Kinemortophobia ✔ [Haikaveh]

By whxliensg

150 6 20

A oneshot Completed with 12,066 words "Keep your voice down, they can hear your every move.." Amidst the af... More

Kinemortophobia - part 1/2

Kinemortophobia 2/2

57 3 5
By whxliensg

"How many times have you apologised? Just for you to do it again."


The early morning dew covered the desert in a golden glow, a breathtaking sight that would've been enough for one to wake up with a smile on their face. But not Kaveh, he was waking up with a blush on his face and hiding under the blankets in sheer embarrassment.

He was too mortified to even look up from the blanket in shame. He knew what they did last night as he felt the warm tingling sensations all over his lips and body. His entire face burnt in fiery heat as he thought back to the moments that were so pleasurable but so embarrassing to think about now.

Al Haitham groaned in his sleep and pulled Kaveh by the waist, making their bodies squish together in bliss

"Go back to bed.."

Al Haitham whispered, before he fell asleep again

Kaveh squealed quietly as Al Haitham unknowingly pulled him so close in his sleep. He blushed even brighter as Al Haitham's hot breath wafted against his neck and ears.

The sudden intimacy was enough to send shivers throughout Kaveh's body once again, and he suddenly felt less embarrassed than before. In fact, he was almost tempted to wake up Al Haitham and tell him how much he liked being close to him.

Al Haitham snuggled his face near Kaveh's neck, inhaling his scent. His arm slowly moved upwards towards Kaveh's chest area and began massaging him. Kaveh lets out soft sounds of pleasure, which led Al Haitham to chuckle softly before asking

"Are you okay? Feeling sore?"

Kaveh purred softly as Al Haitham's arm massaging his chest with tender and careful strokes. The gentle touches felt amazing, making him feel comfortable and relaxed.

And the way Al Haitham laughed at his moaning response made him giggle too. Even after going through such an intense experience as they did last night, he couldn't help but feel shy around Al Haitham.

"Am I sore? Should I tell him I really am? But I don't want anyone to know just how much we did last night..."


Al Haitham said, feeling concerned about the sudden silence from Kaveh. He stopped his arm movements and leaned in to kiss the back of Kaveh's neck

Kaveh felt so content as Al Haitham's lips grazed his neck. His entire body shivered at the light touches which sent waves of sensation throughout.


Kaveh was unable to stay silent for long as he felt Al Haitham's kisses again. He turned his head to the side to face Al Haitham, their lips just a few inches apart. He couldn't wait any longer...

Al Haitham got up from bed, his back resting against the headboard and ruffling his hair. He looked at Kaveh and smiled

"What do you want for breakfast?"

The moment was now lost... Al Haitham's sudden movement caught him by surprise and spoiled the moment in which he was in a state of bliss and anticipation. Just when he was about to ask for one thing in particular...

That's it, give in. Let Al Haitham take the control. He'll know what you really want. Let him make these decisions...

"Surprise me," Kaveh replied with a smile on his face.

As if the Archons heard them, a knock on the door startled both. Dehya recklessly opened the door to a bare Kaveh and Al Haitham only in shorts

"Yup! Never opening doors anymore! Anyways, I came by to say that Candace has already prepared breakfast for you two"

Dehya announced, covering her eyes with her hands before closing the door shut

"Hm. Let's get to breakfast then" Al Haitham wore back his clothes, while Kaveh did the same.

They exchange glances, and Al Haitham smiled before leading Kaveh to the village


There, Al Haitham saw Dehya. She waved and gave Al Haitham and Kaveh a small meal with two water bottles for their trip. Al Haitham thanked his friend once again

"Thank you.. I'll see you some other time"

Dehya paid no attention and waved back, before Kaveh and Al Haitham continued their journey through the sand

Kaveh couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed as they were waved goodbye by Dehya. It felt like everybody could tell just what happened between him and Al Haitham.

Instead, Kaveh simply followed Al Haitham on their journey through the desert. He was still slightly shaking a little from being exposed for so long in the desert heat as well as the intense heat of the previous night. He still was a bit dizzy too, and he didn't really want to admit that...


