MHA OC Story The Quirkless Ni...

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In a society with 80% of people possess a superhuman ability called a quirk. However, there are the 20% who d... Mer

OC Info
Chapter 1: Ninja Gotta Go
Chapter 2: School Kids On The Block
Chapter 4: Trains over Brawn
Chapter 5: All Paths Begin
Chapter 6: Entrance Exam
Chapter 7: Dinner
Chapter 8: Beginning of Many

Chapter 3: Beach for the Stars

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After a bit of confusion, and buying more cookies from shopping online, the whole thing was cleared and they had a small talk. Saori, Midoriya, Leo, and All Might.

Izuku: So All Might's your dad and Endeavor burned your old house down and killed your mom, dad, and grandpa?

Leo: Yep. They call him a hero, yet look.

Izuku: And you trained with a ninjitsu clan for 3 years before learning martial arts by yourself?

Leo: Yeah.

Izuku: And your quirkless?

Leo: Yep. And you probably forgot, but here is my best friend, Saori Takahashi.

Izuku was flustered. He never had experience with girls, and Saori was already kind of cute with her elegant looks yet also her personality.

Saori: Yep. Ever since he moved in here, we've been buds. I've also been he one to keep him on a leash whenever he talks the wrong way.

Leo: And I'm the one who tutors her so she doesn't fail her classes.

Saori: Hey! I'm getting better! I got a A on my math exam!

Leo: Whoop dee doo.

Saori: Dang right! An accomplishment is an accomplishment!

Izuku: So All Might, who is he?

All Might: He's my son!

Leo: Adopted son.

Saori: With that personality, I'm surprised people don't assume that already.

Leo: *sigh* All Might, kid's got spunk. But giving him something like that when he looks like he can't even do a push-up is like needing to cool yourself down and heading to Antarctica.

Saori: Uhhhh-

Leo: Too extreme. Like going to hard mode when you're a beginner.

Midoriya: All Might, how did you meet him exactly?

All Might: He was just a child. Usually, I'm able to rescue children and their parents, but this was quite the exception. Unfortunately, as a kid, he believes Endeavor burned down his family's home and killed them while kidnapping his siblings. I keep trying to talk to him, but he doesn't want anything to do with me or even hear about Young Himura.

Midoriya: Oh. But why didn't you take him to an orphanage?

All Might: Honestly, this decision was made on impulse and also a reminder to be stronger and a better hero.  But over time, I came to see him as my own son.

Izuku: That's so sweet!

All Might: (Also, he's good with housework and chores and also a good cook. I couldn't remember the last time I tried a home cooked meal before he turned 9.) So Leo, pack your katana, Bo staff, and archery gear!

Leo: Ok!


In the Todoroki Abode, Kenta and Anna were inside currently doing their own thing. Anna was reading a magazine on heroes and fashion, while Kenta was doing homework.

Anna: (Geez, Temporal. How many girls do you have?)

As the black and white haired girl was reading a section of her magazine on Makoto's advertisement, she heard her brother groan and she looked up from her magazine to see.

Anna: Need any help, big bro?

Kenta: Uh, yeah. I can't figure out this equation.

Anna helped out Kenta with some equations and afterwards, he went to call some friends until a certain booming voice was heard.


All 3: Ughh.

They went downstairs and the two Himuras and Shoto looked at each other and see Endeavor.

All 2: Hi Uncle Enji.

Shoto: Hi Uncle Enji- I mean dad.

Kent and Ann snickered while Endeavor glared at his niece and nephew.

Endeavor: Kenta, Anna. Could you maybe explain why Shoto has only been using his ice side lately? No matter how many times you beat him? Kenta, you're a gold medalist while Anna is silver. Shoto should have a drive to beat you!

Kenta: Maybe you should actually train the guy instead of using us.

Anna: Besides. We train him every single day. And even then, we know him more than you.

Endeavor: What makes you can talk to me like that?

He then faces the Himuras and the two just closed their eyes and gripped their fists.

Endeavor: You two were nothing more than snot nosed brats who got their home burned down. I saved you. You should be more than grateful I took you into my home and I didn't complain about taking care of two more kids. The least you can do is try to get Shoto to your level. Because I don't need my masterpiece losing to people who are only half as good as him!

Kenta and Anna: *quietly* And you wonder why Shoto doesn't want to use fire.

Endeavor: What was that?!

Kenta and Anna: Nothing.

Endeavor: Get to training him. And teach him your martial arts while you're at it. If that's how you're able to beat him, he'll surpass you if he knows it. And he better land a hit on you. Otherwise, I'll tell Fuyumi not to make you 2 any dinner.

