Revenge, Photos and Covenants

Da RLThorton

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(Complete) (Demonology Book 2). With winter break behind them and Gluttony sealed away, Zack is excited to st... Altro

Chapter 1: Return
Chapter 2: Funeral
Chapter 3: Vessel
Chapter 4: Jail Break
Chapter 5: Entropy
Chapter 6: Pool Party
Chapter 7: Pizza
Chapter 8: Iced
Chapter 9: Lab
Chapter 10: Unmasked
Chapter 11: White Rabbit
Chapter 12: Kidnapped
Chapter 13: Fight
Chapter 14: Death and Birth
Chapter 15: Exposed
Chapter 17: A Birthday
Chapter 18: Ritual
Chapter 19: Prime Suspect
Chapter 20: Caught
Chapter 21: Therapy
Chapter 22: Drafted
Chapter 23: Line in the Sand
Chapter 24: Revival

Chapter 16: Rave

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Da RLThorton

Deb sat in the corner of the room hidden in the depths of St. Jerome's Parish, The small room was packed with exorcists. Jessica, with a sense of authority and purpose that commanded respect, was in the process of handing out blessed weapons as they prepared to strike down their target.

"Nathan Boon is our target tonight," she said, pausing for a moment to let the information sink in. "Sources tell us he will attending a rave in an old warehouse in the industrial park tonight. Our goal is to strike while he is in human form, as a Familiar his skin is almost impossible to penetrate and his healing factor is too great for any meaningful damage."

Pablo, his face partially hidden by the shadowy depths of the room, popped open a small bottle and took more herbal supplements. A subtle smirk danced on his lips as he listened to Jessica's words.

"Deb will be the key to our plan's success," Jessica continued, her voice softening for a moment, "She'll lure him away from the rest of the people before we strike. We want to reduce the chance of collateral damage as much as possible." Faces turned to look at Deb, but her gaze was glued to the floor, she knew she had betrayed her friends by turning Boon over to the exorcists.

Deb just nodded solemnly, understanding the importance of her role. She rose from her seat and left the basement, her stomach tying itself in knots as she went. Pablo watched her exit with an intrigued smile, he was sure she had finally chosen her side in all of this. The other exorcists followed Deb up the stairs, ready to take a life that night.


Zack could feel the pulsating beat of the music reverberating through his chest as he entered the rave, the strobe lights nearly blinding him as he scanned the crowd for the others. He spotted Deb, Leona, and Sarah dancing together. For a moment Deb made eye contact with him, before averting her gaze quickly. Why did Deb look so uncomfortable? He worried as he made his way through the crowd to her.

"Deb!" Zack said as he pulled her away from the group, trying to make sure they couldn't hear him. She stopped dancing and turned toward him, a sheepish smile on her face.

"Hey, Zack," she said, the moment their eyes met she blurted out. "They know, Jessica and the exorcists know Boon is the Familiar." tears streamed down her face, "I'm so sorry, they guilted me out of it, I felt so lost and they took advantage of it. They are here tonight, they are going to try to kill him."

"Damn it, Deb!" Zack snapped, frustration simmering within him. "Do you know what you've done! This changes everything. Just... stay out of the way, alright?"

Deb's expression shifted from sheepish to hurt, but she nodded in agreement. "I'm so sorry, really I am. Please if there is anything I can do..."

"You can try to make sure your choice doesn't get anyone killed." Zack retorted, so upset by her betrayal that he was shaking. Fearing he would say something to her he would regret, he pushed his way through the crowd away from her. Now they had Sloth, Boon, and the exorcists to worry about. There were too many variables at play, and he feared that the plan wouldn't work.

Zack found John and pulled him aside, John noticed the worry on Zack's face immediately. He held out a syringe filled with anesthesia, his voice low and urgent.

"Listen, John, I need you to take this and try to get Boon."

"But I thought you.." John started.

"The exorcists are here, I am going to do everything I can to keep them busy. That means it is up to you and Olivia to deal with Boon. Be careful, alright?"

