The Color Of You

By Stuieee

33.5K 1.1K 425

You never saw it coming, that's what you kept telling yourself, anyway. But the signs were always there, ling... More

Chapter 1 (Prologue)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

1.3K 50 23
By Stuieee

First and foremost, I'd like to begin with some warnings about this chapter, as it may be distressing to some readers due to the following elements it contains:

- Angst
- A difficult and emotionally charged first-time experience (Heterosexual F/M). While it's not explicitly graphic, it will delve into the emotional aspects of the encounter. Please note that there won't be further F/M content after this chapter.



Your evenings at Natasha and Wanda's house had become a regular routine, and each night you couldn't help but chastise yourself for your inability to stay away. The guilt gnawed at you as you consistently made excuses to slip away from Yelena, hoping to capture Natasha and Wanda's attention. Some evenings were less challenging, particularly when Yelena was on the phone with Dave. However, your obsession with Natasha and Wanda started to feel like a disease, spreading through your veins and corrupting your mind with unfamiliar feelings. These feelings made your hands tremble and your heart race, awakening your body in both a terrifying and exhilarating way. You were reluctant to admit to yourself that you were becoming addicted to these new feelings.

But each night, shame settled heavily in your stomach. On the nights Kate wasn't there, frustration led you to scream into your pillow as your mind was flooded with thoughts of Natasha and Wanda. Shame made your skin crawl and you couldn't help but squirm in bed. Even in the darkness of the night you couldn't bring yourself to admit even to yourself what you were feeling for them.

Regardless of your efforts, you knew it was only a matter of time before you needed to confront it. You truly should feel ashamed as you found yourself once again sneaking off to see what Natasha and Wanda were up to when Yelena answered her phone.

You found them snuggled up on the couch, and they welcomed you warmly to join them. It was hard as you made an effort to focus on the movie, but your eyes kept drifting towards the two enchanting women. Your heart raced as you witnessed the tender moment when Natasha reached her arm over Wanda's shoulders, her graceful fingers absently caressing the top of Wanda's arm. In that instance, you yearned to be in Wanda's place, nestled between them, feeling their comforting arms around you, and those alluring red manicured nails delicately grazing your skin.

You were treading a fine line when it came to what was socially acceptable. There were times when Yelena would come looking for you, only to discover you engaged in conversations with Wanda in the kitchen or sitting with Natasha on the couch. While Yelena never openly commented on it, you knew her well enough to sense that she was becoming increasingly aware of your frequent disappearances, and you dreaded to think of what she might say.

You found yourself grappling with the question of whether Yelena was harboring jealousy or genuine concern for your behavior lately as she began pushing for a double date. While your involvement with James was far from an official relationship, you had been on six dates with him by now and you knew that there was things expected of you if you decided to continue seeing him. You grappled with the guilt of unintentionally leading him on, even though you desperately wished you were attracted to him.

Yet, your primary concern wasn't about hurting James' feelings, it was more about the possibility of Yelena growing suspicious and finding out why you had kept sneaking off to spend time with Natasha and Wanda. The fear of Yelena discovering your growing obsession and potentially demanding answers when you couldn't even answer them yourself outweighed any shame or guilt you should have felt towards James at this stage. The mix of emotions and confusion you experienced had become both draining and shamefully exhilarating. So, in a desperate bid to put a stop to your unnatural obsession with Yelena's sister and her wife, you reluctantly agreed to the double date, desperately hoping that your interest would shift to James.

So it's why you found yourself standing in Yelena's bathroom, clad in your new dress, a white lace piece with long sleeves cascading down your arms. It was cute and displayed your legs as it ended above your knee. As you looked into the mirror, you realized, for the first time in a while, that you genuinely felt cute.

"James will love it," Yelena said with a smirk as she approached, holding a dark green shirt and black pants.

"You really think so?" You asked as you squirmed under her scrutiny.

"Hell yeah, he have to be blind not to think so." Yelena answered with a smirk and you tried to swallow the lump in your throat.

"So when will they be here?" you inquired, attempting to conceal your discomfort while thinking about James. But you couldn't deny that you were also contemplating how Natasha and Wanda might react to your dress. You secretly wanted them to find you attractive, and the notion of showing them the dress made your stomach flutter in excitement.

"Dave texted that he's about 5 minutes away, so we can wait outside," Yelena informed you as she changed into her clothes.