The flame hero leaves the house and Shoto and Kenta and Anna go to the training area.

Shoto: Hold still. I'll make sure you guys have a blow on you.

Kenta: It's fine. We're used to it.

Anna: What is this, like the 10th time he said that this month?

A sneaky grin appeared on Kenta's face, as the white haired and blue eyed teen raised his hand and gestured his sister to give him money.

Kenta: You now owe me 1000 yen, sis.

She groans and hands him the money as Shoto pretends to land a blow on them and they then train for real. Kenta manages to send an ice spike right at the half and half teen while Anna flies right to him and roundhouse kicks him. Shoto dodges, and sends an ice wave at Kenta, but he just uses it and his Cryokinesis just reflects the ice right back at Shoto.

Kenta: Use your fire, man.

Anna then lands a side kick to his back, grabs his fire leg, flips it up, and then steps on his chest.

Anna: Good job, Shoto.

Kenta: Where's Fuyumi?

Fuyumi: Hey guys.

Kenta: Hey, 'Yumi.

Anna: What's for dinner?

Fuyumi: Tempura. Also, even if dad doesn't believe Shoto landed a blow on you guys, I'll make dinner.

Kenta: Thanks. But we'll make it. Besides, Anna and I have been learning all of the recipes. We're planning on moving away.

Shoto and Fuyumi: WHAT?!

Kenta: I can't stand him anymore. He doesn't want us.

Anna: He was already glad that Leo died.

Kenta: And you Fuyumi, you said "he'd grow to appreciate us". Well he's either a late bloomer, or didn't even plant that seed in the first place.

Anna: Besides. Fuyumi, you, me, and Kent have done all the cooking, cleaning, and he never even said "thank you" once. All he ever does is threaten us.

Kenta: Don't you remember that one time when he abused mom after Toya got blue flames?

Anna: We called the police. He made Aunt Rei look insane and all they got were warnings. Then, you know, Shoto.

Kenta: I remember that day. She got arrested, committed to a hospital, all while Endeavor just turned a blind eye to all of us.

Anna: Frankly, at least Leo isn't around to see all that.


And in a way, he wasn't.

While they were brooding about the dumpster fire that is the Todoroki-Himura Family life, Izuku was trying to pull a refrigerator. But he couldn't even move it a single inch.

Leo: All Might, this is seriously the stupidest thing you've ever done. Making him clean an entire beach in 10 months with a weak body like that? He can't even lift a tire!

Saori: Yeah.

All Might: Don't worry, Young Takahashi and Young Leo; he'll get there!

Leo: And by there, I mean an early grave. I mean, what if there's a villain cannibal? He'll probably just use Midoriya as a toothpick.

Saori: Leo!

She jabs his arm and Izuku starts crying.

Izuku: How could you be so mean to me?

Leo: Oh, I say one comment about your actual state, but you idolize the exact guy who wouldn't even say thanks to you. thinks he needed to do this everything by himself no matter how big, and also bullied you for a decade.

Izuku: Uh..I may have a point.

Leo: Ok, sorry. I was just messing around. Just start off small. Like a cardboard box or something. We'll give you ONE freebie.

The ninja boy grabbed his Bo staff, used it as a vaulting pole, and did a flying kick into the fridge which moved it several inches to the truck. Then Saori took a bunch of trash and placed it into the truck.

Saori: Now, the rest is all you, Midoriya.

Leo: Remember. Brute strength ain't the way to go. Remember about skill as well. Don't think harder, think smarter. Don't make your body smart, make it strong.

Saori: The brain thinks, the body works.

All Might: They mean that you should make both work for you but in the right area.

Midoriya: Thanks Leo.

Leo: Now come on, you got 10 months, and we need you to make every second count. So All Might, not me this time, outlined a schedule of everything you need. Schooling, tutoring, working out, and this.....uh.... vanity project.

Midoriya: Ok.

All Might: Young Takahashi, could you help look out for Midoriya for a bit? I need to talk to Leo.

Saori: Sure.

She kept an eye on Midoriya as Leo talked to All Might.

All Might: Could you teach him how to use my quirk?

Leo: *sarcastic* Yeah, sure. Give the guy quirk tutoring from a guy who doesn't have a quirk.

All Might: Gran Torino told you how it worked.

Leo: It was like boiling an egg to cook it more evenly. Instead of your imagery of it exploding in a microwave.

All Might: Tell him that. But also, could you teach the boy martial arts, please?

Leo: Why?

All Might: I'm training him to be my heroic heir and I can't have him not knowing how to fight. You already were able to take down Gran Torino and Nighteye.

Leo: With smoke bombs and a bo staff. I couldn't overpower Sir and especially GT without them. 

