Sidemen scenarios

By Waterliliesxoxo

1.3K 6 0

For years they've been posting videos, content, and having fun. The famous YouTube group which consists of se... More

Wedding- Harry
Homless with a baby- Josh
Hide and seek- Tobi
She's hurting- Harry
The hate- Simon
A new furry addition- JJ
Why me- Vik
Determined to wait- Ethan
Singing a lullaby- Simon
Morning sickness- Josh
Overwhelmed- Ethan
Drunk livestream
Innocent truth or dare- Ethan
Authors note
He's missing JJ help- Harry
Late night- Vik
Help- Simon
They hate me- Harry
Where is our daughter- Josh
I have had enough- Simon

Something isn't right- Tobi

67 0 0
By Waterliliesxoxo

If you are going through something similar you are strong. I am so sorry if this is not represented correctly or if anything is just wrong in someway. Hopefully one day there will be a cure.

Hey you okay Tobi says walking into the bathroom. Yeah I'm okay I say lowering my shirt quickly. I've got to go back but I will be back in 3 days he says. Have fun hopefully your on the good team I say. I hope so too, love you. Love you too. He just left for a Sidemen holiday so now it's just me. I decide to clean. As I'm wiping off the kitchen counter I start have trouble breathing a pain radiates through my chest. I've felt like this for a few days but didn't want to worry Toby, it's nothing I'm sure. I get back to cleaning and before I know it it's the end of the day.

The next day I feel the same tightness in my chest, and this time it is accompanied by a headache. Still thinking nothing of it I continue doing laundry. Later in the day I get a call from Tobi. Hey just one more day until I'm home he says. You may have just left yesterday but it feels like forever I say. He laughs and tells me he got on the good team this time. That's great I say griping the counter as I try to catch my breath. You miss your boyfriend already I hear JJ yell. Making me laugh. Yeah you wish I shout back. Well I love you see you tomorrow. I love you too. After we hang up I go back to cleaning the living room. I have been feeling this tightness in my chest for a few days but I know it's nothing it last a few minutes than goes away. Today is the worst it has been though, it has been occurring more frequently. I try to ignore it the best I can.

The next morning my tight chest and headaches are worse than they have ever been. I take a deep breath and continue getting ready. I'm currently gripping the bathroom counter as I try to catch my breath. I'm back Toby's voice sounds throughout the house.
Are you okay he asks me. I'm fine I say standing upright. How was your holiday I ask. Oh pretty good it was chaotic he says taking his shirt off to get in the shower. Nice I say smiling slightly. I'll go make lunch I say leaving him to shower. As I walk back to the kitchen I start having difficulty breathing again. The pain starts in my chest. I grab the counter as I gasp for air. Tears spring to my eyes. What wrong Toby appearing at my side in concern. I don't know, something isn't right I say starting to cry. Okay babe relax come sit down he says gently guiding me over to the couch.

You need to tell me what's going on and don't lie to me baby. It's hard to breathe I say wincing as another pain shoots through my body. Toby wraps his arms around me and rubs my back trying to calm me down. I put my head against his chest and sob into his chest as another pain hits me. You're going to go to the hospital Tobi says firmly rubbing my back. My body tenses. No that won't help! I shout struggling to stand. He looks at me shocked, then quickly pushes me down onto the couch and wraps an arm around my waist. No hospital please I say. He knows how much I hate them. You need help we don't have a choice he says. I'm fine I've lasted a week I can last more I say. A week, why didn't you say something? He says. I thought it was nothing I didn't want to worry you. Look I promise I will be fine I said wrapping my arms around him tightly. We are going to the hospital he says. I nod not wanting to argue anymore.

