𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 | Scp X Modern...

eirlys_meh tarafından

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Have you ever wondered... What will happen when a person from this reality enters the SCP reality? As you kno... Daha Fazla

0 | W̸h̷̡̟̮̾̈́͗̿̇e̷͍̥̺̦͙͑͒ŗ̷̳̖̦͆e ̷̢̮̬̯̗͙̊͑͠å̷̛͍̹m̸̛ ̴̠͓̳̅͘I̵̛̛͛̏?
1 | awakening
chapter 2: The interview
chapter 3: Containment breach
chapter 4: Explore
chapter 5: Escape
chapter 6: The chase
chapter 7: D£è@m
chapter 8: Another interview
chapter 9: Insane
chapter 10: Pass out
chapter 11: Starting to know
chapter 12: W€ wî}[ m£€¥ @gãîñ
celebration art
Celebration art 2

2 | re-search

582 20 16
eirlys_meh tarafından

╭──────── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ────────╮

. ✩ 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 ᴘᴏᴠ: ✩ .

Dr. Glass informed Dr. Clef that he would be the one who would be searching through the files of D-classes and finding D-24680 file with their complete name, age, date of birth, and so on with the personal details. While Dr. Clef now focuses on what happened before D-24680 lost their memories and how they were somehow brought back from the dead. That's so much work for Dr. Clef but at least it got less with Dr. Glass's help.


Dr. Clef sat in his dimly lit office, surrounded by monitors and files. The air was heavy with tension as he dived into research, seeking answers to what happened before D-24680 lost their memories and was somehow brought back from the dead. But he has found nothing interesting except D-24680 getting assigned to clean and being a test subject to some scp to which they manage to get out alive with severe injury.


"Why do I even work here?" he pondered, his thoughts echoing in the quiet room. The weight of dealing with anomalies, each more impossible to understand than the last, bore down on him. However, some scp may be fun to him, especially if it involves killing the anomaly.


He sighed, feeling the burden of the unexplained events he constantly found himself trapped in. His head sank onto a pile of files, the cool surface providing a momentary break from the complexities that his work provides.


"I thought finding the answers to this D-class situation would be easy..." The search brings nothing to an end, leaving Dr. Clef is frustrated and questioning the very nature of his work.


Dr. Clef furrowed his brow as he searched for the death date and time of D-24680 but found nothing. It struck him as odd because he distinctly remembered being assigned to that day to label the status of the D-class. However, the records revealed nothing. As if some anomaly tries to get rid of D-24680 out of its existence.


Faced with this mysterious gap in documentation, Dr. Clef sighed and began the painstaking task of searching through every time and date, carefully combing through each event linked with that fateful day.


The soft glow of the monitors cast an ethereal light on his expressionless face. An unmistakable air of frustration lingered in the dimly lit room.


Boredom hung heavy in the air as Dr. Clef navigated through the relentless sea of research. Each scroll through the latest reports felt monotonous, lacking the excitement he craved. Oh, how he longed to break the routine with a bit of chaos. He so wishes he could do some killing even if it's just one scp or d-class. But noooo, he must do his part of work. However, a devious thought lingered, perhaps a little anomaly interaction or killing could be his 'little break'.


"Mhmm... What if I could just spice things up a bit," Dr. Clef pondered as he sat up straight. A mischievous grin appeared on his face as he entertained a thought he had been thinking of doing it, beyond the usual skipping his work and going on killing.


However, before he could delve into his mischievous plans, all his schemes were thrown away by a simple knock on the door. He let out an irritated sigh, muttering, "Now who the heck wants me now?" The interruption shattered the moment of potential excitement.


Dr. Clef, with his usual casual expression, opened the door to find Dr. Gears standing outside. "Dr. Clef, sorry to disturb you, but we've just discovered signs of an anomaly, and we need your expertise for this initial research," Dr. Gears explained, holding a file labeled 'Anomaly discovery - Urgent Research'.


