It was just a sketch

By Skate_Craze

45 1 0

Tadashi gets bored at work and takes a seat by the main desk in Ainoskes office he finds himself drawing rand... More

A slow day at work

45 1 0
By Skate_Craze

Tadashi was given orders to have printed a set of files and hand them to Ainosuke once he was done with his meeting and wait for him in his office, but the meeting had run way over time and Tadashi was stuck bored in the office. The office was all too familiar to him the array of gold and red decorating the room, the odd paperwork leftover on the desk and the screens that most struggled operating, tadashi knew this room like the back of his hand. That was probably why he was so bored, there was nothing new to look at nor nobody to keep him company.

He wondered is Ainosuke felt the same about this room they both spent an equally long amount of time in there exchanging ideas watching S matches and making new themes/offers on the S website. But this was probably the first time in a long time tadashi was standing for a long period of time alone in there. It had been 10minutes since the meeting should have ended tadashi didn't get the hold up, but his legs were beginning to ache and had no side job rather than having to wait.

He sighed and gave in to the weirdly large chair behind the desk. If Ainosuke were to see he'd be dead but surely he can excuse the tardiness as his meeting ran over. He sat down in the velvet chair it spun and had the appearance of some sorta throne, its sleek arms were black and decorated in dark embroidered flowers that tadashi had never noticed until now. The desk was a wooden one with normal computers on that were turned off, nothing other than noticing the flowers and how wide the chair were, was different about this room and even from the different and unusual perspective of sitting in Ainosukes chair the room still didn't change.

Tadashis dying attention locked onto some loose pieces of paper on the desk. They were blank and in a pile clearly not being used. Tadashi took 3 pieces and examined them, nothing written nothing special so he decided to put it on his clipboard. He stared at the flowers on the arm of the chair, they were intricate and pretty and blended into the room so well he hadn't realised they were there. He pulled out a pencil from the stationary cup on the desk and started sketching. He sketched the petals delicately and darkened the stems of the flowers emphasising the spikes on them. Tadashi wasn't one for doing art nowadays but when he was younger he liked it and the skills he acquired from his art classes seemed to have stuck as he grew older so he knew a thing or two at drawing and creating.

Sooner or later the entire stretch of A4 paper was decorated in a string of delicate flowers and spiky leaves. It was a quick drawing but tadashi liked how it was came out, but was slightly irritated by the fact it was a quick drawing. He racked his brain for something that he knew would take time but wasn't too detailed. Tapping his hand on the desk he found at least one idea, anatomy sketches. He remembered struggling with proportions as a kid and as he grew up and in his teenage years had stricter classes he sooner did pick up and get used to perspective and the human body.

He decided to try that again, simplified so not all the muscle and accurate features more like semi realistic. He methodically traced out guide lines for the body and circles on the joints he drew perspective lines and with little struggle he had a pretty decent looking male body crafted on his page. The drawing was tactical and required focus and Tadashi liked how the time it spent matched the time taking for everyone else, slow but worth it. He got inspired by his skill level and drew different figures looking different ways, in different lighting, sat down, stood up, running, he felt he was making his younger self proud with the improvements. He drew the body's but never clothes or "parts" and no curves so he guessed the figures were all male and drew the hair short.

Not much time had passed and two A4 pages were covered back to front in these sketches and he was soon lost for ideas /positions. So once again he was stuck, but he still felt like he wanted to draw. His mind seemed to wander for a bit on different walking styles, people dancing, people skating, but none piqued his interest. Until, his mind landed on something that probably shouldn't be a thought in the first place. He brushed it off not wanting to entertain the idea of something so not safe for work, but the ideas didn't go away. There were lots of sexual positions tadashi knew an uncanny amount and they all did have lots of variation. He tried to shake all the ideas but now they were in his mind he couldn't seem to find anything else.

He rolled his eyes and thought 'whatever' he would just throw away the paper before anyone could see it. He started sketching one person then another. The two figures met on the drawing in several ways. He didn't make it too detailed not even adding the usual components a male body should have but the positions left not too much to the imagination. He drew the suggestive drawings over and over, different positions different expressions. He giggled at the stupid way they all looked on the page. Each pair doing something you definetley shouldn't have out at work and the worst part, which he hadn't noticed yet, was how closely resembling each pair had to Ainosuke and himself. In his time on sketching out the people he hadn't experimented with different hair so he stuck with what he knew. A short side part and a short boyish one with a messy fringe, both haircuts in which Ainosuke and tadashi wear. He stared at the drawings planning the next one which would fill the bottom left corner. He was so focused he didn't see the door open.

