By Josephinenwa

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A romance between the rich and the poor folk. When a famous billionaire KIM TAEHYUNG gets attracted to a co... More

πŸ’œ 17πŸ’œ


2.3K 101 4
By Josephinenwa


jungkook entered the house steadily, he found the way to his room without switching the lights on. By now, his parents would be asleep, that's his guess.

he entered his room and flung his bag to the floor, he then dropped himself on the bed. The activities that occurred earlier that night started flowing into his mind.

If only he hadn't found a place to hide himself, he doesn't know what would have been his fate.

"Who the hell is he? Carrying those hefty bodyguards along with him?" he mumbled to himself.

"Five million dollars?" he scoffed.

"F**k him for thinking I'm gonna succumb to his demands. I hope we don't cross paths again, or else, I'm just gonna kill him" he mumbled to himself.

he stood up from the bed tiredly and went to the bathroom to have his late night shower. he returned back and met his mom in his room.

"Mom, you aren't sleeping?" he asked in surprise.

Jisoo smiled.

"Why would I sleep when my son isn't back yet?" She asked back.

Jungkook went to his closets and took his nighties, after putting it on, she went to join jisoo on the bed.

"You shouldn't be worrying yourself about me anymore, I'm not a kid" he muttered.

"It must have been hard for you alone, right?" Jisoo suddenly asked out of the blue.


"I'm sorry. Your dad and I are sorry, we hate the fact that you stress yourself just to make us happy" jisoo said.

"Oh c'mon, why are you talking this way? I love it, right? And, I'm not complaining" jungkook said.

Jisoo pulled him to a hug.

"My son is just the best. I wonder why hyunji can't just be like you" she muttered, referring to jungkook brother.

Jungkook chuckled silently. His brother is the laziest person he has ever come across on earth.

"Just leave him mom and focus on the restaurant" he said.

Jisoo nodded with a smile. She broke the hug and pecked him on his forehead.

"Get some sleep, you really need it" she said and she stood up from the bed.

"Mom" jungkook called just as she was about to take a move.

"Hmm" jisoo looked at him.

Jungkook bit his lips. How could he tell him her that he lost one of his jobs?

"Nothing, I just wanna say good night" he quickly faked a smile.

Jisoo smiled.

"Goodnight to you too" she said before leaving the room.

Jungkook exhaled loudly when jisoo was finally out of the room. he laid down on the bed and drew the bed covers around him.

"I'm so tired," he moaned softly. His eyes closed and he allowed nature to take its place.


Taehyung stared at his reflection in the mirror, his hand went to his cheek and he quickly withdrew it as he groaned out in pain. He's presently in his room.

"F**k! Who's he? How could he just hit me that way thinking he's gonna go scot free?" He stared down between his legs.

He chuckled but that turned to a frown immediately.

"No one has ever refused me not to talk of hitting me.... he's surely gonna pay for this" he stared at his red cheek in the mirror.

"Definitely" he muttered.


"bro, are you just gonna be lying in there?" Hyunji half yells as he enters jungkook's room. He's dressed in his uniform, he's a highschool student.

Jungkook closed his eyes tightly, pretending as if he didn't actually hear him.

"Hey? Jungkook?" Hyunji called as he moved closer to him. He brought his hand closer and shook jungkook arm severally.

"Are you dead?" He asked when jungkook made no movement.

"F**king go away" jungkook snapped angrily as he opened his eyes.

Hyunji smiled.

"Anyways, Mom asked me to call you out for breakfast. Bye, I'm off to school" he waved and then left jungkook's room.

Jungkook pulled the bed cover away from him as he got to his feet, he stretched his limbs for a short while.

"What do I tell mom now?" he found wondering aloud.

he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then to do his morning business. he returned and then dressed up before leaving his room.

he met his Mom and Dad in the living room, preparing to have their breakfast. His eyes went to the clock on the wall and he itched his hair slowly.

"Good morning" he greeted.

"Morning" jisoo and jihoo, his dad, chorused at the same time.

"Where's hyunji?" Jungkook asked as he settled himself on a chair.

"He went to school early, he claims to have an early morning assignment" jisoo muttered.

Jungkook nodded as he served himself breakfast.

"Are you okay?" Jiho asked.

"Hmm? Why?" Jungkook asked.

"If you can't cope with the numerous jobs you're doing, let us know. We can just focus on the restaurant alone" he said.

