The Boss' Sugar Baby | Wanda...

By ToBeAWriter98

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Thirty-four year old Wanda Maximoff, founder and CEO of one of the most renowned Private Practice's in Manhat... More

Cast Introduction
Loneliest on a Friday Night (1)
Under Pressure (2)
Meeting Ms. Maximoff (3)
Brotherly Love & Late Night FT (5)
Window Shopping (6)

Contracts & Avengers Private Practice (4)

668 29 19
By ToBeAWriter98


A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to lovepersevering2 because even through their own personal hardships they gave me the time of day to listen to me vent about the possibility of making this story a thing. You've been such a lovely friend to me and i hope you enjoy this special chapter c;


Emilia sat clad in her night clothes, socks and all as she sat on the living room floor in criss-cross position while slouched over with her black round framed glasses perched on the tip of her nose. She focused intently on assembling the engine parts in front of her. She'd tossed the instructions aside moments ago, the set of directions not needed since a bike engine was most definitely not as complicated as putting together a go kart engine.

She was lucky enough to be able to purchase a bike on Sunday with an engine attachment kit after her shift at Odinson's Laufey with some of the money Wanda had gifted her on Saturday. Currently, it's nine-thirty Monday morning, two days since she saw Wanda and to say that the woman has been on her mind day and night since having the pleasure of meeting her in person would be an understatement. It was like regardless of what she was doing, Emilia always found her mind shifting back to the way Wanda's green eyes would glint happily when she laughed or smiled.

The bike sat next to the sliding doors perched upright on a bicycle stand, where the small patio was located. Emilia had a few foldable chairs out there but mostly the deck was covered in plants that were freshly bloomed as they absorbed rays of sunlight shining down upon their petals. She couldn't believe that with Wanda's help she was one step closer at being able to have some form of transportation and could be comfortable with taking the Work Study position that Professor Hill had offered her which meant that she could manage her money better since she'd be earning a little extra income.

Emilia paid close attention while she used a wrench to tighten some bolts along the lining of the engine where the engine block was to be attached to the cylinder head. She felt really lucky that she had her father to teach her simple mechanics before he died, it had made her becoming head of house an easier transfer since she took care of fixing up things from the kitchen sink to changing out the spark plugs from the car or replacing the gas tank on the lawn mower.

"Ah! Fuck..." Emilia exclaims loudly, pulling away her hand as she suddenly cut her finger from not being careful while she connects the pieces together in order to fit the wires through.

Sucking her cut finger gently, Emilia isn't surprised when she hears the jingling of a key on the other side of her door. There was only one person who was trusted enough to actually have a spare key to her apartment and that was the one and only Star Lord.

"Good morning, princess!" Peter exclaims, walking into the small apartment without a care in the world as he shuts the door with his boot-covered foot.

He was carrying a tray that held two strawberry banana smoothies made with oat milk just how Emilia liked it. Peter places the drinks on the coffee table, shooting Emilia his signature dimpled smile before planting his body on the sofa wasting no time as he gets comfortable.

"Got your favorite, Princess." Peter says, taking a generous sip of his own smoothie. Moaning idiotically while giving Emilia a playful wink.

"As happy as I am to see you, don't you have class with Professor Coulson on Monday's?" Emilia asks, standing up from her spot on the floor to go into the kitchen in search of a bandage for the slightly deep cut on her finger.

"Lucky for me, class was canceled since Coulson had some kind of emergency to handle." Peter explains, his green eyes widening slightly as he notices the plate of strawberry toast sitting uneaten on Emilia's coffee table next to a crumbled up stack of instructions.

"No worries though, I'll see him again Wednesday morning for one of his weekly quizzes. Gives me a little more time to study, thank God."

"So you decided to visit me when you could have done absolutely anything with your free morning?" Emilia questions, rolling her eyes at Peter when she catches him eating the strawberry toast she placed on the coffee table for herself.

"I love you but what's the catch?"

Once she finishes wrapping up her finger, Emilia finds herself back in her criss-cross position giving her full attention to the scattered engine parts laid out in front of her.

"No catch, you're the only one in the gang who is free Monday mornings. Besides, you should be ecstatic that I brought your favorite." He says, pointing towards the smoothie that sat untouched in front of him. Peter knew that Emilia tended to forget meals, even when he pretended he didn't notice but unfortunately lately she'd begun to look a tad bit skinny, more than usual since Emilia was a pretty petite woman.

"Thank you, Peter." She says, offering him a soft smile as she maneuvers her body into a kneeling position in front of the coffee table. Emilia took the smoothie, poking the straw through the lid and immediately taking a sip. Peter always got her the goods.

"You know I appreciate you." Emilia sticks her tongue out teasingly before taking a few more sips of the creamy smoothie, enjoying the flavor of strawberries and bananas blended with oat milk. There was no better blend in the whole world, at least in her eyes.

"How was your weekend?" He asks curiously, taking in the scattered parts on the floor and the bike that was racked up next to the sliding doors of the patio.

"You look like you've got a lot going on here, what's all this about?" Peter waves his hands animatedly around at the scattered parts and the tool box that sat opened at her side with tools arranged accordingly.

"Good." Emilia replies, not at all really focused on the conversation. Saturday with Wanda had been lovely, but the rest of her weekend felt a bit overwhelming though she was grateful to have gotten the bike and engine parts she needed to have a guaranteed form of transportation.

"And this," Emilia waves a hand in front of her at the scattered parts, answering Peter's question."Is my latest project."

"Just good?" Peter takes in the way Emilia was distracted by her current project but they barely had chances like this lately to spend time together. She was always busy and there were times that Peter worried she'd make herself sick with all this back and forth.

"I was thinking we could have lunch together, it's been a minute since we've had the chance to actually sit down and hangout. At least hangout in a setting that didn't rush us because of other priorities."

Emilia looks up at Peter's words, he wants to spend time with her. He'd basically admitted to missing her company and he had every right to want some of her time, they didn't see much of each other outside of school as of late. "Oh, Peter, I'd love to have lunch with you."

"I'm sensing a but?" Peter says, rolling over to lay on his stomach with his elbows against the couch, hands holding his face as he looks at Emilia who started to flush heavily.

It was odd, since she rarely ever got flustered unless a pretty woman walked by her or even breathed in her general direction despite how much she denied it.

"I'm sorry, Peter." Emilia continues with a slight frown, knowing that Peter must have been thinking about hanging out with her the minute Coulson emailed the class.

"But I already have prior engagements with someone else for lunch today."

"You? You, Ms. Harvard has prior engagements with someone else for lunch?" Peter questions, sitting up completely to take in how Emilia places down the screwdriver she was using to look at him. When her blue-grey eyes met his, he knew that whoever she was meeting was not just someone.

"Now, me and you both know there is most definitely a whole story behind this so I'm waiting."

Emilia sighed at the expectant look Peter shot her, she knew that he wouldn't let it go unless she was upfront with him about it so she might as well be honest since he was the one to recommend Honeysuckle to her.

"Well, I guess it started Friday night when I actually decided to download Honeysuckle." She starts off, not at all surprised at the animated way Peter's eyes widened as he practically sat on the edge of his seat in excitement.

"No fucking way!" Peter's jaw fell open in shock, he couldn't even comprehend the words that came out of Emilia's mouth. Surely his ears were deceiving him right now, because he could have sworn Emilia just admitted to downloading the app he'd recommended to her.

"You Miss 'I couldn't possibly take advantage of someone like that' downloaded Honeysuckle? Like profile and all?"

Emilia nods, shaking her head slightly at the pure excitement that was following off Peter in waves that could be described as borderline overwhelming.

"As I was saying, I downloaded Honeysuckle and was surprised at how legit the reviews were, it was even rated four and a half stars." Emilia pauses briefly as she considers her next words. She didn't actually expect the app to have brought her to Wanda, if anything she was immensely grateful for Peter but in no way did she need to stroke his ego more than it already was.

"Profile and all, and you know me. I got my account verified right then and there."

"Bet, we ain't down for scammers and bots." Peter says, nodding his head at her sensibility when it came to verifying her account which meant she was guaranteed to match with someone who was also verified.

"Wait, wait...does this mean you Ms. Harvard actually met someone on Honeysuckle? Are you now a resident sugar baby!?" The grin on Peter's face was huge, Emilia had actually gone out of her comfort zone and met someone, someone that could potentially help her with all the problems piled up high on her shoulders. He was dumbfounded, Emilia's life could actually make a drastic three sixty circle for the better.

"Is she beautiful?"

"You assume they are a she?" Emilia chuckles, a genuine smile falling on her lips at least one that wasn't caused by the mere thought of how stunning Ms. Maximoff looked in her navy green suit that just looked tailored to her body and her body only.

"No, no assumptions made at all because your blush tells me everything I need to know." Peter laughs, he knew Emilia like that back of her hand and even though she was inexperienced in every way that came with dating and relationships.

She found a woman, it was clear as day to him because even when she claimed that men were also attractive, she never blushed with them as she did with women.

"Oh God, Peter!" Emilia exclaims dramatically, reaching her arm up to snatch the other slice of strawberry toast on the table.

She wasn't exactly hungry at the moment, but she'd skipped out entirely on dinner the previous afternoon when she'd left the hospital from visiting her mom who didn't once say a word to her the entire time she was there even when spoken to.

"I don't even know what to say to you sometimes."

"Well, I mean I know you don't like labels but despite your inexperience with both men and women, you've always pegged me as a bit of a lady lover." He explains with a shit eating grin, knowing that this conversation was bot something Emilia wanted to be a part of but he didn't judge her for not knowing her sexuality because it would all fall into place for her in due time. For now he'll be so supportive that she'd get sick of him.

"Especially during our sophomore year when you sat next to Kate Bishop in Computers 101 and we both know it wasn't because her mom was the CEO of Bishop Security."

"And risk getting murdered by her on and off girlfriend Yelena?" Emilia says, shooting the strawberry blonde an unimpressed look. Kate was just a friend nothing more, but he claimed far too many times that she was undoubtedly attracted to the girl when it was just an overall platonic relationship.

"I think not Peter."

"Anyway! Onto more important matters like who is the lucky woman who actually convinced you to meet her for lunch?" Peter asks, the man beyond curious at who managed to snag Emilia even for just a lunch.

"Her name is Wanda and we actually met for the first time on Saturday for breakfast." Emilia answers, a small smile gracing her lips at the memories that were still fresh in her mind of her time with the older woman. It was nostalgic and almost magical to have even sat in Wanda's presence.

Peter gasped loudly, a hand over his heart as he fake fainted against the couch cushions. "You met her already and didn't tell me?"

"I'm telling you about it now, dummy." Emilia snaps, this situation wasn't exactly something she had ever thought she'd become a part of but there was one thing she didn't regret and that was meeting Wanda.

"Yeah but like..." Peter trails off, Emilia was always very open with him and her not telling him the moment she'd left breakfast with 'Wanda' meant that something had gotten in the way. He briefly wondered of she'd made it to the hospital for one of her visits with Mrs. Harvard.

She takes another bite of her strawberry toast before placing it back on the plate, unfinished."I didn't bring it up in case it didn't work out the way I hoped, besides I'm meeting her for lunch today to make things more official."

"Any one would be lucky to take you out, Em." Peter says genuinely, his heart aching at the thought of anyone turning her down. Emilia was one of the most confident, smartest, and kindest people he's ever met in his life.

"If it hadn't worked out then she wasn't meant for you but if you're meeting her to make things more official than I'd say the breakfast went well."

"It was the most fun time I've had in forever." Emilia whispers, her freckled cheeks flushing as she reminisces what it was like to meet Wanda for the first time in person, how sweet and caring she'd treated her.

"Ehm," Peter coughed into his fist, with a teasing look in his eyes. Emilia had more than enough fun with the gang and she'd have more if she had more free time, maybe this new experience will open her up to a sense of living.

Whoever Wanda was, he could already see that she has a big impact on Emilia if her flushed cheeks were any consolation of just how easily Wanda hooked the blue-grey eyed girl with one in person meeting. He couldn't deny though that despite the tinge of sadness and exhaustion in her eyes Wanda's visit had made her happy.

"Obviously with you not involved doofus." Emilia elaborates, standing from her position on the floor and making her way to plop her body atop of Peter's playfully, the man grunting out at her weight. She couldn't stop the smile on her face, Wanda was almost indescribable.

"Her company was just so, so balancing, so nostalgic that it made me think of my dad and Wanda, she, she's fluent in Sokovian and of course, I am as well but it was just something nice to bond over with another person after I cut that part of my life out since his death." Emilia sighs, when her father died unfortunate for her she'd lost two parents that day being that her mom never came back from the dark hole she'd fell into. Of course she had Peter, Emilia loved him like a brother but there was still a hole in her heart that ached tremendously and when she met Wanda it was as if it was momentarily forgotten.

"I really enjoyed her presence, Wanda, she's...unlike anyone I've ever met before."

"Sounds to me like someone's already smitten." Peter says with a smirk, wasting no time as he pokes Emilia's sides making her laugh as she squirms away from his fingers tickling her ribcage.

"It's too early for that kind of talk, it hasn't even been finalized yet and I don't want to jump the gun on anything." Emilia sighs, when Peter stops his tickle attack. She knew one thing and that was she enjoyed being around Wanda but it was too soon to say anything else on the matter. Emilia learned that nothing in life is set and stone, so if Wanda got tired of her or if things didn't work out she'd just end up in the place she still hasn't left. Drowning underwater.

"I'm still inexperienced and I still don't agree with receiving payment, this whole thing is something that I want to take slow and hopefully, hell I don't know, Wanda said she doesn't want anyone else but there's so many people out there you know."

Peter sits up, him and Emilia sat shoulder to shoulder on the couch, while she laid her head on him. "You're right Em, there are millions of people out there and Wanda could have chosen anyone but if she says she only wants you then I think she'd accept all the inexperience and baggage you come with."

"With sugar baby partnerships there is always a contract, so make sure you get the best options this woman can offer because it isn't just her time it's your time as well." Peter explains, knowing that Emilia needed to be reminded of her own self worth, she'd spent so much time focusing on everything and anyone that wasn't her that she didn't realize how much she'd lost who she was along the way.

"She's lucky to even have you considering being remotely hers, sugar baby or not. There is no one else like you out there and Wanda's the one who should be head over heels."

"Oh stop it Peter." Emilia says, shoving Peter away jokingly. He always had a way of speaking so highly about her when she was anything but, especially not with everything going on she didn't feel like the best.