You observed her shake her hair and move in closer to the mirror to tidy up her mascara and adjust her outfit, you had always admired how pretty Yelena was without any true effort.

"Come on," she called out, and you stole a quick glance at yourself, practicing a few natural smiles in the mirror. After taking a shaky breath, you regained your composure.

You followed her down the stairs, and your stomach fluttered as you could hear Wanda and Natasha downstairs.

"We're leaving," Yelena announced, grabbing her jacket from the closet. "I don't know if I'll be back tonight."

The sound of heels clicking against the floor grew louder as they approached, and you almost trembled as you accepted the jacket from Yelena's outstretched hand.

"Feel free to call me if you need anything, alright? We'll be having some friends over, but I'll stay sober," Natasha reassured as she approached. Your heart raced in your chest as Natasha's eyes assessed you when she turned the corner.

"Look at you two," Natasha said with a smirk as she leaned against the arch between the foyer and the dining room.

You couldn't help but blush, and a pleasant shiver ran down your spine as her warm gaze traveled over your dress.

"My goodness, look at that dress," Wanda cooed gently as she appeared behind Natasha. She approached, taking your hand and spinning you around. "You look stunning," she sighed softly as you came to a stop facing her.

"Thanks," you said bashfully, a warm sensation spreading throughout you in response to her words and the fact that she was still holding your hand, softly caressing it with her thumb.

"Take care tonight, dear," Wanda said in a gentle tone, playfully tugging on a strand of your hair before turning to Yelena and offering a polite nod.

"Hands off," Yelena grumbled in a low warning tone, her gaze fixed on Wanda who reluctantly released you while sporting a frown.

You could see Wanda preparing to respond, but the doorbell chimed, abruptly interrupting whatever was about to transpire. Yelena swiftly swung open the door. Your heart sank as you watched the tension between Yelena and Wanda, with Wanda clearly hurt and angered by Yelena's previous words. The unspoken tensions between them were something you had observed for a while. They sometimes ignored each other, but when they did interact, things often turned sour. Yelena seemed to seize every opportunity to lash out at Wanda, while the older woman struggled to maintain her composure. It was evident that the mounting tension between them would eventually reach a breaking point, and you wished to understand the root cause of their rift.

Your thoughts were interrupted as James squeezed your hand and offered a broad grin. "Wow, you look stunning," he grinned, and you wished his words could elicit the same feelings as when Wanda and Natasha had spoken earlier. But there was no flutter in your stomach or a pleasurable shiver down your spine in response to his words.

"Thank you, James," you replied politely as he leaned in to kiss your cheek.

You shifted slightly, aware of someone approaching, and your gaze met Natasha's. Her eyes moved from yours to James as she assessed him. You couldn't help but take a deep breath as she drew nearer, radiating an intimidating presence in her black dress pants and dark green silk shirt. You found yourself unable to resist admiring how effortlessly she dominated the room simply by her presence.

"So, you're James," Natasha greeted smoothly, her usually gentle voice taking on a sudden firmness and strength as she introduced herself to James. "I'm Natasha, and this is my wife, Wanda. I trust you'll return them in one piece by the end of the night," she continued as she nodded her head in the direction of you and Yelena.

"Yes, ma'am, I intend to treat her very well, and I'll make sure she gets back home safely," he replied proudly.

"Come on, Nat," Yelena grumbled, drawing nearer. "You do realize we are adults, right?" Yelena shot a sharp look at Natasha and Wanda, who stood there.

"Of course, you are both beautiful young women, but I don't know this man, so I'm just ensuring he understands Y/N deserves to be treated right. I do know Dave, so I'm confident he'll treat you well, but I don't know this young man," Natasha stated firmly, unwavering.

You looked back and forth between Natasha, Yelena, and James, feeling more and more nervous.

"Yeah, well, she doesn't need your approval to do what she wants," Yelena declared as she took your hand and you followed her outside casting an apologetic look back at Wanda and Natasha. You were torn by how Yelena had acted, and a part of you longed to return and tell them that you desperately wanted their care and approval.

However, you did none of that. Instead, you simply waved at them with a heavy heart, before jumping into the car with Yelena.

"Is that your sister?" James asked you as he got into the car.

"No, Yelena's sister." you replied, struggling with the seatbelt, which seemed to be stuck.

