Pink {Baxter Radic}

Por Random_writer_x

641 3 1

What happens when Summer Waves is flown over 9,000 miles away from her home, to Shorehaven, Australia? The an... Más

Team Bonding
Wait for it
A seat at the table

Suck it up

63 1 1
Por Random_writer_x

⚠️ Disclaimers: I know in the show they travel by plane to get to nationals but for this I'm just going to say they travel by car and a ferry.
For the rooms I have changed the layout and added furniture.

Quite quickly, we pulled up at the house and the officer escorted me to the door. Abbie answered and quickly ushered me and the officer inside.
Everyone gathered in the kitchen as the officer explained what had happened, at least what he thought had happened.
"So, I'll leave her with you. I'll just have to follow it up with the owner. You'll be lucky if he doesn't press charges." The officer said.
Abbie: "Thank you. And I'm so sorry for the trouble. We know the owner. He's a friend of Thommo's." She said as she led him out,

Abbie: "I'll help board up the window in the morning."
I sighed, as I leaned against one of the counters.
Ari: "Well, I assume you're not going to Nationals, so you can help."
"I know." I replied, lifting myself up and sitting on the counter.
Honey: "What?! She has to go! Come on. Mum, who doesn't wanna throw a rock at Wren's face?" She said from the table.
"I would've preferred a brick." I added.
Honey: "Amen." She added, a cheeky smile appearing on her face.
Ari: "According to your mother, you are dangerously close to going to boarding school. In Florida."
"Florida!? Like Florida, Florida, in America?!"
Abbie: "Ari." She sighed.
"Wait, you've spoken to my mum?!"
Abbie sighed again.
Abbie. "Okay, let's talk about this in the morning. Come on. Bedtime." She said, ushering Honey to her feet and leading her to her room, leaving just me and Ari in the kitchen.

He stared at me, giving me that look.
"It's just one comp." I shrugged.
Ari: "That you came halfway across the world for. Summer, what are you doing?"
"Well, there's not exactly much left for me here in Shorehaven, is there, Ari? I might as well go to Florida." I shrugged.
He didn't reply.
"I'm going to call my mum." I told him. "I'm gonna see about going back England."
Ari: "For good?" He questioned.
"Maybe not for good." I said, remembering the look on Baxter's face, just 10 minutes ago.

I couldn't leave Baxter.. so maybe I wouldn't go back to England after all..

The next morning, me and Abbie were in the garage, moving one of my art pieces from last night, off of the easel. We had decided to give it to the surf shop as a way of apologising.
Abbie: "You painted this?" She asked.
I nodded.
Abbie: "This is really cool, Summer. If they have any taste, they'll keep it in the surf shop for good."
"Stop being so nice to me, Abbie. I stole your punch." I sighed.
Abbie: "Sorry. Not my kid to punish." She shrugged.
I smiled, slightly.
Abbie: "Plus you're doing a pretty good job at punishing yourself. I saw the CCTV from the surf shop." She paused. "Poppy's lucky to have a friend like you."
"Thanks, Abbie." I smiled. "But Poppy's where she's meant to be. And soon I'll be too if I can book some tickets already." I sighed.
Abbie shook her head.
Abbie: "You're not going anywhere, but nationals, Summer."
"What?" I asked, quickly.
Abbie: "They haven't got on the ferry yet."
"I'll never make it in time." I said shaking my head.
Abbie: "Summer, they're probably only on their way to go get Poppy, if you get on your board now, I think you might still make it."
Abbie: "Summer, you can't miss this. You have spent months working your ass off for this competition, and now you're not even gonna go?"
I sighed.
"I don't know, Abbie.. Elo won't want me there after last night."
Abbie: "What Elo doesn't know, can't hurt her."
"Wait, she doesn't know?"
Abbie shook her head, no.
Abbie: "Summer, if you really love surfing, don't let anyone get in your way. You have worked so hard. You deserve to be there at Nationals. And I'm pretty sure your friends would agree with me."
I immediately wrapped my arms around Abbie.
"Thank you." I whispered.
Abbie: "You can thank me after you get on that ferry, now go! Go get your bags, get on your skateboard and get to Poppy's house, before it's too late."
I nodded quickly.
"Okay." I said rushing out of the shed. "Thank you Abbie! I love you!" I called back to her, I heard her laugh.
I rushed into the empty house, Thommo had taken Honey out for the day and Ari was the first to get collected by Elo, Wren and Baxter.

I ran to my room and quickly got changed into the team uniform. I grabbed my already packed, team duffel bag, lying next to my wardrobe. I slung it over my shoulder and grabbed my skateboard from behind the door. I double checked my phone was in my pocket, it was. I then rushed out of the house, my skateboard under my arm. I ran across the gravel and as soon I got to the road, I quickly got on my board and pushed off. It took me around 5 minutes to get Poppy's house normally, but with the speed I'm going at I should be able to make it in 3, I just need to hope Poppy's hangover buys me a little time.

I had just made it onto to Poppy's long road, I could see Elo's van parked outside her house and I heard the car horn honk. Ok, this is good, really good! I continued down the road as fast as I could, I heard the car horn once again. I was almost there when I saw Poppy appear next to the van, the door slid open. Shit, shit, shit!
"Hey!" I shouted, I saw Elo poke her head out of the drivers window. "Wait up!" I called, as I continued to skate towards the van.
After a few moments I appeared at the side of the van, I could see everyone through the black tinted windows. On the side of the van it said 'northern rivers shuttle' I knocked on the sliding door before opening it.

There were three rows, with four seats on each row. Everyone was already here, in uniform, Poppy was the last person they had picked up, probably to try and give her as much time as possible to get herself together.

"Got room for one more?" I smiled, as I saw Baxter's face, he had his cap on backwards and was sat on the very back row on his own.
Marlon, Griff, Tommy and Poppy were in front of him, Marlon closest to the window and Poppy closest to the door. At the front next to the window was Ari, then Wren, after her it was Bodhi and then finally Cassidy on the end of the row.
Poppy: "Summer!" She squealed. "You're here!"
"I am indeed." I laughed.
Marlon: "Yo, England!" He exclaimed.
"What's up, Brazil!" I laughed.
Wren: "Oh, you're here. Wow, I don't believe it." She said, pure disbelief on her face.
"Better believe it, baby!" I laughed. "Gotta be in it to win it." I shrugged.
Ari: "I didn't think you were coming? What about London?"
I shrugged again.
"Changed my mind, I guess." I smiled.
Baxter: "Well, I'm glad you did." He said from the back of the car.
I smiled brightly at him.
Elo: "Ok Summer, I'm really glad you're here but can you sit down please, we have a competition to get to." She said from the front.
"Yeah, sorry Elo." I laughed.
I smiled as I walked to the back.
Baxter: "Must be your lucky day." He smiled at me, as I sat down on the seat next to him. I placed my bag and skateboard on the empty seat beside me. I clicked my seatbelt across me, just before Elo began to drive away from Poppy's house.
"Oh my, God." I sighed. "I'm so tired after that." I laughed.
Baxter: "I bet you are." He smiled. "You can go to sleep if you want, I've got a shoulder." He shrugged. "And after last night, you need as much rest as you can get." He chuckled.
"But I wanna talk to you thoughhh." I said, dragging out the h.
Baxter: "You'll have plenty of time to talk to me, for now just get some rest." He said, softly. "If you can with all the ruckus these lot make." He laughed, gesturing to Griff in front of me.
Griff: "Oi! What'd you say Radic?" He said, turning to look at us, through the gap between his and Marlon's seats.
Me and Bax laughed.
"Nothing, Griffin. Nothing.."
Griff: "Stop calling me Griffin!" He complained.
"Sorry." I smirked. "Griffin."
Griff rolled his eyes before turning back to Tommy and continuing to talk.
Slowly, I rested my head against Baxter's shoulder.
Baxter: "For what it's worth.." he whispered. "I'm really, really happy you're here."
I smiled.
"I'm happy I'm here, too."
I closed my eyes and slowly I felt myself drift off to the motion of the car.

