Entwined Royal Hearts

By Riyawrites_06

50.5K 1.6K 129

In the enchanting backdrop of India's rich cultural tapestry, where tradition and heritage intermingle with t... More

Characters 1
Character 2
Character 3
Character 4
Note 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29

Chapter 28

325 34 4
By Riyawrites_06

It's actually tiring to write heartbreak scenes. It took me nearly a week and a half with constant breaks to write this chapter and the few upcoming ones.

Anyway it's a really long chapter, so enjoy..

Happy reading!!!


After 3 Months

Isha's POV

It's been three months, three months of complete heartache. Either Ekansh wouldn't respond, or he would pick up my calls once in a blue moon, offering only cold and distant replies. I didn't want to come across as clingy, but the worry and restlessness were consuming me.

I spent countless nights tossing and turning, replaying our last conversations in my mind, desperately trying to find clues or reasons behind his sudden change in behaviour. The distance between us, both emotionally and physically, seemed to grow with each passing day. I missed the warmth of our connection, the laughter we shared, and the comfort of knowing he was there for me. The unanswered questions and the uncertainty were like a constant weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe.

I debated whether to confront Ekansh about my concerns or continue waiting, hoping for a change. The fear of pushing him away battled with the fear of never understanding what went wrong. It was a delicate balance between wanting closure and fearing the truth.

As the days turned into weeks and then into months, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted irreversibly. I longed for the days when our communication was effortless, when he would eagerly share his thoughts and dreams with me. Now, the silence echoed louder than any words he could have spoken.

In the midst of this emotional turmoil, I struggled to find peace. The uncertainty of our relationship cast a shadow over every aspect of my life. I knew I needed answers, but the fear of what those answers might be kept me hesitating on the edge of revelation.

The pain of unspoken words and unexplained distance became a heavy burden and I finally decided to confront the issues head-on.

Presently, I was in my cabin packing stuff to go and visit Ekansh in his office. I quickly got out of the hospital with my belongings and got into my car and drove off. I didn't tell Saanvi, Meera and Ara about it as I know they themselves have a lot going on in their lives, just like they know I'm going through something, I know it without them informing me as we have soul sister telepathy. I have grown incredibly close to them, they are always close to my heart though we haven't met even once after we got back from Rajasthan but, we are in constant touch through video calls.

After a 30 minute drive I arrived at Rajvansh group of companies. As soon as I entered the building I saw Ekansh's PA and waved at him, I recognized him as I had met him at the wedding.

I said " Good evening, is Ekansh free, Can I meet him?"

Ekansh's PA greeted me and was a little hesitant and said "Actually ma'am sir has been very busy the past few days and right now he is at a conference in the client's company"

I felt a little suspicious but nevertheless said "ok, don't disturb him and make sure he eats well and ask him to call or text me whenever he is free"

He nodded and I got out of the building but, something was not adding up as I had seen Ekansh's driver at the entrance, waiting in his Rolls Royce and I very well knew Ekansh would never drive himself to a business meeting, he would always take his driver as he could work on the way. I decided to avoid my thoughts for a while and got into my car which was parked in the reserved parking spot. I was about to drive away when I noticed a café right at the corner of the street, I decided to stop there for a while. I parked my car in a nearby street and walked to the café. I was wearing a mask and sunglasses as the official announcement of each member of the royal family was made and people would recognize me easily. Given my mood, I really didn't want any of it to happen. I entered the café and occupied the window seat. I really liked the vibe of the café and the comfort it was offering me at that moment.

A cheerful young girl walked up to me to take my order, I wasn't in the mood and was feeling down so I needed something to uplift my mood so I ordered a strawberry crème latte for myself. While, I was waiting for my order, I was looking out of the window and was getting a clear view of the Rajvansh group of companies which stood tall with about one hundred and fifty floors or more. When I was enjoying the view, I saw a handsome man who looked like a Greek god, perfectly dressed in a jet black Ralph Lauren suit and Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses got out of the building with bodyguards surrounding him and got into the Rolls Royce in front of him like the king he was. Even from a distance I knew that man, I knew him very well, he was the one who had very special place in my heart, he was the one for me or that's what I thought, he was none other than Ekansh.