"I'm fine, Dad. Besides, hyunji has to go to school, remember?"

Jisoo sighed.

"he's just too stubborn," she muttered.

Jungkook and jiho laughed.

"I can say he got that from you," jiho said.

"When are you leaving for work?" Jisoo suddenly asked.

Jungkook choked on his food, jiho handed a glass of water to him and he gulped it down almost immediately.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded.

"Actually, I was given a break today. My Boss won't be around today, so the restaurant will be closed for now" he lied smoothly.

"I'm glad you're finally gonna be taking a break," jisoo said with a smile.

Jungkook felt guilty for lying to them at that moment, but then, he had no choice.


Taehyung, as usual, got down from his car when his car arrived at the company. The guards bowed their heads and he simply nodded his head before entering the company.

"Good morning, sir"

"Good morning, Boss"

Taehyung simply waved his hand at them till he went out of sight.

"Now that the secretary post is vacant, this is my chance right now" Tiana smiled.

"What do you mean?" A girl beside her asked.

"Just watch me," Tiana muttered and walked away.

"What's up with her?" The girl wondered aloud, she shrugged and then went back to her post.


Tiana adjusted her dress when she got to Taehyung door. She arranged her hair and raised her skirt a little bit higher, making sure her slender legs were visible.

She knocked on the door and she heard a faint 'come in'. She opened the door slowly and entered the office.

Taehyung raised his head and furrowed his brow when he saw her in his office. What was she doing here early in the morning?

"Good morning, sir" Tiana said as she walked to him.

"Do you need anything?" Taehyung asked, ignoring her greetings.

"Do you want me to make you your coffee?" Tiana asked, smiling sweetly at him.

"No, just get out," Taehyung said.

Tiana was taken aback by his sudden reply. She decided to still try further.

"If you need anything, just let me know sir. I'm pretty good at other things too" she said.

Taehyung accessed her and smiled. He deeply understood what she meant by her last statement.

"Do you wanna lose your job?" He asked.


"Just get out before I lose my cool," he said.

Tiana stared at him for a while before rushing out of the office. What exactly is wrong with him? Isn't she beautiful enough?

Taehyung adjusted himself well before settling down to business.

The image of jungkook kept popping on his head and he stopped working. He placed his hand on his forehead and inhaled deeply.

"Who exactly are you?" He muttered.

No matter how he thinks about it, the fact that he's proven hard to get makes him crave for him the more. And once he wants something, he must surely gets it.



The door suddenly flings open loudly, Taehyung frowned but when he saw Mr. Kim Namjoon with yuna behind him, he needed no soothsayer to tell him what they're here for.

He faced one of his workers that's before him.

"You can take your leave, I'll call for you later" he said.

"Okay sir" she said before leaving.

"How dare you?!" Namjoon roared immediately as they were alone.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, pretending as though he doesn't know the reason why they're here.

"How could you do that to her? How could you suddenly call off your relationship?!" Namjoon shouted.

"Because she's a cheap bitch, and I'm not ready for relationship shit" Taehyung said.

"I'm fine on my own, forcing other girls on me only makes me hate you more" he added.

He faced Yuna.

"By the way, you were sweet. But too bad, I don't date cheap girls. When you're done, please excuse yourself cos I'm really busy right now" he muttered.

"TAEHYUNG!" Namjoon shouted.

Yuna ran out of the place almost in tears, she just felt humiliated.

Taehyung ignored Namjoon as he picked some files, glancing at them repeatedly.

The door opened and J-hope entered, he bowed his head in respect when he saw Mr. Namjoon in the office.

"We shall talk later," Namjoon said and left the office.

"What's wrong?" J-hope asked.

"He just loves disturbing my life," Taehyung muttered.

J-hope chuckled but it quickly turned to a frown.

"How could you? You left me yesterday without a word, are you truly my friend?"

"You were busy with your f**k mate so I decided not to disturb you" Taehyung said.

"And.... I found something interesting" he suddenly smiled.


"You'll get to know" Taehyung said.

J-hope shook his head, his friend is something else... Really!


"When are you leaving for your work? It's past one already" jisoo said to jungkook. Jungkook is currently assisting her in the restaurant.

"I'll be leaving now, Mom. Make sure you don't stress yourself too much, okay?"

Jisoo smiled before nodding her head.

After attending to a few customers, jungkook removed the apron and went to the passage leading to their house.

he went to his room and quickly had a short bath. Afterwards, he dressed up and left the house.