John took the syringe, feeling the pressure from the change of plans. "Ok, I'll do it, and don't worry I won't hurt Boon"

"Boon is not who I am worried about," Zack replied firmly, his eyes intense. "You need to be careful, Boon is undead and will survive almost anything, you won't so don't do anything that will get you killed." John nodded realizing Zack was genuinely concerned about his well-being.


Outside the warehouse, Ethel and Kristian noticed Jessica and a small group of exorcists heading toward the back of the warehouse. They stepped out of the Jeep and placed themselves between the exorcists and the warehouse. The tension was palpable, as both groups refused to back down.

"Ah, Ethel," Jessica sneered, her curly hair whipping around her face. "It was stupid of you to come out of hiding."

"You know why I'm here" Ethel retorted, her brown eyes narrowing. "You know we want the same thing. Do try to act like you are somehow better than us, we both intend on killing someone tonight. Using a book as an excuse for it doesn't mean it isn't murder, at least I own my actions."

"A demon giving us a lesson on morality, I've heard enough!" one of the exorcists shouted, and suddenly two Tasers were aimed at Ethel. They fired simultaneously, but just before the currents reached her, Ethel's eye turned to a dazzling emerald color as time froze around her.

Ethel moved quickly snatching the two exorcists and hurling them aside before time snapped back into place. The remaining exorcists turned their attention to Kristian, shooting him multiple times. To Ethel's surprise, he didn't heal.

"Those bullets are soaked in holy water," Ethel gritted out, clenching her fists. "You need to run now!"

"I'm not going anywhere," Kristian grunted. With all his determination he tapped into his control over water, he summoned a torrential downpour from the sewers that forced the exorcists to retreat to their cars. Kristian faltered slightly from the pain but kept the water pressure up, Ethel knew it was only a matter of time before he succumbed to his wounds.


Inside the warehouse, the music pounded and glow sticks waved, as dancers lost themselves to the music. Boon finally entered the party, his long red hair swaying in time with the rhythm.

"Hey there, handsome," Olivia purred, sidling up to him and grinding her body against his. The sultry smile on her full lips hid the tension in her dark eyes, she needed to keep Boon distracted.

"Get off of me, I don't have time for you," Boon said, pushing away from her. His gaze seemed to be more focused on the dancers, his movement jerky.

"Oh come on, don't you have time for just one dance?" she said, batting her lashes innocently as she continued dancing, skillfully keeping Boon from moving forward.

John took advantage of Boon's distraction to weave through the dancers, his brown eyes locked onto Boon's back. He clutched the anesthesia syringe tightly in his hand, feeling almost grateful for Zack trusting him with this, John could feel the adrenaline surging through his veins, this was it, his chance to end it right here and now.

John moved in to strike, his focus solely on Boon. Suddenly, something sharp pierced his side, causing him to gasp and freeze in place. Olivia experienced the same sensation, her face contorting in pain as their movements stuttered to a halt.

"Wh-what was that?" John asked through gritted teeth, scanning the crowd for any sign of their attacker.

"Venom," Olivia whispered, recognizing the creeping weakness that began to spread through her limbs. She realized Sloth was here, watching to make sure Boon carried out the task, she scanned the crowd but couldn't make out who their attacker was.

"John, he's changing," Olivia shouted, her voice strained. Boon had frozen in place, as his skin became translucent.

"Right," John fought through the pain and lunged forward. He caught up to Boon and plunged the syringe of Paulina's potion into the side of his neck, pushing down on the plunger with all his might. "Sorry, mate," he grunted as Boon's eyes widened in shock before his body began to slump as the potion took effect.


Back outside, Rob's eyes narrowed with intense focus as he sprinkled the last of the Palm Ash dust around the warehouse perimeter. But with the bag empty he realized he didn't have enough to close the circle and activate the barrier.

"Shit, what do I do now?" Rob whispered to himself, closing his eyes and trying to think about a solution. He kicked at the dirt and that is when it hit him. "The power of belief." Paulina had said the circle needed to be completed and he needed to believe it would work.

