LOVE BEYOND LIFE, park sungho...

By httphoonz

193 19 22

❝ IF I HAD ONE WISH, YOU'D STAY FOREVER ❞ [ park sungho... More


till death do us part ❞

78 8 18
By httphoonz


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀IN THE QUIET TOWN OF GWANGJIN, where the autumn leaves whispered their secrets to the wind, lived a young woman named Byul. Her heart carried the weight of a love that transcended the boundaries of life and death. Sunghoon, her beloved, had departed from this world too soon, leaving behind a void that echoed in the corridors of her soul.

Sunghoon and Byul shared dreams, laughter, and countless sunsets that painted the sky in hues of pink and orange. Their love had been a melody, a symphony that played in the background of their lives. But destiny, with its unpredictable strokes, had separated them. Sunghoon's sudden departure in a tragic accident left Byul in the wake of sorrow, grappling with the harsh reality of his absence.

As the seasons changed, so did Byul. Her once vibrant eyes now held a melancholic gaze, and the laughter that used to dance on her lips had been replaced by the silent echoes of memories. However, in the stillness of the night, when the world around her slept, Sunghoon's presence manifested itself in the most extraordinary ways.

Byul would often find herself wandering through the familiar paths they had once walked together. It was during these solitary moments that the boundary between the living and the departed blurred. A soft breeze would carry whispers that seemed to echo Sunghoon's laughter, and the rustle of leaves would mimic the sound of his footsteps beside her.

The echo of his laughter haunted the rooms they once filled with shared stories and whispered confessions. Each corner of their home became a silent witness to the love blossoming and the void that now lingered. Byul's days unfolded like a fragile parchment, where the ink of joy had faded, leaving behind the indelible marks of grief.

The sound of a familiar melody or the scent of his favourite cologne became poignant triggers, unravelling the tightly wound threads of her composure. She would trace her fingertips over the remnants of his presence—a forgotten jacket, a necklace gifted to her—craving the tactile connection that had been abruptly severed.

Grief manifested in waves, crashing against the shores of her consciousness. Some days, it was a gentle breeze, a melancholic hum in the background of her routine. Other times, it was a tempest, an overwhelming force that left her breathless in its wake. The absence of his physical warmth became a chilling reminder of the void he had left behind.


Months after Sunghoon's passing, Byul found herself drawn to the attic of their shared home. Dust-laden memories lingered in every corner, and the air was thick with the bittersweet essence of the life they once shared. As she rummaged through old trinkets and forgotten relics, her fingers grazed a weathered box tucked away in a corner.

Curiosity sparked, Byul opened the box to find a collection of letters tied with a ribbon worn by time. The handwriting on each envelope bore Sunghoon's distinctive touch, a script she could recognize anywhere. A mix of emotions flooded her as she realized these were letters he had written but never had the chance to share.

With trembling hands, Byul unfolded the first letter, revealing words that danced across the paper like echoes from the past. In each heartfelt message, Sunghoon had poured his soul onto the pages, expressing his deepest emotions, dreams, and unwavering love for her. As she read, tears blurred the ink, merging her sorrow with the inked sentiments of a love that refused to fade away.

Through the letters, Byul discovered a chronicle of their love story—moments of laughter, shared dreams, and the promises they made under the moonlit skies. Sunghoon's words were a testament to the enduring strength of their connection, a love that transcended the boundaries of life itself.

As Byul journeyed through the letters, a profound sense of warmth enveloped her. It was as if Sunghoon's spirit lingered in every word, providing comfort and solace. The attic transformed into a sanctuary of memories, where the essence of their love intertwined with the echoes of a shared past.


As the soft strains of a familiar melody played in the background, Byul sat alone in her room, surrounded by the artefacts of a life that once thrived with love. The melancholic notes acted as a gateway to a realm where memories of her now-departed boyfriend, Sunghoon, came rushing back like an emotional tide.

Closing her eyes, Byul let herself be carried away by the haunting melody, the key to a vault of shared experiences and fleeting moments. In the sanctuary of her mind, she found herself wandering through the corridors of their relationship.

The flashback began like an old film reel, each frame vivid with the colours of laughter and tender embraces. She saw the first time they met, the spark of connection that ignited in their eyes. His laughter echoed in her mind, a warm symphony that had once filled the spaces between them.

Their shared adventures unfolded before her eyes—the lazy afternoons spent picnicking in the park, the spontaneous road trips that led to undiscovered places, and the quiet evenings wrapped in the comforting cocoon of their love. The vibrant hues of those memories painted the canvas of her consciousness, temporarily lifting the weight of the present.

Her mind danced through the seasons of their love. Spring, with its blossoming romance and budding connection. Summer, a season of warmth and shared dreams. Autumn, where the tapestry of their love deepened and matured. And winter, with its quiet moments of reflection and the promise of a love that could weather any storm.

As the flashback reached its zenith, Byul saw the defining moments—the exchanged promises beneath a starlit sky, the whispered confessions of vulnerability, and the shared gaze that spoke volumes beyond words. Each memory etched itself into the fabric of her soul, a testament to a love that transcended the fleeting nature of life.

Yet, as the flashback wove its final threads, the painful reality of the present washed over Byul. The room, once vibrant with their shared laughter, now echoed with the haunting silence of his absence. The warmth of his touch lingered only in the recesses of her mind, a spectral presence in the space they had once inhabited together.

