Watching the PercyJackson-Ver...

By Xifos_Gladius

19.3K 359 52

The Fates bring together the gods and demigods to show the different Percy Jacksons of the multiverse and thu... More

Chapter I, 1st World
Chapter II, 2nd World
Chapter III, 2nd World, Part 2
Chapter IV, 2nd World, Part 3
Chapter V, 3rd World
Chapter VI 2nd World, Part 4
Chapter VII 2nd World, Part5
Chapter IX 2nd World, Part 6
Chapter X, 2nd World, Part 7
Chapter XI, 2nd World,Part8
Chapter XII, 5th World
Chapter XIII, 2nd World, Part9
Chapter XIV, 6th World
Chapter XV, 6th World, Part 2
Chapter XVI, 7th World
Chapter XVII, 6th World, Part 3
Chapter XVIII, 6th World, Part 4
Chapter XIX, 2nd World, Part 10

Chapter VIII, 4rth World

1.5K 22 13
By Xifos_Gladius

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan, as well as any other element of any other work, creation that appears, credits to whom it corresponds.

This reaction fanfic (watching), is about Percy Jackson in other worlds, taking the place of characters from other franchises, movies, games, etc.

If you don't like it, there will soon be other reaction fanfics of Percy Jackson interacting with other characters such as Percy knowing: Justice League, Avengers, Team Avatar, etc.







Due to the state of the goddess of the hunt, they opted for a break in which Hestia decided to feed the demigods, so they followed her to a dining room on Olympus, along with Demeter, Persephone, Ariadne, and Dionysus who was dragged away by his wife.

Zeus was released and was about to lash out at Poseidon, however Hades reminded him of the warning of the fates, making him stop but full of fury that could be seen in his hands and eyes in which light lightning danced before disappearing towards his temple, as the rest of the gods Hermes led Apollo who was still affected to the temple of the last, Hephaestus grabbed Ares by the leg and dragged him to the temple of Apollo, much to the annoyance of Aphrodite who followed them, Hera went to her temple, Artemis being helped by her huntresses to reach her temple.

Athena went to her temple to look for all the information about parallel universes that might be in her library. Leaving Hades and the Atlanteans in the throne room

"You realize the warning of fate won't stop that idiot forever, will it?" Hades asked his brother

"I know," replied the king of the sea

"What will you do then?" Hades asked again

"I don't know yet, first we have to find out exactly why the Moirae are doing this, they've never intervened before," replied the Sea King

"Rather, Chaos, father," interrupted the firstborn of king of the sea and Amphitrite

"Also, why are they so interested in your son?" added Amphitrite

"Whom he favors above all," Kymopoleia murmured but the others listened to her, Poseidon decided to be clear with his daughter to prevent any resentment from growing in his daughter or to undo the ones she has

"If I favor my mortal offspring, it's because they're mortal, they can die Kymopoleia, they're exposed to more risks, and Percy is just a child, barely a teenager."

"And the fact that you don't allow me to be in Atlantis, what is it then?" Kymopoleia answered with fury.

"You don't control your power, and you kill left and right daughter," Amphitrite said.

"Wasn't that you?" Hades asked his brother at that fact about more deaths, only he didn't get an answer which made him snort annoyedly

"As your mother said, if you controlled your power and didn't kill indiscriminately you could go back, but until then."

"So it's a punishment?!" Kymopoleia replied angrily, as she now had the answer of why she was being kept away

"To some extent, yes, but it's mainly so that you can learn to control yourself," Poseidon replied.

"We must control our nature, sister... the sea con bring life, prospetiry, as well as chaos and destruction" Rodas added

"Do you forget that you did the same thing before?" Kymopoleia replied to her family with anger that was about to turn to fury again

"I've got enough work, thank you very much," Hades said at the thought of his work increasing

"We did, there's no doubt about that, but we tried to change, to be better, not to be the same arrogant, foolish, cruel and petty gods that we once were," Poseidon replied

That answer stopped Kymopoleia because she never expected her father or any other god to consider himself as such, she saw her sister, brother and mother not denying what was said, but accepting it, Hades on the other hand was just as surprised as his niece, which Poseidon realized

"Don't be so surprised, brother, in the past he used to act like Zeus," Poseidon replied

The lord of death remembered, realizing that it was true that during the beginning of the reign of the gods he acted very much like Zeus, but he didn't at first, it was gradual and then he just stopped

"What stopped you from being like him?" Hades curiously asked

"I realized that I was being like him and that he was becoming somewhat like our father"


While Hades and the Atlanteans talked, the Amazons, the demigods, Satyr and Centaur ate in the company of Hestia, Demeter, Persephone, Dionysus and Ariadne, although the Romans were the quietest, the Greeks of the future joked and laughed, those of the past looked at them curiously.

