Stuck With You

By Alicia_007

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"sir..." I say looking down. "yes? Any problem?" "no, i-i.. I'm quitting." He laughs before looking back at... More

Author's note !!!
Before I became the queen
The handsome devil
The interview
We meet again
Salty Coffee
Pay Back
Business Dinner
She can't cook
The flowers
The twins
His wife
His sister
Something nice
Crush me
Rock and Roll
I won't
Do it
Please Stay
Rainy night
You're not my girlfriend
I don't like your friend
She's your sister
Been the lucky one
Scared to be lonely
It's not her
New Job
Gold Digger
You can't hide from me
I'm sorry
Friends again
Joshua's Girlfriend
The Gift
It's Over
What you wanted
Definitely Blind
Messed up
The Wedding Day
Burn for you
Scared to lose you part 1
Scared to lose you part 2
Her Home part 1
Her Home part 2

Like I do

13 3 3
By Alicia_007

Adrian's POV:

By the time I reach my parents' place, it is already 7 PM and I can't seem to control the anger running through my veins. I can't believe Mom could actually advise my wife to leave me.

I step out of the car and head to the door. Once I'm in, I can't help but get even more irritated as I find no one. They must be in their rooms. Or they're not even here.

"Adrian?" I hear Samantha's voice from behind.

When I turn to face her, she's walking towards me with a sweet smile that I haven't seen in a year now.

"What are you doing here?" she asks and I take a step towards her.

"Are you surprised to see me here?"

"Yeah, I mean you don't usually come here. Do you want something?"

"Yes. I only came to warn you and mom to stay away from my wife." I tell her and watch as a deep frown forms on her lips.


"You know very well what you said to her, stop playing damn."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Adrian." she huffs.

"This should be the last time I warn you about it, Sam. What happened to you? I did everything I could to keep you from becoming like your mother, do you think grandma would be happy to see y-" she cuts me.

"Don't bring granny into this, we all know that she didn't give a shit about me. She loved you more than she ever loved me." Samantha crosses her arms over her chest and I shake my head in disbelief.

"You hate Melissa because you think that grandma loved me more than she loved you?" I question her, watching her closely as she looks away from me.

"No. I don't even care about your stupid little bi-"

"Don't make me forget that you're a woman, Samantha." I warn her, my voice calm.

"I see.. so now you're going to hit me because of Melissa? What has she done to you?! I'm still your sister! I was there when she wasn't remember?! Have you forgotten how we used to be like best friends before she came into your life?! You know that you're the only person who made me feel loved, Adrian, but now you're completely different! She changed you-"

"Don't raise your voice when you're talking to me, and let's not forget that we're talking about my wife."

"I don't care who we're talking about! She's a bitch-"

"ENOUGH!!" I yell and she takes a step back.

I'm disappointed in Samantha that she thought grandma loved me more than her. She lived her entire life holding this grudge against me and grandmother, and I had no clue about it.

I'll blame myself for how she turned out to be, exactly like mom. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to. But I'm even more furious that she hates my wife because I stopped giving her more attention.

"What is going on here?!" mom's voice echoes in the house and I become even more angry.

Great. Just the woman I came here for.

"Adrian? Samantha? Tell me what's going on?!" she demands and I clench my jaw.

I turn around to find her with dad standing just a about two steps away from me.

"Why are you fighting with your sister?" Dad asks and I'm tempted to roll my eyes.

"You know nothing, so I suggest that you shut up." I huff as I shove my hands in my pockets.

"Don't talk to your father like that!" Mom shouts and I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Well as you can see, I just did."

"Why are you even here? All you do is disrespect us!" her voice is so irritating.

"Firstly, I wouldn't have even come here if you didn't disrespect my wife again and tell her to leave me, and secondly, you only get what you deserve."

"What did she do this time?" Dad asks me with curious eyes.

"Ask your wife." I respond.

"I didn't do anything to that poor little girl, she can't give you kids so she should leave you alone."

"You're nothing to me, and you don't get to decide whether Melissa lives with me or not."

"Well I'm still your mother, whether you like it or not, and I have the right to decide who you should stay with!" she raises her voice.

"You're not my mother, you're just someone who gave birth to me." I say and her eyes go wide.

"Never should I see your face at my house again." I turn around to walk away after giving Samantha the last glance.

Already in my car, I can't help but think about Melissa. Is she doing alright now? How is she feeling right now? And why would she listen to my mother? I know that this isn't easy for her, but seeing her like that isn't easy for me either. I wish I could be with her right now, but I'm sure that going back home right now will make me even more angry.

She's too stubborn to understand that I can't live without her. She's my addiction. How could I survive without looking at her beautiful face every morning? Her smile gives me strength. No one could ever love me like she does, and no one could ever love her like I do.

She's my weakness. And my strength.

She's the only woman who has made me feel like this. And it's kind of.. weird.

I never imagined that I'd truly love someone the way I love Melissa. She's the only thing that is important to me.

