Straw Hat Luffy: The Black Fi...

By Jrrtoast

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What if Luffy had never eaten the devil fruit Shanks had brought into the bar that day? What if he started sa... More

Chapter 1: Born to Conquer
Chapter 2: An Early Start
Chapter 3: Upside Down
Chapter 4: Fateful Meetings
Chapter 5: Friends
Chapter 6: Early Reunion
Chapter 7: Adventure's End
Chapter 8: Third Impressions
Chapter 9: Onward We Go
Chapter 10: Downpour
Chapter 11: Survival
Chapter 12: A Lust For Blood
Chapter 13: Fish and Ships
Chapter 14: Good Soup
Chapter 15: Cannonballs and Raindrops
Chapter 16: Landfall
Chapter 17: Treasure
Chapter 18: Imagination
Chapter 19: A Look Inside
Chapter 20: Reunited
Chapter 21: The Treasure of Dreams
Chapter 22: Parting
Chapter 23: Time Flies
Chapter 24: Time Flies, Part Two
Chapter 25: Romance Dawn
Chapter 26: Surprises and Shells
Chapter 27: First Mate
Chapter 28: Maps, Posters, and Menus
Chapter 29: Feeding Time
Chapter 30: Defeat
Chapter 31: Captain's Orders
Chapter 32: Outmatched
Chapter 33: Homecoming
Chapter 34: Light in the Dark
Chapter 35: Warm-Up
Chapter 36: Dawn
Chapter 38: Celebrations
Chapter 39: Unexpected Visitors
Chapter 40: The Longest of Barrels
Chapter 41: United
Chapter 42: Town of Rouges
Chapter 43: Broken Ideals
Chapter 44: Convergence
Chapter 45: Destiny's Declaration
Chapter 46: The Mountain
Chapter 47: Bounty Heard Around the World
Chapter 48: Whiskey Peak
Chapter 49: Demons and Angels
Chapter 50: Sunday Special

Chapter 37: Freedom

95 11 1
By Jrrtoast


I got a lot of feedback on the last chapter and while I mostly disagree with the notion that Luffy is nerfed there was a part of me that thought I took it a little too far so I made some small changes. Now I think the last chapter is in a good spot and leads well into this one. I'd try and explain my reasoning behind why I don't think Luffy is nerfed but it would take too long and it probably wouldn't change many minds anyway. Plus, you guys are free to think what you want.

Once again I always appreciate the feedback and I do take your comments into account when writing so, as always, don't be afraid to let me know what you think.

Enough outta me, go read.


Chapter 37: Freedom


The world surrounding the area seemed to lose its color momentarily and a large black fist stopped just short of Luffy's form before the air violently shattered, multiple arcs of black lightning cracking through the air as wave upon wave of force exploded through him. He could feel his body ripple under the invisible impact and, soon enough, his feet could no longer stay rooted to the ground.

Nami screamed her lungs bloody while watching her captain's form shoot through the air, his figure exploding into the debris that already littered the area. She slowly turned back to the person who'd attacked him with wide eyes... She'd never seen him before...

The fishman was larger than Arlong by a good margin and his most defining feature was the pair of large incisors that sprouted from the bottom row of his teeth. His round form was wrapped in a yellow kimono with a black cape pinned to his shoulders, his fist still held out in front of him as his black eyes glared in the direction he'd sent the object of his ire.

Luffy groaned as he pulled himself out of the wall... What the hell had just hit him?... Stone crumbled around his form and he hissed when he made to stand back up, bones cracking where they definitely weren't supposed to. He finally made it to his feet and looked up into the black eyes of his attacker.

The chill running down the pirate captain's spine was ever present, like it was telling him that he was in constant danger. And he believed it... This guy was strong... Way stronger than Long-Nose... He could already tell... His heart began to beat faster and along with it, a smile graced his face once again. He wasn't at one hundred percent after his previous fight... Not even all that close, really... But... His eyes glanced the blood flowing from both his side and arm before he looked back up at the large fishman staring at him, smile growing wider at the thought of the coming clash... He still had more to give...

