
By hanjibbangforever

27.1K 1.3K 216

Hanni is living a happy and contented life with her husband. When all of a sudden her life turned upside down... More

Family Reunion
Leading To A Dark Path- M
Piece Of A Broken Past
The Real Murder
Losing Sanity
Killing Is Fun
Split -M
The Good And The Bad
Facing Really
Path To Happiness

What Really Happened

1K 65 3
By hanjibbangforever

Minji's POV

"I said tell me the truth!!" I bashed Junhwan's face with a wood. He's been so irritating. And it makes me want to kill him now. But I still pity him.

"I... I.. Fucking told you..." Junhwan is bleeding so much now. And I'm tired.. I just want this to be over.

"I don't need you anymore..." I said as I threw the bloody piece of wood.

"W-will you kill me?" He asked nervously. I can feel how scared he is.

I took a deep breath.

"No, I am not a murderer..." I said. Tears started pouring down my eyes." I didn't kill Mirei. I didn't kill anybody! I didn't kill those women!!"

I walked away from the site. I will surrneder him. I will surrender to the police. I will make him confess what really happened that night. I want this all this mess to be over. I am so tired.

I'm still using teahyung's car. I opened the backseat for him. I will surrender to the police.

I untied him."We will surrender to the police and I will surrender the recorder of your confession to me.."

I helped him stood up.

But to my surprise. I felt his fist landing towards my face. I dodged him. He still has some strength in him. I kicked him but pushed me so I stumbled down. The dirty ground. He kicked many times. He even lifted the old monobloc chair and threw it against me. Damn, that fucking hurt.

"NO! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO! I WON'T LET YOU SURRENDER ME TO THE POLICE. I'LL DIE HORRIBLY!!" Junhwan screamed. He weakly ran towards the car. He jumped in the driver's seat and closed the door.

I managed to get up but it's too late. He already sped up the car but he didn't stop. He's driving towards the old mossy wall.." Junhwan!!!"

There's a cliff behind that fucking wall!

The car bumped against the wall. The wall collapsed but the car still drives towards the open area.

The car vanished from my sight. Definitely fell down the cliff. Did he intentionally do that?!

The cliff leads down to the open sea.. He's definitely dead. I didn't want him to die. I changed my mind but he chose that. Not me. I did not kill him. He was alive..

I dropped down again the dirty ground and passed out.

I woke up when I felt the heat from the sun. My whole body is aching. I can't even lift my arm to check what time is it.

I remember what happened last night. I hope if they see his car. They won't see anything that can lead to me. I didn't kill him. No. I am not a murderer.

I waited for minutes till I can finally move. It's 11: 23am. The crystal glass of my watch is already cracked. But it's still working. I slowly got up. My body is full of blood. It's from that bastard..

Thank goodness, I didn't have any deep wounds but Im so tired. My own car is in that abandoned building. Im using that car coz I don't want my car to get messy bcoz of Junhwan. Yes, I don't want any evidence. I'm very caref to even leave print on his car.

I started walking towards the old building.. I will go home. I dont fucking care anymore. If they find Junhwan's body or not. I just want to go home and rest and drink some beer.

Hanni's POV

" teahyung.."

"What hon?" He asked after sipping on his coffee. We're having a breakfast. I've been thinking about how to tell him I want a divorce. I don't want to hurt him.

But it's for the best.

"teahyung, I want a divorce..." That's it. I said it!


I looked at him. He's so flabbergasted. I can see the sudden sadness in his eyes.

"I... I'm sorry.." I started crying."I'm so sorry teahyung..."

"What happened..." teahyung bowed down and started crying too.

"I.. I fell inlove with someone..." I bowed down and wiped my tears away.

"Who is he?" He asked.

"I.. I can't tell you right now..."

"I expected this will happen.." he said. "You're not happy with me,anymore..."

"I'm sorry, teahyung.. Im sorry but I can't take it,anymore.." I stood up and walked away. I left him. I will start to sort my stuff so I can rent an apartment. I will definitely not stay in here..

teahyung doesn't deserve me. I am the worst.

I feel so guilty just by looking at his eyes. I can't let myself hurt him more. This is for the better.

Minji's POV

Im still not hearing anything about Junhwan. Maybe he's still in there...


Is he still alive? Where is he?