I felt a sudden pang of sadness in my heart, I felt so hurt for being lied to and my eyes started filling up with tears. I wanted to find excuses for him lying to me but, unfortunately I had run out of them. I had grown so close to him in such a short period of time that I felt like he was an essential part of me but, throughout the last three months, I kept overlooking the distance that was being created between us but, I really couldn't take it anymore, I quickly paid and left the café.

I walked back to the car and started driving to calm myself down. As I was driving I heard my phone ring, it was a conference call with Saanvi, Meera and Ara. I tried to compose myself and picked up the call. All of them decided to meet up the next week. I decided to give myself sometime and talk to Ekansh before meeting up with the girls because I needed some clarity before talking to the them about everything.

Ekansh's POV

I was seated in my cabin thinking about all the time that had passed since the last the three months, after we got back from Rajasthan I got really busy with all the responsibilities which were handed over to me but, I always found time to talk to Isha. She was the calm to my chaos, I enjoyed the little talks we had about her patients and her day to day activities. Everything was going smoothly for the first week and I couldn't have asked for anything better.

After the first week an incident took place, and that incident served as a was a wake up call and made me realize the realities of life. I decided that no matter what I would never enter her life again and neither would I let her enter my life again. I could never take a chance, never with her. I knew it was going to be a very difficult journey ahead of me, trying to stay away from her but, I would do it happily for her.

From that day onwards, I have been avoiding her and her calls almost all the time but, sometimes I get tempted to listen to her voice which gives me the much needed comfort and solace after my hectic schedule and attend her call and give her cold replies. Still, she is so understanding of me and tries to check on me all the time.

I was so heartbroken, for the first time in 27 years of my existence I felt helpless and I wish my life was different. I haven't seen her in person for about three months. I had decided on the very day of that incident that I will end whatever we had between us but, I couldn't so I kept avoiding her with the excuse of giving myself sometime.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing, I thought it was a call from Isha but, it was my PA. I immediately picked up the call and asked him the reason behind the call as he wouldn't call me unless it was really important. He narrated the entire event that had taken place downstairs and informed me about the meeting we were supposed to leave for in 10 minutes.

I felt so bad to lie to her and I knew how bad she would have felt about it but, I had instructed my PA to never let Isha meet me in case she comes to the office as it would make it harder for me than it already was. I decided to distract myself and think about the present deal, took my coat from the hanger and entered the elevator and all I was trying to do was to ignore all the thoughts regarding Isha. I got out of the building, entered my rolls Royce and drove off to meet the client.

Meera's POV

Since, it has been three months since we got back we hadn't talked once, let alone meet so I decided to speak to him as I had something important to share with him. I called him up and my call wasn't answered the first time so, I tried again. This time it was answered,

"Hello, Vihaan, can I speak to you?" I asked.

"Actually we are busy, I'll ask Vihaan to call you back once he gets free" said an unknown female voice. I was about to cut the call lost in my thoughts but, heard Vihaan's voice confirming his presence in the background.

My mind was filled with unnecessary thoughts which I decided to ignore and got back to my schedule. The next day I decided to take matters in my hand and decided to take Vihaan out for dinner to talk to him. I kept calling him and he picked up almost after 10 calls,

"Vihaan, I know you are busy and all but, please can we go out for dinner, I have something really important to talk to you about, pls pls pls..." I said.

I heard him sigh and said "ok, I'll meet you at the restaurant, text me the location" and he cut the call almost immediately without even waiting for me to complete. I was a little disappointed as I thought he would come to pick me up but, I decided to be optimistic and look at the brighter side that he agreed to spend some time with me after so long and texted him the location of the restaurant.

After wrapping up my work I decided to book a cab to the restaurant as my car was given for service, my siblings insisted on me using their cars but, I was the one who said I will manage.

