Twice (Teudoongi) Oneshots an...


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Twice Oneshots and Short Stories: Can be as a group or as ships May entertain Requests as long as I'm not bus... More

Freedom (Royal Ships/ OT9)
Singers' First - 2yeon (+18)
Anything, Anywhere - DahMo (+18)
Rumor Has It - MiMo (+18)
Home Alone - SaTzu (+18)
Hospital Romance - DahMo ft. SaTzu
TT (Top Tonight) - MiChaeng (+18)
Motherly Advise- NaTzu
Closure - JeongMi
Plan: Ray - MiHyun ft. SMC&Jeong
Tension - JeongMo (+18)
RTB Series: 7 Rings - MinaYeon (+18)
She Couldn't.. - Tzuyu ft. Her Unnies
RTB Series: Jealousy - JeongHyo/ UJB (+18)
Sexy, Rich, Crazy Asian GFs - OT9/Royal Ships
Puppy Trouble - OT9
RTB Series: Only Mine - SaTzu (+18)
Reassurance - SaTzu (+18)
I Want You Back - 2Yeon (P.1)
I Want You Back - 2yeon (P.2)
I Want You Back - 2yeon (P.3)
I Am Here- MiTzu (P.2)
Nonchalant Hirai & OA Park- MoHyo
Hole in One - SaTzu
RTB Series: Feel Loved- MoDubChaeng (+18)
L-O-V-E (P.1)
L-O-V-E (P.2)
I'll Be There For You - Foreign Line (SaMoMiTzu)
Sana on Top- SaTzu (+18)

I Am Here- MiTzu (P.1)

422 8 6

Mina was busy playing her Nintendo Switch whilst she Jihyo and Jeongyeon were in the kitchen washing the dishes and cooking a snack respectively while the rest of their friends were outside doing their own business when the front door of their shared home suddenly slammed open; revealing a distressed Tzuyu running towards her room very quickly, confusing the girls who all saw her passing through; making Mina drop her game console immediately and sprinted towards the maknae's room, followed by Jeongyeon and Jihyo who stopped what they were doing as well.

The three girls stood at Tzuyu's doorframe and saw their youngest friend curled up on her bed and sobbing uncontrollably; breaking their hearts on the process, especially Mina who had been having strong romantic feelings for the tall girl for a year now, but no one else knew about it but her alone.

Jihyo: "Tzuyu-ah! What happened?!" she rushed to her youngest's side on the bed and gently stroke her hair, trying to calm the maknae down but all she heard were sobs and mumbles that none of the girls could understand.

Jeongyeon: "Shhhhh.. Calm down Tzu. You're having a hard time breathing. Breathe in and out." she consoled their maknae using a soft tone as she knelt down beside Jihyo to face Tzuyu's face that was all covered by her hair.

It took a minute or two for them to convince Tzuyu into taking deep breaths in between her sobs; ceasing the uncontrollable bawling and sudden intake of air in her lungs.

Jihyo: "Tell us what's wrong Tzuyu-yah please. You are worrying us." she whispered in the girl's ear, trying her best not to cry and be strong infront of her favorite "child" who looks so broken.

Tzuyu: "S-s-sana'sssss.. c-ch-cheating o-on m-m--me.." she tried her best to form a sentence even if it sounded shaky, low and incomprehensible at times. But the 3 girls understood it immediately, causing initial shock for all of them.

Every single one of the friend group knew about the Sana-Tzuyu relationship that has been going on for almost a year and everyone seemed to support them. Even Mina, who was hurting inside; but chose to respect their relationship since she knew that Tzuyu was in love with the other Japanese for years now and decided to confess and court her a year ago until Sana confirmed their relationship months ago making Mina back off entirely, seeing how happy it made Tzuyu being with Sana.

So it made Mina instantly angry when she heard that Sana was cheating on the girl who loved her dearly and had always put Sana first above everyone else.

No one said a word after Tzuyu's revelation as they were still in disbelief of what they had heard, but seconds later; they heard their front door open once again and they could hear Sana calling out Tzuyu's name since Tzuyu gave her girlfriend a spare key. Making everyone's ears perk up as Tzuyu curled further into a ball; feeling troubled upon hearing her cheating girlfriend's voice, causing Mina to leave the doorframe and walk out, straight to Sana's direction and took a full swing on the older girl's face when she was at arm's length, slapping the taller blonde hard and loud.