"Hey... Nami.", Luffy said, the bright smile never leaving his face... Shanks had said only to use it as a last resort so he'd never had the chance to really fight with it before... The thought made his heart rate increase. If he could use armament, he might've had a chance at winning, however, without it, he had only one other option to even the odds... With every beat of his chest, the swirling feeling underneath his skin grew more and more agitated, as if begging for release... His grin continued to widen and he stoked the power more, his steps seeming to become heavier during his approach.

The teen glanced over his shoulder at the girl staring at him with a pair of wide brown eyes and winked, the rain beginning to vibrate around his figure, "He'll get most of it, but...". He turned away and his smile widened to epic proportions, "... Do me a favor and don't pass out.".

Nami barely even had the time to brace herself before something she'd never felt rolled through her like a wave, a gasp leaving her lips when her knees almost buckled. Not unlike moments earlier, black lightning with thin edges of red light suddenly began arcing from Luffy's figure. She would have thought it was the same phenomenon from the previous attack, but a part of her knew it was different... Not only were the strikes slightly different in color, blue edges being exchanged for red, but these also came with a weight the likes of which she'd never felt in her life...

A boom echoed when through the area and the girl's head was forced downward, another wave of pressure exploding from her captain and washing over her form. She gasped under the weight but managed to keep her legs straight, her eyes momentarily locked on her feet.

It felt like it took all the strength the orangette had, but when her gaze came back up, the first thing she noticed was her captain's necklace as its charms whipped around in an unnatural wind... They were glowing... She couldn't take her eyes away from them as they floated, seemingly of their own volition... She'd never seen them do that before...

The purple charm radiated a dull light of the same color and the tiny white dots on the onyx one next to it twinkled far brighter than the girl had ever seen... As she watched the beautiful stones shine, she couldn't help the bewilderment that crossed her face. What exactly was Luffy doing?... She eventually lost sight of the glowing jewels but her brown orbs stayed locked to her captain's back as he approached his adversary.

The rain around Luffy's form seemed to vibrate and his steps looked heavier than usual, loud wet slaps accompanying each one... What the hell was going on?... A pair of thumps sounded at Nami's back and she tore her eyes away from the boy, whipping around to find her two companions lying on the muddy ground, unmoving. Before she could even so much as take a step in their direction, another boom came from behind and her knees suddenly gave out, the weight on her shoulders somehow growing even heavier as her breaths came out in short gasps.

She had to use almost every muscle in her body, but the orangette somehow found the strength to turn back in her friend's direction, red/black lightning still wildly flashing around his figure. She could feel her consciousness trying to slip away with every second that passed, but Luffy's words spurred her on, her eyes meeting the clashing opponents once again.

With every blow traded, the straw-hatted teen could feel his Conqueror's Haki pulse violently, the weight of his will evening the odds just enough for him to be able to keep up with his opponent. Even though he could tell the power was affecting him, he still struggled to find an opening in the fishman's guard, their fists meeting each other in the air over and over again while shockwaves disrupted the rain pouring down around them.

Black suddenly sprouted onto his foe's fist and Luffy felt his instincts screaming at him to dodge rather than meet it head-on. He chose to listen to the feeling this time and instead of throwing his fist forward, aimed it at the ground below their feet. "PISTOL!", he screamed, just before black knuckles would have impacted his left side.

The already broken concrete underneath the two violently shattered even further as the pirate captain sailed into the air. He felt a rippling shockwave nipping at his heels from below but ignored it bringing his hand into his vision as he continued to sail higher. Much higher than originally planned... That Pistol had felt... Strong... Stronger than it should have been...

"Fishman Karate: Piercing Rain!", a deep voice echoed from the ground.

The pirate captain dropped his hand from his vision, eyes widening at the barrage of weaponized raindrops traveling in his direction. His form began to slow and before he could begin dropping back toward the ground, his legs shot out to the side.

A shockwave ripped through the sky and sent the teen flying to the right, the attack sent from below careening past him as it sailed higher into the sky. He tried to keep his eyes open while the wind and rain assaulted his vision and just barely caught his opponent's glare following him even as fast as he was moving. He kept his eyes trained on the large fishman and his legs shot out again in hopes of redirecting himself back in the direction of his foe.

