Confessions of a Psychopath [...

By GrimJulius

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If you like boyxboy stories with bdsm, serial killers, and psychopaths, this is the story for you! Confessio... More

1. Confessions
2. Woke Up In My Teachers Basement
3. A New Kind of Teacher
4. The Act Together
5. My Design
6. Justin
7. Good Morning
8. Who Do You Hate Most?
9. Pics
10. Brothers
11. Sexuality
12. Another Killer
13. Shower (Smut Warning)
14. Inviting Another
15. Kill Him
16. Threat
17. Times Up
18. Tramp Stamp (Smut Warning)
19. Justins Dad
20. Finally a Bed
21. Missing People
22. Fucked Up Shit
23. Fucked Up Further
24. Fucked Up Happy Family
25. A Slave to Study
26. Survival of the Fittest
27. Fated Meeting for Murder
28. The Envelope
29. Almost Perfect
30. Analyzing a Killer (+ Fanart)
31. Justins Past
32. Cruel Irony
33. Spoiling The Dog
34. The Chiefs Son
35. The Chiefs Princess
36. Disgusting ⚠️Explicit Content⚠️
37. Broken Finger
38. Horrible Human
39. Blood Party
40. Cruel Laughter
41. Hayleen
42. Victim of Kidnap
43. Summer is Over
44. Nightmare Part 1
45. Nightmare Part 2
46. Mr Graham
47. Confrontation
48. The Real Me
50. Strong or Weak
51. Such a Bad Puppy
52. Self-Hatred

49. A New Slave to Torture

683 19 16
By GrimJulius

A/N: Hello readers. I have published 7 parts of a new story I'm working on called "Dive into Temptation." There won't be killing in it but it is still a dark romance so if you enjoy my writing please check it out.

Justin's POV

"Straighten up!" Nick yelled and slapped the leather whip down harshly.

I automatically winced at the sound even though no contact was made that time. My toes burned as I was forced to stand on them more after straightening my back. My arms were extended high over my head as I hung from the ceiling with bound wrists. The muscle below my armpits stung more than ached and the wings of my back felt on fire. This time Nick wasn't really punishing me. He just wanted to try out the new toy that he had bought, a black leather whip. Most of it was wrapped around his fist like a loyal snake that would strike on command.

Nick sometimes made me stand for hours on end like this but so far it had just been half an hour. Of course with this kind of punishment, it felt like way longer. Thirty minutes was an eternity. He had noticed that I liked the way my muscles burned after a work out. Now he was combining that with the stinging pain of a whip.

The camera flashed a few times and I couldn't help but turn in a circle as I hung. Nick seemed to like this so he could get pictures of my entire body from every side. Sweat beaded on my forehead and down my burning back as I struggled to stand completely straight. My neck muscles ached and I wanted nothing but to lower my gaze to the ground. After a few moments, I slipped and my chin dropped a fraction of an inch which earned me the harsh strike of the whip.

The leather cracked loudly against my skin and I cried out in pain, but the initial stinging immediately began to change to a strange warm pleasure. Nick's strike wasn't as painful as when my father did it and I was grateful for that. He did it so no blood was shed, only bright red slashes that swelled. Covering my body in these temporary welts seemed to turn Nick on immensely. I could imagine the puffy wounds blending in with the others on my back and wondered why anybody would want to photograph the ugliness. Only Nick. I lifted my gaze obediently anyway.

"Good boy." He said and I couldn't help to feel proud at the small praise. It gave me more strength to continue suffering.

Nick took a few more photos and then stepped forward to yank my only stitch of clothing off. The black boxer briefs lay on the floor at my tired feet, my erect dick very visible to the camera now.

"Master," I whined in embarrassment. I only called him that because we weren't alone. We were being watched by his next victim. My eyes landed nervously on the figure across the room. He was tied to a chair, and sat directly across from me, forced to watch the show Nick put on. The mortified and pitiful gaze from the man made me feel guilty for enjoying myself with Nick.