All Might: You're more tactical and strategic! That's why I want you to be his fighting teacher!

Leo: *sigh* Alright.

All Might: I'll take you to that continental buffet if he passes.

Leo starts looking through his old Himura Clan Book and writes down fighting techniques and moves Midoriya had to learn.

Leo: And Saori joins too.

All Might: Wouldn't have it any other way!


Over the next 10 months, they trained a lot together and even got to know each other well. Stuff like how Saori's brother was a great older brother and son, but also a bit of a bad boy and had models and fem pros practically begging for his autograph. But also how much of a horrible friend Bakugo was, more of Leo's old life, and also their school lives.

Leo: I don't have many friends. Who'd wanna make friends with a quirkless guy?

Izuku: I feel you, Leo.

Saori: I was labeled one of Top 5 prettiest girls in school. It was by a pervert, and his image of me was very descriptive, so I got Leo to beat him up.

Leo: And I did. He was also too scared to tell the principal afterwards and it was the one thing people congratulated me for. I even know a secret style that can immobilize people in a few seconds.

Izuku: What is it?

Leo: If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret!

Saori: I may not exactly be smart, but even I know secret things are kept secret. Now come on. One last desk, and we're gonna teach you how to fight.

Izuku: Ok.


Fighting training.

They were currently in a heroes gym and Leo and Saori were prepared to teach Izuku the basics.

Leo: I taught Saori a bit. You'll fight her. Hand on hand.

Saori: And don't worry about hurting me. Just go at me like a criminal who, I don't know, stole your All Might figurine. No quirk.

Izuku: Ok!

The boy tries to fight Saori, but any hit he tried to land, Saori easily evaded his attack. Even without her quirk. He tries to land a punch or even a kick, but on one kick, he left his foot sticking out, so Saori grabbed it, and pushed it forward, making him fall.

Leo: Come on. I'll teach you some basic moves. First, you need to know how to punch. Then kick.

Izuku: I do know how.

Leo: No, you do not. It can easily be open to a counterattack, like what Saori just did. You need to make sure you perfect it correctly. But keep at it.


Leo, Saori, and Midoriya then go over to the library to study some things, and Leo brought his book with him. As they read mathematics and writing, Leo read his ninjitsu book.

Midoriya: Leo? What's that?

Leo: My ninjitsu book. The Himura Clan Ninjitsu Book.

The black haired boy shows his book to the green haired teen and Saori, which had a snowflake crest on it.

Leo: It's all I have left of my family that isn't violent. But anything can be used as a weapon if you use it well. In fact, that book in my hands makes me deadlier than my sword in yours.

Saori: What does that mean?

Leo: You need to know how to use a weapon or quirk in order to make it strong.

Izuku: Can I read it?

Leo: .......Well, I am your trainer. Maybe it can help.

He tosses the book to Midoriya, and he was amazed when he read it. All those techniques and moves, labeled out, and Leo nods.

Leo: Yep. Able to turn a regular man into a Bruce Lee when you read that.

???: Hey! Deku!

They run into a blond with his three friends, and during the training, Leo and Saori knew him too well.

Bakugo: I want to shine of being called the only student to make it into UA. So WHAT ARE YOU DOING STUDYING WITH THESE EXTRAS?!

Librarian: Shhhh.

Bakugo: Yes ma'am.

Leo: Hey buddy, he just wants to go to UA. Nothing wrong about pursuing a dream.

Saori: Yeah!

Crony 1: Oh hello, beautiful.

Crony 2: What's your name.

Saori: Saori Takahashi. Just get away from me.

Bakugo: Deku! I told you I didn't need saving that day! And I told you to not to even think about going to UA! Or I'll kill you!

Leo: Quite a mouth for a future hero. I should be one to talk, so I'll do it right now.

Bakugo: You stay outta this! It's between me and Deku!

Izuku: Kacchan, please. I'm trying to study!

Bakugo: You're a quirkless loser! Don't even think about trying to get in!

When he heard those words, it just issued a flashback from Leo. All his life, he was made fun of for being quirkless. Nobody, weirdo, quirkless, lack of talent, good for nothing, and every insult he could think of. So he places his hand onto Bakugo's.

Leo: Hey pal. There is nothing wrong with being quirkless. And you don't get to decide his life. If he wants to be a hero, let him be a hero.

Bakugo: Oh, so I need to kill you too, huh?

He lets out a ignition of explosions at Leo, but he was unfazed despite the fact it was fire.

Leo: Do it. Kill me. I don't care. Stab me, punch me, kick me, I don't care. I'm open. You could kill me with your quirk.

