An Heir's Legacy

By jkurtzman_44

522 19 11

Coriolanus Snow left Lucy Gray 12 years ago. Lucy Gray was forced to move back to district 12 because of the... More

An Heirs Legacy

522 19 11
By jkurtzman_44

Lucy Gray looks around the hob. She needed to find a shirt for Julian to wear today. He had fine enough pants and shoes but all of his shirts were discolored and ripped from his boyish games he would play with other children. She hated this, yet she put on her bravest face to ensure that Julian stayed calm. The sweet boy would always stress when his mom was upset.
It had been 12 years since his father left. Now he's the President of Panem, just like he always wanted to be. He made is intentions clear when he said that he wanted to make The Hunger Games his top priority of his presidency. He was most definitely doing that, forcing everyone to watch the games, making children market themselves to receive any type of help in the arena, oh god, the arena. Now a theme accompanied each year. The betting as well, it made her sick. She was just happy she was out of it, she hid herself well among the faces of district 12. She moved back when Julian was 2, only being truly free for such a small amount of time. However, she was safe in 12 now, the citizens of 12 overthrew the Mayor. No one liked him or his policies, the peacekeepers even joined in with the citizens. Lucy Gray made some money doing small shows at the Hob and performing at weddings. It was enough to get by, and Julian never complained. Him with his bright blond hair and big brown eyes. He was a perfect mixture of his parents. He stood out in 12 though, no one had hair as blinding as his. He even went through a few years of bullying for it. However, he overcame, embracing his locks, it helped that he started growing some muscles from puberty. He was still a boy but could hold himself in a fight, and knew how to handle a knife well. He lied to his mother, telling her it was only because he wanted to learn how to catch food if needed but he really learned so he could protect her. He knew that she performed in front of drunk men and wanted to protect her if anyone were to come at her.
Lucy Gray stopped as something caught her eye. A beautiful dark green shirt that was sure to fit Julian perfectly.
"How much for it?" She asked the lady at the stand.
"That's 20" she said with a nod. Lucy Gray looked down in her bag. She knew she only had 17, could she maybe give a sweet performance to make up for the last of it.
"I only have 17, anything I can do for you to make up for the last of it?" She asked.
"No, that fabric was expensive, I'll take nothing less than 20" she said crossing her arms.
Lucy Gray rolled her eyes and turned around. The other shirts were cheap and would only last Julian a month tops. She looked around some more and noticed some peacekeeper men shopping around. Maybe she could give them a little flirt for the $3 she was missing. She walked over to them.
"Hey boys, don't I remember you from my performance a couple weeks back?" She said teasing. They both turn and smile once they see her face.
"You remember us?" One of them asked blushing. Lucy Gray placed a hand gently on the man's chest and took a step closer.
"How could I forget a handsome man like you" she said. The man flustered around, not knowing what to say.
"Hey, could you help me? I need $3 for an item I desperately need. I'll pay you back for it, I'm good on my promises" she said giving him her best doe eyes. The man smiled while his friend shook his head. He knew she was playing his friend.
"Yeah, I'll help you out. As long as you sing a song about me at the next performance" he said reaching in his pocket.
"You got it darling" Lucy Gray says smiling. He gives her the money and she walks back to the stand.
"The green shirt" she says laying down $20.

When she gets back to the house she sees Julian and his cousin Boyce, Maude's son, running around. He's only 4 so Julian knows to play gentle with him.
"Momma!" Julian called out once he noticed her walking. He ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
"I woke up and you weren't there. I didn't know what happened" he said squeezing tightly.
"I'm okay, I had to get you a new shirt" she said revealing the green shirt she had picked.
"I like it, but you scared me. I thought you got taken by 'keepers or someone bad" he said.
She admired that her son wanted to protect her but even if she got herself into trouble she wouldn't want Julian to see it happen. He was too precious and sensitive. She was scared that if she were to leave him while he was young, he would turn into someone like his father.
"It's okay Jul. I'm here and I'm okay" she said brushing his blond locks. She crouched down to his level, not that there was much height between them.
"Is this about something else Julian. Are you nervous for today?" She asked at his level.
"Yes. I know there's nothing I can do but that man scares me so much" he said burying his head into his mom's shoulder.
"What man?" She asked confused.
"President Snow. We learned about him at school this week. My classmates made fun of me because I looked like him. I don't want to be anything like him" he said holding back tears.
Lucy Gray didn't know how to respond, she had never told Julian about his dad. He never questioned it, some kids had two parents and some didn't. He didn't know how babies were made so he didn't question anything. It also helped that plenty of kids in his class were getting raised by only one parent as well. She didn't think now was the right time but he was going to find out soon that babies get made between a man and a woman. A man helped make him, what would she do once he found out. She promised that she would always tell him the truth if he asked. She looked at him and gave him a serious look.
"Julian we need to talk. There is something you need to know because you're old enough" she said. She grabbed his hand and started walking with him.
"We're gonna go for a walk Maude. We'll be back well before the reaping" Lucy Gray calls out to Maude. Julian and Lucy Gray start walking into the meadow behind their house. They make their way to the willow tree and sit on the rock under it.
"You deserve to know all of this because it makes you, you. You're a special boy Julian, no doubt about it. Have you even wondered about why I have dark hair and you have bright blond hair?" She started. He looked at her confused and shrugged. She nodded and continued the talk.
"Your dad had blond hair, just like yours. And his face kinda looked like yours too" she said giving him a small smile. Julian looked shocked, he never had heard a word about a father.
"Why isn't he here" he asked. Lucy Gray looked down holding back tears. Julian saw this and started comforting her. He wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm sorry momma" he said.
"No Jul, you need to know... Your dad is a complicated man. He was from the Capitol, that's where we met. He saved me there and then came to 12 to be with me. We got mixed up in some bad things and had to leave 12. He didn't know that I was pregnant when he left me" she said. Julian looked upset.
"He left you! I hate him! Is he still in 12? I'll hurt him for what he did to you!" Julian says standing up and pulling his knife out. Lucy Gray rolls her eyes and takes the knife out of his little hand.
"He is not here. He went back to the Capitol. Even if you saw him again, you couldn't hurt him Julian. He's too powerful" she said placing the knife on the rock. Julian looked at her dumbfounded then started putting pieces together.
"Snow?" He asked quietly looking at his mom's face. The tears she had been holding back the whole time broke loose.
"I'm sorry I never told you sooner Jul" she said letting tears flow down her cheeks.
"I understand momma. He is evil, I don't want him to be my dad" he said grabbing her hand.
"I don't need a dad, I have you. You're the best mom I could get" he said smiling at her.
"How did I get the sweetest boy" she said pulling him in for a hug.

