Arms of The Angels || Book 2...

By kmnjihallelujah

34.4K 2.3K 386

I love you, even when you're only a hope. :3 Remember to separate fiction from reality ! This one is the seq... More



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By kmnjihallelujah

"Dad, can we change a car for a couple of months once my kids are born?"

"Huh? why?"

"I don't feel safe it they ride in my car. It's too small."

"But your car is strong enough, Minji." Mr. Pham took a seat beside her as he set a tray full of food on the table. Her parents in law traveled back and forth Seoul and Australia for the sake of their daughters and grand kids.

"Still..." Minji tossed one dumpling in her mouth.

"I talk to Hanni to trade in her car, she agrees with it but she insist we change it to pink Range Rover and I'm like... Dads, Range Rover is a tough, big, sporty car. The color can not be pink." She spoke as a matter of fact.

"I'll bring it up again when her hormone back to normal which may not happen before the babies are born."

"Well, sure. You can use mine." Both of older guys laughed.

They chit chat while eating tasty dim sum. Minji groaned loudly when her father dragged her out to the field.

"Remind me again please, Dads, why are we here?" Minji was bored to death.

"Because Hanni forbids you to join her pregnancy club?" Her father narrowed his eyes to measure the distance of the hole then swung his golf club.

"What did you do exactly, Minji?" Mr. Pham asked her with an amused expression.

"I didn't do anything. I merely told them about pregnancy from medical perspective," she answered.

"Apparently, they didn't really appreciate it."

Minji was telling the truth. She just left the fact that she constantly threw boring scientific statement — it was more like arguing, really every time their coach opened her mouth and in Hanni's opinion, Minji ruined the fun and enigma of pregnancy for all club members.

"There are many options to deliver our baby. One of the way is water birth-"

"The safety of that procedure is not scientifically proven." Minji raised her hand as she spoke loudly, interrupting the middle-aged woman.

"I has been widely reported that water delivery decreased the pain because the warmth of the water may produce a sedative effect, and the mother can adjust to comfortable position." The woman was pissed. It wasn't the first time Minji cut her off and made her look like a moron in front of the participant.

"But in case you forget, the baby needs oxygen as soon as he's out of his Mom's womb."

"The baby lives inside the amniotic sac for nine months!"

"Well he doesn't breath at that time. When he's out, his lungs are going to expand and he needs the oxygen to keep him alive. Can you imagine yourself to breath under the water?"

And the debate went on and on.


"I appreciate it, Baby, I really do." Hanni had both of her hands on Minji's head.


"You're terrifying all those pregnant ladies," Hanni stated softly.

"You are the smartest person I've ever known and I totally understand what you're trying to do but I don't think you should join my class anymore."


"That's okay, really. Besides, you can have two hours off for yourself. Play game or something."

"I'll shut up from now on. I swear I'm not going to say anything even though your coach is totally wrong illogical."

"It's still no, Baby. Now, let's sleep."

When most of the club members accompanied by their significant other, Hanni had her moms to tag along and she couldn't be happier. They shared their knowledge and experienced. It was worth a listen.

Nearing the end of the second trimester, Minji's anxiety regarding the babies increased. Their weights were below normal. It made Minji stressed out. Hanni was calmer as usual and accepted it positively. She had read a lot about multiple pregnancy. It was normal for triplets to have lower weight since they had to share the nutrients and everything.

The thing was, Hanni went to pregnancy club, read many pregnancy blogs and books where everything was unicorn and rainbow while Minji finished William's obstetric textbook in a month. It was basically heaven and hell. Hanni didn't know about it, obviously, otherwise she'd be really mad at her wife. Minji was only filling more gasoline to the fire. She was already anxious without knowing every tiny part complication that might happen to her wife yet she still scrutinized the info.

"Unnie," Minjeong sighed at the sight of cardiothoracic surgeon inside the ob-gyn department library.


"You really should stop coming here." Minjeong snatched the thick book and swiftly put it in its place.

"Hey! I'm reading that!"

"What are you doing?" The doctor folded her arms, looking at her disapprovingly.

"Reading the book you just rob."

"You're supposed to enjoy Hanni's pregnancy." she said as a matter of fact.

"This is the way I'm enjoying it, okay?"

"Then stop call me every time you feel like a symptom appear when it's clearly nothing." Minjeong shook her head as she took a seat across Minji.

"I get it, alright? I get it that it's scary for you. But look at her, look at your wife. Look how happy she is now. Knowing one thing or two is fine but if you explore the whole thing and then get terrified about it..." Minjeong took Minji's hand in her and patted it softly.

