My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

133K 5K 969

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



880 46 14
By Sarah__Leann

With dry eyes and a fake smile, I knocked on Emrys' door and peeked inside.

"Emrys?" I called, after finding an empty room.

I knocked on the bathroom door, calling his name again and when he didn't reply, a slight moment of panic swept over me.

Where the hell is he? I wondered. He never leaves his room.

Knowing that he was probably with Haldon somewhere, I decided to send Kai a message while I waited for Emrys to come back.

I sat down on the chair, swiping and tapping my wristband before typing my message.

I really wanted to call him but I knew that if I heard his voice, I'd end up crying again and I'd had enough of that for one day.

Hey, it's me. I know you asked me to call you before I was due to leave but I thought it would be best to just send you a message instead. I've spoken to Kordin, and I'll be leaving Zandara at twenty-nine hours. If you don't make it to the hanger, I just want you to know that I love you. I won't give up on you so please don't give up on yourself. Love always - Daisy xoxo

I pressed the send button and sat back in the chair, closing my eyes with a sigh.

The room was silent yet my mind was loud. I couldn't relax, no matter how hard I tried and the only remedy was in hiding for the day.

Stretching my legs out infront of me, I looked up at the ceiling as a groan escaped my throat.

I hated feeling restless, and after a while, I found myself pacing the room until Emrys eventually returned.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here. Is everything alright?" He smiled.

"Everything's fine. I've just come to give you an update."

"Oh, wonderful. Haldon just gave me the all clear for travel, fingers crossed you have some more good news." He chuckled.

"I do. We're leaving tonight, in roughly sixteen hours.. How do you fancy living in a big farmhouse in Wales?"

"Wales? That would be amazing. I was actually born in Wales, lived there until I was three years old before moving to England."

His smile was full of genuine happiness and I couldn't help but feel happy for him. After everything that he'd been through, he deserved his happy ending.

"Kordin has turned you into a very rich man too so you won't ever have to worry about money." I chortled.

His eyes seemed to sparkle as they widened in surprise.

"Rich? Me? You've got to be joking? I've never had a penny to my name."

"Nope, this isn't a joke. Call it compensation for you having to start over years after your time." I looked at him feeling nothing but sympathy.

"I suppose it would help, wouldn't it?" He shrugged.

"Absolutely, and by the time we get to Earth, all of your official documents will be finalised and no one will suspect a thing."

"So everything is set? This is really happening?" He asked, strugglimg to contain his excitement.

"Yes and yes. I just need to have my medical and then all we have to do is wait. Well.. I need to do a few things and say some goodbyes but that's it."

"Ok." Emrys chimed. "Haldon said that he'd take me to the ship when the time comes so once you've had your medical, don't worry about coming back here. Try and enjoy your day, say your goodbyes and I'll see you tonight, ok?"

"Are you sure? I hate leaving you alone." I frowned.

"We're leaving this planet tonight. I'm sure I'll manage a few more hours. Besides.. Haldon and I are buddies now, I'm sure he will keep me company if I ask him to." Emrys chuckled.

I laughed at the thought of them being civil towards each other.

"Alright then. If you need me before tonight, ask your buddy to call me, ok?" I stood to my feet with a grin.

"Ok. Thanks for the update. See you later."

After leaving Emrys, I went straight to Haldons office but just before I got there, I received a message from Kai.

Seeing his name pop up on my wristband made my heart flutter and I quickly opened the message to see what it said.

Hey, baby. Thanks for the update. I love you and I'll see you later - Kai

Why did everything have to be so complicated? I wanted to see him more than ever, and the fact that he used my pet name made me want to run out of the medical centre and find him.

I was about to knock on Haldon's door but it opened before I had chance.

"Ah, Daisy, I was just coming to find you. Are you free for your medical? It shouldn't take long."

"Yeah, sure, that's what I was coming here for."

After spending another twenty minutes in the medical centre, I was back in the shuttle and on my way home.

Haldon had ran his tests and I passed with flying colours. He would have preferred me to have gained a little bit of weight before returning home but because he knew that it was slowly increasing, he gave me the all clear.

I kind of wished that I had failed so I could have stayed, but that would've only prolonged the inevitable anyway.

I'll get my happy ending eventually, I thought to myself, repeating the words in my mind again and again.

I was supposed to visit Kintel and Florna but I was absolutely exhausted. I still hadn't ate any lunch and I couldn't face anymore sympathetic looks or pitty hugs.

If they wanted to see me then they should have made an effort.

Instead of wasting my time on anyone else, I decided to go home, have something to eat, pack my things and mope around - and that's exactly what I did.

After eating lunch, I left my dishes on the table. Kai often nagged when I did that and I chuckled knowing that he wouldn't be able to when he noticed them.

Making my way up the stairs, I gathered a few essentials before folding my clothes up and putting  them into a bag. I was pretty much in zombie mode, sealing my emotions away in a mental box to deal with later.

I saw one of Kai's unwashed hoodies in the clothes basket and I couldn't stop myself from going over and picking it up.

