Pris De Fer & Figure Eights |...

By HimThatGuy

33 2 17

drarry oneshot Harry is a fencer and at one of his fencing tournaments he gets an unexpected, large bouquet... More


33 2 17
By HimThatGuy

Harry Potter stood standing on a small stage in front of a few hundred people in a brightly lit room, cameras clicking and flashing to take his picture and microphones shoved in his face by the arms of inquisitive interviewers despite the mini mic installed into his back.

He had just finished (and won) part of a fencing tournament that took place in France, his white fencing uniform still on due to the impatience of all the interviewers and reporters going on about how they were live and needed him on right this instant or some bullshit- Harry didn't really understand.

It was rather boring, unlike he expected. Someone would ask Harry a question, the room would go somewhat silent with the hum of voices less evident, he would answer then the room would explode into conversation about what he answered. It was frightening, even.

The room quieted down again as someone asked Harry about one of the moves he did to get a tremendously unexpected hit on his opponent when someone from the crowd started running towards the stage with something enormous in their arms.

Everyone watched as a young man with a baseball cap no older than 20 ran towards him with the comically too large thing in his embrace. a security guard ran behind him but wasn't nearly as fast as this lanky french dude.

The man reached the edge of the stage and held out, what seemed to be, a gigantic bouquet of red gardenias.

"These are for you." he told him quickly with a french accent as Harry just stared down at the flowers in mild shock.

Harry freed the man from the weight of the flowers- which were abnormally heavy -leaning back to support their weight. He's been given flowers before but the size of these certainly were extra and whoever had sent them were obviously not in their right mind.

He looked down at the flowers, the potent smell hitting his nostrils with an almost spicy scent.

"The person who-!" The security guard grabbed hold of the man to take him back to calm down before he could finish his sentence, a few people gasping before a hushed silence waved over the room as they watched the two, a camera flashing.

"Wait!" Harry said as he looked down at the flowers and back at the struggling mysterious man, "Who are they from?" he asked as he watched the man get farther and farther away.

"Who are they from!?!" he repeated, the man already halfway to the exit.

"It is written on the note!" the french man shouted back before getting taken out of the room.

Harry stared at the exit, as did many others, before they turned their heads back to look at Harry and the flowers, the sound of voices bursting out loudly once again.

"Harry! Harry! Would you read who the note is from!?" Many asked and Harry looked back down at the fetching red flowers to look for the supposed note to get them to shut up.

There was a small paper crane tucked in the center of the bouquet that looked oddly familiar and he carefully grabbed it, adjusting the bouquet to rest on his hip so he could unfold and read it.

On the note was, in fancy handwriting and blood red ink, the message 'you looked quite charming out there considering your resemblance of an egg'.

Harry furrowed his brows in not only confusion but even a little in anger. What the hell was that even supposed to mean? He did not look like an egg.

He looked at the rude note to see who wrote and in the bottom right corner were the initials 'D.M' in the same fancy writing.

D.M, Harry thought to himself to see if he knew anybody with those initials. It took him a second to realize who these could possibly be from and his mouth fell open at the possibility.

He knew he knew that bird from somewhere.

"Are they from a loved one? A significant other? A secret admirer?" countless reporters and interviewers asked a series of those same questions and Harry was yanked out of his thoughts, having completely forgotten he was surrounded by hundreds of people.

Harry looked up at everyone watching him and he looked back down at the note, "There from someone I knew when I was younger." he said not planning at all to elaborate on that.

"Who are they from?" no one couldn't not ask the question dying to be answered but Harry never gave them a straight answer.

The interview went on for a couple hours and once Harry was back at the hotel he was staying at he glared at the flowers on his bed.

There is no way in any form of hell that Draco Malfoy had sent him these flowers.

He hasn't seen the guy in years and he randomly decides to pop up someday by telling some random French guy to deliver flowers to him with a shitty backhanded compliment. What was wrong with him?

Harry's blood boiled at the thought of the blonde's stupid face and got up to go for a walk, slamming his poor hotel room door shut with unnecessary force.

He put on his hood so no one recognized him and started walking around the city, head low and kicking any pebbles on the sidewalk as he tried to clear his head.

He'd walked around for a while, eventually buying a croissant when he was hungry.

Harry had gotten fairly deep into the city to the point he saw a massive building of some sort with screens and huge amounts of people outside watching.

He didn't want to draw any attention to himself so he lay low as he walked past them but something caught his eye on the giant TV screen.

He glanced up at the bright screen and saw a replay of some tall guy in all black on ice doing turns and whatever fancy shit figure skaters do.

Harry narrowed his eyes to get a better look at the guy's face and noticed how pale he looked.

He was about to look away when the big screen changed to the same guy with a bouquet in one hand, a gold medal around his neck, and a microphone held up to him.

He stopped dead in his tracks, almost starstruck and he stared wide-eyed at the man on the screen.

This man had a pointed face, pale blonde hair, and unforgivably striking grey eyes..

There was no way he didn't know who this was and on the bottom of the screen was the name 'Draco Malfoy' to confirm his suspicions.

The screen showed Draco answering questions but Harry had no idea what he was saying because he was speaking in French and he didn't know much of it.

He almost dropped his croissant as he watched, Draco looking directly into the camera for a moment which made the crowd watching start screeching like animals and it only got worse when he winked and blew a kiss at them.