As they made their way to the town center, Julian gripped his mom's hand. His grip slowly getting stronger as they got closer. Once they got there he had to get in line by himself as his mom made her way to the back.
"No momma. Please don't leave" he said not letting go of her hand.
"Julian you have to let go. If you cause a scene the peacekeepers will come over. You'll be okay. Just get in line and I'll see you when it's over" she says pulling away from him.
Julian gets in line with all the other boys. Once he gets up to the table they ask him for his name.
"Julian Gold Baird" he said trying to be brave. The peacekeeper standing next to the table stopped him before he could join the group.
"What's in your pocket little guy" he asked. Julian reached down and pulled out his knife. The peacekeeper took it.
"I know your mom. I'll let you get this back after the reaping" he said. Julian kept walking and joined in the large group of boys. He looked back where the parents stood hoping to see his mom.
"Look forward kid" the older boy next to him said. Julian looked over at him. He had to be 16-18 years old.
"If you don't stand straight and look forward the peacekeepers will make you" he said quietly. Julian straightened up and looked forward to the stage. Eventually a lady wearing the nicest outfit he's ever seen appeared on stage. She was the one that was going to read the names of the tributes. She pulled the girls name first.
"Daisy Hobber" she called out. Daisy was only 14 and ghastly small. She was insanely malnourished and most people didn't think she would live to see 16, looks like they were right. Now for the boys. Julian's stomach twisted, he felt like he could vomit but had to be strong.
"Julian Gold Baird" she shouted out. He went numb. He couldn't walk. He looked around as all of the boys looked at him and motioned for him to go up on stage. He looked down and started making his way up.
"Julian! Jul!" Lucy Gray screams from the back. She pushes her way through to the lane he was standing in and held onto him. He started crying. "Momma, I don't wanna go" he said. Peacekeepers walked over to them and separated the two.
"Stop please! Stop! Snow stop this! He's yours! Please" she screamed as the peacekeepers drug her away.
"It's Lucy Gray! That's our son! Don't send him in there!" She screamed.

Coriolanus Snow walked into the large gathering room in the mansion, full with government officials and other elite society members. He steps up to his podium and begins.
"Welcome to my home! On this day we pull 2 names from 12 districts. To honor the miraculous win of the Capitol over the rebels over 20 years ago. To show our power and might we continue the Hunger Games each year. Let the reaping begin" he says.
They always started with 12. Coriolanus sat down at the head of the table with the head gamemaker sitting next to him. He instinctively looked out at the group of children in twelve with disgust.
A young boy with bright blond hair caught his eye. He stood out among all of the children, with his dark green shirt and blond hair, how couldn't you stare at him. They called the girls name, she looked like every other girl in the crowd, sad and hungry. Coriolanus knew she would go quick in the arena. Then they moved on to the boys.
"Julian Gold Baird."
Coriolanus perked up, no way. Not her, she's dead in the woods. Gone, a mystery. He realized quickly that the boy called was the same one that caught his attention earlier. Coriolanus shook his head, as he started putting pieces together. That boy was his, Lucy Gray had his baby 12 years ago. He pushed his thought aside, he had no proof that it was his, for all he knew it was another member of the Covey's kid. Then suddenly she ran out from the back of the crowd and hugged the boy. It was Lucy Gray, it was her, alive, bright as always and holding her son.
She screamed out to Snow, it's his son. Begging him to not send the boy into the arena. She was risking her life for the boy. Coriolanus could not take the embarrassment he felt as everyone in the room stared at him. He excused himself and went to his office. His assistant followed him closely.
"What am I supposed to do? Everyone in Panem just heard her scream that it's my kid! He looks just like me. They all know I was in the districts as a peacekeeper so it all adds up! What am I supposed to do?" He says pacing around his office.
"Claim him and her. Make him your heir" the assistant says.
"Are you crazy? I have an heir! Jade is 9, and being raised properly in the Capitol" he said scolding the woman.
"But he's older. Julian... you can't ignore it. The boy will mention it again in his interview. He will tell the full story to Panem. You have to tell them that you didn't know about the child and make it seem like you will support Lucy Gray and him" she said. He knew she was right, if he ignored this the narrative would be all Lucy Grays. He couldn't allow that, she would make a mockery out of him. Panem would call for a new President if he didn't support them and ensure safety for his child and past lover.
"Get me on the phone with 12" he said sitting down at his desk. He starts talking to the Mayor of 12 and the Sargent Officer.
"I need the boys mom on the train as well. They both come to the Capitol" he said.