A groan left Luffy's mouth when the action was followed by nothing but painful vibrations running through his lower body. With his figure beginning to descend, he desperately kicked out again, to no avail. Before he got the chance to try again, his eyes found the ground... And it was much closer than he thought it should be... His eyes widened and he desperately curled his body to try and minimize the damage, any thoughts of another attempt at jumping off of the air leaving him.

The teen's quickly moving figure came to a grinding halt when he cracked into the ground and, even though he knew he shouldn't, he lay there for a moment, groaning. That hadn't felt good... He slowly removed himself from the small crater he'd created, debris falling to the ground around him, and took a glance up at the sky, sighing through the aches in his body slowly beginning to grow more painful. It looked like he'd need to practice if he wanted to be able to do that consistently... But, if he could... He'd literally be able to fly...

The thought sent excitement shooting through Luffy's veins. However, his opponent wasn't going to let him dwell on it. The feeling that had kept him constantly on his guard suddenly heightened and his eyes widened. He knew that if he searched for its origin, it would probably be too late and, therefore, dove to the side without so much as a thought. While in the air, a roar left his mouth as he tensed the nonexistent muscles that controlled his Conqueror's Haki, red/black lightning once again violently flashing around his form.

"FIVE-THOUSAND BRICK FIST!", the large fishman roared, his sights set on his opponent's middle. Before he had the chance to deliver the attack, he felt his opponent's spirit was over him once again and it made him hesitate. It only took him a moment to recover, a growl leaving his lips as he pushed against the weight settling on his shoulders, and he threw his fist forward with much less force than originally planned.

The slight hesitation in his adversary allowed Luffy to dodge the attack, but the shockwave it created sent him flying much further than he wanted to go.

The pirate captain roughly landed against the shattered concrete and rolled to minimize the damage, however, with his body in the state it was, he couldn't help the hiss that left his mouth when he made to stand back up. His eyes once again met the fishman's glare and he immediately knew he needed to figure something out... Fast. Wave after wave of chills rolled through his form as the two stared at each other, his spirit still suffusing throughout the surrounding area while he stared down the enemy across from him.

For the first time, Luffy noticed something that he felt like he'd never realized before. His gaze left his opponent, just as the concrete under the fishman shattered, and focused on the rain... Was it... Vibrating?...

The straw-hatted teen's attention was suddenly brought back to the fight at hand when a fist entered his vision, eyes widening. He shifted to the side and attempted to parry, the back of his hand knocking the large fishman's fist upward. Thinking he'd succeeded, he flashed underneath the arm careening over his head and cocked his fist back, growling as he prepared to send it forward. Before he got the chance, however, a kneecap found its way into his stomach, blood and spittle flying from his mouth as his body sailed upward.

In what felt like the blink of an eye, his opponent was already shooting his fist forward again. "FIVE-THOUSAND BRICK FIST!", the fishman roared.

The air cracked around his fist and Luffy desperately brought his hands up in an attempt to defend himself, a loud boom sounding when blue knuckles impacted the skin on his forearms. He felt his guard immediately falter and his figure rippled as he was blasted backward, body rag-dolling while he roughly rolled across the destroyed concrete. However, not for a moment did he let up on his Conqueror's Haki, because he knew what it would mean if he did. His figure finally slid to a stop and he growled when he lifted himself from the ground, the pain wracking his body growing worse with every passing moment.

Luffy's eyes met his opponent's glare and he stood to his feet, the rain still vibrating wildly as it fell to the earth around him. He couldn't help but be drawn to it once again and chose to ignore the fishman as he slowly made his way toward him, mesmerized by the dancing water. It had to be him that was making it happen, however, it was the first time that he'd really noticed that his haki affected things that weren't alive... His eyes widened at the thought and he brought his hand into his vision, imagination running wild in wake of the realization... What if...

"What are you doing here in the East Blue, human?", Jinbei asked through clenched teeth, halting in place while he watched the boy stare at his hand in wonder. His Conqueror's Haki had strength the likes of which he hadn't seen outside of the New World... Not only that, he could see signs of basic observation being used as well... This child had no place in this sea...

