Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

By kmstories1001

163K 4.7K 647

*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... More

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
III: The Last Day
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XII: Ghost World
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XV: The New Deal
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXII: Heart of Darkness
XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVIII: The Five
XXVIX: The Killer
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXV: Catch Me If You Can
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

XXVII: The Rager

2.3K 76 10
By kmstories1001

It had only been a couple of days since Klaus' return to the living and they have been nothing less than dramatic. Rebekah and Klaus had gotten into one of their signature arguments resulting in Rebekah destroying what little of Elena's doppelgänger blood he had left to sire hybrids, but that was the least of their problems.

After Damon and Briana had released the vampire hostages at the Young cattle ranch, someone had gathered the council at the pastor's farm and blown it up. 12 innocent human lives were lost with no reason as to why this occurred. 

Briana had attended the funeral. She felt it was her duty as a member of a founding family.. or more likely Liz forced her to attend. In the days that Klaus had been back, it was the only time she had left his side. She was so afraid that at any moment he could be gone again that she didn't want to be away from him. 

The couple spent most of their time behaving like a regular, normal couple for once in their supernatural lives. They spent most of their days in bed or just relaxing enjoying being with each other, not taking a single moment for granted after what they went through. They talked, they laughed, they even cried.. okay.. Briana cried as Klaus wiped away her tears and reassured her that he wasn't going anywhere without her again. 

In fact, he had even proposed that they leave town. Since Elena was a vampire and her blood was no longer useful to him and he had practically disowned Rebekah, he had no connection to Mystic Falls, except Briana. At first Briana was hesitant, everything she had ever known was here, but after the rollercoaster of emotions she had gone through, a fresh start was exactly what she needed. 

They were set to leave town right after the funeral, but then things got even more hectic when a hunter came to town attempting to kill Tyler Lockwood in the middle of the funeral mass. Briana knew with this new threat, she couldn't leave. Once again, her sister's and her friends lives were at risk and she would be damned if she up and left them during a time when they needed her most. And Klaus.. well Klaus couldn't afford to lose any of his hybrids so they decided to stay until they could get this matter figured out, Klaus promising Briana that one day they would leave and they would start their lives together without risk of threats. 

But for now, the pair stayed put in Mystic Falls, starting their morning how they often did. Klaus stretched as he wiped the sleep from his eyes, he looked over to see Briana still sleeping peacefully. He couldn't help but admire her as she slept. She was so calm. He knew he was beyond lucky to have her after everything he had put her through. 

He rolled over wrapping his arm around her as he placed soft kisses onto her shoulder, slowing working up her neck. Briana smiled as she opened her eyes. If she had to be woken up, this was the best way to do it. 

She moaned softly as the feeling of his lips on her bare skin, rolling over to face him pulling his lips to hers. 

"Good morning." She spoke groggily with a playful smile. 

"That it is." He said flirtatiously as he leaned in to kiss her once more. Their kiss deepening with passion, hunger and lust. 

Maybe it was because they thought they would never see each other again or maybe it was just because they had both finally confessed their love for one another, but they could not keep their hands, and lips, off each other. It was like they needed each other every second of every single day. 

Briana had rolled Klaus onto his back so she was on top straddling him. She pulled at his bottom lip with her teeth causing a frustrated groan to escape his lips. She smirked flirtatiously as she kissed her way down his bare chest. Klaus clutched the pillow behind his head to keep him from falling apart. 

Klaus couldn't take it. He sped and flipped her over so he was on top as he passionately slammed his lips into hers, his tongue finding his way into her mouth. Briana let out a small moan and pulled at his hair as his hand found her way down her body right where she needed him most. 

Just as Klaus was finding her spot, Briana's phone rang from where it rested on their bed side table. 

"Ignore that." Briana breathed in-between kisses, practically begging Klaus to keep going. He smirked in their kiss as he kept going. There was brief moment of silence before her phone started ringing yet again. 

She groaned as Klaus pulled away from her, clearly annoyed by the interruption. Briana rolled over and grabbed her phone to see Damon was calling... of course. 

She let out an annoyed sigh before clicking answer. Klaus rolling back to his side. He watched as she lifted the phone to her ear. He had to have her. Now that they started, he couldn't stop. He pressed hot kisses to her neck as she talked. 

"What I'm busy." Briana said into her phone with irritation in her voice, trying her best to keep her composure, but all she could think about were Klaus' lips on her skin. 

"Busy? It's nine o'clock in the morning. I'm surprised you're even awake." Damon said confused. 

Briana huffed, "Well you know what they say.. early bird gets the..--" She looked down at Klaus who had pulled away from her neck, smirking waiting to hear what she had to say, his eyebrows raised. 

"... never mind did you call for a reason?" Briana said flustered as Klaus' hands ran up and down her body. She bit her lip to hold in a shaky breath.