Bakugo gritted his teeth and tried to grab his collar, but Leo grabs his wrist and says "I can walk by myself."

Bakugo: Outside.

They walk outside and his cronies walk with him while Izuku gets scared and Saori sighs out of exasperation.

Saori: Don't worry, Midoriya. This is like Tuesday for him. Soon the bullies will be all black and blue and he'll walk back inside.


Leo goes outside and Bakugo points at him as his cronies surround Leo.

Leo: Please just let me go. I'm sorry, ok. Just let me go, and I won't have to hurt you.

Bakugo: You think you're so tough, huh? Well let's see how you feel when I kill you!

Leo: I was originally going to be polite, but if that's how you feel, alright. Ok. Do it. Just kill me. I don't care. You can do it. Come on. What's the problem? Scared?

Bakugo gets exasperated again, since Leo wasn't bending over backwards for forgiveness.

Leo: And just to tell you, I'm quirkless. So don't think all quirkless people don't know how to fight back.

As the ninja boy gets behind a crony, Bakugo lunges with an explosion and Leo saw the right hook, and he crouched and dodge rolled as Bakugo punched his own crony.

Crony: What the hell?!

Bakugo: You got in my way, dumbass!

Leo: Guess it takes a dumbass to know one, Baka-go.

Bakugo: What did you just call me?

Leo: You heard me. Baka-go. Cause you're an idiot.

Bakugo: I'LL KILL YOU!

Leo dodges again by a roll, and Bakugo blows up another one of his cronies as both fall on the ground.

Leo: Pathetic. You just blew up your own cronies.

Bakugo: At least there's nothing holding me back now!

The bomber picks up on his dodges and tried to blow him up once he figured it out, but before Bakugo could blast him, Leo grabs Bakugo's blasting hand as the former was on the ground, kicks his leg to make him fall and then gets up.

Leo: Man, you must be delusional to think you can get into UA! Maybe I should call the psych ward? They'll fix you right up!

As he insulted Bakugo, the latter tried to rush him, but Leo does a spinning sidekick that Bakugo tries to guard with his arms, but his strength makes Bakugo crash into the wall. As Bakugo tries to let out an explosion, his hands didn't work and Leo goes up to the bomber.

Leo: You. You're the hero who wants to get into UA? If this is what you are, the only thing you're getting into is a whole lot of trouble, or the hospital. Maybe I should call them right now and they'll reserve a bed just for you. And the other times you land in there.Don't you dare think you can be the greatest.

Crony: Y-Y-You can't be quirkless!

Leo: I am. And that's the truth. I can't believe this evolved caveman with a pea sized brain is the only person going off to UA. Because if you got your butt beaten by a quirkless loser, how can you expect him to get into UA?

Bakugo begins to feel something welling up in his eyes, and Leo noticed it too. A tear.

Leo: Look at little Bomby Boy. Gonna cry?

Bakugo tries to get up and punch him, but he feels as his own legs were unable to stand.

Leo: Don't put yourself up on a pedestal and not expect people to knock it down. You lost. To a quirkless boy. So....unless you want this to happen to you again, STAY AWAY FROM MIDORIYA. Do I make myself clear?

The cronies nod and get back up, while Bakugo just looks defiant. Leo attempts to punch Bakugo, who guards himself, and Leo smirks and walks back inside. The cronies try to help Bakugo, but he swats away their hand and tries his hardest to prevent his tears from falling. But it was hopeless.

Crony: Man, who was that guy?

Crony 2: I don't know. But he was strong!

Midoriya was reading through Leo's book after the fight, and Saori was just watching the fight like usual. Saori sighed again but Midoriya was amazed.

Midoriya: You took out Kacchan! That's amazing!

Librarian: Shhh!

Midoriya: Sorry.

Leo: Trust me. Every bully I ever met knows not to mess with me. Every time someone tries to start up trouble, I just tell them to stop. If they get defiant, well, let's just say it won't end well. But he'll never mess with you again.


Oh how wrong he was.

Bakugo: (I don't know who that guy is, or what his angle is, but I'll beat Fists if it's the last thing I do. No quirkless ever looks down on me and gets away with it. Yet something seems familiar about him.)

Crony: What are you gonna do now?

Crony 2: We don't even know his name.

Bakugo: I don't know. But he's gonna pay.


Over time, they got to know each other and helped with studying. They went to a different library however.

Leo: No, Saori. You forgot to make this negative.

Saori: Oh man.

Leo: Don't worry. We still have several months.


They even got to know each other's families. However, only the kids knew about Leo's father or as hey called him "Arata Yagi". Whenever they did training, they always went to "Arata's."

