Consumed | ๐ƒ๐š๐ซ๐ฒ๐ฅ ๐ƒ๐ข๐ฑ๏ฟฝ...

By youregolden

11.2K 241 120

He set fire the world around him but did not let a single flame touch her. --- Season 2- includes sexual con... More



251 4 0
By youregolden

"Who the fuck are you." I stand up pulling my gun up. Daryl stands close behind me with his crossbow up.

"Who the hell are you?" One man answers back as they stare at us. The others behind us attend to Hershel as I move closer to the men.

"Come on out." I aim my gun at the leader's head, "Real slow." The group of men walk into the room as they stare at Hershel on the floor. They look almost scared.

"What the hell happened to him?" One asked.

"He got bit." Daryl spits.

"Bit?" The man with long hair asks as he grips onto the gun in his pocket. Are these idiots fucking stupid? Taking the safety off my gun, I stand taller as I aim at the one handling the gun in his hand. T-Dog stands up and aims his gun at the man as well. The guy points his gun at T-Dog and I step closer to him. "Ain't nobody needs to get hurt." Daryl takes a step in front of me. The man looks between us as he now aims his straight at my chest.

Daryl tries to guard me but I refuse to let him as I aim my gun at the man's dick and cock my eyebrow at him. He's more than likely cares more about his dick than himself anyway. "You have any medical supplies?" Glenn barges past them and into the room they were situated in before.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going?" One asks Glenn as the door help together by a small pipe banged loudly. The walkers moaned as they banged to get in. "Who the hell are you people, anyway?" The leader asks as he continues to hold his gun at me.

"Don't look like no rescue team." The hillbilly looking one exclaims. Maybe Daryl might've known him from before since they both came from hillbilly wonderland. But really no shit we weren't no rescue team.

"If you're waiting for a rescue team," I snort, "you're wasting your time." Rick hauls Hershel with the help of Maggie onto a steel table with wheels.

"T, the door." Rick shouts.

"Are you crazy?" One says, "Don't open that." T pulls the metal piece out of the door and a guard roams in. He pulls the helmet up and cuts right through the bottom of his jaw before discarding the walker on the floor. "Daryl, Kaia." Rick calls us. Removing my gun from aiming at the man's dick, I run over to the door to guard the others from walkers as we try get Hershel back to the cell. We run through the tombs dodging the zombies as he hastily make it back. Cutting a corner, we come in contact with a couple zombies but T and I quickly take them out before they could do much.

"Follow the flashlights." Echo down the halls as the men from before try to follow us. I glance back at them and tell the others to go quickly. Unlocking the gate, Daryl swings the gate open for the others to push Hershel in. T-Dog shuts the other gate to the cells as we wait out for the men.

Daryl loads up his crossbow as he props his leg on the seat of the table bench. His muscles flex as he aims for the door. I sit on top of the table next to him with my gun at the ready. Staring at the open door to the tombs, the men emerge from it cautiously. "That's far enough." Daryl clears his throat.

"Cell block C. Cell four, that's mine, gringo." The leader ushers himself more into the room. I move to sit on the edge of the table as he creeps closer. "Let me in." He tells us. Who does this criminal think he is? Like he could tell us what to do. This prison doesn't belong to him, it never has, he just stayed here.

"Today's your lucky day, fellas." Daryl says, "You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go." I bite the side of my cheeks as I try not to smile at his joke.

"Watcha got going on in there?" The 'leader' asks. This guy is really invasive, huh. Does he not shut the fuck up?

"Frankly, that's none of your business." I speak up.

"Don't be telling me what's my business." The man pulls his gun out and I immediately stand up, pulling my gun to aim at his face. Daryl walks forward with his crossbow up. One of the inmates tell the man to "Chill." and his so called leader should listen. I wouldn't be surprised if he went to prison for being the most nosiest and annoy son of a bitch out there.

"Dude's leg is messed up." The tall man with a beard says, "Besides, we're free now. Why we still in here?" I like him even though he may be a criminal.

"I like the optimism." I nod at the man and he smiles at me.

"I gotta check on my old lady." Another says.