Lucy Gray gets walked to the train station with hand cuffs on. She sees Julian getting walked onto the train.
"Julian" she shouted. He turned around and ran towards her, he shoved a peacekeeper to the ground and put up his fists when the others came at him.
"Julian stop, I'm okay" she says. They grab him and throw him into the train. Lucy Gray's handcuffs get unlocked.
"You're going too, orders from Snow" the peacekeeper says then pushes her into the train. She looks around and finds Julian.
"Momma" he says and squeezes her from behind.
"What are you doing on here?" He says not letting go.
"Your dad wants to see us, both of us" she says.
"No! I don't want to see him" he says back defiantly.
"Julian this is our only chance of getting you out of this. Just follow me and listen to his orders" she said.
The train ride was quick, they also got fed on the ride. It was a meal that filled them up quickly, providing them with the nutrients they so lacked. As the train pulled into the Capitol station memories started flooding back.
The walked them off the train. She looked around and saw him standing there. Snow. He walked over to them. She put her hand on Julian's shoulder and pulled him back from Snow.
"Welcome to the Capitol Julian Gold" he said handing him a white rose.
Julian looked at him and then back up at his mother. She was scolding Coriolanus, trying to read his game.
"Lucy Gray! So lovely to see you. You look wonderful" he says going in for a hug.
"Don't touch her!" Julian said then pushed Snow back. Coriolanus looked at him surprised, some peacekeepers moved in to grab the boy.
"No no" Coriolanus says to the peacekeepers.
"Don't bother him, he was just protecting his mother" he says looking back up at her.
Lucy Gray kept a straight face, not wanting to let Snow she how scared she was, or Julian. She wanted to stay strong for him.
"Please join me, I want to show you where you'll be staying" he said leading them the opposite way of where the rest of the tributes were going. Julian grabbed his mom's hand and held it tight.
"It's okay Jul, he can't hurt you" she said quietly.
Coriolanus turned around.
"Julian, have you ever rode in a car?" He asked trying to be fun for the cameras that followed us.
"No" he said shy.
"Well today is your lucky day, we're gonna go for a ride in my car to my house! It's the biggest house in the Capitol" he said smiling big. Then he opened the door for Julian and Lucy to get in. He got in after them squeezing in next to Lucy Gray.
Coriolanus' smile dropped once in the backseat away from the cameras.
"Why am I here" Lucy Gray asked.
"You're all part of a big old plan I had to cook up. I have no choice Lucy Gray. You exposed our son to all of Panem. I have to claim him, however your little scheme to try to get him out of that arena will not work. I have people breathing down my neck, they will not allow only 23 tributes. It's not fair" he said.
"So you're going to send your own son into that arena! You are a monster" she said.
"I didn't say that!" He said raising his voice. Julian trembled in the corner of the back seat. Terrified of the man and situation they were in.
"I am trying my best to get him out but I can't promise anything Lucy Gray" he said sincerely after calming himself. She looked down and started crying.
"Momma" Julian said trying to console her. He started rubbing her back trying to talk to her.
"This is all your fault" Julian said glaring at Snow. Snow scoffed at him.
"Lucy Gray, you raised our kid to be so disrespectful" he said. Lucy just kept her head down crying. Coriolanus looked at her and the boy. Then tried talking to her. He leaned down to get closer to her face.
"Lucy Gray, I know this is a lot. I promise I am trying my hardest to keep him out. I have a plan" he said wrapping his arm around her.
"Keep your hands off my mom!" Julian said.
"Julian stop, it's okay" she says sitting up and wiping her tears. He stopped looking at Snow and looked at her instead, his face softened.
"I told you we need to listen to him" she said cupping her son's cheek.
"Thank you" Coriolanus says. Finally seeing some control of this child.
"I have to claim him and you. We must appear in love, make the Capitol citizens think we were torn apart back in 12. That you tried to tell me about Julian but they wouldn't let you contact me. Maybe they will have some sympathy, they might be able to create enough rioting that the gamemakers have to take him out" he said. The car came to a stop.
"Let the show begin" he says. Lucy Gray looks over at Julian.
"You heard him, you have to pretend. Act like you are so happy to finally meet your father. Like you need him in your life" she said to him.
Coriolanus nods and opens up the car door. The sound of cameras clicking and media reporters asking questions flooded into the car. Snow got out and put out a hand for Lucy Gray. She took it and stepped out. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close. Julian gets out and looks up at the big house.
"Woah" he says smiling.
"Do you like it Julian?" Snow asked.
"It's huge" he said smiling up at his father. Lucy Gray looked down at the boy and smiled.
"Snow! What about your wife and daughter?" A reporter asked. Snow ignored the questions and walked into the house with Lucy Gray on his arm. Once the doors closed she pushed him off.
"Lucy Gray, no need to be aggressive. It was for the show" he said.
"I'm not gonna be your mistress Coriolanus! What are you doing about your wife and daughter?" She asked angry.
"They are not an issue at the moment. Plenty of Capitol elites take on many wives"  he said.
"I am not doing that" she said sternly.
"We aren't getting married, but the Capitol already is sure that Livia and I share no true love. If I appear in love with you, they will see a softer side to me and support me more" he said.
"And your daughter?" She asked.
"She's being raised by a nanny anyways, I only see her once a month" he said brushing it off.
"You're terrible! At least you have a reason to ignore me! You didn't know I existed but you have a daughter right here in the Capitol and you still don't care about her! I hate you, you will never be my dad!" Julian said standing his ground. Lucy Gray smiles at her boy.
"He's right you know" she said. Snow rolls his eyes at both of them.
"Leave me alone. I have work to get done. Some servants will show you to your rooms. Please shower and change before I see you again" he said walking away. Some servants walked up to them and motioned for them to follow them upstairs. Lucy Gray and Julian had their own rooms next to each other. As she got led into her own room she saw the large bed that looked so comfortable with all the blankets and pillows. She knew she should shower first so that the district 12 stench that was on her would not rub off onto the nice sheets.
She walked into the bathroom and stripped herself. She got into the shower and let the warm water hit her. She never felt so clean after it was done. She wrapped herself in a towel and walked back out to her closet, hoping there were clothes in there.
"You haven't changed a bit" Snow says startling her.
"Get out! I'm naked" she said holding her towel tighter.
"Not like I haven't seen it before" he said chuckling.
"We did make a kid together" he said standing up and walking towards her. He stood tall in front of her.
"I don't know about you Lucy Gray, but, this act, it won't be hard for me. I haven't stopped thinking about you since I left twelve. Now that I know about Julian, I wish I never had left. He needed a father" Coriolanus says trying to get closer.
"What does that mean?" She asked taking a step away.
"I just mean, he's a boy, every boy needs a dad" he said bluntly.
"Julian is a perfectly fine boy! He is sweet, caring, protective, and smart! Nothing like his father, just how I wanted him" she said defensively.
"Lucy Gray, don't act like he got his protective nature from you. Don't you remember how much I protected you. I covered your body with mine during the bombing. I brought you the poison before the games. I killed Mayfair for us" he said bringing her in close. She hated that she missed his touch. He placed his hand on her chin and made her look up at him.
"I loved you Lucy Gray. I didn't want to forget you" he said leaning down to kiss her.
"Momma look at my nice clothes" Julian said walking into the room.
Lucy Gray pulled away before their lips touched. Snow groaned and sighed.
"Julian, your mom and I need some alone time" Coriolanus says trying to usher him out. Lucy looks back at him and glares.
"No we don't" she said stepping away from him.
"Julian those clothes are amazing, you look so handsome" she said.
"Lucy Gray, if we are to appear in love, we need to spend some time together, alone" he said. She looked down at herself. Was he trying to sleep with her again? She couldn't handle that. Julian looked over at Snow.
"I'm not leaving my momma alone with you" he said.
"Julian, I'm your father and like your 'momma' said, you need to listen to me" he said poking fun at the boys name for Lucy Gray.
Lucy Gray stepped up to Coriolanus and put her hand on his chest.
"Leave him out of it" she said to him. She turned to Julian.
"Julian why don't you go to the backyard and play?" She said.
"How can I play? I don't have any toys" he said.
Lucy Gray looked over at Coriolanus expectingly.
"Oh! Um...what do you want to play with?" Coriolanus says after he realizes.
"A knife" Julian says. Coriolanus looks down at the boy confused.
"I can't let you play with a knife" he says laughing. Lucy Gray looks at him begging him to just let him play. Coriolanus grabs her arm and pulls her aside.
"Lucy, I can't give him a knife! What if he stabs a guard?" He whispered to her. She looked at him like he was crazy.
"He's a boy! He doesn't think like that! He'll probably just throw it at a tree and maybe cut some flowers" she said.
"Okay" Coriolanus says defeated.
"Get Julian a knife to play with and let him into the backyard" he said to a guard.
Julian smiled and jumped up and down.
"Have fun Jul, be safe" she said as he walked out.
Coriolanus closed the doors.
"Finally just us two again" he said then made his way over to her determined to finish what he started. He grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. She pulled back at first, shocked that he moved so quickly. But quickly melted into his kiss and let the kiss deepen. He reached under her towel to place his hands on her bare skin. She flinched at first surprised that he was doing this.
"I missed you Lucy Gray" he said through the kisses.
"Take the towel off" he said begging. She looks around.
"Coriolanus. I don't think we should do that. I need to be strong for Julian" she said backing away.
"The more in love we appear the better off Julian will be" he said. She looked around again, knowing that he was right but not knowing if this was the best way to do this.
"What happens if Julian does get pulled out?" She asked.
He sighed and moved himself to her bed. He patted the seat next to him and she took it.
"I don't know. I haven't gotten that far into the plan" he said truthfully. He started kissing her shoulder and getting into her neck and collarbone area. He pushed her back on the bed and got on top of her.
"What if we don't get him out?" She asked. He stopped again. "We're gonna get him out Lucy Gray."
He grabbed at the top of the towel where it was tied. He pulled at it gently and let it open revealing Lucy Grays body.
"Wow. You are so beautiful" he says then started kissing all over her body. She tried her best to not focus on the meaning of it all. She needed to give herself over to Snow again. She couldn't bare it though. He stopped himself once he was also naked.
"Is everything alright? I feel weird doing all this while you just lay there staring at the ceiling" he said.
"I just...I am trying my best.... To do what I have to do in this situation. I want to appear in love with you and I think this could work but I just don't know if I can consciously do this. I told myself for years that even if you came back into my life, I wouldn't let you do something like this again but I didn't think the situation was going to be life or death" she said trying to not get too emotional.
He grabbed her cheek. "Lucy Gray. I understand, I broke our trust. I wish that I wouldn't have done that. You are just being a good mom. I admire that" he said. He takes his hand and brushes it over her body.
"But don't you think, you deserve a little special time to do what you want? You have worked tirelessly the past twelve years raising that boy all on your own. You deserve to feel pleasure, and I want to be the one to give that to you" he said smirking. She looked up at him and grabbed his hand, she moved his hand down to her clit.
"Pleasure me" she said looking in his eyes. He smiled down at her.

