The Inured Villainess

By emwritesbookstories

30.1K 1.2K 42

Inure: (v.) To accustom to accept something undesirable, evil, or painful. An other worldly girl is reincarna... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

1K 47 1
By emwritesbookstories

The last week of April is Alastair's birthday. I could already imagine his cute surprised face when he sees his party.

Knowing that Alastair gets startled with too many people I made sure to only invite a few kids. Them being the Viscountess' daughter, Emery. Countess Celine's twin boys, Trevor and Tavian, as well as her daughter, Alice.

Lucille is also bringing her little brother, Landon.

And the best part of all, Dilana is bringing the female lead, Evianna.

Evianna is an orphaned girl that Dilana's family took in. Dilana likes to work at the temple as well as the orphanage which is how the two met.

Feeling sorry for the girl, she brought her into her family.

I'm so excited, it's impossible to keep it in check. My foot bounces as I stand near Alastair at the entrance of the Star Palace.

I decorated the palace so well that it doesn't even look like the one from nine months ago. Lately, I'm realizing that I making a hobby out of party decorating. But what can I say, it is fun.

"Are you nervous?" I hand Alastair's hand to comfort him.

"A little. I can't believe Mother is throwing me a party." His mask hid his nervous eyes.

Though I don't want him to wear one, I don't want to other to make fun of him. So to solve that I said it was a masquerade, it should take the attention off of him.

"You deserve so much more than just a party. If you want anything just tell me, okay?"

He nods in understanding.

Then one by one the guests arrived. After greeting them we led them into the groomed palace gardens in the back. Where two tables could be found, one for the adults and the other for the children.

There was also an area where I installed a playground. The workers were in awe at what I made them do. It was a piece with swings and slides attached and some monkey bars on the side.

These children have never seen a playground so what better way than introducing one at the prince's birthday.

"Oh my! What is that?" Priscilla asks, staring at it as if it were an alien.

"It's called a playground. A contraption I thought of in my free time." I answer her inquiring thoughts.

"I've never seen such a thing. Your Majesty is very talented." Dilana says by my side.

I release a small laugh. "It was something I gifted Alastair for his birthday. I thought the children would enjoy there time playing as we talk."

"What a marvelous idea." Celine says taking her seat by me.

We sat in the same seats as at Dilana's home, however, this time Adeline did not show up. Even Priscilla was debating on whether to come because she had no children to bring with her. I ended up convincing her by saying I'll show her around the palace gardens.

"Thank you for inviting us, Your Majesty. The Star Palace gardens are truly spectacular." Lucille says, gazing her blue eyes around. "Landon was excited to be able to meet some new friends."

"I'm glad. Alastair was quite nervous actually. He's never had a party like this. But how have you ladies been? It's been a few weeks since we've last seen each other." I say, before taking a bite of strawberry cake.

"I was quite busy. Preparing a dress for Evianna and myself." Dilana answers, brushing her loose pink hair behind her ear.
"I have to agree. Being invited to a party so important has filled my days." The Viscountess adds.

She seemed calmer than the last time. No evil thoughts exited her mind. But her light green eyes were still calculating, possibly looking for a mistake. "I had to rush the tailor to make the perfect dress for Emery to meet the prince."

"I quite enjoyed it." Priscilla says, smiling down at her tea. "I was excited to see the palace gardens and finding a dress for this occasion was nice."

The conversation was comfortable from there. I stole little glances at Alastair as he taught the kids how to play on the slide.

"Oh my!" Lucille gasped, looking behind me and hurriedly standing up. The others follow her example.

"What's wrong?" I ask turning in my chair to see Kyrell approaching our tables.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." The ladies bow to Kyrell as he stands behind my chair.

It's too early for Kyrell and Dilana to meet. But even so, this is it the moment Kyrell sees Dilana and falls for her. I look in between the two to see if there is a reaction.

"Kyrell?" I say, weirded out that he came to the party.

He gives them a nod before looking down at me. His eyes didn't even met Dilana's, they just looked at me.

Why isn't he looking at Dilana? She is sitting right next to me.

"I heard you were hosting Alastair's birthday party. So I thought I would stop by and congratulate him." His hands rested on the back of the chair as he spoke, right near my head.

You would think we were a real couple with how close we are.

"He is playing with the other children. I can lead you to him." I go to stand but he places a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"It's alright. I'll leave you ladies be." He turns, heading towards the playground. I watch as he walks away.

Did he really not feel anything when he saw Dilana? He walked away as if he didn't see the love of his life.

The ladies than whip their heads to me.

"I didn't know Your Majesty was so close to the King." Rosaline says, in awe at how Kyrell acted.

"Yes, Ky—His Majesty and I have gotten closer the past year." I look down at my tea to avoid their curious gazes.

"That is good. It is important for a kingdom to be united in such a way." Celine adds, hoping to help me.

"Is this why you asked to help you fix your image? The outside world doesn't truly know about how life here is," Lucille asks.

I give her a nod before saying, "I don't wish for my family to be affected by my previous actions and appearances."

"Oh Your Majesty, how much you have been through." Dilana pleads, her eyes were filling with pity.

"Everything is fine now. His Majesty and I have come to understand each other and now we are focusing on strengthening our kingdom." By strengthening our kingdom, I mean destroying the Claudonia family that stands in its way.

"May the Goddess Lucia bless the royal family for its efforts. Our kingdom needs as much strength as it can, especially with the when we are at the brink of war." Celine says, turning her body in her seat to face me. "Tell me Your Majsety, is it true that the King of Osertia will be visiting Royalis to discuss war matters?" Her face was serious in her questioning.