Mina: "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?! YOU FUCKIN' CHEATER!" Screaming at the top of her lungs, shocking everyone in the house as none of the girls ever heard Mina be this loud nor angry at someone until now.

Sana was left speechless, holding onto her now stinging and reddened cheek with eyes bugged out and red, seemed like she was crying too but Mina didn't care at her well-being because all she is seeing is the pain in Tzuyu's face blurring her vision, causing the younger girl wanting to hurt Sana again and again for what she did.

Mina: "ANSWER ME, MINATOZAKI!" she raised her voice again stepping forward but was pulled back by Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon: "Mina, ENOUGH." she held Mina back but was too staring back at Sana with daggers, causing Sana step back a bit. "HOW COULD YOU, SANA?" She exclaimed. Although less harsh and loud than Mina's voice but still with pain and irritation. "Tzuyu trusted you. WE trusted you! And this is what you do?"

Sana: "I-i'm sorry. I-it just h-happened." she was stumbling with her words as tears fell down her eyes due to the pain not only physically from the slap but also due the realization that she not only fucked the relationship she had with Tzuyu who had been nothing but loving, supportive and caring towards her but also the relationships she has with her other friends, seeing as she not only hurt Tzuyu but also the other girls.

Jihyo: "It just happened?!" Standing behind Jeongyeon and Mina with an unreadable expression in her face but it sent chills down the girls' spine. "It just happened that Tzuyu saw you in Dahyun's bed, both of you naked and fucking each other?"

Chaeyoung: "WHAT?!" making the 4 girls turn around towards the loud voice just by their front door.

Sana: "Chae.." she whispered, trying to explain yet again but they heard footsteps entering the  home as Dahyun suddenly appeared behind Chaeyoung looking sweaty and breathing heavily like she ran a marathon since she tried catching up with Sana who left her immediately as soon as Tzuyu ran away from the two girl's apartment that they shared together just 3 blocks away from JeongJiMiChauTzu's home.

Dahyun: "San-.." but before Dahyun can finish her sentence, she got socked in the face by Chaeyoung who didn't need to turn around to know it was her. "CHAEYOUNG! WHAT THE F-.."

Chaeyoung: "TELL ME YOU DIDN'T JUST FUCKED YOUR BESTFRIEND'S GIRLFRIEND!" she screamed while towering over the pale girl who had fallen to the floor.

There was a deafening silence within the house that you can hear a pin drop as Chaeyoung's eyes were staring back at Dahyun with rage and disgust.

Chaeyoung: "ANSWER ME!" she screamed again while grabbing Dahyun's collar with both her hands to make her stand up.

Dahyun: "I DID!" yelling back at Chaeyoung while gripping the younger girl's hands that were on her shirt before Chaeyoung dragged her to the wall and was in the verge of strangling her friend.

Chaeyoung: "WHY?! HUH?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"

Dahyun: "BECAUSE I LOVE SANA!" her face reddening from the decrease of air supply from Chaeyoung's grasp.

Chaeyoung: "BUT TZUYU'S YOUR BESTFRIEND! AND SANA IS HER GIRLFRIEND, YOU ASSHOLE!" She yelled back and clenched Dahyun's collar tighter.

Jihyo: "Chae! Let go! NOW!" She yelled at the younger girl as she and Jeongyeon pried the tattooed girl's hands off  Dahyun and pulled them away from each other as Mina slapped Sana once more before pushing her towards Dahyun who was still struggling to breathe.

Mina: "HOW DARE YOU BOTH! Tzuyu trusted and loved you both and you just spit on her face like that?!" She was beyond mad that everyone else was equally scared of her but Jihyo held the Japanese' arm tightly, knowing she would most definitely throw hands on them again any minute.

Jihyo: "You both better leave." She deadpanned without any emotions on her face, trying to control the situation as much as possible.

Sana: "But Jihyo I-i need to talk to Tzuyu."

Chaeyoung: "There's nothing else you need to say! You both cheated on her! You betrayed her. You betrayed us! Fuck you both! You are done!"

Sana: "But Chae-"

Jeongyeon: "JUST. LEAVE SANA. Take Dahyun with you before I drag you both out. Or I'll let go of Chaeyoung and she'll do it." She said sternly with a stone cold expression, letting them know is serious.