At dinner the three of them sat together while a camera man took photos.
"Is this really necessary?" Lucy Gray asks.
Snow looks over at the photographer.
"Yes, we only have a few days. You know we should kiss in a few of these" he said wiping his mouth with his napkin.
"Ew no! You can't kiss her" Julian said.
Coriolanus let out a little laugh and grabbed Lucy Grays hand.
"Julian needs to go to a better school" Coriolanus says. Lucy Gray slaps his hand. Julian looks down. Lucy Gray wraps an arm around Julian and rubs his shoulder.
"You're perfectly smart Julian. Snow is just being rude" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Woah, hey. It's dad, or father" he said correcting her. She looked at him confused. Coriolanus looked back at the photographer.
"Isn't that right Julian? You call me dad" he said smiling at him.
Julian looked confused at him then looked back at his mom. She gave him a little nod. Julian smiled at Coriolanus.
"Yeah you're my dad" he said blandly. Coriolanus gave him a little bit of a scold. Julian needed to work on his acting skills if this plan was to work.
"Okay I think I got what I needed to" the photographer says getting ready to leave.
"Wait! Please, capture Lucy Gray and I sharing a kiss" he said before the man left.
Julian looked away as his mom kissed the man he most despised. The photographer left leaving the room dry.
"Did you have fun playing in the backyard" Lucy Gray asked.
"It was okay" Julian said trying to stay neutral. In honestly he had a blast, one of the servants played war with him and another one picked flowers with him.
"I heard you helped pick some flowers" Coriolanus said to Lucy Grays surprise.
"Did you?" She asked Julian. Julian gave a little smile and nodded.
"They have a big indoor garden with tons of flowers and butterflies" Julian said in awe.
"It's called a greenhouse" Coriolanus says correcting him. Julian looks at him and nods then looking down.
"Can you stop doing that?" Lucy Gray says angry with Snow.
"Doing what? I'm teaching him" he said.
"No you're not, you're making him feel like he's not smart enough. Julian has been attending school since he was 4, just like every other kid in Panem" she said defending her son.
"Then maybe I need to change the education requirements for Panem. He should know more than what he does" he said. Julian let a tear hit his new pants and a little sob came out.
"What the hell is wrong with you! He is just a boy" she said hugging Julian.
"Lucy Gray! In three days our son, our son! Could be thrown into an arena! I need him to sound smart, proper and worthy before then so that the Capitol thinks he is worth saving!" Coriolanus screams standing up.
"I am smart! I am worthy! I deserve better! Every kid deserves better! No kid should be thrown in an arena!" Julian says standing up and pushing his arm in front of his mom, trying to shield her from Snow.
"Julian, The Hunger Games are more complicated than that. Do not reduce them to some silly little killings" he said. Coriolanus reached for Julian's arm. Quickly Julian grabbed a dinner knife and slashed Coriolanus' hand.
"Don't you dare touch me!" He said. Coriolanus looked down at the large cut the boy gave him.
"Oh my gosh, Coriolanus are you okay?" Lucy Gray says grabbing his hand.
"Deal with your son, I'm fine" he said wrapping it in a napkin. Coriolanus walks out of the dining room and into the kitchen. Lucy Gray looked back at Julian who had never actually used a knife to hurt anything. He dropped the knife and ran into her arms.
"I'm sorry momma. I didn't mean to hurt him. Are they going to kill me for cutting him? I didn't mean to, I'm really sorry" he said crying into her. She brushed his hair out of his face.
"It's okay sweet boy. I know you didn't mean to, they won't hurt you. Just apologize to him later" she said.
As Julian laid in bed, he felt guilty. Snow was only trying to help him. He knew that, he shouldn't have hurt him. Or pushed him or given him a scold. He would be better tomorrow, he needed to be. The guilt he felt prevented him from sleeping, he wouldn't be able to close his eyes until Snow knew he was truly sorry.
He got himself out of bed and walked down to his father's office.
"Hello?" Julian called in.
"Julian, what are you doing up still?" He asked from his desk.
"I can't sleep."
"I'll call for a servant to get you some milk" he said reaching for the phone.
"No I don't want milk. I want to talk" Julian said quickly. Coriolanus stood up from his chair.
"You want to talk to me? I can get your mom" Coriolanus said skeptical.
"Yeah I want to talk to you" he said. Julian sits down on a couch in the office.
"I'm really sorry...about dinner. Actually I'm sorry for everything I did today" Julian said sympathetically.
"You are trying your hardest to help. I shouldn't be so mean to you."
Coriolanus looks at the boy and doesn't know what to say. He's never really interacted with a kid.
"You are just trying to protect your mom. I understand" Coriolanus says back.
"Do you have a mom?"
"Umm. I did... a long time ago. She died when I was 8" Coriolanus answered.
"I'm sorry. I've never been without my momma. I bet that was hard losing her" Julian said.
"Yeah it was, my dad had just passed away not too long before that as well" Coriolanus said remembering his past. They sat in silence for a while until Julian found another question to ask.
"Did you love my momma when you helped her win" he asked.
"Uh, yeah. I think so."
"You think so? That's not how love works. Did you love her in 12?"
"Yes, I know I did then" he said honestly.
"Why did you leave then?" Julian asked curiously.
"That's a long story" Coriolanus laughed.
"Can you tell me it?" Julian asked. Coriolanus looked at him and back at the paperwork on his desk.
"Sure...." Coriolanus starts. He tells Julian everything. He tells Julian about Peacekeeker training and the Hob and Sejanus. Every detail of what happened in 12. When Coriolanus finished he looked over to find the boy fast asleep on the couch. He doesn't even know how much he actually heard but he didn't care, he needed to let that all out. He looked over at the clock and realized how late it was, he needed to get to bed. A long day was ahead tomorrow. He went over to the couch that Julian laid on and gently picked the boy up.
He wasn't small by any means but Coriolanus could manage getting him upstairs to bed. He laid Julian down gently and brought the sheets up over his body. Julian slightly stirred.
"Sing for me?" He said rubbing his eyes.
"No, that's your mom's forte, I'm no songbird" Coriolanus said.
"Please, I can't sleep without it" he begged. Coriolanus turned around and knelt down by the bed. Coriolanus tried to think of any song he could remember.

