skin. "The wolf is clarity. You're still you and I'm still me. But Harry, even if you hadn't, even if this whole thing hadn't happened."

Now Hermione's hand slid lower, edging into the elastic of his pajamas. Harry couldn't help but let out a moan as she grabbed him. Fuck, she was so fucking hot. "Even if..." Harry asked hoarsely trailing off.

Her eyes met his as she stroked him, "I would have always killed to keep you safe."

Fucking same, baby, Harry thought as he captured her mouth.

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Harry and his pack stepped out into the same clearing they had fought in before, except this time it was dark, and the moon was high in the sky. Harry could feel the others coming, could feel Morozov coming, not able to resist his call.

Mikhail Morozov was the first to emerge from the tree line, his wolf form bright white as if he was absorbing the light of the moon and shining it back. Harry could see that Morozov's connection to his wolf was stronger perhaps because the wizard himself was feral and deranged.

With a smooth burst of magic, Harry changed the sole human amidst almost one hundred wolves. Morozov snarled racing forward, but everyone else remained still watching the scene playing out.

Harry didn't move watching Morozov approach until the wolf froze a foot away from him, his lips still drawn back showing his sharp teeth. "You know I thought about trying to let you live."

A low feminine growl echoed behind Harry and he smiled. "But I've long since grown past the idea of letting my enemies live to attack me another day." He looked up at the wolves surrounding him. "And no one here will be carrying tales to the Ministry."

Morozov growled and Harry waved his hand lazily. Morozov fell on his ass with a stunned expression that quickly changed to one of anger. "Fight me, like a wolf, and stop using magic! We're werewolves!"

Harry felt the faint snaps of magic that told him that his pack behind him was changing. Ron whispered loudly. "Why are all bad guys so stupid? Is it like a part of the job description?"

Lavender shushed Ron, while Sirius laughed quietly.

Morozov looked around wildly at the other wolves still looking on. "You see! He's not like us! He's a half-breed—"

"Shut the fuck up," Hermione said in a low vicious voice stepping to Harry's side. He immediately wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Hermione," Harry said quietly, reminding her she had agreed to let him handle it. Then he spoke louder, pulling on the threads that connected him to every single wolf here. Magic rolled through the meadow, and cries sounded as they all transformed, looking around fearfully.

"Listen to me." Harry's voice rumbled through the meadow, loud with a sonorous charm. "No one is a half-breed. No one is less or more because of their heritage or blood. And no one is going to be killing anyone else....except me."

Even the ambient sounds of nature seemed to die with his last words and Harry smiled, knowing they could see the gleam of his teeth.

"Fuck you, I'll kill you, I'll kill your—" A silencing charm came from Harry's side. Harry squeezed Hermione in silent thanks.

"There's some people who won't change. I understand that more than most." Harry released Hermione and stepped closer to Morozov, holding up his hand. The fingers thinned, claws bursting out the tips of his fingers as he transformed partially. With a slash, he cut Morozov's throat, blood spurting forward in an arc.

Harry looked at his people, blood splattered across him. "Things are different now, and if you don't let go of the past, you'll feel my claws too."

Behind Harry, Remus threw back his head and howled.

"Hell, yeah," Sirius said, before throwing his head back and joining his husband's howl.

Harry grinned as he felt the acceptance coming from the pack. They weren't wizards and witches, they weren't wolves or werewolves. They were everything, they were pack. And they recognized him as the alpha.

Spells came from Hermione, vanishing Morozov and some scourgifies to wipe the blood off of Harry. He looked back at her still grinning. "I think I looked kind of badass with his blood on me though."

Hermione squinched her fingers together. "Just a tad hot, but no way was I kissing you like that."

"Oh, good thing you fixed it then," Harry said stepping back toward her and leaning down.

Hermione gave him only a quick peck on the lips, "I think we should play a bit first, it would be good for morale."


Not responding verbally Hermione changed back into a wolf and threw back her head with a howl, before charging past him into the tree line. Half the wolves followed her, matching her howl while some waited to see what he would do, watching tensely.

"Let's run!" Harry roared and magic rushed over him turning him into a large black wolf that took off with a howl.

The nearby town talked of the night for a long time, the howls that rang through the forest. The sightings of so many wolves running through the trees. And strangely not a single person was harmed.

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Hermione could hear Harry's howl behind her as he chased her through the redwood trees near the west coast of the United States. She was slower at this game now being six months pregnant, but it was still fun.

This was their last night here before heading home for the birth and back to Elara, who was progressing very nicely learning what she had missed out on from being stuck as a wolf since she was a baby. Hermione had finally persuaded Harry for a run with just them two though, and she pushed the other thoughts out of her mind so she could enjoy it fully.

Harry really was extremely overprotective sometimes. Although she admitted she couldn't quite control her temper yet either. She was getting better about not growling at too smiley cashiers though.

A black wolf burst from her left, startling her and making her yelp. He rubbed against her giving a quiet wuff as if saying he caught her. Hermione laughed, changing back and Harry changed with her, his arms wrapping tight around her.

"You barely let me run any."

Harry slid his hand over her belly, thrilled again that he had made her pregnant. That his baby was growing inside her.

"Our baby." Hermione corrected hearing the thought and rolling her eyes.

Harry smiled at her, his wand in his hand and he waved it behind her back. Leaves and dirt shifted in a whirlwind briefly before changing shape and a bed appeared.

Hermione laughed again at the sight of the conjured bed. "You don't want to take me on the forest floor again?" She teased.

"I want to take you everywhere," Harry assured her, taking the question seriously. "But I don't want your back to hurt." His fingers trailed along her back, pressing at certain points he knew were strained sometimes with the weight of carrying their baby.

Hermione sighed relaxing against Harry as he slowly maneuvered her closer and closer to the bed. "I swear it doesn't hurt that much, it was just the kicking. I think the baby is playing quidditch inside my stomach sometimes."

Harry smiled as Hermione laid back, her stomach showing more clearly. He crawled over her, kissing her round tummy, "You hear that? Time out until you're born."

As if it was timed her belly shifted as the baby kicked and Hermione laughed. "I can tell this one is going to be like you, never listening to anyone."

"I listen to you," Harry told her as he leaned further up to start kissing her neck and shoulder, paying particular attention to his mark.

Hermione gave a soft gasp as his hands slid between her thighs to caress her. "That's cause you're smart and love me."

"I'm a bloody genius with how much I love you."

Hermione laughed wrapping her legs around his hips. "Show me then, Harry."

And Harry quite thought he earned his porno title, Alpha of Alphas, with how loudly he made his wife scream his name.

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