Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Ke...

By BibliophileSince2003

4.1K 245 165

A Star Wars (Bad Batch) fan-fiction. YA (some violence) ๐’๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ฒ Jade lives in guilt. She's escaped the... More

Chapter 1 - Snatched
Chapter 2 - On the Run
Chapter 3 - The Bad Batch
Chapter 4 - A Most Foolish Plan
Chapter 5 - Arriving
Chapter 6 - Running Out of Patience
Chapter 7 - Members of District 9
Chapter 8 - Desperate Attempt
Chapter 9 - What Would it Take?
Chapter 10 - Asking For Help
Chapter 11 - A Bigger Problem
Chapter 12 - A Beacon of Hope and Worry
Chapter 13 - To the Center
Chapter 14 - Broken
Chapter 16 - The Search
Chapter 17 - Wrecker's Favorite Method
Chapter 18 - Reunion
Chapter 19 - Escape
Chapter 20 - Trust
Chapter 21 - Freedom
Chapter 22 - A Choice
Chapter 23 - A Better Cause
Jade Art and Inspiration

Chapter 15 - A New Enemy

130 10 5
By BibliophileSince2003

Omega's finger shot upwards, but Jade didn't want to give the guards an opportunity to attack while distracted. She assumed it wasn't very important and instead focused on her fire, and Hunter followed suit soon after. Only when the glass rained down on them and a huge laser blast sped towards an opening in the wall congested by new guards did Jade follow Omega's gaze, and her mouth fell open slightly. The glass ceiling had completely shattered, though the tower remained intact. Jade couldn't spot Keeper, but that wasn't what caught her eye first.

"How did they get past the defenses?" Jade yelled over the noise of blaster fire.

The Marauder had broken through the glass ceiling, which Jade thought would have been more protected. Still, it seemed to have damaged the underside of the ship and sparked randomly. The Marauder didn't descend too low, and it wouldn't have been able to descend at all if the platforms and trees hadn't lowered significantly. Jade hated being out in the open, but she wasn't keen on leaving the platform just yet. The Marauder turned to deal with some of the biggest groups then continued its descent, just above them.

"We can't let them gain control of this platform!" Hunter grunted, and Jade nodded, leaving Omega to keep the guards from boxing them in.

Hunter and Omega seemed to be doing just fine on their own, so Jade wasn't too concerned for their safety. Jade flexed her fingers, bouncing on the balls of her feet before landing a few punches, adding to the pile of unconscious guards. They acted as a temporary shield; the guards wouldn't shoot at their own men. She rolled out into the open, and the last nearest guard fell with a pained groan. A laser skimmed her shoulder, and Jade hissed, tears springing to her eyes.


It was a booming, triumphant cry directly above them. Jade looked up, sinking to her knees. Wrecker slid down a line, firing his large blaster and scattering those on the outskirts. It was a welcome sight. Some guards managed to dodge Wrecker's attack and nearly reached Omega, but Hunter whipped around to take care of them. One guard fired from the ground and cut the line, and Wrecker cried out and fell several feet before landing on his side.

"Wrecker!" Omega yelled, running over to him, but he was already getting back up.

He picked her up with another triumphant cry, and Omega kicked her legs, laughing.

"Good to see you, kid," Wrecker said, putting her back down.

Jade smiled, pleased to see the fear leave Omega's face the minute she spotted more of her brothers. She remembered, though, that Keeper relished such an opportunity. Witnessing Omega's relief almost made Jade jealous of it. Sam's face lingered in her mind. She was furious with herself. It was an inward stabbing, and the dagger swung outward. Where else could the anger be directed at? Keeper.

She hadn't wanted Keeper to see her pain, but now she wanted nothing more. She had wanted to hide from him and resist his bidding, but now she needed a sense of closure. She needed to know why. When would it be enough for him? Keeper deserved one thing, and the blood of thousands stained his hands. She would feel no guilt in including her brother's blood if she knew he was truly insane. Or maybe she would. Jade didn't really know what to think. She was tired of feeling but it was the only thing that made the memory of her brother alive.

Jade stood up and almost didn't hear Wrecker. He tossed a communication device, and Jade just barely caught it. Hunter caught his own but sensed something was wrong with Jade; she would not meet his questioning stare.

"This time, we can stay in touch," Wrecker said, and Tech's voice came through.

Jade guessed he was piloting while speaking; he paused occasionally, and Echo could be heard in the background spouting off random information.

"If you're going to board, I would do so now. There are multiple fighters approaching; I don't think Keeper intends to welcome us after destroying his Arena."

"Drop us more lines, then," Wrecker grumbled, whirling around after a laser soared over his shoulder. "We're stuck down here!"