Why does that bastard have to be so good-looking? WHAT?! What are you thinking you fucking idiot?! He is certainly not attractive in any way, shape, or form.

Harry ripped his eyes away from the screen with a scowl stomping off to the nearest alleyway and apparating back to his hotel room.

He definitely did not spend the rest of his afternoon searching him up and finding out that he is a famous figure skater for France.

And he absolutely wouldn't even think about going to where he practices to get a better look at him..


Harry grumbled as he made his way to the ice rink a few days later, hands in his pockets as he walked through the streets.

He looked up at the building that probably had some corny name on it in French and walked in.

He looked around as he went up to the front desk and stood behind what looked like a couple getting skates.

I better not have to get those. Harry thought to himself as he waited for his turn.

The couple walked towards a door to their right and Harry walked up to the counter.

"Bonjour, souhaitez-vous utiliser la patinoire publique ou en louer une privée?" The lady at the counter asked looking up from a paper, a pen in her hand.

Harry stared at the lady and his face started to heat up because he had no clue what she had said.

"Er- bonjour," Harry said awkwardly looking down and then back at the lady's eyes, "Um... puis-je utiliser les toilettes?" He asked, embarrassed at his horrible pronunciación.

The lady blinked up at him, "Les toilettes sont à votre gauche." She told him, pointing to the left, obviously noticing he probably couldn't understand.

"Ah," Harry looked where she pointed which led down a hallway and he nodded, "Merci." He said and quickly headed that way.

Harry let out a breath as he walked down the hall, looking around for any entrances to a rink.

I can't believe I'm doing this..

Harry saw the restroom and almost let out a nervous laugh of relief because the lady understood what he was asking.

He also felt bad for lying to her but there wasn't much else he could do to weasel himself in without having to go on the ice.

As he walked further down the hallway the doors started to have numbers.

He looked around to see if anyone was around and then tried the door that had a '1' on it.


He tried the second door, that one was opened and he looked in through a crack. There was a group of people on the ice who looked like they were playing hockey and he quickly shut the door.

He tried the next few doors, some were locked, some were not, some were completely empty and others were filled with people.

He walked into an empty rink just to check it out and he saw that there was an open storage room where he assumed people would put their belongings and shoes/skates.

There was even a long bench near the cubbies where people could sit down.

He exited the room after a moment of observing and continued his search.

As he peeked through door seven there was a single person on the ice with the same pale skin and black outfit he saw on the screen.

He quickly looked around to see if anyone was around and when the coast was clear he slipped in through the door and quietly shut it behind him.

There was a drastic change in temperature, Harry felt cold as he walked as quietly as he could to the entrance of the rink, watching the blonde glide gracefully on the ice

He wasn't sure if he should yell out to him or just wait but his brain decided for him when he kept shut and watched in almost a trance.

He didn't realize Draco had noticed him until he was getting closer and he snapped out of it, straightening up and watching Draco until they were face to face.

"Bonjour, Harry," Draco said, crossing his arms.

Oh no, is he going to speak to me in French?

"What brings you here?" he spoke knowingly, raising a brow to piss Harry off.

Harry narrowed his eyes at him, feeling a little giddy because it looked like he was just a smidge taller than Draco, "You know exactly why I'm here, Malfoy."

Draco just stared at him, getting closer and Harry backed up. Draco stepped off the ice and Harry's jaw almost dropped at how much taller Draco got just by being on level ground with him.

Surely it was the skates, right? There's no way he's shorter than a snobby blonde git, especially not Draco.

"I haven't got the slightest clue what you're going on about," Draco said as he started walking towards a room.

Harry followed.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about, Malfoy," he said, his anger slowly rising.

"Really?" Draco asked, walking into the storage room with cubbies and sitting down on the long bench, untying his skates, "Enlighten me then."

"The flowers." Harry spat, standing in front of him as he took off his skates.

"Flowers.'' Draco repeated like he still didn't know what he was talking about, "Hm, flowers, flowers.. I think I might know a bit about flowers." he said, slipping off his skates and standing back up.

Harry frowned. Draco was still at least a few inches taller than him even without the skates, making him even more upset.

"Cut the crap," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Harry, if I knew what you were talking about I think I wouldn't be saying I didn't." Draco responded, sounding nonchalant.

"Bullshit!" Harry yelled and shoved Draco so his back hit the wall, "You know all about the flowers, you sent them with that stupid note. Why? Why would you do that!?"

Harry could see the anger rise in Draco's face and he started walking towards the raven, making him step away from him.

"What's wrong with that?" Draco asked, continuing to step closer to Harry, "You should be thanking me for those flowers." he said and pointed a finger at his chest as they walked.

Harry's back had hit the other wall now and Draco was still walking towards him, "Malfoy-"

"No." Draco cut him off, getting even closer, "Do you have any idea how much red gardenia's cost? Of course you don't." he basically pressed himself up against Harry while looking down at him, trapping him from between him and the wall.


"Not to mention the amount of time it took for me to make the damn thing. Not just anyone could make a flower arrangement that properly looked like an actual goddamn flower arrangement." he kept ranting, not letting Harry get a word in as he used his hands and legs to make sure Harry didn't move, leading in pressing down on his dick.

Harry was frantically trying to get him to stop because he's never been this close to someone with them being pressed up on his literal cock and it wouldn't be long until it started acting up.


"And even getting them to you was difficult, I'm not really a person that could just walk around without being recognized, you know, so I had to ask someone to give them to you- pay them to do it, even-"

Harry's face started to get a little red because of how Draco was moving his legs making Harry's pants get tighter and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do about it.