We pull up to the emergency room and he helps me out of the car. We walk in together and after being asked some questions we are shown to our room. I lie down on the bed. My hands begin to shake as I think about how bad it has gotten in such a short amount of time. Tobi sits beside me holding my hand. My mind is running a mile a minute with thoughts about what it could be. They check my blood pressure and heart rate which make them concerned. Tobi takes my hand. It's okay He says sitting up. After several hours of tests the doctor enters with the results of the tests. Her face falls when she reads them. She turns to look at us. This means you have Leukemia she says. Tobi begins crying and wraps his arms around me as he pulls me into a hug. They explain there are treatments that will give me a chance at life but it will require chemo and radiation. You will lose your hair, and you will be extremely weak and get sick during treatment she says. She shows us where to sign to allow her to treat me. I am numb, how could I have gotten cancer. But my mind does not register what she is saying. Instead I think about what would happen if I had to go through chemo and radiation treatments. I think about all the pain I would have to endure. I look up at Tobi, tears in his eyes. You will do everything you can to fight this and beat it, he says squeezing my hand. He continues to hold my hand and rock me gently as I start to cry again. You can go home for now but I will see you back here tomorrow to start treatment she says. Tobi smiles reassuringly at me and kisses me softly on the forehead before he gets up to help in the wheel chair the nurse brought.  When we get back to the apartment he holds me close as we try to digest what happened. It all seems so unreal. I stay awake most of the night unable to sleep. Tobi comforts me until finally I fall asleep wrapped in his arms.

I wake the next morning feeling drained and groggy. Today is the day I start chemo I made you breakfast Tobi says with a tray in hand. He sets it on the table by the bed. Pancakes, juice, bacon and toast he says sitting down beside me. Okay thank you baby I say wiping away the tears from my eyes. I look at the food for a moment before my stomach growls loudly making both of us laugh. I take a bite of my pancakes and it's so good. These taste amazing I say. They were cooked by me of course they do he says. It's all happening so fast I say. We're gonna get through this he says. What do we tell our family, our friends. Oh no you have a sidemen shoot today you have to go I say. No I'm not going he says. Tobi you have to the boys depend on you and the fans, you have to go I say. I turn away from him so he doesn't see the tears in my eyes. I feel guilty I'm taking him away from what he loves. Toby shakes his head. I'm staying here, he says rubbing my back. We are gonna get through this together he says. Now come on we have cancer to beat he says. I smile a little sadly at him before getting ready and then head to the hospital. At first I don't feel anything when the drugs are injected into my veins. But after a while the harshness begins to kick in and I find myself wishing I never went. The doctors say the effects will wear off over the next few days and that I should expect to feel tired and weak. They also said they want to keep me here overnight to see how my body reacts to it. I start to feel nervous as they put an Iv in my arm. Just try to relax I'll be back to check on you in an hour the nurse says. Okay I say. Tobi's phone chimes as texts come in than calls. It's ghe lads probably wondering where I am he says. Answer it I say.  He looks at me contemplating it. Go ahead. Answer it I say more firmly. Hello? he says into the phone. Where r u?! Sorry I should have told you I'm not gonna be able to make it to shoot today he says. I feel so terrible I'm the reason he can't come. Ya an emergency came up he says. I um I don't know if I'm gonna be back for a while he says. No he can't do that Bye he says ending the call. You can't just not go to shoots I say. It'll be fine don't worry he says. But your fans I say. You are more important to me right now, the fans, the videos, the lads will all have to wait he says. He grabs my hand and squeezes me tightly before kissing my forehead. You are gonna get better, I promise he says squeezing me again. I smile at him. How did I get so lucky. The drugs starts to kick in and I start to get nauseous. I'm gonna be sick I mumble. He grabs the bed pan holding it out for me as I throw up. I groan and curl up in a ball covering my mouth with the bed sheet. Everything is okay baby just rest for a bit he says stroking my hair gently. ​

