Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple R...

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As she joins the academy, Leah doesn't know that she's related to SPD's head technician. Kat and Cruger are h... Daha Fazla

Beginnings Part 1
Beginnings, Part 2
Sam Part 2
Shadow Part 1
Shadow Part 2
Wired Part 1
Wired Part 2
Messenger Part 1
Messenger Part 2
Reflection Part 1
Reflection Part 2
S.W.A.T. Part 1
S.W.A.T. Part 2
Endings Part 1
Endings Part 2

Sam Part 1

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tanishatribe1118 tarafından

Outside of a building, a young boy with red hair was going along the fence, dragging his fingers against the chain as a basketball game was going on in front of him. As he got closer to the game, he caught the ball and asked, "Mind if I play?"

"Yeah, you're too small." said another boy who was playing basketball. He then reached out for the ball. "Ball." he said.

"Ball? What ball?" asked the young boy as he threw it up into the air and suddenly made it disappear from the hoop. The kids knew that he did it and turned back to face him. "What did you do to my ball?" said the other boy.

"Oh your ball. It's over there." he replied, using his power again to make the ball reappear and the ball bounced on the ground.

"Man, you're a freak." said the boy.

"You should have let me play." said the young boy as he walks away from them. He then hears a voice coming from behind him. "Hello Sam." said a voice behind him and he turns around to see a doll.

"Huh?" he said in confusion.

"That boy was not very nice. He should have let you play." said Mora's voice that was coming from the doll.

"No big deal." said Sam.

"Yeah...especially when you can do things other kids cant. Like make things disappear. I'm Cindy Sunshine and I want to be your friend." said Mora.

"You're a talking doll." said Sam.

"Oh I am so much more than that." said Mora. What Sam didn't know was that in space, Mora was using some kind of device to talk through her doll to him. "I'll be your friend and give you anything you want. And all you have to do is one little thing for me. And I'll even send you a criminal...I mean, a friend of mine to help. His name is Bugglesworth. He wants to be your friend too." she said and the picture she drew came to life.

"Oh, yes! Hee, hee, hee!" he said as Bugglesworth stood before Mora.

Taking some much-needed downtime after a hard morning of training, the rangers were relaxing in the common room, each doing their own thing. While Syd was painting, Sky was sitting with a deck of cards in his hands, both ignoring Bridge who was balanced upside down in deep thought with his eyes closed.

Jack was grabbing a drink as Z was dancing to her music with her headphones on. Leah was staring out the window, looking outside at the world around her.

"I've got it!" exclaimed Bridge, interrupting the peace. "This is brilliant." he said, as he got back on his feet.

"What is?" asked Jack.                                 

"It's no coincidence! That we're all here!" exclaimed Bridge and looked at the others. Jack looked lost, while Sky didn't bother to look up from his cards. Z pulled off her headphones and Leah walks away from the window, wondering what Bridge is trying to tell them. "Sorry man, I think you lost me." Jack grinned as he approached Bridge.

"No, think about it! We all have powers, we're all here, at the academy, Power Rangers?" Bridge listed off, turning to Syd. "The odds are astronomical!"

"Ok, I get what you're saying, Bridge, but that still doesn't explain about me and I'm a Felisan with powers." said Leah.

"She's got you there, Bridge." said Z.

"Maybe Cruger picked us because we had these powers." suggested Syd.

"Yeah but why the six of us?" asked Bridge.

Syd stared blankly at him, before saying, "I'm confused."

"So am I." said Leah.

"Hello? Bridge is talking." said Sky.

"Back off of him, Sky. I understand what he's saying." said Z, defending the green ranger. "How did we get these powers? And why is it that we all ended up here? At S.P.D? Is it some part of a bigger plan?"

"Our powers are no big mystery." said Sky as he stood opposite of Z. "Face the facts. Every one of us, especially you, is a freak of nature." he growled, shocking them. Leah had a hurt look on her face, then started to have a flashback.


10-year-old Leah was sitting on swing set on the school playground and getting strange looks from the kids around her. As she was passing them to go to the swings, she heard "Freak", "Monster" and "Weirdo". The bell rings for children to go back to class and as she gets up to head inside, a couple of girls walked up to her.

"Why don't you go back to the freak farm, you freak." said one of them, pushing her towards their friend.

