Promised To Another

By pearlrantolo

108 21 1

What do you do when you find out that the one you have given your whole heart to was never yours to keep? Tha... More



3 1 0
By pearlrantolo

"You know I am not drunk right?"
Kai said, looking sideways at me from the passenger seat.

"Said every drunk in the history of drunks." I retorted sarcastically.

We were currently seated in his car outside the club.
With me in the driver's seat while I fiddled with the GPS typing in his address.

It turned out that Sage's brother owned the club that we ended up at tonight.

Sage reassured us that it was okay, we could leave as he went with his brother into office.
He promised that everything will be handled and that he would update us in the morning .
It was a little past midnight and I was more than happy to call it a night.

"I am perfectly capable of driving. I can drop you off at the hotel."
Kai said rubbing a hand across his face the way only a guy can.

"Not happening, I am not about to become a statistic of drunken drivers."

We had decided that I was dropping him off and  taking an uber from his place back to the hotel, and I was sticking to the plan.

" I am not comfortable with the idea of you traveling so late at night on a Saturday"

"Technically, it's Sunday morning," I said as I threw him a quick smile as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"How about you sleep in the guest bedroom and then I can drop you off at the hotel in the morning," he asked as we pulled up in front of his house.

It wasn't such a bad idea.
I mean, we have slept in the same house before. The only difference is that this time around it will be the only two of us, without Siba in the next room.

But that will mean I have to be up too early to be on time to leave with the rest of the team.

" Arie, I promise I won't try anything funny. "
He said when he saw that I took a while to respond.

"Or maybe you won't have to drop me off in the morning, we could travel back together. I will let coach know."

He looked at me and blinked.
It was like he couldn't believe what he just heard.

A smile split his face in half,
"You can do that?"

"Yes, it is the most efficient solution at the moment"

"And maybe we can cuddle too?"
He said with humour in his voice.

"Don't push it."

I warned as I took out my phone.

I sent a quick text to Lesh letting her know that I wasn't coming back tonight and that she should take my bag with her.
The next text was to coach, letting her know that I won't be traveling back with the team.

I was tired, emotionally drained and in daire need of sleep.

When I woke up, there was light slipping through the space between the blinds and the sound of soft rain against the windows.
I rolled over as I inhaled the fresh citrus smell of the pillow that my head was currently burried in.

I could just lay like this forever, but I was pressed and needed to pee.

I knew the general direction of the bathroom since I took a quick shower before I went to bed the previous night.

Kai had borrowed me his T-shirt for me to sleep in. It was baggy and came just above my knees.

The town house consisted of two bedrooms, a shared bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.
It was spacious yet small enough to make the space feel intimate.

The house was decorated like a hotel in beige and white tones and devoid of any personal touches or mementos.

When I got out of the bathroom, I sat down in front of the big Tv as I  shuffled through channels.

The front door opened and Kai walked in carrying shopping bags.

"Hey, you are up."
He smiled at me as he placed an umbrella in the bin by the door and walked into the kitchen. I got up and followed him.

"Hey," I said.

"Slept well?" He asked as he placed the bags on the counter and turned to look at me.

"Yah." I said Suddenly feeling shy.
 I pulled out one of the stools by the kitchen island and sat down.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

I stared at him blankly for a minute, lost.

And then I remembered the previous night.

I groaned and placed my hands on my face.
For a minute there I had forgotten the fiasco from last night.

"Can we please not talk about it now?" I pleaded.

"Done." He replied.
"So what do you want to do?"

"Eat," I said as my stomach grumbled loudly right on cue.

"Point taken," he said as we both laughed.

"I got us breakfast here," he said as he started to lay out the food on the counter.

  We moved comfortably around the kitchen in sync with each other.
I was surprised by how well this was going.
Considering how we usually are around each other.
The usually electric tension that is  always present whenever we are in the same space was still there. But it didn't feel as chaotic and threatening to burn everything down like it is usually the case.
Today it felt more like a steady, safe and warm undercurrent.

I plopped down on the couch next to him.
We were done eating breakfast, and I had just finished clearing out our plates.

" You also watch King Julien!" I exclaimed,
" They are my favourite cartoons." 

"One thing that we have in common," he winked at me and smiled.

We sat in easy silence for while as we watched the cartoons.

"I want to know more of your favourite things." He suddenly said, sounding serious.

"Your wish my command sir," I teased, fighting to keep the atmosphere light.
"What exactly would you like to know?"