Echo stepped onto the platform outside the door to drop two new lines, and Wrecker beckoned for Omega, lifting her so she could reach. Jade barely moved a muscle except to glance at a dark opening in the wall. Very few guards were streaming out, now, but Jade knew Keeper would salvage what he could. Most of his "reputation" was heavily guarded underground or in surrounding buildings. There were still captives, oblivious to the chaos currently surrounding them. Were they still in the factories, or had Keeper ordered everyone back to their district lodging?

"I'm sorry," Jade said, backing away. "I have to do this."

Hunter turned around and frowned, tilting his head as if trying to read her thoughts. They were so close, and Jade knew it would take too long to explain. Besides that, she was afraid of a reasonable response. They understood loss, and they knew how to cope with it. Jade didn't want any of it. She already felt guilty, and anything new would destroy her.

Yes, she was likely acting foolishly. No, she didn't expect Hunter or any of the others to follow her. She hoped they wouldn't.

"Get her out of here. I made a promise," Jade finished, pointing to Omega, who hadn't started climbing.

"No, don't!" Hunter's voice increased in volume when Jade ignored the initial "no" and broke into a run.

Did it work? No, of course not.

She jumped off of the platform and rolled to a stop, picking herself up and heading straight for the opening. A few guards attempted to stop her, but not many. Jade was thankful; she was ignoring the fact that she was seriously exhausted and not ready for another full-blown battle. She needed to face Keeper, that was all. She glanced behind her, and Hunter was standing on the edge of the platform, watching her for a moment before turning around and saying something to Wrecker. She was a little surprised they hadn't said anything over comms, or perhaps they were waiting for the right time. Once Jade entered the hall, she knew her own time was limited. She located the stairs that would lead to Keeper's tower. She didn't think he would have gotten very far.


"Did she just –"

"Yes, she did," Hunter sighed, answering Wrecker's question and dumbfounded stare.

Maybe it was slightly impressed, too.

"Wrecker, get on the tail gun and help Tech deal with the fighters. Echo, we're going after Jade," Hunter ordered, and Omega started to slip off of the rope she was clinging to.

After being exposed to the dangers and horrors of the Arena, Hunter was honestly surprised Omega was even willing to look for Jade, but he shook his head before her feet could reach the ground. He gave her a stern look Omega knew better than to object to.

"You'll be joining Tech and Wrecker," Hunter insisted, and Omega's face fell.

"I want to help you. What if you don't reach Jade in time?" Omega spoke softly, and Hunter's frown shifted.

"She can hold her own until we get there. Be ready when we need a pickup," Hunter reassured, but Omega didn't seem satisfied.

Echo landed on the platform and locked eyes with Omega, tugging on the rope to get her attention.

"Once we get there, Jade will be fine. We'll reason with her and make sure she doesn't do anything she'll regret later, got it?"

Omega nodded stiffly and scurried up the line, Wrecker following suit. A few guards attempted to stop the clones – Wrecker and Omega included – from getting too far, but Hunter and Echo bought them time, their aim true. Once Wrecker and Omega were safely inside, Hunter motioned towards the dark opening Jade had disappeared into. They sprinted across the Arena and entered the large hall just as the Marauder rose towards the jagged sky.

"Where do you think she went?" Echo asked, peering around the corner once they reached the end of the hall.

"Where else? Keeper," Hunter murmured.

Tech spoke over the comm, and Echo turned his head slightly to better hear.

"I nearly forgot. Where is Sam? I believe we intended to rescue him as well."

Hunter paused, and Echo turned around fully, curious as well.

"He was about to kill Omega, and Jade stopped him. The drug, ultimately, is what killed him, but Jade shot him. I'm not sure what happened after, but Keeper has his body. We need to get as far away from this place as possible."

"You said Jade's trying to find Keeper?" Echo repeated in a sinking tone.

"She's going to get herself killed," Hunter sighed, taking the lead. "I don't know how good of a fighter Keeper is, but that's not what I'm concerned about. We're still on his territory, and he's manipulative. Whatever he says, it's only going to mess with Jade's mind."

"She was so cautious before," Echo remarked.

They came to a stop before the stairs.

"Well, she's found her confidence again," Hunter said. "She just doesn't know what to do with it."


A few guards at the end of the hall turned abruptly when Jade appeared, and she sprinted forward after a brief scan. Lasers smacked the wall she had been standing in front of, and footsteps pounded against the ground. Jade tried to control her breathing, then gave herself a quick nod and peered around the corner, firing at the nearest guard. More specifically, sending a laser straight for his leg. He cried out and stumbled, tripping his friend. The third one jumped over their squirming limbs and swung his staff-like weapon to block Jade's fire. Jade cried out in pain when he smacked the underside of her hand to relieve her of her blaster, but she lunged to grab it and yank him forward, kneeing him in the stomach and twisting the staff in her hands to turn full-circle and strike the side of his face. He collapsed, unconscious. The other guards had untangled themselves and glared.