The teen pulled his eyes away from his hand and met the gaze of his enemy, confusion taking over his face. "What do you mean?...", he asked.

The shark fishman growled, "I meant what I said... Now, answer human.". He eyed the black/red lightning arcing from the teen's figure... This wasn't a newly awakened Supreme King, either. No, he could tell the boy was in control of his conquering spirit. He knew because the girl at the gate was still conscious. The fishman was certain that if she were under the same weight he was, she wouldn't still be standing... Which meant his enemy knew how to direct the power that radiated from his skin... He absolutely had to be from the Grandline... There was no chance an East Blue native could be this strong...

Luffy only half heard the words, his imagination still running wild as answered the fishman's question. "I live here...", he looked around the destroyed area and corrected himself before his gaze shifted back. "Well... Not here...", he added, shrugging, "I do live in the East Blue though.".

It was strange, but Jinbei detected no lie in the boy's voice and, for some odd reason, he felt a tickle in the back of his head, like something from the depths of his mind was trying to make itself known.

"Alright, shark guy. Enough talking.", the straw-hatted pirate captain said, a smile beginning to make its way to his face, "I got somethin' I wanna try out.". He had no idea if it would work but he definitely had to give it a shot... It would be SO COOL!... He couldn't help the laughs that began to rise to his lips, pains shooting through his body as he involuntarily let them out. He loved fighting and getting stronger... And he especially loved doing both at the same time. Without another word, he twisted his core and curled his fist, his smile growing wider with each passing second.

Before the fishman could reply, he stumbled, shivers rolling down his spine as the weight on his shoulders suddenly disappeared. His eyes widened and he couldn't help but stare at his opponent's massive smile, his laughter somehow drowning out the rain and thunder in the sky. Lightning flashed and the world lost its color for a moment... For a split second, almost everything appeared in black and white... Everything except the glowing red eyes of the boy in front of him.

Luffy threw his fist forward as hard as he could, the pain wracking his body lost deep in the depths of his mind. He practically couldn't even feel it in his excitement. As soon as his arm fully extended, a roar left his mouth and a powerful wave of Conqueror's Haki followed, chasing the air bullet that exploded from his knuckles, "KING'S CANNON!".

With their close proximity, Jinbei had no time to move and black immediately formed on his chest, his wide eyes watching the translucent projectile travel before it suddenly flashed red when the boy's spirit overtook it. A second boom ripped through the air and the fist-shaped projectile blinked from his vision, a gasp leaving his lips when he suddenly felt it ramming into his chest. Spittle flew from his lips as he was lifted off of his feet and sent booming through the air, his large body crashing violently into what was left of Arlong Park's main building.

The shark fishman groaned while pulling himself out of the debris he'd crashed into, broken stone falling at his feet. His sandals found the concrete and he had to steady himself... What was that?... He'd only seen Advanced Conqueror's Haki in person once or twice in his lifetime but he was sure that wasn't what he'd just witnessed... It was different... Something he'd never seen before... His hand came up to his chest and he could feel a large bruise beginning to form... Whatever it was, it was powerful...

Jinbei knew he would need to end the battle sooner rather than later... For some reason, he couldn't help but think that the more he let the boy fight the stronger he would get, regardless of the shape his body was in... He had a feeling that his opponent was the kind that would fight to the very end with a smile on their face.

Laughs continued to leave Luffy's lips as he stared at his hand in wonder, the shifting of rubble grabbing his attention. He quickly reigned in his Conqueror's Haki in preparation to try another attack, similar to the first. He almost couldn't believe it actually worked...

Jinbei stepped out of the crater he was in and looked in the teen's direction as he prepared to attack again. The tickle in the back of his head came back as he gazed over his enemy's form, and his eyes landed on the straw hat he wore, the feeling of attempted remembrance plaguing his mind while he stared at it... Suddenly, the shark fishman froze in place, shock washing over him as a memory played behind his eyes... It couldn't be...

"Family?", Ace questioned curiously through a large bite of meat.

The fire between the two crackled loudly in the quiet night, signs of their epic five-day battle scarring the land surrounding them.