"Okay, let's see," I pretended to be deep in thought.
I could tell he was trying to fight a smile off as he watched me, waiting.

" My favourite place in the whole world is home, I just discovered that recently.
My favourite show of all time is Friends.
My current favourite book is the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
My comfort food is ice cream and I love rainy days." I finished, smiling at him.

We were no longer paying attention to the tv.
I brought my feet up and placed them on the edge of the couch as I started to absentmindedly massaged my ankles.
Being on my feet for long while wearing heels always left my feet sore.

"What's your definition of a perfect date?" He asked.

I laughed out loud.
I didn't see that one coming, especially from him.

"It's actually very underwhelming," I humoured him.
"Promise you won't make fun of me, or bring it up ever!"

" I promise," he said trying so hard not to smile.

He pulled my feet onto his lap and started massaging the area I had been pressing my fingers into just a few minutes ago. He noticed.
I sighed out loud at how good it felt.

"My perfect date include the three things from my list of favourite things; a rainy day, ice cream with someone reading my favourite book to me," I rushed the words out.

"What about you?"

He just looked at me and smiled as he continued to knead at my feet.
How was he so good at this?

"What?" I asked.

I was expecting him to be condescending, and to tell me how cheesy it sounds.

"That's actually sweet, and easy to achieve," he paused for a minute.
"I actually think we can both get our perfect date now." he said.

"Since I just discovered that mine consist of doing anything with you."
He laughed lightly as I scrunched my face at that. He continued,

" I mean; rainy day, check. Favourite book, check. I can get an E-Book on Amazon right now. But we don't have ice cream, so it's more like an 'almost perfect' date for you." He said as he took his phone out.

"No you don't have to," I said moving my legs from his lap.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to." He said

Twenty minutes later I was settled in cosily on the couch with my head leaning against Kai's shoulder as he read my favourite book to me.
The sound of his voice and the soft spluttering of rain making me drowsy. This was even better than my imagination.

I was almost falling asleep when my phone vibrated against me. I lazily pulled it from under the fleece I was sharing with Kai.

He paused and looked at me.

" Uh oh." I said as I sat up. Suddenly fully awake.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Siba, she is video calling me."

"Okay," he replied. Looking confused at my flustered face.

"Okay? How am I going to explain being here with you?" I screeched at him.

"Just ignore her then."

"You know how your sister gets when she sets her mind to something, she is like a dog with a bone.
She won't just let go."
I said as my phone stopped ringing and started ringing again almost immediately, proving my point.

"You can go take it in my room then. It's  the only room that she is not too familiar with."

"Hey hun, what's up?"
I said, Siba's face filling my phone screen as I plopped myself down on the edge of Kai's bed.

"Hey you!" She smiled at me.
"It feels like I haven't talked to you in ages. I am sorry I couldn't call you yesterday. I know how nervous you were about the competition, how did it go?"
She asked sounding sincere, and I suddenly felt bad that I was hiding stuff from her

"It went great actually," I said. "Your gurl got second position and achieved her personal best time on the stroke." I said.

"Yes!" She exclaimed punching the air.
" I knew you would do it Arie. I am so proud of you! We need to properly celebrate when you get back," she said.

"Wait, why does it seem like you are still in the hotel? I thought you guys were supposed to be on the road by now."

Yep, almost nothing ever goes over Siba's head. I meant it when I told her that she should be a lawyer. Or even better, a detective.

" Well, I ended up staying at a one of my family friends' house. They happen to be traveling to Capetown later today, so it is convenient, they will be dropping me off."
I said with a shrug trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
Not a complete lie though.

"Is the, 'family friends' hot at least?"
She asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Siba!" I laughed.
"It's not like that."

Just then, Kai poked his head in the door before walking in.

I angled my body so that the phone was faced away from him and he wasn't visible on the frame.

He sat next to me on the bed. I gave him a look, warning him to behave.

He just smiled as the mischievous glint that was on her sister's face a minute ago now crossed his.

He placed his hand on my knee and looked innocently at me.
I knew what he was doing.
He was trying to distract me.

I swatted his hand away as I continued my conversation with Siba like nothing just happened.

He just smiled and moved closer.
So close that I could literally feel his breath fanning my ear and goosebumps broke throughout my body.

I was definitely distracted now.

"Siba, I need to go. Talk later?"
I said breathlessly.

