Goddess Awakened (On Hold)

By me2you804

456 53 14

There was a time when Antheia feared death above all else. After all, what else did a goddess have to fear? ... More

Goddess Awakened - Blurb
Goddess Awakened - Chapter One
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 2
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 3
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 4
The Goddess Awakened - Chapter 5
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Goddess Awakened
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 8
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 9
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 11
Goddess Awakened - Chapter 12

Goddess Awakened - Chapter 10

15 2 3
By me2you804

Life rapidly settled into a routine. The promised supplies had been dropped over the following morning and then, one meeting at a time, Owain and Ella seamlessly drew Antheia into their world.

From dinners, walks in the parks, and impromptu walks in the park,  she was invited to them all. It took little persuasion for her to accept. 

With her bloody past still carved into her mind with startling clarity, Antheia had half-heartedly fought against the attentions but, bit by bit, she found herself caving in. She had already given away so much of herself - watched it wither in the fires. Surely, she couldn't lose any more. She tried to ignore the part of her heart they were effortlessly carving out for themselves. 

Still, Antheia was defenceless against them. Small gifts were left at the gate for her each day and the pure joy on her priestess's face when Antheia expressed her gratitude were enough to soften even the hardest of heart. 

Even Hades would have had a hard time remaining detached.

The change in Antheia was gradual but, as the weeks went by, she found herself smiling more. She relaxed into the role of mortal, learning with reluctance how to navigate the new and confusing world. While she still had a lot to learn to truly fit in, Antheia could almost imagine a life here amongst them. A life with Owain and Ellie in it. 

Yet, despite how much she attempted to distract herself, a part of Antheia remained unsettled. She still looked to the shadows for the unseen foe.

Something was coming.

She knew it. It was a bone deep feeling that danger approaching. They were lurking just out of view but it still haunted her days and nights.

Restless, Antheia's feet pounded the pavements night after night, her corporeal form unable to sink into the oblivion of sleep. It was only when she reached total exhaustion that she finally gave in. Then, she would drift off into a dreamless sleep so deep that even her priestess was unable to wake her.

Swallowing, Antheia stilled with her hands in the earth.

"Everything alright, Theia?" The voice was soft but cut through her dark thoughts like a bucket of icy water.

Lifting her head, Antheia offered a reassuring smile to the volunteer crouched on the other side of the vegetable patch, her hands equally covered in dirt.

She was an older, kindly woman. Her features had softened with age, laugh lines gently drawn around the corner of her thin mouth. Her nose was reddened by the cold air and her long wisps of grey hair danced in the wind. 

"A problem shared is a problem halved, you know?"

Antheia shook her head. "There's nothing to discuss. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well, the offer is there." She brushed a hand across her forehead, smearing dirt across it in the process. "Why don't you take the list pinned on the noticeboard and run to the shop? The bags are hanging in the entry way. You deserve a break from the physical labour."

"I don't mind it. I feel most at home in the fresh air and my hands in the dirt."

"Don't let the boss lady hear you say that. She'll have you out here year round."

Antheia shrugged and glanced towards the open doorway. "I wouldn't mind. It's good to have a purpose." And so far, Antheia had just felt so purposeless. After all, with Olympus gone and her existence forgotten by most, what was her role in this new world?

"I could go if you really want to stay. It's no problem."

With a shake of her head, Antheia wiped her hands on her skirts, uncaring of the muddy smears now painted across the fabric. "No, I can do it."

If only she felt so sure on the inside.

Heaving herself up to her feet, she glanced uncertainly at the building. She gave a parting smile as she headed inside.

The list was exactly where she had said it would be, dangling precariously from the notice board, one wrong move away from landing into the open topped bin. Plucking the pin from the board, Antheia frowned at the list before folding it carefully and tucking it into the pockets in her skirts, an ingenious invention if she had ever seen one.


She glanced back over her shoulder as the woman stepped into the small kitchen behind her.

The volunteer blew out a dramatic breath of relief. "I caught you. I almost forgot to give you the petty cash. Remember to get the receipt of boss lady will have my neck. A paper trail for everything these days." She rolled her eyes and heaved out a put upon sigh.

Antheia nodded her head, as she had learned to do over the past few weeks when faced with a situation that was more baffling than informative. This was one of those. Processes and paper trails. Bureaucracy was nothing new but these modern mortals insisted on making everything complicated.