God, that's embarrassing.

"Malfoy!" he finally yelled out, making Draco abruptly stop speaking and look down at him again.

"What?!" he yelled back, still exasperated.

Harry wasn't even sure what he was supposed to do after that so he just stood there looking into his eyes with a hard cock pressed against this man's thigh.

Draco was about to say something again but he felt the warm, hard, very erect, penis of Harry's on his thigh and his eyes widened.

There was a mischievous glint in Draco's eyes and he smirked slightly, "What's up with that, Potter?" he asked and moved his knee in between Harry's legs and started moving it experimentally.

It was the first time Draco had called him 'Potter' this whole time for some reason but Harry could care less about that as Draco moved his leg on his erection making his jaw clench and eyelids feel droopy.

He's never been made felt like this by another person, not like he was trying- but the sensation of having someone this close to him and doing things to him was wondrous.

Draco raised a brow and then stopped moving, planning to step away but when Harry felt the smallest gap between them he grabbed hold of Draco's waist and pulled him closer, pressing their clothed cocks against each other making the blonde gasp lightly.

"Don't start something unless you can finish it, Malfoy." he said in a low tone, moving his hands down to his hips and squeezing them.

"Oh?" Draco said with a small smirk, "You'd like me to finish it?" he asked, leaning closer to Harry's face.

"Don't ask ridiculous questions."

"Is it ridiculous of me to say that I could finish this?" Draco pushed.

"Are you sure you want to test that?" Harry asked huskily.

"Do I?" Draco's smirk widened.

"Shut up." Harry practically growled and smashed their lips together to follow through with his command.

Draco put his hands on either side of Harry's head on the wall and kissed him back, an erection of his own forming in his pants.

"Mmph-!" Draco made a noise when Harry bit his lower lip harshly and dragged it out, his face getting hot at the image of his lip between Harry's teeth.

Draco then pried Harry's lips apart with his tongue, forcing his head further against the wall and teasing him with his tongue, earning a groan from Harry.

Harry pulled Draco closer to grind his dick on his, the friction causing both of them to moan.

Harry's hands started traveling up and under Draco's compression shirt, feeling his bare waist and stomach, planning to remove the article of clothing.

That was when Draco broke the kiss and put his hands over Harry's to stop him from taking his shirt off.

Harry looked at him confused but then Draco spoke, "We're not doing that quite yet." he said and with a smirk put his hand on Harry's chest and slowly dragged it down as he got to his knees in front of Harry.

Harry looked down at Draco, almost stunned but sobered up when Draco's fingers lightly grazed the tent in his jeans, tilting his head to the side as he kept eye contact making arousal spike through his body.

Draco slowly started to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, Harry's face flushing in embarrassment at the fact that he was wearing bright red boxers.

Draco didn't seem to mind as he leaned forward and pressed a wet kiss onto them over his prick making it twitch at the contact, Harry's breath hitching in his throat.

The lust was evident in Harry's eyes and the way Draco was just looking up at him with those pretty eyes as if he weren't even close to doing something like sucking him off was making him feel things he didn't even know he was capable of feeling.

Draco hooked his finger on the band of his boxers and dragged them down, Harry's cock springing out making him grunt and Draco smirked at him.

Harry watched as the blonde gently touched the tips of his fingers to hold the base of his cock, the touch of his fingers being cold sending a shiver through his spine.

He was breathing heavily with fluttering eyelids as Draco leaned teasingly close and did nothing other than purposefully breath air on his dick causing him to shudder.

Harry was getting fed up with how he was acting and was about to set him straight if he didn't do anything soon until he felt Draco's warm tongue run along his slit.

Harry's hand went to the back of Draco's head on instinct and he rested his head back on the wall as he looked down at Draco licking small lines on his dick teasingly.

He fisted Draco's hair and moved his hips forward making the tip of his dick glide across Draco's wet lips, groaning softly.

Draco got the hint and wrapped his hand around the base and rocked it slowly, "Someone's fervent." he says with a smirk but before Harry could reply with something snarky, Draco started sucking on the head of his cock not only making him lose his train of thought but making him let out a moan.

Harry's breath was taken away and the mixed feelings of Draco's cold hand and warm wet tongue both on his dick made him lose his mind, clutching onto Draco's hair roughly and closing his eyes at the pleasure.

Draco then started to take Harry's entire length into his mouth slowly, everytime Draco made a small noise the vibrations made Harry even more impatient than he already was.

He started bobbing his head and Harry moaned louder than he intended, needing to go at his own pace because he knew Draco was going slow on purpose.

Draco was watching Harry with the sexiest look in his eyes, astounded that he could even look that hot while having a cock in his mouth.

While having his cock in his mouth.

Those glossy grey eyes.. he wanted to ruin them, make them cry at his mercy, make them beg for him to look at them as if he were the only being that was worthy of being looked at by them.

When he couldn't take it anymore he grabbed Draco's head with both his hands, drew his dick out so the tip lingered on the blonde's lips, and shoved it back into his mouth, hitting the back of Draco's throat and making him gag.

Harry kept ruthlessly ramming his dick into Draco's mouth with the goal to bruise the back of his throat to show him who's in charge here.

"shit.." he breathed out as he kept thrusting into Draco's warm mouth, looking back down at those grey eyes and watching as a few tears escaped the grasp of his pale lashes.