She could hear Damon scoff in disgust on the other end of the phone, "As much as I hate to interrupt--" 

"Who said you were interrupting?" Briana spoke smugly. Upon hearing her words Klaus lifted his eyes to meet hers, seeing her raising her eyebrows and biting her lip flirtatiously. 

He smirked in reply and threw the blanket over his head as he went down to her sweet spot. Challenge accepted, he thought. 

Damon scoffed again, "I'm gonna barf." He said quietly, like he was actually holding himself back, "Anyways, that vampire hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom last night meaning he has werewolf poison in a bottle. So I'm going to find him, and then I'm going to eat him." 

"And what does that have to do with me?" Briana asked, her breath hitching in the back of her throat as Klaus' tongue danced inside her. Briana said sarcastically as her back arched, trying to keep her composure. She could Klaus smiling at his work against her. 

"Don't act like you aren't dying to rip that hunter to shreds. Plus, I need a buddy. So chop chop hurry and finish up and meet me at the hunter's lair on wheels or whatever you want to call it." 

Briana grunted as Klaus' latest movement letting out a deep breath, "Trust me Damon, I'm trying but being on the phone with you isn't really helping." 

"Well isn't that just an absolutely scarring mental picture." Damon spoke with disgust. 

"Look Damon  I'll meet you there in a half hour.. " Briana was barely keeping it together. She needed Klaus more than she ever did before.

 He slammed him thumb deep up inside her causing her to moan quietly, ".. maybe 45 minutes I gotta go bye!" She quickly spoke and hung up the phone. 

She arched her back groaning in pleasure as she let out a deep breath joining Klaus under the covers, making the most of their morning. Twice. 


"Okay I'm sorry I'm late but if you kn--" Briana started as she opened the door to the hunters mobile home. Her jaw dropped as she saw an arrow struck through Damon's chest, connected to a bomb on the other side of the trailer. 

"Now how the hell did you manage to get yourself into this one?" She quipped ironically stepping to the side to make eye contact with the vampire. 

"Because unlike you I was actually on time and I attempted to do some light.. let's call it investigating." Damon smirked playfully despite the predicament he was in. 

Briana rolled her eyes and grabbed the knife off the table next to Damon so she could cut the arrow out of him. 

"You know when you told me I was gonna have a long happy life getting everything I deserve, cutting arrows out of your chest while trying to avoid some mystery vampire hunter was not exactly what I had in mind." Briana spoke sarcastically as she began cutting the arrow. 

"I told you that when I thought I was going to die. How long do you plan on rubbing that in my face?" Damon said annoyed by the werewolf's constant need to remind Damon of his emotional proclamation. 

"Hm I don't know.. how does forever sound?" She smirked playfully. She was never going to let that down. 

Damon rolled his eyes as Briana stifled a playful laugh.  

"How well did you know Pastor Young?" Damon asked more seriously, holding an handwritten letter from the pastor to his daughter April in his hands. 

"I've known him since I was a kid, I mean, not super well just from church but he always seemed like a nice guy." Briana shrugged as she carved into Damon's back. 

"A nice crazy guy. He wrote a letter about sacrifice and war brewing in Mystic Falls." Damon said eerily as he held a handwritten letter from Pastor Young to his daughter April in his hand.

Briana peeked over Damon's shoulder to skim it with a furrowed brow. 

"What does he mean a greater evil is coming?  Don't we have a great enough evil already? I mean.. we have Klaus." Briana said redirecting her attention back to the arrow. 

Damon let out a sarcastic chuckle, "Well it's good to know you are at least self aware about your questionable choice in men." 

Briana rolled her eyes and she quickly jammed the knife into Damon's back just deep enough for him to yelp out in pain. 

"Oops my bad." Briana said sarcastically in an innocent tone. 

Just as Damon was about to reply, his phone rang. Briana caught a glimpse as he hit ignore to Elena's call. 

"So how did we get stuck on hunter duty anyways?" Briana asked as she was almost through the arrow. 

"Stefan has a physics test." Damon replied instantly causing Briana to let out a laugh. I mean the guy was a hundred and fifty something years old and still taking high school classes for fun.

"And we're a 'we' now? I'm surprised you're even here, or should I say, I'm surprised Klaus let you out of his sight." Damon quipped. 

"First of all, we have always been a 'we.' Try as I might I always seem to find myself in the middle of your idiotic plans. And trust me, I'd much rather be with Klaus but he had some hybrid business with Carol Lockwood to take care of." Briana said nonchalantly 

Damon looked back at her with a furrowed brow. 

Briana shrugged, "I don't know I wasn't really listening. He speaks in monologues.. it's hard to keep up sometimes." 

Damon rose his eyebrows as to say, 'fair enough' as Briana did one final cut to break the arrow free. 

