from the start | ran takahashi

By msleereiun

11.4K 296 106

*inspired by the song "from the start" by laufey. a young girl that, unfortunately, fell head over heels on h... More

intro (new info)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 (Ran)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 10 (Ran)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 13

382 13 5
By msleereiun

We got out of the car and was met by a beautiful scenery. The sky was bright blue, the trees were swaying due to the light breeze, birds were chirping and you can see a few kids playing.

I wore the hoodie that I brought with me since it was a bit chilly. Ran wore a hoodie as well but his name was written on it.

"A bit self centered, don't you think?" I teased, pointing at his hoodie.

"Shut up, I only brought a few hoodies to Italy and this was one of them.." He explained as he adjusted his hoodie.

I looked at it for a moment and went near him. I grabbed the hem of the hoodie and felt the texture of the inside.

"What are you doing?" Ran asked as he looked at me weirdly.

"Nothing.. Just wondering what was the material.." I said as I continued to touch the fabric of the hoodie.

"Do you want one?" He teased as a smirk was plastered on his face.

I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Why would I get a hoodie that has your name on it? Ew." I joked as I made a disgusted face.

He let out a scoff and shooed my hand away.

"Then stop touching it.. You don't deserve my comfy hoodie." He said as he flipped his imaginary long hair and sashayed away.

"So sassy.." I mumbled.

He laughed at my remark.

"Come on, let's go see some squirrels." He smiled.

"Is that why we're here?" I chuckled as I walked closer to him.

He nodded his head excitedly.

"You really are a kid.." I mumbled again and I'm sure he heard it.

He just smiled even bigger as he grabbed my hand as he led me to the park.

The simple connection gave me butterflies.

Something that Kenzo didn't give me.


"Come on, Rika.. Stop sulking." Ran said as he made a turn.

"You should be resting." I stated, crossing my arms.

After the walk in the park, we decided to call it a day.

Well, supposedly we decided to call it a day.

We were both conversing about something stupid when all of a sudden I realize that we were already headed in the direction towards Milan.

"It would make no sense for me to drop you off at the station then come back to my house then go to training. I think I'd be more tired doing that." He explained.

I sighed as I uncrossed my arms.

I knew that he was right but I couldn't help but be a bother to him. I feel like a child in his care. I wanted to let him know that I can do things by my own, that I'm a responsible adult. But all I've been showing him was the same old me back in high school; a clumsy little girl that needed to be saved by her older brother and his best friend.

"I could've just taken a taxi.." I grumbled under my breath.

I heard him click his tongue.

"Stop being a brat." He hissed.

I widened my eyes at the sudden irritation in his voice.

"If you think you were annoying and a bother, NOW you're being annoying and a bother." He said as he stopped the car due to a red light.

I pursed my lips together, staying quiet. I kept my eyes down to my lap, looking at my fingers as I fidget them.

"Look, I know you feel bad but this is something that I'd do with no hesitation.." He said, looking at me.

"And you know that I'd say no to your face if I didn't want to. I'm comfortable enough to say that." He said, deadpan.

I chuckled at the statement.

"You're right.. Thanks, Ran." I smiled.

"Finally.. not so stubborn anymore." He giggled.

I rolled my eyes at him and finally lifted my head up to the front.

I noticed that we were already near the Duomo Milan, staring at it with awe.

"It's so beautiful.." I said.

"Yeah..." I heard Ran agree.

After a few moments, the red light turned green and Ran started to drive again.

To pass time, we were dancing and singing along to the music that was playing in the radio, making us laugh at each other's dancing and off key vocals.

"You sound so bad!" I joked.

"Oi! I got a 90 in the karaoke machine, thank you very much." He stated.

"Also, are you even a dancer with those silly moves?" He barked back.

I let out a gasp, putting a hand on my chest for that dramatic effect.

"How dare you say that!" I exclaimed.

He smiled proudly, as if he said the best thing ever.

We were dying out of laughter and before we knew it, we were already in front of my hotel. I unbuckled my seatbelt and faced him.

"Thanks Ran.. I had a lot of fun." I smiled.