James leaned over and helped you secure it across your chest, and you thanked him. Yelena glanced back at the two of you, a crooked smile on her face.

"Sorry about my sister. She can be a bit overprotective sometimes," Yelena told James as Dave started the car.

"No worries. But wow, I can't believe how unlucky we guys are that those two are married to each other," James chuckled, finding the situation amusing. You shot him a disapproving look, but he seemed oblivious as he grinned back at you and continued. "I mean Jesus they were hot."

"What do you mean? Are you saying that lesbians can't be attractive?" Yelena retorted, her tone sharp as she looked at James.

"What? No, that's not what I meant at all. It's just that they're genuinely the sexiest women I've ever seen," James tried to clarify.

You couldn't really argue with that, Natasha and Wanda were stunning but hearing James saying it made your frown deepen. However, you didn't have time to consider the implications of your reaction to his comment as it was interrupted by Yelena's voice that cut through the car, laced with anger.

"What's wrong with you? You're going on a date with my best friend, and you're sitting here talking about how hot and sexy my sister and her wife are?"

"Calm down, I didn't mean it like that," James spluttered, his eyes pleading, glancing over at you. You were unsure how to react to this situation.

"Hey babe, cut the guy some slack," Dave said calmly, reaching over to pat Yelena's leg.

She shot James one more glare before turning around with a huff, muttering under her breath.

The double date only went from bad to worse after that. Yelena's mood didn't improve, and it only seemed to make James more uncomfortable, prompting him to say more things that irritated Yelena.

"Why don't we just take a walk back to the dorm?" you suggested to James at the end of the evening after another heated argument between him and Yelena.

"Yeah, I think that could be a good idea," James replied with a relieved smile.

"Okay, we'll walk back home," you told Yelena as you joined her on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

"We can drive you," Yelena said and you shook your head with a smile and she frowned, "you sure? Because I can't understand why you want to spend more time with him, I mean sure he's hot and all, but he's an idiot," Yelena continued, casting a frown toward James.

"Hey, look at me, okay," you answered chuckling, catching Yelena's attention. "I think he was just nervous tonight, and that's why he's acting this way."

"Are you absolutely certain you don't want us to give you a ride?" Yelena persisted, giving you a once-over.

"Yes," you replied with a smile. You were prepared to end things with James, and the walk back seemed like a suitable time to do it.

"Promise me you'll call when you get home, okay?" Yelena said firmly.

"I promise," you assured her with a smile, giving her a quick hug.

You rejoined James, and together you set off for the dorms. It was a bit of a walk, but it felt good to move around after a hearty meal.

"The food was quite good tonight," you commented as you looked over at James, trying to alleviate the tension.

"Yeah, it was delicious. It's a shame Yelena seemed so on edge," James replied.

You felt a bit sorry for him. Yelena had a strong personality, and she didn't hold back when she sensed any vulnerability. It always surprised you that she chose you as a friend, especially given your struggles with basic human interactions.

"She's just being overprotective," you reassured him gently, nudging his shoulder.

"Yeah a real spitfire," he chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck smiling down at you.

You didn't know how to respond, so you walked beside James in silence as you made your way back to the dorm.

You walked past a couple engaged in a tender, soft kiss. You couldn't help but watch them, it appeared so serene and effortless. You wondered what it must be like for them, to be so obviously in love and kissing in public. And what things they would do together in the dark of the night, and then later again when they got home. Would they kiss and hold each other, have sex, fall asleep together? What was it like, to have that kind of intimacy with another person?

And then you realized you must have been staring, and turned to James blushing, hoping no one had noticed it.

But James seemed oblivious to your straying eyes and he turned his eyes down to you when he noticed you were looking at him. "I'd love it if we could watch a movie together," He suggested with a smile.

You contemplated which excuse to offer, but an inner desire tugged at you to experience a deeper connection, to let go of your apprehensions, and maybe then, you could genuinely develop an interest in James. You observed him as he stood casually before you, his dark hair neatly combed back, and his clear blue eyes fixed on you with a hopeful expression.

"Sure," you eventually agreed, a sense of uncertainty gnawing at you. However, the smile that spread across James's face provided a reassuring feeling as he guided you to his room.

His room, though cluttered and faintly smelling of sweat, had a surprisingly clean bed. James carefully arranged the pillows and blankets to create a cozy nook for enjoying the movie.

The film turned out to be quite enjoyable, and you sensed James inching closer. You decided to go with it.

