π’Šπ’•π’” 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒖𝒔 -𝒙𝒐 π’Œ...

By love3skz

21.8K 275 55

-π’Šπ’•π’” 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒖𝒔 Ari & Kitty are best friend they were both accepted into K.I.S.S (Korean Independent Sc... More

part 1: going to kiss?
part 2: at the airport
part 3: welcome party
part 4: getting ready school p1
part 5: getting ready school p2
part 6: outdoor club
Part 8: minho Madness party
part 9: detention
part 10 camping πŸ’•
part 11 finals
part 12: goodbye kitty...

part 7: Chuseok

1.2K 18 1
By love3skz

              •𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈'𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒆•

Ari pov

Minho the dumb bitc- wake me up I know we have school today but come on I'm tired I walk out of my room and I see Kitty and Dae talking I walk pass them and say

"Just kiss already" I say

I ignore them both yelling my name and I walk into the bathroom and lock the door to get ready for the day.

I finish getting ready and we all finished up me and Kitty headed out with Q they were both talking about dae again

"I'm sure you and Dae will figure out how to be cohabitsting Ex's" Q says

"Or not but let's just stop talking about Dae" kitty says

"Okay. You're the one who brought him up" Q says

"Look" kitty says as she shows Q the phone

"I cant pretend to read Hangul until I finish this coffee" Q says

I was just not about to hear about Alex again I'm sick of it so I just put my headphones on once again because I love my music and its helps me ignore the world.

drama by Aespa•

We continued to walk to class...


the principal was in the classroom talking about Chuseck

"Chuseck is a Korean celebration of the good harvest and its a time to thank our ancestors for bringing us prosperity and to pay the respect to those who we have lost. We do that that by going home. It is a very special holiday in our house" She says

she went on a little bit about family and then she told us to enjoy our break and everything then she walked out

Kitty was talking to people about Chuseck and she failed her test Oop rip but I passed soooo

•little timeskip

I walked out of class didn't really look where I was going and I bumped into dae and minho

"Ahh sorry" I say

"Its ok Ari" Dae says

"well bye bye then" I say walking off

Minho pov

"Ah she so annoying" I Say

"she's not that bad Minho" Dae says

"Sure she not" I say as I roll my eyes

"I mean all I can say is her friend definitely is" I say

"Kitty? No she's just a bowl of energy that sometimes need to be contained that's where Ari cames in" Dae says

"Mhm, ok well I've get to head to class I don't want to be late" I say

"Oh ya ok"Dae says

"Bye Dae" I say as I walk off

"Bye minho" Dae says


Ari's pov

Kitty runs up to me in a hurry telling me what happened between her and Alex and Chuseck

she's has to go shopping and cook before tomorrow night and all this and all that

I told her to relax and I said to her we were head to the grocery store after school


we quickly went back to the dorms and got changed ahead to the grocery store

we were shopping for a bit until Mr whiny face showed up...

"You two are seriously everywhere yous are like my own sasaeng" minho says

"Oh minho shut up" I says

"What's a sasaeng" kitty says

"Yous my own-

"he's saying we are his own very obsessive fan" I say

"what are you even doing in a grocery store. Souldn't you be on a yacht being rich and annoying" kitty says

"Hmm. My dads doing that with wife number three with her new fillers. I have decided to say here as a favor to all the women. who won the piece of me this Chuseok" minho says

I started laughing

"strawberries and chocolate I'm going to be sick" kitty says

"Im sure Lulu will appreciate this" Minho says

"who's Lulu? another one of your min-hoes" I say

"Ah cute. she's only the fastest rising pop star in the country" Minho says

He took out his phone and shows a
Us picture of her tbh she's very pretty

"we've been flirting since her Trainee days. She's on break from her tour for this holiday even K-pop stops for Chuseck" Minho says

He look down at our cart and grab's something "Do you even know what to do with this" he says Kitty snatches it out of his hands

"Hey I am admittedly entering a new territory, but with the help of tiktok and a positive attitude we will manage fine. if not I've won awards for my mashed potatoes" kitty says

kitty started to walk off until minho blocked her

"No, no no as a Korean national, I cannot in a good conscience let you destroy my native cuisine like this" Minho says he throws his basket in the cart

"Hey what?" Kitty says as Minho snatches the trolley

"do you want to poison your classmates or do you want my help?" Minho says

"Fine, but I'm still making the mashed potatoes" kitty says as Minho started to walk off

"I have an entire system, don't mess it up" kitty says

"Just follow me, come on Ari" minho says

I was so confused but I just followed them anyways


I walk out of my room into the lounge room I have brought my dino plushie because he's my baby and a blanket because it's very unnecessary cold

I walked into the kitchen and I saw minho with an apron on he look up at me "Haha you are angelic in the morning"

"oh shut up with your weird cute apron" I says

Kitty walked out of her room and just looked at us she looked at a basket

"Who is this from" kitty says

"My mother gifts are my love language" minho

"That tracks" kitty says

"Whoa, Pepero" Kitty went to grab it but minho slapped her hand with the spatula

"she sent it from Los Angeles since she couldn't be here...we usually spend Chuseok together" minho says

I walked over to the couch and lay down "get up Ari you are not sitting around all day you're helping" minho says

"Noooo" I say

"Ari just get up" kitty says

"Whatever" I say As I stood up and I walked over to themI looked over minho shouldeme

he looked at me and I looked at him

" you know, you are the last person that I would expect to know how to cook. Or do anything remotely helpful" I say

He turn his body to look at me

"there are these tiny microscopic moments. When I can see why dae and Q is our friends with you" I say