The teen looked over his shoulder at the other fire the rest of his crew sat around as they drank with each other, and a smile rose to his lips. "Yeah.", he answered, turning back to the large fishman, "I got those guys... And I got a little brother.". He scowled when he thought about the other member of his little family. "... And a stupid grandpa, too.", he added. He thought about mentioning Sabo but decided against it. As much as he loved his late brother, to this day, talking about him was hard...

"A brother, huh?", Jinbei asked, with a laugh. He decided to leave his questions about his grandfather unvoiced. He didn't seem too fond of the man...

Ace shook his depressing thoughts away and a smile once again rose to his lips. "Yeah, his name's Luffy.", he exclaimed, thoughts of his youngest brother drifting through his head. "He's a goofy kid...", his smile grew, "But no one can make you feel joy like he can...". Memories of the past began to play behind his eyes and they made him hope he would get to see the little straw-hatted menace again soon. He missed his brother...

Jinbei smiled at the words, "He sounds like a wonderful brother.".

The pirate captain let his eyes drop down to the licking flames of the fire and ran his hand through them, "Yeah, he is.". He looked up to the sky and sighed, "The little straw-hatted menace should be turning seventeen in a year or so...". He looked back down and once again met the gaze of the fishman sitting across from him. "So maybe I'll get to introduce you guys one day.", he added happily.

The words made Jinbei laugh, mostly at the joy he could see in the fire-man's face, "I'm looking forward to it. You make this 'little straw-hatted menace' of yours sound very interesting... ". His laughs settled and he smirked over the flames of the fire, "I can't wait to meet him.".

Jinbei was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when cracking concrete echoed through the area, his opponent slamming his foot into the ground.

Luffy barely even took notice of his frozen foe, rooting himself to the earth and breathing in deeply as his arms bulged, blood squirting while they tensed to their max. A violent roar left the teen's mouth and his hands suddenly began to blur through the air, concentrated blasts of his will accompanying each crack of his fists, "KING'S BARRAGE!".

The shark fishman was snapped out of his paralyzation as soon as the first punch was thrown, the ice running down his spine screaming at him to move. As his sandal cracked into the ground, a wall of see-through red fists consumed his vision.

The world around Jinbei practically exploded as the projectiles rammed into everything in the surrounding area, his Observation Haki being pushed to its max while he weaved between the multitude of assaulting projectiles. He didn't have a single thought to spare, all of his focus going into dodging. He knew if he got hit by one, he was definitely going to be hit by others... And while it wouldn't kill him... It would definitely hurt... He shifted under a fist careening toward his head and his eyes found an opening in the onslaught of red projectiles. With the ground erupting all around him, his foot mashed into the ground and he dove, shifting his body at certain times so as to not get hit.

As soon as the Jinbei hit the ground, the cracks shooting through the air stopped and he quickly stood back to his feet, turning to face his opponent. His eyes once again drifted to the straw hat he wore... It couldn't be... But... He had to know... Before he could stop himself and before the boy had the chance to attack again, his voice pierced through the stormy air, "Do you have a brother?...".

The question was so surprising that Luffy momentarily let go of the grasp he had on his Conqueror's Haki, the power slipping back underneath his skin. "What?...", the boy asked in bewilderment. Why would he be asking that in the middle of a fight?...

"... Do you have a brother?", he repeated, his steely gaze locked on the human across from him.

The pirate captain stared back blankly and before he knew it, thoughts of Ace were drifting through his head, his lips softening into a small smile, "Yeah. I got one.". He focused back on the fishman, "Why?".

"What's his name?...", Jinbei asked without answering. Seemingly against his will, his anger began to simmer, a part of him already knowing the reply he would receive. The anger was still there, but he knew he couldn't bring himself to kill Ace's little brother if that's who he turned out to be. It didn't matter what he'd done to his old crew mates... He'd heard many stories of the boy named Luffy from his friend, and the thought of killing someone that important to him made the fishman's stomach curl, regardless of the anger still heating his blood.

"Ace!", Luffy exclaimed excitedly, the fight momentarily leaving his mind as he thought about his brother. He missed the older boy and hoped he got to see him once he reached the Grandline... He wanted to fight him again after all these years! He was sure to be way stronger now!

