By Koma_Hina17

178 12 46

Featuring Hinata Shoyo and Swageyama Tobiyolo (if yk what I mean) :) More

The Beginning
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Christmas Special
Things that happen in broom closets (1)
A/N!! :D

Detention (2)

10 1 0
By Koma_Hina17

"1. he never/ does NOT like you and 2. YOU AREN'T EVEN DATING!" Hinata yelled in his defence

"All that is going to change soon enough, but since you have the audacity to say that to my face, much less behind my back, let me tell you this" Aiko said warningly

"what is it??" asked Hinata getting suspicious

"I can tell them you stole him from me and threatened to kill me" she said with a smug look on her face

"YOU-" Hinata stared at the floor. He was getting cornered. It was true that he and Kageyama both loved each other but before that, he was with Aiko, whom he didn't even love

"Who do you think they'll believe?" This made Hinata look up and stare at the blonde before him

"Everyone already knew we were together, before you came and took him from me, so I'd like to see what you can say in your defence"

Hinata knew in his heart that Aiko had won. He was stupid to think he could actually love Kageyama without any consequences.

"What's taking him so long?" Kageyama had been waiting for the tangerine to come out for almost half an hour now. Apart from Hinata, the only one left was...! AIKO!. He should've known something was up when he'd been waiting so long. Rushing to save his tangerine, he sprinted inside and up the stairs until he reached the door. He could faintly hear the two yelling at each other. Suddenly he could hear someone coughing really loudly. He thought it was Aiko, but part of him feared the worst that it could be Hinata, and he was right

"awww, is the little tangerine coughing up blood?. Did I hit you a bit too hard?" Aiko laughed as she said this. Hinata knew she was crazy but he didn't expect her to be a yandere as well!. Slowly, he moved backwards until he came in contact with the wall.

Kageyama had to do something and fast, so he did the only thing he could think of. He broke down the door and rushed to Hinata's side.

"AIKO, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" he yelled furiously.

"me? I just taught him a lesson for coming in between our love" she replied

"FOR THE LAST TIME, WE'RE NOT IN LOVE AND WE NEVER WILL BE!!" Kageyama had grown tired of her. Slowly yet carefully, he picked up Hinata in his arms and carried him bridal style. However, he had called the police prior to this and they began swarming the building as they arrested Aiko. Hinata looked like he was in discomfort so Kageyama didn't bother wasting any more time. He thanked the police and headed home before anything else could happen.

It was almost 7pm when Hinata regained consciousness. He found himself in an unfamiliar place. Not knowing what to do, he slowly walked downstairs expecting to see a mafia member. However, he was greeted with the sight of Kageyama in an apron, whilst making food for both of them. #HUSBANDMATERIALFRFR

"Where am I?" Hinata asked looking around.

"My house" Kageyama answered back quickly. He was trying not to let the food burn.

"What are you making?" he asked looking behind Kageyama's shoulders

"You sure are asking lots of questions for someone who just woke up". Hinata pouted while Kageyama laughed at his expression. (He really does act like a child) he thought to himself

"I'm making Tamago Kake Gohan" he answered. You could practically see the star sparkling in Hinata's eyes.

"THAT'S MY FAVORITE, HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" Hinata yelled more than asked. Kageyama laughed even more. "I asked Suga-san what you liked". Hinata started to cry. "! W-WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?" Kageyama asked worriedly as he set the bowls down.

*sniff* "because no one except the team and my mom really bothered to care" Hinata said, still crying. Kageyama huffed and cupped his face while wiping the tears from his eyes. Hinata looked up at him.

"if they decided not to care, then that's their loss, you're a really amazing person, and you deserve the world, so don't bother about them, you have your mom, the team, Natsu, and most importantly, you have me..".

Hinata hugged him tight. No one ever said things like that to him. It made him feel special, because he knew that another person really cares for him.

"Now, let's eat before it gets cold" Kageyama said while planting a soft kiss on the tangerine's cheek. Hinata smiled and nodded.

After eating and cleaning up, the two went to bed. Hinata having to borrow one of Kageyama's shirts that was a bit too big on him. They both climbed onto the bed and fell asleep cuddling

(something like this)

"I'm really lucky to have you, Kage.." Hinata's voice trailed off as he fell asleep

"You have no idea how much you mean to me... I love you, Hinata" Kageyama said

"mmm.... I love you more..."

They both fell asleep in each others arms, with not a care in the world, but only for the person with them in that one moment.


YOU GUYS, PLEASE TELL ME HOW I DID, I feel like this is an improvement from the way I used to write them before but I'll still work on it. Anyways, thanks for reading!

I'll see you next time


NOTE: next update of KageHina will be on Tuesday, 9th January

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