He took a deep breath and, with an unyielding conviction, shoveled some of the dirt into the bag the palm ash had been in. He shook the bag hard, trying to mix the remnants together before using the mixture to complete the circle.

As Rob exhaled, a triumphant smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. This had to work, he thought.


Zack left the warehouse looking for Ethel and Kristian, he needed to let them know the exorcists were on their way if they weren't there already. With his focus elsewhere, he didn't notice the figure racing toward him in the dark. The figure drew a taser and slammed it under his ribs, the shock sent him sprawling to the ground, consciousness slipping away as blackness engulfed him.

When Zack awoke, he found himself face down in one of the back rooms of the warehouse, his muscles aching from the current that had flowed through them. Blinking groggily, he noticed a faint metallic scent in the air and realized that Father Bill kneeling next to him. Panic surged through Zack as he tried to force himself up, but he was too weak.

"Ah, good. You're awake," Father Bill said coldly, looming over Zack with a malicious glint in his blue eyes. "I warned you that there would be consequences for continuing to see Deb, but you didn't listen."

There was a whizzing sound as a fog machine close by continued to pour smoke into the room, Zack's body shook, and the fog caused his mind to fog. "What.. What did you do to me?" he croaked, struggling to breathe through the thickening haze.

"The fog is infused with the blood of Christ, it makes vessels weak and cancels out their powers," Father Bill replied, his voice dripping with disdain. "You should feel honored, this tactic is only ever used against the most powerful of vessels." He stood up and made his way over to the duffle bag. "Know the only question is how to make this look like an accident."


Meanwhile, inside the main area of the warehouse, Rob joined Olivia, John, and the seemingly unconscious Boon. Olivia and John were still feeling the effects of the venom as their bodies advanced healing pushed it out of them. John, leaned against the wall, still unable to move his legs.

"Where's Zack?" Rob asked, looking between the pair.

"The exorcists are here, I think he went to deal with them," John said, still watching Boon for any signs of movement.

"What, how did they know?"

"How would I know that?" countered John. "Right now we need to make sure that Boon is actually out cold. We can worry about how the exorcists found out later."

"Right, we need to move Boon out of here," Rob agreed, reaching for Boon's arm. But in a flash, Boon's hand shot out, grabbing Rob's wrist and pulling him in close. Rob's face distorted from the pain, knowing he couldn't pull himself free from Boon's grip. He looked over at Olivia and John but both still couldn't move

"So I take it the potion didn't work," Rob addressed the possessed man, trying to run out the clock. "I assume I am talking to Sloth now. That's how this works right, you get full control the moment Boon is out of commission."

The voice that emerged from Boon was strange and unlike its host's, as it addressed Rob. "Smart boy," Sloth rasped, their words laced with malice. "I don't need Boon to use his body, in fact, it is so much easier when he is sleeping."

Rob swallowed hard, "You know we will figure out who you are, Zack never gives up on people and you made a poor choice for a Familiar."

"Rob, don't provoke it" Olivia warned, her dark eyes narrowed in anger. "Sloth is here and we can't protect you."

"This is what Sloth wanted," John added through gritted teeth, his legs shaking. "We can't do anything to stop him from killing his target."


Outside the warehouse, Pablo slipped past Ethal and Kristian. He approached the warehouse, a smile gracing his lips. He was a few feet away from a chained-off door when he came to a stop. He spotted the line of palm ash on the ground and eyed it cautiously.

"Curious," Pablo muttered under his breath, extending his hand towards the invisible barrier. He hesitated for a moment before moving his hand closer to the barrier, only to draw them back quickly, as if he'd touched a hot stove. "Clever."


Inside the warehouse, Deb found herself standing next to Sarah, her mind racing with thoughts about how she could make up this betrayal to Zack. She assumed Zack would break up with her for sure if she didn't find a way to fix things. Sarah could see the sadness in Deb's eyes and decided to make her move.