"I mean it Emilia," Peter claims firmly, Emilia was too precious to this world and the day they met he knew that he would always stand by her side and they'd take on the world together.

"I love you and I will not let you ever settle for less than what you deserve because you're my princess." Without another word, Peter turns towards Emilia wrapping her up in his strong embrace. His best friend was spiraling, and he was worried when it would all come crashing down on her.

"Whatever you say." Emilia whispers into his neck, her arms holding onto Peter's waist holding him just as tightly. Wanda was the highlight of her weekend, but it didn't end as wonderfully as it started.

Her voice sounded weak, almost as if she wasn't saying something and it was then Peter became very much aware that something else happened this weekend."Did something else happen this weekend? You visited your mom right for lunch as you do every Saturday?"

At Peter's question, Emilia felt herself cracking a little at the reminder of how visiting her mom went because it wasn't the most pleasant thing to talk about. Emilia couldn't even begin to word how it felt or everything that transpired.

At the silence he received, Peter already knew the answer. Pulling back from the embrace, he takes in Emilia who just looks like she's been through hell and back."How is your mom doing?"

"She's not doing too well, mentally and emotionally but physically she's only a memory of the person she used to be." Emilia whispers, her throat suddenly feeling to dry as she opens herself to Peter. It was always the most difficult thing for her being this vulnerable in front of another person.

"I think the hardest part is visiting her and caring so much only for her to shut me out." Emilia leans her head back against the couch in defeat, focusing her gaze on the ceiling while she wills the tears threatening to fall back to where they came from.

"I mean, she can barely look at me because I remind her so much of him. It kills her, and that kills me."

"All you can really do is support her Emilia, you know that." Peter whispers, knowing that this was killing her. His experience with cancer was different, Peter's mom had spent her last days reassuring him of how wonderful he was and how much she loved him whilst Emilia's mother can't bear to be in the same room because she's haunted by the death of her husband.

"Peter, all I do is support her and I haven't given up yet. I work two jobs to make sure she receives the best treatment I can financially afford which is not much and I'm risking graduating because she's more important." Emilia rambles, swallowing harshly at just how serious things were for her. She didn't want to admit it, but without Wanda she'd surely sink so deeply into the abyss and never come back. Right now it just felt like she was failing, failing at being the daughter her mother needed to pull through, failing at being the support she needed and to think that if her dad was still alive, would she still end up in the same place?

"I care so much and she hasn't told me she's loved me back since my dad died. It's like when she realized he was gone, it wasn't long until I lost her too and sometimes, it just feels like I can't keep her from drowning when I'm under the water too."

"Maybe you should talk to her about it, Em." Peter offers kindly, he knew deep down the vulnerability wasn't Emilia's strongsuit but there was a chance everything was just a miscommunication. It couldn't be easy for Emilia taking care of a parent who doesn't want to be taken care of.

"It isn't good to keep all this to herself, especially if she's the reason and she's your mom, despite being unwell I'm sure she still loves you."

Emilia frowns, pushing her glasses up since they slipped down her nose when she leaned back against the couch. She didn't know what to do when it came to supporting her mom, if anything it was the lack of appreciation that bothered her. Since her dads death she had to be the one to take care of things whilst her mother fell into a bad alcohol addiction. "Talking won't change anything."

"What makes you so sure?" He tries again, it wasn't good for Emilia to be feeling like this especially alone and Peter totally understood that mood swings could happen when dealing with a cancer patient because it was their life at stake but surely maybe if they tried to reconnect they could confide in one another since they both lost someone important in their lives.

Her mothers treatment of her had not shifted once since her dad died, and it only got worse when she'd become unwell and then when the diagnostic came back it was like Emilia was blocked out completely. It didn't get easier when the hospital deemed her mom unfit to stay home while she attended school and work to provide for her medical needs, resulting in her becoming an inpatient."Because all I ever do is talk, Peter! She doesn't want to talk to me, if I stay away I'm a terrible daughter who doesn't love her mom enough and when I'm there I'm just some kind of inconvenience that she cannot bear to be around."

It becomes quiet between the two, Peter unsure of his next words and Emilia biting her bottom lip to keep the tears at bay. She honestly didn't have the time to think about this, not when she had a goal to completely build the bicycle engine and her plans to have a lunch meeting with Wanda. "I've already talked to the doctor to maybe get her a few sessions with a Grief Counselor but it doesn't stop the damage that has already begun to run its course."

Peter nods in acknowledgement, that was a good idea and since Ms. Harvard was an inpatient. She had the proper tools to get help from medical to psychological and that could help them overcome their rocky relationship."That sounds like it could be a huge help, but I was wondering have you considered seeing a Grief Counselor yourself?"

"Honestly, Peter, there's no point since I'm not grieving. I accepted his death years ago, life left me no choice but to overcome it." Emilia replies bitterly, she didn't agree with the need to see a grief counselor since all she's ever done was accept the fate she's been given. It was her mother who allowed grief to control her life and it only got worse when she found comfort at the bottom of the bottle.

'I lost him too...' Emilia thinks to herself, feeling slightly aggravated at her mothers behavior. It's been seven years since his death and while Emilia tried to pick up the fallen pieces her father left behind. Her mother refused to help her, and she selfishly made everything about herself. Despite the unfair treatment, Emilia didn't abandon her, not once.

"Maybe it'll do you both some good to see a professional. Even if it's just to get some of that heaviness of your chest, I really think you should consider it." Peter explains, understanding where Emilia was coming from. Her fathers death left her life in shambles and to him it seemed that no matter how hard she tried there was always something that hindered her personal healing, even if she didn't want to admit it.

"I'll think about it." Emilia says, leaving no room for the conversation to continue as she got up from the couch and returned to her spot on the floor gathering her tools to continue with the assembling.

The silence was a bit heavy between them, and Peter should have known since talking about her mom always had a way of ruining Emilia's mood. Not because she didn't care but because she cared too much.

"Do you think you could give me a ride?" Emilia speaks up suddenly, the silence between them breaking as she focuses solely on the engine in front of her and her upcoming meeting with Wanda.

"I won't be finished with this engine by the time I need to meet up with Wanda. You, Groot and Drax are the only three in the gang with a car so I thought I'd ask."

"Oh damn, Em you know I would but unfortunately Milano is in the shop right now and I won't be able to pick it up until Wednesday morning." Peter answers, a hint of a frown on his lips. He was cursing himself internally at his inability to help Emilia on one of the rare occasions she actually asked him for something.

"I'm so sorry, princess."

"It's okay, Peter." Emilia says warmly, offering him a gentle smile. Bless his heart because she could see how terrible he felt about not being able to drive her, Peter was one of the sweetest souls.

"That's what I got her for," She nods her head towards the bike sitting in the far corner, next to the double doors leading out to the patio. "When you're unable, I'll still be able to get around and this way I don't always have to depend on the metro or subway."

"You know I can get Rocket and Groot to add some mods to the engine if you'd like, they'd have a field day with it." Peter comments, his eyebrows furrowed in thought of all the possible mods that could be added to the engine. If anyone could make it happen, Emilia's best bet would be getting help from Rocket.

Emilia waves Peter off, it was a sweet notion but Groot was in Automotive Engineering and Rocket was into Aerospace, they both had more complicated things to handle than a bike engine. They often got tips from one another as Rocket and Groot were best friends and despite how kind they were, she didn't want to bother them. "I'm sure they have far better projects they could be working on than a silly bicycle engine, Peter."

"Nah they'll be happy to help." Peter says, dumping on the idea that Rocket and Groot had better things to do. Rocket and Groot were always down to help their friends, maybe with a little added sweet talk but Peter knew they wouldn't say no to helping Emilia.

"You know I can't drop you off but I can help you pick out an outfit for your lunch date."

"It's not really a date." Emilia whispers, sighing as she sets down her tools once more to make eye contact with Peter who had a hopeful smile on his face, always eager to help her when he could no matter the situation.

Peter pursed his lips at Emilia, she was always a little quick to deny what was happening in front of her. It was obvious that she could possibly be feeling that Wanda was out of her league, but without having met the woman he knew instinctively that she'd chosen Emilia specifically. It took Gamora four dates till she felt comfortable enough to make things between them official but Wanda wanted to sign with Emilia after one visit.

"So you're going over possible contracts and where boundaries lie over food?" He asks, giving Emilia a pointed look. Peter was aware that she was inexperienced when it came to anything more than a platonic friendship, she's never flirted, dated, or even found herself in a romantic relationship.

"It's a date, Wanda wants it to mean more than just signing some paperwork, especially if she invited you for lunch. She wants to get the hard stuff out of the way so she can have some of your time." He didn't mind explaining the woman's intentions because Emilia needed a little reminder sometimes that anyone would be lucky to have her in their lives.

"Oh..." Emilia trails off, her freckled cheeks flushing at how upfront Peter was when explaining Wanda's intentions. It was really pleasing to know that she wanted some of her time and Emilia wouldn't complain if given the chance to be around the older woman again.

"Now that we have that cleared up, how about we do a little mock fashion show. Find you the best outfit for your meeting." Peter says, shooting Emilia a sly wink as he walks over to the girl holding his hands out in invitation.

When she grasped his outstretched hands, Peter didn't hesitate to pull her up, guiding her in the direction of her small closet so they could find her an outfit that her sugar Mommy would be pleased with.

Emilia didn't mind changing in front of Peter, he was a gentleman and faced away while she dressed up and he's never once given her the impression that she couldn't trust him.

Together they settled on a pair of high waisted, straight tan colored khaki pants, alongside a black belt and a white shirt that was slightly longer than a crop top barely covering her lower abdomen if she stretched. Emilia tended to get chilly, and since she was meeting Wanda at her office she'd decided on bringing her coffee brown drop shoulder Corduroy jacket.

Emilia wasn't one for makeup but Peter managed to convince her to put on some mascara and lipgloss, though she would have been perfectly fine with just her chapstick but he argued stating that the mascara would make her blue-grey eyes pop out.

She'd come to know Peter as a ladies man, but one thing that came with his attraction to women was his knowledge on what women enjoyed and a ton of makeup tips. Peter was more attuned with women more than Emilia was even attuned with herself.

"Okay, Princess!" Peter exclaimed, a big grin on hid face as he took in Emila's outside and her hair was hanging a little past her shoulders, slightly wavy at the ends and the front slicked back into two braids that ended into a mini ponytail.

He was pleased to see that the little bit of mascara made her eyes glow, and her lips became plump with just a dab of lipgloss whoever this Wanda woman was she was in for a surprise. Despite how casual Emilia's outfit was she carried it well, though one thing he took note of was how much smaller she was compared to the last time they held a mini fashion show.

"Wanda won't know what hit her." He holds his hand out towards Emilia, waiting for hers to land in his as he pulls her around twirling her a few times, the two laughing happily. Peter knew that he'd have to bring it up, because Emilia eats he's seen it first hand but he also knows that when she's busy she skips meals without realizing it and that was often when it came to her daily stresses.

Emilia's watch beeped, signaling that the time was officially eleven o'clock in the morning. She couldn't believe how fast the hours flew by and no sooner had she reset her watch than her phone went off with a ping signaling that she'd received a text message.

Peter was closest, so he reached for the device handing off to Emilia who wasted no time as she unlocked her phone to see that she received a text from Wanda.

Wanda 😈:

Good morning, Angel ❤️ I hope that the rest of your weekend was well spent and I cannot wait to see you @noon!

We have a lot of business to attend too 😉

'Oh God...' Emilia thought to herself, a slight hitch in her voice at the nickname Wanda had given her and just the way she said business with a wink face was a little embarrassing as she could feel her cheeks heating up.

"Blushing huh?" Peter spoke up slyly, a knowing look on his face while he watched Emilia flush from her ears down to her neck.

"Must have been Wanda who texted you, what did she say?"

"She says that she can't wait to see me." Emilia whispers, her eyes rereading the message Wanda sent her as if it would suddenly disappear. She was honestly excited to get to see the woman again, sure, Emilia saw her Saturday morning but that was almost two days ago.

Emilia likes Wanda's text message, sending her a quick but genuine reply since they would be seeing each other soon.


Noon can't come fast enough, see you soon Ms. Maximoff 😜

Peter stands up from his spot, depositing his empty smoothie cup in the waste bin, walking over the bicycle in the corner on its stand, lifting it up without an issue. "I'll help you carry the bike down, get your stuff together, you've got a hot date awaiting your presence."

Emilia chuckles at Peter's words, he was always so positive even on the hardest of days, but his word choice was anything but wrong. Wanda was an absolutely stunning woman. "You haven't even seen what she looks like, Peter."

Emilia gathers her book bag, placing her glasses in the side pocket and making sure to pack her laptop in case Wanda needs her to pull up anything. She wasn't exactly sure what kind of documents Wanda would need from her but it was better safe than sorry.

"I figured if she's got your attention she has to be pretty banging." Peter shrugs his shoulders, it should have been obvious that he didn't need to see Wanda to know because her blush said it all. Emilia was the type to get all fumbly around pretty girls even before she started considering her sexuality.

"Hey now, don't talk about her like that doofus!" Emilia exclaims, slapping Peter's arm when he passes her carrying her bicycle like it weighed nothing. Wanda was more special then just her physical being, she was beyond that.

"Hey! Be gentle..." Peter whines out, the man stumbling a bit to get a laugh from Emilia, who did not disappoint when she giggled.

"The look on your face says it all Emilia, I don't have to see what Wanda looks like to know that she must be gorgeous. You haven't realized it but you have a type."

"A type?" Emilia questions, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She didn't understand what Peter meant and Emilia suddenly felt like she was missing something important. Something she should have been aware of.

"Mhmmm." Peter hums out, not giving Emilia to question him again as he walks down the hall of the apartment complex, rolling the bike along while he makes his way towards the door that leads to the stairs.

"Now let's get going!"

Emilia held open the staircase door for Peter, the strawberry blonde maneuvering the bike horizontally so he could guide it down the steps safely."What did you mean by I have a type, what is a type?"

"Something you'll learn about soon enough, princess."


By the time Emilia made it to Avengers Private Practice it was starting to drizzle, she was lucky because from the grey sky there was going to be quite the storm.

'Thank God.' She thought to herself, releasing a breath as snatches up the color of her Corduroy jacket, specks of rain droplets hitting her cheek.

Emilia raised up an arm to shield her face from the rain, tilting her head up a bit to take in the five story building in front of her. The architecture was intricate and modern, it held high supremacy.

She rolled her bike through the glass doors, placing it nearby where she could collect it again. There were no bike racks out front and it was probably the best she could do to prevent it from being stolen.