I blinked a few times, as I felt a hand tap my thigh.
Baxter: "Hey, princess." He whispered. "Sorry to wake you-"
"Are we on the ferry?" I asked, as I nuzzled my face against his shoulder.
Baxter: "We got off the ferry about half an hour ago, we're almost there." He laughed, slightly.
"Oh." I replied.
I lifted my head as I rubbed my eyes, looking at all the others in front of us.
"Did anyone notice us?" I questioned.
Baxter: "Griff and Tommy." He told me.
"Great, so the whole team will know by dinner." I laughed.
He gave me a sorry smile.
Baxter. "Sorry. I just wanted you to be fully rested."
"Don't apologise." I smiled, placing my hand on his lower arm, lying on his leg. "I don't care if people know, I just wanted to know if anyone did." I shrugged.
He smiled.
"Plus, it's not like they caught us kissing, I just fell asleep on your shoulder."
Baxter: "Exactly, if anyone asks, it was totally platonic."
I nodded.

Platonic. We were platonic to the other's knowledge, but I didn't know what we were to my knowledge.

"Would you care if people knew about us?" I asked, suddenly.
Baxter: "Nah." He replied, before smirking. "It would be nice to show people what's mine."
"Yours?" I laughed.
Baxter: "Like you don't want to tell everyone I'm yours."
I smirked.
We both laughed.
I stopped laughing as I turned to look at him.
"What are we?" I asked, out of no where.
He just stared at me for a moment.
"Because we're not exactly platonic." I said.
Baxter: "Um.."
"I mean, I know we're past the friend's point, but we're not dating either."
Baxter: "I'm not quite sure what that makes us either." He laughed.
"God, why are we like this." I laughed.
Neither of us spoke for a moment.
Baxter: "Was that your subtle way of hinting to me that you wanna be my girlfriend?"
I laughed.
"Was that your subtle way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"
His eyes locked with mine. Neither of us moved another muscle.
Suddenly, the van stopped, causing us to jolt forward slightly.
The others cheered, we were here.

Baxter: "Maybe." I heard him whisper as we both undid our seatbelts.
I stood up and grabbed my bag from the seat, slinging it back over my shoulder.
"Well, if you want an answer I guess you'll have to ask me properly." I replied, grabbing my skateboard and following after Poppy as she got out of the car. I jumped out of car, followed by the others and eventually Baxter.
In front of us all was the Queensland team, aka Baxter's old team. I spotted Tuscany staring at Bodhi.

Tuscany: "Oh, look. Here comes the kook mobile." She laughed.
"Oh, look. It's the bitch. And the rest of her squad." I shot back.
Elo: "Summer.." she sighed, from inside the van.
I shrugged.
"What? Not my fault she's a bitch."
I heard Baxter chuckle.

I was still mad at Tuscany for what she had done to Bodhi, she had completely led her on. One second she tells her they're on a date then next she's ruining her wave and telling her shes got a girlfriend already. Like who does that!?

"Go home, you kooks." A boy said.
"Go home, losers." Another said.
I just rolled my eyes, but I spotted a girl at the back of the group, staring closely at Baxter.
Ari stood at the front of the group staring at them. Me and Baxter approached him.
Baxter: "Just smile and wave, Goldie. They can sense your fear." He said, from over Ari's shoulder.
Me and Baxter waved, tauntingly at the other team.
"They're like dogs." I added.
"What is he looking at?" One boy laughed.
Elo: "Okay, let's check in while we wait for the gear." She instructed as she stood on the vans step.
I glanced across the street to see two boards, one had a picture of Bodhi lying on the sand at Byron, in one of the swimsuits. Next to it, the other one, was a picture of me, I was on one of the boards. It was one of my surfing shots when I was in a wetsuit, during the first day there.
Suddenly, Bodhi appeared next to me, she had spotted them too and it wasn't long before everyone else did.
Griff: "Looking good, Bodes." He smiled.
Poppy: "I didn't know the campaign was out already."
"I didn't know I'd be featured."
Griff: "I guess you're both famous now, Mercer and Waves."
"How come they used my surf shot but not yours?"
Bodhi: "Yeah.." she looked so upset and uncomfortable.
Wren: "Who cares? Bohds, you look hot."
I scoffed.
"Not everything is about looking hot, Wren."

I wasn't sure if me and Bodhi were even friends anymore, but I still felt myself defending her, against Wren and even Tuscany.

Elo: "Alright, guys, this way." She said jumping out of the van, I turned back around to see Baxter, leaning back against the vans hood.
Elo: "Don't get too comfortable. We've got a big day ahead." She said, passing him.
He chuckled as he stood up, while I made my way over to him.
Baxter: "Reckon they've got a sauna here?" He asked me.
I rolled my eyes.

I guess he'd decided we were just going to ignore what happened in the van and continue as normal, which was okay with me, I was happy just spending time with him, no matter what we are.

Griff: "Let's go, lover boy." He laughed, slinging Ari's bag into his chest.
Tommy: "Good, Gibbo?" He said, patting him on the shoulder as they began to follow after everyone else.
Me and Baxter joined Marlon at the back of the group, who was carrying 3 bags, his, Wren's and Bodhi's.
"Want some help there, Sausa?" I laughed.
He just smiled.
"Here." I said, gesturing for him to give me a bag. "Give me Bodhi's and Wren's. I'm sharing a room with them both so I'll take them up, I suppose." I laughed.
Marlon: "You sure?"
"Yeah, Brazil. I'm a strong girl." I laughed.
He rolled his eyes as he handed me the two bags.
Marlon: "Look at you, being nice to Wren."
"Hmm. No, don't get it twisted, I'm not being nice to her. I'm being nice to you." I told him.
Baxter chuckled at me, as I adjusted my own bag.
Baxter: "You're not going to be able to carry three bags and your skateboard up a flight of stairs." He said.
"Watch me."
Baxter: "I'd much rather help you." He said, attempting to take the two bags from me.
"I don't need help." I laughed, not allowing him to take them.
Baxter: "Just like at the camp?" He chuckled.
"That was different. I was carrying a surfboard and like four bags!"
Baxter: "And who chose to do that?"
"Whatever, Radic." I laughed. "You're just jealous you're not as strong as me."
Baxter: "Sure, princess." He whispered to me, making sure Marlon, who was now pretty far ahead of us, didn't hear.

The two of us followed behind everyone else up the stairs, that led to a long hallway. I had managed to carry everything, with little struggle.
"Told you."
He clapped slowly.
I smiled.
Elo: "Boys, your room." She said knocking on the first white wooden door.
"I'll see you in a bit then."
Baxter: "I'll see you later." He smiled as I walked past him following the other girls and Elo.
She stopped as she reached the second door, she opened it for us.
Elo: "In you go girls!" She smiled as we entered one by one. "My room is just down the hall." She told us, before shutting the door.
I dropped my bag onto the floor, along with my skateboard.
"Hey, Bodhi, Wren I got your bags."
Bodhi: "Oh, thanks, Summer." She said, taking it from my hand and heading over to a bed.
Wren: "I thought Marlon was carrying them?"
"Well, I didn't see why Marlon should be carrying your bag."
Wren: "He's the sub."
Wren: "It's what they do."
"Well, I didn't see you making Cassidy carry your bag."
Wren: "Whatever." She said, rolling her eyes as she snatched the bag from my hand and walked over to the same bunk as Cassidy.