How could she even think about leaving me? Does she really know how I feel about her? Because if she does, she wouldn't even have thought about asking for a divorce from me.

When I reach my destination, I hear and feel my car hit the one before mine. I turn down the ignition and step out to assess the damage I have caused.

I realize that there're only minor damages on the black Jeep Wrangler and I think it wouldn't cost me a fortune or something like that.

"What the hell did you do to my car?!" comes an angry roar from behind and I turn to see a guy staring at me with bloodshot eyes.

"I'll pay for the damage." I say in a calm tone as he stands in front of me, still shooting daggers at me.

"Are you blind or something? You saw my car was in front of you and you still continues to drive?" his tone is full of annoyance.

"I said I'll pay for the damages. Either you accept that or not." I attempt to walk away but he blocks my way as he his tall frame stands only inches away from me.

He's quite taller than me, making him feel as if he's intimidating. Well I'm not intimidated by anyone.

Only by Melissa. When I forget to eat my lunch at the office.

"Woah woah woah... calm down both of you." a guy says, pushing the tall guy back.

"Joshua, you know that Trina hates it when you get into fights."

By the mention of Trina's name, I remembered the guy who just wanted to fight me. He's my wife's sister's useless boyfriend.

"Dude, don't mind him. He had a fight with his girlfriend, so he's not really in a good mood." Joshua's friend tells me and I nod my head.

Getting into a fight is the last thing I would ever do right now. I don't want to worsen my current situation with my wife.

I walk towards the entrance of the club and the guard immediately lets me in and leads me to the VIP area. I sit on of the chairs at the balcony, I lean back in the chair and close my eyes.

"I want a divorce."

How dare she? How was it easy for her to say all those words to me?

I wonder what she's doing now? Is she still crying? Maybe she's waiting for me to return home? What if she's happy that I'm not there?

"Getting some fresh air?" I hear a deep familiar voice and I open my eyes to only see Trina's useless boyfriend with two bottles of whiskey in his hands.

"What do you want?" I ask him as he sits on the chair which is across from mine and places the bottles on the glass table.

"That's not necessary, you desperately need someone like me to talk to." he smirks and I clench my jaw.

"Have a drink first and then we'll have a talk." he suggests.

"I don't drink." I respond and he laughs.

He's so annoying.

"Because your wife will kick you?"

"Just go away and the next time you ever disturb me again, I'll remove you from the face of the earth." I threaten him and he chuckles.

"Hmmm. So what did Melissa tell you for you to show up here?" he asks and my blood boils.

"How do you know her name?"

"Do I need to remind you that she's my girlfriend's sister? And whatever it is that she did, don't ever make the same mistake that I made."

I sigh, "What mistake?" I give in and watch as he takes a long sip from the bottle.

"Don't say or do anything to hurt her.."

"I told her that she's only after my money, and now I don't want to face her after what I had said."

"Tell me the whole story." he demands and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Why are you interested?"

"I wouldn't like it to see you make the same mistakes that I made." he simply responds and I nod my head.

"Melissa wants to leave me."


"Why do you ask too many questions?"

"How am I going to help you if you don't tell me the whole story?"

I sigh again, "It's not possible for us to have kids, and she thinks that I'll leave her so she wants to leave me."

"I see." he says while checking his phone.

"What should I do to stop her from leaving?" I desperately ask him.

"Give her space."

"How is that going to stop her from leaving? If you can't help me then you can leave now."

"Can you just wait until I finish? You were an idiot for telling her that she's only after money."

"I know that."

"Good. You shouldn't have raised your voice at her. That is only going to make her want to leave you even more."

"She was talking nonsense, how do you expect me to stay calm?"

"We're talking about your wife here, and not some cheap striper."

"You're right." I agree.

Talking to him about this feels strange and I think I'm glad that he decided to join me, but I'm sure I'm going to regret it later.

"I was once involved with this annoying girl named Samantha before I realized my feelings for Trina and trust me, I still regret each time I had spent with her."

"Samantha? I hope you're not talking about my sister, or else you're going to regret the day you're born."

He laughs and I'm tempted to roll my eyes.

"Maybe she's your sister or something but let me tell the truth-"

"I don't care about the truth, and I don't want to talk about how you regret spending time with my sister. You and I were talking about how I'm going to stop my wife from leaving."

"Go home and apologize to her, remember to stay calm. Make her realize that you too can't stay apart from each other."

"How am I going to make her realize that?"

"I don't know. Learn to think for yourself, I'll not always be there to solve your problems." he spits and I shoot him a glare.

"You're the biggest asshole I've ever met." I say and he nods.

"I know that."

"How much do you need to repair y-"

"I don't need your money. I'll do it myself."

"Suit yourself then."

"I'm going now, enjoy yourself." he gets up.

"Don't think you're going to get a 'thank you' from me." I huff and he laughs.

"Keep that to yourself, I don't need it." he says and in less than a minute, he disappears.


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