When Emilia made her way towards the front desk, a blonde woman with a ponytail was typing on the computer in front of her. There were other people coming in and out of the building, walking through the halls and slight chit-chat could be heard and the sound of phones ringing in the distance.

Emilia stood in front of the desk, and took in the name tag that had Sharon engraved into the silvername plate. "Hi, I apologize for interrupting but I have an appointment with Ms. Maximoff for noon. She told me that a man named Vision would escort me?"

The woman behind the counter looked up kindly, a genuine smile gracing her features as she took in the guest in front of her. "Can I get your name sweetie?"

"Of course, Emilia, Emilia Harvard." Emilia replies smoothly, and while she waits for the woman to find her appointment on the schedule her blue-grey eyes glance around her at the lobby of the five floor building.

Avengers Private Practice was even nicer in person, her first experience seeing the building was in an article on Psychology Today. Emilia was very impressed, and just when she didn't think Wanda could get any cooler, this woman whom she's only met one time compared to what she's heard from the grapevine was just amazing, to think she started all of this.

"Alright sweetie, I can see your appointment right here." Sharon says, typing a confirmation on her computer highlighting Emilia's name in green to verify her visit.

"Give me a moment to call Vision, and he'll be down shortly to escort you to Ms. Maximoff's office, okay?"

Emilia nods in understanding, before remembering her slight dilemma. "I was actually wondering..."

Sharon looks up, her brown orbs meeting the nervous blue-grey of Ms. Harvard and she listens patiently. It was quite sweet how nervous the woman in front of her was, she was precious and Sharon couldn't help but wonder what business she had with Ms. Maximoff, since it was highlighted that she wasn't a direct patient of the CEO.

"Would it be possible for you to watch out for my bicycle? I know that's an odd request, but that's my only form of transportation right now and I really cannot afford for it to be stolen." She asks, hoping that the woman would be willing to help her because Emilia didn't want to inconvenience Wanda with her issues, big or small, the woman was already going to help her and she just didn't want to cause any issues.

"Of course, sweetie." Sharon waves her off, it wasn't a problem at all and from what she could see Emilia placed her bike in a secluded area that wouldn't be in the way of clients coming in and out of the building and she asked so politely there was no way she could say no.

"I'll make sure that nothing happens to it while you meet with Ms. Maximoff. It's not an issue at all, I totally understand where you're coming from."

"Thank you so much ma'am, I really appreciate it, truly!"

"Sharon is fine, sweetheart. Ma'am makes me feel older than what I actually am." Sharon says, giving Emilia a soft smile before picking up the landline to call Vision's desk.

"Why don't you take a seat and Vision will be down shortly."

Emilia nods, thanking Sharon once more and moving away from the counter to find a spot to sit. It was nice to see how diverse Avengers Private Practice was from a man in his military uniform to a single mom consoling her child a little bit away.

"I don't know what your deal is, but I've verified it on the calendar Vision." Sharon speaks coldly, not at all pleased by how Vision always had to be right about everything and unfortunately, this time he wasn't. Claiming that he didn't have an appointment for noon on his tablet, and if it was from Wanda then he would have been made aware.

"Wanda has an appointment and I was told that she specifically requested you to escort her guest to her office. You better hurry, Ms. Maximoff won't be happy if her guest is late and you've wasted several minutes arguing with me already."

Emilia winces at the way Sharon slammed the landline down, it was apparent that this Vision had aggravated her by the way she used her pointer fingers to massage her temples.

'Oh that's not good...' Emilia thought to herself, a small frown making its way on her face, the smile she had fading considerably at the idea of being stuck in an elevator with Wanda's personnel assistant.

From the way Wanda told her he'd escort her made it seem like he would have been a very kind and genuine person, especially if he worked directly under the older woman.

She waited patiently in her seat, shifting every once in a while as she contemplated what this meeting will be like. Emilia knew one thing for sure and that was how low key excited she was to see Wanda again, the ghost of her hig from Saturday morning making her blush hotly at the reminder of how nice it was to be hugged by the older woman.

Emilia turned her head at the sound of the nearby elevator ding, a tall man with blonde hair walked out, his outfit attire professional and a tablet in his hands as he appeared to be reading by the way his blue orbs moved back and forth, with silver otto tito glasses perched on the end of his nose.

He stood in front of the receptionist desk, whispering quietly to Sharon who shot him an unimpressed look before pointing towards the very girl who was watching their interaction.

"Emilia Harvard?"

At her name being called, Emilia didn't waste a second as she stood up and adjusted that strap of her book bag on her shoulder while she walked up to the man who practically towered over her small frame.

"You're the one who has a meeting with Ms. Maximoff?" He questions, eyebrows furrowing in thought as he took in the smaller girl in front of him. Her clothes were slightly damp, and she was clearly young,Vision was a little bewildered to say the least.

Wanda had added an appointment to the schedule and even pushed back her meeting with her usual lunch client, Clint Barton. One of which has been attending bi weekly sessions, along with his wife Laura. It was unlike her to make such changes on short notice, she rarely ever changed her schedule unless a new client would be added or if one were no longer in need of her services.

"Yes sir, and you must be Vision?" Emilia asks, biting her lower lip as she takes in the way the man in front of her is watching her. Analyzing her in a way, it was a little odd but then he shifted and smiled at her insincerely.

"Please, call me Mr. Jarvis." Vision says tightly, holding his hand out politely. Shaking her hand gently, when Emilia placed her hand in his respectfully.

"You may follow me Ms. Harvard, I would have been here upon your arrival but it seems that I was the only one out of the loop about your visit. Forgive me."

"It's not a problem, Mr. Jarvis."

Mr. Jarvis nods at her words and Emilia doesn't waste another second as she follows him to the elevator, while he presses the up button. Luckily for her, it didn't take long until she found her on the elevator with Wanda's personnel assistant and he seemed very tense, almost as if something was bothering him.

'Was it my arrival?' Emilia thinks to herself, her lips thinning out at why it would bother him, and then she realizes it could have to do with how he feels personally about being the only one who didn't appear to know.

Mr. Jarvis works directly under Wanda, so her not making him aware of such a change could have upset him for all she knew and Emilia could only assume based on the older man's behavior. His body language just oozed pure annoyance.

"Are you applying for an internship?" Vision asks casually, though his voice still holds a bit of bitterness. He was still annoyed that Wanda hadn't informed him of the days changes, or at least about this girl's arrival because he had been aware when Mr. Barton was put on his line to reschedule his appointment earlier in the door.

Emilia jumps at his voice, she'd been thinking about how this meeting would go before she was suddenly interrupted.

"I'm sorry?" She asks, slightly startled by the sudden interest from Mr. Jarvis. Emilia didn't expect for him to start a conversation out of nowhere.

"You seem fairly young, possibly a college student if I'm not mistaken. I was asking if you're here for an internship opportunity with Ms. Maximoff?" Vision asks again, the man curious as he turns to fully look at the smaller woman next to him. She didn't have a wedding ring, and it was clear she came alone, meaning she wasn't here for a session.

"I'm not." Emilia replies, looking at Mr. Jarvis oddly. He didn't seem too bad, a little reserved and he was polite. It was just a little off putting the way his blue eyes met her with an almost pensive expression.

Vision nods in understanding. "I apologies for assuming." He replies kindly, offering Ms. Harvard a gentle smile. She seemed a little shy, hopefully his slight confusion earlier hadn't startled her but it was slightly off putting to not know about these changes. Wanda always told him when there would be changes, but this was so sudden.

It was the ding of the elevator reaching the fourth floor that interrupted the potential conversation between Emilia and Vision.

She was internally grateful that the ding distracted Mr. Jarvis from saying anything else as he held his arm out respectfully when the elevator doors opened. Despite the odd encounter, Emilia hoped that she could get on Vision's good side because he was close to Wanda and if the man was important to her then she wanted to get to know him if given the chance.

"Thank you, Mr. Jarvis." Emilia says thankfully, walking out of the elevator first and waiting patiently for Mr. Jarvis to guide her in the right direction of Wanda's office and just the thought of being in the presence of the older woman was enough to make her grin happily.

"Seems she's expecting you." Vision says, guiding Emilia down the hall of doors, and some with windows while others were shut, there were a few open and one in particular being Wanda's office door.

Emilia didn't reply, she could feel her cheeks burning because she knew what Vision said was true especially since Wanda had texted her prior claiming that she couldn't wait to see her.

Despite the door being ajar, Mr. Jarvis knocked respectfully before motioning Emilia in first, the taller man following suit and to say that she was astounded by the office they walked into would be an understatement. It was luxurious, and definitely had plenty of space. On one side was just a wall-sized window that overlooked other nearby buildings, and the wall behind Wanda's mahogany desk was a literal bookcase with varied texts, novels, awards and scattered knick knacks. A few of which Emilia herself wouldn't mind going through, there were just so many books to choose from and to think that Wanda wouldn't have them on display if she herself hadn't read them all.

Wanda had two chairs in front of her desk, but Emilia was pleasantly surprised at the luxurious couches that looked absolutely comfortable and her office just radiated safety. To be a patient of the older woman was clearly a gift in disguise, because there was no way a person looking to better their mental health wouldn't be comfortable here. Even the color scheme of creams and browns, offered a feeling of warmth, it was almost vintage and homey, something unique when it came to an office.

Wanda's office was lovely, but what was even better was when Emilia's blue-grey orbs landed on the very woman who's inhabited her mind day and night standing in front of the window gazing out into the city almost peacefully.

'She's beautiful.' Emilia thinks to herself, her heart tightening at the sight of the older woman.

Wanda was dressed more casual today, comfortable but the type that still exhibited a sense of professionality and she had her hair up in a messy bun that didn't hinder a single thing. If anything, the hairstyle just made her look more stunning. She wore a pair of high waisted, white washed skinny jeans with a black belt that had a bulky buckle and tucked into her pants she wore a black turtleneck sweater hidden behind a tan knitted vest top.

It was when Wanda herself looked over her shoulder with a gleaming smile that had Emilia screaming internally.

'So stunning, what the hell!'

Emilia couldn't deny that Wanda looked lovely as fuck and she wasn't the type who cursed a lot but when it came to Ms. Maximoff she had to let it slide.

"Ms. Maximoff, I'm here with your twelve o clock." Vision announced, a genuine smile appearing on his face at the sight of the woman who had a special place in his heart. She was always so alluring and her work ethic and morals was always something that impressed him immensely.

"Thank you, Vision." Wanda responds, a smile on her face at the sight of the younger woman who looked phenomenal in her high waisted tan khakis, white crop top type shirt and coffee brown Corduroy jacket. It was the faint blush on her freckled cheeks that sent a thrill down her spine, Emilia was absolutely precious.

'Cute enough to eat.' Wanda thinks to herself with a small smirk, pushing back the intrusive thoughts like if she was able to claim Emilia has hers for no one to have except for her. Just the thought of having a romantic claim on the younger woman and her having to kill someone to protect her. She would do it, her powers wouldn't even let it slide. Not when her girl needed her.

Wanda inwardly blinks a few times, reigning in whatever that was the side of her that was a little dark. She's never found herself in such a situation to resort to drastic measures but something internally made it known that for some reason she wouldn't hesitate to act on it.

"I'm happy you made it, Emilia." Wanda says warmly, looking towards the younger woman with a beaming smile she tried so hard to keep under wraps. Vision was very observant and she didn't need him questioning her overall behavior, because frankly it was none of his business and she didn't feel like putting the kind man in his place.

"Why don't I escort you out." Wanda gestures towards the door, walking side by side with Vision as she stood next to the door waiting patiently for him to pass through.

"Ms. Maximoff before I go, I wanted to ask why you didn't make me aware that the reason you rescheduled with Mr. Barton was to fill his spot for another person." Vision asks in a hushed voice, the blonde haired male wanting to understand why Wanda didn't tell him and instead left him to be taken off guard by escorting a guest to her office.

"It was kind of short notice, but early enough that Mr. Barton didn't mind the change." Wanda explains, her voice low as she takes in the frown that litters Vision's face. He was clearly annoyed, of course within reason but questioning her like this before a meeting was simply unlike him.

"Besides, it wasn't as important as to why I needed it to be rescheduled. What's important is that it needed to get done and I forwarded the line so you could take care of that for me. My guest didn't really seem important to notify you about."

"It's more than important when I'm expected to escort your guest." Vision states firmly, he didn't like being out of the loop and it was even more aggravating that the appointment was in the system and he didn't know about it.

"Sharon notified you right?" She asks, genuinely curious as to why this bothered Vision so much. It wasn't something serious and he was making a fuss of nothing, especially if Sharon called him and he couldn't have been busy since her schedule and his overlapped.

"Well yes..." Vision mutters roughly, his tense posture visibly slouching at Wanda's question because then it made it clear that he was informed just not as timely as he would have prefered it.

"Then you know it is seemingly unimportant if you were indeed informed prior to her arrival." Wanda explains gently, her voice soft and comforting since Vision was the sensitive type, he was kind and caring, maybe a little too attuned to what he feels.

"Wanda, I found out not even a moment after she came in to verify her appointment."

"Vision, I'm sorry if me not making it adamantly clear to you upset you." Wanda says sincerely, her powers picking up a little bit of Vision's emotions and it was clear this bothered him quite a bit. She couldn't change what happened but Wanda could take ownership of what happened.

"It wasn't my intention to keep you out of the loop, but with her checking in with Sharon and her calling you, there wasn't much that needed to be done."

"I understand, thank you for the apology Ms. Maximoff." Vision mumbles softly, the man understands where Wanda was coming from and he honestly appreciated the apology. He also may have overreacted just a tad, it was just so unlike Wanda not to make him directly aware of changes to their calendar.

"I'll see you again at one-thirty, Mr. Barton says that he'll be bringing his eldest daughter Lila along for this session. It seems that she's been a bit rebellious lately and he's hoping with you in the room she'll tell him why the sudden change."

"I'm sure she'll open up by the time the session ends, thank you for making me aware and feel free to take an early lunch, I know it's usually at twelve forty so enjoy some free time." Wanda says, offering Vision a playful wink and a small smile, one of which he returned easily and turned around before walking down the hall towards his own office.

'He thinks I'm acting differently...' Wanda thought to herself as she closed her office door the second Vision entered his own office, the door closing gently behind him.

'At least he isn't aggravated anymore because if anything that was unlike him, Vision rarely ever gets bothered by things since he is very adaptable to change and content with his day to day.'