Is he currently hunting me down to take his revenge?

Nah, Junhwan is one coward loser. But where is he? Where is his body?

I gulped down my beer as I watch the news. Hanni never came back here. And it's been 3 days now. I'm starting to miss her.

But you pushed her away,idiot.

And now you're missing her?!

I was too mean to her. She cared for me when I needed her the most. And I just dumped her like that.

But I almost killed her.

But I was just having a nightmare. I was sleep walking.

I'm so confused.

I dunno what I'm going to do now..

I lied to her. I said I killed Junhwan... But I clearly did not..

I miss Hanni so much. I wish she's here.

You're just horny, you want sex.

Fuck no!

I can call any girl if I want sex.

I just want Hanni. I miss her sweet voice.

Is she mad at me?

Well, I slapped her with that "I don't love you..."

She probably mad and heartbroken.

I stood up to get some bottle of beer again when my phone vibrated inside the pocket of my gray hoodie. I checked who is it.

It's from teahyung.. I clenched my jaw and thought of Hanni again

"Hey, want a drink? My wife is divorcing me..."

Hanni is divorcing him?!

I texted back.

"I'm sorry I can't. I'm currently busy, bro.. I'll text you..."

I looked at the wall clock. It's 4pm in the afternoon.

I am going to see her.

Hanni's POV

"I heard that you're divorcing teahyung.."jeon asked.

He's my colleague and I know he likes me eversince. But he's so annoying. He's also one of teahyung's close friends. And now he's here already hitting on me. What douche...

"Well, yes.." I forced a smile."And what are you exactly doing here?"

"Well, you know, if you want some arms to lea-..."

"No,I don't need anyone.." I cut him."

"Well, Im just -..."

He got interrupted again when the door of my office swung opened and we both looked at Minji.

He looked at Jeon.

"Minji?" Jeon said. Of course, he knows his friends twin sister."W-what are you doi -..."

"Hanni we need to talk, now..." Minji firmly said.

She's very serious. I'm sure that she already knows about the divorce. Maybe teahyung told her.

"Why?" I asked.

"Uh,I'm still here.." Jeon said.

"Then leave." Minji threw a dagger look at Jeon.


"It's okay, Jeon , she's my friend..."I said. Maybe Jeon is worried. Well bcoz of Minji's history of murder.

Jeon sighed. He walked towards the door and gave Minji one last look. Minji immediately closed the door and locked it.

"So you are divorcing my brother for that prick??" Minji asked with a gritted teeth.

Why is she so mad. I wanna laugh at her.

Is she jealous?

I decided to tease her bit to confirm it.

It's risky, Hanni. Do you really to get on her bad side?

"Well, I'm divorcing teahyung so I think I'm allowed to entertain other men.." I smiled at her

"It's only been 3 days!" She hit my table with her fist that made me flinched., And now you're entertaining that asshole?!"

"Chill, Minji-ah... I don't like him.."I stood up."You know who's the only one I love."

She looked away. Clenching her jaw. She's still pissed.

"I'm glad that you're already okay..."

I wanna hug her, kiss her. But that moment keeps repeating inside my mind...

"I don't love you.."

"I don't love you.."

I sighed.

"Please let me know you. I want to save you from that pit you're being trapped at. I promise to be with you no matter what Minji.. Because I love you.."

I can't help my tears.

"You don't know how dangerous I am.."She said. Still not looking at me.

"I don't care,I already told you...."

It's so hard to resist myself from embracing her.. I have missed her so much. And now she's just inches away from me. I can even smell her scent.

"Minji I love you so much.."

She finally looked at me. Her eyes are teary. She's about to turned around but I can't take it, anymore.. I grabbed her wrist.."Don't leave,please..."

I walked towards her and hugged her from behind and leaned my face on her shoulder.."Please, let me save you..."

We stayed like that for a moment.

When she finally turns to face me. She kissed me..

The lips I've been longing for for days.. I immediately kissed her back.. She pulled me towards her and hugged me tightly while we're kissing.

I love her..

I will make her love me the way I love her. I will save her..

We decided to go back to her apartment.. We missed each other so much.

Third Person POV

The one wearing a black hoodie, standing at the darkest area of the basement parking, watching the two lovebirds...grinning like the devil...

"This is going to be fun..."


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