I then turned to look around the room, the furthest wall from the door had a glass sliding door which led out to a small balcony, next to the door was a small white table with two white chairs, next to where I was stood was a set of shelves with appliances and a mini fridge at the bottom along with 2 free standing storage units, there were also small wooden side table next to the two metal bunk beds. Wait two bunk beds?

"Um, there's only 4 beds.."
Wren: "Oh well, guess you're sleeping on the floor." She laughed.
Poppy and Bodhi were already stood next to the other bunk.
"I'm talking to Elo." I said, before opening the bedroom door.
I walked out and went down the hall to Elo's room.
I knocked on the door.
Elo: "Hello?" I heard her call.
"It's Summer, Elo."
Elo: "Oh!" She replied. I heard her scramble around before the door opened to reveal her.
Elo: "What's wrong?"
"Um, well, there's only four beds in the room."
Elo: "Oh, yes! Um, that's because I was told you weren't coming so I was able to change our clubhouse with South Wales last night, that way one of their girls didn't have to sleep on the sofa."
"Well what am I supposed to do, I have no where to sleep?" I questioned.
Elo: "One of you will just have to sleep on the sofa." She said. "Sorry."
"We don't have a sofa." I told her.
Elo: "Oh, that's weird the boys do."
"Ok? But what am I supposed to do?" I asked, starting to get slightly annoyed.
Elo: "Um.." she thought for a moment. "How do you feel about sharing with the boys?"
"What?" I said quickly.
Elo: "Well, you're the only one who isn't dating any of the others, so you're the only one I can trust to."
I tired not to smirk, she has no idea..
"What about Bodhi? And Cassidy? Neither of them two are either?"
Elo: "Yes, well Bodhi has a history with Marlon and I'm pretty convinced there's something going on between Cassidy and Tommy." She told me.
"Really?! Tommy and Cass?"
Elo shrugged.
Elo: "Either way, it's either you share with the boys or you sleep on the floor."
I sighed.
"I guess I'll take the boys room then."
This is going to be one hell of a trip.
I began to walk away.
Elo: "Good luck." She laughed slightly, as she started to close the door.
"Thanks, Elo. I'm definitely going to need it." I responded, just before she shut the door.

I tried not to squeal as I headed back to the girls room to grab my stuff. I was going to be sharing a room with Baxter! And all the other boys.. Well at least Baxter is one of them! AH!

I opened the door to see them all unpacking their things into the storage units. I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder.
Wren: "Where are you going?" She asked.
"A different room." I said, picking up my skateboard and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

I walked down the hall to the boys room and knocked on the door.
"Can I come in?"
No answer.
"It's summer!"
Griff: "Oh, yeah, yeah."
Ari: "Come in!"
I opened the door to the sight of their bigger room, they had three metal bunk beds all with their own night stand, a huge sliding door that led out to a balcony, a white dining table with four chairs around it, a navy three-seater sofa with brown pillows and another two white chairs with it, two plants, a lamp, loads of painting on the wall, three free standing storage units and similar to us a bunch of shelves with appliances and a mini fridge.

All of them were just unpacking their things into the units, like the girls.
"This is so not fair! Your room is so much nicer than the girls." I said, putting my stuff on the sofa.
Marlon: "What are you doing here, England?"
Griff: "Why you got your stuff?"
"Oh, I have to share with you guys."
Tommy: "Um, what?"
Baxter: "Why?" He asked, a smirk on his face.
"Not enough beds."
Ari: "Oh." He nodded.
Griff: "You can't share with us!"
"Well, Griffin. I'm not sleeping out in the hall, so if you have a problem go speak to Elo, not me. And plus, it's not like I want to share with you either."
That was a lie, I was perfectly happy to share with Bax.
Ari: "Ok, but how come it was you?"
"What, wanted to be Wren?"
The boys laughed.
Tommy: "She got you there." He said, tapping his shoulder.
"Well, considering you're dating Wren." I said pointing to Ari.
"You and Poppy are something." I said pointing to Marlon.
"You and Poppy were something." I said pointing to Griff.
"You and Bodhi were something." I said pointing to Marlon again.
"And Elo thinks there something going on between you and Cass." I said pointing to Tommy.
Tommy: "What?!"
"Therefore, I am the sacrificial lamb." I smiled.
Marlon: "Ok, but what about you and Baxter?" He asked raising his brow.
"What about me and Bax?"
Baxter: "Yeah, dude, we're just friends." He said.
I tried to stop myself from smirking as I looked at him.

"So what bed is free?" I asked walking over to the three bunk beds.
Ari: "We actually haven't decided yet."
"Sweet." I smiled. "I want.."
All the boys quickly scrambled to the beds.
I just laughed as I stepped back and watched.
Bax and Griff both went for the top bunk of the same bed.
Baxter: "Shotgun, top bunk." He said, climbing the ladder.
Griff: "Alright." He paused. "Fair enough." He then sat on the bottom bunk.
Baxter looked at me, I could tell he was kind of annoyed that Griff had taken the bed below him.
Tommy climbed to the top of one of the other beds, while Ari chose the bottom bunk. Marlon then turned to me.
"Which one you want?"
I thought for a moment, I was secretly hoping to share a bunk with Baxter but then something occurred to me. The two bunk beds were positioned so that the top bunks were practically connected, meaning if me and Baxter moved our pillows to the other end, next to the ladders our heads would be right next to each other, and we might possibly get away with sharing a bed..
"I'll take top."
Marlon: "Fine by me, Waves."

(If anyone's confused about how the beds are positioned it's like this)

^ ^
Pillow Pillow

I then walked over and grabbed my stuff, I placed my skateboard next to mine and Marlon's bunk bed, then walked over to the storage shelves with my bag.
Baxter: "There's room below my stuff." He said.
"Thanks." I smiled.
I began to unpack my belongings, placing them on the empty wooden shelves.

I was sat on my knees, on the floor, as I placed my final shirt on the pile.
Griff: "Yeah. Is it time for the chat?" I heard him say.
I turned to look behind me.
Him and Tommy were next to each other, Marlon was sat on the sofa, Baxter was lying on his bed with his headphones on, while Ari walked across the room towards Marlon.
Tommy: "Yeah." He nodded.
Griff: "Oi, Gibson."
Ari stood still as he turned to look at Griff, who slung his arm around his shoulder.
Baxter slowly slid his headphones off to listen in.
Griff: "I heard you got it done with Wren last night. Got it done. Eh?"
Marlon: "What? Is that why England smashed up the surf store?" He said pointing at me.
"Piss off, Marlon. As if I care what Ari and Wren do." I said, rolling my eyes.
I stood up and headed over to my bed.
Ari: "Oh. Dude, no." He chuckled.

Ari was so confusing. First he tries to kiss me and says he's going to break up with Wren, then he throws her a party and screws her.