He didn't know why the sight had turned him on an immense amount but he loved, getting close to his limit as he kept staring.

Draco could tell Harry was getting close by the way his thrusts were getting more desperate and the way the raven's mouth was agape with his head tipped back.

It took, literally, all of his strength to get his mouth off of his dick so he wouldn't cum yet.

Harry was breathing hard and he looked down at Draco as his eyebrows crumbled together in confusion, not understanding why he had just stopped right before he came.

"Fucking hell.." Draco rasped and then stood back up, tears staining his flushed red face and hair so disheveled that Harry laughed out loud.

"You can-" Draco cleared his throat, his voice sounding groggy due to the abuse done to his throat, "-piss right off." he told Harry with a glare after he laughed, wiping and licking his swollen lips.

Harry chuckled once more before remembering the situation they were in and the confused look reappeared on his face, "Why'd you stop?" he asked as Draco ran his hands through his hair to fix it.

"Other than the fact you were butchering my throat?" Draco offered but then leaned closer to Harry while grabbing his length, making his breath hitch.

"You're going to finish inside me." Draco whispered to him, giving Harry a firm squeeze with his hand.

When Draco uttered those words out it was like some sort of beast awoke inside Harry and he grabbed Draco forcefully by his throat and shoved him into the wall making him yelp out in surprise.

Harry crashed his lips onto Draco's swollen ones, his grip on his neck tightening- not enough to cut off his breath but enough to hurt -and Draco's knees weakened at the feeling of being absolutely nothing in Harry's grasp.

Harry, this time, pulled off Draco's shirt urgently, running his hands against the pale skin as he began attacking Draco's neck like a starved man.

Draco whimpered and moaned at how meaninglessly Harry treated his body and he didn't even mean to but he let out a whine when Harry's hands went under his black tights to roughly squeeze his ass.

He let out a gasping moan when Harry bit down on the flesh connecting his neck and shoulder, feeling absolutely helpless and turned on by his sudden rough outburst.

Harry bit and sucked any part of Draco's skin he could touch before ripping his own shirt off, showing off his ripped abdomen and connecting their lips hungrily.

Draco felt his hands go to the back of his thighs and squeeze, making his knees give out that time.

Harry lifted Draco's legs to wrap around his hips and Draco held onto his broad shoulders so he wouldn't fall, loving the way this all felt.

Harry suddenly started moving, though, taking Draco and himself over to the bench and sitting down with his legs on either side of it, setting Draco down on his back and immediately pulling down the rest of his clothes.

Draco bit his lip as he watched Harry's eyes dart all over his body, looking like a hungry predator ready to feast on its prey.

Harry pounced on Draco again, nipping at the exposed skin and making the blonde squirm underneath him.

They both groaned when their cocks slid against each other and Harry looked down at them together before bundling them in his hand and jerking them off.

"Ah!" Draco let out a noise when he felt Harry's warm length touching his, sliding against each other in a tight bundle.

Just the noises coming from Draco turned Harry on to no extent and he couldn't wait to fuck him.

He watched Draco's head tip back and expose his neck. Harry wasted no time leaning down and licking it, kissing along his jaw and Adam's apple before traveling his lips underneath Draco's ear.

"Ready to have my cock inside you?" He whispered lowly and Draco moaned, nodding into his shoulder as he thrust his dick along Harry's in his hand.

Harry let go of their throbbing pricks and sat up a bit more straight, backing up a little and muttering cleaning charms so he could shove his dick into Draco's ass.

Draco spread his legs more open, expecting him to prep him but when he saw Harry grab his cock to put it in he closed his legs and spoke up.

"Oi! Are you fucking mental?" He asked genuinely as he looked up at Harry, out of breath.

Harry looked taken aback at his sudden rude exclamation, "What?" he asked confused, "I thought you wanted me to fuck you?"

"Not like that! Have you ever fucked someone before?" Draco asked, "That's going to hurt." he said.

Harry's face heated up at the question, "Well- Er- no?" he answered honestly.

Draco raised an amused brow and he smirked, "So, I'm the lucky first of the chosen one?" Draco mused.

"Shut up." Harry hissed, grabbing Draco's thighs and digging his nails into them, making the blonde tremble.

"If you want to put that," Draco looked down at Harry's prick, "inside me, you're going to have to prep me first."

Harry was too embarrassed to ask what he meant but Draco could tell just by the look he had on his face that he didn't know.

He rolled his eyes and then motioned to one of the cubbies, "Grab that." he told him and Harry turned to the box and reached for the bag inside.

Harry held the bag up in confusion, "Why do we-"

"Second pocket." Draco cut him off, Harry glaring at him as he didn't appreciate being cut off mid-sentence.

He unzipped the backpack and looked inside of it, finding it empty but he noticed a zipper and unzipped it, finding a small bottle of clear liquid and a few square packets.

Harry took out the bottle and read the label on it, 'lube' . Now, why the hell does he have lube in his backpack?, Harry thought as he took out one of the squares that he just realized were condoms.

Harry looked back down at Draco who didn't seem affected by another person knowing he just kept things like that in his bag.

"You just keep these things in there?" Harry asked as he set the bag down on the floor, flipping the bottle over to see if there were any instructions on it.

"You never know when the boy who lived gets upset about flowers and then decides to shag you." Draco says casually, making Harry actually laugh at something he said.