When I wake up I feel like I got hit by a bus. how do you feel a nurse asks as Tobi starts to wake up. Tired I say. My entire body aches I add. I know it sucks but that means the chemo is working she says. At least you're gonna get better she says smiling sympathetically at me. The doctor will be in shortly to examine them hopefully you can go for now she says. After a few minutes the doctor comes in. It's gonna be a long a long road to recovery. This is just one of many chemo therapy treatments you will have to have. It's only gets harder from here she says. The side effects could be pretty intense so please prepare yourself mentally and physically for that. Don't push yourself too hard either, you need time to heal and recuperate. I heard that it makes you loose a lot of weight is that true I ask? Yes unfortunately you will lose a lot of weight during the treatment. Well you seem to be responding well to the treatment so you should be okay to go home she says. You will have to come in every week for treatment she says. Thank you so much Tobi says. I'll go get your discharge papers she says. When she comes back Tobi signs the papers as a nurse helps me into a wheel chair. I feel really week and it was just one treatment I have many more to go. Tobi helps me into the car and we head home. You know I love you right he asks breaking the silence. I knwo you do I say as he pulls into the garage. I still think you should do the shoot today. I thought about it, but there's no way I could leave you. I would just be constantly worried about you he says. I don't wanna leave you he says placing a soft kiss on my cheek. The other guys can do the shoot without me he says. Fine I guess you can stay here if you want I say. I don't think you have much of a choice he says. I laugh. He comes over helping me out of the car. And helps me inside, bringing me to the couch. As soon as he sets me down he disappears into the kitchen grabbing something to eat for us both. As he brings me my meal I thank him. We sit eating quietly watching some television before the day slips away. I start to feel drowsy as my eyes close. I give him a gentle nudge. "Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up" he says stroking my cheek. Goodnight he says softly kissing my forehead. "Goodnight Tobi" I whisper closing my eyes drifting off to sleep. ​

The following morning I woke up groggy. Everything hurts. My bones hurt, my muscles ache and my stomach is queasy. Today's going to suck I mumble. Come on babe you can do this he says nudging me gently. I hate this I say. But it doesn't mean you cant keep fighting he says hugging me. Come on let's get you downstairs he says gently picking me up in his arms. It's gonna be okay he whispers kissing my forehead. I wanna tell everyone I say. Are you sure about that he asks? I'm sure I say.

A week goes by and another chemo treatment comes and goes. We invited everyone to our house so we can tell them what's going on. I'm suddenly awake as I lay here hoping the nausea will go away. When I look over I see Tobi is gone and then all the sudden I'm running to the bathroom throwing up everything in my stomach. I can't even look at myself in the mirror I look awful. Hey it's okay Tobi says rubbing my back. I just want it to stop I say. I know it will be says. [doorbell] I groan rolling over slowly getting up. I got it Tobi says. come down as soon as you can he says rubbing my arm gently. I hear the sidemen's voices downstairs. It's now or never I think. I'm nervous they are gonna look at me differently once they find out. Tobi lets me take my time and dress myself making sure not to rush me.  I make my way downstairs I see everyone waiting for me. I'm so scared. I smile trying to hold back tears. "Hey everybody" I say nervously as Tobi holds my hand. "Are you ready to tell them?" Tobi asks smiling encouragingly. "Yeah" I say trying to hide my shaking voice. "Okay come on I gotcha!" I nod taking a deep breath before looking at each member of the group.  As they look back at me with blank faces I begin talking. "please don't look at me differently because of this" I whisper choking back the tears. Everyone looks at me confused. What's going on Simon asks? She has cancer Tobi says. Are you serious JJ asks shocked. Yeah but I'll beat it! I say. What kind? they ask. Leukemia I say. Oh sweetie I didn't know! Did Tobi know? hey all stand there stunned. Please don't let this affect things he says putting his hands on my shoulders. No baby it won't I say smiling through my tears. I love you he says pulling me in giving me a hug. He kisses me gently before I hug everyone. I'm gonna be with you every step of the way Talia says.