Wanda turned around, leaning her back against the closed door momentarily while she shook off the emotions that washed over her from Vision. He always tended to feel so strongly but it was like once Emilia was in her presence the mental walls she had up fell without her being aware and she caught onto his emotions like nothing.

She let out a sigh, and smiled gently at the way Emilia was observing her office respectfully while she had to deal with Vision but her heart warmed at being around the younger girl once more, it had only been barely two days and Wanda found herself already missing her.

"I'm sorry about that, Angel." Wanda says kindly, walking towards the very girl who's inhabited her dreams since messaging her for the first time Friday night.

Emilia was looking out the glass window, taking in the view that Wanda saw on a daily basis. It was partly cloudy now and the light showers had dimmed ever so slightly, rays of sunlight peeking through the clouds and it was stunning, but it seemed that nothing could compare to just how stunning one person in particular was.

'Ms. Maximoff'

"It's alright, Wanda." Emilia replies genuinely, turning her attention towards the woman who was walking towards her with a heart warming smile and she suddenly finds herself wrapped up in the older woman's embrace, the scent of champagne apple and honey invading her senses.

"I'm really happy that you made it," Wanda whispers into Emilia's ear, the woman holding the younger woman close, squeezing gently. She'd spent the past two nights dreaming of hugging Emilia again and to have her here in front of her was just, wonderful.

"Noon couldn't come fast enough." Emilia admits with a shy laugh, her arms wrapped tenderly around Wanda's midriff. She could feel herself blushing hotly at the way she could feel Wanda's breath fan against her neck, it sent tingles down her spine, some of which she's never felt before.

Wanda tilted her head back with a heartfelt laugh, one that warmed her heart immensely.

"You got that right, Angel!"As much as she enjoyed having Emilia in her arms, the rational part of Wanda's mind was telling her that it was time to let go despite her heart saying to hold the embrace just a little longer.

When Wanda laughs out loud, Emilia could stop the way her heart flutters in her chest. Wanda's laugh was something she could never get tired of and the fact she made her laugh was just icing on the cake. She had to stop herself from inwardly frowning when Wanda pulled away from the hug as it had exceeded its own time limit, but Emilia couldn't find it in herself to care. Wanda's hugs were like the way flowers bloom when sunlight streams delicately along their petals, it was something she could find herself needing to live.

"Why don't we sit?" Wanda asks, a smile on her pink lips when she notices Emilia's smile falter ever so slightly. Maybe, she wasn't the only one who wanted to hug longer and that thought made her so happy.

"We have a lot of business to attend to and then we can go down to the cafeteria, enjoy some lunch over casual conversation. What do you say?"

She grasps Emilia's hands in hers, running her thumbs delicately over her knuckles before guiding the younger woman to the sofas. Wanda knew this was business, but she wanted Emilia to feel comfortable and she herself didn't want this to just be a business call but a chance to spend more time with her.

"That sounds perfect." Emilia answers honestly, allowing herself to be guided towards the very comfortable looking couches.

Wanda led her to a spot, releasing her hands before settling herself by her side. A glass coffee table stood in front of them, a red folder lying neatly on the glass and it was quiet for only a moment before the older woman spoke up again.

"Well first, I wanted to broach the topic of having a Unilateral NDA." Wanda starts off, grabbing the folder from the table and immediately pulling out the NDA contract she'd spent the previous night finalizing.

"I'm sure you're aware of what an NDA is, right Angel?"

Emilia nods thoughtfully, thinking back to what she learned about NDA's in the past. "Well, it's something I've heard of before and I know it's a Non-disclosure Agreement typically set up as a um...Confidentiality Agreement to protect information and ideas from being stolen or shared with competitors and possible third parties."

"Exactly, but there are different types of NDA contracts and I've decided that a Unilateral NDA would best suit our situation because it's set one way, meaning that I'm asking you to keep a secret, but I won't keep anything from you." Wanda explains, her eyes meeting Emilia's blue-grey orbs, ones of which seemed to be just as focused on her own eyes as she was them.

"This specific type is sometimes used because there is nothing that one side needs the other to keep private during their business arrangements. In this case, I'd be best if we keep our partnership private. To others we'll be friends, but alone you'll be my sugar baby and I'll take care of any of your needs but you cannot speak to anyone about this because I'm sure you are aware that despite me not being a famous celebrity I am still in the public eye and I wouldn't want any assumptions to be made or leaked about either of us." Wanda bites her lower lip as she contemplates her next words and she lets out a small sigh.

Emilia stiffens slightly, the girl hoping that her sudden movement wasn't enough to gain the older woman's attention. The thing is that Peter knew about Wanda, maybe not her full name or occupation but she didn't tell him a little bit about her and that was clearly a breach to the contract she hadn't even signed yet.

"There are very cruel people out there who will take advantage of such sensitive information to make the lives of others more difficult and the last thing I want is for the media to catch sight of you." Wanda continues, hoping that Emilia understood her reasoning for choosing a Unilateral NDA. She wanted to keep her safe and she felt that this would make things a little more official, offering a guarantee that this would be kept between them despite her telling Natasha her name. It felt a little hypocritical but with everything Wanda intended to keep everything private regardless if she'd mentioned her name to Natasha or not.

"I want to keep you safe Emilia, and with such a delicate partnership such as ours it's for the best. Though I trust you, this is just a precaution to protect us both and the consequences for a breach of contract unfortunately would be the termination of our partnership."

"I'm sorry." Emilia whispers, knowing that this could affect her contract with Wanda, but the last thing she wanted was to tarnish the mutual honesty between them.

"What's wrong?" Wanda questions, immediately taking in the way Emilia seemed to practically deflate a small frown forming on her pink lips.

"I already told Peter about you, of course I didn't tell him your last name or occupation but I told him a bit about you and how you treated me to breakfast on Saturday." She explains, a feeling of guilt forming in her chest because the last thing she wanted was to cause any problems for the older woman.

"I didn't even think about it because he's my best friend and since he was the one who recommended Honeysuckle in the first place I knew he wouldn't judge me about it. He was ecstatic honestly, even helped me pick out my outfit today."

Emilia sighs, because of her things could be ruined with Wanda and she couldn't stop the way her heart practically sunk in her chest."Peter, he has experience with this kind of thing. So he knew when I mentioned lunch that paperwork would be involved without me saying more on the matter. I'm really sorry Wanda, I hope this doesn't ruin your plans."

Wanda heart aches at the sadness lacing Emilia's voice, she'd been honest upfront about her already telling her best friend even with the possibility of it changing her choice to continue with the mutual partnership. Emilia could have kept it secret but decided against it because she valued being honest with her instead.

"It's okay," Wanda says softly, placing a hand on Emilia's hand that sat closest to her and allows her thumb to caress the skin of her knuckles.

"I'll be honest and admit that I also told my best friend, Natasha, about you. I omitted your last name, but I talked to her about you and how I'd be meeting you over breakfast despite only talking the night before for the first time."

Emilia blushes at Wanda's words, her heart was practically fluttering in her chest at the fact that the older woman has spoken about her, to her best friend no less. This was clearly a big deal, Wanda liked her enough to talk about her.

"You really talked about me?" She asks shyly, her blush spreading to her ears at the smile Wanda was giving her.

"Guilty as charged, Angel." Wanda replies with a small smirk, as she takes in the way the younger woman was blushing.

It was a big deal, this whole ordeal was a big deal and she had spoken to Natasha about it because out of anyone she was bound to learn about it with the close relationship they had.

"I don't fault you at all for telling Peter. If you are as close to him as I am with Natasha then I know he would have probably found out eventually." Wanda adds, looking at the younger woman in front of her fidget, so she ran her thumb over her knuckles a little longer before moving back.

"How about this," Wanda makes a small note on the NDA contract in black ink. Writing Peter and Natasha's name under the already pre typed text.

"Peter and Natasha will be the only one's other than us to know of our arrangements. Though, I'd prefer to keep what they know to a minimum. As much as I love Natasha there are some things even I wouldn't talk to her about."

Emilia nods in acknowledgement, agreeing with Wanda's reasoning."Same here, Peter's awesome but he doesn't need to know every single detail of my private life."

"Could you read over the NDA briefly to make sure you feel comfortable with it before signing?" Wanda asks, picking up the contract and handing it off to Emilia to look over.

"As I said before, I really feel like this is necessary not because of the lack of trust but for our overall safety keeping our arrangement private is important."

Emilia hums in reply, not really having anything to add on to what Wanda said, it made perfect sense why having an NDA would be important. Wanda didn't want to risk her reputation, and she didn't want anything to be written about her either, knowing that it could affect her schooling and future job opportunities if the media came out with anything that was even remotely negative.

She takes a moment to read over the general rules of not speaking to competitors or any third party individuals such as other Private Practices, or friends and family, because anyone was bound to make rumors if they had enough leverage. Emilia was glad that she could at least confide in Peter, he was a big part of her life and Wanda was right to assume that he'd be bound to find out regardless.

"It says right here that this will be valid for six months." Emilia ponders aloud, making it known to Wanda that she was curious.

"Well, I wasn't sure how long you'd want to be in this partnership with me." Wanda admits honestly, she'd pondered over it a lot herself because there was no telling how this arrangement would go despite her wanting to keep the younger girl around as long as possible.

"I haven't actually had a sugar baby before you'd honestly be my first and I've done intensive research and most often these types of arrangements can last from six to twelve months, or longer depending on the pair."

"Oh okay," Emilia responds softly, eyebrows creasing in thought.

'How do I tell you that I'll stay for as long as you want me?' She thinks to herself, her blue-grey orbs focusing on the woman by her side. not really sure how to bring up what is going through her mind right now. They barely know each other, but Emilia wants to know everything, all she can learn about Wanda or at least what the woman felt comfortable sharing.

'It could be six months to a year and I don't think I'd ever get tired of being in the same room as you.'

Wanda didn't try to, but she could feel Emilia's warm thoughts whispering in the back of her mind and it would be a light if she said it didn't make her heart flutter to know that Emilia didn't care about the time frame and instead just wanted Wanda for as long as she'd have her for which honestly was for sure longer than six months.

"How about we keep it at six months for right now and if we decide to keep going with our arrangement, renew it for another six?" Wanda offers, hoping that Emilia would be on board with the idea. It meant that they could focus on now and come back to it when the time comes.

"Does that sound good, Angel?"

"I can agree with that," Emilia nods, placing the NDA back on the coffee table and reaching out to grasp Wanda's black pen in hand as she signs the bottom dotted line. The NDA was very straightforward and to the point when it came to keeping their arrangements private, except of course Peter and Natasha who were spoken to prior to the contract being signed.

"Now onto another matter entirely, that being your future income and gifts that will be granted to you over the duration of our partnership." Wanda started, knowing that this would be a little tense when it came to how Emilia felt about getting wages for being her sugar baby. She'd stressed to her that she wasn't into this for the money despite her being in dire need of a stable support system.

"I have a proposition prepared but before we go any further can you tell me a little bit about your bills, such as rent, transportation and insurance if you have any?"

Emilia takes her time explaining her expenses to Wanda, as ashamed as she felt talking to Wanda about it the woman remained patient and nodded while she spoke about her monthly rent, tuition and overall monthly student loan payments, necessities and medical expenses, especially in regards to upfront payments for chemotherapy appointments.

Wanda needed to ask, but she was concerned of the reaction she would get from the younger woman, it was hard enough to get her to be comfortable enough to talk about expenses and now, she wanted to know more about the medical bills as Emilia didn't appear to be the one needing the chemo sessions. "Angel, I don't want to intrude but may I ask a little bit about your medical needs? Who are they for?"

It goes quiet between them, and Wanda waits patiently for Emilia to reply. It was adamantly clear this wasn't an easy topic of discussion for the younger girl. The last thing she wanted was to make her uncomfortable but this was an important thing to ask, if Emilia herself was sick than she wanted to find her the best physicians out there for whatever medical assistance she needed.

Emilia blinks to herself, paying no attention to the look of concern that appeared on Wanda's face as she mentally prepared herself for this revelation that she's been avoiding since her mom became an inpatient at the hospital. She didn't talk to anyone about this, other than Peter, it wasn't something she tried to focus on too much because it just made it more real that one day, maybe soon she'd truly be alone.

No family.

"Sorry, I'm forming my words because this isn't something I like to discuss." Emilia says, clearing her throat that had unfortunately become dry at what she was going to admit out loud. "But I completely understand why you'd ask. It's information you need to know..."

' Dammit, I'm overstepping' Wanda scolds herself inwardly, this was important but Emilia's eyes were starting to become slightly red and the slight hitch in her breathing signaled that she could potentially start crying.

"Take your time," Wanda replies, patiently. She in no way would ever rush Emilia to be on such topics if it wasn't necessary.

"You don't have to rush, I'd never push you and if you're uncomfortable..."

"Stop," Emiia says, cutting Wanda off as she knew the woman was going to be patient. It was kind and thoughtful of her to not want to push her to talk about it but this has been a part of her life for the last two years.

"It's okay. I just needed a second to get my bearings. I'm uncomfortable with the topic, not uncomfortable with telling you."

Emilia lets out a breath, willing herself to get on with it. To just be honest with her circumstances for once, without feeling ashamed or worse, feeling like an utter burden.

"My mother has liver cancer, she's an inpatient at the Presbyterian Hospital. I visit her three to four times a week."

"Oh, Angel." Wanda whispers, her heart practically dropping at Emilia's revelation. She didn't know what to expect, but this certainly wasn't it and now that she knew Emilia didn't claim to have any type of medical insurance no wonder she needed help to get by. Cancer treatments were very costly, and her two jobs weren't enough to pay off such expenses.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this, I may not know firsthand what it's like to support a sick family member. But I'm sure you're working so hard to do what you can and from now on, you're not alone in this because you have me."

"Thank you." Emilia's whispers, her heart clenching in her chest at Wanda's kind words.

Wanda's barely been in her life for ten days and she could already tell that having her around was going to be one of the greatest and most memorable experiences of her life. She'd never imagined that Honeysuckle would bring her on the path of someone who was so caring and genuine, not to mention extremely driven and goal oriented. Wanda was a force to be reckoned with and Emilia selfishly wanted to keep her forever.

'Is that wrong?' Emilia asks herself, wondering if it would be alright to just want to keep Wanda as hers, even when they weren't dating just the idea of having the older woman in her life was more than enough.

"No, thank you Emilia." Wanda says genuinely, she couldn't believe that Emilia had trusted her enough to be completely honest about her circumstances. Not just about her mother but about her financial responsibilities.