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, as soft as a pillow.
Lay your head down, and close your eyes.
And when they open, the sun will rise"

Coriolanus couldn't remember if those were the correct words but that's all he could remember of the song and it put Julian to sleep so he didn't ponder on it too much. Coriolanus got up and turned quietly towards the door trying to get out before the boy woke again. As he looked at the door her saw Lucy Gray standing there. She smiled at him.
"That was really sweet, thank you for putting him to sleep" she said quietly.
"He couldn't sleep, he's a very inquisitive boy" Coriolanus says with a smile.
"I know. I didn't know you could sing" she said with a light giggle.
"I can't. I think I butchered the words to your song" he said.
"A little bit. Not that Julian noticed" she said teasing.
"I'll leave the singing to you" he said wrapping his arms around her waist, "my little songbird."
She blushed, he couldn't tell of course. It was too dark. Then she felt his lips on hers, maybe he could see her blush, she could barely make out his figure in the dark but he had maneuvered his way right to her lips.
"Will you stay with me tonight? I just feel safer with you in there" she said. Coriolanus nodded and they walked together back to her room next door.

The next morning the couple is woken up by Julian running into the room.
"Momma!" Julian shouted then stopped surprised when he saw Coriolanus in the bed with her.
"Julian is everything okay" she asked groggy. Julian stared intensely at Snow as he also woke up.
"Yeah, I wanted to know if I can play outside" he asked.
"Julian, we don't have time to play outside today. Today we need to go over to the tribute center. Get you a rating and talk about what you will say in your interview" Coriolanus answered. Julian ignored him.
"I want to cut flowers again" Julian says begging. Lucy Gray had fallen back asleep, proving that she was still tired.
"Julian let's go, let your mom sleep in" Coriolanus said getting out of bed. Coriolanus and him walked downstairs together and into the dinning room. Julian's eyes lit up at the sight of all the food, berries, and pancakes, and breakfast meat and eggs. It was so much food.
"Who's eating all this?" Julian asked.
"It's for all of us" Coriolanus said.
"Just the three of us? My momma can't eat that much" he said.
"Well what's left gets thrown away" Coriolanus says taking a seat.
"Why? Can't you give it to people in the districts?"
"I suppose we could but again it's more complicated than that Julian" Coriolanus says as he starts to eat some of the food.
Julian joins in and starts eating, enjoying and savoring every bite. He took two sliced strawberries and arranged them in his mouth to look like fangs.
"Look at me!" Julian said catching his father's attention. Coriolanus smiled and followed his son's actions. Both of them smiling and talking like vampires to each other.
"President Snow your car is here" a servant says to him interrupting the precious moment. He pulled the strawberries out of his mouth and sat them on the table.
"Thank you" he said in his proper Capitol voice.
"Julian please finish. We have work to do today" he said sternly. Julian sat up and finished eating his food.
Julian was prompted to get upstairs and change into different clothes.
The new outfit he wore was not proper Capitol attire but instead a tight fitness tank top and cargo pants. Julian looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some definition of abs on his stomach but they were boyish, not muscular, he could see a slight outline on his arms of some muscles that would come in some day but they weren't there yet.
He quickly ran out the house and joined his father in the car.
"Look at you" Coriolanus said.
"I already did, I don't stand a chance in there. I'm not strong enough" Julian says looking down.
"You're not the strongest, but you're brave. If you find someone to work with, and protect, you might win. That's not important though, I'm going to get you out of there. You won't be in the arena" he said. Julian looked down.
"Then why do I have to get a ranking" he asked.
"It's just a precaution, you haven't been pulled yet but the Capitol citizens already don't think you should be in there" Coriolanus says.
As they get to the tall tribute center they get led to an elevator that takes them down into the ground.
"I've never been underground" Julian says grabbing his father's hand.
"You've never been down in the mines" a game maker scoffed at the frightened boy.
"No you have to be 18. I'm only 12" Julian answered.
"If you're scared to be underground how will you survive an arena" he laughed.
"You're fired" Snow says sternly to the game maker.
"What?" The guy asks.
"I will not let you stand here and taunt my son. You are fired. Leave this building immediately, or your tongue will be cut out" he said seriously.
The elevator doors open and Coriolanus steps out, still holding his son's hand.
As they step out they walk into a big weaponry room. All of the other tributes look over at him. Julian squeezes his dad's hand harder.
"I have to go but I'll be watching you from up there" he says pointing to a little room. Julian shakes his head not wanting him to leave.
"Julian, you'll be okay. They aren't allowed to hurt you here. Make some allies, show them your knife skills" Coriolanus says then walks out.
Julian stood there for a moment feeling completely alone. This was the first time he ever had to do something without his mom. He noticed Daisy, the girl from twelve over in the corner curled into a ball.
He decided that's where he would start.
"Daisy it's me, Julian. Do you remember be from school?" He said reaching a hand out to her.
She took his hand and stood up with him.
"Don't bother with her! She hasn't said a word since she got here" a voice from behind him shouted. Julian turned around and saw a large boy was the one that screamed it. Around him stood 2 girls and another boy. He recognized them as the careers.
"Come over here, we wanna talk to you" one of the girls says. Julian looked back over at Daisy. Feeling drawn to protecting her. He grabbed Daisy's hand and walked with her past the careers and over to where the knives were. He grabbed two and handed one to Daisy. She held it in her hand without confidence. The careers eyed him closely, obviously upset that he chose some skinny girl over them.
"Hold it like this Daisy" he said fixing her hand position.
"Then throw it" he said aiming at a target, hitting a perfect bullseye. Daisy threw her knife and it hit the floor, maybe 6 feet ahead of them. She had no strength. She would need protection in the arena or she would get killed instantly.
Coriolanus watched from above as his son tried to teach Daisy how to throw.
"Your boy is an idiot" the head gamemaker says to Snow. Snow tightens his jaw and holds back. Knowing too many public figures are watching, if he didn't keep his calm in this situation he could lose his position.
"He is trying to be kind. Still he is showing off that he indeed knows how to use a knife well" Coriolanus said. The rest of the people watching agreed.
"He had a chance to work with the careers and he chose that little girl, he's an idiot."
The men in the room all look at Snow. Expecting him to make some sort of comment back to him. Instead he stands up and walks back to the beverages. He slips something into the cup and lets it dissolve. He hands the glass over to the head gamemaker.
"Okay, Julian is young. He is just doing what he thinks is best" Coriolanus says raising a glass.
"To the 22nd Games" he says taking a sip.
He slowly watches the life drain out of the head gamemaker.
"Darn, that is just terrible. I suppose I will have to hire someone new to finish out these games" Coriolanus says. The rest of the men look at him scared. It has become quite obvious that Snow will do anything to remain the most powerful man in Panem. He has a line that he drew and if you cross that line, Snow will ensure you reach your fate.

