𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 ||...

By lavafqll

14.6K 133 81

M I D N I G H T R A I N • "𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙚, ... More

- introductions -
- tresspassing and foster care -
- bruises and boat wrecks -
- finders fee -
- fired and rich baby! -
- kegger shenanigans -
- tit for tat and tiny bandaids -
- a close call and wannabe divers -
- compasses and gunshots -
- secrets and bad feelings -
- handwriting and memories -
- snitches get stitches -
- assault and kisses -
- could this day get ANY worse? -
- tootsie rolls and tears -
- back to stage one -
- skinny pop? -
- sinking boats -
- the royal merchant -
- runaways -
- they know -
- fire -
- burns and crime -
- wheat in the water -
- thanks for being a team player -
- just one kiss -
- you ignorant fuck -
- fuck it -
- ghost stories -
- scars down my back -
- things are going to be okay -
- we aren't batman -

- way too easy -

332 1 12
By lavafqll

All 5 pogues were sat in the HMS, JJ sat on the drivers seat, Pope was standing behind him. Melia laying with her head on Kiara's shoulder and John B sat across from the two girls.

They slowly drove further out to sea, they were going to a hotel to use their internet.

JJ whistles at a boat that was coming closer to them, Melia groans and sits up slightly.

"You guys see that?" He says, nodding over to the fancy boat approaching.

"That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wakesetter." He explains with a grin. "Number one in luxury, quality and performance."

"200K, easy."

"Yeah we picked the wrong parents." Melia mumbles, shaking her head.

"I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Topper and his girlfriend." Kie states uneasily, glaring over at their boat.

They all stare over at them as they drive past, Sarah gives them a dirty look before acting as if they weren't there. Topper snakes his arm around Sarah's waist.

Melia scowls and stands up, "You don't have to act like you don't see us! Fucking bitch." She yells, furrowing her eyebrows.

She sighs as they drive off, walking over to sit beside JJ. She sits herself down next to him, he just ruffles up her hair with a laugh.


They all were in the Twinkie, they pulled up to the posh-looking hotel.

"All right, keep a look out." JJ says, "We're behind enemy lines." He pulls the gun out from the dashboard, reloading it and grinning.

"Yo, come on man. Just put it back." John B says with an eye roll.

"I don't know- with everything that's happened to us the past 48 hours? It's probably a good idea to keep it with us." His sister contradicts, shrugging.

"Exactly! You can never be too careful." JJ agrees, nodding at Melia.

"Hey- I predict that bringing a weapon into a four-star hotel, will likely cause more problems than they solve." Pope says, walking over to the car door where JJ was.

"Thank you, Pope." John B says, rubbing his forehead.

"I swear to God, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ." Kiara states angrily, shaking her head.

"That wouldn't be very environmentally friendly of you.." Melia comments with a small grin, earning a laugh from JJ.

"Put it back." Kiara says firmly, getting out of the car.

John B looks at JJ for a second, before grabbing the gun and throwing it back into the dashboard with a sigh.

"You can't grab a gun like that." JJ mumbles before getting out the car and grabbing his badge.

"Can't forget my badge." He says in a funny accent, closing the van door.

"Professional busboy." Melia jokes with a laugh, making everybody around her giggle.

"So, where are we going now?" John B asks, pulling his backpack on.

"We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now." JJ explains with a shrug.

"This way!" Melia points, guiding the rest of them along behind her and JJ. She had been here a few times with JJ before.


"Andrew!" JJ called out to one of the men in the kitchen, grinning at the man.

"All right?" He calls back.

"What's up, bro?" He asks with a grin, carrying on walking throughout the kitchen.

"Mama L, good to see you!" Melia calls out, sneakily grabbing some of the food she was preparing.

"Hey, no! Emilia!" The woman yells, slapping her hand with a spatula. Melia simply hums in response.

Clearly wasn't that sneaky.

They all walk out through the kitchen, walking throughout the hotel halls.

"See, they got backup generators going. Kooks don't miss a beat." JJ says with a sigh.

They all walk into a room with computers, Melia carefully shuts the door behind them as the others run desperately over to the computers.

"Sweet Lord, the internet!" Pope calls out, sitting down at a chair and basically praying to the monitor in-front of him. "I've missed you!"