"Deb," Sarah said, her voice barely audible over the pounding bass. "I'm so sorry about Zack being here, I know he is your ex. Don't let him get in your head."

"It's complicated," Deb started. She stopped herself not wanting to share her feelings with a practical stranger and wishing Ahmed had come with her tonight.

Sarah moved closer and placed her arm around Deb, when Deb didn't pull away she made her misguided move. She tipped Deb's head toward her and pressed her lips against the confused young woman's.

As they broke apart, Sarah's eyes widened in horror at her own actions. "Deb, I'm so sorry. That was a mistake. I didn't mean..."

But Deb was already gone, turning away from Sarah and disappearing into the crowd, wanting to get as far away from Sarah as possible. She felt gross and taken advantage of as she slipped out into the night.

"Deb!" Sarah called out to no avail, her voice drowned out by the relentless beat of the music.

Just a few feet away Boon continued to hold firm on Rob's wrist. Boon's eyes shifted to DNA strands, as he began to vanish from sight. Rob felt his grip loosen as the change took hold, and he pulled himself free. He crawled over to Olivia and John.

"I can't see him anymore!" Rob shouted, his voice barely audible over the pounding music.

The Familiar, now fully transformed, turned its attention to its target. It stalked towards the dance floor, eyes locked on its prey – William, danced in the center of the crowd unaware of what was about to take place. With swift, predatory grace, it sank its fangs into him before he could even react, and his body collapsed to the floor in seconds.

"Shit!" Rob called out as partygoers realized William was dead. the crowd raced to the exits as panic took hold. Rob, Olivia, and John attempted to follow, but the barrier of palm ash prevented Olivia and John from leaving. Despite their frustration, Rob realized that Boon and Sloth also wouldn't be able to leave the building.


Elsewhere, Father Bill sneered down at Zack, who lay weakened and disoriented on the cold concrete floor. He prepped the needle full of a black liquid.

"Well this is it," Father Bill said like he was ending a business deal. "This will mimic a drug overdose, you will be just another victim of addiction."

Zack's eyes narrowed, anger igniting within him. "I'm not going to die here," he whispered, focusing all his remaining strength into expanding his aura.

Outside, Ethel's senses picked up on Zack's energy. Kristian's water surge began to fade as ran out of energy. Then she saw the crowd of people fleeing the warehouse. She turned to Kristian, urgency etched on her face. "Zack is in trouble, use the crowd to escape, we will meet at the safe house after." Kristian nodded and rushed toward the crowd, releasing the surge of water and letting the exorcists free.

Ethel found Rob near the doors with John and Olivia still inside. "We need to open the barrier."

"What why? if we do then Sloth escapes." Rob informed her, clearly confused.

"If you don't then Zack dies," Ethel said, feeling the desperation in Zack's aura.

"Are you sure?" Rob hesitated, worried about the consequences.

"Trust me," she replied, determination shining in her eyes.

With a nod, Rob broke the protective barrier, allowing Ethel to enter the warehouse and John and Olivia to limp to freedom. As she followed the aura deeper into the back rooms and stopped short of injecting Zack, he could hear her movements as she made her way to them. Father Bill drew a knife from his belt and as Ethel pushed through the door, he sent it flying in her direction. She barely avoided the blade and lunged at the man. The pair wrestled on the floor while Zack watched helplessly.

"Zack," Ethel grunted, trying to maintain her grip on Father Bill's arm. "You have to get out of here."

"I can't... I can't move..." Zack wheezed, his vision swimming as the blood of Christ vapor filled the room.

Ethel used her knee to send the priest flying off of her, she knew she needed to unplug the smoke machine ASAP if they wanted to escape. Ethel activated her future sight, in order to ensure her success. She dodged Father Bill's next attack, causing him to stumble and crash into a nearby scaffolding. A heavy pipe slid from above, impaling the man. Gasping for breath, Ethel unplugged the vaporizer and rushed to Zack's side.

"Save him," Zack managed to choke out as Ethel tried to help him to his feet. "I'll be fine."