I reached the restaurant at around 7:45 PM as we had decided to meet at 8:00 PM. I was led to my table where I decided to wait for Vihaan to order, time kept moving and Vihaan didn't arrive. When I was about to give up I saw him walking up to our table and I looked at my watch to see it was already 9:30 PM.

He casually greeted me, we ordered our food and finished it silently with him constantly glancing at his phone and he didn't seem to enjoy . It seemed like a compulsion to him to be present here with me at the moment and I didn't like the feeling of it so, I didn't feel like talking to him about it and he too didn't seem to remember or bother about it.

He offered to pay the bill but I beat him to it and after we got out of the restaurant he saw me booking a cab so he offered to drop me off. I felt a sense of comfort when he did so I couldn't deny him so we settled down in his car and he started driving without saying a word or glancing towards me. He started getting calls, he connected his air pods to his mobile and placed them in his ears, listening to the voice on the call with an occasional ok and hmm. I started feeling very uncomfortable as Vihaan had never behaved like this before and I have no clue of the reason behind it. It seemed like he didn't want me to listen to his conversation.

After a while he removed the air pods but looked tensed so I decided to break the ice and asked " What happened Vihaan ? are you ok ?"

He didn't say anything for a while and when I was thought he was going to ignore my question he said " could you please go home by yourself, I need to be somewhere urgently, like it's very important"

I just nodded and he immediately pulled the car to the side, I was shocked that he was so desperate to be somewhere that the minute I agreed he was ready to leave me on an abandoned road that too at the middle of the night, tears started brimming in my eyes but, I kept them at bay and got out of the car. He just drove off without even bothering to ask me how I would get home as I couldn't find even a single vehicle on the road let alone a person.

It was a chilly night, tears started streaming down my eyes as I began getting flashes of the past but, I told myself "come on I need to calm down, deep breathe Meera you can do this" and started walking. I don't know where I was going, suddenly I saw a group of drunk people coming my way. Their eyes were filled with lust and looked terrifying as they took monstrous steps towards me.

In the midst of suffocating memories, I felt utterly lost. Each flicker of the past only intensified the whirlwind of emotions raging within me. Gasping for air, my head spun with dizziness, yet a primal instinct to flee urged me forward. As I stumbled through the darkness, my frantic search yielded unexpected salvation-flashlights piercing through the gloom.

Hope surged within me, a fleeting beacon in the chaos. But just as quickly, my strength waned, and my trembling legs gave out beneath me. Collapsing to the ground, I succumbed to the overwhelming weight of it all but, I heard tires screech and I felt like I was being picked up and felt water sprinkled on my face, I was slightly awakened but, I didn't have the energy to move my body and my eyes were half closed.

After a while, the car halted abruptly, signalling our arrival at the hospital. Gratitude flooded through me as the familiar figure gently lifted me from the vehicle and settled me onto a waiting stretcher. We began the journey towards the entrance, the urgency palpable in the air.

Amidst the chaos, a poignant scene unfolded before me, Vihaan, who had abandoned me on the street at the middle of the night was cradling a pregnant woman with tenderness and care. His expression spoke volumes, revealing a depth of love and responsibility that struck me to the core.

The sight shattered the fragile walls I had built around my emotions, unleashing a torrent of tears that I thought had ceased. As the weight of my heartbreak and past wore down upon me, my breath grew shallow, each inhalation a struggle against the suffocating grip of despair.

Despite my efforts, the air refused to fill my lungs, and darkness encroached upon my senses once more. With a final gasp for air, consciousness slipped away, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty and unspoken anguish.

Vihaan's POV

I had asked one of my security teams to pick up Saanvi immediately, but after a while I received a call from my security team saying they couldn't find her there. I assumed she would have asked someone to pick her up and decided focus on the road as I was driving in great speed.

Saanvi's POV

It's been three months and I decided it's high time to confront Aarav, he couldn't keep ignoring me forever, if he really had a problem he was supposed to talk it out with me so today I got ready earlier than usual as I wanted to talk to him on his way to his office as I didn't want to disturb him at his workplace.