"Weirdo." said the other, then pushes her to the ground. Before she could react, they started punching and kicking her. Leah did the only thing she knew. She teleported back outside of the school and runs into the nurse's office.

The nurse turns and looks at the young Felisan, seeing a small gash that started to bleed on her leg. "It happened again, didn't it, Leah?" asked the nurse.

Leah nodded and the nurse placed her on the counter. Leah started to sniffle a bit as the nurse grabs what she needed. "Don't let them get to you." said the nurse, as she cleans the wound.

"But some of them are bigger than me." Leah complained.

"That doesn't matter." said the nurse. "But I want you to remember something."

"What?" asked Leah, with a curious look on her face.

"You are smart, you are kind and you are important." the nurse tells her, caused Leah to give her a small smile.

[Flashback ends]

Leah snapped out of it when Bridge snapped his fingers in front of her. "I'm fine. Just remembering something." said Leah with a small smile. The alarm went off before they could ask her what was wrong and looked up. "S.P.D Emergency. Rangers, report to delta bay." Kat instructed.

"Ready?" Jack called.


"S.P.D! EMERGENCY!" They morphed and headed to the command center, jumping down the chutes to their zords. Heading through the city, they aimed for the robot stomping through the city. "Bugglesworth is my name. Trouble is my game." said the high-pitched, nasally voice of the monster inside, echoed through the city.

"Stop! S.P.D!" He looked around to see the zords coming towards him.

"S.P.D! We order you to halt!" called Sky.

"Oh goodie! A new game!" Bugglesworth laughed and turned to a building.

"Time for building to go bye-bye." said Bugglesworth. The robot flashed and the building disappeared, along with its inhabitants. "This is your last warning!" called Syd.

"High Beams!" Z said, using the lights on her Zord to blind Bugglesworth and the others began to attack. Bridge in capitated the robot, but as Jack went in to finish it off, the air seemed to warp around the robot. "Who's that?" Z asked as they got closer to the robot.

"Can we go now?" Bugglesworth asked.

"Ok." said Sam.

"It's that kid." said Z, spotting Sam, holding up a hand towards the robot. He turned to the megazord with a sad look on his face. "What are you doing?" she asked herself and somehow his eyes told a different story. The robot vanished, just before Jack could reach him. "Where'd he go?" asked Jack.

"He was here, right? I mean, we all saw him." frowned Syd.

"Well...this could be a collective dream and we're all still sleeping." suggested Bridge.

"Bridge, if this was a dream, then why do I keep pinching myself to see if I'm still asleep?" asked Leah, pinching herself through her suit. Z's zord stopped and she leaped out, running off. "Where is she going?" asked Sky as he was landing his Zord. Once on the ground, Z began to look for him. "Where did he go?" she wondered, looking around for him.

In the command center, B-Squad was standing in front of Commander Cruger. "What do you mean, there's no trace of the building or the office workers? Have they become invisible?" he asked the rangers. "Impossible."

"And dogs can talk." Jack muttered to Syd, who was hiding her amusement. Cruger growled at him lightly, then Jack added, "I mean, but it did, sir."

"I see...." Cruger frowned. He looks at the rangers in front of him to see that he was short by 2 rangers. "And where is Z and Leah?" he asked.

"I'm not sure where they are, sir." said Jack.

"I am, sir." said Sky spoke up. "She ran off during the fight and we haven't seen her since. As for Leah, I think she is somewhere in the academy, sulking about something." Jack jabs him in the ribs with his elbow but Sky ignores it. Cruger growls lightly again, seeming to fall into thought.

Z was running towards the stairs to see Sam laying on the ground, surrounded by a group of kids. "Come on. Show them how you made that ball disappear. I told these guys you'd do it again. You're making me look bad." said the other boy.

"You're doing a good job of that yourself." said Z as she walked up behind the group of kids. They looked up at her and scattered, not wanting to get in further trouble. "Hey, looks like a pretty bad scrape. You might want to wash that off." said Z, reaching for her water bottle. Sam steps back a bit, scared of what she might do. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want to talk. Those boys are just jealous." she tells him.

"Mind if I put some water on your knee?" asked Z, bending down to put some on his knee.

"Okay." replied Sam. Up on the balcony, Sam sees Bugglesworth, then says, "Oh goody!"