As soon as the name reached Jinbei's ears, a sigh left his mouth and his hands dropped down to his sides in defeat. "I thought so...", he replied. Without another word, he turned away from the teen and began walking back in the direction of the port.

"Where the hell are you going?! We're still fighting!", Luffy yelled in the direction of his retreating opponent.

Jinbei didn't turn to answer, "No, we are not... I refuse to kill my friend's family.". He turned back and sent a piercing glare over his shoulder, "And I can promise... You would have died...". He turned away and continued walking toward the port, his eyes shifting through the rubble littering the area.

The words confused the straw-hatted teen. What did he mean by that?... Suddenly it clicked. "You know Ace?!", he asked incredulously. When no answer came he made to ask again but dizziness suddenly consumed him. With the loss of the adrenaline coursing through his body, the damage he'd taken over the course of the day was becoming apparent... Very apparent... And it was far too much to keep ignoring. His body suddenly dropped to the ground and a groan left him as he lay still.

Luffy's vision began to spin while he lay there, his battered body aching and grinding with every little movement. Blood still flowed from the wounds on his arm and side and he was just now beginning to realize how tired he was... A quick nap would probably do him some good... Damn... And just when the fight was getting good too... He shrugged internally. It's had still been a ton of fun... And he definitely got stronger... Hopefully he didn't die in his sleep though... That would suck...

Just before the pirate captain closed his eyes and lost himself to the darkness, a beam of light shone through the breaking dark clouds above. A wide smile rose to his lips as he stared at it for a moment before his eyelids locked shut... He was right...

The skies were always darkest before dawn.

"Luffy!", Nami screamed, watching her captain's form collapse. Before she could stop herself, her feet began moving in his direction, a panicked look glued to her face as she ran. The growing rays of light now shining down from the sky directed her to where she needed to go and she swiftly navigated her way through the destruction.

Within moments, the orangette was on her knees, quickly bending over Luffy's prone form and placing her ear next to his mouth. She almost missed it with the sound of her heart beating in her ears, but she felt them... Small puffs of air tickling the skin on her cheek... Relief-filled tears almost immediately sprouted from her eyes and she let her head softly fall to the boy's chest.

"NAMI!", he shouted, hoping he'd be loud enough for her to hear over the thunder and rain.

"I PROMISE!...", the straw-hatted teen screamed. If he could do it just once... He only needed to do it once to ensure his navigator's freedom. "I PROMISE I'M GONNA SET YOU FREE, NO MATTER WHAT!", he finished.

"You idiot...", Nami gasped into her unconscious captain's chest before softly lifting him into her lap, her arms snaking around his back as she held him close. He'd done it... He'd really done it... He freed her... "Thank you...", she whispered into his ear with every ounce of sincerity she had in her body, "Thank you so much...". She stayed in the same position for a long moment before a voice sounded at her back, her head rising.

"Jin... Jinbei?", Hachi asked uncertainly.

The octopus fishman slowly began to sit up, his blurry eyes glued to the large figure kneeling at someone's side. When his vision began to clear, he couldn't help his shifting gaze... Arlong Park was practically leveled... When no answer came from his friend, he made to stand, crumbled stone falling to the ground around his feet.

Jinbei stared at Arlong's bloody eye sockets for a moment longer before he stood, bending to lift his old crew mate's body over his shoulder. With the injured fishman firmly secured, he turned to the voice that had called out to him. "Hachi...", he greeted thinly.

"Jinbei!", Hachi exclaimed, carefully making his way through the destruction scattered around the area. The first thing he noticed when he came to a stop next to him, was the body hanging over his shoulder, his stomach roiling at the sight of what was left of his captain's eyes. "Wha... What happened?...", he stuttered, unable to pull his eyes away from the gruesome sight.

The shark fishman grit his teeth before pointing in the direction of the unconscious figure now being held by the orange-haired girl, "... He happened.".

Hachi's sight moved to where he was pointing and his eyes widened. It was the boy that had knocked him unconscious and... Was that Nami?... He suddenly flushed red in agitation and was almost immediately hit with the urge to hide himself from her piercing gaze.

