tongue-tied ✦ l.jn | ✔

By starlightqiankun

1.8K 105 1

in which you find yourself getting sucked deeper and deeper into an article in order to ignore the scarily pe... More



190 10 1
By starlightqiankun

The doors opened to the VIP lounge, where you had agreed to meet Jeno after your meeting with your boss. It was almost two weeks after you'd returned from what NingNing was now definitely referring to as your 'romantic getaway,' which you couldn't argue. Most of those two weeks was spent by you finalizing your second article, not wanting to tell Ms. Zhang about how that trip had really gone until after you had work to show for it.

Jeno was waiting for you, already standing up and pacing the small room nervously. He seemed more worried about this than you were, despite it really being your career on the line and not his.

You made a beeline to wrap your arms around his torso, burying your face in his chest, and he immediately reciprocated it, holding you closely and pecking the crown of your head.

"Hey, how'd it go?" His gentle tone of voice betrayed his assumptions that it was bad.

Bringing your face out of his chest in order to look up at him, you squealed, "She's still going to publish them!"

"Ah!" He cried out, tightening his grip on you until it was practically bone-crushing. "I knew it! I knew you were just so good she would have to publish your articles."

You elaborated, practically buzzing with excitement, "Because I kept out the uh, more private details of the trip and focused on you and the trip itself, she says that it ties up the loose end from the first one nicely. Although, she did recommend not going public until after the second article was out."

"But you won't get fired if we don't abide by that recommendation, right?"

"No, I won't," you reassured him, happiness fluttering in your chest as he pecked your forehead.

"I'm so proud of you, Y/N."

"Mhm," you hummed, letting him peck your lips too before you spoke up. "I do think she's right, though, we should wait a while to go out in public as a couple."

Jeno clearly didn't like that idea, sighing in reply, "Why?"

"It's been less than a month, what if you decide you don't like me?"

It was meant to be a joke, but he took it seriously, kissing your forehead, then your nose, then finally your mouth, "Impossible."

After a moment, he relented, "Alright. I waited two months, another one or so shouldn't be that bad."

"Actually, she's publishing the second article in a special edition that'll come out two weeks after the first, not a month."

"I can wait three weeks."

And wait three weeks he did. Three weeks exactly. Twenty-one days after your conversation in the VIP lounge, two days after your second article hit the shelves, Jeno picked you up for your first public date. This time, you let him come up and get you—your roommate wasn't home to bother you—and he left his hat and face mask at home.

"Hi Jeno," you greeted him as you opened the door.

"Hi, baby," he replied, wasting no time in lacing your fingers together as you walked to the elevator.

As soon as you stepped foot out of your apartment building, whatever resolve he had broke down, and he smooched your cheek loudly. You giggled at the gesture, squeezing his hand to let him know that you were okay with it. After all, you'd made the poor guy wait longer than he should have, some PDA was in order.

The date was at a small café a few blocks over, within walking distance. Which you were sure Jeno appreciated, having a longer time to be out in public with you, never once letting go of your hand or without physical contact with you. He had to let everybody know that you were dating, and you didn't mind. You liked that he was so ecstatic to be dating you.

At the café, you ordered up at a front counter, and the cashier asked, "Together or separate?"

"Together!" Jeno replied brightly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

You leaned over to murmur to him, "She means, are we paying together or separate?"

"Together!" He repeated.

Squinting up at him for a moment, you didn't argue it, letting him take the check for both of you. Although you did take a few crumpled bills out of your wallet to drop into the tip jar. After getting your food, you eagerly dug in, a light and amicable conversation had between bites.

"So you really waited exactly three weeks, huh?" You teased him.

"The second article came out two days ago, I think that's plenty of time for everyone to read it," he defended himself.

"It took you five days to read it."

He seemed about ready to quip something back when a muffled chorus of squeals cut him off. You took a brief glance around, eyes landing on a group of teenage girls standing just outside the window that you were seated by. They weren't uncomfortably close, but it was clear what had made them so excited.

Jeno ducked his head shyly as he raised a hand to acknowledge them, only setting their nervous titters off again. This situation was eerily familiar, déjà vu washing over you.

But this time, you were kind of glad that he had left his mask and hat at home, and that he'd chosen a table by the window.

Because your heart soared as you were once again reminded of who exactly the man in front of you was. Not just a model who was known internationally, with fans who would recognize him out and about, with a career and life that was under the public gaze constantly, but also a cute, sweet, funny guy named Lee Jeno.

You could do that. You could subject yourself to that. It would be fine as long as you had Jeno with you.

With the girls still watching the two of you, you reached a hand out across the table towards him. Thankfully, he took your lead, picking it up before pressing a few tender kisses to your fingers. Hopefully the girls got the message that this was romantic and private, and nothing else.

A dating rumor with Lee Jeno was absolutely the one thing you needed in your life. Lee Jeno was absolutely the one thing you needed in your life.

"Jeno?" You called for his attention, ignoring the gaggle of fans outside the window.

"Yes?" He focused on you, squeezing your hand.

"I have a question..."

"I thought the interview was over," he pouted teasingly.

"It is, I swear." You lifted your linked hands pointedly. "I just... There's something that's kind of been nagging at me, about the interview."

"Ask away."

"Why me? Like, I remember at our first interview session, you thought I was just going to ask you all the normal stuff about celebrity crushes and stuff."

"You remember what I said, about my parents' shop? How I used to help out there?"

"Yeah, of course."

"When NingNing brought you to the lounge, and you said that thing about you being a normal person, and me being a supermodel, and how you weren't comfortable around me because of that, it really hit me. I-I really hated that."

"Jeno, I'm sorry—"

"No, it's not your fault," he insisted. "It's nobody's fault, that's just how it is, how our culture is, or whatever. But I hated that you felt like that around me. Because I didn't use to be like that. I used to be a normal person, too. And I just thought that if you and I had met a few years ago, when I was working in my parents' shop or something, I could've talked to you like a normal guy, and I would've been able to put you at ease and flirt with you like a normal person. Instead of having to do it in the most roundabout way like I did this time."

You grinned. "Oh, I don't know, you would've still been a stupidly attractive register boy, Jeno. I might've been a bit tongue-tied if we had met back then, too."

"I guess we'll never know, will we?"

"I guess not," you clicked your tongue. "Though that would've been an even better meet-cute than me saying you looked like a dog."

"Oh, so we're not telling that story to our kids?"

"Kids?!" You sputtered out. "When did kids enter the equation here, Lee Jeno?"

"What? Who said that?" He blinked at you innocently.

"At least say the L-word first, jeez."

"I love you."

"Christ, I was joking!"

"I wasn't!"

You shook your head, unable to fight off the smitten grin on your lips. "I love you too, Jeno. You crazy son of a bitch."

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