Scrunching the fabric in my hands, I lifted it up to my nose and inhaled deeply, closing my eyes as the smell of Kai filled my senses.

For a moment, everything felt calm so I neatly folded the hoodie up and placed that in the bag too. I knew, without a doubt that I'd need it when I got back to Earth but I wasn't sure that it would be enough.

Walking into the bedroom, bag in hand, I dumped it on the bed before picking up Kai's pillow.

Would it be weird if it took that too? I wondered, sheepishly looking around the room as if I was about to get caught shop lifting.

Without another thought, I stuffed it into the remaining space in my bag and quickly zipped it up.

That was it, everything was done and I was ready to go.

I puffed up my cheeks as I blew out a breath, looking around the bedroom before heading down the stairs.

As much as I wanted to sleep, I didn't want to waste the time that I had left.

Thinking of something to do, I decided to visit the place that would forever hold a special place in my heart - the cave behind the waterfall.

I grabbed my coat and boots, and put them on, and incase I didn't end up coming back home, I decided to take my bag with me too.

Taking one last look around, I left the house and quickly made my way to the shuttle.

As soon as I had set the destination, I zipped my coat up as far as it would go and put my hood up over my head.

The weather was getting colder and I hated it with a passion. The only good thing about the cold was that it had frozen the lake so I didn't need a zaviour to help me get across.

Once I was there, I tentitivly stepped on the ice, praying that it was thick enough to hold my weight without cracking.

It seemed to be quite sturdy and I listened for any cracking sounds before jumping up and down a couple of times.

Everything seemed fine and because I couldn't see any water or cracks, I bit the bullet and started walking.

Holding my hands out by my sides, I placed one foot infront of the other, slowly taking each step at a time, constantly listening out for any cracking or movement.

Although I was confident that the ice was thick enough, I remaind cautious, taking my time until I eventually reached the opening of the cave.

The waterfall wasn't flowing and as I looked up, thick, long, pointy icicles hung above my head.

How could something so dangerous look so mesmerisingly beautiful?

Not wanting to be stabbed my falling icicles, I stepped into the cave. My hands instantly gripped the wall as my feet began to glide across the floor.

"Oh, no." I muttered, as panic set in, letting go of the wall until my feet came to a stop.

I closed my eyes and blew out a breath but when I looked up to scan my surroundings, movement in the back of the cave startled me, throwing me off balance as I landed in a heap on the floor.

"Ow." I groaned, looking up, embarrassed by my gracelessness.

"Do I need to arrange for a healing pod to be send to Earth?" That familiar voice spoke softly.

I was in utter shock when my eyes landed on Kai. Of all the places on Zandara, he had to be here?

His hands effortlessly lifted me up, firmly holding onto my waist to keep me from slipping again.

My knee was throbbing but I ignored it for a moment, unable to take my eyes off of Kai.

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly.

I blinked, glancing around the cave. "This is where I was when I realised that I wouldn't ever be alone again. This is the place that confirmed that I was a part of your family and I had a place to call home. I felt a sense of belonging and I just wanted to come and see it again.. I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be here." I sniffed.

He gazed into my eyes as I wiped away a tear.

"I've ruined everything, haven't I?" He murmured.

"No. It's only ruined if you give up on us. I have hope that we'll get back to where we were and after we've spent some time apart and you've worked on yourself, things might be different."

Without saying a word, Kai lifted me up and carefully made his way further into the cave. He sat me down on a small rock next to his family tree and I bit my lip as a pain shot through my knee.

"I'll never give up on you, Daisy. I'll find a way to make myself better, work day and night on my self control, whatever it takes to keep you safe, I promise I'll do it."

He still didn't get it. He didn't need to make himself better, he needed to realise that he wasn't a monster.

I didn't want to argue about it though, so I let it go and hoped that Kiara would have more luck when it came to her helping him.

"Why are you here?" I changed the subject, running my fingers over our names on the cave wall.

"I don't know. Something told me to come here so I did."

I looked up at him, raising a brow. "Do you feel it?"

"The soulmate bond?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"I do." He whispered, kneeling down infront of me. "I feel like it's pulling us together. I don't think fate brought us here, I think our bond did."

I chuckled softly, running my hand through his hair. "But I still have to go."

"You still have to go." Kai nodded.

We sat in silence for a while, admiring the colours that glistened in the light, and when the bitterness of the cold swept through the cave, Kai suggested that I should go back to the shuttle.

I reluctantly agreed, taking his hand as he helped me to my feet.

"I might need your help getting out of here." I groaned, struggling to bear and weight on my knee.

"What's wrong?" He asked, frantically looking over me to see what I had done.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"I wish you could see your face right now. You believe you're a monster yet the panic on your face says otherwise. You certainly don't display any signs of an abuser."

He took a step closer and very gently lifted me up into his arms. "Until I know for sure, I won't ever put you at risk. It isn't worth it." He mumbled, before making his way out of the cave.

I held on to Kai's neck, shivering as the cold breeze hit my face but remained silent until we reached the shuttle.