Taking several empty bags from the hook near the exit, Antheia waited near door as the woman fussed around the kitchen before drawing out a small metal tin. A few seconds later, the lid was clanging shut and the strange sheets of currency were slipped into Antheia's hands.

"Remember. Receipt or I'll get it in the neck."

Antheia peered down at the aging woman with a grim smile. "Do not fear. I would not allow harm to come to you for my mistakes."

"Don't worry, love. It's just a turn of phrase." At Anthiea's frown, the woman just smiled and patted her hand. "Of with you then. I have weeds to pull if we're going to get the veg patch ready in time."

Nodding, Antheia turned and headed out of the door without a backward glance.


Modern markets were still a dazzling experience. Though, this was the first visit unsupervised.

As she stepped through the door, Antheia blinked as warm air blew down from above, a fake breeze that ruffled her hair. The abrupt change between light and sounds took the goddess a breathless moment to adjust. She blinked into the odd 

Bright lights shone overhead, special cooling fridges hummed, and the air carried the oddest scent that she could not place.

Yet, it was sterile - almost lifeless - despite the dozens of shoppers pushing around carts.

Markets has always been loud. The scent of sweat, sweet fruits, and livestock mingling into a strange perfume that hung heavy in the air. Voices had beckoned from either side, begging for her custom and offering gifts in equal measure. There had been so much life.

Here, things were too orderly.


The mortals had become so far removed from the source of their nourishment. Everything was tidy. Neat. Packaged up in ways to be as inoffensive as possible. 

Pushing the metal cart with one hand, Antheia peered at the slip of paper as a furrow formed between her eyebrows. Maybe she should just ask for assistance? After all, was the term 'cling film' supposed to mean something to her? It may as well have been written in a lost dialect.

Her trolley jolted. Antheia glanced up distractedly, an apology on her lips.

It died quickly.

It couldn't be.

Dark hair, dark eyes, and a wicked smirk peered back as her. She sucked in a sharp breath.

"Watch where you're going!"

Antheia blinked at the sharp tone and shook her head, the memory fading away to reveal a scowling mortal. He sniffed angrily in her direction, reached over her head to lift an item off of the top shelf, and stalked away. His white shoes squeaked angrily in protest as he disappeared down the next aisle.

Antheia released a shaky breath. It's not him.

Her throat grew tight and she blinked rapidly at the tears that so wanted to fall.

Not here.

She drew in a deep breath, her hands tightening into fists as she attempted to find her equilibrium.

She exhaled loudly. Then, Antheia consciously uncurled her hands, a deep 'V' forming between her eyebrows as she stared at the crumpled paper.

Zeus's bolt.

Had she truly come to this? Wishing with all of her might that she would see a familiar face that her mind had started to conjure up images. She was supposed to be looking towards the future, not hunting for the past.

Antheia refocused on the list in hand, carefully manoeuvring through the aisles as she hunted for the items on the list. Eventually, she made her way to the tills.

The murmur of other customers and the steady beep of the tills were a discordant symphony. Antheia tapped her foot against the floor, humming softly under her breath. The queue moved forwards and Antheia took a step closer to the conveyor belt.

"Well, it definitely doesn't look like you're having a party."

Antheia ignored the voice as the queue moved forwards once more. Picking up the divider, Antheia carefully placed it on to the belt, as she had watched Owen do so many times before, taking great pains to use all of the space to the best advantage.

"Teabags. Milk. Toilet cleaner? Definitely not a party, darling." The voice continued in a dramatic drawl. "A young thing like you should be drinking champagne and eating only the finest chocolate money can buy off of the abs of the most beautiful specimen you can find."

Antheia shook her head, "I don't require your opinions on my-."

Her breath caught in her throat as she turned, her eyes widening at the blonde bombshell standing behind her.

It had to be another mirage. Antheia blinked, shook her head for good measure. After a few more blinks, Antheia realised the image wasn't fading. It wasn't just a figment of her imagination. It was real.

It had to be. Antheia wasn't sure her imagination was this creative. The woman's long blonde hair curled over her shoulders and tumbled down her back in glossy waves. Her body was wrapped in a silky dress in a way that teased and enticed. It was raw sensuality without showing an inch more skin than was required. 

"Lady Aphrodite?" Her voice was no more than a whisper as her gaze drank in the site of the elder goddess.