"Hush!" He said harshly and smacked my backside quickly. "These ones are just for me." He assured. Sometimes Nick liked to taunt the justice department with pictures of me and I begged that he wouldn't show me naked. I had no way of knowing what Nick really did send in but I had no choice but to believe his word. "You're only naked for me." He said proudly and I loved him for it. "But if I want to show off your pleasure, I will."

"Yes master." I said, my cheeks hot as the terrified eyes of the other man watched us. He had tape over his mouth and all he could do was stare with wide eyes.

"Now for my most recent victim." Nick sat his camera down and went to the side of the room to the young man.

The new victim was tied to a chair across the room from me. His legs were splayed wide open, tied to the chair legs so that Nick could admire the posture.

"You know how men in society like to sit with their legs spread like this, as if asserting their dominance?" Nick gestured between the mans legs. "I never saw it like that. It has always seemed submissive to me, as if he spread those legs just for me, offering himself shamelessly."

The man glared at Nick, his knees struggled in their bindings as if all he wanted was to bring them together. Nick just stared with admiration, his knife gliding playfully over the rope holding the man in place. Mumbled protests could be heard behind the man's tape.

The man wore a dark green t-shirt and some jeans. He had light brown hair like Nicks but had light colored eyes, maybe hazel. He was somewhat atypical of Nicks victims. This one was large and seemed even older than Nick. He was taller than Nick and also muscular, much to my surprise. I wondered why he didn't look like me in that aspect. I tried not to think of Nicks past victims. Most had dark brown hair and light eyes like me and weighed nearly nothing, easy things to kill. All of them dead. But this young man, he seemed different.

After cutting the rope, Nick dragged the struggling man away from the chair and smacked him when he didn't stop fighting. He growled threats to the man that I couldn't hear but whatever he said worked to slow the other mans protests.

"Justin, meet Harris." Nick said and then paused. "Well, his first name is Andrew, as stupid as that sounds. But everyone just calls him Harris. I'm going to document how disobedient a new slave is compared to you." He explained to me as he came closer.

I wanted to ask more of what he meant but wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk yet. This punishment was torturous enough, and I couldn't physically handle the abuse if Nick were to get angry. Did he mean to keep Harris alive as he had done with me? Was he not going to kill him like everybody else that was brought down? My chest felt weird at the idea of Nick keeping someone else alive. That couldn't be the case. It just couldn't. Nick only kept me alive. I was special..

Nick strung Harris up the exact same way as me, stripping him down to his briefs which were dark green like his shirt was. I didn't dare look at Harris who hung a few feet away from me, but I allowed myself to check him out in the corner of my eye while I stared straight ahead. A white bandages was taped to his abdomen where Nick had removed a pen the previous night. It did seem weird that Nick made the effort to dress the wound if he was just going to kill Harris later. There was a deep red stain that had developed in their struggles, a target that I knew Nick would use to torture the man if he needed. Harris thrashed and tried yelling as he hung, only causing more blood to darken the bandage. I also wondered why Nick had put tape on this victims mouth. I had yet to hear him speak, or bed for mercy. Nick didn't usually gag them because he loved to hear their despair.

"I think you'll like him, Justin." Nick was looking at Harris while he spoke to me. "He's nice." Harris was making angry huffs as Nicks hand felt around his body, his other hand holding his camera to record his exploration. "He's quite manly too." I could see in the corner of my eye that Nick was tapping his finger right below Harris's armpit which was pretty hairy.

"Mmmph!" Harris jerked away as Nicks finger trailed down the mans bare chest, where he quickly peeked into his boxers.

"Here too." Nick laughed. "Bigger than yours, Justin!"

Nicks face was lit up like a child on Christmas, thrilled to have a new toy. An uneasiness settled within me. Was it jealousy? An annoyed huff escaped me and I was thankful Nick hadn't heard it. Finally Nick stepped back, the whip hanging loosely over his shoulder. Harris continued to squirm, attempting escape somehow. Nick watched with a bored expression.

"Mmm m mo!" The man continued his protests.