"Where are we going?" I wondered.

Kai put me down on the seat and set a destination before sitting down beside me.

"Where do you think?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Honestly, I'll be fine. I don't have the privilege of a healing pod on Earth so I may as well get used to not having one." I tutted, shaking my head.

He glared at me, almost as if he was trying to intimidate me but I snorted a laugh at the opposite effect he had.

"You're going, end of discussion."

"Fine." I huffed, looking out of the window as a shiver ran down my spine.

"Come here?" Kai breathed, pulling me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest, feeling it move up and down with each breath that he took.

I reached up and placed my hand on his shoulder, and I felt him tense up at my touch.

I looked up at him and as our eyes connected, my pulse quickened.

My breath caught in my throat and I felt a spark ignite in my chest. I knew that Kai felt it too and when he dipped his head, my hand moved to the back of his neck.

His throat bobbed as he swallowed, trying to fight the soulmate bond, but as we inched closer together, I parted my lips, capturing his mouth with mine.

In that moment, all of my emotions melted away and I felt complete again.

I pulled away from him, resting my head against his. "Spend the rest of the day with me." I whispered. "Let me try and change your mind."

Kai clenched his jaw, squeezing his eyes closed, fighting his feelings and the soulmate bond.

"Daisy, please don't do this." His voice trembled.

The shuttle came to a stop and my heart shattered.

"You really want me to go?" My voice cracked.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you."

I sat up, wiping my tears away, wincing as I stood to my feet.

"Let me help you." Kai insisted, trying to assist me out of the shuttle.

I pulled away from him, shaking my head, refusing his help as I slowly hobbles towards the medical centre.

"Daisy, stop. You're hurt, let me help you." He stood infront of me.

"No." I yelled, stumbling backwards, crying out in pain as I landed on the floor.

"Why? Just let me get you inside."

"You're breaking my heart, Kai. I can't touch you without wanting to kiss you and I can't kiss you if you don't want me." My voice trembled as my tears fell. "It kills me when we're apart but I'd rather suffer alone than have you reject me again and again. All I wanted was a chance to change your mind but you'd rather send me away instead."

"Daisy?" I heard Haldon.

I looked over at the medical centre and saw him running towards me.

"Daisy, please." Kai whispered, but I ignored him.

"Are you ok?" Haldon asked, kneeling down beside me.

"I've hurt my knee. I can't walk." I mumbled.

"Hold onto my neck and I'll get you inside." He spoke calmly and I nodded, reaching out and holding on to his neck.

I groaned as he lifted me up and Kai followed behind as we entered the medical centre.

Haldon took me straight to the scanner and sighed loudly when he checked my results.

"Nothing is broken, thankfully, but you'll need to spend a few hours in a healing pod." He frowned.

I looked up at him from the chair that I was sitting on, mirroring his frown with a nod. "Ok."

Kai was stood by the door and I felt his eyes burning into me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"I'll give you guys a few minutes while I go and set up the pod." Haldon stated before leaving the room.

"I can't stop hurting you, can I?" Kai slowly made his way towards me.

"You say you can't trust yourself around me yet you haven't had any urges to hurt me. You kiss me and hold me and you tell me that you love me yet you still want me to leave Zandara. I can't do this anymore, Kai. You keep pushing me away and rejecting me and each time you do, my heart breaks that little bit more. All I wanted was a few hours to see if I could change your mind but you wouldn't even consider it."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just can't risk hurting you if you stay." He murmured.

I looked up at him, exhausted, with nothing left to say. "Just go, Kai."

I sensed his pain as the words left my mouth.

"Let me just wait until you're better."

"Goodbye, Kai." I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat.

He stared at me for a moment as tears flowed down his cheeks. "I love you, Daisy." He choked, before turning around and exiting the room.

I knew in my heart that I wouldn't see him at the hanger, this was our official goodbye.

When Haldon returned, Emrys was with him but I couldn't speak for crying.

He sat beside me and took my hand in his. He didn't say anything, he just sat with me, letting me know that he was there when I was ready to talk.

Haldon disappeared for ten minutrs and by the time he came back, I was calm enough to speak.

"I'm sorry, Haldon. Drama tends to follow me everywhere I go." I mumbled.

"You don't need to apologise, I'm just here to help." He smiled sweetly. "Are you ready for the healing pod?"

"Yes, thank you." I nodded.

"Do you need help getting there?"

"I'm not sure." I stated, standing to my feet.

I tried to take a step but failed, miserably so Haldon lifted me up and carried me to the healing pod where I spent the next few hours healing.

Emrys stayed with me but I didn't talk about Kai. We didn't really talk about anything but I did show him the picture of the snow dog that I built.

I didn't leave the medical centre until it was time to board the ship, and as the shuttle pulled up to the hanger, I couldn't help but look out for Kai.


Bit of a longer one for you today, hope you enjoyed it 😊

Please be honest.. What did you think of this chapter?

It didn't particularly like writing this one but it had to be done 😫

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