"Do you think I expected this?" Harry asked and then looked down at Draco when he couldn't find any directions.

Draco shrugged and before he could speak, Harry held up the bottle in his hand, "How do I use this to 'prep' you?" He asked, tilting his head to the side like a puppy.

Draco smirked, "You're more innocent than you seem." he said and he sat up on the bench, crossing his arms.

"Open it." He instructed but before he continued he grabbed Harry's hand, "Are your hands warm? They better be." he said and then let go of them when he felt that they were.

Draco grabbed the bottle of lube from Harry's hand and applied some to just his fingertips before giving it back, "Coat your fingers in it."

Harry did as was told, stopping when Draco nearly shouted at him to stop after two fingers were coated.

"Alright," Draco mumbled and once Harry set down the lube somewhere on the bench he lifted his hips off the bench, moving his hand down his entrance and smoothing the liquid on his rim, gently pushing to try to stretch it out a bit.

Harry watched Draco with lust-filled eyes, his jaw clenching as he looked at the way his sharp features twisted with a small amount of pleasure just by messing with the rim.

Once Draco felt that he had done enough to get it stretched out he laid back down and lifted one of his legs to put on Harry's shoulder, giving him more access to his sensitive hole.

"You can put them in now." Draco breathed out, "Slowly. One at a time."

Harry couldn't help but find the way Draco touched himself like that hot, he shifted to get a better angle and then he took one of his lube-covered fingers and poked at his entrance experimentally.

"Of course, take your time, why don't you?" Draco said sarcastically and Harry rolled his eyes.

Before Draco could make another snarky comment he pushed his middle finger in to the second knuckle, obviously not knowing he was supposed to stop at the first.

Draco sucked in a sharp breath, hissing at the sudden push but thank god Harry didn't go any further yet.

"Right, don't go any further yet," Draco said, putting his hand on Harry's wrist to stop him.

Harry could feel the irritation bubbling up inside him again at Draco's indecisiveness, "Pick one. Hurry up or go slow?" he asked.

"I want you to stop being an idiot and listen to what I'm telling you." Draco spat.

"Don't just shove your fingers in there, you can go fast without hurting me," he said.

"How then? Tell me." Harry said, his finger still comically in Draco's ass.

"Since your finger is already up inside me," Draco said exasperatedly and let go of Harry's wrist, "Twist your finger around- gently." he specified.

"Fine," Harry said and twisted his finger around as Draco told him.

Despite him feeling cold on the outside, Draco was nice and warm on the inside, the slimy liquid making his finger move around with relative ease. It just makes Harry more eager to fuck his brains out.

"Like that, your royal fucking highness?" Harry asked sarcastically as he continued the motion.

"Yes." Draco hissed, "Now pull it out and push it back in." he told him.

Harry kept twisting his finger, beginning to push and pull his finger into Draco slowly with minor difficulty until he got to his last knuckle.

After a while of Harry doing this, Draco swallowed and looked up at Harry, "Okay, you can put the other one in." he said.

Harry looked down at his disappeared finger in question, "Will it fit?" he asked.

Draco resisted the urge to face palm, "Just put it in," he said, having dealt with enough of Harry's stupidity.

Harry made a mocking face as he took out his finger and applied more lube to them like Draco had told him just before and then pressed his ring finger in alongside his middle, slowly this time so Draco wouldn't bitch about his speed.

Both his fingers did, in fact, fit and Harry repeated the twisting, pushing, and pulling, adding scissoring when Draco advised him to.

Draco was breathing heavily now as Harry would unknowingly rub his fingers against his prostate for seconds at a time, making him desperate to have his cock inside him.

Harry noticed that Draco's breath would get harder when he felt a certain area and he started feeling along the walls inside him to see if he could find it and try something.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked breathlessly, "You can put it in now."

"Oh, I know," Harry said simply, pressing his fingers around until he felt Draco jolt and heard him gasp.

He smirked and looked Draco in the eyes, curling his fingers on the spot and watching Draco's pupils dilate and his mouth open to let out a loud moan.

If Draco wasn't shaking before he most certainly was trembling now, unable to stabilize himself by grasping onto something as Harry pressed and rubbed his prostate on purpose.

Draco whimpered as he moved his hips towards Harry's fingers to gratify himself better.

"God.." Harry murmured as he placed a hand lightly on Draco's stomach, his back beginning to arch and his whimpers intensifying.

"You're so damn hot sometimes," he said, watching distractedly as precum began leaking from Draco's hard prick the more he pressed on his prostate.

"Please.." Draco whined, bucking his hips needily.

The ego boost that single word gave Harry, specifically coming from Draco, was unhealthy and he took out his fingers to tease the blonde even more.

"Begging are you?" Harry muses and refrains from making any contact at all with Draco.

Draco rolled his eyes, regretting even thinking of the word "Just shut up and fuck me already." he said, not meaning for his command to sound as bratty as it did.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco, deciding he'd put him in his place.

He grabbed Draco's throat, closing any distance the back of his head and the bench had as he towered over him, bringing his face closer to Draco's.

"Is that any way to get what you want?" He whispered darkly, squeezing Draco's throat when he didn't get an immediate answer.

Draco whimpered softly, his sensitive prick rubbing up on Harry's stomach due to the position they were in.

He tried to gain his composure as Harry's grip began to tighten and urged his voice to seem somewhat unfazed by this, "No." he answered, quietly.

