Debut or Die Magazine

By LightlessCloud

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This is a magazine that delivers news on the web novel "Debut or Die" Author: 백덕수 (Baek Deoksu) Disclaimer: T... More

Translator Notes

Ryu Chungwoo Birthday Celebration, Official Interview

117 6 1
By LightlessCloud

[Kakaopage has invited Ryu Chungwoo]

Interviewer: Hello! This is KKP's friend. To start the interview, please give us a self introduction.

Ryu Chungwoo: Hello. This is Testar's leader in charge, Ryu Chungwoo.

Ryu Chungwoo: It's been a while since I've done a personal interview so I'm slightly nervous, but I'll answer sincerely. Thank you. 😊

Interviewer: It's your birthday today, right?!! I wish you a very happy birthday~! 🥳

Ryu Chungwoo: Haha, thank you.

Interviewer: So~! To celebrate Ryu Chungwoo-ssi's birthday, you will be answering loviewers' questions~?

Ryu Chungwoo: Yes. I thought a lot about what questions would be asked before coming. Please take care of me.

Interviewer: Yes yes! This type of official response must be a first, I'm jealous of the loviewers whose questions were picked! Then I'll ask the loviewers' questions for Ryu Chungwoo right away! Let's get started.

Interviewer: First question ⭐ User 'KKPHonoraryWallet' and many others asked this question

Interviewer: Q1. Chungwoo please... please tell us your height.

Ryu Chungwoo: My height? I didn't particularly grow much... I'm still 185cm. 😊

Interviewer: You seem taller!! In any case, it's likely because your physicality is good~

Interviewer: Second question ⭐ From user 'Bbangya'

Interviewer: Q2. Cologne you use frequently or favorite scent??

Ryu Chungwoo: Haha, to be honest I haven't used cologne many times before so... I'm sorry to say I'm not sure. I just go with whatever (staff) spray on me.

Ryu Chungwoo: Right now... hm, the scent is woody.

Interviewer: I'll definitely ask the coordinator about it later~!

Interviewer: Now the third question ⭐ From user 'new_'

Interviewer: Q3. Is there a habit or behavior you repeat before going up on stage?

Ryu Chungwoo: There was a time I used to unnecessarily suffer over this type of jinx mentality, so now I actively try to avoid being conscious of it.

Ryu Chungwoo: But... the members said I have a habit of doing grip exercises. I thought about fixing this, but since it's not a ritualistic habit, I decided to do it comfortably.

Interviewer: As expected... your physicality was built by habits

Interviewer: The next question ⭐ From user 'ㅇㅇ'

Interviewer: What presents did you get from Testar?ㅋㅋ

Ryu Chungwoo: There was a bit of a polite atmosphere the first year after our debut so I mainly received gift certificates and gift emoticons. After that year, I gave and received a lot of clothes and hobby supplies.

Ryu Chungwoo: For this year... The maknaes gave me training clothes and same-age Sejin gave me a psychology book set. I received a scarf from younger Sejin that I used well during the Winter... Moondae gave me a big bag, it's extremely convenient during trips abroad.

Ryu Chungwoo: I was surprised the most by Ahyeon. He made me a stress ball. I didn't know he could make stuff like this so I was surprised. Even now I use it well. 😊

Interviewer: Of course... They all seem meaningful as practical gifts

Interviewer: Fifth question ⭐ User 'tlswogus' and many others asked this question

Interviewer: Q5. Chungwoo's first impressions of the members and impressions now

Ryu Chungwoo: At first I was amazed by how incredible everyone is. A majority are younger than me, but they were all really passionate and sincere while participating in the program (idol co).

Ryu Chungwoo: Even now I admire them, but we've grown very close and a few things are looser. 😄 Everyone's still working hard and they're all very cute dongsaengs.

Interviewer: Heh... That was a very leader-ly comment

Interviewer: Sixth question ⭐ From user 'IHopeTodayIsHappyToo[see more]'

Interviewer: Q6. You've put out a lot of albums by now, what is the song Chungwoo likes the most?

Ryu Chungwoo: Truthfully I like all of them but... Among the previous songs, I think 'Airplane' is the one I listen to the most.

Ryu Chungwoo: The lyrics are beautiful, and I like the sound of the piano accompaniment and drums so I often listen to it while hiking.

Interviewer: I was so surprised when I saw the 'Airplane' MV.. The mysteriousness of the country-side school mixed with fantasy..

Interviewer: I also liked it very much ㅠㅠ

Interviewer: The seventh question is... ⭐ From a user with a perfect name for today.

Interviewer: 'October28thTestarLeaderRyuChungwooBirthdayRecipient' gave a question.

Interviewer: Q7. Did fans send more marriage documents, or did they send more divorce documents?

Ryu Chungwoo: 🤣 I think a similar amount? They're usually brought in all at once.

Ryu Chungwoo: Still, I'd like to see more of the former. Let's live well together, not get divorced.