"Same here. Don't forget to message your brother or he'll probably scold the both of us." He reminded.

I chuckled.

"I will, don't worry." I reassured him.

"And..uh.. Don't forget to message your boyfriend.. I don't know if you been texting him while we were hanging out but yeah.." He said awkwardly.

'Oh yeah.. Kenzo..'

"I-I will.." I said, feeling uncomfortable about it.

A weird tension suddenly formed inside the car making us clear our throats at the same time.

"Anyways! Thanks for the ride... Have a good training! Don't hurt yourself.." I said, trying to change the topic.

"Will do.. Bye Rika-chan." He waved as I got out of the car.

'Rika-chan? Haven't heard that in a while..'

I watched the car move as I waved good bye.

As soon as I saw the car disappear, I turned my heels and went inside the hotel. I was greeted by the bell boy, greeting him back out of politeness. I got inside the elevator and naturally looked at myself in the mirror. I noticed that the tips of my ears were red and so were my cheeks.

'Why am I blushing?'

I tried to rub the red hue away from my face but it only seemed to make it worse. I decided to ignore it and wait until I was in my designated floor.

I got out of the elevator and walked towards my hotel room. I went inside, removed my shoes and plopped myself on to the couch. I opened my phone and turned off the 'do not disturb' button. I quickly messaged my brother that I just got back from Monza. I closed my eyes and felt the tiredness consume me. I heard my phone make multiple notification sounds, annoying me. Without looking, I turned my phone off and fell asleep on the couch.


I woke up feeling like I took the fattest nap ever. I stood up from the couch, wiping the drool that was on my cheek and fixed my hair. I looked for my phone and was surprised to see that it was off.

'I must've been so tired that I forgot I turned it off.'

Waiting for it to turn on, I decided to shower and change my clothes since I haven't done either for two days.

After showering and getting into my pajamas, I grabbed my phone and plopped myself back on the couch as I dried my hair with a towel.

I saw multiple messages from my brother and a few messages from Ran. Surprisingly there were messages coming from Kenzo.

I opened my brother's first.

Ryouta: only now?

Ryouta: you left yesterday right?

Ryouta: don't tell me you spend the night at Ran's place.

Ryouta: Miss Rika..


Ryouta: no..


Ryouta: are u guys hiding smth from me..

Ryouta: im messaging ran.

I shook my head as I sighed, finally replying to him 2 hours later because of my nap.

Rika: first of all; stfu, stop being dramatic.

Rika: im gonna put u in my next show.. you'll be perfect with your dramatic ass.

Rika: second of all; yes i did spend the night there and no we didnt do anything, Mister Ryouta.

Rika: there were no more trains and he was nice enough to let me sleep at his place.

Rika: he slept on the couch, don't worry.

I lied.

Of course, I lied.

I opened Ran's chat next, saving the 'best' for last.

Ran: so even if u did tell ur brother, i still got scolded at.

Ran: i told him i slept on the couch.

Ran: i hope u told him that too :|

Ran: anyways idk what ur doing but hopefully ur in ur room resting..

Ran: im gonna train now

Ran: message me when u wake up lol

'Huh.. That was a one braincell moment.'

Rika: hey! yeah just woke up and saw ryouta's message :P

Rika: funny enough that i told him that without even seeing ur message.

Rika: hope u trained well lol idk.

A few moments later, he replied.

Ran: good morning, rika-chan.

Rika: stop calling me that..

Ran: why? i used to call u that when we were in highschool.

Rika: -_-

Ran: ha ha ha, rika-chan.

I rolled my eyes but felt myself smile at the nickname.

Rika: ANYWAYS.. are u done with training?

Ran: yep! just got in the car.

Rika: ok bye. dont text and drive. >:(

Ran: yes ma'am.

I left the chat with a smile but suddenly felt unease when I was about to open Kenzo's chat.

I hyped myself up, telling myself that everything will be fine.

Kenzo: I miss you :(

I looked at it with the feeling of distance. The feeling of no emotion. Numbness. I think I got fed up with the empty words and effortless things he has given me.

I gave him the same treatment he has always given me.

A seen.

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