"Stand up straight!" Nick yelled suddenly and I automatically straightened myself even though his demand was to Harris. Harris ignored him as he spun slowly, trying to slide out of the restraints. Nick cracked the whip threateningly and Harris calmed down a little, extending his leg just enough to stop the spinning. "Stand straight." Nick said in a colder voice. Harris's posture wasn't very straight, one of his legs bent in attempt to hide his briefs as much as possible from the camera. His fearful eyes kept darting around the room in search of anything to save him. "The new slave is disobedient. He shows obvious signs of fear, evident by his constant attempt of escape, heavy breathing, elevated heart rate. Much different to Justins arrival. Posture is weak and untrained. We will work more on posture later." Nick spoke out loud to the camera which I assumed was recording now.

So Nick did plan to keep him... I dared to glance over at the other slave. He was older than Nick, maybe 28 or 30. He did not look like he belonged here. His hair covered his eyes as his head hung shamefully. My eyebrows hardened into a glare as I stared. Why did Nick choose him? What was so special about him, since his appearance wasn't Nicks preference? What if Nick had grown bored of me? Did he want someone taller now? Someone with lighter hair?

Nick then approached me, hanging his whip around my neck like a scarf. "Cute," he said with a smile before returning to Harris. The older man started to panic and struggle in fear as Nick came closer. After one rough yank, the new slaves boxers were on the floor and he made complaint noises through the tape. My eyes went wide in surprise and I blushed. I really should have been used to nakedness by now. Nick just stood staring at Harris who had angry tears in his eyes. The smirk on Nicks lips was unnerving especially when he reached over and grabbed his whip again. "Quiet!" He commanded and Harris just continued to cry, trying to cross his legs and turn away.

The more he struggled, the redder his wrists became. I knew that his movements would cause more strain on them. Nick tilted his head, watching his new slave with interest. Finally after waiting a few moments, he grew impatient. The snake of a whip flew too fast to see, the strike sounded sickening with Harris's muffled scream. Blood dripped from that slash, a deadly warning against disobedience. I blinked with surprise, since Nick had never whipped me hard enough to draw blood. Nick leaned forward then, and wrapped his arm around Harris's neck, pulling the mans ear to his mouth. "You need to listen to me," He mumbled against it before biting his earlobe teasingly. My brows furrowed with confusion. Why him?

Harris mumbled in protest, only causing Nick to place his thumb directly on the bandaging from the pen wound. The man screamed as much as he could with his mouth gagged. Nick only pressed harder, turning the remaining white a deep red.

"Oh, stop screaming. You're such a baby." Nick said, removing his hand which was smeared red now from Harris's blood. "Red looks better anyway."

Harris moaned hopelessly in pain and Nick pushed his legs apart, holding the other boys thighs under his armpits against his rib cage like he planned to fuck him. This caused Harris to protest more, eyes wide in disbelief at the situation. I knew that Harris's wrists must have been aching. It was also hard to breath usually after awhile of hanging but I didn't think Harris was that far along yet. From experience, when Nick fucked me that way, my wrists would burn from my own body weight. There was some help when Nick held me up in the same way he was holding Harris, but with each trust, my body would jerk and the cuffs would dig deeply into my bruising wrists. It had to be more of a strain for Harris, though, since he was much heavier.

"Ready for me to touch you?" Nick asked and Harris shook his head violently from side to side. Ignoring him, Nick grabbed hold of his dick. I looked away quickly, surprised by Nicks boldness. Usually he'd offer a deal before doing anything of that sort and he most definitely never touched someone unless they agreed even if it was a trick. Was he ignoring his own code because he planned to keep Harris alive? Harris cried and tried pulling away, hiding his face in shame. Nick rubbed and squeezed but after a few minutes, nothing happened. "Victim appears to be too scared to get turned on. Shows no appreciation towards master." Nick said with a hint of annoyance before lowering Harris back down, his feet barely allowing him to stand.

Harris struggled and mumbled so Nick decided to peel the tape off his mouth. "You know I'm not gay, Nick!" Harris shouted, sounding on the verge of tears from frustration. His face was red in anger and humiliation, his eyes darting to me uneasily. Poor guy had probably never been on display before. "Why are you doing this?!"