Dr. Clef sighed, glancing at the file in Dr. Gear's hands. "Can't a man have a moment of peace?" he muttered under his breath, rubbing his temples to ward off the upcoming headache.


Dr. Gears, ever composed and expressionless face, met Dr. Clef's sigh with a nod of understanding. "I wouldn't disturb you if it weren't urgent. The anomaly's signs are unusual, and your expertise could prove invaluable in the assessment," he explained with his usual straightforward demeanor.


Dr. Clef, in his typical irreverent fashion, shot back, "Why don't you handle the research this time? Give your stone-cold demeanor a break." Dr. Clef retorted with a hint of playful defiance in his tone.


Dr. Gears maintained his stoic demeanor, his response measured and direct. "I wish I could, Dr. Clef, but my schedule is already overflowing with ongoing projects and more research until next week. This anomaly needs immediate attention to which I can't provide, and your expertise in unraveling complexities is unmatched," he explained, a sense of responsibility underlying his words.


He sighed inwardly, realizing that declining the request wasn't really an option, after all, researching anomalies was his job and after his research on the d-class was done, his free, so why not?


With a nod, he accepted the task. "Alright, let's see what you've got. I'll look into this. Leave the file, and I'll get started as soon as I'm done with this other research," Dr. Clef said, resigning himself to another round of research.


Dr. Gears left the paperwork to Dr. Clef as the door closed behind Dr. Gears. Dr. Clef returned to his desk, the soft glow of the monitors once again casting an ethereal light on his expressionless face.


"Research, research, research!" he muttered under his breath. The thought of yet another anomaly to study fueled his growing lack of satisfaction.


The temptation to break away from the cycle, to disrupt the order of the Foundation's protocols, briefly danced across his thoughts. The idea of putting an end to the repetitive nature of containment and experimentation crossed his mind.


The thought of d-24680 dances across his mind. "Why not fucking kill that D-Class and end with all of this annoying research?" The words hung in the air, a manifestation of the frustration that had taken root.


Yet, as Dr. Clef continued scrolling through the latest reports, a spark of interest in his heterochromia eyes. Something caught his attention. Suddenly, the boring routine felt a bit interesting. The screens' glow turned from dull to exciting as he dug into the details.


"This may be small," he mused, his mind racing with possibilities, "but maybe this can give an idea of how this anomaly works." Dr. Clef leaned forward, eyes focused on the screen.


After hours of endless research and analysis, Dr. Clef gathered his findings. The once dimly lit room now felt charged with an air of anticipation as he prepared to present his discoveries.


. ✩ .
<< 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 > >
. ✩ .


With a confident stride, Dr. Clef approached the meeting room where the O5 Council awaited his insights. As he entered, the atmosphere shifted—tense.


The O5 Council turned their attention towards Dr. Clef, their expressions are unreadable and some faces are all just covered with a shadow.


Some members were keenly aware of the significance of the information about to be unveiled, leaning forward with a sense of anticipation. Others, skeptical or indifferent, thought it might be a waste of their time. A few simply couldn't care less, their attention divided or lost in the vast sea of O5 meetings and anomaly reports.


Unfazed, Dr. Clef strolled confidently to the front of the room. The monitors cast an eerie glow on his face, revealing a mix of nonchalance and a hint of mischief in his expression. The room held its breath, poised on the brink of revelation.


The soft glow of projectors shines a light on the space as Dr. Clef, his heterochromia eyes gleaming with a newfound intensity, began to share the results of his investigation.


As he prepared to share his findings, Dr. Clef couldn't help but add a touch of his signature irreverence, "Alright, folks, brace yourselves for the rollercoaster of anomalies. This one's a little doozy."


A stern voice cut through the room, "Could you, for once, Dr. Clef, be serious?" The remark came from one of the O5 members, their patience seemingly tested by Clef's unconventional approach.


Dr. Clef, undeterred by the plea for seriousness, couldn't suppress a sly grin. "Serious is my middle name," he quipped, earning a few eye rolls from those familiar with his antics.