"Thank you for being open with me even though it was a difficult topic."

"It was nothing." Emilia waves off Wanda's gratitude. She didn't have anything to hide and if she had to tell anyone her personal business Wanda just felt like the best choice. Didn't make it any less harder but with Wanda, Emilia didn't feel judged.

Wanda shakes her head, disagreeing with Emilia, a light frown forming on her lips as she doesn't hesitate to place a gentle hand on the younger woman's knee. "It was though, this was a very big deal so that's not nothing. Now that I am aware of your financial situation, onto my proposal. I'll be granting you twenty five hundred bi weekly, meaning that you'll receive exactly five grand every month for the next six months until we renew the contract of course, but until then you'll also receive gifts from me when I deem fit. That could be after outings or spending time together or at random when I feel like you may need it."

"Wanda, that's far too much. I could never ask you to go to such lengths for me. Five grand is a lot of money." Emilia straightened up considerably as she took in Wanda's word. Five grand a month was far too much, it almost felt like stealing.

"It's not though, this is nothing compared to what I initially considered but I knew you'd never allow it." Wanda explains honestly, to her five grand wasn't enough. Not with everything Emilia was undergoing, she packed so much and Wanda couldn't help but worry that it'll crush her without receiving some help. "I decided on five because it means your well taken care of with a little extra to spare for your necessities and then maybe you can cut yourself some slack, it's very clear that you work far to hard and I'd be more than happy knowing that you can take a breath and for once not feel like drowning."

Emilia's breath hitches, slightly startled by Wanda's choice of words. Drowning. That's exactly the way she'd been feeling as of late, underwater without the inability to get back up, it was just oddly specific in a way and then again Wanda was a renowned Psychologist.

"How did you know that...?" Emilia asks quietly, her blue-grey eyes wide in confoundment.

"I'm sorry?" Wanda blinks a few times, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She wasn't exactly sure what the younger woman was insinuating, Wanda knew she had powers but she didn't use them purposely and she knows that not much has been heard from Emilia's thoughts since the last thing that filtered through.

Emilia turns her body slightly, her knees bumping against Wanda's so she could get a better look into the older woman's eyes. She appeared confused from her question, but in a little way she felt like something was missed.

"How could you know that I feel like," Emilia's pauses before continuing, her eyes gazing intently into Wanda's green ones. "Like I'm drowning. I never said anything..."

The thing is Emilia didn't have to verbally say anything to her, Wanda could just see it, perhaps even feel it a bit. Though it was Emilia's eyes that spoke to her, they were so vivid and expressive. "You don't have to say anything, not when your eyes speak louder than words."

"This is...just a lot to take in." Emilia feels puzzled, Wanda was unlike anyone she's ever met in her life and it was a little mind blowing at how perceptive she was without being told anything. Honestly this overall ordeal was quite something, most definitely not where she thought she'd find herself.

Wanda nods in understanding, they were both new to this situationship and it was perfectly understandable that it could be a lot to take in. She herself still couldn't believe that she had the chance to have someone as captivating as Emilia in her life, it was a match made. "Which I completely understand, but my role in this partnership is to make sure you're well taken care of and I intend to keep up with that."

She gives Emilia a sweet smile, hoping that this arrangement would work out to benefit both of them. Wanda knew that she'd help the younger woman in any way she may need. "Remember, this is something that we'll get through together. You and I are a team now, which brings me to my next set of questions."

"Lay it all out on the table than Ms. Maximoff." Emilia replies, ready for whatever else Wanda wanted to cover since it was important for them to delve deep into what this partnership would entail and she's already talked about her mom and finances, not much else could really be asked.


"These questions may feel a little invasive but I assure you they are all necessary for any kind of relationship." Wanda elaborates, feeling relieved at how well Emilia was taking everything. Her reaction to the financial arrangement could have been worse, but she got through it with a little gentle persuasion.

Emilia felt more comfortable the further into the conversation, she didn't have anything to hide and Wanda just had a way of making her feel unashamed, like what she was going through was normal. "We're way past invasive questions, I'm mentally prepared now."

"Okay, well my first question is if you've been tested for any potential STI's?" Wanda says straightforwardly, it was a bit of an awkward question for some youth, but it was an honest question. Sexual health mattered and it was an important thing to ask in any kind of relationship, arranged or not.

"Oh, I see we're delving into that kind of conversation." Emilia whispers, coughing into her jacket sleeve shyly as she moves to open her bag and taking out her laptop before placing it gentle on the glass coffee table in front of them. "Well, I have my medical records that I don't mind emailing you which includes my blood type, allergies and what not, but I personally haven't been tested in regards to STI's because I'm not actually experienced in the ways of dating or sexual intimacy at all."

Emilia tried so hard not to cringe at the very upfront way she responded to Wanda, it's just that her truths sounded a little awkward when spoken out loud, at least to her it was awkward when for Wanda it was probably a normal thing to talk about.

'Oh wow...' Wanda thought to herself in slight surprise, not that there was anything wrong with being a virgin. It was honestly a little pleasing to know that Emilia wasn't with anyone else for future reference and despite the little way she loved it, it was new because someone as lovely as the younger woman in front of her was sure to have suitors waiting in line to be with her.

"When I read through your profile you labeled yourself as inexperienced and I suppose that term differentiates according to individual. So I initially assumed that you may have meant that you were inexperienced when it came to sugar dating, like me."

Emilia sighed, this was something that had been a concern. Not everyone was okay with being with someone inexperienced and it was a little awkward to admit her being a twenty five year old college post graduate. "Well, I'm unfortunately inexperienced on both accounts."

"Do you see us moving forward as more than friends if the opportunity arises, in a relationship that doesn't just revolve around intimate relations?" Wanda asks curiously, if Emilia was not experienced on both accounts then Wanda would for sure take the idea of dating slow and since she honestly just wanted to spend all of her spare time getting to know her.

"I think that I'd like to get to know you first before I consider future possibilities but I can say that if I start to feel more for you than just a platonic relationship I'll let you know..." Emilia explains thoughtfully, taking heed to explain herself to the best of her ability. She's never dated, but it wasn't something she would deny trying and maybe one day she could find herself asking Wanda to accompany her as more than just their arrangement.

"I don't like to jump the gun on things and with our current proposal I would like to get to know you as Wanda Maximoff, not just as my potential sugar mommy." She paused, Emilia knew she sounded a little corny but she was being honest and she wanted to be more than just a girl Wanda was helping out. She wanted to form a relationship with her, something like she has with Peter. A bond that's unbreakable.

"But if things develop...I guess I'd feel a little embarrassed, I mean you could probably have anyone you want and with my inexperience I wouldn't want to be bad at it. If things were to go down that road I'd most likely request that we take things slow."

Talking so openly like this was difficult, being so honest and upfront with how she felt about relationships. Being that she's never been in one or felt the desire to look for a companion. Sex wasn't really something she thought about, not really, not when she had other things to worry about far more important than dating.

'She's considering a future relationship!' Emilia shrieked internally, just the thought of Wanda wanting her as more than a friend was most definitely something she couldn't really understand, Wanda could have anyone but she'd chosen her.

'Why would she want me?'

Wanda took in Emilia words, and it was difficult to not find the younger woman to be precious. She was so cute while blushing so intently, freckled cheeks hot pink. Despite that distraction, Wanda almost felt honored that Emilia could be open and honest with her, trust and honesty was something she found super important in any relationship.

"All good things take time, Angel." Wanda replies warmly, it was a tad sweet how Emilia considered the idea of more, and was open with how she'd approach that particular situation.

"Being inexperienced in those kinds of things makes the experiences you'll have even more special. There is no need to be embarrassed at all, it's natural."

Emilia honestly wanted to know what Wanda expected from this arrangement. While the older woman would provide her with financial stability, Emilia was focused on really wanting to know what would make her happy. "Wanda, would it be alright if I ask a question?"

"Of course!" Wanda says happily, she didn't mind the questions, if anything she was so glad that Emilia felt comfortable enough to bring up any possible concerns.

"This is a mutual partnership, which means you have every right to comment on whatever you'd like. Ask away! I insist."

"Well, the thing is I was actually wondering what you're seeking from this arrangement." Emilia pauses thoughtfully, biting her lower lip in worry. She was still surprised that she's gone this far and it still bothered her slightly to get paid for hanging out with the older woman. Honestly, she'd do it for free but Emilia knew Wanda wouldn't have that now that she knew her current predicaments. "I mean despite it being called a gift or payment, I'm still receiving currency to spend time together. I guess, what I really mean is, what do you expect from me? Do you expect anything specific or um, have boundaries you'd like to go over?"

All Wanda wanted was to spend time with her, to get to know Emilia personally. To learn about her passions, and fears, her life, the good and the bad. Everything if she was willing. "You will be receiving financial assistance from me, yes, but after what you've told me. You want a companionship and that too is something I've also longed for without even realizing it."

At the silence that met her words, Wanda continued as she allowed herself to be as open with Emilia as she had been when it came to her mothers medical needs. She was honest, and Wanda would give her the same courtesy.

"I'll be honest with you, I got so wrapped up in my career and spending my day to day helping those who need it I didn't even realize how lonely I'd become that everything is a little routine unless my best friend convinces me to go out spontaneously. The hard part was when I went out with friends, and they'd often have someone on their arm, a spouse or significant other and It'd just be me." Wanda sighs, her heart aching at how lonely she'd become without realizing it. Her powers did not help the fact that she didn't have a partner as they often got in the way. Companionship meant that it would be harder to shield herself, especially with close contact. It was nice, but also hindering on some accounts and good in others. "Dating is hard when it comes to someone like me, I live for my career and I'm very well known. It isn't unheard of for me to have someone trying to flirt or to gain my attention but I'm not looking for a one night stand or a random hookup. It's really unfortunate but when people meet me there's almost always a hidden agenda."

"That's awful, it really irks me how people can be so deceiving and self centered when they come in contact with anyone who has made a name for themselves. It's ridiculous and you don't deserve that." Emilia frowns, she could feel herself become upset knowing Wanda was well known, but just the thought that people used her for the money or sex when she was so much more than her title. People could be so careless and selfish, Wanda deserved the world and instead she dealt with creeps.

Wanda's heart practically melted at Emilia's reaction, it was evident that she was displeased to hear the real treatment she faced when it came to possible suitors."That's very kind of you, Angel. You seem to feel strongly about this."

"I just don't think it's right that people of status are treated so invasively as if you don't have problems just like everyone else." Emilia says honestly, feeling bad that Wanda faced so much just because she followed her dreams and made a name for herself and it was clear that she'd continue to withstand it if it meant she could continue to help those in need. Because that's exactly the kind of person she was. "You've achieved a lot in your life but you are more than just your career and I'm looking forward to getting to know the real Wanda Maximoff."

"Believe me detka, no one is more happier than me getting a chance to know someone as sweet as yourself." Wanda replies earnestly, nudging her knee playfully into Emilia's leg with a teasing grin. It was like the more she interacted with the younger woman the more cute she became. Emilia had a delicate heart, and she had every intention of keeping it safe. "I've kept it at bay but you are absolutely precious. You know now that we're on the topic of pursuing this partnership, may I make a request?"

"Sure." Emilia shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly, Wanda was so understanding and willing to help her that whatever she wanted she would do her darndest best to make it happen. If it meant that she got to see that dazzling smile on the woman's face then it would most definitely be a win on her part.

"Every year there are at least two to three fundraisers that Avengers Private Practice attends to help raise awareness or to raise money for humanitarian organizations and usually I go solo, but I'd be really ecstatic if you accompanied me as my plus one from now on. Would you be up for that?"

"Oh wow!" Emilia responds astonishedly, straightening up in utter surprise. Out of all the requests, this one for sure was not what she expected Wanda to ask. "That seems really prestigious, are you sure you'd want me there? I'm just a college student, and with fundraisers there are usually a lot of guests of high status."

She blinked a few times, taking in exactly what Wanda was asking. The older woman didn't mind being seen with her in such a highly regarded crowd, fundraisers were a big deal for the community since those with acclaimed status raised money to assist those in need whether it be local or international.

"Having you on my arm would be an honor." Wanda says honestly, not missing a beat with her reply. Nothing would make her happier than actually having someone worth her time attending charitable events as her plus one.

Emilia from what they discussed about her education already had two associate degrees under her belt, one in Computer Science and another in Social Behavioural Science whilst so close to earning her Bachelors in Social Behavioural Science.

"The honor is all mine honestly." Emilia replies back softly, if Wanda wanted her there then she wouldn't deny her one request and if anything she'd be happy to have the older woman help her sort out the outfits for those events, it could be great for them to bond in different things like how Peter spent time with her.

Wanda chuckles at Emilia, the younger woman was so respectful and having her around was something she could find herself getting attuned to. "So you're saying you'll come?"

"Whatever makes you happy Ms. Maximoff..oops!" Emilia states, chuckling to herself in slight embarrassment. Wanda had asked to be called by her first name, but it was so embedded into her mannerisms that it just slipped out. "I mean Wanda."

It was clear that it would take time for Emilia to call her Wanda, but embarrassingly there was something in the way the younger woman said it that made Wanda's breath hitch softly.

"You're teasing." Wanda pouts teasingly.

"I don't know," Emilia shrugs with a mischievous smile. Despite it being the respectful way to approach, she kind of found it silly how it made Wanda squirm. It was clear it may make her feel old, but she'd remind her of how wonderful of a person she is with due time.

"There's just something esthetically pleasing when calling you by your title."

Wanda perks up at Emilia's words, so she was teasing and it made her feel some kind of way when she regards her. Maybe, just this once Wanda wouldn't mind being called Ms. Maximoff if Emilia kept saying it with that glint in her blue-grey eyes.

"Hmm, is that so Angel?" She practically purrs out, accent thick as Wanda gently bit down on her lower lip, moistening her pink lips with her tongue.

"I believe it is." Emilia replies back smoothly, Wanda's accent got particularly stronger when she regarded her and she found herself feeling immensely attracted to that.

Talking to her in Sokovian last time had made her feel so nostalgic, and something else she couldn't quite place. Desire? Wanda's accent was just tantalizing and the way it got rougher made Emilia feel some type of way.

"Hmm..since we seem to be very much on the same page, would you look over the final contract?" Wanda questions, handing her the contract she'd typed up the night prior. It was just the general details, nothing too much as their relationship would be tender and slow, since she genuinely wanted to know the girl next to her.