A new head gamemaker was assigned. Someone that was working already and was deeply involved in the building of the 22nd games. Coriolanus was able to convince them that instead of Julian doing his interview with Lucky alone, that both Lucy Gray and Snow would join him. It was going to be perfect. The three of them would get some sob story going and the citizens would riot that night saying that Julian cannot be put into that arena. Tonight training scores were announced live on television. This gave citizens enough time to place bets on tributes. They always started with district 1 and worked up to district 12. All of the careers received scores of 9. This made Coriolanus nervous, a group of 4 all skilled were most likely going to be hunting his son first for ignoring them today.
Eventually they made it to district 12.
"Daisy Hobber with the score of 2 and last but not least Julian Gold Baird, with a score of 10."
Coriolanus stood up from the couch that the three of them sat on.
"Julian! You got the highest score!" Coriolanus exclaimed. Lucy Gray wrapped her arms around Julian and gave him multiple kisses on the cheek.
"Way to go Jul" she said. He sat there unimpressed.
"What's wrong?" Lucy Gray said.
"Did I only get that score because you're my dad and they don't want to upset you?"
"No Julian, I didn't rig this. You earned that score!" Coriolanus said.
"I don't want it. I don't want a 10. I give some of my points to Daisy. Give her 4 of my points so we both have 6" he says.
"Scores don't work that way Julian. We can't just give her your points" Coriolanus says.
"But I don't need them because you're gonna make sure I don't go in the arena so give my points to Daisy so then people won't hurt her. I don't want Daisy to get hurt" Julian said starting to cry. Lucy was about to grab the boy and hold him but Julian reached up for Coriolanus instead. She looked at Coriolanus expectingly.
Coriolanus didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to console a child. Especially a grown one. Coriolanus didn't have time to think because Julian wrapped himself around Coriolanus.
"Please, please save my friend" he begged his father. Coriolanus patted the boys head not knowing what to say or do. He looked over at Lucy Gray concerned. She looked back giving the same look.
"I don't know what to do" Coriolanus mouthed to her. She stood up and hugged both of them as best as she could with her small body.
"Julian, my brave boy. You have to accept your fate. The stars are looking down on us always right?"
Julian nodded with tears still streaming.
"The stars above have a fate written for all of us. Even Daisy. Sometimes fate leads to bad things."
"That doesn't mean she should die on camera" Julian spits back.
"Jul, do you remember Daisy in 12. She would stumble and pass out in class? That's because she wasn't eating any food. If she stayed in twelve she would've died a slow painful agonizing death from malnourishment. Maybe the stars wanted her to experience devine food and luxury before she passed. Dying in that arena is going to be quicker than her fate in 12" Lucy Gray says.
Julian pulls away from them and nods.
Coriolanus looks at Lucy and gives her a grateful look.
"Why don't you head upstairs sweet boy and get ready for bed? Momma will come sing you to sleep in a minute" she said. He smiled and nodded at her. Julian looked at his father and gave him a hug.
"Thank you" Julian said then ran upstairs.
Coriolanus looked down and back up at Lucy Gray.
"You okay? I know he can be a little much" she said.
"It's fine, I just don't know how to be a dad" he said truthfully. She gave him a little look.
"You are doing perfectly fine. Julian is young, he doesn't pick up on the little things yet" Lucy Gray says giving Coriolanus a little shoulder rub.
"No, I was terrible. You were right, he is so smart, and kind and protective. I love him. He deserves a dad that knows how to do all of that dad stuff" he says seriously. Lucy Gray looks up at him laughs.
"Dad stuff?" She jokes. Wrapping her arms around him. He smiled down at her.
"You really think I'm doing okay with him?"
"Yes, he likes you. He went to you for comfort today. You earned his trust somehow" she said.
"I fired someone today in front of Julian, they were taunting him" he said.
"That will do it. Julian finds respect in standing up for someone. That's what you did for him" she said.
Coriolanus grabs Lucy Gray and squeezes her.
"Am I staying with you again tonight?" He asked hopeful.
She looked up to him and nodded. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso. He gave her a passionate kiss.
"Mmm Lucy Gray. We did such a great job the first time. Let's make another baby" he said teasing. She laughed and threw her head back.
"You waited too long for that to happen again. No more babies for me" she said. He laughed and kissed her neck while it was exposed to him.

The next morning Lucy Gray woke up to Coriolanus getting out of bed.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he said.
"It's okay. Do I need to get ready?" She asked.
"No no, the interview isn't till tonight. I just have work to do" he said.
As he walked out into the hallway to get back to his room to get some clothes on, Julian walked out.
"Mornin'" he said.
"Good morning Julian" Snow said back.
"Is my momma awake?"
"I think so" Coriolanus says. Julian walks into her room and runs into her bed. He jumps into bed with her and cuddles up next to her.
Coriolanus looks down at his schedule for today.
All stupid, boring parts of being President. The only important thing he had to do today was that interview tonight.
"Clear my schedule" he says to his assistant. Then walks back into the bedroom. He closes the door behind him and walks up to the bed.
"Is there room for me?" He asked. Lucy Gray beamed at him. Julian scooted over to make room.
Coriolanus cuddled into the bed with them holding onto Lucy Grays hand.
"I'm hungry but I don't want to get up" Julian says.
"I think I have a solution for that" Coriolanus says grabbing the phone on the bedside stand.
"Hello, could you please bring breakfast upstairs for all three of us, thank you" he said then hang up.
Julian smiled and clung onto Coriolanus. Coriolanus looked over at Lucy Gray and smiled. She smiled back at him.
"You're a good dad" she mouthed to him.
The family stayed in bed till they couldn't any longer. They needed to get up and prepare for their interview. Lucy Gray had a dress picked out for her that was crème with lace. Coriolanus was set to wear his standard black suit but chose a crème shirt underneath to match Lucy Gray better. Julian had on a dark red suit, showing his power and that he was a Snow.
As they all met at the bottom of the stairs in the mansion, Coriolanus emerged with gifts behind his back.
Lucy Gray just smiled at him waiting for the surprise to be revealed. Julian couldn't contain his excitement, as he jumped up and down asking over and over what it was. Coriolanus couldn't contain his laughter.
"Come on! I wanna know what it is dad!" Julian said. The adults both look at Julian, both shocked that he called Coriolanus dad all on his own. Maybe this interview wasn't going to be an act, maybe they really were a family that couldn't be separated.
Coriolanus choked back tears and revealed two white roses to be pinned onto their fits.
"It's a representation of my family. A Snow rose, is very valuable in the Capitol" Coriolanus says as he pins it to the boys jacket.
He moved up to Lucy Gray and gently placed the rose on her dress.
"You look wonderful. Absolutely stunning" he said to her.
"Are you gonna kiss her?" Julian asked looking up at them. They both let out a little laugh and look back at each other. They give each other a small kiss.