End of Part 1

Interviewer: We're already on the eighth question! ⭐ From 'SmartChildishPersonalityElderlyShinCheongryeo'

Interviewer: Q8. They asked: What does your name's Korean characters stand for?

Ryu Chungwoo: It is 'Chung' for clear and 'Woo' for helpful. My parents gave me 'Chung,' and 'Woo' is our family's character.

Ryu Chungwoo: I like both of them. You should live your life in a manner as good as the meaning of your name.

Interviewer: Next, the ninth question ⭐ From 'El' Q9. Chungwoo, how many times have you hit bullseye?

Ryu Chungwoo: In an official game? Or during a practice game...

Interviewer: Is it possible to say for all of it?

Ryu Chungwoo: Ah, so in total. Then I think it's rare for a person to count a cumulative total. If I had to say, I would calculate a probability... Well, I'll answer that I never fell below average at tryouts.

Interviewer: Ooh, it's the tenth question! ⭐ From user 'Journey'

Interviewer: Q10. I want to know more about the dog Chungwoo is raising...

Ryu Chungwoo: Ah, our Ggami.

Ryu Chungwoo: It's about... it's about the size of my arm. My dog is very cute. It also really likes people.

Ryu Chungwoo: It's a brown poodle, and when I was in middle school my dongsaeng begged a lot to bring it back home so I ended up raising it. It's gentler now that it's grown so old, but it used to be a very self-assertive and powerful dog.

Interviewer: Hoo.. It's so cute and sweet.. Please show a picture next time!

Interviewer: Now.. It's the eleventh question ⭐

Interviewer: From user 'WaitingForMyDelivery' Q11. What did you save the members as on your phone?

Ryu Chungwoo: Let's see... Ah, all the members are put in by their names. It looks like I haven't changed it since I inputted it during <Idol Co>.

Ryu Chungwoo: Sejin-ie, so only the younger Sejin's name is a little different. It's because he wrote it in himself.

Ryu Chungwoo: Contact: Cool Dongsaeng Sejin-ie 👍🏻

Interviewer: ㅋㅋㅋ It's Sejin-ssi's answer~ It's cute

Interviewer: Twelfth question ⭐ From user 'Loviewer'... It's a loviewer Loviewer-nim ㅎㅎ

Interviewer: Q12. Are there stuff like rules in Testar's dorm? Chungwoo's thoughts on what you would want Testar members to always follow at bare minimum while living in the dorms!! I'm curious

Ryu Chungwoo: I don't think there are any particular rules... Ah, maybe no using speakers after midnight?

Ryu Chungwoo: There isn't anything we need to always follow, but since we are living together, I think we should be considerate of each other as a given. So when we started living together in the dorms, there was a time I once said "Whatever it is, take another moment to think before acting on it," but I'm just thankful that they stick to this point even now.

Interviewer: Thirteenth question ⭐ 'igaeng' asked a question

Interviewer: Q13. Chungwoo-ya... I'm worried... Without you... Who protects heaven?

Ryu Chungwoo: 😄

Ryu Chungwoo: Heaven... it must know how to protect itself. I will work hard to protect the grounds where loviewers are.

Interviewer: Yes. Chungwoo-ssi is now a part of the ground team after all ㅎㅎ

Interviewer: The fourteenth question is... ⭐ ● × ●♡'s question!

Interviewer: Q14. Thinking about yourself, what do you think your charm point is??

Ryu Chungwoo: 😄 Hm, charm point... I think people like seeing my hard working image.

Interviewer: Ah-hyoo, you're so charming though... You're too humble.

End of part 2

Interviewer: This is the fifteenth question ⭐ From 'blah'

Interviewer: Q15. They asked: I'm curious about Chungwoo's motto!!

Ryu Chungwoo: 'When you can, give it your all.'

Ryu Chungwoo: Whatever the outcome, I decided to go with this because it would be stuck in my mind at the end of the day... and I use it to push myself when I want to be lazy.

Interviewer: Sixteenth question! ⭐ 'new_' asked, oh? I think this loviewer was chosen before, they're very lucky!! Congratulations ㅎㅎ

Interviewer: Q16. I'm curious about Chungwoo's normal daily routine! They ask about what you do from the moment you open your eyes to right before you sleep.

Ryu Chungwoo: For what I do the moment I wake up, I stretch. After that, once it's time, I eat breakfast and exercise and... I go out on days with a schedule planned. Truthfully, I don't do anything particularly special.

Ryu Chungwoo: Ah, recently I've been borrowing some of same-age Sejin's books to read but I wasn't able to read as much as I wanted. It's a bit dull, isn't it? I'm sorry. ☺️

Interviewer: You say dull!!!! Anything we can know about Ryu Chungwoo-ssi is thrilling and the best 🥰

Interviewer: This is the seventeenth question. ⭐ From 'SchoolAbsence' Q17. Chungwoo-ya, show your signature

Ryu Chungwoo: It's a little boring since it's the same one I made during the olympics.. I hope you see it as pretty. Haha

Interviewer: A clearer photo of Ryu Chungwoo-ssi's sign will be released on Kakaopage's official SNS 10/31(Sun)! Don't forget loviewers~!