Ainosuke would find every excuse to finally leave that meeting but he had to be nice and polite to the very end. It made him sick. He swiftly walked from the meeting area to his office he couldn't be asked with the pleasantry's of goodbyes and shooed the men out when they were done and he could vaguely recall telling Tadashi to wait for him in the office. He reached the door and didn't bother knocking it was his room after all. He slowly crept into the room he could see Tadashi hadn't noticed him from his desk and his interested was piqued at the sight of him focused when he knew he had nothing to do. Ainosuke had almost reached the desk when tadashi had finally looked up to think on what he would do next. He finally noticed Ainosuke.

He jumped out of his skin, his heartbeat sky rocketed, he crumpled the NSFW drawings in his hand as he panicked and hid it behind himself he'd never been so glad for the other drawings he'd done, it looked as if he was working on them thankfully. He stood up quickly and gathered the pieces of paper frantically "sorry sir, I didn't mean to uhm.." he tried to say it without panicking but he really hadn't thought over what'd he say when he was caught sat there. Plus what did he have to be sorry about? If anything Ainosuke should be apologising to him for making him wait 30minutes. He gathered his stuff immediately on the clipboard and bowed his head shamefully hiding the paper behind him still.

Ainosuke smirked at how even though he hadn't scared him how he wanted tadashi had still freaked out upon his quiet approach. "It's quite alright Tadashi stop stressing what were u doing that had u so focused anyway?" They had swapped positions now Ainosuke behind the desk and tadashi in-front of it in his respectful place. "Oh.. uh just drawing, to spend time" Ainosukes eyebrows raised in interest and gestured his hand out asking for the clipboard "hand me all of it, the files and ur art, I remember u being quite fond of it." He ended it was a smile, it wasn't malicious or backhanded and that was a relief tadashi felt as he fiddled with the clipboard turning it round to hand to Ainosuke trying not to show hes hiding something in his second hand.

Ainosuke hadn't sat down yet, which was odd, and pulled off the two pages tracing the sketched flowers and admiring the fluid drawings of the dancers and skateboards. "Hm. quite good! Did u copy these flowers?" He said slyly , which was odd, there was nothing weird about the flowers. Tadashi just nodded and gestured with his empty hand to the arms of the chair. Ainosuke pushed in his lips and placed down the clipboard glancing at the flowers. "yes u did a good job with them but I would say.." Ainosuke left the desk and approached tadashi leaning on the side of the desk with the paper in hand next to him, which was odd! "Maybe less leaves u see how it drowns out the vines a little?" Ainosuke pointed at the flowers and stared at tadashi who was now at his level as he was leaning. Tadashi nodded and replied skeptically "I agree I just didn't have a rubber.." tadashi looked at the ground and a fast movement made him jump.

Ainosuke grabbed behind tadashi snatching the hidden paper swiftly "thankyou tadashi~ now what is little puppy hiding?" He stood up straight holding the paper walking to behind his desk again. Tadashi panicked, his face dropped his piercing dark eyes shot wide and he clasped his mouth an embarrassed flush forcing its way onto his face. Ainosuke admired him in this mess "oh? What have u drawn that's so bad I shouldnt look at hm?" And evil smirk spread across his face his hands paused on the paper he leaned across the desk. "If u admit to what's on here I won't look! But u were hiding it and that's good enough reason for me to believe there's something interesting on here~"

Tadashi shivered, he tried to evaluate both situations, he could lie about what's on it and he'd hand back the paper but how much could he trust that would go so smoothly? And then he opens it and sees all of it. "I-uh. Uhm. It's.. uh.." tadashi spluttered as he looked horrified and dropped his gaze he knew he couldn't win either way he over reacted already either he had to figure something out that was equally bad for him to react like this or he just opens it. "Puppy! We haven't all day~" his voice purred from behind the desk as he sat down and crossed his legs holding the paper. Tadashi mind was blank and he looked up ruined "it's a-anatomy sketches?..." tadashi could feel himself die as his voice cracked the betrayal in that one slip up and a knowing look was cast from Ainosuke. "I don't believe that" Ainosuke said giggling "neither did I.." tadashi hung his head and covered his face with his hands.