The woman froze and then, ever so slowly slid her glasses down her nose and peered down at her. "Well, that's a name I haven't heard in an age. It's good of you to know your betters, darling." She grinned down at Antheia, her perfectly straight teeth gleaming. "Oh, Cronus. Antheia? Is that really you?"

Antheia was only able to nod her head as she peered back at her aunt and mentor. Within movements, Anthea's face was smothered by those blonde curls as she was dragged into the goddess's arms.

"Where have you been? When you never came back, we all thought - " The arms tightened around Antheia. "Oh, your father would have been so happy to see you looking so well."

"Would have?" Antheia asked as she was released, her stomach knotting at the answer she was sure she already knew.

"I'm sorry, Theia." Her voice was sombre as she reached out and took Antheia's hand. "He's gone. He tried to hold on for as long as he could."

Closing her eyes, Anthiea nodded her head as she fought against the lump in her throat. She had known it. And yet, truly knowing was like a sword to the heart. "When?"

"About ten years ago. He never stopped looking for you. Your mother made him promise."

Antheia gave another nod of her head, a strange numbness flooding her body. He was really gone. It all seemed so damned impossible.


Antheia jolted and turned back around to face the cashier, an apologetic smile on her lips. She received only a scowl in response as her items were swiped through the checkout at a dizzying speed. Antheia scrabbled to pack her items, her hands working on autopilot. Her attention kept drifting back at the blonde smiling back at her.

She's really here. Aphrodite; the goddess of love and beauty was in her mortal form in the middle of a mortal supermarket. Curiouser still, she seemed so at ease with all of the technology and bright lights.

Antheia handed over the money, collected her bags, and then stood off to the side. Her attention remained on her former mentor, unwilling to look away in case she disappeared. She couldn't lose her. Not now. 

They walked out of the artificial lighting of the store side by side, the earlier cloud cover having given way to give pure blue skies.

"I can't believe you're really here." Antheia murmured, her face aching from her wide smile. "I've been alone for so long."

"I've missed you too." 

"Where have you been? Are you staying in town?" 

"I've got a flat not too far from here." Her purple eyes drifted from Antheia's head to toe, her nose wrinkling at the dirt on her skirts. "Why don't you come and stay with me? It will be just like old times. My flat has the most amazing bath. And did I mention the hot tub? You can help me handle the masses of adoring fans." The blonde said, shaking out her hair in a way that had ensnared many a mortal over times. "I assume you know how to look after a social media account?"

Antheia shook her head. "Is this one of those modern things mortals love? I find I am still catching up with all of the - advancements." She shrugged her shoulders. "I was... asleep... for some time. I am still trying to find my way in this new land."

"Well, that's more reason to come and stay with me. I can show you how to navigate the modern world."

"I thank you for the offer but I cannot."

"Why not?" The bright smile on Aphrodite's face melted away into a petulant scowl. A younger Antheia would have backtracked in an instant.

Yet, she was no longer her.

"I'm sorry but I have my own responsibilities here. My priestess needs me. She is still young and untrained."

Aphrodite nodded her head in acceptance but, as someone who had known the goddess for a long while, Antheia could detect the lingering discontent in the other woman's gaze. She never did like hearing the word 'no'.

"I may not be able to come and live with you but I would be more than happy to visit."

"Now, that's an idea. We can have a feast worthy of your father."

"Oh, you don't need to - ."

"Nonsense. It will be a night to remember." Aphrodite clicked her fingers. 

Her nails were filed into a sharp point that looked equal parts impractical and lethal. There was a flash of red as her hand extended towards Antheia, the tip of her very sharp nails scoring the end of Antheia's nose. A small card balanced between her fingers. 

"Here's my address. Come to me on Friday and we can catch up properly."

Antheia accepted the small card with raised brows before tucking it into her pocket. "I would love nothing more."

She took a hesitant step away, scared to let the other woman out of her sight.

"Oh, and Antheia? Why don't you bring along your priestess? I would love to meet her."

And then, with a flutter of her fingers, the goddess waved goodbye and strutted off down the street. 

Antheia waited until she had disappeared around the corner before she pulled out the card. It's sweet scent itched her nose, as the goddess's magic seeped from the paper. 

An event hosted by the goddess of love? Antheia swallowed as a knot formed in her stomach. What could go wrong? 

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