It was mid afternoon, the sun was blazing on the two men. Kaveh was sweating so much from the heat while Al Haitham paid no attention. He decided to give kaveh his cape to cover himself

"We're almost there. Just a few hundreds of kilometres before we can reach Fonatine at the end of the desert"

It was clear that Kaveh was really struggling with the heat, his body was dripping in moisture and his face was red with heat. He was sweating so much that it even left dark stains on his clothes.

Oh god, I'm starting to feel so tired now, will I even actually make it?

"O-Okay, if you say we're almost there, I'll believe you... I just can't wait until we reach the destination..."

"The smile zombies should not be able to stand the desert heat.. I doubt it will follow us.."

Al Haitham mumbled to himself, taking a look at the map Dehya gave before taking quick looks at Kaveh's wellbeing

"R-Right... The heat should be enough to keep those... zombies away from us..."

You can do it kaveh...
He tried to keep his cool, literally, by trying not to focus too much on the heat and the effort of moving through the desert.

Archons, I hope I'm not going to faint. I would die of embarrassment if I fell to the ground.

Al Haitham stopped and looked back at Kaveh. A mix of concern and affection washed over him seeing his.. roommate? Lover? Al Haitham doesn't know, but he knows Kaveh can't keep this up

"Kaveh.. would you like to stop? Take a break under that tree"

Al Haitham suggested

The two men went under the tree and rested there. Al Haitham gave his remaining bottle of water to Kaveh, hoping it will help him

Kaveh took the water and gulped it down. His throat was extremely parched and the water felt like it was the nectar of the gods. It brought him back to life as he felt the cool water fill his stomach, washing down the heat that was causing him some much discomfort and the exhaustion.

"This water tastes wonderful..." Kaveh sighed as he sat back onto the roots of the tree.

The shade of the tree finally provided relief from the intense heat. This tree had never looked so appealing...

Al Haitham gave time for Kaveh to rest up. He held up his map and began inspecting which route to take just for them to be safe

Kaveh closed his eyes as he continued to rest. Kaveh's throat was no longer as dry and he felt somewhat more relaxed.

His exhaustion had lessened but he still needed to rest.

The cool shades of the tree did indeed make a big difference. And the thought of walking for several hundred kilometres still felt daunting especially when in the hot desert and without much water in the first place.

It was a relief that Al Haitham was leading the two of them to the proper route and ensuring their safety.

After an hour of rest, it was time to continue their journey. Both were walking, the sun was about to be set, meaning the smile zombies could catch up anytime soon. Al Haitham looked at the map and knew where to go

"We should take the cave route. Sure, it's dark and sure, it looks unsafe but it's best we take this route for now"

"Right, you're the one here who would know this desert best. Let's follow your lead."

The prospect of walking in an unknown dark cave was certainly quite nerve-wracking. The thought of what might be lurking in the shadows or just under the surface is enough to make you sweat in fear... but the alternative was to continue walking in the glaring sunlight as the sun's rays made the desert heat even more unbearable.

So, the cave route it was.

They both proceeded into the dark cave. At first, it was quite scary, but it is now.. relaxing and more cooling than being out in the sandy areas

"Let's just hope we don't run into any smile zombies"

And.. Al Haitham ruined the mood, there goes the relaxing moment

Kaveh's heart sank as soon as he heard the mere mention of the smile zombies.

"Yeah, that'd be the last thing we want right now..."

Kaveh replied. The dark cave was both relaxing and a bit unnerving at the same time as the lack of visibility made it even more difficult to judge the surroundings.

"What if we do run into some, though?"

"I doubt we will..- what is that?"

Al Haitham pointed towards something on the ground. The two men walked towards it and realised what it was

"Cyno's helmet? What is it doing here?"

Al Haitham questioned himself, a little confused

Kaveh was equally as puzzled as Al Haitham. The sight of the helmet lying on the ground was quite strange considering that they were walking on a well-travelled path to Fonatine.

What was Cyno's helmet even doing out here and why would it be abandoned here in the desert? It was one thing for a man to become lost and die here but why would his helmet be abandoned and not his entire body?

"I can't really think of any reasonable explanations for this... this must've been Cyno's helmet, right?"

"Mhm.. and.."