The family gets into the car and head over to the tribute center. They get there and are walked backstage. The first district girl is about to go out for her interview. Julian sees Daisy again.
"Daisy, you look wonderful" Julian says giving the small girl a hug.
"I don't think I'll be able to talk out there" she said quietly.
"Just do your best" he said giving her an extra squeeze.
They slowly go through all of the tributes giving Julian the last spot. As Daisy goes out for her interview, she barely answered any questions. Even the ones she answered, you could barely hear her response. There were a few stray claps for her as she exited the stage. Then Lucky announced the last interview of the night. Julian stood between his parents and grabbed both of their hands. They began their walk out to the couch to join Lucky.
Coriolanus gave the crowd a smile and friendly wave. He whispered down to Julian to do the same. Julian gave a kind wave out into the crowd and received some cheers from it.
"Well well, Lucy Gray! What a dress! Go ahead, stand up and show that off again!" Lucky says. Lucy Gray stands up and does a spin.
"Quite a catch, she is! And the voice of an angel" Lucky says smiling.
"Hey now Lucky, let's not go showcasing my love" Coriolanus says. Lucy Gray blushes, his love? That's what he decided on.
"Oh yes sir, President Snow" he said in quick response.
"Well we sure do love to see the softer family man we have on stage with us tonight, don't we folks?" Lucky says out to the crowd. The crowd cheers and awes.
"Now Lucy Gray. I must know, what is the story here? Where did this love begin?"
"Well here in the Capitol. During my Games, Coriolanus saved me. We fell in love. He even came to district 12 just to be with me" she said looking over at Coriolanus lovingly.
"Why did you ever leave such a beauty President Snow?"
"Uh, I didn't want to. I was whisked away, for officer training. I never even got to say goodbye to her" he says starting to tear up.
"I didn't know that she was pregnant at that time" he said. Julian noticed his father's emotions and leaned his head onto him grabbing his father's hand. The crowd gave a sweet awe at this.
"I tried to write him, call him, anything to let him know that he had a son but I wasn't allowed. There was no way of reaching him" Lucy Gray says.
"And you Julian Gold. How do you like your father?"
"I love him. I never knew that I had one before the reaping but now that I know him and have played with him, I never want to be without him" he says smiling up at his dad. Coriolanus wraps his arm around Julian and gives him a side hug.
"You played with the President of Panem?" Lucky said with a laugh drawing everyone in.
"Yeah we played war, and sang together and played with our food at breakfast. Even though mom taught me to not play with my food" he said rambling. Lucy Gray let out a laugh with the rest of the crowd.
"Coriolanus how has this been for you, having a family you didn't know about back in your life?"
"It's been eye opening. I thought I could forget my Lucy Gray but I couldn't. She stuck with me forever. I love her so much. She brings out the best of me. Same with Julian, he makes me want to be a better father, a better President. I want to be a role model for him to follow. I couldn't possibly go on without him" he says with his eyes full of tears.
"What do you mean with that?"
"If Julian goes in tomorrow, I am too. Without Julian I am nobody. I don't deserve the Presidency if my son goes in there. I don't deserve Panem."
The someone in the crowd stands up.
"Pull the boy from the games!" They shout. Lucky ignored the shout and continues the interview.
"After my time with Julian, I have come to learn that he is a smart, caring, protective, loving boy. That I would love to ascend me as President someday. He would make a mighty ruler of Panem" Coriolanus says proudly.
Then more people in the crowd start shouting.
"Cancel the games!"
"He's Capitol, don't put him in the arena!"
"Save Julian!"

"Julian have you enjoyed your time in the Capitol?" Lucky continued.
"Yes, the people here are very kind. I have made friends with many of the people that work around the mansion. The food here is delicious, I hope that I can make my father proud and continue his legacy in the Capitol."
"Wait does that mean, you consider yourself a Capitol citizen Julian?"
"When I first arrived I didn't believe it, but, my father is born Capitol. His blood is my blood, so yes, I would say that I am Capitol."
This sends the crowd into overload. Everyone is shouting to get him out.
"Good job Julian, you did perfect" Coriolanus whispers in his ear. They are asked to leave the stage as the crowd grows more upset.

"Julian that was amazing. You said everything perfectly!" Lucy Gray says giving him a hug backstage.
Some peacekeepers approach them.
"We need to take Julian to his sleeping chamber" the one says.
"On whose order?" Coriolanus says in response.
"On Officer Breen, Mr. President."
The head of the military? Why did here care?
"No. Orders denied. I am his boss" Snow says.
The two peacekeepers look dumbfounded at each other.
Then Officer Breen emerged.
"Snow, I know what you did to our head gamemaker and this little game you are playing. Just because he is your son, doesn't mean you can defy the Capitol. He must compete."
Lucy Gray looks over at him.
"What did you do?" She asked.
"Your baby daddy, killed our head gamemaker yesterday. Then he replaced them with someone more persuasive" Breen says.
"If you do anything more to prevent that boy from fighting in the arena, I will tell everyone how many people you've killed! And that this entire love story is fake" he said.
"It's not fake! I have order over you! I could have you executed for this!"
"Yes Snow, keep racking up your death count. Eventually the Capitol citizens will notice, do you think they will be okay with a mass murderer at the top of their chain?"
Snow looked down, out of moves. He had no idea what to do.
"Grab the boy!" Breen called out to the peacekeepers.
Lucy held onto Julian not going down without a fight. One of the peacekeepers takes their stick and beats Lucy Gray off him. Julian starts crying.
"Momma! Dad! Help me! Don't let them take me!" He screamed. Coriolanus didn't know what to do. He knelt down to see Lucy Gray. She was bruised and bleeding. He helped her up to her feet.
"Why did you go after him! I'm fine, save our son" she said pulling away from him.
"You're not fine Lucy Gray. There's nothing I can do anyways" he said defeated.
"What is wrong with you!"
"I never promised that I could get him out! I made the plan and it was perfect but it didn't work" he said.
"You are a coward Snow!" She shouted at him. He turned to her.
"I don't want him in there! Why would I want that but there is NOTHING I can do! I tried Lucy Gray!"
"Did you mean what you said up there? That if Julian dies, you would step down from the Presidency?"
"I don't know, it was just a sentiment. I didn't think he'd actually be in there" he said.
"Oh my god! You are evil! And I let you back in! I let you get close to my son! I let you make love to me! You are disgusting!" She screams and walks away.
"Lucy Gray! Please" he shouts out.
She gets in the car and it drives off before he can hop in. By the time he gets back to the house she has already gone upstairs and locked her door.
Coriolanus stands on the other side of the door knocking.
"Come on Lucy Gray! Let's put our minds together and try to find a way for his out tonight. I know you aren't sleeping" he said.
She ignored him, she refused to let him see her. To let him back in.

The next morning she woke up panicked. This was it, the day her baby died. She walked out of her room to see Coriolanus sleeping on the floor directly outside of the door.
"Lucy Gray" he says waking up. "I'm so sorry." He says breaking down into tears.
"Julian is in there because of me! My son! My only son! He deserved a better father! I'm so sorry Lucy Gray" he said.
She started crying too and sat on the floor with him.
"He could still win" she said.
"Yes, he could. He earned the highest score. If anything, he will get a lot of sponsors " Snow says.

