Desire | Kim SeokJin

By captain_botha

1.7K 319 1K

Being victorious, having beauty with brain, great sense of fashion, loyal people surrounded, enough time for... More

Intro :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part I6
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 2I
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75

Part 39

10 4 42
By captain_botha

"Taehyung-aah!" Jin suddenly got up from sleep and looked at his surroundings while taking deep breaths.

He gulped realizing he was in his room and was just dreaming earlier.

He pressed his lips into a line knowing everything he was witnessing was true.

He took his phone from the night stand and turned it on to see the time which showed eleven fifty-four.

Removing the blanket he got up and slowly walked towards the big window in his room. He pushed the curtains aside and looked out through the glass.

He turned back and walked out of his room and started heading downstairs just when he suddenly stopped on his tracks.

He felt his head hurting really bad and was spinning and he stumbled but held onto the railing to control himself.

However, he got down and walked into his kitchen. He poured himself a glas of water. He gulped down the whole glass of water and looked out through the window.

Then again when he walked he again felt nauseous.

He frowned while pressing his palm against his lips and the feeling went away after some seconds.

He heard his phone ringing. Picking it up he saw the caller ID's name which showed 'Yoon Eunseo'. He tilted his head and accepted the call.

Holding the phone against his ear he heard the other one's voice, ["hey Jin!"]

Jin smiled hearing her energetic voice and replied with a small "hey."

["what happened to you voice? Do you have a cold?"]

"uh.. Yeah I are you doing?"

She chuckled hearing his voice which she found very innocent. ["I'm all fine. Just called you because it's Ella's birthday after two days. I want you and Jimin to come and if you want you can bring your friends too."]

"Oh.. Okay thanks for inviting me I'll surely come."

["hmm... And tell me about you. What are you doing?"]

"nothing, just woke up." he said and started walking towards the stairs.

["This late?"] she asked in a surprised voice as it was weekday.

He laughed embarrassingly while climbing up the stairs. "I was just not feeling well."

["oh right. Then you should get some more rest. You aren't feeling too sick right?"]

"no, not that muc-" and again he felt his head spinning and this time he couldn't control himself anymore and felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

Eunseo heard the sound of his phone falling and then nothing.

["Jin?"] she asked with a frown. ["hello? Jin... Do you hear me? Jin?"]

"what happened?" Taehyung asked coming near Eunseo, seeing her tensed face.

"I don't know. I was talking with Jin and suddenly he stopped talking."

"maybe it's some network issue."

"no it's connected, see?" she showed him her phone's screen. "I heard a loud sound too.... Tae I think something happened. He's also ill."

"You got Jimin's number?"

She shook her head.

"wait I'm calling Jimin."

Jimin received the call after some beeps and they heard his voice. ["Hey Taehyung! What's up?"]

"Jimin are you by chance with Jin hyung?"

["no. Why?"] he asked in a confused tone.

Eunseo took the phone from Taehyung's hand and said, "can you please check up on him? I was just talking with him and he suddenly stopped talking." she said in a tensed voice.

["huh? Maybe you're having a network problem?"]

"no it's still on the line. His voice wasn't ok and he got a cold too. Please go and check if he's ok."

Jimin stayed silent for a moment and they heard an engine starting sound then he said, ["ok I'm going. Don't worry."]

Jimin waited for some moments after ringing the bell on Jin's door for the third time but still got no response.

He thought something and walked to his car. He opened the door of passenger seat and took out a bunch of keys from the small cabinet and walked back to Jin's door.

Using the right key he unlocked the door and went in.

His medium sized living room was all empty so he moved towards the dining area where the stairs were.

But the scene he saw in front wasn't pleasant at all.

His eyes widened and he ran towards the lying figure of Jin in front of the staircase.

"Jin hyung! Yah! What the hell happened to you?" he panicked as he took his head in his thighs. He patted his cheeks and noticed some scratch mark on his forehead.

Just when his phone rang and he saw an unknown number. He ignored that and tried to pull up Jin.

But then his phone again rang and he received it with a pissed face.

"Who's this?" he asked in an angry voice.

["I-it's me, Eunseo"] Hearing her voice Jimin cooled down and she asked, ["is everything okay Jimin? Did you see Jin?"]

"uh... I don't think everything's ok." he sighed. "Jin hyung is unconscious. I'll call the doctor."