Weeks go by and I'm headed to the hospital. They look a little concerned as they run tests. "How ya feeling babe?" he asks softly kissing my forehead. Well, how am I supposed to feel when I don't even have an immune system I reply sighing. I cough deeply filling my lungs with air as I lay in bed. Tears fill my eyes thinking about how I'm going to be able to do this. "I know baby" he says wrapping his arms around me holding me tightly. The doctor comes in to tell me the news.  She shakes her head "you're very weak honey. The doctor is very concerned so we're going to take you to run some more tests. Maybe we'll know more then." she leaves the room quickly followed by one of the nurses. I turn over falling asleep. I wake up gasping for air as I see Talia and Freya in the corner of the room. Are you okay they ask coming over to me in concern. I sit up weakly rubbing my neck. Yes I'm fine. Sorry I didn't realize you were here I say wiping the sweat from my brow. The boys took Tobi to shower and eat Freya says. Don't worry we figured you needed some rest before we came to talk to you they say laughing slightly. "You guys are amazing" I say pulling Talia and then Freya into a hug. I just couldn't do it alone. After a while I fall asleep again. "We need to do something" Freya says in a hushed tone. Guys, Please no. I don't want to hear this right now. I've had enough I croak. What do you mean? Talia asks biting her lip. The talking behind my back, I don't like it I say. The guys walk in the room the moment I have a coughing fit. They all look concerned. "It's nothing to worry about" I mutter lying back in the bed. You need to eat a little bit. Trust me, you'll feel better if you eat Tobi says. We brought you lunch" JJ says holding the tray to me. Tobi sits next to me as Freya pulls up a chair across from us. "Thank you guys. I really appreciate it." I say picking up a piece of bread with some chicken and sauce on it. I grab a few bites before setting the tray down. "So, what's going on guys?" I ask. Okay first off we wanted to tell you that we're all going to do our best to help you Talia says taking a deep breath. Tobi nods in agreement. We love you and will support you through anything Ethan says. We know you'd do the same for us any day of the week Tobi replies kissing me passionately. I laugh at him lovingly. And Freya adds That's exactly why we thought we should do something Talia says. We are taking a trip, we talked to your doctor and he said it should be fine just a short one we'd leave tomorrow and come back the next day Freya says. Let's do it I say excited to get out of here. Are you sure your up for that Tobi asks. I am I say. I need to get away.

The next morning I'm being wheeled out in a wheelchair to a van that was rented to fit all of us. The next morning I'm being wheeled out in a wheelchair to a van that was rented to fit all of us. Everyone was laughing and singing. I was trying to have fun but I was exhausted and weak. When we got to our destination we pulled into a small park that had beautiful flowers everywhere. "This place looks gorgeous" Freya says standing outside looking around. I smile sadly wondering if I would ever be healthy enough to come back here. up for a game of hide and seek Josh proposes. As long as JJ is not the seeker I joke. Everyone starts laughing making me smile a little. 1 2 3 not it everyone says but Vik. He starts counting as we hide. It's really pretty here Ethan comments as he walks over and sits down next to me. it is but you have to find another hiding spot I say. We play for a while until Simon ends up winning. We stay there for a while talking until I fall asleep leaning against Tobi.