Did he know Nick? He talked with such familiarity. Did Nick just tell him his name before kidnapping him? Or did Harris already know it because he already knew Nick? Was this another brother of his? Harris's voice sounded young and handsome with an edge of authority and I wanted to hear him speak more.

"That could be true." Nick slapped his palm onto Harris's cheek. "But you definitely look gay."

Nick said that to guys all the time. I wondered if he thought everyone looked gay or if he just said it to taunt them. But as my eyes scanned Harris, I noticed he did have a cleanness to him that I wouldn't expect from a straight guy.

"Ack!" Harris tore his face away from Nick who threatened him with a kiss. Nick just gripped his ear for a better hold and then he pressed his lips to the other mans. I blinked, a little surprised but when Nick pulled back, I saw he had bitten Harris's lip to the point it was now bleeding.

"It was never really my plan to take you but fuck I'm glad I did." Nick laughed, his thumb tracing Harris's lips while Harris just stared with disbelief. How did Nick know Harris? I felt jealousy rising in my chest and I began to feel annoyed. Nick wanted to kiss him? Did he have feelings for him? Was that why he brought him here?

"I still can't believe it," Harris struggled desperately, trying to find a comfortable position. "It was really you all along??"

"It was." Nick said with a satisfied smile, happy to be recognized.

He attempted to press the tape back over Harris's mouth again but it had lost most if its stickiness. He tossed the old tape away and used his teeth to cut free a new strip that he slapped over Harris's mouth tightly. Harris squirmed but Nick made sure to press the tape firmly onto his mouth. Angry huffs could be heard through Harris's nose, his only way to breathe now. Blood dripped down both his and nicks chins, and Nick continued to stare at his prize with admiration. The sight sickened me and I suddenly wished Nick would just kill this one already. Nicks head suddenly jerked as he turned to look at me, a hunger in his eyes that I hadn't seen for awhile. He was quickly in front of me and I stared straight ahead, pretending he hadn't just caught me watching the two of them.

"Look to your left." He commanded and I obeyed, turning my head towards Harris. "Look at your new brother."

I stared at his clean naked body as it shook with the strain of holding himself up. He might have even been crying, the cries muffled by the tape again. It was strange to see such a strong looking man in tears. Usually I felt bad for Nicks victims, especially when it was me doing terrible things to them. But now as I watched Harris cry, I felt annoyed. He should appreciate Nicks kindness for allowing him to live. He shouldn't be so rude to our master. Why had Nick decided to suddenly get another pet? I watched my new 'brother' with an unfamiliar feeling of bitterness.

"What is that expression that you're making?" Nick chuckled, gliding a finger along my jaw gently.

"I'm not sure what you mean." I blushed.

Nick placed his warm hand on my chest, softly dragging his fingers down to my erection. I continued to stare at Harris as Nick grabbed my dick and squeezed. Harris stared with wide, surprised eyes. I was tempted to look at Nick so that he might kiss me but I knew better. He had told me to look at Harris. So I did.

I was happy that he was finally touching me because he hadn't tried anything sexual with me since Drake was here. It was as if I disgusted him for awhile and it worried me. I was only around for Nicks entertainment, specifically sexual. So when he made no advances on me, I started to fear maybe he saw me as used goods. But he was still kind and still managed to find entertainment by tying me to the ceiling. So maybe I was just overthinking as usual.

Soon enough Nick was jacking me off and kissing my throat. I moaned and held myself up, my body still aching. I wanted to move myself closer to him but I couldn't without ruining my stance. Suddenly he stopped everything and I bit my lip, trying not to complain. He stood a few moments watching me and then released my hands from the ceiling and I crumpled to the floor immediately, my body too weak to stand.

"Sit up." He commanded as I lay breathing heavily.

I sat up slowly on my knees, settling into the submission position with my hands behind my back, no longer cuffed. Out of Nicks view, I rubbed my burning wrists, thankful the ordeal was over.