"Keeper!" Jade yelled, letting the staff slip against her fingers.

It smacked the ground with a metallic ring. One of the guards – a smaller man – flinched.

"Are you hiding? Are you hiding from the audience who paid to witness my brother's death?"

Her voice trembled at the last words, and the guards glanced at each other before lifting their blasters. Jade used the staff to knock her blaster closer, and it slid across the floor, nearly hitting her foot. She leveled the staff horizontally and threw it towards one of the guards. It knocked him in the chest. He landed hard on his back and gasped for breath, clutching his heart. His companion limped and bent to pick up the fallen blaster, but Jade marched forward, pointing her own weapon directly at him.

"Where is he?" she demanded, and the man focused instead on the guard who had previously wielded the staff.

Jade repeated her demand, elevating her voice. The guard lifted his hands in surrender. He blinked rapidly, lashes obscuring a more penetrating stare. The other guard groaned and sat up, but Jade moved her blaster back and forth between them. She opened her mouth to try again, but Keeper interrupted her.

"Leave her be, men," Keeper ordered, and the two guards shuffled away, leaning against the wall. "I'm afraid she's slightly unsettled."

Jade lifted her blaster higher. Keeper stood calmly at the end of the hall; hands folded behind him. He sniffled quietly in disinterest, and Jade had no problem tearing her eyes away from the guards. Her brows furrowed, and she walked forward slowly and deliberately.

"I am more than just unsettled. I'm here to make sure you understand the consequences of what you did."

Jade stopped, noticing more guards behind Keeper. He motioned for them to remain still, but Jade knew they would act the minute she tried anything, regardless of what Keeper said.

"Sam was his name, I believe?" Keeper waited for confirmation, but Jade merely frowned all the more at the sound of his name.

"You treated him like an experiment. Was killing my parents not enough for you?" Jade seethed, clenching her teeth to keep from lashing out.

"You parents, dead? No, I don't think so. I can't remember what –" Keeper trailed off, pondering a moment, and Jade's eyes widened, her blaster dropping an inch.

"What do you mean?" Jade asked cautiously.

"It doesn't matter. Weren't we discussing your brother?"

Jade leaned forward and lowered her blaster even further to yell, her patience wearing thin.

"Answer my question!"

Keeper rolled his eyes, and Jade's jaw twitched. His arrogance was nearly unbelievable.

"There will be plenty of time to answer questions. All you have to do is cooperate."

"I'm ending your project, or whatever you're trying to accomplish in this horrible place. The drug you created deserves to be buried. I have support, and they won't hesitate to –"

Keeper began laughing, and Jade took a step back.

"You mean the clones and their singular ship? My fighters are taking care of that even as we speak. Besides that, I'm only taking a handful of captives with me. It's time to start something new. As for the Arena, the future of this operation is no longer my concern. The people who bought this place can do with it as they wish. The drug, however, will not be buried. It belongs to me."

The Arena, bought? What was happening?

"You're going to pay for what you did! Even if I am alone, I know what needs to be done. No one else is going to suffer under your thumb. Your captives –" Jade thrust her finger towards the ground "– are people. Wake up! There is nothing you could ever do to make up for the trauma and horrors you've introduced in their lives. One day, you're going to be faced with an angry mob. You cannot control your own outcome."

"Maybe so, but can't I control the outcomes of others? Your small friend, Omega. I made her a living target, and it was so simple," Keeper responded gleefully.

"Don't you dare mention her name. Besides that, you're getting nowhere near her again," Jade breathed evenly, lifting her blaster again.

"You're a temporary obstacle, Jade. Your brother resisted, too. He put up quite the fight, but I guess you didn't teach him everything," Keeper said, and there was no amusement in his tone this time.

Suddenly, a flash of light flickered behind him. Keeper gasped and doubled over, nearly stumbling. Jade had never seen him surprised before, and he groaned deeply. A burning smell reached Jade's nostrils, and she straightened to see a man in a clean, smart uniform with a raised blaster at the other side of the room, partially hidden in the shadows of the secondary hall. Keeper collapsed and turned to see the one responsible. He clutched at the wound; his voice strained. Keeper's guards turned and pointed their staffs at the newcomer, but he seemed unbothered.

"I thought we had a deal," Keeper breathed.

"I believe you intended to share the drug, but clearly, you've changed the rules," the man said, observing the nozzle of his blaster a moment before lowering it.

"I never meant for such details to be leaked," Keeper coughed.

"It merely took some prodding. The woman is right, though. One day, I'm certain you would have been faced with an angry mob. It seems I've spared you of that fate, so you really should thank me," the man scoffed, his eyes surveying the room briefly.

Jade's heart began to race. She wasn't afraid of Keeper, but this man radiated power and experience. She doubted he would have come alone; she was sure his backup was nearby. His uniform meant one thing and one thing only.

The Empire had finally decided to interfere.

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