"This one just considers our overall partnership, the financial aspect and it also clarifies that this is a mutual agreement amongst companions. I just ask that if your feelings change at any time that you let me know. I want to get to know you, but if you become uncomfortable at any time. I want to know about it."

Wanda takes a moment to contemplate her words, knowing that she didn't want to come off as too business or too soft but she couldn't seem to find herself caring how she acted knowing Emilia wouldn't judge her. "In some sugar partnerships they hold sex above all else but with me intimate relations are not of any importance, not when I want to gain your friendship, to know everything that you're willing to share. To know you."

Emilia looks away from Wanda shyly, laughing softly at the woman's heartfelt words that warmed her heart immensely. Wanda was such a sweetheart and she somehow managed to brighten her day, kind of like the sun. "I'll be honest as long as you are Wanda, I want you to feel just as comfortable as me and so if at any time you feel that you don't want this anymore or if things change. I want to know as soon as possible, because you matter too."

"I will, Angel." Wanda says, knowing that she meant every word. As long as Emilia was upfront and honest with her, she would give her the same respect.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it." Emilia briefed over the contract and it was very specific, detailed but also to the point on their arrangements and the length of time, finances and such. She didn't waste time as she took the pen and signed her name in the signature section.

"It's safe to say I'm excited for what's to come, it's you and me for the next six months." Emilia says, wiggling her eyebrows playfully at the older woman sitting by her side. "Do you think you can handle all this?" Peter told her all the time about her stubbornness, and she wondered to herself briefly if Wanda would be able to balance that out. It's worked so far, Wanda's persuasive nature when it came to the finances part of their conversation but in the end she gave in.

"I am more than sure I can handle anything that comes with having you by my side, Angel." Wanda replies with a coy smile, her green eyes meeting Emilia's blue-grey orbs that gleamed in elation.

Wanda glances at the clock on the far wall, and it was bordering on twelve thirty meaning that they'd have about an hour to enjoy a casual lunch together. She moves to her desk with the signed paperwork and signs her name in empty spots where her signature was required then places the documents in a hidden drawer compartment before turning her attention back to the younger woman who sat watching her unabashedly.

"How does lunch in the Cafe sound?" She moved to her mini fridge that was installed underneath the mahogany desk and pulled out a small lunch container that held a slice of the Medovik cake she'd baked the day prior and to say it was to die for was an understatement.

Wanda brought Emilia a slice because it just felt right to share a piece of herself with the woman, a tradition.

"Sounds perfect, Wands." Emilia replies with a small smile, standing up from her spot on the luxurious couch that she honestly could have spent on for hours with how comfortable it was.

She stretched her arms out slightly, popping her back easily since she still felt a bit stiff from having worked on the engine criss-cross for a few hours this morning left her back a bit achy and feeling the slight dampness of her jacket, Emilia swiftly took it off wrapping it around her waist, not even minding that Wanda got a peek when her shirt raised up to show off her lean midriff.

Shutting down her computer, Emilia placed it back within the confines of her book bag before throwing the strap over her shoulder. "I'm ready when you are."

"Of course," Wanda falters at the sight of Emilia stretching in front of her the fabric of her white shirt barely hiding the smooth skin of her lower abdomen. She gathers her lanyard with her keys, and badge attached and her cell, which she easily slipped into her back pocket.

Wanda walked back to Emilia's side, not hesitating one bit when she placed her hand against the girl's lower back guiding her towards the exit. "Let's get going, today's special is mushroom risotto and a new peach mango iced tea which I've heard good things about."

"That sounds wonderful." Emilia says, allowing Wanda to guide her out of the office and she found herself honestly excited for lunch.

She hadn't really eaten much for breakfast, save for a few bits of strawberry toast and a strawberry banana smoothie and had fallen asleep while working on some Social Problems homework before she could even get a chance to cook something for dinner. She was quite famished.

Wanda guided Emilia down the hall respectfully, there was a comfortable silence between the two even when the passed Vision's office, his door was closed but his voice could be heard signaling that he was most likely on the phone and she took note that he sounded happier, better than when he'd escorted Emilia to her office.

"He was upset." Emilia whispers, when they enter the elevator. She had noticed first when Sharon had called the older man down to escort her that he seemed agitated and when he confronted Wanda, his whispers were anything but soft.

"Hmm...?" Wanda hums in response, cueing Emilia to elaborate on her statement.

"Mr. Jarvis." Emilia explains further, making it now obvious who she was talking about. He was clearly close to the older woman and it bothered him to have not been informed about the reason behind the sudden changes to their set schedule.

"He was annoyed to say the least, I had him reschedule a client of mine who I knew wouldn't mind coming in a little later than usual but didn't exactly say why, it wasn't exactly relevant at the time." Wanda sighs, knowing very well that Emilia had probably heard a little bit of what had been said between Vision and herself. "Vision he's very adaptable but he doesn't really enjoy surprises and I should have taken that into consideration. Did he talk to you?"

"Well, he asked me briefly if I was applying for an internship to which I immediately turned down and he felt the need to apologize for not meeting me upon my arrival." Emilia admits, her and Mr. Jarvis didn't talk too much before they arrived on the fourth floor. So not much could be said for their encounter.

"Did he ask anything else, like who you were?" Wanda asks curiously, wondering to herself how their meeting could have gone whilst Vision was upset.

"No, there wasn't enough time to delve into deeper conversation with him. I don't know, I kind of feel bad." Emilia whispers honestly, it was clear that her presence is what caused the changes in Wanda's schedule and that's what ruined Vision's day.

"I even wondered for a moment if it was my presence that caught him off guard, not just from not being told ahead of time."

Wanda nods at Emilia's words, she understood why he was upset but now confirming that the unplanned changes left him unprepared to meet someone he wasn't mentally ready to meet. "It is probably because everything is scheduled very efficiently here, and Vision being my PA is accustomed to my clients, legal team, and more. I don't really invite many new people to my office who aren't upcoming patients, employees or possible interns."

"Well, I hope I can meet him again under better circumstances. Not a very good first impression." Emilia cringes at the tension that lingered when Vision and her were in the elevator together.

"Oh Angel, everything will be alright. There will be many other times for you to interact with Vision." Wanda coos, it was honestly her fault for not telling Vision everything but a part of her wanted to avoid the unnecessary questions that were sure to follow if she had told him about her arrival, but not as a client or intern. Everyone knew that her social circle was small, but she intended on integrating Emilia into her life slowly And at their own pace.

"He must have been a bit tense huh, I'm sorry, if I'd been upfront with him about it he would have been his usual happy-go-lucky self. I just wanted to avoid explaining that you aren't a new patient or intern, I don't have many friends except for my team, and my brother. Everyone else is just acquaintances, honestly."

"Don't worry, you don't have to be sorry, I'm sure it wouldn't be easy to explain our relationship in a way that didn't sound suspicious." Emilia replies, waving off Wanda's apology. What happened was understandable, since they'd have to discuss a backstory to their new partnership. "I mean, I haven't even told Peter your last name and decided to just keep it brief because if he knew that you were the Wanda Maximoff. Well he'd probably freak out about it, you're an inspiration in the Psychology world."

Emilia contemplates her words for a moment before continuing. "I suppose it would make sense for us to come up with a cover story on how we became acquainted. I'm sure if I come around more than once people will start to ask around, and you should prepare something to say to help keep things under wraps."


The elevator dinged signaling that they reached the second floor of the building, and Wanda held an arm out politely allowing Emilia to exit first, the woman following closely behind as she guided them in the direction of the Cafe. It was like a mini restaurant, buffet style with comfortable seating and a variety of options, but they always had a daily special.

"I could always say we met through a mutual friend, if anything I'd use Natasha as a cover." Wanda offers, it made sense. Yelena also attends CUNY, so it would make perfect sense if her and Emilia crossed paths at one point or another. Figuratively speaking that is, since the possibility of Emilia knowing her would be rare but not impossible.

"You attend the same University as her younger sister so that could be perfect."

"Sure okay, whatever you think is right I'll go along with." Emilia replies back, not really minding the cover up. No one could actually prove whether she knew Natasha's younger sister or not and it worked since they attended the same Uni.

"We'll just roll with that for right now." Wanda comments, still contemplating what exactly their story will be but with this they have an alibi and when she talks to Natasha about it then everything will work out perfectly.

"Alright," Emilia nods in acknowledgement, the plan was agreeable and honestly if Natasha's sister went to CUNY then there was a chance she had run into her a few times or maybe passed by in the halls.

Emilia follows slightly behind Wanda who guides her to the line where trays sat to be used. The food assortment was buffet style where everything was labeled professionally and ready for self serve. "It looks like they have quite a few options to choose from."

Wanda chose a plate of mushroom risotto and Emilia followed suit, genuinely excited about the meal while she chose a garden salad and a banana as her two sides. The older woman got them two tall glasses of peach mango iced tea, there were a select few desserts and she contemplated choosing a cookie or something but Wanda stopped her with a gentle statement.

"I've got dessert covered, dorogaya." (Sweetheart)

Emilia blushes lightly at the term of endearment, if she thought Angel had her heart, there was something precious about being called dorogaya, especially in Sokovian culture. It was a term of endearment.

She shot Wanda a small smile, choosing to not say much about it and instead allowing the woman to call her sweetheart. It honestly melted her heart, Emilia had different nicknames like when Peter called her princess or her childhood nickname pumpkin, but when Wanda did it it left her breathless.

"I've got some cash," Emilia says, reaching into her back pocket where she had her wallet. Wanda was already planning to help her so much, the least she could do was pay for their lunch.

"No need, I have a tab." Wanda replies back nonchalantly, smiling to the cashier, Aspen before scanning her ID badge waiting only momentarily before a green check lit up the small screen.

"That should have covered both meals right?" She looks at the other woman in question, just to verify that everything had gone through since technology could be really annoying sometimes especially when it didn't want to work.

"Everything went through Ms. Maximoff, thank you and have a great day." Aspen says, looking between Wanda and Emilia curiously, taking in the genuine smile that littered Ms. Maximoff's features. The woman tended to be happy, but today she seemed to burst with a brightness never seen before.

"You have a lovely day as well." Aspen winks as she takes in the younger woman who stood at Ms. Maximoff's side, and thought to herself how beautiful she was and how young she appeared to be, and notably not an intern but possibly a patient?

'Huh, maybe next time I see her I'll get her number. Those eyes...' Aspen thinks to herself unashamed, beautiful women were her forte and especially the shy ones who needed someone to guide them through their gay panics.

'I'm sure they'd look even lovelier underneath me.'

"Thanks, hope the rest of your shift goes accordingly." Emilia replies smoothly, genuinely hoping that she did have a good day. Working in retail wasn't always the easiest, and not only is it a Cafe but it was located in one of the most renowned Private Practices Manhattan has to offer.

"Have a good one, Aspen." Wanda unconsciously clenches her jaw and almost stiffly bids the woman goodbye, grasping her food tray a little tightly. The older woman guides Emilia to a desolate spot, since the pace of the cafe was primarily slower since a lot of employees' lunch hour starts at one.

Wanda was very much aware of Aspen's body language, the way she shifted side to side and practically batted her eyelashes at Emilia, not to mention that there was nothing innocent about the wink the woman sent her way. She wasn't quite sure what to feel about it, and at times like these Wanda was grateful to have exceptional control over her abilities as she could imagine how aggravating the other woman's thoughts could have been in regards to her Angel.

She wouldn't ever admit it vocally but Wanda's lunch was also at one but she'd rearranged her appointments so she could see Emilia as soon as possible without appearing desperate.

What came as a slight surprise though was Emilia seemed to be completely unaware of the very upfront flirting and that's when she realizes that Emilia didn't know social cues, especially of the romantic nature. It was something completely new to her and she was willing to try that with Wanda. That had to mean something, because for the older woman it was really special to have met such a tender soul.

Wanda politely pulls out a seat for the younger girl, waiting patiently as Emilia gets comfortable in her spot, thanking her softly with her lunch tray set in front of her. When she made sure the younger girl was situated, Wanda settled herself in her own spot.

Emilia blinks a few times as she watches Wanda quietly settle herself before their eyes meet and the older woman offers her the most gentle smile. Wanda seemed a little tense, and it was clear that she was trying her hardest to relax her facial features.

"What's wrong, something on your mind?" Emilia asks gently with a curious head tilt. Wanda has been a ray of sunshine since she was escorted to her office and now, something felt a little different. Emilia wanted to know, because a sad Wanda was a no go. She wanted her to be happy at all times.

'What changed?' She thinks to herself, Wanda appeared more relaxed now but it seemed almost forced and Emilia wouldn't stand for that. There was clearly something that needed to be said.

"What do you mean, Angel? Wanda questions, placing one of the tall glasses of peach mango iced tea on Emilia's tray.

'There's no way she knows that I'm annoyed at Aspen for shamelessly flirting.' Wanda thinks to herself, cringing internally at her slightly jealous behavior.

"You just seem like you've got a lot on your mind all of a sudden." Emilia explains, her eyes analyzing Wanda's face. There was a small crinkle in between her eyebrows that fidgeted every few seconds while she contemplated on whatever it was that was bothering her.

To make her point clear, Emilia teasingly raises a hand and touches the space between her own eyebrows with her pointer and middle finger before playfully winking and removing her fingers.

"Hmmm..." Wanda hums when she realizes she's been caught, especially if Emilia pointed out the slight creases between her eyebrows that she got when she was either very happy or contemplating something.

"I suppose I just have a few scattered thoughts, nothing too crazy." She shrugs her shoulders not really wanting to bring too much attention to the jealousy she felt moments ago. Even though Wanda hadn't listened in on Aspen's thoughts, it was like a part of her knew it was not an innocent interaction and that bothered her.

"You could tell me about it if you'd like?" Emilia offers sweetly, wanting to know what Wanda was thinking. It must have been something of intrigue if it had distracted her.

"Did you notice how Aspen was looking at you?" Wanda asks curiously, even though she saw that Emilia didn't seem to react to the girl's advances.

'Aspen?' Emilia thought to herself in slight confusion, she wasn't too sure who exactly that was.

"You mean the cashier?" Emilia asks, eyebrows furrowed as she tries to understand what exactly Wanda meant by the way Aspen was looking at her.

"Oh, well I guess I didn't really notice if she was looking at me or not," Emilia pauses thoughtfully, her freckled cheeks flushing hotly at what she was about to say. "Because the only one I was paying attention to was you."

She reaches for her banana, unpeeling it effortlessly before taking a bite. Emilia wasn't ashamed to say that she had truly only focused on Wanda while they were getting lunch. Despite bidding the cashier goodbye, she really didn't notice anything odd about the encounter.