"Exactly, so if you're going to beg then do it right." Harry said strictly, backing up to appear bigger and tilting his chin up.

"You want me to fuck you?" Harry asked, Draco looking away from his gaze with a nod as embarrassment started to creep up inside him.

Harry noticed his eyes leaving his and instead of leaning down again he pulled Draco up by his neck forcefully, "Look me in the eyes. I want you to look at me while you beg me to fuck you, understood?"

Draco's breath hitched when Harry lifted him to his face, Harry's words making his stomach flutter and his dick throb to be touched.

He nodded quickly, wanting Harry to just get on with it so he wouldn't catch any more feelings that he already had because he knew that this was likely a one time thing.

Harry decided that answer wasn't satisfactory enough for him and pulled him even closer, his breath tickling the poor blonde's lips, "Understood?" he repeated, wanting verbal confirmation

Draco stared deeply into Harry's green eyes that were piercing right through his soul, "Under.. Understood." he muttered weakly.

Draco could see Harry's lips curl into a smirk and the annoyance hit him like a semi-truck. Of course he got pleasure from this, he was the only one who made him like this and he hated him for it.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer.

"For you to fuck me." Draco spat.

Harry's smirk didn't fade as he raised an eyebrow as if telling Draco he was missing something.

Draco refrained from rolling his eyes only because he knew Harry would keep this up if he didn't just cooperate right now

"Please." he said, trying to make his voice sound less forced than he'd like.

Harry said nothing and just glanced down at Draco's lips before kissing them.

Once he disconnected, Draco spoke, "You better not be uncivil, I have a competition tomorrow." he told him off, Harry releasing his grip on his neck.

Harry smiled, "No promises." Draco rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious." He said, watching Harry open the condom.

"You think I'm joking?" Harry laughed and rolled the condom onto his dick.

"Potter." Draco said with a frown as Harry lowered his leg that was previously on his shoulder.

"Turn around." Harry ignored him, finding it much more amusing that he had the upper hand here and the fact that he had broken past the bullshit barrier Draco had set up. (Him acting all clueless and calling him 'Harry')

"Are you listening to me?" Draco started getting more aggravated.

"Shut it or you won't be able to walk." Harry said with a strict face, making Draco's breath catch in his throat but Harry couldn't keep up the facade and started laughing.

"Why are you like this?" Draco grumbled to himself, crossing his arms and looking away from the raven.

Harry grabbed Draco's chin to force him to look at him, "Don't act like you aren't enjoying this." Harry said, the butterflies returning to Draco's stomach.

"I see the way your cock twitches whenever-" Harry stopped mid sentence to keep himself from laughing.

Draco scowled and smacked at Harry's hand off his chin, "Bastard." he said, his cheeks turning pink.

"Is that anyway to talk to someone about to pleasure you?" Harry asks, "I don't believe so, now turn around." He repeated, a few ticks away from doing it himself.

Draco glared at him, "You know, you're a lot more bold for someone who hasn't had sex before." he remarked.

"Good to know. Have it a lot?" Harry asked but didn't let Draco answer as he grabbed his waist and managed to flip him onto his stomach.

"I hate you." Draco lied, holding onto the bench to prepare himself for what's to come.

When Draco didn't get a response back he looked over his shoulder to see why that was.

"Fuck, Malfoy.." Harry murmured almost distractedly as he took in the sight of Draco's ass, placing his hands on either cheek and spreading them to reveal his little hole, his eyes dark with lust.

Draco's lips parted as Harry touched his ass like that, shivering when he felt Harry's thumb run over his entrance and biting his lip when he pushed his thumb in.

"Put it in now." Draco nearly whined when Harry removed his thumb.

"Yeah, yeah." Harry said in that same distracted tone and took hold of Draco's waist to pull him closer, grabbing his dick and lining the tip up with his entrance.

Draco was shaking with want as he felt himself sink onto Harry's cock, pushing himself backwards to help it go in faster despite him knowing it would still hurt.

And it did- the usual amount. Draco didn't tell Harry that because, somehow, he still thought Harry at least had some common sense left to know to leave it in there for him to get used to it.


He let Harry bottom out, both of them breathing heavily and Draco decided to tell him just in case, "Ss.. stay like that for–for a moment." he panted.

"ha.." Harry exhaled and leaned forward, "You feel so tight around me.. and warm.." he thought out loud, his voice coming out huskier than he intended.

Draco felt Harry hovering above him and he shut his eyes as his voice sent a shiver down his spine, his own prick twitching at merely the thought of what he could whisper in his ear like that.

After Draco felt like Harry could start moving he opened his eyes lazily, moving forward, "You can m-move."

It sounded like Harry sighed out in relief, drawing out his dick and pushing it back in repeatedly, setting a slow rhythm for himself to get used to the movement.

Harry grunted with each thrust he made into Draco, the blonde making small noises as well as he let Harry go at his own pace for now.

It wasn't long until Harry sped up a bit but Draco still felt as if he wasn't going fast enough.

He tried to hold it in but he just couldn't, "mmph.." he whimpered, "..faster." he pleaded, not caring if he was going to regret acting like this later.

Draco felt Harry squeeze his ass and he moaned softly, "C-can I?" Harry asked, his voice sounding strained, almost as if he was holding back from fucking him senseless.

Draco nodded shamelessly, "Don't ask." He breathed, "you don't have to."

Harry groaned, wanting to ruin the blonde strictly because he was told he was not allowed and because he didn't have to ask if he could do things to him.