Al Haitham mumbled, he swiped off the dust from the helmet and that's when his hand was covered in blood. The blood was staining Cyno's helmet?

Kaveh watched with growing horror as Al Haitham noticed the blood on the helmet. The blood definitely belonged to Cyno, but what happened to his body?

What could've happened to him when he was lost in this very desert? Was there more to this story? And could the smile zombies be behind this?

Maybe we shouldn't even be walking in this direction if it leads to what happened to Cyno...

That's when, Al Haitham noticed two shiny white dots in the darkness. Al Haitham stood in front of Kaveh, defending him

"Kaveh.. get behind me"

Kaveh was quite startled by the two white dots in the darkness. He froze in place, trying to make out exactly what he was seeing.

Once Al Haitham stood in front of him, it was clear what he saw too. Two eyes, white and glaring...

Those eyes... There's a familiar glint inside it. The same glint as the smile zombies...

The shadows then revealed the presence of those white dots. And it was so horrific that Kaveh had to look away

"What the fuck.."

Al Haitham cursed out, It's Cyno but.. he looked horrifying! Cyno's jaw was hanging open, his feet and hands rotting like the other zombies and the huge smile was more disoriented than the others

Kaveh was too stunned to even speak. He was staring at Cyno, whose body was more horrible than the zombies they had encountered, with a grotesque smile and eyes.

Al Haitham's swearing added to the shock too. This was an unimaginable sight. What could Cyno have gone through?

His flesh was so rotten, his bones almost looked to be poking through... his jaw was hanging open...

Al Haitham tried to find a solution, but there was no other way around the smile zombie, and his only concern was Kaveh's safety. Al Haitham looked at Kaveh and gave him his bag full of supplies and cupped his cheeks, before giving him a kiss on the forehead

"I love you so much Kaveh.."

And Al Haitham pushed Kaveh over the edge where he landed in a pool of water


Kaveh's eyes went wide as he was suddenly pushed and landed into a pool of water. His clothes instantly became drenched, he was coughing and spluttering.

Was he seriously just pushed into a pool of water in an abandoned cave by none other than Al Haitham?!

"W-Why did you just push me?!"

Kaveh had no idea why Al Haitham did that. Was he trying to abandon him again?! Until he realised at the bottomless pit there was an exit out of the cave. That means.. Al Haitham sacrificed himself to save Kaveh?

So that was why...

Instead of saving himself, Al Haitham instead chose to sacrifice himself to save him...

Kaveh slowly got up from the pool. The first thing he did was try to wipe his wet clothes off with his hands. But that was completely futile, his clothes were soaked through and no amount of wiping would fix that now.

His eyes widened as he slowly processed what just happened between him and Al Haitham.

He saved my life. He really did. He really sacrificed himself...

But.. if that's what Al Haitham wants, for Kaveh to survive, then he will fulfill that wish. With all his strength, he ran towards the exit and soon the view of the setting sun was shining in his face

Two men traveled through the desert together. One survived, the other didn't..

How Kaveh was beyond misery. How he felt so guilty for leaving Al Haitham like that in the cave

It was so unfair. Al Haitham would've done it for him. Instead, was he about to leave behind someone he loved, a person who'd saved him before anyone else did? Who'd made him felt loved, comfortable, special? Was he going to leave someone like that behind? Just to save his own skin?

Kaveh looked at the bag his late lover had given him. It was the last thing left with him from Al Haitham. The bag was filled with food which would help sustain him, as well as a small bottle of water which would help keep him cool during the blistering desert heat. It felt like a final farewell. The last time they'd be together.

With a heavy heart, Kaveh began walking towards Fonatine with the bag and the thought of Al Haitham's sacrifice weighing on his mind


Kaveh had at least succeeded in reaching the safety of Fonatine.

Once he arrived, Kaveh fell down to the ground, still in shock and exhausted from his ordeal in the desert. The citizens of Fontaine helped him up and took him inside one of their homes.

Kaveh tried his best to explain to them what happened in Sumeru and how Al Haitham sacrificed himself to save him. The citizens of Fontaine were so overwhelmed with horror and disbelief that they could do very little but just nod and offer him a room to stay in.

"Calm down! Someone call medical services!"