"Group of civilians breaking into a prison you've got no business being in," The long haired man speaks up again, "got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go." He screws his face up. I guess he never wants to be quiet.

"Why don't you go find out." Daryl tells them, his accent deep nearly making me swoon.

"Maybe we'll be going now." The mustache man nods at us as he tries to get the 'leader' to go.

"Hey, we ain't leaving." The man gets aggressive.

"You ain't coming in, either." T-Dog cocks his gun at the man as he gets rude. He pulls his gun at T-Dog quickly. 3 armed people agaisnt one. He has no chance.

"It is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please." He shouts at us.

"Oh please." I laugh, "This has never been your damn house."

"I earned my right here." He yells.

"Earned your right?" I question with a laugh.

"What's so funny?" He yells. I continue to laugh at his idiocricy. "Go on tell me. What are you laughing at?" He steps forward putting his gun in my face. I stand straight looking at his gun then at him. I'm not threatened. I've dealt with worse and I can deal with this prick.

"There ain't nothing for you here." Daryl yells at him and the man aims his gun at Daryl again. I step back, holding my gun tightly in my hand. "Why don't you go back to your own sandbox-" Daryl begins shouting as Rick yells, storming in.

"Everyone relax." He puts his hand up, "There's no need for this." But there was need for this. This asshole needed to be put down and I wanted to be the one to do it.

"How many of you in there?" The man questions, cocking his head to the side.

"Too many for you to handle." Rick sasses back. Yes! Put him in his place Rick.

"You guys rob a bank or something?" He aims his gun at Rick, "Why don't you take him to the hospital?" Hysterically, I laugh at him again. Is he really that stupid? A hospital...

"How long you been locked in that cafeteria?" Rick asks. Obviously way too long. This guys have had it easy in there by the sounds of it.

The man looks between us with question, "Going on ten months." He's missed it all. The men all told their stories about what happened before they got locked in the cafeteria. Something about men going cannibal and coming back to life. They really were clueless. They had been in that cafeteria having it easy even despite prison was meant to pay for what you did. They been rewarded with a simple 10 months in there and we have been out there paying the prices. How was that fair?

Rick explains to them the situation. No hospital, no business. No computers, absolutely nothing. "At least half of the population has been wiped out." Rick tells them and most of the men look down with sadness in their eyes. Even though they were criminals, they had people they loved and cared for too and now they were more than likely gone.

"Ain't no way." Their 'leader' shakes his head.

"Go and see for yourself." Rick shews them. Rick escorts the men outside and they adjust to the outside world.

"How did you even get in here?" One asks.

"Cut a hole in that fence over there by that guard tower." Daryl points over to our entry point. The men walk around and look at the walkers on the floor. The inmates shoot all sorts of questions about the epidemic.

"Where'd you come from?" The 'Mr I can't shut the fuck up' asks.

"Atlanta." Rick replies, squinting due to the bright sun.

"Where you headed." The man asks again.

"Bold to assume, we're leaving." I stare at him with my arms crossed. Daryl stands close to me with his crossbow low but still at the ready.

"Guess you guys can take that area over there near the water." The inmate points, "Should be comfortable."

"We're using that field for crops." Rick tells them.

"We'll help you move your gear out." The inmate tells us again. Not him acting like he owns this place. Like he can tell us what to do.

"Not happening." I shake my head, "We took out these walkers. We own this prison now."

"It ain't yours." He spits, "Act like you did shit to get this place. Women don't do shit." I slowly blink and my jaw drops. Oh he does not want to get me started.

"We do not talk to women like that here." Rick tells him off.

"You snatched the locks off our doors." Another inmate steps forward.

"We can give you new locks if that's what you want." Rick negotiates.

"This is our prison. We were here first." The inmate with long hair starts again as he looks between the others for reassurance.

"Locked in the broom closet." Rick scoffs at them. I'm loving this sassy side of Rick. I need to see more of it because wow he can be funny. "We took it, set you free." Rick spits, "We spilt blood."