Draco waited for Harry to push it back in but he didn't and that confused him, leading in him turning to see why that is, "What ar- Ah!"

He was cut off by Harry thrusting right into him, deep and hard. He scrambled to hold on to the bench as Harry kept shoving his dick in and-

Draco's mouth fell open with a loud moan, his stomach getting warmer as Harry hit his prostate so suddenly back to back harshly.

He didn't expect Harry to find his prostate right away and it caught him so off guard that he nearly came right there.

He didn't, though. He was no minute man-

Besides, he was dead set on not cumming before the bloke just to poke at him for lasting less than him.

No matter what Harry had said about being a virgin and this being his first time, it sure as hell felt like he was lying.

He knew exactly where to hold onto Draco, he was going fast and hard (like he's fucked several times), and he knew exactly where to hit to get him shaking and screaming.

Harry's grip was like steel, his fingers digging bruises into his skin.

The way Harry moved his hands down to his ass to knead it made him whimper and then he smacked his ass, making him gasp out in surprise and moan loudly due his mouth being open.

It turned him on like crazy.

Harry was also making all sorts of noises himself, finding having intercourse with another person much better than he could have ever imagined.

What Draco had told him about not being too rough with him didn't even cross his mind once as all he wanted right now was to hear the blonde scream his name to arouse him further.

Harry felt himself miss the sweet taste of Draco lips on his and, reluctantly, pulled out of Draco to turn him around and kiss him, breathing heavily.

Draco didn't know whether to be upset that Harry had stopped just as suddenly as he started, or greatful that he had because he had to admit he was getting pretty close.

Harry flipped him around again, looking at Draco's dazed face and admiring the light flush on his cheeks before attacking his lips with his eagerly, wasting no time in tasting the soft luscious flesh.

He felt something poke at his chest and broke the kiss to look down to see Draco's hard pink nipples poking at his chest.

Draco was catching his breath when Harry moved his finger to touch it experimentally, receiving a jolt from Draco and he watched as his ears shot pink and his hands moved to cover them up.

"Don't touch those!" he said, seeming embarrassed and he wondered if maybe it made Draco feel something.

"Why not?" Harry asked like a curious child, going to move Draco's hand but he wouldn't budge.

Harry sighed, his eyebrows knitting together as he felt determined to touch Draco.

He grabbed hold of Draco's wrists and pulled them away, the blonde tugging at them to cover up his sensitive pecks.

He managed to get his hands out of the way but his hands were now full, leaving him with nothing to touch him with.

Harry then noticed how close his face was to Draco and how merely his breath made him squirm.

He got an idea, smirking mischievously as he looked up at Draco's darkened face, beginning to lower his face to the bloke's nipples.

"Don't you dare." Draco said as he tried and failed to get free from Harry's grasp, sounding desperate and breathless.

God, was it attractive.

"Watch me," he said.

Harry kept smirking at Draco until he looked down at his nipple and flicked it with his tongue testingly, seeing how he would react.

He could tell by the way Draco was biting his lip to muffle his noises that it affected him greatly and he didn't want him to know.

He narrowed his eyes. Challenge accepted.

He had the perfect plan to get him to break and he gently placed a kiss on the small peck, enjoying how his miniscule actions already had Draco trembling.

"P-Potter." Draco sounded pleading, like he really didn't want Harry to do this.

That made Harry lose himself at the way he had said his name, licking the sensitive bump on his chest and moving it around with the tip of his tongue.

Draco panted heavily, a moan escaping his lips and he squirmed around trying to get Harry off of him even though he loved the way it pissed him off but pleased him at the same time.

"Ah! Potter," he whimpered as Harry started sucking on his nipple now, "Ngh.. N-no."

Harry groaned, teasing the pink peck with his tongue before he started to carefully nip at it, having Draco really pleading now.

He disconnected his lips from his nipple, trailing them up his collar bone to his neck and then to his ear, "Keep saying my name." he breathed heavily.

"Then stop doing that." Draco urged, embarrassed.

Harry didn't even need time to think, "What about the other one? He's gonna feel left out, no?" he teased.

"Potter, don't." Draco said in more of a strict tone.

"Just a little taste." Harry pressed, leaning his face close again.

"Potter!" Draco said again, more warningly this time.

Harry rolled his eyes, "Fine, fine.." he said, leaning up to be face to face with him, "But only if you scream my name while I shove my cock inside you." he whispered knowingly.

Harry watched Draco's face change, his lips parting and he smirked.

Draco saw this and narrowed his eyes, "Whatever." the blonde muttered and turned his head to the side in embarrassment, his heart beating out of his chest.

The smirk turned into a smile and, since Draco so kindly gave him access, kissed his neck, biting and sucking a few spots to mark him his.

"ha.. I didn't say you could do that.." Draco mumbled, glaring at Harry.

"I don't care." Harry said and gave him a smile.

He then let go of Draco's wrists, dragging his hands down his sides and admiring his pale frame before sticking his dick back in.

Once he had set his rhythm again he found that he enjoyed this position far more than the first one.

His cheeks flushed as he watched Draco's face contort with pleasure; his head falling back on the bench to reveal the marks on his neck, the way his perfect eyebrows bunched up as his lips quivered and mouth opened to define his sharp jaw.

It shouldn't have the effect it does on him. He shouldn't feel attracted to someone he has loathed for all his life.

