From Rivals to Romance: Y/N a...

By HorrorMovie_Addict

6.7K 83 45

Y/n and her family finally arrive back to 2019 only to find out they've been replaced by the sparrows except... More

Meet the Family
World's Biggest Ball of Twine
Pocket Full of Lightning
Kindest Cut
Auf Wiedersehen
Wedding at the End of the World
Seven Bells


424 5 0
By HorrorMovie_Addict

"Viktor, who is this?" you ask

"Harlan." viktor responds

"You! Upstairs! Now!" Diego yells at Stanley and walks up to him but Stanley just hugs him and Diego pats his back and Stanley walks upstairs. Then Klaus walks into the hotel

"Oh man. Heavens to Betsy. What did you do? Did Viktor go full "Carrie" again?" klaus asks

"We didn't do this." allison says and motions to the strange man

"Harlan?" viktor asks

"Don't! Don't come near me, please." harlan says

"I just want to make sure that you're okay. You can... You can talk now."

"I can do a lot of things now."

"Who the hell is creepy grandpa?" klaus asks you, diego, and allison

"That's the kid Viktor saved in Dallas." diego answers

"Oh yeah, shit."
"Oh shit! You're right!"
"Holy shit! He still has powers?"

"Yeah, didn't he get rid of all the kid's mojo when he did all "that"?"

"I guess that didn't stick." allison responds

"Maybe it didn't get rid of it all." you say

"What's he doing here, now?" klaus asks

"Who cares? He saved us from the Sparrows." diego says

"Sloane. Sloane, are you alright? It's okay." Luther says as Sloane starts to sit up, then she sees her dead siblings "It's all right. Sloane, it's all right. Sloane." sloane runs away

"You got a live one, Luther!" diego says and chases Sloane

"Shit. Diego!" you say and chase luther

"Shit. Sloane!" Luther chases after Diego, Sloane, and you. You chase after them and walk in the washroom and see diego holding a knife up to Sloane's throat

"I said let her go. She's hurt." luther says

"Diego, let her go." you say

"She is the enemy." diego says

"If you hurt her, I will bury you." luther yells

"You gonna bury me too, Luther?" allison asks in a loud way

"Just... Just let me talk to her. Okay? Please.

"Trust me. She's gonna talk."

"It's okay." luther says to sloane


"Be nice with it, Allison." you say

"I heard a rumor... you're gonna tell me the truth. Where's the briefcase?" Allison asks but Sloane resists and is shaking "Tell me. Where is it?" Sloane still isn't answering "Where the hell... is it?"

"I don't know!" sloane yells


"We left it in your house, and it is our only way out of this! Where is it?" she screams and sloane's eyes turn white and her nose starts to bleed

"That's enough!" luther yells and grabs allison and she pushes him away

"You better ask yourself which side you on, bro." diego says

"Would you just get the hell out of here?"

"Gonna tell me what to do now?" diego asks standing close to luther

"Enough, both of you!" you say

"All of you, just get out! She doesn't leave your sight. Do you understand? This isn't over" allison says and you all walk out


"You're gonna clean up every square inch of this." diego says to stanley talking about the banner he set on fire and the buildings lobby

"What? Most of this wasn't even my fault. It was the man, the octogenarian." stanley says

"I don't give a shit where he grew up. You're gonna clean. No one--"

"Yeah, you're just mad that you got your ass kicked by a floating cube!" stanley says making you laugh

"He's not wrong diego." you say and diego glares at you

"That's it. You're grounded." Diego says then sees Klaus laughing "Why are you laughing? You were conveniently absent when all this shit went down."

"I was talking with Dad." klaus says

"Don't move an inch." diego pulls klaus away to talk

"Why do you look so young but you're the same age as all of these elderly's?" stanley asks

"Oh, you know, Dad experimenting on me and shit. Hey, your dad is actually pretty great, he can be lame and definitely a moron, but he's a great person, so cut him some slack." you say

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, are you my Aunt?"