I wake up several hours later stretching my legs as I yawn. I look around noticing I'm back in the car. Simon begins driving down the road once again and I try my hardest to fight sleep. A minute or two passes and I can't keep my eyes open any longer I lean my head against Tobi's shoulder closing my eyes hoping for the best. I finally manage to drift off until I'm shaken awake. We arrived at the Diner for dinner. Tobi caught me yawning several times throughout the meal and tried to distract me with jokes and stories. Freya also attempted to make conversation. This worked for a little bit but after an hour or so I just wanted to sleep. Come on let's go to the hotel Tobi says. Freya grins at me happily and helps me out of the booth pushing me toward the door. We get to the hotel which was huge. Tobi pushes me toward ours carrying my bag. I feel bad when he has to carry it for me. There is no way I can carry it right now. We enter our room and Tobi smiles at me. I love you, you are so strong. Thank you baby I reply wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. I start crying tears falling onto his chest. He kisses my forehead and wipes the tears from my face gently. Please don't cry he says. I promise I'll never let you go again he says. Then he gets on one knee and takes out a small box. "Lana Walker will you marry me?" He asks staring deeply into my eyes. Oh My God Tobi I think. I stop breathing as my heart starts beating rapidly. I'm too stunned to even answer him. Finally I pull myself together. Yes Tobi. I nod enthusiastically grabbing his hand as he puts the ring on my finger. I love you so much he whispers leaning in to kiss me. You need rest. Sleep baby he whispers pulling me into him. I nod and curl up under the covers, pulling the sheet up to my nose and drifting off to sleep. When I woke up I realized how stiff and sore I felt. I didn't even notice I had slept through breakfast until I heard Ethan and Josh making noises. I roll over waking up and sitting up on the bed. I feel awful. I start to hear other voices. I cough loudly rubbing my throat. All the boys and girls jump up and come running into the room. What happened Ethan asks. I cough hard again running to throw up into the toilet across the room. Tobi rushes into the bathroom."You're okay." He tells me patting my back. somethings wrong I mumble tears clouding my vision. Maybe we should take you to the hospital? Tobi suggests. I nod. He picks me up telling everyone we're going to the hospital.

So I see something that's a little concerning in your scans, Tobi can I talk to you outside the doctor says coming in. They walk out and I can see them through the window, Tobi looks sad. When he comes back in I notice he has tears in his eyes. How bad is it? I ask staring at him. They say it's terminal he says. That there gonna make you as comfortable as possible but there's nothing they can do he says walking towards me wiping his tears away. I start crying. I love you babe he says gently hugging me tightly. I love you too he adds kissing my head. After a while everyone comes back in and we tell them I'm dying. Freya is sitting by the window sobbing softly into her hands. It makes me sad to see her like this. to see all of them like this. I wanna go home I say. I look at Tobi he nods and squeezes my hand. I don't think that's a good idea he says. Please I wanna go home please let me go home I plead. Why won't they let me go home? I cry harder. The doctor comes back into the room. Actually if you prefer it you could go home. It might make you more comfortable being in a place that's familiar and comforting he says. Tobi stands up taking my hand looking at me with such sadness. If that's what you want let's go home he says kissing my head before heading to the front desk. He talks to someone for a few minutes signing papers. Once everything is taken care of we head home. We walk into the house slowly as everyone meets us in the foyer. "Hey Lana" Harry says walking up to me he gives me a hug. I smile hugging him back. I hug everyone else thanking them and then they leave. We go upstairs and lay together. It's quite for a little while. I close my eyes thinking about the last few days Tobi asked me to be his wife. I would have loved to have married Tobi someday, but now it's not gonna happen. I close my eyes crying. Just then I feel Tobi pulling me closer and holding me tight. My eyes open again seeing his beautiful blue eyes staring down at me. "I love you." he whispers holding me close to him. I'm sorry we won't get to be married I say. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me deeply. I pull back smiling at him. It's gonna suck but I'll manage, for now I'm just glad we're together he says. Promise me you'll move on, find someone to make you happy I say. I don't want you sitting around here mourning me forever I say. No way I'll never be able to love anyone the way I love you he says. Tobi please promise me you will move on at least be happy. I'll promise to be happy but I love you I will never stop. I fall asleep in his arms.