When he leaned in for a kiss, you accepted it, though it didn't quite resemble the romantic scenes you had seen earlier. His mouth seemed a bit too big as it covered yours, and you felt a hint of discomfort as his tongue ventured into your mouth. Yet, you allowed him to guide you down onto the bed even if it wasn't entirely comfortable. It felt like this was what was expected of you, after all.

Everything became a blur as your clothes were peeled away from your body. His clammy hands felt all wrong as they moved over your skin, and he acted so hastily and desperately that you struggled to keep up. You yelped loudly as he forcefully pushed your legs apart and you could feel the mounting panic. It was all happening too fast, and you couldn't help but instinctively place your hands against his chest keeping him away from you as he probed your core. Pain rippled through your body as he tried to push himself in and your body reacted before your brain did as you tried to wiggle away from the pain.

"Stop, please slow down." You cried out desperately as you pushed his chest away from you.

"It will feel good soon." He panted as he tried again and you yelped.

The pain and frustration combined caused tears to form in the corner of your eyes and you wiped them quickly hoping James didn't see them. Everything felt off, and you knew it wasn't supposed to be like this. All you wanted was to get out of there.

"This isn't working," you exclaimed in panic as you finally managed to pushed him off you, and you scrambled across the bed in desperate need to find your clothes.

"Well, it sure isn't because of me that it isn't working," James expressed with irritation, his tone turning condescending as he gathered his own clothes. "There must be something wrong with you," he added.

His words brought tears to your eyes as you hurriedly stepped into your underwear and hastily fastened your bra. You swallowed hard, attempting to regain control of your emotions. The growing sense of shame and humiliation made you tremble as you pulled on your dress.

You left without uttering a word, yanking the door open and bolting out, feeling like this entire incident marked the clear end of whatever you had shared. When you entered your empty dorm room, the sobs you had been holding back burst forth. You quickly removed your dress, tears streaming down your cheeks as you realized you had put on your underwear backwards in your haste to leave. It felt like yet another reminder of your perceived inability to be anything other than a failure. You stripped off all your clothes, gasping for breath, standing in front of the mirror, and looking at your own body, you moved your hands down between your legs wondering if his words were true. What if there was something terribly wrong with you?

You felt an overwhelming sickness wash over you, gasping for breath as uncontrollable sobs erupted from your lips. You couldn't help but tremble, and as you stared at your reflection in the mirror, you despised the image before you – feeling utterly pathetic, ugly, shattered, and like a freak.

You couldn't bear to face your own reflection, yearning for the impossible chance to shed your own skin. The desire to escape from this dorm and all reminders of what had transpired within its walls was overwhelming. But you also didn't want to trouble Yelena by calling her. You had already sent her a message earlier confirming you had arrived safely to your room, and contacting her now would feel like you had lied to her.

You wiped away your tears and quickly got dressed, rushing out of your door, desperate to escape the memories of what had just happened. As the cold outside air hit you, you let out a deep breath and another sob. Your mind was in turmoil, and you had no idea what to do, but your feet seemed to move on their own. Before you knew it, you found yourself standing outside the familiar house of Wanda and Natasha. Your heart clenched painfully, and all you could hear was James' voice repeating over and over that something was wrong with you.

You rang the bell when you arrived but ended up knocking frantically to get them to open the door. Your relief was palpable when Wanda opened the door with a frown, which transformed to concern as she took you in, and you couldn't hold back the sobs anymore. She acted quickly, gathering you in her arms, making sure to pull you inside and closing the door as you cried against her shoulder.

She spoke softly against your hair as you clung to her. You finally managed to calm down and released your hold on her in an attempt to wipe your face, but she was faster, using her fingers to wipe your tears away and kissing your temple softly.

"Oh my goodness, come here," She hugged you close again and swayed you slowly before releasing you, "What happened to make you cry like this, darling?" Wanda asked gently, her worried eyes scanning your face.

"Please don't," you whispered, not ready to talk about it, fearing that they would find you overreacting and telling you to go home.

"Okay Sweetheart, I will not push." Wanda said as she pulled you in again, rocking you gently.

"Who's at the door?" Natasha called out from somewhere in the house, causing you to stiffen in Wanda's arms.

"I'm dealing with it, Nat," Wanda called back while rubbing your back.