"There. That should be good." She said stepping back as Damon swiftly pulled the arrow from his chest. 


Briana rolled her eyes as Damon placed a fake bandage on the side of her neck to act as bait and draw Connor, the hunter, into their trap. 

"I can do way more than just be bait you know." She rolled her eyes as Damon did the same, stepping back to examine his bandage work. 

"Yeah well this guy has werewolf venom and I'm under strict instructions from the werewolf venom cure himself to keep you out of this which I have clearly already failed at so why don't you do us both a favor and just amuse me with this." Damon replied back earning yet another eye roll from Briana. 

She quickly realized, "Wait.. you talked to Klaus?" 

"The only person in this town who wants to kill this guy more than me just happens to be your boy toy so yes.. I talked to Klaus. He's supposed to meet me here." Damon said. 

Briana stood stunned at the new found alliance. She never thought she would see the day Damon and Klaus were working together. 

"Wow. I'm just surprised you were able to pull him away from his hybrids. Them being his highest priority and what not." Briana spoke. Damon's attention was grabbed at the annoyance in her voice at the mention of the hybrids. 

Briana knew why siring hybrids was so important to Klaus, but she had hoped now that Elena was a vampire that the hybrids would play a less crucial role in their lives, but no. He hadn't even been back for a week and he was already running out to manage them. She didn't want to resent him for it, but deep down she was growing irritated. 

"There he is. Go." Damon said motioning towards Connor before he sped off in the opposite direction. 

Briana walked past the hunter with a sad expression on her face and head down, but making sure the bandage on her neck was noticeable. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him do a double take as she walked by, turning in his tracks to follow her. 

She led him down the hall and into the supply room. Quickly finding Damon hiding behind one of the shelves. They watched as Connor entered looking confused. 

"Is the hospital really the best place for a germaphobe?" Connor asked, sensing Damon's presence. 

"Did I say germaphobe?" Damon spoke sarcastically as he leaned against a shelf, "I meant vampire." 

Connor reached for his gun trying to shoot Damon in the chest as an arrow shot into his side, taking him down. As he reached down to pick up the gun another arrow shot into his left arm. 

"Ouch." Briana said sassily making her presence known as she stood beside Damon, ripping off the fake bandage. 

Connor was strapped to two bombs. He looked around to see how he could get out of the trap as Damon and Briana enjoyed the show. Connor reached for his gun but was stopped as it was kicked away from him. 

"Hello mate." Klaus taunted as Damon gave Briana a smirk. 

Klaus stepped back to be in line with Damon and Briana. He eyed the werewolf with annoyance in his eye. 

"And what are you doing here? I thought I told you to keep her away from this." Klaus directed one question to Briana and the other to Damon. 

"How long is it going to take you two to realize that I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself?" Briana retorted. 

She knew that both of the men were just trying to keep her safe, but she was strong. And for the first time in maybe forever she actually believed it. She wasn't going to sit on the sidelines and let everyone else around her do the heavy lifting.

Before, Briana would never even think of taking someone's life or even causing them extensive physical harm, but after almost losing everyone that she cares about, she was determined to never be in that position again. And this hunter was a threat to that. So she is fully prepared to do whatever she need to do to stop him, no matter what. 

"Now.." Briana said creeping towards the hunter, "Who the hell are you and what do you know?" Briana seethed, getting eye level with the mysterious man. 

Klaus and Damon exchanged a look from behind Briana before both steeping protectively in front of her to act as barrier between her and the hunter. 

"Really all we need is for you to cue us in on this 'greater evil' because I've fought this guy.." Damon pointed to Klaus, "and there's nothing more evil than that." 

Klaus had a proud smile on his face as Damon handed him to letter from Pastor Young. 

"Truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets." Klaus spoke smugly. 

Briana was shocked watching the evil partnership form before her eyes as she leaned against a shelf. 

"Well aren't you two just adorable." Briana said sarcastically as both men shot her a stern look. She looked past them to the hunter, "So what do you think? Should we leave them alone so they can make out in peace?" 

Klaus rolled his eyes as Damon smirked, "Easy jealously.. he's not really my type." 

Briana scoffed and rolled her eyes. 

Connor was not amused by the scene, "I'm not telling you anything." He spoke angrily to Klaus, "You think if you kill me it's going to be over? There's another waiting to take my place." 

Klaus mocked the hunter as he placed the letter in his jacket pocket, Damon turning towards the hybrid hitting him playfully as if they were the best of the friends. 

"See this is what I like to hear, vague threats, ominous prophecies--" Damon spoke playfully. 

"Don't forget the disappearing tattoo." Briana added moving in between Damon and Klaus, still eyeing the hunter. 

Klaus froze, his cocky grin falling, he kept his eyes on the hunter but leaned towards Briana to inquire more, "What do you mean tattoos?" 