When I was on my way to his mansion, I received a call saying there was an emergency accident case so I immediately drove to the hospital instead. It was an extremely critical case and it took me around 10 hours to complete the surgery so, it was around six in the evening when I stepped out of the operation theatre, I was completely exhausted and had no energy left but, I realized my conversation with Aarav was really needed.

Gathering my belongings, I stepped out of the hospital just to find the surroundings to be shrouded in gloom. The sky hung heavy with darkened clouds, threatening to unleash a torrent of rain at any moment. It felt as though nature itself mirrored the turmoil within me, as if the weather was predicting the trials yet to come. The somber atmosphere seemed to whisper of impending storms, echoing the uncertainty that gripped my heart. Was this merely a coincidence, or a sign from the universe, urging me to brace myself for what lay ahead?.

As I stood there, enveloped by the ominous silence of the impending storm, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. It was as though the very elements conspired to convey a message-a warning that the challenges I faced were far from over.

With a heavy heart, I got into my car and started driving as I dialled Aarav's PA's number. He picked up in one ring and on inquiring about Aarav, he first told me he had no clue but, on further persuasion told me that Aarav was in the factory in the outskirts of the city so, I decided to drive there.

After a forty minute drive I was close to the factory when I saw Aarav's Maserati making it's way in the opposite direction, I decided to seize the opportunity and stopped my car blocking his way. With a determined gaze, I stepped out, ready to confront the situation head-on. Aarav also got out of his car, for a minute shock passed through his eyes but, he averted his gaze and just stood in his place without saying a word, acting really ignorant.

It was breaking me apart, but I still spoke " Aarav, what is wrong with you?? tume ho kya gaya hain ??"

He didn't say anything he was looking around as though I wasn't standing right in front of him and talking to him.

The rain started as tiny drops turned into a heavy downpour, getting us both wet yet he kept his mouth shut I couldn't take it anymore.

I held his collar and said " It's hurting me Aarav, kuch toh bolo na"

He finally looked in to my eyes and said " Like you care, if you did then you wouldn't have done whatever you did"

I couldn't comprehend what he was saying " what are you talking about??"

He looked at me with anger filled eyes and said " I'm pretty sure you know Aaryan and you're smart enough to connect the dots"

It took me a minute and understood what he meant, It broke my heart, how could he conclude that I would do such a lowly thing of leaking his company's top secrets to someone else. I was taken aback, I pushed him back with as much force as I could use and screamed with tears flowing down my cheeks continuously "listen, how could you even think that I'll ever betray you, how could you??, did you even check your phone once, if you would have then probably our relationship wouldn't have ended like this, at this moment, oh wait did we even have any relation to begin with, coz as far as I know the base of any relationship is trust. Anyway there is no point in talking about all this to you so, all the best for your future Mr. Aarav Chauhan, sorry hukum " and immediately walked towards my car, got it and drove off with high speed. I couldn't stay there for even a minute more.

Ansh's POV

I tried getting in touch with Ara all the time after coming back Rajasthan but, I could feel her trying to distance herself from me especially after the reunion which she told me she will attend, but didn't. I decided to give her sometime more as I wanted to make it up to her and not force her to get back to me. I really hope she lets me back in and forgives me, with all these thoughts I decided to concentrate on my work for now.

Ara's POV

I've made my decision and I'm going to inform the girls today and I am pretty sure that no matter what happens, I'll always find my sisters, Isha, Saanvi and Meera by my side supporting my every decision. I also decided to tell them about my past which I have been keeping with me for a really long time now.


What do you think happened that Ekansh decided to push Isha away ??

What was Vihaan doing in the hospital?? What was it that Meera wanted to tell Vihaan??

Do you guys think Aarav was right to come to conclusions??

What will be Ara's decision??

How do you guys like the chapter??

Stay tuned to know more!!

Thanks for reading ❤️💕

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