"Grab those other two", Jinbei ordered, pointing to the unconscious fishmen still resting amongst the debris before nodding in the direction of the port, "We're leaving.". His vision shifted back to the orangette glaring in their direction, "It's obvious we aren't wanted here.".

The octopus fishman didn't need to be told twice, immediately turning on his heel to gather his crewmates... He would have done just about anything if it meant escaping Nami's angry brown eyes...

"I suggest getting him to a doctor.", Jinbei said in the orangette's direction, his eyes glued to the unconscious form in her arms.

The words made Nami scoff, a growl leaving her lips when she replied, her gaze settling on the figure hanging over his shoulder. "And I hope he dies before you can get him to one.", she spat, her voice laced with vitriol.

The shark fishman was slightly taken aback by the words, heat flaring in his chest. Humans were all the same... "Why do you hate us so much?...", he questioned angrily.

"You?", the orange-haired girl replied, another scoff leaving her mouth, "I could care less about you...". Her eyes found the blood dripping from Arlong's eye sockets and she couldn't help the slight satisfaction that ran through her, "It's him I hate.".

Confusion shot through Jinbei... Then why?... His eyes shifted through what was left of the area... What could Arlong have done to deserve something like this?... What could he have done that warranted his sight being taken from him?... He went to voice his question when he felt a hand landed on his shoulder. He looked behind and found Hachi carrying two large bodies on either side of him.

The octopus fishman held Jinbei's gaze and shook his head in the negative, his eyes glancing at the orange-haired girl still staring in their direction, "We should leave, Jinbei.". He nodded to the port, "We can talk while we swim.". The two stared at each other for a moment before his friend nodded and turned back to the girl he was talking to.

A tense pause hung in the air between the two before it was broken by Nami's voice.

"Leave... And never come back.", the girl said, putting an end to the conversation as she glared into the eyes of the larger fishman.

Jinbe held the girl's gaze for another moment longer before sighing and turning away, his eyes still peeled into a glare, "... We won't.".

While his friend's footsteps began to make their way to the port, Hachi stood still, his vision glued to his feet... He wanted to say something, anything, but he couldn't make the words come out... The shame was too much... So, instead, he turned away, whispering to himself as he followed his companion to the port, "... I'm sorry, Nami...".

The orangette watched the pair walk away in silence, her eyes not leaving their forms until they disappeared into the waters of the ocean. When the two finally left her sight, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in and looked back down at the injured boy in her arms, a soft smile coming to her lips. It was finally over...

"Nami?...", a loud voice questioned from the gate.

The orangette perked up at the call, recognizing Genzo's voice. Her head lifted and she made to reply. "We're over here, Genzo!", she shouted. Her eyes came back down to the unconscious form in her arms, closely examining the injuries that covered it. The fishman from before was right... He needed a doctor sooner rather than later...

Eventually, the man began to make his way over along with a still recovering Nojiko, their eyes widening to epic proportions as they gazed at what was left of the park... It certainly hadn't looked like this before they passed out... Neither of them even knew what had made them pass out in the first place...

"He needs a doctor.", Nami insisted when the two stopped at her side, nodding down to the injured boy she tightly held. Blood was beginning to soak into her clothes and the longer he went without medical attention the worse his condition would get... And she refused to let her captain die... Not after all he'd done for her.

"You can say that again...", Nojiko mused, incredulously. She wasn't even really sure he should still be alive... A part of her still couldn't believe everything she'd seen him do...

Genzo said nothing, only bending over to softly remove the teen from the girl's arms.

The orangette released the muscles in her arms and let him be pulled away, watching as the scarred man carefully placed her captain's figure over his shoulder before helping her stand to her feet. "Thanks, Genzo.", she said sincerely, the corners of her lips rising with the words.

Genzo looked away from the girl and intently at the face of the boy he was carrying for a moment before his gaze was pulled to what was still left of the gate. He nodded his head in its direction and the group set off toward Cocoyashi, small smiles gracing every single one of their faces, "... It's the least I can do for the boy who set us free.".

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23.3K 525 16
The Straw Hat Pirates, after defeating Doflamingo, depart from their new found friends and make their way back into the New World. They end up on a s...