"Dr. Clef, if we could set aside the theatrics for a moment, could you please start the report?" The request came with an air of authority, a reminder that, regardless of Clef's presentation style, the O5 Council awaited a comprehensive and serious analysis of the newfound anomaly.


He projects the images and data onto the screen. The room hushed in anticipation of Dr. Clef detailing the specifics of D-24680's death and the anomaly surrounding it. He also explains that whatever he searches for D-24680, he finds nothing, but if he deeply researches it, he finds the events that have d-24680 in them.


As the video played, SCP-173 stood in the middle of its containment, the door slowly opening to reveal D-24680 and two other D-Class personnel that are assigned to clean SCP-173 chamber. The scene unfolded in a seemingly routine manner, yet Dr. Clef's eyes noticed subtle anomalies in the interaction.


The black-haired D-class, attempting to diffuse the situation, urged the ginger D-class to stop risking his life with dramatic outbursts. The exchange continued with playful argument until suddenly, an uncomfortable and familiar neck snapping noise interrupted the black-haired d-class mid-sentence. No one seems to be looking at scp-173.


Dr. Clef and the O5 watched as her head twisted unnaturally, and the familiar SCP-173 stood above her dead twisted head. The atmosphere shifted, and a surge of discomfort swept through the room in the video.


As the video progressed, it became pretty obvious that D-24690 was experiencing a severe headache, manifesting in a struggle to comprehend the words of the ginger D-class.


In a blink of an eye, the scene shifted, and D-24680 found themselves on the ground, with SCP-173 ominously towering above them.


"Mikasa(OC)! (Y/N)–" The ginger d-class's plea was abruptly cut off as his neck twisted unnaturally, and the frame revealed SCP-173 now standing behind him as his lifeless body collapsed to the ground


Note: no, this Mikasa is not from
attack on titan, I only use her name because I suck at making names/remembering.


The room was enveloped in a heavy silence as the unsettling video ended with D-24680 on the ground and SCP-173 looming above the ginger. The O5 Council, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity, annoyance, and concern. They waited for Dr. Clef's explanation but it seems like Dr. Clef wants a reaction out of them.


Someone finally broke the silence in the room, "Dr. Clef... How the fuck does that one video answer the question of how D-24680 suddenly came back to life? And could you fucking stop smiling at us like that and explain it to us!" questioned one of the O5 members, the frustration evident in their tone.


Dr. Clef, with a characteristic smirk playing on his lips,  "Well, you see, the Foundation is full of surprises. D-24680's little dance with SCP-173 might seem like an ordinary death, made by scp-173, but I assure you, there's more to it than meets the eye," he replied, his tone a mix of amusement and confidence as he points his finger at his blue eye.


The O5 member, visibly irritated, pressed further, "Cut the theatrics, Clef, and give us a straightforward explanation. What's the connection between SCP-173 and D-24680's interaction shows?"


Dr. Clef's smirk widened, and he leaned back in his chair, relishing the moment. "Now, that's the fun part. You see, sometimes anomalies have a way of rewriting the rules, and D-24680 seems to have stumbled upon a unique twist in the anomaly ballet."


Dr. Clef, maintaining his playful demeanor, leaned forward, ready to shed light on the peculiar situation. "You see, D-24680 is not actually dead. The video might play tricks on the eyes, but they merely passed out. If you could slow down the video."


He played the slower video, and it was clear that D-24680 didn't die, they just fell unconscious and somehow SP-173 didn't decide to twist their neck but just stood above them as if it did twist their neck. The O5 Council, now seeing the video more carefully, noticed things they missed before.


"And here's the interesting part," Dr. Clef continued, "SCP-173, for some unknown reason, refrained from its usual neck-snapping routine. Now, that's where the anomaly takes an intriguing turn." He explained, his tone hinting at the layers of mystery surrounding the scenario.


The O5 Council exchanged puzzled glances, processing this unexpected twist. One of the O5 members, cautiously asked, "Explain why SCP-173 deviated from its usual behavior. Is this a one-time occurrence or something we should be concerned about?"