Ethel hesitated for only a moment before assessing the man's fatal injuries. She placed a hand on his chest, a spiraling mandala seared into his chest. As his wounds began to heal, Ethel returned her attention to Zack.

"Thank you," Zack murmured, his voice weak but full of gratitude.

"Don't thank me, we may have just made things a whole lot worse," Ethel replied, supporting him as they made their way towards the exit.


The sound of sirens pierced the air as multiple police cars pulled up to the warehouse. Lindsey stepped out of her vehicle, eyes scanning the chaotic scene before her in hopes she wouldn't find Rob among them.

"Officer," a gruff voice greeted her. She turned to see Detective Harris approaching, his brow furrowed in concern. "We need you to gather some statements from the group over here"

"I'll get right to it," Lindsey replied, her voice tense. "I heard there was a casualty over the scanner."

"Yeah," Harris said, raising an eyebrow. "A young man inside."

"Do we know who it is?" Lindsey asked, her mind insisting it could be Rob.

"William Saunders," Harris replied, consulting his notepad. "He was the organizer of this illegal event."

"What was the COD?" Lindsey asked, holding her breath.

"You have some good instincts," Harris replied. "If you are thinking this is tied to our serial killer you would be right, same puncture wounds in the neck."

"Damn," Lindsey muttered, frustration evident in her voice. She chewed on her bottom lip, deep in thought. There was another victim and still no clear ties between them.


Back at Night School, Paulina carefully tended to Zack's wounds. His face was pale, and beads of sweat formed on his brow as he fought against the lingering effects of the poison.

"Stay put," Paulina advised, her voice gentle but firm. "I'll grab something from the bar to help clear the poison."

As she made her way to the bar, Ms. McLeod intercepted her. The older woman regarded Paulina with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Do you really think it's wise to let a couple of kids handle this situation?" she questioned, with clear skepticism.

"Those 'kids' are more capable than you might think," Paulina replied confidently, her gaze never wavering from Ms. McLeod's probing stare. "They've been through hell and back. I know they can take care of Sloth."

"Are you planning on telling them about what's coming?" Ms. McLeod asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Paulina hesitated for a moment, considering her response. "They already have enough to worry about," she finally said, her voice steady. "When the time comes, they'll be ready. The balance will be maintained."

With that, Paulina moved past Ms. McLeod and began preparing a soothing concoction for Zack. As she worked, she couldn't help but feel guilty, Zack's true test was coming and he was nowhere near ready to face it.


Jessica paced the parking lot where the exorcist where supposed to meet, a chilling wind swept through the air, as she waited for Father Bill to return. The flickering light from a distant streetlamp cast a light on an approaching figure. The figure limped forward, looking almost intoxicated as they stumbled forward.

"Jessica!" Father Bill called, his voice hoarse and strained. He clutched at his chest, pain etching lines across his face as he fought to remain standing.

"Bill!" Jessica's eyes widened in disbelief as she sprinted towards him. She reached him just as his legs gave way, catching him before he could collapse onto the cold ground. Struggling under his weight, she managed to lower him gently onto the pavement.

"What happened?" Her hands trembled as she searched his body for wounds. But nothing was out of place, no signs of broken bones or deep gashes.

"Jessica," Father Bill breathed, his blue eyes clouded with pain, "there's...something you need to know." His voice trailed off as his eyelids fluttered shut, his body going limp in her arms.

"Bill stay with me!" Jessica cried, panic rising within her. She shook him gently, trying to rouse him from unconsciousness.

"Damn it," she muttered, brushing a strand of curly brown hair out of her face. She gently lifted the unconscious man, hoisting him around her shoulders.

As she held her mentor, Jessica's thoughts raced. She assumed he must have suffered some sort of internal injury that night and needed immediate medical assistance.

"Think, Jessica, think," she muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing in determination. "There has to be a way out of this." She wasn't sure how she would be able to explain the man's injuries to the doctors, but her training was clear she would drop him off and claim she had stumbled upon him in the streets. She just hoped he would be able to recover.

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