As the days go by I get sicker. I can hardly keep anything down or even move. We both knew this was coming but it's still really hard to face the reality of the situation. Tobi has been so amazing the last couple of days. He is always right by my side. Today is the worst it's been since they told me. It's bad, really bad. So bad we went to the hospital. My heart rate is through the roof and I'm having trouble breathing. The doctor is in the room, he doesn't look happy. "We can make you comfortable at home. You should probably spend your time there surrounded by people you love." the doctor says. I look over at Tobi. Tears streaming down his cheeks. He looks so scared and worried. "I'm gonna go tell the guys." he says, walking out of the room. He comes back a few minutes later. The doctor looks over at us, "do you have any questions?" he asks. No we don't thank you Tobi says. We leave the hospital and head back home. We go into the house and sit on the couch. The lads have arrived, they are sitting in the kitchen. They're all very quiet and solemn."How did it go?"
Vik asks. "They gave her a few more days or hours" Tobi says. "We need to be strong for her" Ethan says.
"How can we do this?" Josh asks. "I don't know," Harry says. "I'm going to go see her" Tobi says. He goes upstairs and enters the bedroom. "Hey babe," he says. "Hi" I reply. "How are you feeling?" he asks.
"Like crap" I say. "Do you want something to eat?" he asks. "No, I'm not hungry," I say. "Okay, just let me know if you change your mind" he says. He stays in the room for a little while before he comes back downstairs. "Are the boys here?" I ask. "Yeah," he says. "Can they come up and visit?" I ask. "Of course," he says. One by one, the boys come upstairs to see me. "I don't know what to say," Harry says.
"Don't worry about it, just be here" I reply. After a few hours, the boys have to leave. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Ethan asks. "I'm fine, just take care of yourself" I say. "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow" Josh says. "Bye," Ethan says. "See ya later, love you" Simon says. Tell Talia and Freya I love them I say. "We will" Ethan says.

They leave and I'm alone with Tobi. "Babe, do you want me to bring the boys up here tomorrow?" he asks. "Yeah," I say not knowing tomorrow would be my last. Tobi and the boys come up to visit the next day. "Hey babe, how are you feeling today?" Tobi asks. "Not too bad, a bit tired" I say. "I know, we all are" he replies. "I'm gonna go downstairs and get some food, is there anything you want?" he asks. "No, thank you" I say. "Okay, I'll be right back" he says. He goes downstairs and the boys all talk to me.
"We brought you something," Simon says. "What is it?" I ask. "It's a picture of all of us," Josh says. "That's so sweet, thank you" I say. "We want you to have something to remember us by" Harry says. "I love it, thank you" I say. Talia and Freya come in and visit for a bit. "How are you feeling?" Talia asks. "Okay," I reply. "I brought you some flowers," Freya says. "That's so nice, thank you" I say. "How are you holding up?" Talia asks. "Alright, it's hard" I say.
"We'll be here for you, always" Freya says. They stay for a bit longer and then have to leave. "Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it" I say. "You're welcome, take care of yourself" Freya says. "Love you" Talia says. "Love you too" I reply. They leave and Tobi comes back upstairs. "I got you a snack, are you hungry?" he asks. "Not really" I reply. "you have to eat at some point he says. "I know, I'm just not feeling very well" I say. Can you hold me I ask. "Of course, come here" he says. I snuggle up to him and he holds me close. "I love you" he says. "I love you too," I say. We sit in silence for a while. "Tobi," I say. "Hmm?" he replies. I love you "I know" he replies. We sit in silence for a bit. "Lana," he says. "Hmm?" I reply. "I'm gonna go downstairs, are you gonna be okay?" he asks. "I'll be fine" I say. "Okay, I'll be back" he says. He leaves and I'm alone.

I look at the picture the boys gave me and smile. It's a photo of all of us, the boys, Talia and Freya. They're all smiling and laughing. I'm sitting in the middle, in the arms of Tobi. We look so happy.
I cough
Tobi runs back upstairs, he must have heard me coughing. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks. "I'm just a little tired, that's all" I say starting to feel really weird. "Alright, try to get some sleep" he says. "Okay, thanks" I say. "You're welcome, love you" he says. "Love you too" I say. He leans in and gives me a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. I lay back and close my eyes, trying to get some rest. I start to feel very hot and sweaty. My throat starts to burn.
I can't breathe. My heart is racing. Y/N Vik shouts. My chest hurts. My vision starts to blur. Vik. Everything goes black.