"I can't believe Percy can shoot with a gun, when he stinks with the bow," Kayla said

"There are two of us," said several, and when they realized it, they laughed

"In the last thing we saw, Percy said that Apollo put a curse on him," said Frank who was sitting with them, along with Hazel, which attracted the gaze of the rest of the Romans, who were still a little surprised by the change in appearance and personality of the Canadian

"It's true, he said that Apollo put a curse on them because of Orion... Do the sons of Poseidon have it?" Hazel said

Piper, Leo, and Jason were also there because they were attracted to Hazel, Frank, and Nico, but the first three kept quiet, just listening, well except for one

"That... It actually makes sense, because... every shot Percy made shouldn't be possible," Travis said

"What do you mean?" asked Hazel, but there were different answers from different Greeks

"In his first archery class, Chiron told him how to shoot with a bow, in front of Chiron was Percy, who had his back to Chiron... and the arrow ended up in Chiron's rear" and the arrow ended in Chiron's rear

"The time the arrow came out like a boomerang and almost stuck in him"

"When she came out curvy and cut off some of Selina's hair... When she was getting her hair done"

"That time the arrow went into Hephaestus' hut and blew something up."

Another 3 or 4 more occasions were told, but the whole talk was heard by the Greeks of the past, who listened and looked at them curiously, Percy was a little red on his cheeks from what they narrated, Grover and AnnabethP laught

Chiron listened and agreed with the possibility that perhaps Percy has a curse, although he knew that all the inhabitants of Poseidon's hut had always preferred a sword or a spear since it was the closest thing to a trident, some could shoot with a bow, but it was due to a certain secret of that hut and its inhabitants

The Romans arguing or rather Octavian did it, where the rest only told him that continuing with what he had planned was stupid and would earn the wrath of Neptune, they also reminded him how Ares ended and how Mars treated Percy

The Amazons had their attention divided between the Romans and the Greeks of the future Meanwhile the goddesses listened and enjoyed this little relaxation, Dionysus ate a cake that Hestia made, while the goddess of the Hearth looked happily at the Greeks of the future who acted together, although with regret to those of the past, she knew how several of them felt for being in camp for time even if they did not notice her, With the Romans it was the same to some extent as there was no real fellowship or friendship between them, the Roman camp was based on tradition, hierarchies, there were often power struggles, not physical but political. So to see two Romans join the Greeks, it made her think that maybe there was hope, a hope that was her green-eyed nephew, that somehow brought back memories of a long time ago, memories of the first Titan war, memories of Poseidon.


While the rest were eating, in the temple of Apollo, or in their respective temples, Hades and the Atlanteans continued to talk, although in the case of the god of the underworld the reason felt misplaced:

"I keep saying it's not that much of a problem with killing a few mortals, besides there are several who deserve it," Kymopoleia said

"Daughter," said the queen of the seas, already exasperated by the length of time the argument had dragged on, and the stubbornness of her daughter

"...Argh, good" said the Kymopoleia after a moment, though with some annoyance in her tone

"Maybe we should let herdo it," Triton said to his parents, causing them to look at him along with Hades that wasn't happy with the idea of more work. And several Atlanteans are not happy with humans," Triton explained, but Hades was the only one who didn't understand, seeing this, Poseidon explained

"There has been for some millennia a feeling of superiority among a few Atlanteans, it's minimal so it's never been a problem, but in the last 3 centuries there has been a growing feeling of resentment for the pollution of the seas, unnecessary fishing, oil spills, destruction of corals mainly, , a little about the rest of nature in the world especially on islands... the nereids are the angriest since several of them talk to those who are from rivers and talk to nymphs, so the word of the situation on the surface, some have thought about attacking certain ships, they have not done it, but the idea continues to grow "said the king of the seas" In that case it could be done, with the mortals who deserve it, but we will talk about it later"The last thing was said to his children

"Returning to the subject regarding Zeus," Hades spoke to resume the beginning of his talk, "he will try something against your son and mine."

"What do you have in mind?" asked Poseidon "Overthrow him and get rid of him" was the answer given, to which Hades quickly added when he saw that his brother was going to speak, "Something is happening with the monsters, the prophecy will be fulfilled in the next few years, and Zeus will not do anything until it is too late or he will have someone do it for him, I do not seek a war between us brother, I want the best possible result for what is to come and for that we must work together... unfortunately," he added the last after a moment, to which Poseidon rolled his eyes, as did the others

Poseidon was about to speak as the others began to enter, they shared a look that they would talk later.

Rhodes noticed several that were missing so she asked Hestia, who told her that Dionysus went to look for the others after his wife convinced him, they waited a short time before Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes appeared, Dionisio, Ariadna, as soon as the hunters, Thalia gave them a message from the hunters to start the projection, that they would come in a few minutes. Athena appeared shortly after, followed by Hera.

They started the projection , and saw "Fourth World", which made some complain and others interested

They could see it was dark, but some armed men were walking towards a cabin, before the screen showed the inside, they saw an adult Perseus waking up in his bed and a flashing red light, only to see a phone that looked more advanced than any he had ever seen.