He knew nothing was stopping Ainosuke and he was right, a crumpling noise came from a short distance and he peered from between his fingers. Ainosukes face looked quizzically at the page he bit his nail. He tilted his head observing each one carefully. He giggled again before taking the page in two hands and giving a glance to tadashi "oh? what's all this then~" embarrassment killed tadashi and he wished the floor would open up and swallow him whole, "how sinful tadashi! Care to explain?" Ainosuke stared at the people that were repeated the same two men, two familiar men as well. "I just got bored and couldn't think of anything else to draw is all sir.." tadashi usually had a solid composure never faltered to keep a straight face in any situation, but this was unbearable and tadashi looked a mess. "Oh my bored you say?  Well I hate to think what u were actually doing in my chair then!" Ainosuke teased and that made tadashi want to die even more he was quick to defend himself,  "no no, I swear I was just drawing."

Ainosuke was enjoying this watching tadashi splutter and get defensive, he'd never seen him so vulnerable. "Calm down puppy, come over here would u?" Tadashi could tell by the sinister way the words came from him he was plotting something or at least working something out. Tadashi however had to obey so he sighed and walked the gap to next to him and that's when he saw it, the drawings did look like him and his boss and he almost threw up because he was drawing on airplane mode so what was his subconscious thinking? Tadashi winced at seeing the drawings again, "now I must say it's drawn very well, however, I'm much taller than you~" Ainosuke teasingly drooped the paper in his hand and tadashi tensed up sorta panicked but still very much embarrassed.

Tadashi was at a loss for words he could try stammer that it wasn't them but the who was it? Just them in some parallel universe where tadashi n him are still the same height? At this point he should just apologize and say he'll do better next time but he was interrupted on what to do by Ainosuke pulling him closer. "Is this what you desire, tadashi?" Ainosuke said his name so smoothly it burned tadashis ears, it's not like him and Ainosuke haven't shared a relationship similar to that when they were younger as teenagers but after their fight everything had changed and they had broken up so how to go about this tadashi had no idea, but he was curious. When they were teenagers and foolish they spent most of their days ditching school to do dumb stuff, and they'd sneak around and learn how each others body's felt sneakily in Ainosukes old room, if it would feel the same as back then tadashi wanted to find out..

Tadashi looked at him lost over whelmed on how to reply. He blushed profusely and stared down at the space in front of tadashi the chair and Ainosuke their knees pressed together. "It's your decision puppy, I know what I want but I want to know about you," tadashi suddenly realised this was probably the only chance he got to test his theory and wasn't going to let it go so easily. He watched Ainosukes slender hand reach out and place the paper on the desk and that's when tadashi saw it. He'd illustrated one sat upon the other, if tadashi couldn't express in words how much he wanted Ainosuke then surely his actions could?

He looked up at Ainosuke who was staring at him, his reddish pink eyes swirling with lust sudden disregards of being polite or came over tadashi and he bent to kiss Ainosuke. The kiss was confusing to both of them but it felt so right, tadashi had to buy time and he wanted this offer. Ainosuke complied in this kiss, he'd given tadashi the option as he wanted to make sure what was happening was right and he wanted that for the both of them and he wanted this to last. The kiss shared started slow, gentle but determined movements shared between each of them. But tadashi wanted more he pushed deeper into the kiss , he rested his knee on the chair and he grabbed at Ainosukes upper arm and gently squeezed which made Ainosuke jump a little. He felt weird taking control like this but he felt like he had the option here and until Ainosuke told him what he wanted tadashi would show what he wanted. Tadashi separated a little to get a quick breath and was pulled back in by Ainosuke grabbing his hair, threading his fingers through the black strands and tugging which made tadashi tingle and feel lightheaded.