"Let me get in there, gotta check out my Insta models!" JJ says, running over.

"We don't have time JJ!" Kiara yells at him, flicking his head.

"Hey! You don't need Insta models when you have me!" Melia says with a wink, posing stupidly.

JJ laughs quietly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Only works when your in a bikini." He whispers into her ear in a deep voice.

John B turns around, shooting him a warning glare. Melia's face flushes red.

Why did she care? Normally they flirt and it doesn't even bother her. So why is her stomach filled with butterflies..?

"Hey, hey! I found the map!" Kiara says, pulling it out of JB's backpack. They all quickly turn back to the computer.

"Coordinates, please?" Pope asks, pulling up some kind of earth coordinate tracker... Who knows?

"34^ 57' 30" North. 75^ 55' 42" West." John B says, dragging his finger across the coordinates on the map.

Pope quickly types it into the website, waiting as it detects the area.

"Boom, continental shelf right there!" John B states with a grin, pointing at the pointer on the screen.

"What the fuck does that even mean..." Melia mumbles, shaking her head.

"Okay well, if it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt, is it?" Pope asks, scrunching up his face.

Melia sighs, playing with the rings on JJ's hand. "I know I'm a school year below you guys and all, but I'm really regretting skipping all my classes right now-"

JJ just chuckles, squeezing her shoulder. "Well, I'm the school year above and I don't know what their saying."

"That's cause your the one I skipped all my classes with, dumbass." She retorts with a playful eye roll.

"Come on, baby. Come on." Pope whispers to the screen as it slowly zooms in.

"Shit, it's on the high side! It's only 900 feet." John B says, smiling.

"That's not too deep." JJ says with a shrug.

"Is that- doable or something?" Kiara asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, totally doable." JJ nods, a grin prominent on his face.

"Will we be taking your personal submarine?" Pope deadpans, looking straight up at JJ.

"I- How do you know this, Mr Dive Master?" John B asks JJ, his face all scrunched up.

"The salvage yard." He responds.

"They got a drone that can drop a thousand. It has a 360 camera and everything!" JJ grins.

"It's for, like, deep dives and stuff. It's exactly what we need."

"And- Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" John B questions, his eyebrows still furrowed.

"Well, my dad's grimy little hands got his ass fired.." JJ says with a groan, "I guess the salvage captain frowns upon showing up shitfaced, turns out." He kisses his teeth.

"But the drone's there. It's in the impound yard out back."

"How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?" Kie asks, a smile on her face. They were all clearly thinking the same thing.

"Four hundred million."
"Four hundred mill." John B and Pope answer.

"Four hundred million dollars?!" Kie repeats, shaking her head in disbelief.

They all grab their bags and Melia quickly moves over to the door, opening it up once again.

"Can't we do anything legal for money?!" Pope asks, rubbing his forehead.

"Come on! Go!" John B whispers angrily, pulling Pope along with them.


"Pope, we're not stealing the drone, we're simply borrowing it!" Melia explains with a shrug.

They were all in the Twinkie once again, Pope and John B up front, JJ, Melia and Kie all in the back.

"'Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality.'" Pope repeats with a sigh.

"Wait, did you come up with that?" Melia asks with furrowed eyebrows, watching as JJ rolls a joint.

"No, Albert Bernstein came up with that, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing." He explains, adjusting his cap.

"Oh." She says quietly, staring down at her hands. She was getting impatient waiting for JJ to light the joint.

"So, which is it?" Pope asks, turning to look at John B. "Fantasy, or reality?"

"Why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ questions, sighing and lighting the end of the joint.

"I'd say it's fantasy, but possible reality." Kie says with a shrug, looking over at Pope.

"Reality." John B responds, looking into the side mirrors to look at his sister.

She smiles softly at him as she takes a long drag of the joint. Slowly releasing it as she leans her head back.

Pope quickly turns and grabs the joint from in her hands, throwing it out of the window. "Keep the signal clear." He states.

"Dude, what the fuck?" She yells with furrowed eyebrows. "Now that's just a waste!"

John B claps as they pull up to the yard.

"You know what your problem is?" Melia bickers with Pope.