Sam gasps, worried that she would get the surprise attack. He uses his powers, creating a shield above her, preventing the two Krybots from ambushing her. Z looks up and over to see Bugglesworth. "Come on, Sam." said Bugglesworth.

"Is he a friend of yours?" asked Z. Sam looked a bit shocked and scared at the same time but then disappears with Bugglesworth and the two Krybots. Z stands up as she gets a beep on her morpher. "Hey Jack." she said into her morpher.

"We found the building." said Jack.

"You're kidding me." said Z. Meeting up with Z, the rangers arrived at the beach, climbing over rocks as they looked out at what had been left in the sea. "Amazing..."





"I'm hungry." the others looked at Bridge at his sudden declaration. Managing to get inside the building, the rangers looked at each floor. "This is really creepy...where did everyone go?" asked Syd.

"The workers are just gone." said Sky.

"Look at this." said Z, crouching down and lifted a doll from the ground. Jack spotted another one on a desk and picked it up as well. "This is getting weirder." commented Z as she handed the doll to Leah.

"Thanks but I'm really not into playing with dolls, Z. I have a bad feeling that this doll is alive." said Leah, as she studied the doll closely.

"Why aren't you into dolls?" asked Syd.

"I have nothing against the toy itself. I just prefer building stuff and doing science over playing with dolls." replied Leah. "Plus I've always prefer getting my hands dirty."

"It's never too late to play with dolls." said Syd.

"Are you getting any reading from this, Bridge?" asked Z as she handed the doll, he was holding to him. Bridge approached the yellow ranger, took off one of his gloves as he handed the doll. Taking a breath, he gripped the doll and jolted back with a cry. From the doll, Bridge saw a man getting turned into the doll and Bugglesworth being gleeful as he was the cause of it.

Bridge sagged as Jack caught him before he could fall, grabbing the doll from him. He shuddered at the darkness that flowed from it. "There's a reason why these dolls are so lifelike guys." said Bridge.

In space, Bugglesworth was in Mora's room. "Bugglesworth did good. Bugglesworth gave Mora all the people she could ever want. Bugglesworth is pleased. Is Mora pleased?" Bugglesworth said as she was sitting in front of her vanity.

"What do you think, you overgrown ladybug?" she asked, glaring at the monster she created. A little scared, Bugglesworth then asked, "Mora...Pleased?" She gets up and walks towards him, stalking him as if he were prey. "Mora is one step away from putting pins in your .wings and mounting you in her bug collection!" she said to him.

"Mora isn't pleased?" asked Bugglesworth.

"No, she is not!" said Mora, hitting the monster with one of the dolls.

"What can I do? What can I do?" asked Bugglesworth, trying to make it up to her.

"Very simple bug brain. I am a people collector. I need people to collect. I already collected these. So get me more!" she screamed at him.

"More people! I will get you more people!" said Bugglesworth.

"Thank you." said Mora as Bugglesworth went off to do her bidding.

The rangers walked back through the base, listening to Z explain where she went off to earlier. "I'm telling you. It was that little boy who controlled the robot." she told them firmly when they looked at her skeptically. Leah was staring off into space as Z said it. "You can't prove that!" Sky told her.

"You just saw a boy near the robot. Doesn't mean that he was controlling it." he pointed out to Z as they all sat down at the console in the center of the room.

"And what about stopping the foot soldiers from attacking me? Was it just a coincidence that he was there too?" growled Z.

"Enough!" Cruger said, stopping them from continuing any further. "Can someone tell me what we know so far?"

"A robot attacked the city."

"A building disappeared."

"But then it reappeared at the beach, 20 miles away, and all the people inside the building disappeared."

"Except two, which were somehow turned into little figurines and left behind."

"Which we turned over to Kat to analyze."

"And that small boy is somehow involved in all of this!" Z insisted. Sky rolled his eyes at her. "Speculation!"

"It's more than speculation! That boy has powers. Just like you. Just like me. Just like we all do." Z said angrily, looking at the others.

"And what if he does have powers?" Cruger asked.

"Then we all have lots in common and we should..." Z started to say but was interrupted by Sky.

"Correction!" Sky snapped at her. "If he does have special powers, that's all we have in common with him. We use our powers for good, not evil."