Several wondered how this Percy could use technology, that some began to have some idea about what the answer was and perhaps it was the same with the two counterparts of the previous worlds, an idea that most of those who thought about it discarded since they did not believe it possible

They heard Perseus' voice saying "Perimeter Violation", before watching Perseus take the phone, followed by seeing one of the soldiers through the window, so he got out of bed and went down a trapdoor with a backpack, by then take a gun out of the backpack.

Watching the soldiers outside the house while Perseus was loading a loaded cartridge from the gun

One of the soldiers approached the door to enter while another covered him, only for both of them to be shot, and then Perseus hit others who were a little away.

Despite being surprised by the efficiency of this Perseus among the demigods, there was still the discomfort of killing human people or of seeing Perseus doing it without discomfort, while the image of the projection changed.

"Has this happened to you before?"

They all listened, though the Greeks were somewhat familiar with the voice, only to see an older version of Miranda, the daughter of Demeter, who seemed to have some sort of wound or scratch on her head, sitting with Percy on some beach

"What part?"

"Let your own government try to kill you?"

"That your own government tries to kill you?"

Several are confused and curious about it, others with concern for the black hair man, only to increase a bit with the following

"No, that's new."

Now that they got a better look at Perseus, they saw that he seemed to be in his 40s years.

"Everything we've worked for is at risk."

Everyone was surprised to see an older version of Octavian, who didn't look too skinny, only for the image to change again to see two men in a motorcycle chase.

"There's no one who can handle Perseus Jackson."

Athena and others wondered why no one could beat him

So they saw that one of the motorcyclists shot at the other, and when the screen focused on the other it left them confused because of the resemblance, but they saw that the bike was starting to catch fire and threw it at the other, but Perseus avoided it.

"Gemini will take care of this."

Many wondered what "Gemini" was

They saw Perseus retreat with a gun, while the other man approached down some stairs, the resemblance they could see left them confused, another son of Poseidon, Percy was fighting a half-brother?

"Who are you?" ... I don't want shoot you"

"Well... And what if I shoot you?"

The voice was also similar

"I've got the perfect agent."

They saw Percy being knocked off one motorcycle and then being hit by the other

So they watched Perseus and the other man fight in a catacomb in the dark, with Percy knocking down the other, and illuminate him with an lantern one in his weapon, only to be surprised by the identical resemblance only younger, leading everyone now to think that Perseus was fighting his own son, which worried most

"He knew everything he was going to do before I did, who is he?"

They saw that the two Jacksons were still fighting and the younger Jackson who was the owner of the voice, being healed by Octavian's counterpart, who now felt dread because everyone looked at him from surprise to hatred, as they now thought that his counterpart used Perseus' son against him.

Then they saw Percy with Miranda, with an older version of Pollux the son of Dionysus in another place, with the woman handing some papers to the green-eyed man.

"I know why he's as good as you... He's you"

That stopped everyone and confused them

"Gemini plays God with DNA"

Thanks to what they heard, some were beginning to have an idea.

"How is that possible?"

They heard Pollux ask

"If they can clone a person, they could clone Nelson Mandela."

The surprise was clear from everyone, with several denying that it was impossible for mortals to clone anyone, especially a demigod

"Nelson Mandela couldn't kill a man on a moving train two kilometres away."

They saw what Miranda's counterpart said happen, leaving everyone amazed by the capabilities of that Perseus, before the projection changed again

They saw Percy shooting his counterpart and vice versa inside some building

"Of all the people he could have sent, why did he send you?"

And some of the spectators were asking the same question

They saw the older green-eyed interrogating the younger one for a brief moment before several moments passed of conflics and combat, only to return with both of them in the interrogation in the catacombs.

"Because I'm the best"

They saw more fighting and explosions after the clone's response

"It's obvious you're not the best."

Several of the individuals from the future shared the idea that no one could take Percy's place, with some of the future Greeks surreptitiously looking at Jason who they thought Hera had sent him for that, which bothered them, AnnabethF being the most annoying. of that idea, of someone thinking about replacing her boyfriend.

"But don't you see how bad I am?"

They saw the facilities of a soldier, as well as the worried and almost desperate clone.

"Never doubt it, he must die."

The Greeks of the future were furious at them and gave Octavian death looks, to which they were joined by Poseidon and to some extent the rest of the Atlanteans, the scarecrow felt that he was going to die at that moment

"Look at us!... You've been lied to all this time"

They saw Perseus throw a grenade at his clone, which he fired, somehow hitting the side of the grenade without causing it to explode and bounce back.
No one could believe it

"You're just trying to confuse me."

"No!... I'm trying to save you"

Everyone was surprised by them, but the Greeks of the future were a little annoyed and exasperated because it was something they could expect from Perseus

They saw the struggle continue in different places and times, Perseus under a hail of bullets

"What if someone noticed?"

They saw Miranda help Percy fight

"Of what we really are"

When the projection went dark there was only silence, with the projection showing the counterpart of Sally Jackson's son next to his clone


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I don't own the images, credits to whom it belong

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