He wanted to get closer so tadashi bit the bottom lip of Ainosukes and separated the kiss, this gave a soft whine from Ainosuke. Tadashi pushed his other knee onto the chair and climbed on kneeling before sitting down on Ainosukes lap. Ainosuke gave a satisfied smirk at this and took his freehand to grab tadashis thigh pulling him back to the kiss. Deepening the kiss they used tongues tracing the others mouth taking in the moment, they had aged a few years since they last did this but tadashi felt familiar to what was happening , the way Ainosuke moved , he entertained every touch relishing in its feel. Ainosuke couldn't hold himself back from touching and grabbing at tadashi the way tadashi moved against him was heavenly. Ainosukes hand undid tadashis tie and shirt and slithered across his skin  it made his stomach jump at the soft tracing, Ainosuke squeezed at the sides of tadashis waist and he shuddered into the kiss Ainosuke felt himself smiling at the way his hips twisted in his lap.

Ainosukes hand wandered up and down tadashis chest lightly grazing his abdomen and playfully pressing against his nipple which made tadashi squirm in pleasure. His back arched every time something made him jittery as he felt the excitement shoot throughg his whole body and spine. Tadashi could feel Ainosukes erection under him pushing his clothes to as far as they'll give and tadashi liked the idea of messing him about. So tadashi rolled his hips forward gently pushing into Ainosukes boner beneath him before rising a little to do it again. Ainosuke whined at him before breaking apart and whispering "you tease" Tadashi smirked and pushed more into his erection rocking on the sensitive area causing Ainosuke to grab at his hips hands shaking in adrenaline they both panted into the heated kiss again.

Ainosuke thought it would be fair to get back at him so he put his two fingers into the top of his trousers pulling the band of his underwear before snapping it against him which rewarded Ainosuke with tadashi whimpering a little into him. Ainosuke could feel how hard and sensitive tadashi was by the straining underwear and wanting to play with his new information pushed his hand onto the bulge of tadashi trousers and slightly moved and pushed it around to which Tadashi moaned and collapsed from the kiss to his shoulder "what puppy? Can't handle it?~" Ainosuke panted out blush spread on their faces like a wildfire tadashi trembled and whispered a breathless "fuck," as Ainosuke fiddled with the clothing slowly. Ainosuke threw his head back listening to tadashi, he was being left senseless by his hands and Ainosuke couldn't feel more turned on by the vulnerable way tadashis body submitted to him.

Tadashi pulled at Ainosukes tie and undone the buttons of his blouse to bite at the warm skin and Ainosuke bit his lip the pain of tadashi biting him made him lightheaded, he unbuttoned and unzipped tadashis trousers and rubbed a little rougher at tadashi which just caused him to bite harder at his collarbone "a-ainosuke~" tadashi moaned helplessly against Ainosuke shaky hands cupped his face and planted a hungry kiss on him biting the lip and kissing hard. Ainosuke let go of tadashis sensitive area so he could compose himself  but tadashi thrust forward a little messing with Ainosuke taking him offguard. Tadashi moved back and forth slowly Ainosuke could feel him moving his hips in his hands  and grinding on his erection, he teased him by lifting the weight then suddenly returning it "a-ah! Fuck tadashi" he pulled from their kiss and kissed at his cheek and neck before looking at Ainosuke who was drunk on lust and breathing hard.

Tadashi went close to his ear and whispered "Would you like me to help you? Sir~" his voice was dripping in seduction and Ainosuke felt a hot shiver shoot through him. Tadashi got up and Ainosuke whined at the loss of warmth and weight. Tadashi stood in front of him his hair a mess and blushing and panting like crazy, he bent over and unclicked Ainosukes belt then his own as he composed himself. "Ride me. L-Like you d-drew.." Ainosuke pushed forward from his position in the weirdly wide chair and yanked off the belt tadashi undid for him flinging it to the ground and then his trousers and underwear. Tadashi pulled off his own as Ainosuke admired the state of tadashi infront of him. "Okay sir~" he gave a shy smirk and Ainosuke reached out to pull down tadashi onto him. Tadashi kissed Ainosuke quickly sitting down just before Ainosukes erection finding a place to put his hands.