"We're moving back into our cell block." The man tells us. There's things this man is not getting. What has he missed from this whole situation because he is not getting the goddamn idea. Rick argues with the men about the cell block situation for a few minutes. This is the closest thing I can get to watching shitty reality TV shows and I am thoroughly enjoying this episode of 'Keeping up with the apocalypse'. Suddenly the man flips out his gun and storms towards Rick. We all rush forwards with our weapons ready to spill blood if we need to. "There are other cell blocks." The mustache man tries to find common ground.

"You could leave." Daryl states, "Try your luck out on the road." His arms bulge as he stares at the man in front of him with his crossbow up. Everyday those sleeveless shirts come out are a day I live for. All the men look between each other obviously back at the dick measuring contest again. Who has the biggest dick today? At this point I might win the bloody contest.

"These four pussies can do all this, least we can do is take out another cell block." The main inmate looks at his 'friends' acting like he made this decision himself. But in reality we were not going to stand down so he was forced into agreeing. They bore into the details of negotiation and I zone out from the boring conversation. "Let's be clear." Rick lays the ground rules, "If we see you out here, anywhere near our people, if I so much as even catch a whiff of your scent, I will kill you" Rick gets close to the mans face causing a threat. I nod at his words and motion a gun shooting their heads to seal the deal.

"This what you call a little bit of food?" Daryl shines a torch in the mans face as he eyes the almost full pantry.

"Food grew pretty fast, huh?" I ask and the man hums at me.

"I say you can have some corn, a bag of tuna fish..." The inmate starts.

"Half is half." I nod at him, "Did you get anything out of our dick measuring contest? We made a deal. A deal is a deal." Moving past the man, I begin to look through the pantry at all the different foods stocked up. There was about a million bags of oats.

"What's in there?" Rick asks looking at a big metal door.

"Don't open that." One warns him. Rick swings open the door anyways and begins gagging at the awful smell coming from within.

"He wanted to know." The cocky one laughed.

"Can't wait for my own pot to piss in." The mustache man nods. I like him. A man of simple tastes. He really didn't complain much. The optimism he had through this was amazing.

"You're my favourite criminal." I point at him and smile, "Now let's grab some of this food." I tell the men around me. Rick, T-Dog and Daryl all grab the heaviest bags and boxes of stuff and begin hauling it to the cell blocks. Bending down, I haul a bag of oats over my shoulder which was heavier than a boulder and began walking it to the cell block.

"Food delivery." I call out to signal the others to open the gate.

"What you got?" Carl asks with a smile on his face. This kid was eager for some good grub and I cannot blame him.

"Canned beef, canned corn," T-Dog states, "Canned cans." I smile as I drop the bags of oats I was carrying on the floor.

"How is he?" I ask, walking into the cell they were keeping Hershel. He honestly looked like shit. His blood covered Lori and Carol's hands as they took turn trying to stop his bleeding. Hershel may have been a little cuntish in the past but he has grown into a likeable man. It'd be ashame if he went away so soon. "Bleeding is under control and no fever," Lori nods, "but his breath is laboured and his pulse is way down, and he hasn't opened his eyes yet." She looks up with little hope.

"Take my cuffs." Rick tells Glenn, "Put them on him. I am taking any chances." Glenn nods taking them into his hands. I grab a bag of oats from Rick and haul them over to a cell T-Dog was storing them. Lori and Rick stand to the side talking. This seemed to be the longest conversation they had in months without the other walking away or ignoring eachother. I ruffle Carl's hair and try distract him in case his parents decide to go wild on each other and cause a scene.

"How's that comic book you reading?" I ask him and his face lights up.

"Spiderman is in the middle of the second civil war." He goes on, "I think this one is my favourite yet, Kaia. It's really interesting, you should read it some time."

"Spiderman is no way as cool as Batman." T-Dog puts his hand on his hip.

"Spiderman could beat Batman any day." Carl debates, "He has spidey senses which gives him such an advantage at everything. He could win against Batman anyday." I laugh at them as they both give valid points on who is better.

"What's your opinion?" T-Dog asks.

"I..." I look around, unsure what to say, "I think Wonder Woman because no one can beat a bad ass woman." I nod. T-Dog shakes his head at me and continues to debate with Carl about all sorts of superheroes. 

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