"What if doesn't know the difference yet?" asked Z. Leah sat quietly in the corner, not knowing what to say. Cruger looked at her with concern on his face. Before he could ask her anything, the alarms blared. "Robot is attacking the city. Quadrant 12. Power rangers emergency." Kat announced.

"Let's go." said Jack.

"Stop! S.P.D!"

Bugglesworth is inside the robot, letting out a whine when he heard Jack's yell. He looked to see the rangers approaching him with their zords. "Not you again!" Bugglesworth whined.

"It's megazord time!" said Jack. The rangers formed the megazord and aimed their blaster at him. He fired a blast as the megazord flipped in the air. The rangers countered the attack, knocking the robot backwards.

"Let's cuff him!" said Sky, only for the cuffs to disappear from their grasp and reappear on their wrists, stopping them from moving. Bugglesworth laughed at their struggle, blasting them before turning away.

"Now what do we do?" asked Syd.

"Try to break free." said Sky.

"Time to get more people!" he sang.

"Ugh! I hate his voice. So high pitched." said Leah.

"The boy! I knew he'd be here!" said Z, spotting him on the ground, using his powers again. She unstrapped herself from her and leaped down. "Z!" Jack yelled out to her as Z demorphed.

"Wait!" she called out and Sam started to run for it.

"Gotta get rid of these cuff." growled Sky, pressing a button. The cuffs vanished, freeing their arms and they grabbed their sword. Bugglesworth let out a cry and his robot leapt behind a building, tunneling away before they could stop him.

"Time to go now!" he said as he tunneled away.

"Come back and fight...like a robot!" said Jack.

Z continued to chase Sam through the city, until he puts something in her way, causing her to fall and lose him. Suddenly a cloud of smoke appears and so did Leah. "You lost him, didn't you?" asked Leah, helping Z off the ground before folding her arms.

"Yeah." she said, dusting herself off. Leah smiled at her and Z had a confused look on her face. "You have an idea but I don't think I'm gonna like it." Z said as Leah held out her arm for her to hold onto.

"Seriously? The one time that I accidentally misplaced us and I'm still getting the third degree after all this. When am I going to be forgiven on that? Let it go already." said Leah as she grabs Z to teleport away. Sitting on a railing near an open space, Sam was talking to Mora. "If you want me to be your friend, you have to do better than that." she tells him.

"Sorry, I got scared." said Sam.

"The power rangers are really scary and really bad people too." said Mora. "But you are a really, really powerful boy and you don't have to be scared about anything."


"And if the power rangers bother you again, just...Aah!" the doll gets knocked over by a blaster shot. Sam looks over to see both Z and Leah standing not far away from him. Z was holding her blaster as Leah was glaring at the doll. "I never liked dolls." said Z as she puts away her blaster.

"I said it before and I'll say it again. I prefer science and building stuff over playing with dolls." said Leah as she picked up a stick, walks over to the doll and pokes at it.

"Is it alright if we talk for a minute?" asked Z as she walks closer.

"You're a power ranger, aren't you?" asked Sam.

"Yes I am and so is the girl over there with the stick." said Z.

"I'm high jacking this doll for further study." muttered Leah as she picked up the doll and places it in her bag.

"I was told you were a very bad person." said Sam.

"You know, you can't always believe dolls. Sometimes you have to make up your own mind. I'm Z." she said, reaching out for a handshake. "And you're...?"

"Sam." he said, introducing himself.

"I'm Leah." said Leah, shaking Sam's hand as well.

"You know Sam, the three of us have a lot in common." said Z, as she uses her power to replicate herself, having a copy go behind Sam.

"We have special powers." said the first Z.

"And we know what it's like to be different." said the duplicate Z.

"People made fun of me because of what I can do." said Leah. "And they still do."

"I know what it feels like to have a friend so bad, that you'll do anything to have one." said Z, once her duplicate was gone.

"That's not true. I'm different and because I'm different, no one likes me. And I don't care." said Sam.

"I said that exact thing more times than I can remember. Is it ok if we move closer?" Z asked.

"I've lost count on how many times I've said it in my life." said Leah.

"Hey Z! Leah!" said the other rangers as they approached the three of them. Sam's eyes widened in horror and fear. "No, stay there!" said Z, trying to get them to back off a bit.