Suddenly the door opened.
Wren: "What? How come you guys get a better room than us?"
I was sat on my bed.
Wren: "Summer? What are you doing here? In the boys room?!"
"Remember when I said I was going to a different room, well this is the different room."
Wren: "That's so not fair." She said as she stood in the doorway.
Griff: "Ooh. Maybe they want a private room tonight, huh?" He laughed as Ari walked over to Wren.
He leaned his elbow against the wall as they spoke.
Their conversation ended in a kiss.
I turned to look at Baxter as he pretended to throw up, I laughed.

We were all gathered down on the beach, along with all the other teams. I was stood next to Baxter, who had his arm around my shoulder. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me. A man was stood on the stage in front of us.
He spoke in Budjalung, then translated what he said into English.
"Welcome, everybody."
"All you good men. All you good women. Or to simply say, welcome to the heart of my people. This jagun, this Bundjalung country. Welcome youse here today. Take care out there hunting those waves."
There was many cheers and a round of applause.
Another man came up into the stage, taking the microphone as the other man moved to the side.
"Thanks, Sandy, for that warm welcome to country. Competitors from every state, I know how hard you've worked to get here and how much you've sacrificed. But when the pressure's on, just remember, we are here because we love it."
I watched Wren, in front of us, take Ari's hand.
"This is the moment you've all been training for and building towards." The man continued.
Wren then moved away from Ari to give Bodhi a hug, I saw Poppy watch the two, sadness on her face.
"And I know you'll support your teammates all the way."
I glanced at Baxter, he looked down at me and gave me a smile. I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.
"So get out there, have a cracking Nationals and rip it up!" The man cheered.
I took my head back off of Bax, as we all applauded and cheered again.
"You heard him, Team Vic, rip it!" I cheered.
Poppy: "Yeah, Summer!" She cheered.
The other teams began to break away and head inside to organise themselves.

Elo: "Alright, guys, we've got a comp to win! No more distractions. Let's go!" She said and we all began to head off.
Poppy rushed over to me.
Poppy: "Summer!"
I stopped walking and turned to face her. Baxter turned to look at me before continuing on.
Poppy: "I just wanted to say, I'm so sorry about the other night. I just ran off."
"It's all good. Don't worry, I told you too." I said.
She wrapped me into her arms.
I laughed as we rocked slightly.
"I love you, Pops."
Poppy: "I love you too, Sum-Sum and I'm so glad you're here." She laughed.
"Ready?" I smiled, as we released each other.
She smiled.
"Let's do this."

All of us were sat gathered around a table inside of the main building, where all of the teams were allowed.
I was sat on the end of the table, Baxter was on the right and Tommy across from him on my left.
Elo: "Okay. So, for the Boys' Pairs, we've got Bax and Griff." She said, handing them their passes, to wear around the necks.
I smiled at Bax.
Elo: "For the Girls'.." she started, walking around the table towards me. "I'm going with Wren and Poppy." She said placing two more passes between them.
I thought it was going to be me out there today, me and Wren.
"Wait. But at training camp you paired me with Wren?"
Elo: "Remember what I said about trust? You proved that you're unreliable. Almost not even turning up."
Baxter: "Yeah, but she's here now. Isn't that what matters?" He questioned his sister.
Wren: "I'm happy to surf with Poppy." She added.
Poppy: "But Summer has a better backhand, she deserves a go." She interjected.
Elo: "Guys, trust me. I've won a few of these before, remember?" She asked, pointing to the Trophies lined up on a half wall.
"It's all good. I'll surf tomorrow." I shrugged, handing the clipboard along to Baxter.
Elo then handed all of that weren't surfing today our passes.
Announcer: "Girls' Under 18, this is your 25-minute warning." The voice balled through the speakers.
Poppy: "Sorry." She whispered to me, placing her hands on the table as she stood up.
I smiled.
"Let's go, Vicco! Oi, Oi, Oi!" I laughed, attempting an Aussie accent, while hitting the table with my hand.
The others clapped and I cheered, hitting the table with my fist now, Baxter did the same beside me.
Poppy: "Whoo!"

We were all on the beach now, either under or near our gazebo, Poppy was out in the water and Wren was holding her board, waiting for her moment to go down to the tag line.
Commentator: "Our first Pairs surfers are in the water and we are frothing. In just a few seconds that siren is gonna kick off two days of incredible juniors surfing."
I glanced at the team to our right, it was New South Wales and they began to chant as they stood in a circle.
"New South, New South Wales.."
I then looked to my left at team Queensland, who were also chanting.
"Queenslander! Oi! Oi! Oi! Queenslander! Oi! Oi! Oi!" They shouted.

Suddenly, the siren blared.

Commentator: "And we're off! Poppy Tetanui bursting out of the gates. She really wants that first wave."
"Come on, Pops!" I shouted.
Commentator: "But Rosie Reed from Queensland takes the inside and beats her to it!"
Everyone under the Queensland gazebo cheered and I noticed Tuscany holding her board, she began to walk down the beach.
Commentator: "Huge signature carve! That'll put points on the board! The second Queensland surfer, Tuscany Bray, already making her way to the tagline."
I quickly followed and made my way down to the tagline. I made it there first as I had sort of jogged and I started to cheer for Poppy again, as I could see her much more clearly now.
"Let's go, Pops! Get 'em, best friend!"
Tuscany appeared at my side.
"Oh, look. It's the love bomber bitch."
Tuscany: "Excuse me? Love bomber?"
"You chased my girl Bodhi and then told her you were taken. Who does that?"
Tuscany just stared at me.
Commentator: "Victorian captain Wren Radic making her way to the tagline. Oh, she needs her partner Tetanui to put a score on the board. But conditions have been really challenging out there."
I looked back to see Wren a few feet away, before turning my attention back to Poppy.
"Let's go, Pops! Come on, Poppy!" I shouted, she really needed a score.
Suddenly, Tuscany spoke.
Tuscany: "It wasn't like that."
"Sure it was. I just don't think you're used to being called out." I replied.
Just as I finished speaking Tuscany's partner rushed towards her, tagging her.
"Go, Skip!" A Queenslander girl shouted.
Tuscany didn't move.
Wren: "Uh... I think that means you're up." She said from behind me.
Tuscany shook her head slightly before running across the sand into the water.
Commentator: "Not much time left in this heat. Tetanui better hustle if she wants to leave her partner any time to get a score."
I watched as Poppy managed to stand up on her board as she caught the wave.
Commentator: "She's up again, desperately needs a score here."
"Let's go, Pops!"
Commentator: "Oh, nice carve there. Great technique. Oh, yeah, that's a solid execution from Tetanui as well."

Poppy came running up the beach towards me and Wren.
"Go the lefts!" I told Wren as she began to run.
Wren: "Yeah, I know this break." She replied.
"Ah, you ripped, Pops!" I smiled pulling her into my arms. I laughed as we pulled away, my clothes were now slightly wet.
Poppy: "You could've done better."
I beamed at her, as we stared out tell back up to the gazebo.
Commentator: "Former team mates, now rivals in the water, Tuscany Bray and Wren Radic go head to head! The Queenslander, first to pull the trigger, setting up for the turn."
"Aw!" People called as she fell from her board.
Commentator: "Bad luck for Bray. She's gonna be hurting after that ride."

Me and Poppy reached the gazebo, I went and stood with Ari and Bodhi while Poppy went to put her board away.
Bodhi: "What did you say to Tuscany?" She asked, annoyed, for some reason.
"I just stuck up for my friend." I shrugged.
Bodhi: "You should've learnt by now I don't need your help." She said, harshly, before walking away.