One of the citizens shouted, a few men helped Kaveh back onto his feet and decided to give him a free hotel room, unlimited days as compensation

Soon enough, a medical team helped Kaveh patch his wounds and monitor his condition. A woman decided to take care of Kaveh, making sure he eats well

Kaveh was slowly being taken care of.

A medical team was monitoring his condition while also helping him patch up his wounds from the whole ordeal in the desert. A helpful women would ensure that Kaveh is well-fed and taken care of.

The room felt warm and it felt so good to be in a secure environment. Kaveh could feel the relief washing over him as he rested his head back into the pillows. He was going to be fine, eventually...

That's when, a knock interrupted the quiet atmosphere. The woman opened the door and spoke to someone who kaveh doesn't know who. Then, she let out a gasp and quickly scurry to Kaveh

"Sir..! There's someone here to see you"

Without much thought, Kaveh sat up and got on his feet. "Who is it?"

Then, one of the medical staff was supporting someone who caught Kaveh by surprise


That person, was Al Haitham. Who was bandaged from his head and arms. He smiled, though weak from his injuries

Kaveh froze in place when he heard that dear person's voice.

When he looked up, his eyes were met with Al Haitham who had been heavily bandaged after their ordeal with the smile zombie. Despite the injuries, Al Haitham tried his best to flash him a small smile as he got support from one of the medical staff.

In that instant, Kaveh raced over to Al haitham and grabbed his hand tightly in a warm embrace.

The staff left them alone in the room for the two men to catch up with each other. Kaveh led Al Haitham to the bed and they both sat down

"I'm glad you're okay"

"I'm happy that you're here."

Kaveh's eyes were overflowing with relief and happiness as he sat down next to Al Haitham in the bed. His hands were still tightly holding onto him. This was the reunion they always craved.

"I thought I had lost you there..."

Kaveh took a good look at his clothes too. It was slightly ripped with fresh blood stained. His cape was also torn apart as well

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine.."

"Fine? You don't look fine..." He says with a frown.

"You're all covered in bandages and your clothes are ripped and bloodied! Your cape is torn!"

"How is this called fine?!"

Al Haitham gave Kaveh a blank stare and shut him up by giving a kiss on the lips



Kaveh's words were cut off as he suddenly felt Al Haitham's smooth lips pressed against his. His mind was blanked for a moment before he finally came back to his senses.

Kaveh's eyes looked deep into his and he kissed him back, with passion, wanting to convey how relieved he was to see Al Haitham is still alive and well.

Kaveh looked at Al Haitham, their lips barely a few millimetres apart. His whole body was overwhelmed with warmth as he felt every inch of his body being swept by the feeling of relief. The kiss was quick but it was filled with that love and passion that they were used to sharing together.

Al Haitham looked at Kaveh with a sincere look, his eyes beaming with affection. The two men were finally reunited once again.

"So.. did you really think I died?" Al Haitham asked, amusement in his tone.

"H-Huh? Of course I thought you died. You were surrounded by the same smile zombies that we had just barely escaped from! You were lying in an abandoned cave, completely immobile!"

"What else was I supposed to think?!"

Kaveh was still in disbelief as Al Haitham, despite all his wounds and injuries, was still able to joke about in a nonchalant manner.

"I'm only joking.. you're really emotionally fragile aren't you?"

Al Haitham said, a small cheeky smile on his face

"You...!" Kaveh said, his voice breaking into an adorable pout.

He couldn't help but smile back, his cheeks flushed from the playful teasing, although he refused to acknowledge it.

"You know I don't like it when you joke about those kinds of things..."

"I'm sorry sweetheart"

A taste of seduction left his tone of voice, a wide smile on Al Haitham's face

Kaveh was taken by surprise by the sudden change in tone. From teasing to seduction, Al Haitham was always so good at that!

A wave of warmth spread throughout his body as he saw the playful smile on his beloved's face.

"I'm not going to forgive you that easily for that." Kaveh's voice was still filled with that adorable pout.

"Oh? Whatever would I do to let you forgive me?"

Al Haitham's hands move across Kaveh's chest and in one swift motion, he pushed Kaveh onto the bed and bound his hands

Kaveh had been caught off guard.