Tobi's POV
I run back upstairs. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask. She doesn't answer me. "Y/N, what's wrong?" I ask. She still doesn't answer. "Babe, wake up!" I say. She doesn't move. I start shaking her. "Y/N, wake up! Please, baby, wake up!" I cry. where is my phone. I find it dialing 911. "Hello, 911, what's your emergency?" the operator says. "Please, you have to come, my girlfriend, she's not waking up, please, you have to come," I cry. "Sir, what's your address?" the operator asks. "3326 Park Ave, please, you have to hurry" I cry. "The paramedics are on their way, they'll be there soon, please, sir, you need to try to stay calm" the operator says. "You have to hurry, she's not waking up, oh my god" I cry. "The paramedics are on their way, I repeat, the paramedics are on their way" the operator says. I look over at her and start to panic. "I think she's dead" I say. "Sir, the paramedics are almost there, they'll be there any minute" the operator says. "You have to hurry" I cry. "They're almost there, sir, they're almost there" the operator says. I hang up the phone and wait. The paramedics arrive a few minutes later. "She's not breathing, she's not breathing!" I cry. "We're here to help, can you tell us what happened?" one of the paramedics asks. "She's not breathing" I cry. "Sir, can you tell us what happened?" the other paramedic asks. "She was fine, she was fine, then she started coughing and then she was just lying there and she wasn't breathing and then I called you. She um she also has cancer the doctors said she was gonna live much longer she wasn't supposed to die yet. I just need her to wake up, please" I cry. "Okay, sir, can you tell me your name?" the first paramedic asks. "T-tobi" I say.
"Okay, Tobi, can you tell me what her name is?" the paramedic asks. "It's Y/N" I say. "we're gonna do everything we can to help her" the paramedic says. "Please, you have to save her" I cry. The paramedics start to check her vitals. "Sir, you're gonna have to step back" the other paramedic says. "Oh god" I cry. The paramedics are doing CPR on her. "She's not waking up, she's not waking up!" I cry. The paramedics continue performing CPR on her. All the sudden they stop. "No, no, no, no, please, she's not dead, please, you have to save her" I cry. She's gone, I'm sorry they say. "No, no, she can't be dead, no, please, no" I cry. They cover her body with a sheet.
"Please, she can't be dead" I cry. The paramedics place her body on a stretcher and load her into the ambulance. "No, she's not dead, no, no, she can't be dead" I cry.

[her funeral]
It was a beautiful service. A lot of people showed up to pay their respects. Everyone was crying. Tobi was a mess. He couldn't stop crying. It was a very sad day. "Tobi, can I have a word with you?" Talia asked.
"Sure" Tobi said, wiping his tears. "We just want you to know that we're here for you, and that we love you" Talia said, hugging him. "Thank you" Tobi said, hugging her back. "If you ever need anything, just let us know" Talia said. "I will" Tobi said, nodding. "We're gonna go now, but please don't hesitate to reach out" Talia said, hugging him again. "Thank you" Tobi said, wiping his tears. Tobi was left alone. He stood in front of the casket, staring at Y/N's body. He couldn't believe she was gone. It was so unfair. She was so young, and she had so much life ahead of her. She didn't deserve to die. Tobi started to cry again. He was going to miss her so much. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm so sorry" Tobi cried. Tobi continued to cry. He would never get over losing her. She was his world. Without her, his life would never be the same. He loved her, and he would always love her. He would never stop missing her. She was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it.


Words: 6063

I wrote this because not everything is happy. Not all story's end with a good ending. So, as I've said before I am sorry if it is not represented correctly.

I got my first request I am so excited. Thank you.

Have a lovely day or in my case night.

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