"You lied! You're not different like me!" yelled Sam as he backs away from them. "You have friends!" They watched as he held up his hand and several of the bins next to him vanished into thin air. He then moved his hand above the rangers and the bins reappeared. "Look out!" said Z as she grabs onto to Leah and disappears with her. When they reappeared again, Z noticed that Sam took off again. "Sam..." she said, worried about him.

Sitting cross legged on the console, Bridge hummed as he held the doll that had talked to Sam in his hands. "Got it!" exclaimed Bridge. "He's at a junkyard by the river. And I saw the word 'Gold'."

"Gold's Junkyard, down by the river." said Sky, rolling his eyes at him.

"You know what, Sky? You are good." said Bridge as he looks down at the doll. A shock pulsed out and the doll flew through the air, vanishing before it hit the ground. "What was that about?" asked Syd.

"Nini doll kuvutia." said Leah.

"There are things bigger at work than just this boy." said Cruger as he approached the rangers.

"Commander, I need to help him before he gets himself into bigger trouble." said Z.

"I'm going with you." said Jack and pulls Leah beside him.

"Wah!" exclaimed Leah.

"No, I...." Z started to say but was interrupted by the commander.

"Jack will go with you. Go!" said the commander. Before anyone knew it, both yellow and red rangers gabbed Leah by her legs and turned her upside down.

"What the...?" said a confused Leah as she was being held hostage by two people of her squad. Both Z and Jack quickly left, dragging Leah by her feet, with her clawing at the ground, trying to grab some friction.

"Come on, you guys! Why you gotta do this to me! I don't want to be dragged out like this! I'm serious! This is so embarrassing!" Leah wailed in the hallway as Kat and Boom walked into the command center. "Kat, save me!"

Kat smirked, seeing the young feline being dragged away like this. The sight reminded her how she was at that age. "Commander, we need to talk about this. As well as regarding Leah." Kat told him as the Sirian looked around. "I was looking through the personnel files of the building. These two had identical twins working in the same building."

"Someone's collecting people, Sir!" Boom spoke up, holding the two dolls in his hands.

"By turning them into dolls!" he exclaimed. "And since they had one twin for their collection, they didn't need the other!"

"And there's more. I've been monitoring the vital signs on the dolls..." Kat trailed off when Boom started playing with them. The feline alien sighed heavily, closing her eyes. The rangers giggled at the sight before leaving the command center. "Boom!" Kat said sharply.

"Sir, I think we need to do something. And fast." she said worriedly as Boom lowered the dolls.

"Very well." said Cruger and thought for a moment. "As to letting Leah know, I think it's time she knows as well."

On Gruumm's ship, Broodwing started counting his money. "$1000...$2000..." said Broodwing.

"Don't insult me by counting it. It's all there." said Gruumm. They started laughing when Mora comes in, looking upset. "Gruumm, look what they did to Cindy Sunshine." whined Mora.

"Not now, Mora. I'm busy." said Gruumm, pushing her to the side.

"Look!" she said, pushing the doll into his face.

"It's a doll, I will get you another one." said Gruumm. "As I was saying, in the future I..."

"How would you like it if they turned your doll into toast." said Mora.

"Go to your room or I'll turn you back into what you were when I found you!" shouted Gruumm. The look on her face turned sad and Mora started crying. "Enough! I have destroyed planets for us." said Gruumm, but that didn't seem to stop her from crying. He then turned to Broodwing.

"Broodwing, help me. Do you have anything that will shut her...appease her?" he asked.

"Mora....this is for you." said Broodwing and presented her with an orange metal decagon. Mora finally stopped crying. "Good." said Gruumm.

"Glad to help out. I'll put it on your next bill." said Broodwing.

"This will do nicely. Cindy Sunshine and I thank you very much." Mora said sweetly, then skips out.

"It isn't easy, defeating a galaxy and raising a child." said Gruumm. Sam was hiding next to a dumpster when he heard a car pull up. Jack, Z and Leah then got out of the car. "Remember what I said, Leah." said Z as she closed the door.

"Yeah. I know, I remember. You don't have to remind me about it." said Leah, crossing her arms. "Just don't drag me out of the command center next time."

"Sam?" Z called out as she and Jack walked past him. Sam got up from where his hiding spot and was to run when all three rangers turned around to spot him. Z then called out, "Sam, wait."