When Al Haitham suddenly moved to pin him down on the bed in a single swift motion, he gasped from the suddenness of it.

His mind went blank as his hands were suddenly bound and his eyes opened wide.

Kaveh let out a yelp of surprise, the blush on his cheeks now more evident than ever.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Al Haitham asked, looking at Kaveh with lust in his eyes, a hint of desperation on his face

Kaveh was at a lost for words. He was completely overcome with the sudden change of dynamic. Al Haitham was in control, demanding attention and Kaveh was helpless, bound, in the mercy of his lover's will.

What does he want? This only made Kaveh redder in the cheeks. His heart began to race.

"I'm not gonna do anything unless you tell me Kaveh.."

Al Haitham said, he was getting very impatient

"I don't- I mean... I-"

He stuttered. It was a rare sight to see him this speechless. He couldn't gather his thoughts.

Kaveh couldn't even look Al Haitham in the eyes as his cheeks were now blazing red from the heat and from the sudden shift of power. The way Al Haitham was demanding his attention was starting to make his heart race even more.

"Nothing? Then I'll be off"

Al Haitham instantly let go of Kaveh and slowly walked out of the hotel room, provoking the other.

"What- NO! Don't just- Just stay!"

Al Haitham's sudden movement caused a slight panic in Kaveh. He couldn't help but feel a tug of panic at the thought of his lover walking away just like that.

"I-- I mean- I DO want you to do something..."

Al Haitham stopped in his tracks and looked over at Kaveh with a teasing smile

"Well? I'm still here, you can tell me right now"

"Do I have to say it?"

Kaveh felt embarrassed and slightly intimidated by the playful teasing and the lustful look in Al Haitham's eyes. He felt vulnerable as he was still tied to the bed.

Even if this was the only moment in which he will ever be able to say this, there was still such a strong urge just to leave the moment be and remain silent.

But he finally worked up enough courage to say it. The words might sound stupid or silly, but he had to say them, no matter what his mind told him, if he was to truly express himself to Al Haitham.

"I want you..."

Al Haitham growled at that response and instantly pulled Kaveh into bed. Kissing the other roughly, claiming Kaveh as his like the other night in the desert. He kissed Kaveh's lips, before trailing his tongue slowly down Kaveh's neck

With a grunt, Al-haitham thrust his hips forward, pushing his hard cock deep inside of Kaveh.


Kaveh moaned out, feeling each wave of heat and pleasure slapping on his lower area.

Both men were bare skinned in each other's embrace. Kaveh's ass in the air, hips steadied by Al Haitham who was behind him. The blonde gripped onto the pillow below him, feeling ecstasy electrifying his body.

Such a lewd position.. is this really the Al Haitham I know?

"You're so.. mm..~ deep.." Kaveh panted out, his cheeks flushed and squished against the pillow.

"I'm gonna fucking claim you," He growled, his hips pumping up and down faster now, his cock slamming against Kaveh's tight walls.

"Fuck, you feel so good."

"H-Haitham..! Oh fuck.. don't stop!~" The older choked out a moan

Kaveh arched his back in pleasure, taking more of Al Haitham's cock in his wet pussy. The blonde groaned against the pillow, biting it every chance he had

"That's it," he grunted, his hips driving deeper into Kaveh's. "Take it all." His breathing was ragged now, his body trembling with effort as he pushed himself to the brink.

"I'm gonna come so fucking hard..."

"Ah! Ah!~ I'm so close.."

Kaveh whimpered out, tears started forming in his eyes, blinding his vision

"Cum for me," he growled, his thrusts becoming faster and more powerful. He felt the head of his cock brush against Kaveh's cervix, sending shockwaves of pleasure through the other's body.

Kaveh cummed all over the bed, waves of pleasure ran through him, his mouth agape and panting heavily

"Fuck," he groaned, his body tensing as he came inside the Blonde, filling him with his seed. It was the most intense release he had ever experienced.


(I shall leave the rest to your imagination..)

That night was once again filled with so much romance. As the two men embraced that moment


The next morning, Kaveh woke up and was met with Al Haitham sitting on a couch reading a book. The other looked up and smiled cheekily

"You're awake? How cute.."