Interviewer: Eighteenth question! ⭐ 'okssu' left this question

Interviewer: Q18. I'm curious about Chungwoo's and Testar's alcohol tolerance ranked!

Ryu Chungwoo: We don't drink often since we have to maintain our conditions, but I think it's not to the point that we can't drink. About... I think I'm okay up until 5 bottles of soju. I don't drink above that so I don't know for sure.

Ryu Chungwoo: In terms of tolerance ranking... Hm, Moondae drinks well and Eugene is quite good at drinking. But among the three of us, I think I drink the most. 😄

Interviewer: We're reaching the end of our questions ㅠㅠ The nineteenth question is ⭐ from user 'one'

Interviewer: Q19. What Testar episode Ryu Chungwoo thinks is the funniest

Ryu Chungwoo: We all gathered and slept in the living room thinking a cockroach was in the dorm, but the next day, Cesco visited and found the cockroach, and it was a toy we received at a fan signing event

Interviewer: Aigoo 🤣

Interviewer: Twentieth question! ⭐ This seems to be a 'this or that' game

Interviewer: Like mint choco or hate mint choco (from 'Harae' and others)

Ryu Chungwoo: I'm not one to choose mint chocolate but... I can still eat it if someone else picks it. 😊

Interviewer: Pour it or dip it (from '10/30MunchkinFemProtagLaunching')

Ryu Chungwoo: I now dip and eat. But um... Would this be TMI? My family pour and ate so I used pour and eat like them, but I changed that once I joined the athlete dormitory. This also must be the fun of community life.

Interviewer: 9 Cha Eugenes or 9 year old Cha Eugene (from 'TenthMonth')

Ryu Chungwoo: 9 year old Cha Eugene

Interviewer: Listen to Kim Raebin explain composition for 100 hours or handle a high tension Cha Eugene for 100 hours (from 'DoD❤SeonAhyeon💕ILoveYou')

Ryu Chungwoo: Um... I'll go with Raebin. Even if I don't choose the latter, I have to experience it while living together.

Interviewer: This is the long-awaited final question!! ⭐ From 'LetsGoToTheRepublicOfKorea'

Interviewer: Q20. What is the size of your fourth finger?*

(*ring finger)

Ryu Chungwoo: Now that I see it, I just put on whatever fits so I don't know my size as well. Please come to measure it for me. 😊

Interviewer: With this, the loviewer's questions are done..! I'm very thankful for your participation and hard work in today's text-interview! Then for the last time, please give the loviewers a short word!

Ryu Chungwoo: I really enjoyed the interview. Since I'm a rather unimaginative person, there were many questions outside my expectations, but as I answered one after another, I enjoyed how I continued to recall the years I've spent with Testar. Thank you for your interest and support.

Ryu Chungwoo: I hope that my answers to the questions are as good as how much I enjoyed answering them. Thank you always and I love you, loviewers!

Interviewer: Thank you! This was Testar's Ryu Chungwoo! Clap clap

Ryu Chungwoo: ☺️

Ryu Chungwoo: Thank you. Do I just leave the room?

Interviewer: Yes yes! You can leave!

Ryu Chungwoo: Yes, thank you.

[Ryu Chungwoo has left.]

Interviewer: Let's meet again in November~

End of part 3

[Exclusive] Post-Interview with Ryu Chungwoo, Confused Testar Groupchat Revealed

[KKP Entertainment] This past October 29th, an interview commemorating Testar's leader Ryu Chungwoo's birthday was released.

In the released interview, Ryu Chungwoo said "My dog is very cute. It also really likes people. It's a brown poodle, and when I was in middle school my dongsaeng begged a lot to bring it back home so I ended up raising it," showing his affection for his dog, Ggami. However, controversy continues as news spreads that the same group's Park Moondae, who seemed to have read the interview, made remarks that confused the group chat.

(Provided by T1 stars)

According to the conversation released on Testar's official SNS account, members except for Bae Sejin and Seon Ahyeon, who are at a photoshoot, argued over Park Moondae's remark "It's black" but failed to narrow down on their opinions.

Ryu Chungwoo said, "I named him Ggami* because he was black when he was younger, but his color became lighter as he grew up... So shouldn't we see it as a brown poodle now?" But Park Moondae dismissed this, saying, "It just looks black."

(*The name Ggami is a reference to the color black, Ggameunsek 까만색.)

Netizens' responses were divided between "Yesyes, leader Ryu is right," and "No matter how I see it, puppy Moondaengdaeng is more right," and at one point, "It's not a brown poodle or a black poodle, it's a chocolate poodle."

Meanwhile, there was another controversy over the fact that Lee Sejin's contact name in the group chat was no longer "Cool Dongsaeng Sejin-ie," but it quickly ended when an official announcement stated that the contact name was only changed in Kakaotalk.

Copyright ©백덕수| KWBOOKS, Edit kakaopage

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