I sighed, I'm never able to do things right.

Commentator: "Dying seconds of this heat, Radic has priority." She said as Wren managed to get on a wave and stand on her board.
Wren began to turn on her board, the crowed cheered.
Commentator: "Nice. Really great composure under pressure."
Ari: "Come on, Wren!"
I glanced at him.
Just then, Poppy returned, slinging her arm around my shoulder.
I looked behind me and noticed all the others were here now too, except for Baxter..
Commentator: "And sticks the landing!"
Poppy: "This is why we kind of need her." She sighed.
"This is why we put up with her."
We both laughed.
Commentator: "That's a 7.5 For Radic, which means Queensland are out. And Victoria are through to the final of the Women's Pairs."
There was a huge applause followed by many cheers.
Elo: "Whoooo! Let's go!"
Poppy: "Team Vic!"
Ari: "Yes, Wren!"
"Vic, Vic, Vic!" I began to chant.
"Vic, Vic, Vic!" The others joined in.

I was sat inside at the table, alone, when I spotted Baxter walk out of the changing rooms. He was wearing striped coloured swim shorts, a pair of brown sandals and his pass around his neck. I couldn't help but stare at his fully revealed muscular chest.
I was about to speak and get his attention, but Elo walked over to him and beat me to it.
Elo: "Hey. You get a result out there today and all is forgiven." She said packing her hand on his shoulder.
Baxter: "Right." He nodded.
Elo: "Good luck." She said before walking away again.
"Wow. Inspiring." I said sarcastically, before taking a sip from my can.
Baxter: "She knows I respond well to guilt trips." He shrugged, reaching to grab a grape from the bowl of fruit in front of me. "And British vandals." He smirked, his eyes locking with mine.
I tried to bite back my smile.
"I'm here to surf."
Baxter: "So this isn't about me?" He asked, raising a brow.
"No." I replied, trying not to smile at my lie.
Baxter: "Sure it isn't, princess." He smiled
I rolled my eyes.
Baxter: "Did you at least bring my board?"
"I did, but whether I actually use it.."
He sighed.
"You might of messed with the blank or something." I joked, but I'm not sure I was joking, as bad as it sounds, I wasn't certain sure I could trust him again just yet..
Baxter: "Summer, I apologised about the fins. What else can I do to make it up to you?" He sighed, sitting down at the table next to me.
"I know, I'm sorry." I sighed, placing my hand on top of his, that was lying on the table. "Bax, the only thing you need to do is forgive yourself."
He looked at me, slightly confused.
"You torched a couple of railings a year ago, and you're still doing whatever your sisters tell you. You act all whatever and hot and cool, but you're basically Cinderella."
Baxter: "You think I'm hot." He smirked, leaning across the take slightly.
"Stop." I laughed slightly.
Baxter: "You know this is good." He said, the smirk still on his face.
"Yes, I know that. This is more than good.." I smiled. "But I'm worried about you, Bax."
Baxter: "Hey, you don't need to worried, I'm okay." He said, leaning even closer to me.
"Everyone who's ever said they're okay, is lying." I said, softly.
Baxter: "Summer.." he sighed. "What's going on? Are we okay?" He questioned, concerned.
"Yes, Bax.. we're okay, I promise. Look, it's almost your heat and I don't want me or anything to distract you."
He smiled, placing his other hand on top of mine.
I could tell he didn't quite believe me.
"We're okay, we're more than okay, we're completely good." I said, placing my other hand on top of his. "I just want us to communicate."
He nodded.
Baxter: "I've never been quite good at that. But I promise you, I'll try. Communications important."
I felt a smile spread from ear to ear across my lips.
"All that matters is that you try. And, to be honest, I've never been quite good at it myself." I laughed, slightly.
Baxter: "We can do it together then."
I nodded, a stupid smile on my face.
Baxter: "I really don't want to go, but I kind of have to.." he sighed.
"Go." I smiled. "We'll talk later."
He smiled at me one last time before grabbing his bag and standing up.

I was back down on the beach again, along with everyone else.
Griff had just surfed and now it was Baxter's turn. I watched him closely as he paddled out to the other competitors.
Commentator: "We've seen some intense battles so far, and things are not letting up in the Boys' Pairs. After a 6.2 from his partner, Griff Temple, Baxter Radic paddles out to join the line-up against his interstate rivals."
"Come on, Bax!" I shouted, from the gazebo, as he was coming to the end of his wave. It was the final turn.. OH!
We all sighed.
Commentator: "Oh! But he's flunked the landing!"
Wren: "He's all over the place. You can't rely on him ever." She ranted, from beside Ari.
I turned to her.
"Lay off."
Wren: "Excuse you?"
"I said lay off of him. We're all under a lot of stress and pressure but he's trying his best." I defended.
Wren scoffed and turned back to the water.
Commentator: "Bax Radic, caught in the whitewash there. He's gonna be copping a set on the head and a long paddle back out."
"Let's go, Baxter!" The crowd chanted, including me, as he got up onto another wave, this was going to be a good one!
Commentator: "Look at this. Bax Radic has pulled into the wave of the day here. But will he make it out? Victoria's hopes are riding on it."
We all groaned and huffed in annoyance as the water enclosed over him.
Griff: "Aw!"
Marlon: "Ooh!"
"Fuck!" I huffed. "That's a joke!" I complained.
Elo: "It's bullsh.." the siren blared, covering the end of his word, but also marking the end of the heat.
Commentator: "And the Victorians crash out of the Boys' Pairs."
Poppy: "Wren, it's up to you now!"
Wren turned and stormed off under the gazebo.
Ari followed behind her, while I headed over to Griff and Tommy.
Griff: "What's going on between you and Radic then?"
"She just hates me." I shrugged.
Griff: "Not Wren, Baxter."
I tried to cover my shock with confusion.
Tommy: "You seem pretty upset about his loss."
"Oh, I'm sorry, that I want our team to win." I said, rolling my eyes.
Griff: "You had your head on his shoulder in the car."
"I was asleep, unconscious? How was I supposed to know my head was on his shoulder?"
Suddenly, we heard Ari speaking to Wren.
Ari: "Like Summer said, go easy on Bax when he comes in, yeah? We're all doing our best."
Wren: "Seriously? You're picking right before my final to make me feel like a terrible person?" She argued.
Ari: "No, it's just you're Team Captain, so we need you..."
Wren: "Why can I not find my wax?!" She shouted.
Ari: "Sorry, sorry. Here. Use mine." He said, grabbing his from his bag.
Wren: "But they're a sponsor, Ari, and there are photographers everywhere! The only wax I have is at the motel."
Ari: "Okay. I'll go grab 'em, you stay here."
Wren: "Yes, go grab them!"
Ari began to walk away, towards us.
Griff: "Trouble in paradise, mate?" He asked, jokingly, as Ari passed us.
Ari: "Not now, Griff." He replied, annoyed.
Griff: "Sweet."
I laughed.

