Miya Twin's Pet (Yandere Miya...

By haleywink-chan

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Y/n didn't understand why Atsumu and Osamu hated her so much. They had made her years in high school hell fro... More

Chapter 1 Bullies
Chapter 2 Clubroom
chapter 3 Club
Chapter 5 Body Pillow
Chapter 6 Hotel
Chapter 7 Pictures
Chapter 8 Key
Chapter 9 Night Meeting
Chapter 10 Confession
Chapter 11 Don't Fight
Chp 12 Chains
Chp 13 Cry

Chapter 4 Invite

4K 120 37
By haleywink-chan

Y/n Pov

5 am.

5 fucking am.

That is how early I had to get up to make it to morning practice on time. The school day wouldn't start till 8 am but morning practice started at 6 am. I couldn't get how someone would want to play volleyball two hours before school than do a three-hour practice after school. Why couldn't I have been accepted by a less extreme club than volleyball?

Kita was trying to get me excited about being a manager but nothing was exciting about filling water bottles. My other tasks were handing out towels, taking down notes of the team's performance, setting up the volleyball court, and cleaning up. Nothing was exciting about any of this, especially with the Miya twins nearby. The only exciting thing was that today was Friday which meant no practice for the next two days.

Even though I was tired I was trying hard not to fall asleep while filling up the water bottles. The water faucet was just outside the gym door. The repetitive task did make me sleepy as my eyelids dropped a little.

"You look sleepy Y/n"

My body froze as the water overfilled the bottle pouring onto my hand. Of course, I would freeze from fright hearing Osamu's voice. Even if he always sounded so calm while speaking it only made me feel fright.

I snapped out of my fright pulling the bottle away from the water faucet. I place the cap on the water bottle before whipping it dry with a towel. Once it was dry I placed it back in the water bottle carrier. I grabbed the next empty water bottle. I still had three water bottles to fill.

I tried to just ignore Osamu who had moved closer to look over my shoulder. His body wasn't pressed against mine but I could still feel that he was way too close for my liking.

"I am sorry for everything Y/n" his voice was gentle but it only pissed me off further

"Oh, what could you possibly be sorry for Osamu?" I let the sarcasm roll off my tongue

Osamu let out a long sigh "I want to make up for how Atsumu and I treated you"

I wanted to throw the water bottle at his face but I restrained myself. Instead, I place the water bottle into the carrier with the other water bottle. It was impossible to look at Osamu without wanting to cuss him out.

"Y/n-" Osamu said my name so softly that it made me shiver. Why was he being so gently after all these years "-there has to be something I could do to make you forgive me"

" There is-" I said as I filled the last bottle before tossing it into the carrier. I then turned towards Osamu glaring at the grey-headed male "-You could build a time machine so I could go back in time and enjoy my high school years without you or Atsumu ruining it" I gave him the demand I knew he could never fill before storming of back into the the gym

I didn't let my anger come inside the gym with me. Kita would have noticed if I was upset and that would have only distracted him. Even if Kita didn't notice I was angry Suna did. He left the court coming over to get some water from the bottles I had just filled.

"What's up with you" Suna asked as he took a swig of water from the bottles I had just brought in

I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling "Just Osamu trying to apologize to me again really pissed me off" I replied

Suna let out a soft hum before placing the water bottle back in the carrier "Those two have been acting different lately"

"Well I don't care if they both become the next mother Treasa I am not forgiving them" I wouldn't be fooled by their false act

"You need a distraction to get your mind off them" Suna suggested

"That is why I am going to watch my favorite anime all weekend. That will hopefully help me destress" I said not hiding my nerdness from Suna. He was just as big a nerd as me even if he didn't show it. We both liked multiple of the same animes.

"Instead of doing that all Saturday why don't you join me for the anime expo in Tokyo? My older sister was supposed to join me but she is grounded for failing her math test."

"Tokyo isn't that kind of far?" I asked

"Not as long as we take the bullet train we will make it there by the time the expo opens. As long as we leave before the last train we will make it back home before curfew-" Suna laid out his plan "-You can even borrow one of my sister's cosplays. She won't care she has a ton"

My face went red "-I've never cosplayed before it seems embarrassing"

Suna's face lit up "It's super fun at first I thought it was lame but after my sister made me do it I found it entertaining. I'll even cosplay with you. Trust me everyone there will be in cosplay"

I couldn't say no to Suna he looked like a little puppy "Okay as long as you dress up as well"

Suna's face went back to its usual calm expression but there was still a faint smile on his lips "-awesome I'll text you my address and you can come to my house Saturday morning. My sister can help you get ready she'll be super excited to help you. She always wanted me to be a sister instead of a brother."

"Hey Suna-" Atsumu was so close to us had he heard our conversation "-KIta needs your help practicing his blocks"

"Okay I'll talk to you later Y/n," Suna said as he walked away to join Kita on the court

Atsumu didn't leave. He stood only a few feet away from me. I try to act busy as I fold some towels that had been left sprawled out on the nearby bench. Even though I wasn't paying attention to him I still could fill his eyes on me.

"You got any plans for the weekend Y/n," Atsumu asked

"Nope" I kept my answer short as I continued to fold towels

"I was wondering if you would like to go karaoke after school today. We are all going me, Osamu, Ren, Aran, Yuto, and we are still trying to convince Kita to join us" Why did he sound so nervous

I wanted to be mean and tell him to fuck off but I was too shy to say all that so I kept my answer nicer than it should have been "Thanks for the offer Atsumu but I'm really tired so I am just going to go home after practice today"

"It would be nice if you joined but I get it. You have been working hard as our manager. You must be tired" Atsumu's sweet comment made my stomach turn in disgust

"Thanks Atsumu. You should get back to practice before coach yells at you again" I was trying to get him away from me

"Thanks for looking out for me-" Atsumu said as he started to walk away. While he was walking away I could hear him softly say "fuck I love it when she says my name"

What the fuck? Why were Atsumu and Osamu both acting so fucking strange? I try to push away their strange behavior. I wouldn't stress over them and let them ruin my weekend. 





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