Kaveh was still reeling from the events of last night. The night was filled with passion, it felt like the perfect end to a long day. The way Al Haitham completely took over the entire situation, from the way he took him by surprise, pinned him down and restrained him, really made him feel like a different person altogether.

Kaveh felt shy to make eye contact with him but when his eyes finally caught Al Haitham's, he instantly smiled back and nodded.

"So.. since Sumeru has been invaded, I was thinking if you wanna live here with me? In Fonatine."

Al Haitham said, snapping his book shut, to look at Kaveh with admiration

"Huh? You would want me to stay with you? Here? In Fontaine? I..."

Kaveh hadn't even considered this as an option. While he didn't really want to leave his homeland, staying in Fontaine with Al Haitham would provide him with safety and protection.

"Well- yes, of course, I do want to."

"I'm glad. Because while you were sleeping the whole morning, I went out to find a job"

Al Haitham replied, stirring his cup of coffee and took a sip

"You did?"

Kaveh couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard Al Haitham mention he was out to find a job. He was a little bit concerned that Al Haitham wouldn't think of a way to provide for them both after they moved here but that wasn't the case.

Kaveh couldn't help but laugh, feeling like such a worrywart all of a sudden.

"I have also wanted to ask if you would like to be my boyfriend?"

Al Haitham asked, getting up and holding Kaveh's hands in his.


Kaveh wasn't quite sure what to expect next. He knew that they were practically fucking that night and the night in the desert but to make it official would make them an actual couple and this excited him greatly.

"Yes! Yes, I would be your boyfriend, I'd love to be..."

Al Haitham held Kaveh's chin up and gave him a long, passionate kiss

Kaveh gasped with the suddenness of the intense kiss. His lips felt numb from the sudden warmth of it.

Al Haitham was incredibly passionate, as he always was. Even so, he felt slightly embarrassed as the kiss continued.

It felt almost as if his face was on fire and the heat was only increased by Al Haitham's hands being wrapped firmly around his body.

Thus, their new lives as lovers, starting in Fonatine


The two men were now living together in a modest sized apartment downtown. Both were working steady jobs and were financially stable.

They had become quite well known in the neighborhood as the famous architect and his popular professor boyfriend. The two were also very well regarded in the society, with all social circles eager to be in their company.

It appeared that their romance was flourishing in this city. The two were happy and it showed in the way they interacted.

While Kaveh was looking through a few photos, he stumbled upon a photo of his friends before they were infected.

The sight of the photo hit him hard, causing Kaveh to tear up instantly. He missed his friends so much, they had always been there for him and he had always seen them as an extension of his family.

It hurt his heart to see that they were no more.

As this happened, he heard Al Haitham asking him to come to the other room, which caused him to pull himself together. He wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and took a deep breath to regain composure.

"Are you okay? What's that you're holding?"

Al Haitham asked, curiously engulfed his thoughts

"It's just... just..."

He couldn't even bring himself to admit why he had been tearing up. Al Haitham had always known when to keep silent and when to ask questions.

Kaveh took a deep breath trying hard to keep a stiff upper lip.

"It's nothing. I... just saw something which caused me a bit of sadness."

Al Haitham felt concerned but quickly shook it off and pulled Kaveh by waist, Kissing him gently

"Well, whatever it was, don't think too much about it.."

Kaveh's mouth instantly opened in a soft gasp as he was kissed, completely forgetting and pushing away his emotions.

It was so much easier to forget about his emotions when Al Haitham was doing something so sensual to him. The way his lips kissed so warmly and how Al Haitham's tongue slipped between his lips made Kaveh forget all about anything that caused him sadness, replacing it all with pure bliss.

In the end, both lived a happy life. But at what cause? For their home to be destroyed? Their friends gone? Well, if you ask me, I think it's worth it. But for Al Haitham and Kaveh? Not really..


Author's note


Before some people ask me questions. I will answer them

Visions do not exist in this au. No I did not make Kaveh a sensitive baby here, I just wanted to see him more dependent on Al Haitham like in the game.

What happened to their zombie friends? Still wandering around maybe..

I think that's all.. thank you so much for reading this oneshot!!
Not proofread

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