However, she is right. The Osertia's king will visit our country in June, it will be the last day of peace before the war breaks.

I have spent some of my free time studying the causes of the war. The main reason is inadequate magic stones being produced in the Osertia region.

Royalis is the nation closet to the Esperian Ocean on the western border of the Continent. Because of its location, it produces a multitude of magic stones alongside the mountains that border the ocean.

Magic stones are used to power lights, war weapons, and any other items that need power. Similar to electricity in the modern world.

Because of their multitude of uses they are sought after by many nations, giving good trade.

The rebel nobles in Osetria want these stones without the hassle of trade. Bringing the nations other would eliminate the constant purchasing of magic stones as well as make the nation more powerful because it is available to more resources.
The nobles of the Osertia kingdom pressured their king into started the war against Istyris. And the Claudonia family on the Istyris side.

Even after the Claudonia family was eliminated, the war continued because there was no one to stop it.

The people's hatred grew for the other side, the killing never ceased until Alastair became the victor.

It was quite the tragic story. And I know that I shouldn't interfere, but I can't let the kingdoms be united in such a way.

Everyone besides Alastair and Evianna die, the two go through so much tragedy that I wouldn't want my children to go through.

"It is true. The King of Osertia is coming to Royalis. His Majesy and I have been preparing for his arrival." I glance in the direction of the children to see that Kyrell left.

"Don't be so rude!" I hear a yell from the playground. The other ladies also look in that direction.

Startled by the sudden shout, I stand making my way to see what the fuss is all about.

"Not everyone has parents for them to like each other!" I see Evianna shout at Trevor, one of Celine's children.

Evianna was a cute little girl with caramel brown hair and dark green eyes. They resembled a redwood forest.

The other children were gathered around Evianna and Trevor's arguement. Alastair was standing behind Evianna with a nervous look on his face.

"Excuse me, what is going on here?" I question as I look between the two children.

"Trevor, what is the meaning of this?" Celine scolds, making her way to him.

"He was saying mean this to the prince. I couldn't let him do that." Evianna cuts in.

"I was just asking a question, I didn't mean to be rude." Trevor barks back at her.

"That's enough. It seems that we should call it a day. I'll discuss everything later with the children. I'm sorry to have end everything like this." I say bringing back everyone's attention.

"No, I truly apologize for my son's behavior, Your Majesty." Celine says, guiding her children.

"I wish I could send you all off with a better goodbye, but I will be taking my son now." I grasp Alastair's shaky hand.

The ladies all left soon after the children's squabble. I didn't want to cause a scene on Alastair's birthday which is why I didn't discuss the children's fight in front of all the ladies.


I sat in on a chair in Alastair's room near his bed. He was already under the sheets, waiting for my questions to come piling in.

"How was your birthday party?" I try to cheer him up.

"It was nice. Thank you for planning it, Mother." He gave me a small smile, clenching his hands around the sheets.

Before I could ask another question, Kyrell came in.

"Father?" Alastair's eyes opened as Kyrell made his way behind my chair.

"I heard that there was a fight among the children. May I ask what it was about?" His voice held concern for Alastair.

Alastair turns his head away from us. "It was nothing." He mumbles.

"You don't have to tell us, Alastair, but we do want to help you. We're your parents, you can tell us anything." I assure him when he doesn't respond.

Alastair slowly turns his head back to face us. "If your my parents, then why don't you sleep together?" His voice is so soft I can't comprehend what he is saying.

"What?" My eyebrows shoot up. Kyrell's face matching mine, the only difference being that my face is turning red.

"All the other children said that their parents sleep in the same room, that is how you know that they are married. Father and Mother sleep in different bedrooms, does that mean you aren't happy?" Alastair explains with a sorrowful experssion.

I glance up at Kyrell who is shocked.

He thinks that because we don't sleep together we aren't happy?

Is that why Evianna stood up for Alastair? Because she doesn't have parents of her own.

"Your mother and I are happy." Kyrell tries to say.

"Then why don't you sleep in the same room? You only sleep together once a month." He bats his lashes in anticipation, sporting an innocent face.

My face softens, "Your father doesn't like to sleep with me too often." I try to explain.

"What why?"

"What your mother means is that we haven't had the time to sleep in the same room. We can start now if that is what you want." Kyrell says.

I give Kyrell a what-are-you-doing face, but he ignores it.

Sleep with him. He doesn't even want to come to the room when I am there. Only for that past two months did we actually sleep together bu that was only twice.

"Really! Mother and Father will sleep in the same room like a family." His excitement is what caused me to give in.

"Uh, yes, we'll sleep together starting this new month." I try replicating his excitement.

Who am I trying to kid. I can't sleep with Kyrell, especially no every night.

I feel like I'm betraying Dilana by sleeping with him.

We then wish Alastair a good night, exiting his room.

I spin my head to him once I'm out of the room.

"What are you thinking?" I snipe.

"I just recommended. You are the one who agreed, Estella." He rubs it off nonchalantly. "Besides its better that you are closer to me. I can protect you better."

"That may be true but you will have to stay with me every night. You will get bored very quickly."

"You are my wife, Estella. It is normal for a wife and husband to sleep together. It's a way of improving our reputation." His eyes were calculating me. He is up to something but I'm not sure what it is.

He always keeps me guessing. I guess I have no other choice but I give in to this. For Alastair. I'll do anything for him.

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