He heard her sigh then she said, ["Knew it was something like this... Please send me your location I think this is because of the wound he got some weeks ago."]

He hummed in response and cut the call. After sending her the address he called Namjoon and asked him to go there.

Hearing the door bell he got up from the stool near the bed and walked out of the room to open the door.

As he guessed it was Namjoon and there was Jungkook behind too.

"is everything good?" Namjoon asked entering in.

Jimin shook his head and started walking to the only room situated downstairs of Jin's house.

"Jin hyung is unconscious and isn't waking up."

"what?" Namjoon and Jungkook exclaimed at the same time and ran towards the room.

Opening the door they saw Jin lying on the bed half covered with a blanket.

Jungkook ran to him and knelt down holding his hand.

"what happened?" Namjoon asked.

"when I came here I saw him lying down in front of the stairs.... I guess he f-fell down. I tried to wake him up by splashing water but he isn't waking up."

And again the doorbell rang and Jimin walked out to open the door.

Opening the door he saw Taehyung and Eunseo standing there and Eunseo hurriedly asked him, "Did he wake up?"

Jimin shook his head and made a way for them leading them to the room where Jin was.

Namjoon saw them from far and frowned while looking at Jimin like he was trying to ask him something.

Jimin blinked his eyes reassuring him everything was ok.

They entered the room and saw Jungkook was sitting beside Jin hanging his head low with a sad pout.

Eunseo took a deep breath and stood there still.

"what happened to him after that?" Taehyung asked.

"when I talked with her I found him on the ground near the staircase. I think he fell down the stairs."

Taehyung bit his lips and asked. "did the doctor come?"

"no she's still not here."

He then asked, "can I do a little check up on him?"

"you?" Jimin asked confused.

He nodded. "Eunseo give me your sanitizing spray." she didn't ask anything and took out a small spray bottle from her bag and handed it to Taehyung. He walked towards Jin and Jungkook moved aside as he heard their conversation.

He cleaned his hands with the spray and sat down on the bed beside Jin. He gently opened Jin's eye with his fingers and checked under his bottom eyelid.

Then he checked his temperature by touching his forehead and neck with the back of his hand and checked his own temperature too.

He then held his wrist and looked at the watch on his hand.

He sighed and said, "under his lower eyelids it's pale, And he got a high fever maybe 39.2 or 3 celsius and his blood pressure is low."

The others looked at him with parted lips and Jungkook confusingly asked, "he was all good till yesterday. What happened to him suddenly?"

"uh.. Can it be because of stress?" Namjoon asked and they all looked at him with joined eyebrows.

"yeah of course, stress can be a reason." Taehyung replied.

And he heard a little groan beside him. They looked at Jin who was trying to open his eyes while frowning.

"Bring a glass of water quick!" Taehyung said and Jimin ran out of the room.

Jin slowly opened his eyes and again closed them feeling them burning.

Jungkook walked to the other side of the bed and held Jin's hand while again kneeling down.

Jin opened his eyes again and looked at his right seeing Jungkook and then left to see Taehyung.

Just then Jimin entered and he looked at him, Namjoon and Eunseo.

He frowned looking at all of them and tried to sit up and Jungkook and Taehyung helped him.

"what are you all doing here?" he asked in a muffled voice then suddenly held his head.

"what happened? Is your head hurting?" Taehyung asked and Jin nodded.

Jimin handed him the Glass of water and he slowly gulped down all.

"are you feeling nauseous hyung?" Taehyung asked after Jin finished.

"uh.. I was... Sometimes ago when I was talking with Eunseo."

"Did you seriously fall from stairs?" Jimin asked.

"I guess..."

"I'll bring your first aid box." Jungkook said and got up.

"I told you not to think anything and here you are, lying down." Namjoon scolded.

"I thought it was because of the wound Kang MinYeong gave you." Eunseo said.

"it healed after two weeks." Jin said.

"what were you talking about Namjoon hyung? Why would Jin hyung have stress?" Jimin asked.

And then the doorbell rang and Jungkook came in with Iseul and first aid box with him.

"What took you so long?" Jimin asked.

"there was a heavy traffic so I couldn't drive fast." she replied and looked at Taehyung and Eunseo with a questioned look.

"they're our friends. You go and check Jin hyung." Jimin said.