"We have some guests over, so let's get you to a bathroom to freshen up," she said soothingly, guiding you toward the bathroom in the foyer. "Once you're ready, we can talk about whatever happened."

She was incredibly gentle as she wiped your face with a wet towel, making soft noises as your breath hitched in distress from time to time.

"Whatever happened, Sweetie, you know you can tell me anything," Wanda whispered gently as she caressed your cheek with her thumb. "I won't force you to talk, but I need to make sure you're not hurt."

Her concern was evident as she gently looked over your arms and shoulders, up your neck to your face.

"Not physically," you said with a broken voice as you removed your face from her grasp, not willing to look at her.

I think there is something wrong with you.

Your stomach churned, and you hurried to the toilet, emptying its contents. Wanda was there, holding your hair and tenderly rubbing circles on your back.

After a few retches, you sat back against Wanda as she leaned back, bringing you with her. She offered a wet cloth and gently cleaned your face.

"Did you have any alcohol tonight?" Wanda finally broke the silence. You let out a tired sigh, resting your head back against her shoulder.

"No," you replied wearily, and you could feel her nod against the side of your head.

You both sat like that for a long while until your tears subsided and you signaled that you wanted to get up, Wanda immediately moved to gently assist you. She handed you a toothbrush, and you managed a soft smile before cleaning the remnants of bile from your mouth. While you did this, Wanda tidied up the bathroom, and when you were finished, she looked at you with affection in her eyes.

You were in a state of complete brokenness and disarray, but being close to Wanda and feeling her comforting presence provided some relief from your sadness. Despite feeling a tinge of shame for wanting to cling to her, you yearned to curl up in her arms, wishing for her to chase away all the pain and replace it with the vibrant, colorful hues that defined her.

"Ready?" she asked, opening the door. You nodded, and she led you toward the stairs. It was becoming evident why she wanted you to compose yourself before heading to the spare bedroom. As you approached the living area, you noticed at least six women similar to Wanda and Natasha's age if not older, all of whom turned their attention toward you.

Natasha quickly rose from her seat and approached you upon realizing you were with Wanda.

"What's going on?" Natasha inquired, a worried frown on her face. She then turned to you.

"She didn't want to be alone tonight, so I suggested she could stay in the spare bedroom," Wanda reassured, gently rubbing your arm. You exchanged a quick glance with her before nodding in agreement, directing your attention back to Natasha shyly.

Natasha's affectionate voice reached you as she gently caressed your hair. "Are you okay, little duckling?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Nat," you responded quietly, glancing at the other women in the room, fearing they might think you're being overly sensitive for having Natasha and Wanda fussing over you.

"Okay," Natasha answered and you could see by the look in her eyes that she didn't believe you but she was kind enough not to prod you for answers, "do you want to join us for a while or do you want to go to bed?" She continued carefully as she looked down at you.

You couldn't help but twist your hands nervously, part of you wanted to stay simply to be near them but you felt weary of their friends.

Wanda seemed to see you struggled and naturally took charge as she slid up behind you urging you gently further in to the room. "Come on, Sweetheart, why don't you join us for awhile." She said softly as she guided you gently towards the couch.

You were startled when a voice cut through the otherwise silent room and you stumbled slightly but Wanda steadied you before your knees hit the floor.

"So is this your new little plaything?" a dark-skinned woman asked with a smirk as she lounged back in an armchair.

"Oh, hush, you," Wanda scolded playfully while pulling you closer.

"So she's up for grabs," the woman chuckled, and the others in the room found the comment amusing, leading to more laughter.

"Enough of that, she's too young for you anyway, you old bat," Natasha firmly intervened, following you and Wanda in to the room.

Wanda's hand felt warm in yours and terrifyingly right were it grasped you firmly leading you towards the couch, she slid down next to you on the couch.

The woman in question let out a hearty laugh and her eyes twinkled with amusement as she sent you a wink from across the room before turning towards Natasha with a smirk. "Bah, I'm younger than you Nat, so who's truly the old bat?"

Nat simply huffed which caused the grin on the dark-skinned woman to widen as she turned her attention back to you. "So are you interested?"

You looked at her, still in a state of confusion as you tried to make sense of the situation. However, the woman beside her promptly delivered a resounding slap on her arm, the sound carrying across the room.

"Let her be, Val," the brown-haired woman who had delivered the slap scolded, and you observed as they engaged in some playful banter.