"Um, technically, why?"

"Oh, you're just really pretty."

"Thanks, Stan, but I'm 29 and I have a boyfriend, I'm flattered though."

"You're a cool Aunt, you seem fun."

"Aw. Thanks, Stan." then the hotel guy comes up to Diego and hands him a cart with cleaning supplies and keys to all the rooms

"As requested." the hotel guy says

"What the hell is this?" stanley asks as diego gives him the keys

"Your punishment. And when you're done here, you're gonna clean every room on Chet's list to pay for this shit, okay? And your Uncle Klaus is gonna watch over you."

"What? No! Please don't."
"What? No! Why can't you do it, or Y/n?"

'Because me and Y/n have to babysit Luther in case Allison pops off again. Okay? All right, you two have tons in common."

"No, we don't."
"Really? Like what?"

"Being a pain in my ass." diego says and walks off and you laugh

"Eat shit."
"You're an asshat."

"Heard that."


"You're serious?" allison asks luther

"We use Sloane as an olive branch. We let her go as a gesture of peace, along with the bodies of Jayme and Alphonso." luther says

"Once I'm back with my family, I can convince them the old guy had nothing to do with you and get them to stand down." sloane says

"That sounds like a good idea." you say

"You wanna let her go after attacking us? Uh-uh." diego says

"Me? I lost two of my siblings to you and your murder troll." sloane says

"Again, Harlan not with us." luther says

"Yeah, well, he's not not with us." diego corrects

"He was just trying to protect me." viktor says

"This only works if I can convince my family he isn't a part of your team, so is he with you or not?" sloane asks

"Harlan saved our asses. He can stay for as long as he wants. You know what, Luther? He can take your bed. Since you're sleeping with the enemy." diego says

"Watch it." luther says and steps forward

"Guys, come on. Having an ally on the inside could help us right now." viktor says


"Yeah, but how do we know we can trust Gravity Barbie?" allison asks

"I trust her."

"Yeah, you trusted emails from a Nigerian prince." diego says

"Tunde was not a prince, he was a king, and he was unjustly deposed."

"Oh, Jesus, Luther." you say and sit down on the pool table

"Okay. So rumor me again. Go on, not hiding anything. Whatever it takes." sloane says to allison

"Do whatever the hell you wanna do, Luther. That's on you. I've got bigger shit to deal with." allison says and walks away

"Allison. Wait up." diego follows after allison

"Hey, have you seen Five today? I haven't seen him since this morning." you ask

"No, haven't seen him at all, but we should go now to drop off Sloane with her family."

"Oh, okay."


You all wait for Ben and Fei to show up while waiting outside the car, they put the bodies in their trunk and Sloane goes up and hugs Fei

"Well, this is it. This puts an end to it." viktor says

"No. We want the old man too." ben says

"What are you doing?" fei asks him

"You wanted a plan. here it is."

"It's a stupid plan."

"He isn't a part of the deal." viktor says

"He is now." ben says

"Ben, they aren't working with him. They had nothing to do with the attacks--" sloane says but ben interrupts her

"Then they won't mind finding him and handing him over. It's simple. Bring us the man who killed our siblings, and this will all be over. If not..." ben chuckles and gets in the car and leaves

"What a dick..." you mutter


You wander down the halls, you are really bored since Five isn't here and you just look for something to do, you see Harlan and Viktor, they are in some trance and some energy is showing

"Viktor!" you say and run over to him "Viktor! Are you okay?!" you put your hand on his shoulder and then somehow you also are in the trance, you see all the mothers dying, blood shot from their nose and eyes and even their ears, it was terrible, the trance ended and were panting, you ran behind the wall before viktor or harlan could see you but you over heard them talk

"It was you? You killed our mothers? You caused all this?" viktor asks with tears in his eyes

So I know Y/n isn't doing much so far but that's because she didn't come with Five, when Five comes back, she will do more and have more interactions and she'll talk more


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