LITD Rework (1+2)

By mixii_giirl

32 0 0

One day Y/ns life just turns around. Her parents have put her in a school 8 hours away, but with no reason wh... More

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5 0 0
By mixii_giirl

The sun was blinding me through the curtain, giving me no choice but to wake up. Maybe that was for the best, casting a quick glance at the phone that was charging next to me, I realized I had not set an alarm, nor did I know what time it was. Debating whether I dared or not to open up my phone, I just decided to quickly get dressed instead, let the panic come when I'm ready to leave and not when I'm ready to get dressed.

With my schedule in one hand and my phone in the other, I finally opened my phone up to look at the time. It was 7.30 am, and according to the schedule breakfast started at 8. I had half an hour to get the things I needed to my locker and to find the cafeteria, perfect.

No it wasn't perfect. Finding my way towards the lockers was a pain and then to find my own one was even worse, all lockers were at the same god damn place, which had slipped my mind completely. With about 10 minutes to spare now I had to get my things organized and find my way to the cafeteria. Mom pick me up. I don't wanna be here anymore.

I closed my locker and there he was, the man that greeted my by the door yesterday, the one and only Jeongin Yang, who managed to scared the fuck out of me by just standing there, laughing at my reaction.

"If you ever do that again, I will open my locker in your face." I glared at him whilst he continued to laugh.

"Come onnn, we both know you'd be lost without me so I decided to greet you a little bit earlier~" He giggled and I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Let us go then?" I nodded.

We reached the cafeteria, but they still hadn't started serving breakfast. I looked around and saw 5 guys and the girl I really didn't have the patience to be around at this hour at the same table as yesterday. Evelyn was practically sitting on poor Seungmin, who looked desperate to get her off of him, but he wouldn't say anything. I tried remembering who was who and I gotta say that Jeongin and Seungmin were obvious, Jeongin because of me getting to know him, and Seungmin, because he was practically haunted by Ms. ugly. Almost the same amount of people as yesterday, Felix was gone. Someone else was gone to, and I couldn't tell for sure but I think it was Minho.

"The Lee brothers are doing the same as usual, so don't bother trying to get them here" Hyunjin said and then looked at me, "Minho ditches a lot and Felix doesn't eat breakfast" He looked at me. "Oh" I replied, I had not realized that whatever I was doing was obvious.

"Y/n, I think we need to have some rules" Evelyn spoke, and I glared at her.

"No, the fuck we don't? Mind your business and I will mind mine." I turned to glare at Evelyn, but the lights went out at that moment. What a scary coincidence, really.

"SHE DID IT!" Evelyn shouted and Seungmin sighed at her idiotic accusation.

"Evelyn, don't be ridiculous, how was she supposed to do that? She has been here, right in front of you, this whole time" Jisung spoke, Seungmin sighed and Evelyn crossed her arms like a toddler and let out a small 'hmph!'.

There was a sudden flickering of light, before the whole cafeteria lit up. I had a short-lived relief, as there just happened to be a new person sitting to my right. No other than Felix Lee, who just appeared out of thin air. I glanced at him, bad idea.

"What." He mumbled.

"Sorry, you just scared me." I raised my hands into a defensive position, Evelyn thought this was funny, as she was laughing uncontrollably.

"Aw, little miss Y/n is scared of Felix, how cute!" She said, out of breath as soon as she stopped laughing.

I rolled my eyes and gave a quick glance to Felix, who had lowered his head. He had an expression as if he had taken Evelyn's words seriously. I could see guilt in his eyes. Was he feeling guilty for scaring me? For having Evelyn pull my leg because he scared me?

"Hey, you oka-"

The bell rang and everyone got out of their seats. This whole situation was so strange. One second the lights are off, and the next one Felix, who doesn't attend breakfast, is at breakfast. Could he be behind the blackout? That wouldn't make sense. How was he supposed to turn the lights on if he was already sitting with us? Also, why did he get hurt by Evelyn's mean words towards me? That was really weird. My thoughts went to yesterday's blackout. Just how Felix appeared out of thin air, so did that note, could that be connected?