"Good boy. Perfect." He praised and pet my hair. My heart fluttered at the simple praise and I snuck a glance at Harris who watched in bewilderment.

"Thank you, master." I said, bowing my head so my chin rested against my chest.

Nick put his foot between my knees, forcing my legs to spread out more as I sat on them. He was wearing white socks and occasionally he'd kick my dick lightly, almost playfully. Nick smiled when I squirmed uncomfortably as he rubbed my dick into the cold concrete floor. He released his hold on it and it bobbed upright against my stomach. Nick used his sock to push my dick harder against me, massaging it gently against my abdomen. His foot rubbed up and down the length and occasionally he'd press down on my balls and I'd flinch but then he'd put his foot between the floor and me. I breathed out shakily, my body confused by the pleaser and discomfort.

"Pretty gross, feeling good from my foot." Nick smirked down at me and then put some weight on my dick, barely stepping on me. "You like this?"

"N-no." I said, my face burning.

"Liar." He smirked, entertained.

"H-hurts." I mumbled as he circled my dick with his sock, teasing it more than anything.

"You're getting my sock dirty." He sat in his chair and crossed one leg over the other, lifting his foot to my face. He looked like a cruel king. "Lick it." He demanded and I glanced sideways at Harris awkwardly, feeling so thankful that his eyes were closed, embarrassed as well. Nicks foot touched my cheek gently and I was reminded of the demand. His sock was clean at least, aside from my pre come. I was leaning forward to lick it when Nick stood suddenly. "Gross." Nick laughed, looking down at me. "I can't believe you'd do that."

That was gross?? I couldn't help picture all the other gross things he had made do. Things far worse than licking a sock. I still felt embarrassed though since he seemed to think I was gross. That was probably just a play though.

"Sorry." I mumbled, his disappointment making me feel guilty.

"So far the more experienced slave shows obedience and loyalty. There are also signs of attraction to the master." Nick grinned, licking his lips and nudged my erection lightly with his foot before stepping back. "Stand." He ordered.

I stood up on wobbly legs. My thighs and shoulders burned pleasurably from the workout but I managed to stand halfway decent. Nick then left me to go where Harris dangled.

"Harris." Nick peeled the tape off. He pointed to me and said, "See, my slave doesn't need to be bound to be loyal."

I smiled and flexed my fingers behind my back. He was right. I no longer wore a chain around my neck or cuffs on my wrists. I was completely naked and obedient for him.

"My slave doesn't refuse pleasure. He begs for it. And one day so will you."

Harris glared at Nick, doubt clear on his face. Nick peeled the tape off, eager to hear Harris's response.

"You've brainwashed him." Harris said, glancing at me with pity before adding, "I know he's only doing this to survive."

"He's not," Nick smiled. "He can walk out the front door any day he'd like. Justin has chosen this life with me."

Harris looked at me, his eyes narrowed slightly as if seeing me in a new light.

"I'm not so weak minded to give up as easily." He said and then spat at Nick, surprising the both of us.

Suddenly Nick surged forward, gripping Harris's throat in his strong hands, his fingernails disappearing in the other mans skin. He got his face up close and personal to Harris, mumbling right against his ear.

"Justin is not weak! You don't know the life he lived." Nick growled and bit down on Harris's ear harshly before spitting blood onto the new slave. "You try standing like this for hours."

Nick stepped back and scratched Harris's throat in the process, leaving four long streaks where his fingernails had left their mark. Harris cried out in pain and I blushed at Nicks defense of me. He looked over at me and grinned when he saw me watching. He stepped towards me and pecked my lips quickly. Nick didn't think of me as weak?

"You'll be stuck like this until we get back." Nick said to Harris and then took my hand, leading me out of the basement.

"No! Wait! I'm sorry!" Harris called out remorsefully. "Nick! Let me down from here!"

I felt bad since I knew how hard it was to stand there like that for hours. Nick didn't even appear to have heard his other slaves pleas, though.

A/N: Remember to go check out my new story, "Dive into Temptation!" It will also be a toxic relationship so give it a peek if that interests you. Thank you for reading.

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