"Picture yourself as a parent to be, Minji Unnie. You are not a doctor for Hanni, she has me for that rule. She needs her wife, her partner. This is your moment, forget all of that scary things exist."

Minji sighed deeply. "Okay," she squeezed Minjeong's hand a little.

"Great!" Minjeong stood up, ready to leave. She had a C-section to do in fifteen minutes.

"And oh, Minji Unnie?"


"This is also your battle. She's a fighter, you should be the one too."

Minji smiled and nodded. "I will."


Minji whimpered when she felt Hanni's lips made a contact with her back.

"Baby, wake up..." Hanni kissed the back of Minji's neck softly. Her hand made its way to Minji's waist then slipped it underneath Minji's shirt. She caressed her wife's flat stomach earning a grunt from Minji.

"Wake up, please."

Minji opened her eyes a little but soon closed it back before she could even speak.

"Minmin, wake up." Hanni shook her body lightly.

"What?" Minji answered sleepily.

"Something wrong?"

Hanni took the chance to snuggle closer and placed many kisses on Minji's jaw and neck. Instead of waking up for real, Minji began to snore slowly. Hanni pinched Minji's nose making the latter jolted up by the sudden lost of oxygen.

"Let me sleep, Baby. I'm tired." She pulled the blanket to cover all her head.

"Love, please." Hanni tugged Minji's body persistently. She wasn't going to give up. Her need was burning and she couldn't hold it any longer.

"What?" Minji peeked under the blanket.

Hanni threw her best loving eyes, lips pouting to make them look irresistible. She pleaded without words.

"What do you want, Hanni?" Minji looked at Hanni blankly. Her brain buzzed trying to figure out what was Hanni wanted through her foggy mind.

Hanni leaned closer and kissed Minji's lips greedily. She let a lustful moan escaped through her mouth. Her hands stated to roam Minji's body freely.

"W-wait." Minji caught the movement then yawned loudly. She lifted her body slightly to see the clock on the drawer. It was past one in the morning. She groaned and turned her back at Hanni.



"Please?" She gave her best puppy dog eyes that normally no one can refuse.

"Are you seriously waking me up in the middle of the night to have sex?" Minji murmured in the pillow.

"I want to make love to you." Hanni excused lamely.

"That's basically the same thing." She retreated behind the blanket.

"I've been holding it all night and I can't do that any longer. It's like burning down there." Her face reddened at the shameless confession.

"I need you!"

"Sleep, Hanni."


"Babe, no. I'm not in the mood and I have surgery tomorrow morning. I need rest."

"Then go sleep on the couch!" Hanni pushed Minji roughly. She was beyond pissed at Minji. Her sexual arouse was on fire and no one could give her the satisfaction except Minji.

"Are you really kicking me out?" Minji asked in disbelief.

"Yes! Go!" Hanni threw her pillow harshly.

When Hanni heard the door closed, she let her tears fell down.

Is it because of my body?


Work and the current horrible emotional status exhausted Minji completely.

"Here, have some pie. It's fresh from the oven. Dani made it." Haerin gave a slice of pineapple pie to the other girl who looked more like a living corpse than a human.

"Thanks," Minji took a spoonful of hot pie without so much attention.

"Ouch!" Her tongue burnt.

"It's hot!"

"Of course it's hot," Haerin quickly handed Minji some cold water and tissue.

"You stupid."

"Ugh! My tongue is on fire." She complained.

"Why is your coffee cup has Huh Yunjin's name on it?" Haerin asked, eyebrows furrowed at the sight of Minji's drink on the table.

"Huh? Oh, she gave it to me before round. I didn't notice there's her name on it." Minji answered like it wasn't a big deal.

"Why?" Haerin frowned deeper.

"Have you seen me?" Minji pointed herself with her thumb.

"I look like a mess. I need a lot of caffeine."

"Why are you looking like this anyway?"

"I'm tired, Kang. Sleeping on the couch is not helping much."

"Why would you sleep there?" Haerin put some sugar in her drink.

"Hanni threw me out."

"Why? What did you do this time?"

"She wanted to have sex but I was too sleepy. I didn't have energy anymore. She literally kicked me out of the bed crying her eyes out accusing me of having a mistress because I didn't find her attractive anymore."

"And you go sleep on the couch? What kind of idiot are you?" Haerin folded her arms, looking at Minji disapprovingly.

"I'm tired, okay?!" She snapped angrily at Haerin.

"How could she say that? I would never cheat on her." Minji shook her head in disbelieve.

"This is not how she's supposed to pay me."

"Do you hear yourself?!" Haerin snapped back.