"there's an actual person in there" I say poking the place in his chest where he heart would be we stared at each other for 2 seconds and then kitty says something

"I mean there could be an actual good person in there" kitty says as Minho turn to kitty

"Don't try to get me on your side I'm famously anti Kitty  no matter how hard Dae works two sway me" Minho says

"hey have you heard from him today's is he okay. Chuseok, family and ancestor stuff" kitty say

"no I haven't it's definitely a difficult holiday for him" Minho says

"Yeah" kitty says

"And you" Minho says

"Mee, what?" Kitty says

"you must be thinking about your mum too. A lot this week" Minho saysays

"Yeah, I am" kitty says

I just watched them as they talked I grabbed out my phone to see if my brother texted me back that he hasn't yet


I was just sitting in front of Minho and kitty watching them cook because my ass does not know how too Minho phone went off he grabbed it out

"confirmed Lulu will be at the premises at 8pm" Minho says

oh well yeah cool don't care
I thought

"Im sure she will love the chocolate" kitty says

"The chocolate was actually for someone else" Minho says.

"damn you are a ho-" i started to say until Minho started to talk about hot people

"Thats because you haven't found you're perfect match" kitty says

I've found many many matches" Minho says

"I'm just saying I've seen magic when people find the one" kitty says

I completely ignored them until I looked down at the cheese and realized it was all gone girl wtf then I realised Kitty uses a bunch of dairy in her mashed potatoes and Koreans are highly lactose and tolerance. oh well

Minho looks sad soooo I get up and


he was stiff when I hugged him but he loosened up until Kitty  wanted him to try her mashed potatoes

"Here! Try....this" kitty says he tried it and I think he liked it 

"hey I'm going to go get changed I'm currently still in my pajamas I'll be back" I says

"Ok" kitty says

I went back to my room and to be honest I really did not know what to wear

"AHHHH" I yell

I was searching for a couple more minutes until I found something that was okay so I put that on I added some accessories

I didn't really do anything with my hair just left it down and I didn't do any makeup

as I finished getting ready it was pretty much time to go to everything ready

me Kitty and minho was setting everything up for Chuseok as everybody started walking in and damn there's a lot of people even Kitty and Minho agreed

"Wow People are calling this chin-gu-seok" Q says

"What" kitty says

'Its a pun on chinggu, which means "friend" and chuseok. You started a new tradition" Florian says

I felt someone tap my shoulder I turn around and started to say

"Ye-" I started to say until I realize who it was

"HYUN" I yell as i jumped into his arms to give him a hug

"Who's this" Q says

"my brother" I say

"oh ok" Q says

"what are you doing here" I say to my brother

"well I'm not really doing anything for Chuseok so I decided to come see you" Hyun says

I got down and he went to go sit down and Madison came over to minho Hehehe..

I see Minho walks over to the food area and I follow him

"are you a Madison like a thing" I says

"no absolutely not" minho says

"Mhm I mean you guys have been talking a lot  soo" I say

"Ari, that doesn't mean anything" minho says as he looks at me

"Mhm, ok" I say as I walk away and  decided to sit down

Minho sat with Professor Lee because Madison wanted to sit next to him and he didn't want to sit next to her mmm Kitty stood up for a speech

"thank you so much for coming everybody. This is my first Chuseck.
and from what I gathered you're not supposed to spend it alone. maybe your family is thousands of miles away like mine and Ari's or maybe you don't have family or maybe you just really like school no judgment. whatever the reason I'm grateful we all have somewhere to be today. and for this chance to honor our ancestors.so here's a toast. for all of these who come before us. thanks Mum wherever you are. without you I wouldn't be here.literally on this Earth or here at KISS. cheers" kitty finishes her speech

we ordered a cheers and started to eat


And now minho had to go on his little date with Lulu 😐

Kitty was trying to get him to stay but that didn't work he patted my head as he was leaving and then Kitty learnt that most Asians are lactose intolerant my phone started to go off like crazy I picked it up and realized minho

Min-hoe 🤡







I didnt say anything to anyone I said goodbye to my brother and I ran out because I knew what happened

I ran down the steps to try and find minho

"MINHO" I yell

"MINHO WHERE ARE YOU" I yell again walking past the bushes

He popped out of the bushes

"what the hell did Kitty put in those potatoes" minho says

"Um at lot of lactose milk and cheese" I say

"God" Minho says

A car pulled up behind me

"That's Lulu you have to get rid of her she can't see me like this if her fans find out I'm done for do something" minho says

"Okay okay" I say as I rolled my eyes

"Oh oh but don't ruin this for me keep her interested" minho says

"How" I says

"I don't know just pls" minho says

"Whatever" I say with a sigh of annoyance I walked up to Lulu as Minho head back in the bushes

"hey minhos running behind" I say

"Who are you" Lulu says

"I'm Minho's 6:00" I say

"that jerk double booked me" Lulu says

"you don't think you would keep him or to yourself do you?. He's hottest guy in the school. He's just so sexy and the way that he--. nevermind. let's just say her ruined me for other boys and men" I says half of that wasn't acting but he doesn't need to know that

"That's intriguing, but i refuse to be sloppy seconds, you tell minho I'll be back at 6:00 tomorrow night. He better clear the rest of his schedule. when he is a night with me he won't be seeing anyone else after" Lulu says

Bitch- I thought

"Okay" I says

Lulu went back in the car and drove off As I walked back up to Minho

"Your a genius I could hug you right now" Minho says

"Pls Don't" I says

I walked off

"bye!" I yell

sorry if there's any spelling mistakes I will hopefully do another one tonight Bye bye

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