"Alright, let me know once you arrive. Later hun." She said ending the call.

I threw the phone on the bed and turned to Kai. Aiming my fist at him.
He easily caught my hand before it even connected with his chest.
I brought up my other hand and he easily captured it too.

"Why would you do that?" I asked breathing heavily from the effort of trying to wriggle my hands from his hold.

"Well, I was bored without you. Remember, you left in the middle of our date," he said smiling.

"And by the way, I didn't know that my presence affected you this much."
He said looking at the goosebumps covering my skin.

I grunted as I jerked my knee at him in response.
He just laughed and dodged it with ease.
With a single motion, he quickly flipped us so that I laid flat on his bed.
My arms extended above  my head, held captive by his hands while his legs pinned me down.

"Why are you choosing violence?"
He smiled hovering over me.

I just moved my body trying to wriggle out of his hold.

"Kai let me go!"

"Only if you promise to not hit me"
I just hissed and continued to struggle in his hold.

His other hand moved down and started tickling me.

"Okay, okay stop! I won't hit you."
I said laughing uncontrollably.

He stopped but didn't move from his position.

Suddenly there was a shift in the atmosphere.

" You look so beautiful."
He stated softly staring into my eyes.
It felt like time suddenly stood still as his eyes sought mine, as if trying to figure something out.

Kai true to his word, had not tried anything funny with me since we got to his house. He had been a perfect gentleman, not making any of his moves on me like he usually did.
No 'almost' kisses or subtle suggestive touches.

Weirdly enough, I found myself missing it.

He let go of my hands and made a move to move away.

I quickly placed my hands around his neck and held him in place.
His eyes bulged in surprise.
I also surprised myself.

He stood still, now supporting his weight with his hands on each side of me, staring at me questioningly.

I just pulled his head down, closing the distance between us as our lips connected.

Someone gasped.
I don't know if it was him or me or the both of us.
The sensation of his lips against mine was nothing like I had imagined it could be.
They were soft and both warm and cool at the same time.
It was a heady sensation.

His lips just remained still on mine as I moved mine tentatively against his.

He quickly recovered from his initial shock as his lips started to move softly, almost like he was afraid he would scare me away.

I darted my tongue out, tasting him.
He groaned and angled his face to deepen the kiss.
His lips moved fervently and hot against mine, like he was a drowning man and I was the air he needed desperately.
I made a small sound of satisfaction at the back of my throat.

A small gasp escaped my lips as he quickly flipped us again, so that he now sat with his back against the headboard with me straddling him.

His hands gripping my thighs as I held onto his broad shoulders.
I closed my eyes as he sucked onto my lower lips and slightly biting on them.

I gasped as I felt his hands started to venture a bit higher. He used the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.
Our tongues intertwining and moving rhythmically.
His kisses were hot and bold.

He slipped his hand underneath my t-shirt that was now hiked higher.
I knew that I should probably stop him, but my mind was too muddled to think straight.
He lazily moved his fingers across my ass searching for the pantyline.
And then suddenly he stopped.

I opened my eyes to find him looking at me.

"You are not wearing underwear." He breathed.

" Oops," I whispered as I laid my head against his.
"I washed the one I wore last night and I didn't bring any change of clothes with me," I explained.

He momentarily closed his eyes. When he opened them, his pupils had grown a shade darker as desire pooled in his eyes.

He let out a puff of breath as he retracted his hand from under my t-shirt. He increased his grip on my thighs as he lifted me slightly from him.

"We need to stop." He said with a strain in his voice, like it took all the restraint in him to utter the words.

"Why?" I asked confused.

Was I that much of a bad kisser? But he seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.
"I am sorry, I thought maybe you liked that. I didn't mean to jump you like that," I said scrambling off him and off the bed.
Suddenly feeling mortified.

"Ooh no. It's not like that."
He said as he followed me off the bed and caught me by my waist.
"I've been wanting to kiss these lips since the day that I first saw you."
He said as he cupped my chin in his hand and lightly swept his thumb across my lower lip.

"I think I enjoyed kissing you a little too much and I am now in desperate need of a cold shower," he groaned and I laughed.

"Also, as much as I hate to say it, we need to get going. It's a long drive back."
He said as he placed a small kiss on my forehead and pulled me into a hug.

"Does this mean that we are now 'friends with chemistry' who make out?" He asked.

I just laughed and pushed him away as I headed out of his room to get ready.

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