With a bittersweet sigh, Byul opened her eyes, allowing the echoes of the past to settle back into the corners of her heart. The room remained unchanged, but the weight of her memories, both a comfort and an ache, lingered like a gentle mist, reminding her that the love they had shared would forever reside in the tapestry of her soul.


In the heart of Gwangjin, there stood an ancient oak tree, a silent witness to the passage of time. Under its sprawling branches, Sunghoon and Byul had declared their eternal love. It was here that Byul found solace, a sacred space where she could commune with the essence of her lost love.

One crisp autumn evening, as the leaves descended gracefully to the ground, Byul felt an inexplicable warmth enveloping her. The air seemed charged with an ethereal energy. Standing beneath the old oak, she closed her eyes, allowing the memories to flood her senses.

And then, as if guided by an unseen force, she heard Sunghoon's voice, tender and familiar. He whispered, "Our love is timeless. I am with you, always."

Tears of both sorrow and joy rolled down Byul's cheeks. In that moment, she felt an ethereal connection that transcended the boundaries of life and death. Sunghoon's love, though no longer tangible, lived on in the rustling leaves, the gentle breeze, and the quiet whispers that filled the air.

From that day forward, Byul carried the bittersweet symphony of their love in her heart. The pain of loss remained, but so did the comforting presence of a love that defied the constraints of mortality. In the quiet town of Gwangjin, where the autumn leaves whispered their secrets to the wind, Byul found solace in a love that lived on, beyond the veil of this world.

Though the ache of loss lingered, Byul carried her grief as a testament to the enduring flame of their love. She discovered a poignant beauty in her vulnerability—a woman sculpted by sorrow, yet standing resilient in the face of an unyielding storm.


My Dearest Byul,

As I pen down these words from a realm beyond the reach of mortal senses, my heart is filled with an everlasting love that transcends the boundaries of life and death. I find myself immersed in the ethereal tapestry of memories we wove together, and my spirit lingers in the spaces where our laughter once echoed.

The oak tree, under whose branches we declared our eternal love, stands as a testament to the timeless connection we forged. Its leaves whisper tales of our laughter, and its roots carry the echoes of our promises. In the rustling of the wind, hear my voice, and in the gentle caress of the breeze, feel my touch. I am there, my beloved, in the intangible beauty that surrounds you.

Do not mourn my absence, for I am not truly gone. Instead, celebrate the love we shared—the laughter, the tears, and the moments that defined us. Embrace the world with the same passion that we once embraced each other, and find solace in the knowledge that our love, though unseen, is an undeniable force that guides you through the labyrinth of life.

Until the threads of destiny weave our spirits together once again, my love, carry our memories as a beacon of light. I am with you, always.

Yours Eternally,

My Darling,

As I embark on this ethereal journey beyond the veil of life, my heart aches to convey the love that continues to burn brightly in the recesses of my soul. Time may have separated our physical forms, but it has not diminished the profound connection we shared—a connection that transcends the boundaries of mortality.

In the quiet moments when the world falls still, know that I am near. My love for you is an eternal flame that flickers in the gentle rustling of the leaves, the warmth of the sunlight, and the soft whispers of the wind. Though unseen, I am the unseen companion who walks beside you, a silent guardian of your heart.

As you navigate the chapters of your life, let the memories we created be a guiding light. Our laughter, the tender moments, and the promises whispered under the moonlight—let them be the compass that leads you through the vast expanse of your days.

I implore you, my dearest, to find solace not in the ache of loss but in the beauty of what we shared. The love we cultivated is an eternal bloom that will forever perfume the gardens of our intertwined destinies.

Until the threads of destiny weave our spirits together once again, know that my love for you endures—a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

Yours Eternally,

To Whom It May Concern,

Allow me the privilege of expressing the indescribable beauty that resides in the heart and soul of my girlfriend. She is a masterpiece, a celestial being who graces the world with her presence. From the moment our eyes first met, I found myself captivated by a beauty that transcends the physical and delves deep into the realms of the extraordinary.

Her eyes, oh, her eyes—they are the windows to a universe brimming with kindness, intelligence, and a profound understanding of the human spirit. They sparkle with a warmth that can thaw the coldest hearts, drawing you in with an irresistible allure

Her smile, a radiant sunrise breaking through the darkest of nights, has the power to illuminate the entire room. Her laughter, a melody that echoes in the chambers of my heart, is a testament to the joy she brings into every moment.

Her kindness is a gentle breeze that touches everyone lucky enough to cross her path. In a world that sometimes feels cold and indifferent, she is a beacon of compassion, radiating warmth to those who need it most. She possesses an innate ability to make people feel seen, heard, and valued.

In her, I find a confidante, a partner in crime, and a source of inspiration. Her beauty is not just skin deep; it's a kaleidoscope of qualities that make her the extraordinary person she is. To be in the presence of such beauty is a privilege, and I cherish every moment I spend with her.

A Grateful Heart


So, this is new for me. idk if I am being hard on myself but I don't think it's emotional enough-

I feel it's missing smth... A sparkle of trauma maybe? (jk)

Oh well,  I can't think of anything rn but when I do get an idea I'll prolly add it. 

Anyways, I had fun writing it and I hope you guys had fun reading too!

Have a great day<3

With love,

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