"Don't bother. You can't see the damn thing." Damon replied. 

Klaus bent down, getting nose to nose with the hunter, "There's more to you than meets the eye isn't there?" He spoke eerily. 

Connor sustained eye contact with Klaus as he pulled out a stake, aiming directly for Klaus' heart, but Klaus grabbed his wrist before he had the chance. 

"Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire." Klaus taunted. Briana let out a shy smirk, incredibly attracted to her boyfriends actions. 

Klaus snapped Connor's arm backwards pulling the stake out of his hand. Briana's look turned to worry and concerned as she watched Klaus' expression change as he examined the stake, or rather the symbol engraved on the stake. 

"Nik." She said with concern in her voice, reaching out to place a hand on the hybrid's arm. 

Connor pulled at one of the cables connected to the bomb, trying to maintain a stable grip as Klaus muttered, "You're one of the five." 

Damon and Briana exchanged confused looks not knowing what Klaus could possibly be talking about. 

"The what?" Damon questioned. 

"And I'm faster than your average hunter." Connor spoke ominously as he pulled on the cable triggering one of the bombs. 

Damon quickly reached for Briana when he realized what was happening, Klaus still frozen in shock from the stake. 

Damon sped them back into the hallway landing flat on their stomachs just as the storage room exploded. 

Briana groaned in pain upon landing on the ground as she looked back to see the room in flames. She gasped before turning back to Damon. 

"What the hell do we do now?" 


"So when are you going to tell me what just happened back there? And what the hell is the five?" Briana persisted as she followed Klaus into the Salvatore house. 

Stefan had left numerous voicemails practically begging Klaus to answer him and meet him at his house, no doubt someone was in trouble. 

"All in due time love. I need to figure some things out."  Klaus said with his classic evil grin. Briana scoffed as they made their way up the stairs into Stefan's bedroom. 

"You came." Stefan spoke standing from his bed where Elena was lying weak, her breath staggered. 

"Oh my god Elena!" Briana spoke with shock and worry in her voice as she ran to the doppelgängers bedside. 

"I did. And for future reference one voicemail is just as effective as nine." Klaus spoke. Briana could tell he was annoyed. 

Elena groaned in pain as Briana stroked her hair, "What's wrong with her?" She questioned Stefan. 

"She has werewolf venom in her system." He replied to Briana sadly. Stefan redirected his attention back to Klaus, "You're the only one who can heal here Klaus please." He begged. 

Klaus smirked cockily, "And what would you have done if I was no longer here? Hm. If you are your friends had succeeded in ridding the world of me? Let's play that game for a moment shall we." 

"What do you want from me?" Stefan pleaded.

"I don't want anything from you." Klaus spat back. 

"Nik!" Briana yelled sternly. Her eyes practically demanded he heal the Gilbert girl. 

Klaus slowly walked towards the two girls on the bed. Briana watched closely as he sat down on the end of the bed, Elena groaning in pain. 

"If you had told me a few hours ago I wouldn't cared a lick about her dying... but as it turns out. You may be of use to me after all." He said with a devilish grin. 

Briana furrowed her brow pondering what that could possibly mean. Klaus bit into his wrist as Briana lifted Elena to be in an upright position. 

Klaus guided his wrist into Elena's mouth. The veins from under her eyes appearing as she drank the antidote for the poison swirling inside her. Briana and Stefan letting out sighs of relief watching Elena's strength return to her. 


Klaus dropped Briana back off at the mansion as he claimed he has 'business to take care of' which Briana knew was just his fancy way of saying he didn't want her to know what he was up to. Briana couldn't help but worry even though she trusts him. 

As she got into bed, Klaus' frozen expression upon seeing the stake engraving was burned into her mind. She had never seen him speechless. Her mind wandered what the hell the five could be. Based on what he said to Elena, she thought maybe it was something to do with his hybrids but she didn't know what. 

She tossed and turned not being able to fall asleep without Klaus next to her. They hadn't spent a night apart since he got back. 

Briana was afraid of what was to come next but she knew no matter what, she would not be in a position to lose anyone that she loves. So whatever greater evil is coming, she was determined to fight like hell to overcome it. No matter what she has to do or who she has to kill. It was anger she had never felt before. 

Her conscious was her own worst enemy. Everything inside her was telling her that no one has to die, but then she thought back to the pain and depression she felt when she thought Klaus was dead. When she thought her friends and her sister were going to die along with him. She couldn't go through that again. She wouldn't. 

So whatever is coming next... bring it on. 

a/n: AHHHHHHH bri, damon and klaus the trio you never thought you needed. also almost 29k reads on this book????? are you kidding???? when I started this a few months ago I was convinced literally no one would read so the fact that you guys are and are enjoying it is insane to me!! thanks sm for all the love <3

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