'Oh god.' Wanda thinks to herself, Emilia had without hesitation admitted to watching her. Even though Aspen was flirting, she didn't take notice of it because she was focused on her solely.

Her breath hitches as Emilia's words really register in her mind and there was something so pleasing knowing that the younger woman hadn't noticed Aspen's flirting because her attention was on her.

Wanda looks away momentarily, hiding her blush behind her tea as she takes a few sips of the slightly sweet peach mango flavor. Emilia's words had warmed her heart to the point of speechlessness. How do you respond to something so innocently spoken?

"I'm a little surprised that you didn't take note of her," she clears her throat, swallowing harshly in embarrassment before placing her glass back down. "Her flirtatious behavior."

'Because the only one I was paying attention to was you.' Emilia's words echo through her mind and Wanda is beyond flattered.

"If anything I'd have thought she'd flirt with you." Emilia comments nonchalantly, finishing up her last few bits of banana. It was her all time favorite fruit, a close second being grapefruit.

"Me?" Wanda asks, looking up from her plate mid bite as the younger woman's words register in her mind.

"Yes." Emilia whispers shyly, her eyes meeting Wanda's gorgeous green orbs, they just glinted brightly and there it was. Her reason for being so distracted that she couldn't focus on anything but the woman in front of her.

"You've seen yourself right?"

Wanda in her opinion was almost too lovely to truly be described by words alone. But if anyone was going to be flirted with, it was clearly because of her.

"Everyday in the mirror." Wanda tilts her head back with a heartfelt laugh, did Emilia not see how absolutely stunning she was? She was so sweet and modest, that blatant flirting went right over head.

"Then I'm sure you know exactly what everyone sees when you walk into a room." Emilia says honestly, flinching a little at the sound of Wanda's fork clattering onto her plate with wide green eyes and a prominent blush that crawled up her neck and up to her ears.

"Well if it isn't my bestest friend in the world."

Both Emilia and Wanda look up, startled at the interruption. Unbeknownst to the younger woman, Natasha had chosen the perfect opportunity to show up for her lunch hour a touch few minutes early.

'Why now of all times.' Wanda thinks to herself, holding back an annoyed eye roll at Natasha who didn't seem to mind interrupting her time with Emilia.

"Pretty early for your lunch hour is it not? I'd have thought you'd still be in a session with Clint." Natasha speaks up, honestly surprised at the sight of Wanda having lunch with someone she's never seen before and it was then she knew this was the mystery girl Wanda had rambled nonstop about after their breakfast encounter.

"Mind if I sit?" She motions towards the third unoccupied chair in the middle of where Wanda and Emilia sat across from one another.

Wanda now rolls her eyes openly at the smug look she was receiving from the older redhead, and she didn't need to read her mind to know that she was already using context clues to figure out who sat across from her. "Well, to be honest..."

"Great, I knew you wouldn't mind!" Natasha replies smoothly, interrupting Wanda mid sentence on purpose knowing the younger woman despised being interrupted while she was talking it was one of her biggest pet peeves. She moves to sit in the unclaimed seat, making herself comfortable while pulling out her food from her lunch bag."Now I won't have to sit in on another debate between Stark and Rogers on how physical wellness can provide more stress relief than an app that offers support with professional life coaches for free."

Emilia looks between the red-haired woman back to Wanda, feeling half slightly confused and the other half amused at the look of disdain on Wanda's face. This was her best friend and she had a front row seat to experience firsthand their relationship.

Wanda shoots Natasha a sharp look in warning, her green eyes were sparkling in mischief and the last thing she wanted was her college best friend and now, right hand business partner to embarrass her in front of Emilia.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Natasha chuckles, setting down her pb&j before turning her attention to the girl on her right.

"How rude of me, I didn't even introduce myself properly before settling down." With a kind smile, Natasha holds out a well manicured hand. "Romanoff." She shakes the younger woman's hand, taking note of innocence radiating from her. "Natasha Romanoff."

"Emilia Harvard." She replies politely, blinking a few times at Natasha's introduction. She could feel her heart warming at the reference to James Bond, a character who happened to be in quite a few of her late fathers favorite films.

"From Russia With Love or Moonraker?" Emilia asks, genuinely curious as to which film Natasha would choose.

Natasha raises her eyebrows in surprise, the woman in front of her was clearly young but to know that she was referencing James Bond was on a whole other level. She was impressed.

"Moonraker all the way."

'His favorite.' Emilia thinks to herself solemnly, her father was absolutely obsessed with the James Bond films but Moonraker was his absolute favorite, he loved it so much that he could quote the whole film by heart.

Wanda was watching the interaction between Emilia and Natasha, there was something about the way the younger woman asked her questions with an almost sweet and sour note. Like a memory that was both good and bad, nostalgic. A tinge of sadness could be felt forming in her heart and she became aware that Emilia was saddened despite the soft smile on her pink lips.

"A James Bond fan I see, color me impressed. Not many people know good films." Natasha admits, keeping her gaze on the younger woman as she could feel Wanda's piercing gaze watching intently. Ignoring her till a familiar voice echoes in the depths of her mind.

'What are you doing here?'

'Having lunch with my bestest friend and her new lady lover.' Natasha thinks effortlessly, it wasn't uncommon for her and Wanda to have conversations via the bronde haired woman's telepathic abilities.

'We aren't lovers, Nat.'

'But something tells me you want her to be yours.' She thinks back teasingly, her lips twitching in an attempt to hold back the smirk that wanted to break through. It was even more humorous when she catches sight of Wanda huffing to herself.

Even though Wanda was talking to her mentally, Natasha was focused on the younger girl beside her as she explained that James Bond was a film she grew up around because it was her father's favorite. Something in her voice though, made her heart ache in sadness when she took note of the word was being used instead of is.

"Have you watched them at all since?" Natasha asks kindly, knowing that sometimes to stay close to a deceased loved one it was a good idea to partake in things they once enjoyed to do. Of course, grief was different for everyone.

"I-I have not, it um, it just isn't the same I suppose." Emilia says truthfully, swallowing the lump in her throat at how she allowed herself to forget him. She always thought about him, especially when his death was fresh. It was hard to keep his memory alive when her mother was a complete wreck. Everything reminded her of him and that made her shut everyone out, including herself.

Everything that he'd left behind faded away into a memory that only Emilia herself had held on to knowing that she never did actually have the chance to really grieve his loss. Too busy helping her mom to think about her mental and emotional needs, and it got harder her moms alcohol addiction worsened and developed into more.

"I understand," Wanda says softly, reaching a hand out and laying it against Emilia's that rested on the table. Losing her parents was the hardest thing she ever went through, so knowing that the younger woman has faced and is still facing a similar pain, except this pain was never ending as she supported her mother who had a life threatening disease.

"Loss is like losing a piece of yourself, when I was a child I lost my parents in Sokovia." Wanda could feel her accent getting thicker from her emotions, she grieved them and healed, but they were never forgotten. "I still find myself watching their favorite sitcoms every Saturday night at seven. I should probably say my favorite, but they watched it with me every single time and those moments will always be cherished. Maybe one day you'll be ready to watch his favorite films again, without the heartache."

Emilia squeezes Wanda's hand gently in appreciation, this was something she didn't talk about. Those brief occasions with Peter, but never too in depth because it was hard to talk about him without feeling as if her heart would shatter all over again. "I'm sorry for your loss and it's such a cliché thing to say when almost always people who lose loved ones don't tolerate an apology for something that is out of their control. I'm just sorry that you faced such heart wrenching pain, I wouldn't wish that type of hurt onto anyone."

"A long time has passed since then, there's no need to be sorry. It was hard but with my brother, and adoptive father I was able to overcome the pain." Wanda says, squeezing Emilia's hand back reassuringly before releasing her hold.

"I can see why Wanda wanted to meet you so badly." Natasha interrupts, a satisfied smile on her ruby red lips. Emilia was just as precious as Wanda described during their phone call Saturday night.

Emilia turns to look at Natasha with her eyebrows raised in amusement, not at all caring about the very noticeable blush forming on her cheeks. "I'm sorry?" She questions, acknowledging Natasha's words in genuine intrigue.

Their conversation was bordering on personal territory and she didn't feel comfortable sitting in on that. This type of talk was meant for just them, but it was nice to see that Wanda actually met someone who could probably understand her better than their sixteen years of friendship.

"You're even more pure of heart than she described, how old are you again?" She teased, knowing that Wanda would surely have a fit. There was something there, it was difficult to pinpoint but Natasha knew Emilia would be sticking around for awhile, if not forever, whatever she chose.

Wanda shot Natasha a harsh glare, eyes flashing red in warning as felt her cheeks flush hotly at how upfront the older woman was as she spilled that she'd talked about Emilia."That's not really your business now is it Natasha." She spats out firmly, her creases forming in between her eyebrows at Natasha's honesty. Wanda confided in her privately and despite the intentions, it was still mortifying.

'You're embarrassing me in front of my guest.' She sends off telepathically, Wanda couldn't believe Nat would stoop this low to find out more about Emilia. This is why she'd planned ahead and chose twelve as the meetup time but it was like Natasha was the mind reader between the two with how she just seemed to be everywhere and nowhere all at once.

'Relax, we both know that Emilia is probably extremely flattered to know that you've talked about her. She was clearly blushing because of you.'

"I'm sure she doesn't mind the question," Natasha asks the younger woman sweetly, not at all fazed by Wanda's voice echoing in her mind. "Emilia, do you mind if I ask your age and maybe your current academic status as well? I'm genuinely curious."

"You don't have to answer that, Angel." Wanda speaks up after finishing a few bites of her risotto, the pleasant flavors playing on her tongues taste buds.

"I don't mind at all." Emilia replies with a small smile, there was definitely something going on that she couldn't pinpoint as she gazed between Wanda and her best friend, Natasha. Like a silent conversation of sorts, it was a little funny. She briefly wondered what Wanda was like sixteen years ago, she had to be at least eighteen then.

"I'm twenty-five and currently aiming to graduate in May with a bachelor degree in Social Behavioural Science."

"Impressive," Natasha offers some praise, Social Behavioral Science wasn't seen as hard, but it was a very difficult type of science that focused on human behavior rather than the attributes of inanimate objects such as prisms, plastics, and planets.

"Community or University?"

"CUNY School of Professional Studies." Emilia states, she was attending one of the most highly regarded colleges in New York.

"Oh wow, small world." Natasha straightens up in her seat, genuinely curious about the upcoming conversation but nothing would prepare her for what was said next. "You know my younger sister Yelena also attends CUNY. The only difference is she's majoring in Criminal Justice."

Emilia glances up at the familiar name that had coincidentally also been a part of the conversation she had this morning with Peter. "Yelena, as in Yelena Belova?"

"You've met?" Wanda's eyebrows raised in surprise, it was almost uncanny how Emilia was already acquaintances with Yelena and it was actually super convenient for their cover story.

"I've heard of her, but never actually met her in person." Emilia replies, not quite believing that Wanda's best friend's younger sister was the very woman who was known to have aced all her final exams and got off the hook for kicking some guys ass on campus sophomore year.

A smirk falls on Natasha's lips, the older woman feeling proud of the reputation her sister built for herself. "Sounds like little sis has a reputation, do I even want to know?"

"Yelena is actually very popular, known as the resident badass and top of her classes." Emilia explains, wanting to clarify that her and Yelena were barely acquaintances, being that the only reason they knew of each other was because of Kate. "I only knew of her from the time I had a class with her on and off girlfriend. She'd always meet Kate after class and let's just say that no one would dare to ever be on her bad side."

She thought back briefly about how preposterous it was when Peter claimed that there was something up with her and Kate back in their Sophomore year, because if anyone had a crush it must have been Kate because Emilia had never looked at her like that, it was purely platonic.

Natasha leans back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest as she practically marvels at the new information into her younger sister's life. They talked, all the time but never about what kind status she held at the University. This was too juicy. "I'd say I'm surprised, but that would be a lie, I am her big sister after all so being a badass is in our blood."

Wanda shakes her head with a laugh, Natasha was so cocky when the opportunity arose and there was no doubt she'd bring up the conversation again when it's just the two of them. "Is that so?" She questions, rolling her eyes at the smirk on the older woman's lips. Her sister was a big part of her life, so it was understandable for her to feel unabashedly about it.

"Damn straight." Natasha states without hesitation, locking her gaze with Wanda's. She could tell that the younger had not anticipated her spontaneous arrival and it was a little fun to see Wanda squirm on the spot in anxiousness that she might embarrass her.

"On the topic of Yelena, Wanda?" Emilia trails off slowly, brushing some of her sparse hairs behind her ear before meeting Wanda's gaze across from her with a pointed look.

"Now would be the perfect time to talk about it."

Natasha sits up straight, feeling the slight shift in conversation and it was clearly serious."Talk about what?" She asks, looking between the two in question before her gaze falling onto Wanda who had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Well, our cover story of course." Wanda answers matter-of-factly, leaning forward with her elbows on the table resting her head in the palm of her hand. Her eyes flicker too Emilia briefly before her gaze turns towards Natasha, the woman who would soon play a major role in their cover story.

The three women enjoy their lunch while taking time to discuss a solid cover story for Wanda and Emilia's partnership. Each of them taking turns communicating with one another by asking questions, sprouting ideas or making helpful suggestions for them all to consider, like one in particular being that having Natasha involved would be the perfect alibi. The thing is it was more like they were stretching the truth, instead of blatantly lying. Emilia did know Yelena, or at least she knew of her. It was also good that they attended the same Uni or else none of this cover story would be believable.

A while passes into formalizing their strategic play by play, they finished eating their main entrees and while Emilia was sipping her peach mango iced tea, Wanda opens the tupperware container she'd brought along with her and sweetly offers some to the younger woman who smiles softly at the gesture.

Truth was Wanda spent her Saturday evening prepping the caramelized honey flavored cookies, filling all eight individual layers with a sour cream whipped filling she'd boiled and whipped from scratch, the cake then being left in the fridge overnight to soak in all the flavors.

Meeting Emilia for the first time brought her a sense of home, a nostalgic feeling that came with reminiscing about her life in Sokovia. The life she was gratefully able to form after the death of her parents, with Pietro and Max by her side supporting her in any way they could. The older Sokovian man changed both her and Pietro's life for the better, encouraging them and supporting them in all their endeavors back then.