It just made him want to even more. Just the fact that it was so wrong made him want to continue to let it be wrong to spite the world.

Harry groaned as he let one of his hands wander on Draco's body, rubbing his thumb on the nipple he didn't abuse with his mouth, making Draco's back arch slightly.

"Don't." Draco whined and held on to Harry's arms even though he made no movement to stop him.

Even though he liked having Draco's ass facing him, and he'd admit it to the whole world, the way the small back arch made Draco's insides tighten further on him made him start to feel closer to his release.

"Holy fuck." Harry said under his breath and he pinched Draco's nipple to get him to arch his back again. And it worked.

"Potter!" Draco whimpered as Harry flicked and pinched his nipple, back arching like he hoped and Draco's nails started impaling his shoulders at all the pleasure at once.

Harry felt his dick twitch inside Draco as he clasped himself around him and he said his name.

Fuck, he said his name.

Harry started thrusting faster into Draco, chasing his orgasm as the blonde moaned and whimpered his name, keeping his back arched for that extra pleasure.

It was perfect.

Then a thought struck him. He didn't stop his movements but he wanted to have the satisfaction of knowing he made Draco come before him.

He looked Draco's body up and down and saw the perfect opertunity.

He suddenly grabbed draco's dick and jerked it off like he was rapidly trying to rid of something off his hand.

This earned a loud moan from Draco and his hands were squeezing his arms so hard the circulation could have easily been cut off.

His mouth fell open as if trying to say something but he couldn't even form a single word as the pleasure was too overwhelming.

Draco could have come right then and there but he tried holding it in with his literal life so he didn't first.

Harry could tell by the way Draco felt tighter that he was thinking the same thing and he had one final idea to get him to come.

He leaned forward while continuing his thrusting and hand movements, lingering his lips at Draco's ear and softly whispering, "Come, Draco."

That was it.

Harry whispering his first name into his ear so sensually like that broke him and his orgasm hit him like a freight train, come splattering on their chests and Harry's hand.

Harry didn't even know he could be that happy just because of someone cumming on his hand and he quickly chased his own orgasm, thrusting a few more times until coming into the condom.

Both guys felt dizzy and disoriented, Draco shutting his eyes as he rested his head on the bench.

Harry had enough strength to pull out of Draco but his body gave out shortly and he laid himself onto Draco, ignoring the sticky substance in between their bare chests.

They breathed heavily on each other's necks, Harry getting goosebumps because of the wave of coldness that suddenly hit his damp body.

After a few minutes, Draco opened his eyes back up, looking up at the ceiling feeling dazed until the annoyance hit him when he remembered Harry got him to release first.

"Get off." Draco said, putting his hands on Harry's arms to make him get off.

"Er- right." Harry said a little awkwardly and got off of him.

Draco sat up, a jolt of pain going through his back but he refrained from wincing.

He waved his hand, cleaning charms taking actions which made the condom on Harry disappear, grabbing his tights and boxers.

Harry zipped up his pants, walked over to where their shirts were, and tossed Draco's to him, flipping his shirt the right way as he looked at the teeth marks and colored hickies he left on him.

His cheeks colored in shame and he put on his shirt, fixing his glasses and scratching the back of his neck sheepishly as he watched Draco stand up shaky legs.

"I told you I'm competing tomorrow." Draco scolded aggravatingly and pulled on his boxers so his junk wasn't hanging out and ass showing.

"Uh- sorry?" Harry offered with an apologetic grin, Draco glaring bullets at him.

Draco grabbed his bag from the floor and shoved his tights in there, pulling out a different set of clothes Harry assumed was what he came in.

Harry watched Draco get dressed, as gay as it sounded, walking up to him as he was about to put on his shirt and lightly touching the bite mark on the crook of his neck.

Draco raised a brow at his actions, "Did these hurt?" he asked, looking at the marks and then up at Draco's eyes.

"What do you think, genius?" Draco said and pulled his shirt over his head, fixing his hair with his hands.

"My bad," Harry said, taking a step back to give him space and looking around the empty ice rink in thought.

Draco looked at him weirdly, as if he was a completely different person than he had known, "Don't fret," he said, catching the raven's attention.

"If it had hurt I would have punched you." He said honestly as he put on a plain zip-up jacket and zipped it up.

"You're mental." Harry said with a small smile, shaking his head.

"Says you." Draco retorted.

"Piss off."

"You first."

There was a tense silence for a moment while Draco put on his shoes, neither of them meeting each other's gaze.

"So.." Harry started awkwardly, something inside him telling him to make sure Draco was okay after all that.

After all, he had to deal with Harry being inexperienced, his biting and roughness, and the fact that he had him struggling to walk even though he told Harry he had a competition the next day.

"Are you.. alright?" he said and coughed, shifting from foot to foot awkwardly as Draco merely stared at him.

Draco stared at him for a moment, analyzing him, "Listen, Merlin knows how frail you think I must be but let me tell you, whatever you have in that small, small, brain of yours right now, don't think I need it." he said.

Harry furrowed his brows, "What? But I-"

"If you really feel that bad from just fucking, by all means, go ahead and try your ways but I'll make it simple for you, you can take me out for dinner and I can possibly forgive you for your discourteous behavior." Draco suggested with a shrug.

"Are you asking me on a date?" Harry processed, the amusement evident in his tone.

"Dinner. Date. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Draco said and, for the first time, he smiled a soft genuine smile that hugged Harry's heart.

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