I wondered down the clubhouse hallway, trying to find Bax. He had gotten out of the water but none of us had seen where he went, so I decided to come check out the rooms.
I made it to mine and the boys room, I opened the door, nothing.
I sighed as I shut the door and continued down the corridor, maybe he was with Ari?
I found the door already open, Ari was sat on the bed, with Marlon? And they were folding Wren's clothes?
"Um.. Why are you in the girls' room? And why are you being a creep?" I asked from the doorway.
Ari: "I was looking for Wren's wax." He answered.
"Yeah I know you were. But what are you doing here Marlon?" I questioned.
Marlon: "Hiding from Poppy, so I don't start a fight."
"Oh." I sighed.
Marlon: "She got really loose at Wren's party and called me just a sub. But she's still gotta surf her final, right?"
I gave him a sorry smile.
Marlon: "And it's Nationals. Guess I just gotta suck it up." He shrugged.
"Yeah, think we've all just gotta suck it up."
Marlon: "Gotta suck it up." He nodded.
Ari: "Gotta suck it up." He repeated.
I laughed, slightly, at the amount of times we had said it.
None of us spoke for a moment, as they continued to fold Wren's clothes back up.
Ari: "This is actually quite soothing,"
I laughed.
Marlon: "I was about to say that."
"You two are weird." I laughed.
There was another pause.
"Do either of you know where Baxter is?"
Marlon: "Not since he was in the water, did he get out?"
"Yeah." I nodded. "Just none of us saw him." I explained.
Ari: "I'm sure he'll turn up for Wren's final."
I nodded. I hope so.
"Well, I'm gonna head back down to the beach, I'll see you down there."
Ari: "Alright."
Marlon: "See you down there, England."
"Brazil." I laughed, slightly.

I quickly reached the beach and also quickly found out that Bodhi was replacing Poppy in the final. It didn't take long before Ari and Marlon also made it to the beach.
Commentator: "There's been a late change in the Victorian line-up Bodhi Mercer stepping in to replace Poppy Tetanui in the Girls' Pairs final." She announced to everyone else.
I looked down the beach, where I could see Bodhi, she was with Molly and Dice, arguing. I watched as Wren stepped in and I could only image the stupid things she was saying to Bodhi.
Commentator: "Here we go, folks! It is Finals time!"
Oh god, I hope Bodhi isn't too rattled.

Wren was in the water with the other first pairs.
Commentator: "We're nearly at the end of Day One and the pressure is on. Whoever wins this pairs final will put their team one step closer toward winning the national title."
The siren blared!

Commentator: "Wren Radic attacks another one. The Victorian captain hasn't missed a beat today. But she'll need Bodhi Mercer to bring it home."
She said as Wren ran asking the sand, tagging Bodhi.
"Come on, Bodhi!"
Poppy: "Yeah, Bodes!"
Commentator: "Tasmin Storm in the pink has been dominating for NSW. And here she goes again!"
I watched as the girl got up on her board.

Baxter: "What does Bodhi need to win?"
I turned to see him, I smiled brightly.
"An 8.2 or better." I answered.
Baxter: "Mmm. Piece of cake." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Hey, I'm glad you're here, and didn't disappear off the face of the earth." I laughed slightly.
He smiled.
Baxter: "I could never disappear if you're here." He smirked, looking down at me.
"Where were you though? I went and checked the hotel, but I couldn't find you?"
Baxter: "Um, well I started off heading to the hotel, but then um, someone started following me.."
I turned to face him, slipping out from under his arm. I looked at him concerned and confused.
Baxter: "My ex.."
"Your ex? What's she doing here?!"
Baxter: "She's a surfer, for Queensland."
"Oh." I replied, in shock.
I glanced over to the Queensland gazebo and spotted the girl from this morning, who had stared at Baxter. She was staring at me.
"Is it the one death staring me, by any chance?"
He glanced over.
Baxter: "That's her."
I took a deep breath.
Baxter: "Hey, hey. It's okay." He said placing both his hands on my arms.
"Di- did you guys talk?"
Baxter: "No. I managed to lose her."
"Does she still, um, have feeling for you?"
Baxter: "I'm not sure.."
"Well, considering how she's staring at us and considering how you look.." I smirked slightly.
Bacter: "Mhm, tell me more.."
I rolled my eyes.
Neither of us spoke for a moment.
"You don't still, you know, um, have any feelings for her, do you?"
Baxter: "Absolutely not, I haven't spoken to her since I left Queensland."
"Wait, so you broke up with her because you were coming here?"

If I was right then the reason they broke up wasn't because they had no feelings it was because Bax was leaving. If she still has feelings for him, what if he still has slight feelings for her..

He broke my board, what's to say he won't break my heart..

Baxter: "No, no! She broke up with me! After I torched the rails, she told me that we were over. I guess she doesn't have a thing for pyromaniacs, like you do. But that was before we knew I was getting kicked off, and before I knew I was coming here!"
I sighed.
Baxter: "Summer.. I don't have any feelings for anyone but you."
I smiled slightly, he was being genuine, I could tell.
I glanced back at the brunette girl.
Baxter: "What?"
"She's coming over here!"
Baxter: "Oh, God." He sighed. "Quick, I have an idea, flirt with me!"
"Not happening."
Baxter: "You've being flirting with me since the day we met."
"Yeah, but everyone is here!"
Baxter: "Then come with me!" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind the gazebo.
I peered around the corner.
Baxter: "Did she see us?" He asked.
"Yeah.." I sighed.
Baxter: "Please."
"I don't even know how to flirt!"
Baxter: "You, Summer Waves, don't know how to flirt?"
"No, I don't flirt!"
Baxter: "That, I know is a lie." He smirked.
"I don't! Usually.." I smirked, leaning against one of the gazebo poles.
He slowly walked towards me, I watched as he peaked around the corner. She must have been close, as his hand flew up to my face, resting on my cheek.
Baxter: "Just do what we usually do." He whispered in my ear.
"Bax, what if she tells people!" I whispered shouted. "Then people will know there's something between us!"
Baxter: "Hey it's okay. We can worry about that later, just follow my lead."
"Fine." I sighed.
I nodded.
Baxter: "Wow." He sighed, quite loudly. "I still can't believe how lucky I am to be with you.." He spoke softly but loud enough so that the girl could hear around the corner.
Baxter: "The best surfer I know."
He slowly trailed his hand down my arm and to my waist, then he placed his other hand on the other side of my waist.
I placed my fingertips on his chin, and slowly pulled his face closer to mine. I stood up properly, from the pole, before going on to my tip toes. I slowly turned his face and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"I can't believe how lucky I am to look into your ocean eyes everyday and call you mine." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. I wasn't lying..
He smirked and took his hands from my waist and to the back of my thighs. I shivered at the touch.
Baxter: "Jump." He whispered in my ear.
I lifted my feet from the ground and hooked them around his waist, crossing my feet behind the bottom of his back. His hands sat on the back of my thighs just below my ass.
Our faces were already close, but slowly I leaned closer to his lips. I ran my hand through his hair.
Suddenly, Baxter pulled his face back slightly.
Baxter: "Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn't see you there.." he trailed off as he placed me back onto the sand.
I smiled.
"No, no it's fine.." She mumbled.
Baxter: "Amber, this is Summer."
"Hi!" I smiled, pretending.
She nodded at me.
Baxter: "She's my girlfriend." He said, placing his arm around my waist, I glanced up at him, a smile on my face.
I knew this was just to shove it in her face, but I mean what if I actually was his girlfriend..?
Amber: "Your girlfriend?" She asked, quickly.
"Yeah." I smiled.
Baxter: "Do you, have anyone?" He asked.
Amber: "Me? No, no." She laughed, awkwardly. "I'm, uh, focusing on myself at the moment."
Baxter nodded.
Amber: "Well, I better get back to my team."
"So should we." I added.
Amber: "Yeah, um, bye." She said, quickly, walking away.
"Bye!" I called, laughing as I turned back to Baxter. "The look on her face was priceless."
Baxter: "I know!" He laughed.