The couple walk downstairs to the living room where the large TV was set up. Neither of them could eat. Coriolanus grabbed ahold of Lucy's hand as the tributes entered the arena.
It was a large island surrounded by water.
"Please tell me Julian can swim" Coriolanus says.
"A little" she said. The clock started counting down, Julian needed the knives from the cornucopia to survive. He looked straight ahead at them determined to grab them before anyone else. The buzzer went off and Julian sprinted to the middle. As he grabbed the knives someone by him and killed someone that tried to attack Julian from behind. It was the girl from 2 that protected him. Julian quickly ran away from the middle and grabbed Daisy before hiding deep in the wilderness.
"Can you climb?" Julian asked Daisy.
"No" she said. He looked around and heard some commotion.
"You protected him! I saw you!" The boy from 2 screamed at his partner.
"No I didn't I was going for him but missed" she said defending herself. The girl from 1 slit the girl from 2's throat putting an end to the discussion.
"I saw him run this way with that skinny girl" the boy from 2 says then points in the direction Julian was standing at.
"Get on my back" he said to Daisy. She does has he said and he started running.
Trying to find any kind of shelter. He wanted to climb up into the tree but didn't want to leave Daisy on the ground, and couldn't carry her up there. He could hear the career pack closing in on him. He kept running as far as he could.
"He's getting close to the edge" Coriolanus says.
They find a large rock to hide behind and he sits down catching his breath.
"They have to be around here somewhere" Julian hears. He ducks down and pushed Daisy lower.
He looks up briefly to see how close they were. Trying to see if he could take one out with a knife.

"There he is!" The boy from 2 shouts seeing him look up.

"I'm gonna be sick! I can't watch" Lucy Gray says covering her eyes.

Julian quickly grabs a knife and pierces the boy from 1. A direct hit to the heart that they were not expecting.
"He has knives! Take cover" the girl from 1 says.
They both separate and hide behind trees so they didn't get hit.
Daisy quickly looks up to see her surroundings. He pushes her back down.
"Come out come out little girl! We all know your boyfriend isn't going make it with you dragging him down" the girl from 1 shouts. Suddenly, someone ran across the open area and distracted the careers.
"Let's go! They're not coming out and he's too dangerous with those knives" the boy shouts. The careers take off after the tribute that ran by. After they leave Julian and Daisy get out from behind the rock and keep walking.
"I'm holding you back" Daisy said quietly.
"No you're not! We win this together" he said.
He started hearing people shouting.
"Hey future President, where'd you go! You think we were done with you!"
The careers they had cornered him again but this time out in the open, no rock to cover him. He pushed Daisy behind him.
"Come on let's give the Capitol what they want. Put down those weapons and fight me" Julian said setting his knives down.
The careers smile and set their weapons down. Julian shook with fear but still put his fists up.
The careers laughed at him as they put their fists up. Both of them much more muscular and developed than him.
The boy from two was the first to run at him. Right as that happened the girl from 1 attacked Daisy.
"Daisy run!" Julian screamed but it was too late, the girl already had a hold of her. Julian got tackled to the ground by the boy and started getting punched in the face. The boy from two let up for only a moment.
"Some President of Panem" he laughed. Julian quickly grabbed a knife that was close to him and dragged it through the boys chest and pulling it out. Daisy being held to the ground with a foot on her neck.
Julian distracted the girl from 1 long enough to get her off Daisy. Julian pushed her to the ground and helped Daisy up. He attempted to throw his knife at the girl as she was on the ground but missed. He only had one knife left now. He quickly grabbed it and pushed Daisy behind him again. Julian's face was beat up with blood all over it. He wasn't backing down though.
"Let me finish off your friend to make this an equal fight" the girl from 1 says.
"Daisy get out of here, I'll come find you later!" He said. She started running as fast as she could.
The girl from 1 grabbed the knife off the ground that Julian had thrown and aimed it at Daisy it hit her in the head and she collapsed.
"No!" He said. He looked at the girl from 1 and tried to hit her with his knife. He missed her again. She ran off realizing she had no weapon to use against him. He was going to chase her but she was gone.
He slowly walked over to Daisy. He knew immediately that she was gone. He heard the cannon boom. He knelt down next to her and started crying.
"I'm so sorry" he said.
"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head and close your eyes
And when they open, the sun will rise"
Julian finishes the song and he hears wrestling behind him.
"You can't hurt me" he said without turning around.
"I promised I would save her and she's gone" he said.

Lucy Gray starts crying knowing this is the end.
"Julian turn around! Protect yourself!" Coriolanus says to screen. The girl from 1 had made her way back around to him.
"Put me out of this misery" he says looking up to the sky.
"We will meet again in the stars Momma" he said right before his throat was slit.

Lucy Gray sat there weeping.
"May the stars guide us together" she says. Coriolanus started crying. His phone started ringing like crazy, new calls coming in every second.
His assistant walks in.
"People want to know if you are actually stepping down from the Presidency now that your son is dead."
Coriolanus shrugged. Not having an answer.
"The citizens don't want you to" she said trying to help him find an answer.
"Then I won't. I'll stay President" he says. Lucy Gray looks at him and shakes her head.
"Take me back to 12" she says to the assistant.
"Lucy Gray!" He says trying to stop her.
"Please stop Coriolanus. I was here because of him. I told you that I didn't want to be your mistress and I won't. There is nothing for me here in the Capitol" she said getting up and walking away.
"What about us? Is our love nothing to you?"
"Stop lying to yourself! The only thing you love is power. You have that now! You have the undying support of all of Panem. They see you as a family man and will forever forgive you because you lost a son. This place is not for me. I don't need you, it has been amazing seeing you interact with Julian and seeing the real Coriolanus come out. But like you said, Julian made you a better man. Now that he's gone, you will go back to your twisted ways and I don't want to be a part of it. Please just let me go back to 12" she said.
He looked down and nodded.
"Please arrange a train ride for Lucy Gray to 12" Coriolanus says to his assistant.
Lucy walked upstairs and gathered some small belongings. She walked into Julian's room to see if there was anything he had.
She went up to his nightstand and saw a picture. From their first day in the Capitol, at the train station when Snow gave him the flower. She grabbed it and stuffed it in her bag. She made her way back downstairs and started heading for the door.
"Lucy Gray! One last kiss goodbye" he asked from behind her. She turned around and walked up to him.
"You should have this" she said handing him the photo.
"I have plenty of memories of him back in 12" she said.
Coriolanus nodded and took the photo. He leaned down to kiss her and she barely kissed back. A terrible kiss honestly.
"I beg you to cancel the games. I hope you realize how heinous they are now" she said before walking away from him and out of the mansion.

Wow...I didn't want to make this a bunch of chapters because I knew I would take forever to write it and I just wanted to do it. So here's the entire story! Hope you enjoyed!

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