She nodded and walked towards Jin and Taehyung moved away.

She checked his eyes with a torch and temperature with a thermometer. Then she held his wrist and asked, "are you having a headache?" Jin nodded and she looked back at Namjoon.

"he's got a high fever of 39.3 Celsius and his blood pressure is a little low and it's pale under his lower eyelids. He needs to eat something heavy and healthy now."

Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon looked at her then Taehyung with parted lips seeing everything he said matched with Iseul.

"No he feels nauseous. He might throw up if he eats something heavy now. Give him something healthy and light for now." Taehyung said from behind.

"You feel nauseous? You never said." Iseul asked with a frown.

"You never asked." Jin said rolling his eyes.

"Ok I guess I'll make something.... Light." she said the last word while looking at Taehyung behind her.

"why did you lie?" Eunseo asked crossing her arms.

"what?" Jin said with his eyes closed.

"You said you feel ok."

"cause I do."

"oh.. Yeah I see you're very ok."

"what are you doing here instead of going to your work." he opened his eyes while asking.

She looked away at the window and said, "what could I even do? I felt like something bad happened to you."

Jin smiled and sat up. "were you worried for me?" He asked with a playful smile.

She looked back at him and said, "of course I was! You literally stopped talking in the middle and I heard a Boom sound. I thought it was a bomb blast bro!"

Jin looked at her in disbelief. "haha" he said while rolling his eyes.

She looked at his forehead and face-palmed herself.

"why didn't that girl- I mean doctor treat your bruise first?" she sighed and got up from the stool. She took the first aid box Jungkook left and started looking through it to find the right ointment.

"you should be careful while climbing up stairs from now on. See what happened to you. I guess you didn't fall from high or else the wound would've been severe.. Thank God." she took some antiseptic liquid on a piece of cotton and took it near Jin's forehead.

Meanwhile Jin who wasn't saying anything and was just staring at her all the time suddenly hissed feeling the burn on his forehead.

" don't move it'll burn just a little bit" she said all focused on cleaning the wound.

She then backed away and took another tube and applied the cream on his wound then took a bandage and sticked it on saying, "done!"

Jin smiled seeing how cheerful she always was and said, "thanks."

"Hm, hm. You should be thankful. Ok then I gotta go. Take care of yourself." she said picking up her handbag.

"Already?... Okay. But next time you come you'll have to stay more." Jin said and waved his hands, "see ya."

"Bye.." she said and walked out.

Reaching the living room she saw the boys sitting there and she could semse Taehyung already became friends with all of them.

"You're leaving?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah I just went in and came out of my office so I gotta go."

Jimin nodded hearing her and Namjoon spoke up, "we're really, really thankful to you guys. Because of you hyung was saved from death last time and today you again helped. I don't know how to thank you enough." he said and bowed slightly.

Eunseo smiled and also bowed saying, "you really don't have to.. He's our friend too. It was just we happened to talk to him at the moment."

"Thank you for saving my hyung for both now and back then... Noona I guess?" Jungkook said while scratching his neck with an embarrassed laugh.

Eunseo just chuckled seeing him and said, "it was my pleasure."

"oh by the way, I am Namjoon really nice to meet you." Namjoon said and forwarded his hand.

She shaked hands with him while saying, "I'm Eunseo."

"I'm Jungkook." Jungkook said and she looked at him with a surprised face. "so you're the minecraft guy?"

"yeah and I learned it's Jungkook not Junglebook" Taehyung said from the side making everyone laugh. "wait I'm coming after saying goodbye to Jinnie hyung." he said and ran.

"aaaaaayaaya they all are so cute." Eunseo fake cried and Taehyung chuckled.

"I know right. Jungkook behaves like a small kid." he said.

"huh! Says who?"

And he just rolled his eyes.

Don't blame me bitches made me crazy, I just couldn't write a single word for two days.

Hydvjtaaw3x I wrote more then double so be happy okei?

*True smile^*

Oh by the way,,,, yesterday I checked my story with another phone to see if everything I changed in story was updated or not.

And wtf... You know when I started writing. I could literally write anything that came to my mind and later I fixed them all and edited them.

And when I checked from her phone it was like everything was as same as before... Nothing changed.

And I also think my story on her phone was like that because she downloaded it a long time ago. If you see yours is like that the please try to refresh it by removing it from your library then adding it once again if you want.


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