"Something on your mind Y/n?" Jeongin and Jisung looked at me concerned.

"No, just nervous I guess" I quickly replied.

The classroom was full of students, I didn't know what I expected since it's a classroom, but there were A LOT of students, and I only knew Jisung and Jeongin.

"As you all know we have a new student here today, welcome miss Y/N, hope you'll enjoy it here!" The teacher greets me as I enter the classroom. I smile back with a faint 'Hi' and then go to sit by the empty seat next to my safe person, aka Jeongin Yang.

The teacher, Mr. Harryson starts taking attendance, and surprise, Felix and Evelyn are supposed to be in this class but alas, they aren't here. They are missing out on geography, how unfortunate (not). I gotta admit that the teaching style here was really different from my last school. Mr. Harryson even made one of the most boring subjects interesting and fun to learn, sure it's my first day so a lot can change but I was simply enjoying the moment. That is until another blackout occurred.

"Listen guys," Mr. Harryson sighed. "I'm not stupid, blackouts simply don't happen this often unless someone is trying to get themselves electrocuted, you keep messing with the lights and security footage will be put up again." Mr. Harryson teasingly blinded the class with the flashlight from his phone. I kept thinking about what he said though, again? Why did the security cameras get taken down? Weird.

Just like last time, light comes back on and there stands Felix in the doorway. He silently took a seat beside Hyunjin, who was sitting at the desk next to us. His hair was a bit messy, he looked like he was out of breath.. is that blood dripping down his neck?

"Sorry for being late sir, did I miss much?" He asked Mr. Harryson politely.

"Looks like someone struggled to find their way to my class in complete darkness" The class burst out laughing, not me, I was concerned. "No you didn't miss much, but, Felix, it's not like you to be late to class?"

"It won't happen again sir" He looked down, not with the same sad expression he had after our latest encounter with Evelyn, who still wasn't in class. I turned my head towards Jeongin, who was also looking at Felix.

"Could it be that Felix and Minho are behind the blackouts, you already told me Minho is ditching and Felix always shows up when the lights get back on." I whisper to him.

"Y/n.." Jeongin started. "We've only had blackouts since you started here.."

"Yeah okay, shocking coincidence but I have been with you all the time haven't I?" I looked at him seriously and he nodded in agreement.

The bell finally rang after what felt like an eternity of awkwardness since Felix joined class. I wanted to approach him and help him clean the blood off his neck, but my gut feeling said no, he had also disappeared out of sight so I couldn't help him, and it made me feel helpless. Why? He'd probably be a bitch towards me anyway

"Y/n, tell Hyunjin what you told me!"

"Actually, let's tell the rest of the group together" Hyunjin put his hand in his hair and sighed. Then he pointed towards the gym hall. "Chris has easy access, I'll text everyone... except Lix and Minho?" Jeongin nodded.

A few minutes went by before Chan and Jisung showed up, Chan had a rather disappointed look on his face. Changbin and Seungmin showed up shortly after them.

"Is Minho and Felix going to join us?" Jisung looked questioning

"Nope, apparently this is about them, so this better be important, Y/n" Chan looked at me and then at Hyunjin, before opening the gym hall and locking it behind us.

"Okay so, basically at geography the lights went out again right, and when they got back on Felix entered class, messy hair, out of breath, blood dripping from his neck-"

"Wait WHAT" Hyunjin burst out. "I didn't see the blood and I sat next to him oh my god-"

"Quiet down you drama llama, let Y/n finish" Changbin sighed.

"-and it got me thinking" I continued. "You guys told me Minho ditches, everytime there's a blackout Felix has been there when it's over, this time he was a mess, so maybe Minho is helping Felix bully or fight people by turning the lights off?"

"Bullying seems kinda far-fetched but I definitely believe the fighting part. Minho would do anything to make sure his brother won't get in trouble" Chan nodded.

"Let's get evidence later, next class is about to start"

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