You were grateful that the attention had shifted away from you. Leaning back against the couch, you appreciated not being led to an empty room. Wanda began to casually play with your hair while engaging in a conversation with a blonde woman to her right. Even though she wasn't directly focused on you, her comforting presence helped soothe your anxiety.

As the night progressed, you found yourself leaning against Wanda, who willingly gathered you into her arms. You could sense a few pairs of eyes on you, and when you glanced up, you noticed the blonde woman seated next to Wanda gazing at you.

"Aren't you the sweetest thing?" she said softly, smiling at you.

Blushing, you couldn't help but hide your face against Wanda. She chuckled and gently guided your head up to offer you reassurance and comfort.

"What do you say when someone gives you a compliment, sweet girl?" Wanda asked gently, attempting to guide you.

"Thank you," you responded quietly, your gaze drifting toward the blonde woman who looked on with anticipation.

"She's just precious, Wanda," the blonde woman remarked to Wanda, but her eyes remained fixed on yours, and you offered a small smile.

"The most precious," Wanda added, planting a soft kiss on your temple, a moment of warmth that made you close your eyes and relish the tenderness. "Y/N, this is Pepper Potts, a dear friend of ours," Wanda introduced you in a gentle tone as you turned your gaze to Pepper.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Potts," you greeted her with a gentle demeanor before seeking Wanda's approval, which came in the form of her fingers fondly caressing your cheek, accompanied by a warm smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, little one," Pepper responded gently before her attention was drawn elsewhere.

You could feel Natasha gently caressing your hair as you leaned against Wanda. Turning your head toward her, you met her fond gaze, which tugged at your heartstrings. But when James' hurtful words resurfaced in your mind, a wave of shame washed over you. Natasha must have sensed your distress because she gathered you from Wanda's arms, embracing you fully. You feared that the women in the room might ridicule you, but surprisingly, no one seemed to pay much attention to the intimate moment. Some watched with interest, but most continued their conversations, respecting your privacy.

"Darling girl, what happened tonight?" Natasha asked softly against your temple. Shifting in her lap, you found a more comfortable spot, allowing yourself to relax in her comforting hold. No one made fun of you, and the safe embrace was a relief.

"I don't want to talk about it here," you replied weakly, suppressing tears. You felt secure surrounded by Natasha's presence and longed for her to hold you even tighter.

"That's okay my sweet girl. Just know you're safe here okay," she murmured against your temple, and you clung to her.

Wanda discreetly tugged on your dress, and you blushed, realizing that it must have ridden up a bit when Natasha placed you on her lap. You glanced at Wanda, and she reached out to gently caress your cheek, giving you a knowing wink before redirecting her attention to Pepper, who was studying you. Pepper's focus then shifted back to Wanda as they engaged in playful banter, sharing laughter.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, you sought refuge by nestling against Natasha, who held you securely. She hummed softly, and you nuzzled your nose against her neck, relishing her comforting scent.

In Natasha's tight embrace, you experienced a sense of euphoria, as if you were in a heavenly cocoon. She held you with a warmth that showed no intention of releasing you. As you looked up at her, her profile appeared absolutely captivating from her straight nose to plump and inviting lips, and sharp defining cheekbones. In your eyes, she was undeniably the most beautiful person you had ever encountered, with only Wanda as a potential rival. Whenever her captivating blue-green gaze met yours, an involuntary, bashful smile adorned your face. Without fail, she would reciprocate the smile, occasionally allowing her delicate fingers to tenderly brush against your cheek.

At some point during the night, it seemed Wanda had decided it was time for a change. You didn't protest as she transferred you from Natasha's lap to her own. Your body tingled as you felt her plump lips traveling across your forehead, and she held you even tighter.

You must have dozed off again because you woke when Wanda shifted against you. "Time for bed, sweet girl," she whispered, gently caressing your back.

You let out a groan and buried your face against her, unwilling to leave the comfortable embrace. "No, please," you whined softly against her.

Wanda squeezed you tighter before encouraging you to sit up. You did so reluctantly, but her smile made it all worth it. "Let's go," she cooed, and you followed her upstairs. To your surprise, Natasha was already in the room, preparing the bed. You were so tired and mentally exhausted that you paid them little attention as you unzipped your dress and let it fall to the floor. With a weary sigh, you crawled under the blankets, seeking the comfort of sleep.

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