Ainosuke turned to his desk and pulled out a small bottle of lube and going to put it on himself  but it was taken by tadashi who gestured to do it for him. Taking some of the cold liquid tadashi coated Ainosukes erection slowly moving his hand up and down his boner watching Ainosukes exspression as he did so. He bit his lip the sensation burning and throbbing in his body while he clasped the bottle breathing hard Tadashi smirked at seeing himself able to pleasure Ainosuke. He stopped and went up on his knees and kissed Ainosuke putting his hands in his hair tugging slightly. Ainosukes hands grab at tadashis waist and slowly pushed his hips down onto Ainosukes length, Tadashi parts from the kiss to gasp resting his head on Ainosukes shoulder as he feels himself taking in everything he can.

"Mmph~!" Sounds of pleasure escape tadashi as he sits down he pauses once he's as far as he can go so his body can quickly adapt to the feeling. "I-is, it alright?" Ainosuke breathlessly whispers to tadashi, he nods and kisses Ainosuke and he starts to moves his hips a little in circles and he feels Ainosuke clutch desperately onto his thighs. That being the sign to keep going tadashi starts to move, pushing up and down slowly, squeezing his eyes shut grasping onto Ainosukes shoulders as his head goes light. "Ah!~ S-shit tadashi~" his name being moaned by his boss had never sounded so good he decided to speed up. Tadashi went from base to tip to please Ainosuke and himself, satisfying noises came from both of them as tadashi rode as he was ordered to knocking them both senseless. Ainosuke was suddenly aware of tadashis erections and let go of his thigh to pleasure him more.

As tadashi moved Ainosuke held onto his length and began pumping it to the movements of tadashi, his slender figure being pushed to its limits being overwhelmed with stimulation, he held onto the throbbing erection till pre-cum dripped onto Ainosuke from tadashi who was panting hard "A-Ainosuke, mm!~" a breathless whimper escaped tadashi as he sped up, "y-your so good, f-fuck ah-almost~" Ainosuke gave a sly grin flashing his sharp teeth gasping he watched tadashi squirm and pant helplessly, he was determined to please and Ainosuke could feel himself pulsating inside of tadashi. They were both very close to finishing however didn't want the moment to end forcing each other to the very last strands of their ability to hold it in for just a bit longer.

Tadashi moaned and bit his lip an attempt to be quiet as Ainosuke grabbed hard into his waist and softly stroked his boner. Ainosuke thrusted his body up into Tadashi as he went down and he tightened his hands on Ainosukes shoulders "a-are u A-Ah!~" Ainosuke could see tadashi getting tired and wanted to make sure he finished with hitting his G-Spot every time so when he went down he would push up perfectly to hit the bundle of nerves it was satisfying for Ainosuke to feel tadashis walls pulsate at the constant pleasure and hear him being fucked senseless. They were both gasping for relief  "I-c-can't! Mph!!~" their faces were beet red both of them sweating and gasping Ainosuke nodded at him as he went down one final time Ainosuke thrusted hard up hitting the pleasure spot one last time was fulfilling for both of them and finally they both finished.

A mess gathered between them and Tadashi collapsed onto Ainosukes shoulder breathing heavy and eyes closed, Ainosuke wrapped his arms around his shoulders and tadashis arms dropped into his lap. Ainosuke kissed his temple sweetly swiping away  his black hair that was stuck to his forehead. "You did amazing," Ainosuke said through slowing pants ",you're perfect.." Ainosuke kissed him again looking at the exhausted man in his arms he opened his eyes wearily and looked Ainosuke in the eyes before planting a chaste kiss onto his lips. "W-we need to clean.." tadashi said as he slowly got off Ainosukes chest and going on his knees to remove the now loose length from himself and turned and wobbled to stand up, but he was stopped by Ainosuke grabbing his arm, "A-a sit puppy, I'll clean anything up, u just rest a little alright."

They swapped their stances so tadashi was sat on the chair and Ainosuke got up. He flashed a smile as he picked up their clothes and put them in two separate piles, "quick let's shower there's nothing planned till this evening work wise so we can take it easy for now sound good, puppy?" The sweet purring of his voice rung out in the room and tadashi slowly got up to join him, no one ever saw this loving side of Ainosuke not even his assigned dates. Tadashi felt weirdly special, he got up and Ainosuke wrapped an arm round his waist and led him towards the bathroom to clean and get energy back.

"Soo those drawings of yours are we gonna use them as a checklist or what?"  "Sir please respectfully shut up"

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