Dr. Clef, still wearing his weird smirk, leaned back in his chair. "That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Anomalies have a way of keeping us on our toes, and SCP-173 seems to have a few tricks up its concrete sleeves. But fear not! I have the answers!"


As Dr. Clef's words hung in the air, some of the O5 members exchanged skeptical glances, wondering if he was about to deliver a punchline instead of a serious explanation.


Dr. Clef, noticing the skepticism in the room, decided to add a touch of his unique flair. "You know, me and SCP-173, we go way back. There's a deep connection between us. And I think, just maybe, it has finally started to listen to me," he said with a sly grin.


The room was filled with an air of annoyance and disappointment as one of the O5 members addressed Dr. Clef's peculiar claim. "If you think you can be with SCP-173 again because it 'finally listened to you,' for the last time, Dr. Clef, SCPs, and personnel aren't allowed to have a romantic relationship."


Dr. Clef, unfazed by the serious tone, leaned back with a mischievous grin. "Who said anything about romance? It's more of a professional understanding, you see. But hey, who can blame the statue for loving some good-looking personnel?" His response left the room.


The room fell into a momentary silence after Dr. Clef's cheeky response. The O5 member's frustration was hopeless as they muttered under their breath, "I fucking wish I could execute you."


Dr. Clef, maintaining his irreverent charm, chuckled, "Ah, but where's the fun in that? Life in the Foundation would be dreadfully dull without a bit of Clef magic, wouldn't it?" His words lingered, leaving the O5 Council torn between irritation and the undeniable truth that, for better or worse, Dr. Clef was a unique element in the world of anomalies.


"As much as I'd like to execute you with my own bare hands from my daily headaches, Clef, I suppose we'll have to endure your 'magic' a bit longer," one of the O5 members admitted.


Dr. Clef's grin widened at the acknowledgment, and he replied with a mock bow, "Ah, the pleasure is all yours, dear O5."


The O5 members couldn't help but exchange resigned glances, knowing that, for better or worse, they were stuck with Dr. Clef and his peculiar brand of 'magic' In the world of anomalies, Dr. Clef was indeed a variable personnel that the Foundation admitted they needed


"Yes, now let's get back to the main focus," one of the O5 members stated, redirecting the focus of the meeting.


"Now tell me a serious answer dr. Clef, just this once. Do you really know the answer as to the reason why scp-173 didn't do its usual killing?"


Dr. Clef, for a moment, shifted from his usual playful demeanor to a more serious expression. He leaned forward, hands clasped together, and met the serious gaze of the O5 member.


"You see, even in our peculiar world, anomalies can surprise us. SCP-173, for reasons unknown, exhibited a deviation from its typical behavior. It's as if the anomaly itself decided to pause its usual routine. Now, whether it's a fluke or a deliberate act, that's a question we're still trying to unravel. But I assure you, I'll keep a close eye on this anomaly and see if it decides to reveal more of its mysterious nature," Dr. Clef explained.


The room was filled with a mixture of surprise and skepticism as Dr. Clef shed light on SCP-173's unusual behavior. Some O5 members nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation.


Dr. Clef continued, "I almost forgot, about D-24680's memory loss, I have a hypothesis. It's likely they hit their head on the floor, causing the amnesia."


One of the O5 questioned, "how about the anomaly behind D-24680 information disappearance?"


Dr. Clef raised an eyebrow, considering the question. "The anomaly behind D-24680's information disappearance is still unclear. It seems like something is intentionally erasing or altering the records. I'll need more time to investigate and find the source of this anomaly within our files."


"Is that all Dr. Clef?"


Dr. Clef nodded, "For now, yes. But rest assured, I'll get to the bottom of these anomalies. If there's nothing else, I'll continue my investigation and update you as soon as I have more substantial findings."


"Dr. Clef, you may leave now. Keep us updated on any developments," the O5 member said, signaling the end of the discussion.