"Who's that?" asked Sam.

"This is Jack. He's an old friend, kinda like my brother." said Z.

"And Z is kinda like my sister." said Leah.

"They're like us. They have powers too. Show him guys." said Z. Jack walks over to a metal barrel and bends down, molecularizing his head. Once he did that, he then said, "Ta da."

"My turn." said Leah as she rubs her hands together. She then teleports herself behind Sam, who sees the cloud of smoke she had left in her place. Leah taps him on the shoulder, letting him know that she was there. "Voila." she said.

"Yeah, so they have powers. So what?" Sam asked.

"Sam, I know what it's like being you. I know what it's like being different and we know what it's like being alone." said Jack.

"I know what it's like to be really alone. I never knew who my parents were." said Leah.

"No you don't. You have each other." said Sam.

"Yeah, but not until we found each other. Now you found us." said Z.

"Sam...you have a very wonderful, wonderful gift. It's meant to do good in the world, you know, not destroy it." Jack said.

"I know what it's like too. We can help you sort it out." said Z.

"Look Sam!" said Bugglesworth. Sam turns to face him and the three rangers followed his gaze. "Look who I brought back for you. Cindy Sunshine, good as new! Now let's go have some fun!" he said.

"That doll is ugggly!" said Leah.

"Leah!" said Jack.

"What? We were all thinking it, Jack. Did you expect me to lie about it?" asked Leah and Jack nodded.

"You know who's telling you the truth, Sam." said Z.

"Oh sure. That's from the girl who fried me." Mora's voice said, through the doll. Sam looks back at the rangers as he walks over to Bugglesworth. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Don't feel bad, girly! I brought someone for you to play with, too! Ta-da!" said Bugglesworth as he brought out what Broodwing gave to Mora.

"We're going to have so much fun! Why don't you come and play?" said the orange robot.

"This makes up for when you guys dragged me out of the command center." said Leah as the orange robot heads towards them, initiating the fight.

"Come on, losers!" said the orange robot as he fights Jack and Z. Leah was behind him, ready to give one of her blows when he pushes them back. "This isn't working. Plan B. S.P.D EMERGENCY!" said Z, grabbing her morpher and morphing into her ranger suit.

"S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" shouted Leah and morphing as well.



Both Z and Leah fight the orange robot on their own while Sam hides behind Bugglesworth. "Dodge this!" said the orange robot and sends an electrical charge to the girls, making them fall to the ground. The robot laughs, then gets shot by Jack. "S.P.D EMERGENCY! Power up!" shouted Jack as he runs towards Z and Leah to help them.

"Hey! Bully!" said Z, running towards the robot. "Want a hand?"

"That's enough!" said Jack.

"He's too strong." said Z as the robot had her arm behind her back.

"Hang in there, Z." said Jack.

"You are through!" said the robot. Just then, Leah appears in front of him. "Let them go!" she shouted at him, charging at him to free her honorary siblings. Z looks at Sam in desperation, hoping that he would help them, but he stood there in fear, not knowing what to do.

Bugglesworth was laughing as Jack pulled out his weapons. "Delta Blasters!" shouted Jack, aiming at the robot. "Go help Sam!" Jack tells Leah and Z.

"Okay!" said Z.

"You got it." said Leah as both girls run over to Sam but Bugglesworth gets in their way.

"Leave him alone! He doesn't want to go with you ranger! Tell them, Sam!" said Bugglesworth.

"Sam." said Z. Sam didn't know what do with the situation. "How do you know what he wants, you over grown bug?" asked Leah. Both Leah and Z turned around to see that Jack was in trouble. "Hang on, Jack!" shouted Leah as she runs over to help him. Just then, Z and Leah were on the ground. "Z, Leah. You ok?" he asked.

"Time for a shock!" said the orange robot and sending a red bolt of lightning towards the three rangers. It hits them, making them fall to the ground. "Why play with a child when you can play with me?" the orange robot asked.

"This guy is tough." said Jack as he tries to get himself off the ground.

"We've got to help Sam." said Z.

"Got any bright ideas on how to do that?" asked Leah, hotly.

"We'll take care of Sam. Don't you worry!" said Bugglesworth as Sam comes out from behind him, with a somewhat guilty look on his face.

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