"You and JJ?" He quips, rolling his eyes. JJ simply scoffs.

"No! Fuck off! It's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense!" She groans, shaking her head.

Everybody except John B was now out of the car.

"Hey, don't worry. You and Emi have got this." John B says, grinning at Kie.

Melia quickly went into the trunk of the car, changing her oversized t-shirt to a tight, v necked crop top. She pulled her shorts up slightly and took her hair out of the messy bun it was previously in. She clips her hair clip onto her necklace.

"It's not me that I'm worried about." Kie says with a laugh, wrapping her arm around Melia's shoulder.

JJ looks over at Lia and bites his lip slightly, only snapping out of it when Pope taps his back, making sure he's ready to go off to the storage room.

Kie and Melia walk over to the security office together, mischievous grins slapped onto both of their faces.

"Hello?" Melia calls out innocently, waving her arms over to the man.

"Excuse me?" She bats her eyelids slightly, walking over closer.

She scoffs as the man gets up and walks out and over to her, she quickly puts a smile back onto her face.

"Can I help you?" The guard calls out, furrowing his eyebrows.

Melia pulls her shirt down a bit more, revealing her cleavage. "Hi! Uhm, me and my friend actually have a flat tire." She explains with an innocent look on her face. Kie nods, twirling her hair.

"I was wondering if maybe you could help us out?"

The man looks around before finally sighing. "Uh, yeah."

"Yeah?" Kie asks with a smirk.

"Yeah." He says, nodding and walking around to them.

"It's way too easy.." Melia says with a sigh, pressing her forehead onto Kie's shoulder before walking back to the car.

"It's just this back one, right here-" Melia says, running her hand through her blonde curls, glancing over to the three boys and signalling for them to go.

"I mean, it must've been a slow leak or something." Kie says with a smile.

"Probably been sitting in the yard too long." The guard says, nodding.

"Yeah.." Melia agrees, sitting up on top of the front board, watching as the man bends over to look at the tires.

"Yeah I- I got this." The man says, nodding at the two girls.

"Thank you." Melia says with a wide smile.

She hops off the front and leans against a pole, glancing around quickly to see whether or not the boys had run to where they needed to be.

They had.

The man looks up from where he's sat, glancing between Kie and Melia, evidently staring at their tits.

It takes a whole lot of self-control from Melia's end to not pull her shirt back up and slap this nonce of a man right around the face.

She can't, this was way too important.

She smiles fakely down at the man, tilting her head slightly. "Got it?"

"Yeah..." The man mumbles, going back to fiddling with the tire.

Kie and Melia glance at each other nervously as a dog barks in the distance, the man looks up.

"Do you hear that?" The man asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Uhm, hear what?" Kie asks with an innocent giggle.

"Oh... Oh, Tebow's got something." The man says, standing up quickly and glancing around.

"It's probably just a raccoon! Maybe, probably, you know?" Melia defends quickly, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Nothing to worry about..." She pulls her shorts up slightly more, she basically had her ass hanging out at this point.

The man glances up and down at the two before finally agreeing, "Yeah."

Melia quickly takes the hair clip from off her necklace and walks quickly round to the other tire, pushing it inside and letting some more air out. Kie comes round and helps.

The man walks around without them even realising.

"What are you doing?!" He asks, scrunching up his face. Melia quickly pulls her hand away and looks up nervously.

"This one looks a little low too.." She says, playing with her hair.

The barking carries on in the distance and the man shakes his head, running off quickly.

"Wait! Wait!" Kiara calls out desperately, shaking her head.

"Shit!" Melia shouts angrily, quickly running into the car and starting it up. Kie hops into the other side.


NOTE FROM EMI: hey guys! as you might've noticed, i've changed to uploading every other day! i'm super sorry it's just a lot cause i just started school again and it's super tiring.

once i get used to it again i'll probabky start uploading more regularly! tysm for 350 reads! ilysm!!

please comment im BEGGING you, even id it's just random thoughts! it makes a massive difference on how well rhis book does and will probably motivate me more<3

can you guys tell im a sturniolo fan by some rhings ive mentioned in the past few chapters... i loterally cant help it i love sturniolo ff's so much man

can u also tell im british by some rhings i say?😭

bye guys 😋😚

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