Dr. Clef, with a nod, rose from his seat, leaving the room with his characteristic smirk. As he exited, the O5 members remained deep in discussion, contemplating the peculiar events and the unpredictable nature of anomalies within the Foundation.


Dr. Clef was now at the outside of the meeting room. "Now into that other research." Dr. Clef sighed, resigned to the ongoing stream of responsibilities. As he stood outside the meeting room, Dr. Glass approached with a laptop and folder in hand.


"You also have a meeting with the O5?" Dr. Clef asked, his tone carrying a hint of sarcastic curiosity.


Dr. Glass nodded, scanning through his folders, silently hoping he hadn't forgotten any crucial papers. "I've got some intel on D-24680, but I need to report it out with the O5 first."


Dr. Clef, with his typical nonchalant attitude, responded, "Okay, anyway, I need to dive into another research rabbit hole. Catch you later." He casually put his hand in his pockets and strolled away, leaving Dr. Glass to prepare for the forthcoming discussion with the O5.


. ✩ .


As he walked in, the O5 members turned their attention to Dr. Glass. One of them gestured for him to proceed with his findings on D-24680. The folder in Dr. Glass's hands contained crucial information that could potentially unravel more mysteries surrounding the D-class personnel.


"Let's get to the bottom of this," Dr. Glass thought as he began to share his research with the O5 Council.


"You may now begin your report." one of o5 begins.


Dr. Glass starts by handing out a copy of D-24680 files to the O5 Council. The O5 Council examined the opened file, noting the conspicuous absence of information within certain sections.



Foundation Personnel File

Designation: D-Class Personnel

Name: (Y/N) ___

Identification Number: D-24680

Security Clearance: Level 0

Date of Birth: ___

Age: ___

Nationality: ___

Status: d̴̢̤͓̪̖̿̈͛̽ě̴̱͔̀̌̔̒l̶̞̏i̷͉̜̣̭̭̾̉̾̾v̵̨̖͗̽͆̒̊e̴͓̤͗̀

Cause of d̴̢̤͓̪̖̿̈͛̽ě̴̱͔̀̌̔̒l̶̞̏i̷͉̜̣̭̭̾̉̾̾v̵̨̖͗̽͆̒̊e̴͓̤͗̀:

Background: Subject D-24680 was recruited from [REDACTED], under the Foundation's standard D-Class acquisition protocol on April 22, 2022 around 8pm.

Psychological Evaluation:

Criminal Record: Subject has a history of ___       with ___. Previous charges include [REDACTED],, resulting in ___ years of incarceration.

Medical Records: Subject D-24680 underwent a comprehensive medical examination upon entry into Foundation custody. No significant health issues were identified during the initial assessment. Routine medical check-ups will be conducted to ensure the subject's well-being.

Emergency Procedures: In the event of a containment breach or unforeseen circumstances, D-24680 is to follow standard evacuation protocols. Use of lethal force is authorized if deemed necessary for the protection of Foundation personnel and assets.

Testing History:

Observation Notes:

Incident log:






"Where are the other information?" questioned one of the O5 members


Dr. Glass cleared his throat before addressing the question. "The missing information in D-24680's files is an anomaly in itself. It's as if certain details are intentionally altered or erased. I've cross-referenced with other records, and this gap seems unique to this case. My primary focus now is to delve into the anomaly affecting these files and understand its origins and mechanisms."


One of the O5 members raised a pertinent question, "It seems even D-24680's information is being erased or altered. Is it D-24680 responsible for these anomalies, or is there something else at play?"


The O5 members exchanged thoughtful glances, contemplating the implications of such a phenomenon. One of them inquired, "What are your preliminary findings, Dr. Glass? Do we have any leads on the source of this anomaly?"


Dr. Glass adjusted his glasses and replied, "I'm still in the early stages of the investigation. The unique nature of this case requires a meticulous approach. However, rest assured, I will keep the O5 Council updated on any significant developments."

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Note: what do you think of this chapter? Any theories that you would like to share?

Words: 3609

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