Makoto: Hey, Arata!

All Might: Makoto. And you must be Mrs. Midoriya.

Inko: Hello. I'm Inko.

Saori: Hey! Time for our daily beach training!

Leo: Yeah!

Izuku: Let's go!

They ran upstairs as Makoto was talked to by Inko and All Might.

Inko: I can't believe such a celebrity would do something mundane like drop off a family member.

The silver haired boy looks back to the two parents and just smiles.

Makoto: Hey. It's my day off. Besides, on days like these, I just spend it hanging out here. Sure I have my own apartment, but I much rather spend time with my fam.

All Might: You're a good boy, Makoto.

Inko: Sure wish you could just stick to one woman, though.

Makoto: Hey, me too! Ain't my fault this is what the ladies wanna see.

Inko and All Might sigh as Makoto just laughed and the blond hero prepared to take the kids to the beach.

Inko: I also wanted to thank you for being so kind to Izuku. He never had any friends. And the one person he could call a friend is just so abusive and cruel!

Makoto: Yeah. Trust me. People like those will be lonely and miserable their entire life. Just let him rot in whatever vice he has.

He gets a phone call and it was from a girl again.

Makoto: Hey Aki! Sorry, I'm just helping out a family member. Yeah. Yeah, I'll make it in time. Bye!

He hangs up and first waves bye, and then leaps into his car and drives off.

Inko: Aki Shimatsu? That supermodel?

All Might: You think that's weird, look at him with Saeko Nanami.

Inko: The movie star?!

All Might: Great hero, but he's more of a heartthrob than Hawks.

Inko: No wonder they're friends.


Days keep on going by, and Izuku improved a lot in his fighting capabilities. Leo managed to tell him one main thing: instead the egg exploding in a microwave, have it evenly cooked instead of just exploding. And as Izuku was doing punches and kicks, they took a break to explain their goals.

Izuku: Why do you wanna be a hero, Takahashi and Leo?

Saori: Well, I was so inspired by many, many, many heroes. And my big bro. Sure he can be a bit weird, but having a family member be an amazing pillar of hope for society, it inspired me to become one as well. So society will never have to worry again!

Izuku: That's so cool! You, Leo?

Leo: Frankly, I don't know. My family, or the fact that I'm this "quirkless loser". No one supported me except All Might and Saori and her family. And my family, they were taken down by Endeavor. I don't want a selfish hero leading this country. I want to make sure that heroes in society can have us to look up to and be safe around.

Izuku: But why don't you act like one?

Leo: Because no one ever considered me hero material. When I tried to apply to UA, my principal laughed at me. They all did. Despite all that, I still want to save people even if they don't want to be saved. I may be this sassy mouth, but I want no one to suffer what I did. And yes, I can't be everywhere at once, so anyone I can reach out to, I will make sure they won't suffer what I suffered.

Izuku: Wow. That's so sad.

Leo: Yeah. I guess it was a blessing in disguise. I never had to rely on anyone.

Izuku: Well, I've been inspired by All Might and some people such as you, but I want to save people. Like you.

Leo: Sweet. Thanks for calling me an inspiration. Just please don't be completely like me.

Saori: Now come on! Let's go see UA!

Leo: Oh yeah! I need to approve my sword and gear for the entrance exam.

They leave and as they run, Leo nearly leaves his Himura Clan book here. But a blond boy comes up to him, taps his shoulder, and hands the book.

???: You left this here.

Reo: Thanks.

???: How does your quirk work?

Reo: Don't have one.

???:'re telling the truth. Name's Neito Monoma.

Reo: Reo Himura. Thanks for handing this back. See ya, Monoma.

Monoma: Later, Himura.


After a long run and getting the approval, he runs with his two friends, but Leo runs into a girl with orange hair and blue eyes as his sword drops.

Leo: Watch where you're going.

???: Maybe you should- wait a minute.

But the girl was just shocked. Not at him, but at his sword.

???: Is that the Himura Clan sword? It was thought to have been lost in the ashes! How'd you get it?!

Reo: Before I leave and make sure you don't try to kill me, what's your name?

Kendo: Name's Itsuka Kendo.

Reo: Reo Himura. Sorry about me bumping into you and all. And my language.

Kendo: Apology accepted. Just don't do that crap to any student here. Present or future.

Reo: Are you planning on applying?

Kendo: Yep! You too?

Reo: Yeah.

Kendo: Well, good luck, Himura!

She skips off and Reo, Izuku, and Saori notice the slight joy from Reo's voice.

Izuku: Come on. Don't we have training to do?

Reo: Oh yes. Come on! We got only a few more months!


Chapter 3: End

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