๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ ๐€ ๐–๐Ž๐Œ๐€๐


26.4K 2.1K 1.4K

โSEEMS LIKE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND AND IT'S SHOWING. SEEMS LIKE YOU CAN'T DENY THE ๐˜Œ๐˜”๐˜–๐˜›๐˜๐˜–๐˜•๐˜š FROM ๐˜ˆ ๐˜ž... More

|๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ ๐€ ๐–๐Ž๐Œ๐€๐|
โ”ˆโžค 001 | hello?
โ”ˆโžค 002 | white flag
โ”ˆโžค 003 | what are we playing?
โ”ˆโžค 005 | n 2 deep
โ”ˆโžค 006 | declared war
โ”ˆโžค 007 | apologies
โ”ˆโžค 008 | almost there

โ”ˆโžค 004 | my turn

1.8K 211 60

- santa rosa beach, florida

𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 stayed closer to Miami, it was nothing to spend breaks with her. Because then Genesis could still go to work and hang out with her friends like she normally would.

But she didn't take any of that into account when she agreed to come across the state with her. All Genesis thought was she'd be getting a true vacation, few months free from loud music and metal poles, living on a beach, free house to herself because Marquez and Dymond worked like crazy.

Now she was sitting bored out her mind once again, laying in bed taking to Indie over FaceTime because Dymond is working at her new job and Kiari was with Kreed all day.

And where Kreed was, Genesis tried not to be.

"Would you believe me if I said I actually missed Booby Trap?" Genesis sighed looking at her best friend as she drove.

"Oh girl please. So you could be calling my phone complaining about them playing with your money every night again." Indie dismissed Genesis with a roll of her round hazel green eyes.

Genesis laughed loudly. "Bitch, I do not complain that much. And I'm playing with my own money not being there during spring break! Do you know how many rappers are probably running in and out that place as we speak"

oh to be a dancer in miami during the summer.

"Rapper? Bitch James Harden bout to touch down any minute." Indie giggled. "We all told you to stay here but nooo. You wanted to go be boujee so bad."

"If Harden there I'm missing out on an easy fifty thousand." Genesis joked. "And bitch you'd take a beach house over a strip club if the opportunity came too!"

"I would maybe. But since your ass over there bored and sleeping with one eye open because you sleep next to a sociopath, I might reconsider."

"A very fine sociopath." Genesis chimed smiling into the camera when Indie rolled her eyes again.

"He's going to put a dead mouse under your pillow next." Indie scolded. "And that won't be fine."

"I think we're friends now thank you very much." Genesis corrected, eyes looking down to her freshly painted feet.

It's been two days since he gave her the money and that was the last time they actually had a personal interaction with each other.

Of course she wasted no time going to get her toenails fixed at a fancy salon Dymond recommended and now it felt strictly neutral between them.

When they were in the same vicinity, Kreed stared, especially when Kiari was also in the same vicinity but that was it for them.

She never got to the bottom of what they were playing, but it seemed the ball was either in her court right now or he was done. The second was unlikely but she wanted that to be it.

"Dead. Mouse." Indie repeated making Genesis laugh some more.

"Stop, hoe." She tried to get serious. "He just might for real."

Indie's camera turned off and Genesis could hear the sound of someone's call interrupting theirs.

"Hold on, best. My client calling. I'll call you back when she get in here." Indie spoke, muffled by the sound of her moving to likely get up.

"No. Just call when you get home it's fine." Genesis assured.

"Okay. You know I will!"

They hung up and Genesis sighed at the silence that followed once again.

Indie was a popular lash tech in Miami so she always had clients coming in and out.

Genesis wished she had the talent and patience to do a side hustle like that. One that didn't involve a pole.

At first she was adamant on staying away from them but now she's decided that she can't handle another minute of quietness when there's two other people in the same house as her that she could be talking to.

Maybe just 1 and a half.

Rolling off her bed Genesis took her phone with her out the room and down the hall. She knew exactly where to find them since the yelling happening earlier was hard to miss.

Up the large dark wood stairs, there was a large open space in the middle of all the bedroom and bathroom doors.

Converted into something like a game room - there was a black L couch in front of another large flat screen except this one had gaming systems connected to it making it different from the one down stairs. Then there was a pool table off the left, and to the right there was an indoor basketball arcade game and pinball machine.

The walls up here weren't neutral colored like downstairs, upstairs was fun and the black accent wall behind the TV was painted to look like a pac-man game.

Genesis would never get over how cool this damn house was.

From what she gathered from Dymond, it was their childhood home and they grew up here. Well Kiari and Kreed did. Marquez was older when they moved in.

Their dad made big money clearly, and whether it was all acquired legally or illegally was not something to be questioned. Neither was the fact that Marquez may possibly be making some extra money in the same manor.

However it came into their possession, it was beautiful and Genesis was sad that she would have to leave one day.

Like she knew they would be Kreed and Kiari were on the couch with PS5 controllers in their hands. Kreed was on the couch actually, Kiari was standing since it had apparently gotten more serious.

Kiari wasn't yelling anymore at least. They both just looked mad and concentrated at the same time, silently pressing buttons and what not.

Genesis didn't even care to look at the screen and try to figure what they were playing, lightly waltzing over with every intention to be annoying.

Kreed noticed her first even though he looked so focus before. His eyes snapped over to her and they held eye contact briefly before he licked over his bottom lip once, looking back to the television.