"I hope I don't come across some useless perverts today" he mumbled to himself, referring to his encounter with Taehyung the previous night.


"Don't you ever rest? Stop being a workaholic" a boy said as he entered Taehyung office.

Taehyung took his eyes from the computer to face him. J-hope already left a while ago.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Why? Do I need some permission before coming to my brother's office?"

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked after some time. He knows his brother, he would never visit him if he doesn't need something from him.

"Erm..." he played with his fingers, smiling sheepishly.

"Erm, brother.. You see..."

"Do you need money?" Taehyung asked, cutting him off.

he quickly nodded her head.

Taehyung dips his hand into his pocket and brings out his black card.

"Oh my! You're the best!" he giggled as he collected the card from him.

"Don't spend it rashly or else you won't like the outcome" Taehyung said.

"I won't, brother," he said.

"By the way, when will you be done?" he asked as he made himself comfortable on a chair.

"When I'm done with this... Why?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just want us to leave together"


"I mean no harm, trust me" felix quickly said.

"Can we go out when you're done? I miss you, home is boring without you" he pouts.

"Fine, let's do that then" Taehyung said.

He continued his work while Felix pressed his phone where he was.

After a while, he rounded his work and then picked his phones on the table. He turned to felix to discover he's already dozing off.

He smiled before getting to his feet, he walked to where he sat.

"Hey" he shook him slowly.

Felix opened his eyes and smiled when he saw him.

"Are you done?" he asked.

Taehyung nodded.

he got to his feet and held his arm.

"Let's go," he said.

They both left the office, they met some employees on the way who bowed their heads when they sighted their Boss.

"Are you leaving now, sir?" Tiana asked as she smiled sweetly at him.

"What do you think?" Felix asked.

Felix faced Taehyung with a smile.

"Let's go, brother" he muttered and they both left.

Tiana turned to look at them with a frown on her face.

"Who does he think he is?" She mumbled.

"The Boss's brother. If you want to have the boss, then you must win his heart first. You know, he doesn't joke with his brother" Amelia, another worker said.

"Whatever, I just hate the way he acts," Tiana said.

"Get back to work and don't idle away" Amelia said and then walked away.

Tiana scoffed.

"So annoying," she muttered.


The guards opened the door for Taehyung and felix when they got outside of the company.

"Where should we go brother?" Felix asked after they both settled inside the car.

"You decide," Taehyung simply said.

"Let's stop at a grocery shop nearby, I'm suddenly craving for junk food," Felix said.

Taehyung turned to him, staring at him in disbelief.

"Why? The fact that we're rich doesn't mean I can't eat junk food, right?"

Taehyung shook his head before facing the driver.

"Take us to any grocery shop nearby" he ordered.

"No, I actually have a place in mind," Felix quickly interrupted.

"Just do as he wishes," Taehyung said.

The driver nodded, he started the ignition and the car zoomed off immediately with Taehyung's guards driving behind them.


"Is this the place?" The driver asked when Felix asked him to stop the car.


Taehyung raised his head from his phone and stared at his surroundings, he scoffed before facing Felix.

"Really? This place of all places?"

Felix smiled.

"I just love the attendant here, he's so pretty. Let's go, brother" he said, getting out of the car.

"I'm gonna wait in here for you, go ahead"

"I'm not going to accept that, don't you miss me?"

"Fine, let's just go" Taehyung said in defeat.

He came down from the car and his guards did the same from their car.

"Welcome sir" jungkook smiled when he saw them coming in.
he's actually the one in charge of the place in the afternoon, his Boss usually picks her children from school and then goes home afterwards.

Jungkook raised his head from the ground and a frown formed up in his face when he saw Taehyung.

"You?" he scoffed.

Taehyung too wasn't left out. He was also surprised when he saw him.

"Did you stalk me here too?" Jungkook asked.

"Do you know each other?" Felix asked, staring at the duo.

"Well.... You can say yes" Taehyung said as a smirk found its way to his lips.

"How about I make you pay for what you did last night?" Taehyung muttered, staring intently at jungkook.

"I'm never gonna fall for your tricks," jungkook muttered, raising his chin proudly.

"Really?" Taehyung chuckled.

An evil thought crept to Taehyung mind and he smiled, he's surely going to do everything to make sure jungkook ends up in his bed. Any f**king thing.

No one can humiliate him and then go scot free.


Love y'all 💜💜💜

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