At the sight of the homemade dessert Natasha looked on in surprise, a small pout settling in her lips while Wanda offered the younger woman some and didn't even think to offer her some, knowing that she wasn't the type to just make a small cake, but one big enough to share. She decides to annoy Wanda further by complaining about how she never shared, especially since honey Medovik cake was something she only baked twice a year.

To both Natasha and Wanda's surprise, Emilia decides that it would be fine if the three of them share the slice. It was sweet that Wanda had specifically brought it for her, but it didn't feel right that she and Natasha were without so they ended up sharing the dessert equally, both Natasha and Emilia offering Wanda well placed compliments as the cake was picked apart. Her baking was something to be rivaled.

When there was no more food left to be consumed and the final course of action to their plan was concluded as they now had a reliable and stable cover story to back them up in case of possible future social interactions with friends and coworkers alike. Emilia glances at her watch, noting that Wanda needed to get back to work for her rescheduled appointment at one-thirty.

"We should probably start cleaning up, I wouldn't want you to be late for your appointment." Emilia says, gathering her trash and tidying her area.The current time was now one-twenty, exactly five minutes before the older woman was needed elsewhere. "You already rescheduled because of me, I don't want Mr. Jarvis to have another reason to dislike me."

"Don't you worry yourself about Vision, Angel." Wanda replies reassuringly, knowing that even though things were now better with Vision it didn't erase the encounter Emilia had with him and she knew how Vision got when bothered since he was a man who wore his emotions on his sleeves.

He was sensitive, caring, intelligent and extremely loyal, Wanda couldn't ask for a better PA, but she worried that the experience with him could have deterred the younger girl.

"What happened?" Natasha questions, looking between Wanda and Emilia curiously. Vision was the thoughtful, reserved and analytical type so hearing that there was some unintentional tension was a shocker.

"Something that's already been resolved, my fault." Wanda states, gathering her things while kicking herself internally at the way not everything today worked out in her favor. To her it didn't actually feel like a big deal, CEO's had to know how to sacrifice hours on end to their work but with that came the ability to adapt to any situation.

"I didn't tell Vision that I needed my appointments rescheduled so I could make time for a certain special guest of mine." She makes direct eye contact with Emilia, playfully winking at the shorter woman. "He wasn't exactly keen to have not been aware of that minor detail."

Natasha zips up her lunch bag, following suit as she too cleaned up her area and walked by Wanda's free side as they dropped their trays off and exited the cafeteria. "He is the meticulous type. Can't say I'm surprised he had a fit."

She turns to look at Emilia, the older woman feeling pleased at the woman Wanda had chosen. Seeing their dynamic firsthand like this made her more than aware that this would turn into more, Emilia practically had Wanda eating out of her palm unintentionally.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Harvard."

"Likewise, it's nice to have a face to match with the name." Emilia smiles, politely accepting Natasha's held out hand. "It almost feels like a privilege meeting not just Wanda's right hand, but her best friend."

Natasha's head tilts back with a hearty laugh."Awestruck huh? Don't worry, if you're here right now that makes you special. I hope to see you soon, if you stick around long enough you should tag along to one of the many parties Stark's planning on throwing."

"I'll think about it, Ms. Romanoff. I appreciate the future invitation." Emilia says kindly, honestly appreciating how welcoming Natasha was towards her. She hadn't once judged her or Wanda for including her in their cover story and both of them were thankful for her.

"Please." Natasha waves Emilia off kindly, they were far past the pleasantries now and she didn't have to approach her so respectably after they got to know one another during lunch. "Call me, Natasha. Any friend of Wands is a friend of mine, and I'm sure we'll be seeing each other very soon."

'Escort her out like the gentle woman that you are, this one is a keeper. Don't fuck it up.' Natasha speaks loudly in her mind, making sure that her thoughts were loud enough for Wanda to catch, especially with how strong her mental walls were when she blocked out the outside world.

'I wouldn't even think of trying anything to mess this up. Not her, never her...' Wanda answers back immediately, there was no way she was going to allow herself to mess up. Now that she had Emilia in her life, she couldn't imagine not having her in it. She officially had a taste of what it was like to be around someone who genuinely cared without expecting anything in return accept the same treatment, Wanda wasn't going to give it up easily.

"Have a good rest of your day, Emilia and as for you," Natasha gives Wanda a look, her green eyes bright in mischief knowing that she would hound the younger woman later about not telling her about Emilia's unexpected arrival today though when it came to Wanda she shouldn't expect anything less.

"I'll talk to you later." Natasha makes her way towards the elevator that was going up, before she got on, her head turned to look back slightly as she spoke to Emilia over her shoulder. "Harvard, my office is room three-twelve on the third floor if you ever stop by and want a cooler person to talk to."

'You wish.' Wanda huffed into Natasha's mind the second the redheads chuckle made its way into her ears. 'You already have someone special who gives you the time of day, don't try to steal mine.'

Natasha chuckles at Wanda's words, knowing that the woman was easy to get worked up with a little teasing. 'Possessive already Wanda?'

The elevator doors close, leaving Emilia and Wanda to themselves as the soft background chatter of the Cafe became nothing but a soft buzz as the two seem to become very aware of the comfortable silence between them, Wanda taking the initiative and pressing the down button on the elevator because she had every intention of escorting Emilia out respectfully, already sad at having to depart from the younger girl already.

When they got on the elevator together, Wanda kept thinking about how much she wanted everything to work out in her favor, as selfish as it sounded she really wanted to give Emilia the very best and just the thought of spending time with the woman a few times a week sounded just too good to pass up.

Humming to herself, Wanda glances at the smaller woman standing by her side. The way she seemed to be relaxed being in the same space as her made her heart flutter in her chest and it wasn't a one sided ordeal, Wanda could see herself enjoying all the ups and downs that came with Emilia. All of it, she wanted everything if it meant she could keep her.

"I had a really nice time Wanda." Emilia admits shyly, the comfortable silence had her mind rushing in a flourish of thoughts that were all about Wanda and how much she found herself enjoying her company. "I'm almost sad to have to go because I could honestly see us spending hours together, never tiring of one another's company."

It was a nice fantasy, to be able to spend every waking moment with Wanda, but as nice as it was it was also unrealistic since they both had busy schedules. Wanda with running Avengers Private Practice and Emilia because of school and work, it would get easier after her two week notice was complete than she could have a more free schedule with her work study hours coinciding with her course load.

"Me too, Angel." Wanda replies, a gentle smile on her lips as Emilia turns to look at her their eyes meeting almost effortlessly.

"Nothing sounds more better than being able to spend time with you, we'll make it work for us. Whether it be a quick pop by or over a cup of coffee in the morning. I'm willing to take what I can get."

'I'm a little too excited to be giving this woman all my free time from now on.' Emilia thinks to herself as she takes in the gentle smile gracing Wanda's pink lips. She was just so sweet and the way she spoke to her, Emilia couldn't ever doubt her.

She nods in agreement, knowing that she'd do just about whatever she could to see Wanda again soon. "If anything, I'm only a phone call or text away and when we don't see one another I'd be more than happy to call you or you could call me. Whenever you want, I'll do my best to be available."

Emilia followed Wanda out of the elevator the second the doors opened, signaling that they made it to the first floor of the building and from where she was it was clear to Sharon, the receptionist kept her word because her bike was in the same exact spot it was when she left it. She couldn't be more thankful to find her property safe and sound.

While Wanda escorted her past the receptionist desk, Sharon looks up only for a wide smile to fall on her face at the sight of Ms. Maximoff and Emilia.

"Ms. Harvard, I can see that everything must have went well with your appointment with Ms. Maximoff." Sharon says, looking between the two. Wanda rarely had guests who weren't labeled as a client, patient or future intern so it was definitely news to her when the reason for the younger woman's visit remained unclear on the schedule. Just stating for her to be escorted in the clip notes section that Wanda wrote personally.

"Afternoon boss," Sharon nods acknowledging Wanda, who looked almost relaxed. Which was rare because Wanda was the definition of a ball of stress, reserved but also very specific when it came to how she liked things to run. If something was falling apart, everyone would hear about it. "Your one thirty appointment with Mr. Barton will be starting shortly, but he called and told me he'd be a few minutes behind schedule. Something about his daughter refusing to comply."

"Thank you Sharon, for letting me know. I am aware of his predicament so hopefully you told him it wouldn't be a problem?" Wanda asks. It seems that everyone Emilia speaks to cannot help but to like her, how could they not. Emilia was the kindest, most down to earth person she'd ever had the pleasure of getting to know.

"Of course, I informed him that you'd recommend for him to take his time and that you'll be waiting for him."

"Thank you." Wanda throws over her shoulder as she and Emilia walk towards the exit, where the younger woman doesn't waste another second while she walks up to a sleek, black bicycle with a notably fresh paint job.

"I see someone has gone a step up from walking," She comments, making a mental check to get someone to come by to install a bike rack. It wasn't something needed consideration before since most of her clientele had transportation to and from their destinations while Emilia struggled with taking Metro, the subway or walking. The least she could do was make it easier on the younger woman, especially since she had traveled to come visit her.

"I was able to get it with your help actually," Emilia says, smiling proudly at her newest purchase, one of which would make traveling much more efficient and not to mention convenient when the engine was installed.

"Picked it up yesterday after my morning shift at the restaurant, cleaned it up and added a fresh coat of black epoxy paint which will prevent it from future corrosion or rust." She rambles a little, genuinely excited about this new investment. This was going to make a huge difference in her day to day. "The coolest part is that I actually plan on building and installing a bicycle engine, safe and street legal. Peter says I should ask Rocket and Groot to add some mods, but it isn't really a big deal; the engine itself can already go up to thirty to fifty mph."

"You know how to build engines? That's really impressive detka." Wanda replies back, the woman enjoying how animatedly Emilia spoke about her current purchase. It was even better knowing that she had been a big help in her achieving such a small feat.

"Impressive, but definitely time consuming with the labor alone." Emilia explains, raising up her hand that was covered in bandaids. When it came to repairs or maintenance, the durability of your skin matters but because it wasn't something she did on a daily basis her skin was sensitive and got cut easily by the sharp edges and parts.

"I'm talented, but unfortunately not indestructible."

Wanda says nothing for a moment, her eyes looking from Emilia's blue-grey orbs to the hand she held up which she was surprised to have not noticed beforehand. Emilia's delicate hands were practically covered in bandages. She knew there was no going back when almost instinctively she grasps her held out hand and without any hesitation places a few gentle kisses against her injured fingers.

With a wide smile Wanda leans back, and wraps Emilia in a tender hug knowing that even though she wanted to follow the woman outside that she couldn't because of her prior engagements, she needed to make sure she had everything prepared for Clint's arrival.

"Hugs and kisses make everything better, right?" Wanda whispers hopefully into Emilia's ear, and she bites her bottom lip when she feels the younger woman's arms tighten around her waist.

'This will take some getting used too.' Emilia thinks to herself, not complaining but also not accustomed to the feelings that erupted in her lower belly when Wanda held her like it.

"Yes, thank you..." Emilia replies back, her voice low as she could feel Wanda's warm breath fanning her neck. The closeness was always just so intoxicating, pleasurable and definitely unlike any hug she'd received. Wanda's hugs were special like that, no one else's hugs couldn't even rival.

Wanda pulls back from the hug, feeling incredibly pleased with how things were playing out, minus the minor bump in the road things couldn't have gone more smoothly. "Message me when you make it home, Angel."

There was a need deep inside that made it a necessity for Wanda to be aware that Emilia was safe. She knew together, Emilia would be safe but there was no telling would happen when they were apart. New York was a city known for being ethnically diverse, commercially driven and congested and with congestion came possible danger as there was an uncomfortable amount of poverty amongst the city.

"Of course." Emilia nods automatically, knowing that even if Wanda didn't request it she'd have still messaged her anyway because it was ethical to make it known she got home safe, but it warmed her heart knowing that she wanted to know firsthand.

After another soft goodbye and promises of seeing each other again soon, Emilia exited the building and didn't waste any time as she slipped on her jacket once again, situating her helmet by tightening the straps before starting her journey back home. The streets were busy as always, but not nearly as when the lunch hour struck now that people settled back into their respective jobs, the sidewalks were slightly more desolate and the bike lanes were practically scarce of other bicyclists.


The journey home was refreshing and to say that Emilia held the biggest smile on her freckled cheeks was an understatement. She'd not only signed a six month contract with Wanda, but she was also introduced to the older woman's best friend and it was even better knowing that she could tell Peter all about it without worrying about breaking any rules. He was all she had in a sense that his friends became her friends but if he left then she'd be alone. Peter was like her family, bound by friendship and love instead of blood.

The ride didn't take as long as she'd assumed it would, it might have been because her mind was wrapped up in Wanda instead of everything happening around her. Emilia walked into the apartment building, rolling her bike alongside her as she made her way to the stairs and rolling the bike skillfully up the stairs just as she'd done when she brought it home Sunday.

Once making it into her apartment without any problems, Emilia got the bike situated on the rack and places her bag on the couch, plopping down tiredly while pulling out her phone to send Wanda a text.

Emilia Harvard:

Hi, I wanted to make sure to let you know that I made it home safely as promised. ☺️


With a small smile, Emilia sends off the text shaking her head to herself at the selflie she sent to Wanda of her with a silly peace sign held up. Leaning back against the couch, she glances at the spot on her floor where the parts to the bike engine laid out organized just as she'd left it, calculating her next course of action in her mind when her phone chimes signaling a new message.

Wanda 😈💜:

Such a good girl, keeping your promise to me. 🥰


Emilia's jaw drops at Wanda's text message, a hot blush forming on her cheeks at the selfie the woman sent her way. She was winking playfully, nose scrunched up in her special Wanda way with a wide grin on her lovely pink lips.

Wanda 😈💜:

You may or may not have noticed but if you check your back pocket you'll find a surprise.

Emilia furrowed her eyebrows at the message, sitting up and reaching into her back pocket and isn't as surprised as she should be when she pulls out a familiar red envelope with her name written in perfect cursive on the center.

'You really know how to get things your way don't you, Wanda?' Emilia thinks to herself with a grin of her own, shaking her head as she couldn't help but laugh at the woman's tact.


A/N: Oh man, here we go on chapter four. It seems that things are now falling into place for Emilia and Wanda, I hope you are all ready for whats to come in the future with these two because even I cannot believe what I have in store. Please don't hesitate to tell me how you felt about the chapter, votes and comments are always appreciated and welcome. I'll catch you all again in chapter five as we take a glance into Wanda's life.

~ Emmy Harvey ✨️

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