"Come on, Bodhi!" I cheered as we reappeared behind everyone else.
Wren: "Let's go, Bodes!" She shouted, now having been done with the comp.
Baxter: "You got this, Bodhi!"
I laughed slightly.
How had we just gotten away with that, with no one noticing? God, I hope she knows how to keep her mouth shut. Oh my, God! What if someone tells Elo, or Wren!?

Baxter broke me from my thoughts when he whispered in my ear.
Baxter: "I thought you didn't know how to flirt?"
"And I thought you didn't do anything serious?" I said raising a brow.
Baxter: "What?"
"I took you for the type who doesn't do anything serious, like date?"
Baxter: "I don't, usually."
He smirked as he looked down at me.

Commentator: "Here goes Mercer. Throwing buckets there! And another solid carve."
I turned my attention back to the water.
Everyone cheered and clapped.
Commentator: "Huge layback snap! But has she come off? No! She's glued on!"
Poppy: "Whooo!"
Commentator: "And that's an 8.4 for Bodhi Mercer!"
I turned to Baxter, rapidly, my mouth agape.
"She won?!" I squealed.
Baxter: "She won!" He shouted.
"We won!" I screamed, wrapping myself around him.
The others jumped and cheered, even Elo. They all quickly flew from the gazebo, running to her.
Wren: "We won!" She shouted after them, annoyed she wasn't getting attention.
I laughed at her.
"Come on!" I said grabbing Baxter's hand and dragging him with me as I ran across the sand to the others flocking around Bodhi,
"Bodhi!" I squealed, letting go of Baxter, as I flew into her arms. "You did it!"
Bodhi laughed at us all, as we cheered and screamed.
Poppy: "Bodhi!" She laughed, her arms around her.

Suddenly there was another voice behind us.
"Bodhi! You were so incredible."
We turned to see Molly.
I rolled my eyes, Baxter put his arm around me.
Molly: "Congratulations!" She smiled, putting a pink Subtropix cap on Bodhi's head. "Our star!"
Bodhi: "Not the time or place for that, Molly." She said taking the hat off of her own head.
I laughed slightly at the shock on Molly's face.
Bodhi: "We'll talk later." She said, placing the hat on Molly's head.
Everyone laughed.
Tommy: "Oohh!"
We all started to cheer again as Griff and Tommy lifted Bodhi up onto their shoulders.
"Whoo!" I cheered, applauding.
Poppy: "Yesss!"
The boys began to walk up the beach carrying Bodhi.

We had all decided to hang out on the beach for a little while before we were imprisoned in the clubhouse.
I was sat on the sand with Marlon, Poppy, Bodhi and Bax. Wren and Ari were in the water together.
Bodhi: "Hey, so Summer, you're our friend, right?"
"Of course, you guys are my best friends?"
Poppy: "So, you'd never lie to us?"
"Of course not."
Bodhi: "Have you ever kissed Ari?"
I watched Baxter shift nervously beside me, as he awaited my answer.
"Ari? No. He's tried to kiss me before, but I um, kinda pushed him off of me." I laughed slightly. "Plus I don't like Ari like that, God, I struggle to like him at all sometimes."
The others laughed and I notice Bax relax again.
Poppy: "Okay." She nodded. "Have you kissed anyone here?"
Bodhi raised an eyebrow at me, Marlon turned to stare.
I lowered my head slightly and didn't answer.
The others faces turned to shock.
I laughed as I looked at Bax, hoping he was okay with me telling them.
I smiled when I saw him sat there, with a large, proud smirk.
Bodhi: "Bax!" She shouted in surprise.
Poppy giggled at her reaction.
Marlon turned to Bax and nodded, before giving him a fist bump.
Baxter laughed at them all, before wrapping his arm over my shoulder.
"Surprise." He smiled at them, before glancing at me.
I bit back my smile as my stomach erupted in butterflies.
I leaned slightly closer to Bax and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Bodhi: "Aw!"
"Now, Poppy, same question to you."
She giggled and covered her face.
Marlon didn't say a word.
"I think, we all know the answer to that one!" I laughed.

We joked around for a while, the wind had picked up and I was starting to get cold, as I didn't have my team jacket.
"Cold?" He asked, leaning his head next to me.
"A little." I laughed, slightly.
I watched as he pulled his arm out of his jackets sleeve.
"No, it's alright." I said, placing my hand on his knee. "I lived in England for 16 years, I can handle the cold." I joked.
He slipped his other arm out of the jacket.
"Bax, I don't want it." I told him.
"Well, neither do I." He shrugged.
I rolled my eyes, as he placed it over my shoulders.
"You pull the team uniform off better than I do anyway." He smiled.
I glanced up at his face, as I rested my head on his shoulder.

After around another 15 minutes, Baxter had just got back from the bathroom and we had all moved. I was now sat between Bodhi and Poppy, Marlon was next to Poppy and Baxter took a seat beside Marlon.
Poppy: "Wait, I have another question for Sum."
Poppy: "Can you speak Spanish? Ari was on about it."
"Yeah, I had to study it in school."
Bohdi: "You never told us that!"
I laughed.
"Never thought I needed to!"
Marlon: "Go on, say something!"
I rolled my eyes.
I looked to Bax as he listened in, before I looked back to Poppy before speaking.
"Creo que estoy enamorado de Baxter." I smirked.
Baxter: "What did you say about me?" He asked, smiling.
"I guess you'll never know." I shrugged.
Poppy: "Tell me!" She squealed leaning over to me, her arm around me.
I bit back my smile as I whispered in her ear.
"I think I'm in love with Baxter."
Her eyes widened as she turned to look at me.
I began to laugh and she did too.
Baxter: "Oh no, that can't be good."
"Don't worry your pretty little head over it." I smiled.
Baxter: "Pretty?" He smirked, raising a brow.

It wasn't long before Wren and Ari came and joined us on the sand and where we were sat changed once again. I was beside Baxter again.
Poppy: "Wait, I have an idea." She announced.
"Oh, God. That's never a good thing." I joked.
She pushed me playfully and I laughed.
Poppy: "Let's play a game!"
Bodhi: "Like what?"
Wren: "Never have I ever?"
"Oh God, no. Not after last time."
Bodhi laughed, slightly.
But Poppy seemed unimpressed by my joke.
Wren: "What happened last time?"
Ari: "Don't worry about it." He said from beside her.
Poppy: "I know! Truth or dare!" She squealed.
I sighed, last time we played this I got dared to kiss Ari, which I didn't do, obviously.
Everyone all seemed to agree and so we began.

Bodhi: "Ari, who was the last person you liked before Wren?"
Wren turned to look at him, clearly intrigued.
Ari: "Um, well, that would have to be, Summer."
Wren scoffed as I bit the inside of my cheek, nervously.
Baxter glared at Ari and I tapped him slightly.
Poppy: "Okay, Summer, your turn!" She smirked, and knew it wasn't going to be good, no matter what I picked. "Truth or dare?"
I sighed.
Poppy: "Who do you like?"
"Dare." I said, quickly, changing my answer.
Poppy laughed.
Poppy: "I dare you to.. kiss Ari."
Bodhi: "Poppy!"
"I'm not doing that."

I don't why she dared me to do that, maybe to get back at Wren or to get back at me for the never have I ever joke, but she knew I wouldn't do it, she knew I really liked Baxter.