Genesis sighed dramatically, finding a comfortable seat on the opposite end of the sofa from where they were.

That's when Kiari finally noticed she was there and looked over at her smiling as he always was. "I was just thinking bout you."

"Something good I hope." Genesis raised an eye brow, ignoring the sounds of Kreed pressing into his controller harder.

He clearly wasn't a fan of her presence. That made her want to stay more.

"Of course." Kiari assured, putting his attention back on the screen and doing all of two moves before the victory sound of whatever game they were playing went off and he yelled in excitement.

"Was barely even paying attention, nigga." He looked to Kreed and laughed, Kreed looking more evil in response.

Genesis found the angry pout on his face kind of cute actually.

"So." Kiari went back to Genesis throwing his controller down on the couch as he sat down.

Seeing that Kiari was suddenly done playing with him, Genesis watched Kreed tuck his lips into his mouth. In that moment he no longer looked angry but upset in a different sense instead.

"You been playing all day. And now you're done?" Genesis inquired.

"We been playing all day like you said." Kiari answered with a shrug.

She looks over at Kreed to see his reaction to that too but he's done that thing where he fixes his face back to being vacant.

He always did it quickly too. You have to really be paying attention to catch the small sneaks of emotion shine through.

Like Genesis did from time to time.

"I'm goin to my friend crib later. I was gon ask you if you wanted to come." Kiari offers as Kreed exits off the game and goes to something else. "It's gon be some lil kick back type shit."

attention grabbed.

"Where and who?"

"Jus' a few houses down the street. N with some folks from around the area, ones we grew up with." Kiari explains.

attention lost.

"I'm not hanging out with a bunch of white people." Genesis replied flatly. Not being stereotypical, but the chance of more than one other black family living anywhere near here was slim. And by slim she meant 0%.

And she had no problem with white people. But being the only black people around them was something she would not subject herself to.

That makes Kiari laugh anyways. "It's not no white people. White folks in this area won't even look at niggas like us."

"Hm." Genesis hummed suspiciously.

"I wouldn't lie to you. Ian a liar." Kiari promised, flipping some of his locs out his face.

"Alright." She agreed shrugging, which made Kreed move his eyes over to her once again.

She looked at him in confusion when he rolled his eyes at her again, but this time much harder and agitated than the first time.

"Really?" Kiari lit up, as if he didn't even think she would age in the first place.

But why wouldn't she? It's not like she had anything better to do. "Duh. What time are you leaving?"

"Be ready by like 7, 7:30."

Genesis took out her phone and saw it was only going on 3:30 right now. Plenty time before then.

"You gon have a good time. I promise."

"That wasn't in question, boo." Genesis smiled back.

Kreed threw his controller to the side too. Then huffed and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared up at the youtube video now playing on the mounted screen.

Genesis blinked, still lost at what his problem was. Then she looked over to the other brother.

Maybe the problem was her and Kiari.

Was Kreed doing these things so she would run off and get away from his brother? Had that been the game this whole time?

"I gotta piss." Kiari announced standing back up to his feet. "Been holding it the last 3 games."

Kreed didn't acknowledge his brother's banter and stayed still as a statue even when Kiari walked in front of him to go handle his business.

When Genesis heard a door close she took to stand up as well, walking over to where Kreed sat.

"Did I do something to you?" She asked genuinely.

Even though she accepted that he didn't use his voice, Genesis was sure he was more than capable of a nod - head shake - shrug. Something.

She seen it before, he could make some words out of nothing when he wanted to.

But right now, Kreed clearly didn't want to because he didn't even turn his head to look at her.

"Kreed." She called walking into his line of vision.

Still wouldn't look at her. He actually moved his eyes slightly to the left to focus on a different part of the screen that she wasn't blocking.

"Is it because of Kiari?" She asked folding her arms over her chest like him.

As soon as she says his name, Kreed blinks hard and long, still choosing to look through her. It still answered her question though he probably didn't mean to.

"Why are you ignoring me? We were just fine." Genesis found herself frowning. She wasn't sad over it, more-so scared by what he would do to her if he went back to seeing her as his opposite.

She'd rather not deal with his evilness again.

Kreed finally dragged his eyes up to meet her. But there was no emotion and no expression to read anywhere in his face and he did no gesture of any kind. He still wasn't replying to her.

Fuck it.

"You're being a dick head on purpose." Genesis huffed dropping her arms. "I know you aren't going to use your mouth but I've seen you use everything else to respond when you want to. You can't even give me a yes or no to my simple question?"

"I don't even know why I'm trying to be nice to you other than not wanting to sleep with one eye open till August." She grumbled. "But if you think I'm gonna keep playing hot and cold with you over your brother, you're wrong. So we might as well keep it cold."

She saw something in his face change again but Genesis was far past trying to communicate with him so she silently walked away now that her point was finished.

And she meant it. Why would she keep trying to keep it peaceful with him when he was so easy to set off? If he wanted to play games - she'd play them too. And Kreed was going to see that even though she could not win physically, she was undefeated in mind games.

She let him have it the other day but now it was her turn.

Genesis didn't know if he was projecting his hate for women onto his brother and just didn't want them together because he deemed her a bad person - or if like herself, he just didn't want to share his sibling with someone else.

Either way, she was in the picture he needed to get over it.

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