"She's having your babies, Idiot! Your lack of understanding amuses me. Her body is changing, her hormone drives her crazy. She bets her live for your babies! Do you even know how hard it is to bear one baby? One baby, Minji. She's having three!"

"So you're saying I should've done whatever she wants even though I'm not in the mood? It will lead to another arguments on how she can't satisfy me anymore."

"I'm saying be more considerate. I'm saying don't be stupid. Whatever you do to her will never beat the sacrifice she makes to bring your babies to this world. Think about it." Haerin shook her head as she put the rest of the pie inside the refrigerator.

"Huh Yunjin has a thing for you. You should be careful."

"Are you nuts? I'm married. She's Hanni's friend. She just sucks me up so she can get fellowship here. That's normal. We did what she did." Minji rolled her eyes, mocking Haerin's statement.

"How can you be so naïve?" She snorted.

"There's a fine line between sucking up and having a crush on someone, okay? What she did is not to impress you about her job. She wants your attention in more than attending-resident relation."

"Where do you get this idea?" Minji knitted her brows together.

"Everyone notices except you." Haerin put on her lab coat and tidied it up.

"I don't know whether it's good sign or not."

"What do you mean?"

"I've heard about it for a while now. At first I thought I don't have to tell you. I mean, you really have no idea regarding this matter. It may because Hanni is your center of attention so you're not aware of it. But if I keep you in the dark, I'm afraid damage will occur sooner or later."

"I'm... kind of lost here?"

"Just keep some distance with her and you'll be good." Haerin patted her shoulder. She pulled the doorknob to start her day.



"You really have big sensitivity issue. Work something on it."


Minji knew she was at fault. Yes, she was the one to blame. She hated herself for being so dumb. But she personally thought that her mother's non stop nagging was too much. It was a bad move to accept the call from her mom. She hadn't stopped yelling at Minji for almost half an hour.

"Yes Mom. Yes, I get it."

"This is not how you're supposed to treat your wife. I do not raise you to behave like this, Young Lady!"

"I know, I'm so sorry. It's my fault, I know."

"Oh don't apologize to me! Apologize to your wife!"

"I will, of course I will." Minji heaved a heavy breath.

"I will make it up to her, okay?"

"It better be soon. I don't know what is your problem with her but if I see her puffy eyes again, you're so dead, My Dear. I'm going to hang up right now."

"Okay, I love you, Mom."

"You're not so lovable right now."

Her mother ended the call after telling Minji where Hanni was.


Minji knocked on Hanni's door. Hanni missed her office so she asked her mother in law to drop her off there. There was laughter inside the room. That made Minji unconsciously smiled. She slowly tugged the door handle and sneaked a peek. The laughter immediately died down.

"Hey." The doctor pushed the door further and grinned guiltily at the sight of her wife.

"We're at the next door if you need anything, okay?" Danielle dragged Yeji out of the room after exchanged a quick hello to Minji.

"Hello there, beautiful." Minji greeted Hanni.

"Strong smell makes me nausea." Hanni looked away avoiding Minji's eyes and the flowers she brought.

"I know." Minji smiled.

"That's why I bought chocolate flowers instead. Your favorite." Minji bent down, placing her palm on Hanni's back then kissed the top of her head.

"Get off me." Hanni shrugged Minji away. She was struggling to get up because her stomach was so big and heavy.

"Hey, hey. Take it easy." Minji assisted her to stand up.

"Let me go! What are you doing here?!" She pushed Minji with all her might. She wasn't really that strong. Minji barely twitched an inch from her spot.

"I'm sorry for last night." Minji wrapped her arms around her wife.

"I really am."

"It is clear that my need doesn't matter to you anymore." She looked away.

"It's not like that. I just..."

"Just what? Tired? Your job consumed you up? It's always your job that comes first. When will I be your priority?" Hanni scoffed in disbelieve.

"You are my priority, Baby. I am so sorry." Minji held Hanni's face, bringing it towards her. She kissed her lips softly.

"I'm so sorry. You are my one and only. Your need is above everything, I'm so sorry." She repeated, without detached their joined lips. She blindly placed the flowers on the table. Her hand then wandered around Hanni's back and waist gently.

Hanni's burning lust was raging again. Every touch Minji made in her skin set it on fire. Even though she hated the fact that Minji go away easily, she couldn't resist her either. Maybe she was crazy, maybe she was a hypocrite but well... she couldn't careless now. She wanted Minji more than anything else and she wanted her now. Hanni threw her arms around Minji's neck. She kissed Minji back passionately.

"Someone is eager." Minji smirked smugly.

"Shut up and make love to me already."

"We're in you office. It's not appropriate." Minji gave her final peck.

"Let's go home. I can't wait to do you."

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