With a heavy sigh, Sana nodded her head slowly and sniffled with exiting the house with Dahyun holding onto her with a bloodied lip, closing the door on their way out.

Tzuyu was still sobbing in her bedroom, in a fetal postion and clutching a pillow when Mina walked in slowly.

She layed down behind the maknae and hugged her from behind, burying her head on Tzuyu's back and caressed her arms gently as a sign of comfort.

They have been in that position for more than 30 minutes until Mina can no longer hear the sobs coming from the girl in her arms, realizing Tzuyu was already sleeping due to exhaustion.

The Japanese sighed and kissed the taller girl's right exposed temple gently and fixing the stray hairs sticking out on her forehead before observing Tzuyu's tired yet beautiful face.

Mina: "No one is going to hurt you ever again, Tzuyu-yah." she whispered before watching her sleep throughout the night.


It's been a week since the incident and Tzuyu hasn't been feeling any better. She skips meals, prefers to just sleep or stare at the ceiling instead of hanging out with the girls, cries most of the time and even forgot how to laugh or conversate with her Unnies; making everyone else worry.

Sana and Dahyun tried multiple times to talk to her, but they were always blocked by the girls especially Mina who had already hired security below their apartment complex, forbidding both girls to even enter the said building and also threatened Sana that she will throw hands at her once she sees her even walking distance from Tzuyu or any of their friends.

Mina just got off the shower and decided to check up on Tzuyu in her room since the rest of the girls have schedules, leaving the two girls alone in their apartment.

After knocking, Mina can see Tzuyu sitting up all covered in a comforter; trying to keep herself warm as Mina somehow convinced her to take a bath since the maknae looked disheveled this morning from a night of crying again. Once the Japanese started to walk closer to her, she saw Tzuyu staring at a picture frame in her hands that has a picture of her and Sana hugging each other and staring at one another lovingly.

Mina: "Tzuyu-yah. What are doing?" She asked softly as to not startle the younger girl.

Tzuyu: "A-am I a b-bad person, Unnie?" she asked in a soft yet broken voice causing the older girl to scramble in bed where they ended up face to face with each other.

Mina: "WHAT?! No Tzu! You are way far from a bad person! You are the nicest, sweetest and most thoughtful person I know." trying to reassure the maknae.

Tzuyu: "I-If what you are saying is true.. W-why did Sana cheated on me? W-why did her and Dahyun, one of my best friends; betray me? I-I must be a bad person in order to experience this type of punishment." causing new tears to stream down her face.

Mina: "Listen to me ok? And Listen good." Taking the frame off the maknae's hands and placed it under the bed, face down before holding Tzuyu's face with both her hands facing her direction making sure they kept eye contact with one another. "You are a genuine, kind-hearted, intuitive, smart, beautiful, effortlessly funny and talented person Chou Tzuyu. You make people happy with just being you and people will be lucky to have you in their lives. Bacause I know I am. And I am sure the rest of the our friend group feel the same way. It's Sana and Dahyun who fucked up big time and it isn't your fault. Remember that. They wasted someone as perfect as you in their lives. Ok? You are NOT a bad person. They are." she said it in an intense yet sincerest way she can for Tzuyu to understand completely while using her thumbs to wipe away a few tears escaping the taller girl's sad eyes.

They stared at each other for a few minutes before Tzuyu leaned forward and captured Mina's lips for a soft , sweet kiss; shocking the Japanese but after a few seconds, Mina closed her eyes and savored the softness and addictiveness of her crush's lips that she dreamed of tasting for a while now. 

And indeed there were sparks.

Once Tzuyu pulled back a bit; both girls still had their eyes closed and breathing heavily but Tzuyu guided one of Mina's hands that was still holding her face and guided her to her right breast and squeezing it causing them both to moan from the contact.

Mina: "T-tzu..?" she whispered as their lips were still just meters apart while opening her eyes in shock at what Tzuyu is making her do.

Tzuyu: "P-please unnie. H-help me."

Mina: "H-help you? H-how?" asking innocently whilst her hand is still being further guided downwards by Tzuyu herself until she placed the older girl's hand just above the maknae's covered nether region making them both shudder.

Tzuyu: "Help me.. to forget." before kissing Mina once again with more intensity than before as Mina reciprocated immediately, granting the request of the now newly-single girl who she had deeply fallen for.

------------------------------------------------THE END..?------------------------------------------------------------------

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