Wren: "Yeah, she's not doing that." She repeated.
Bax hummed in agreement, but thankfully Wren or Ari didn't seem to notice.
Bodhi: "Fine, kiss Bax."
I sent her a slight smile that no one seemed to notice.
Wren: "She's not doing that." She said, clearly annoyed.
Ari hummed in agreement and Wren stared at him.
I turned to look at Bax, beside me.
Baxter: "I'm down, if you are." He shrugged, trying not to expose us to his sister.
I shrugged and tried to hide my smile.
Quickly we both leaned closer and our lips met. Every time we kissed it was just, euphoric.
Bodhi: "Whooo!"
Poppy: "Get it, Summer!"
I laughed as we separated.
Baxter: "Wouldn't mind doing that again."
I hit his arm, playfully, while Wren stared at us.

Everyone had headed back to the clubhouse, but I was stood near one of the tables in the main building, watching Bodhi and Wren up on the stage having pictures taken together, as they hadn't done so earlier.
I glanced as I heard a noise beside me, it was Tuscany, she was picking up stuff that had fallen out of her backpack.
I quickly crouched down, picking up her sunglasses.
Tuscany: "What do you want?" She asked, rudely.
"I just wanted to say sorry if I messed you up out there." I replied, as we both stood up. "Whatever happened between you and Bodhi, it's none of my business." I gave her a sorrow smile as I handed her the sunglasses.
Tuscany: "I'm Team Captain. If I can't handle a little sledging, I deserve to lose." She said, zipping up her backpack.
"Hey. There's always tomorrow." I said, patting her on the arm, before slowly walking away.
Tuscany: "I really like her, you know."
I stopped and turned around to see she was walking after me.
I sent her a puzzled look.
Tuscany: "Bodhi."
"Yeah, but you've got someone else. I get it." I said, thinking of Ari and how he has Wren but still has some feelings for me.
Tuscany: "I don't have a girlfriend."
So she had lied?..
Tuscany: "Bodhi mentioned she was tight with Wren. That would not work for me."
I nodded.
"You not a fan?" I asked.
Tuscany: "Oh, she was nice when I was a noob. Just not so much when I started beating her in comps."
I nodded.
"I've seen it up close."
Tuscany: "One time she messed with my board in the middle of a comp."
"She made her brother do the dirty work this time. Loosened my fins so they came off during the comp."
Tuscany: "Yeah, I saw that."
"Yeah." I sighed.
Tuscany: "She outed me to my sponsor."
"Are you kidding?"
How messed up actually was Wren!?
"You must've been stoked when Bax got dropped and they had to leave Queensland."
Tuscany: "Is that what they told you?" She scoffed.
"Is that not what happened?" I questioned.

I ended up spending the next half an hour with Tuscany, she explained to me what had really happened..

Eventually she told me she needed to get back and we said our goodbyes. How was I supposed to  go back to my room and not tell Baxter! I want to tell him, but it will completely ruin his nationals..

I opened the door to see all the boys. Marlon and Tommy were playing cards at the table, Ari was lying on his bed staring at his phone, Griff was sat at the end of Marlon's bed, next to the sliding door, mediating and Baxter was lying down on his bed, reading. The lamp next to Ari's bed was illuminating the room along with the setting sun.

Marlon: "Hey, England!"
"Hey, Brazil!" I laughed.
I nodded at Tommy and he gave me a smile.
Griff had his eye closed and his AirPods in so he hadn't heard me enter.
I didn't bother saying hi to Ari and decided to just climb up onto my bed. I quickly unzipped Baxter's team jacket, throwing it next to my pillow, before looking to Baxter, a wide smile on my face.
"What you reading?" I asked him.
Baxter: "Paradise lost."
He could see I was intrigued.
Baxter: "You wanna read?" He asked me, gesturing to the book.
I nodded, quickly, like an excited little kid.
I watched as he moved across his bed, closer to the wall, leaving a space between him and the metal rail.
I beamed at him as I climbed over the end of the two beds, onto his bed.
He fidgeted for a moment, putting his arm on his pillow and resting his head on it. Slowly, I laid down beside him, on my side, my head resting on his muscular arm. Baxter picked the book back up and held it in his right hand, so we both could see.

We stayed like that for a while. And thankfully, I don't think anyone noticed.
Him asking "Done?" Every time he finished a page. "Yeah." I would nod and he would turn to the next page.
I noticed Bax was getting board and I was too.
"Is it alright if I head next door, I need to talk to Bodes."
Baxter: "Yeah, yeah. Go for it." He smiled.
I nodded at him as I sat up, before scrambling down the ladder.
Griff: "Were you on Baxter's bed?" He asked turning around to look at me, from the same place he was when I walked in.
I didn't get the chance to respond.
Tommy: "Yeah, dude, did you not notice?"
Griff: "Nah." He shrugged.
Marlon: "How? They've been cuddling for almost an hour!"
Shit, they had noticed..
"We weren't cuddling!" I butted in.
I turned to see Baxter sat up on the bed.
Baxter: "Yeah, dude."
Marlon: "Ari, back me up here!"
Ari: "What?" He asked, finally, putting his phone down.
Tommy: "Weren't Summer and Bax cuddling?"
"We weren't!"
Baxter: "We were just reading a book!" He defended.
Ari: "Well, you can read a book from further away.."
"Oh my, God. You're all unbelievable! I'm going next door." I announced, walking to the door.
Marlon: "You were the one cuddling up to Bax!" He called as I opened the door.
"Shut it, Brazil!" I called in response, before closing the door.

I turned to look down the hallway to see Wren, shutting the door. I started to walk towards her
Wren: "What do you want?"
"I just came to talk to Bodhi." I shrugged.
Wren: "Well where have you been? You weren't in the boys room earlier."
"Why are you interrogating me?"
Wren: "Well, I heard a nice little secret, that I'm sure Elo would love to hear."
I looked at her confused for a moment before it hit me. Amber. She must have told Wren! Shit!
I felt my eyes widen.
Wren: "Yeah, you know what I'm on about."
"No, we lied to her. It was to make Amber jealous!"
Wren: "Sure it was."
"Well, I happen to know a nice little secret about you too."
She looked at me confused, but I could see the fear in her eyes.
"You asked where I was, well I was hanging out with Tuscany." I revealed. "We had a very long chat."
I watched as she took one long, deep breath.
"Turns out it wasn't Bax that got dropped from Queensland. It was you and Elo. You for bullying, and Elo for toxic coaching."
Wren: "Wow. Tuscany's an even bigger liar than you."
"No, that's your thing." I said pointing at her. "That and lying to your brother, for a whole year! How could you do that?!"
She scoffed.
Wren: "Of course you care about him."
"Yeah, I do, because I'm his friend."
Wren: "Girlfriend, according to Amber."
I rolled my eyes.
Wren: "Do you think anyone's gonna believe this coming out of your mouth, anyway? Especially Bax, I mean, why would he believe you over this own sister."
I scoffed.
"I can't believe I let you make me think I didn't deserve this."
Wren: "You don't, Summer! I mean, I've been doing this since I was two years old and you, what, decided you wanted to do this a month ago?"
"Stop deflecting." I told her. "Tell Bax what you did, or I will."
Wren: "You say anything, to your little boyfriend, and Elo will bench you tomorrow."
"Go ahead."
Wren: "You don't mean that, I know how badly you want to surf Nationals. You wanna show everyone you're not just some kook who got lucky? Keep your mouth shut."
"No, I don't think I will."

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