𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞...

By MoniWroteIt

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Sometimes our bodies react before our minds do... It can be either a blessing or a curse. More



306 11 1
By MoniWroteIt

I finished putting the last bag into the backseat of my car. I had just finished grocery shopping and was more than ready to get home. I had just completed a 12 hour shift and was in need of some much needed rest.

After I shut the back door to my car I rolled the buggy to where it was supposed to go and walked back to my car. I got in starting it letting it run while I put my seatbelt on.

I drove smoothly down the street being about 10 minutes out from my house. As I was driving I noticed a frightened looking female who was looking over her shoulder every other second.

I had this thing where it didn't matter who it was, if I saw a woman who looked like they needed help they would get it in a second from me with no hesitation.

I slowly drove beside her watching her look at my car and slightly panic. I hurriedly rolled my window down to let her see that I was also a woman hoping it would calm her a little.

"Hey excuse me" I called out making her look inside the car at the sound of a feminine voice. Once she saw my face her face softened but it still looked like she was dreading something.

"Oh, hey" She shyly spoke back stopping in her tracks.

"I saw you walking and it's about to get dark out, I don't think you should be out alone especially in this area" I said to her moving my purse from the passenger seat to the back in hopes that should would let me give her a ride to wherever she was trying to get to.

"Oh I'm just walking home from work, it's not that much further" She informed me but something in her tone was telling me it was further than she let on.

"How much further are we talking" I asked really not wanting to leave her walking out here.

"About 30 more minutes but I promise I'm fine I walk to and from work everyday" She said making my face immediately go into a frown.

She had already said she had a 30 minute walk until she reached her home and who knows how long she had already been walking.

"Oh no baby, get in the car please" I responded hitting the unlock button on my door.

"Oh no I couldn't ask you to-" She started but I cut her off.

"You're not asking me sweetie I'm offering, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight knowing I left you out here" I said truthfully.

I had terrible overthinking problems. If I didn't physically see her make it home safe tonight I would convince myself she was kidnapped and I let it happen.

"Are you sure" She asked fidgeting with her sleeves.

"More than sure, come on" I replied motioning her to the car to while she followed. She opened the door settling into the seat and giving me her address. I began to drive seeing her house was in the opposite direction of mine but I didn't care.

"So what's your name" I asked her.

"Brooklynn, what's yours" She replied to me.

"Kennedy, you have such a baby face how old are you" I asked her.

I looked over at her waiting for her response and just when I did I got a glimpse of the large bruise that sat on her neck as she looked out of the window. I quickly looked away pretending I didn't see it knowing how embarrassing it could be. Still, my stomach turned at the sight of the mark.

"Im 22, how about you" She informed me.

"24, we not that far apart okayy" I playfully dragged trying to lighten the mood. I could see it worked when her face morphed into a smile show casing the pretty pink braces that sat nicely on her teeth.

After a couple more minutes I pulled up in front of what looked sort of like a trap house. There were dudes standing on the porch smoking weed while shorting dice and drinking alcohol.

"Ok this is it you can just drop me off right here" She pointed towards the mail box that sat in front of the house.

I watched her pick her purse up from the floor. She sat back a mintue before sighing and reaching for the door handle.

"Wait" I stopped her.

"Oh I'm sorry, here's some money for gas I know it was kind of far" She rambled fishing through her purse for I'm guessing money.

"No no no that's now what I wanted" I assured her letting her keep her money.

"Oh, ok" She zipped her purse back up then put her attention on me waiting for what I had to say.

"Here take my number, I can help you with a ride to work and I promise I don't mind at all" I informed her handing her a piece of paper with my name on it and my number.

"Thank you so much, you are too kind seriously" She softly took the small piece of paper from my hands safely placing it in her purse not wanting to lose it.

"You're welcome gorgeous, and that number isn't just for a ride. I want you to call me if you need anything, and I mean anything" I said giving her a look hoping she caught on.

"I will, thank you so much" She nodded at me.

I watched her get out of the car and walk up to the house while the men stared at my car trying to figure out who was in it. I saw one of the dudes walk up to Brooklynn and say something to her.

I drove out of the neighborhood making my way home after saying a quick prayer for Brooklynn. I didn't know her full situation but something didn't sit right in my spirit so I prayed for her the whole way home.

I lowered my head walking to the porch knowing he was going to question about who's car was that and why I was getting out of it. I had been in this situation long enough to know to what waited for me in the house.

"Bitch you crazy" He questioned me as soon as he got me into his grip.

"Rashad please stop, you're hurting me" I tried to pry him off but I already knew that was useless.

It was embarrassing to know his homeboys were watching what he was doing, they always did sometimes even laughing at me.

"I don't give a fuck, who's fuckin car was that huh bitch" He spat angrily making his grip tighter.

"A nice lady saw me walking and offered me a ride home that's it I promise" I said truthfully still knowing he wasn't going to buy any of it.

"You think I'm stupid huh Brooklynn, that's alright I got some for that ass get the fuck in the house" He demanded letting me go and harshly pushing me towards the house.

I wiped the few tears that had fell down my face while walking towards the house.

"Aye I'll see y'all boys tomorrow, this bitch got me fucked up" He said from behind me.

"Fasho gang, get that hoe in check" One of his homeboys dapped him up.

"He bout to beat her ass again oh shit" I heard another one laugh making my stomach turn as I walked into the house and shut the door.

I sat curled up in a ball feeling my own blood rush from my head leaking from the wound Rashad had just created on my forehead.

"Stop playing with me dumb bitch" He kicked me hardly in my back for the 4th time making me ball up tighter trying my best to just take it.

"Please stop" I begged with what energy I had left.

"Shut the fuck" He kicked me one more time before he stopped. He had beaten me in every way he could and I couldn't do anything but sit through it. Of course I tried to fight back but my strength was no match for his.

"Where yo fuckin purse, I'm finna go out and I need some money" He asked immediately spotting it and began walking over to grab it.

"No Rashad please, that's all I have for the rent this month" I pleaded.

I payed all of the bills in the house myself. Rashad didn't have a job. He claimed he was a drug dealer but no one would buy from him knowing he was doing the drugs himself. He laced his weed which is why no one would buy anything from him.

I met Rashad when I was 17, he was 25 and I was stupid. I believed for along time he actually loved me and I thought because he was older he would be mature. I was wrong in more ways than I knew.

He isolated me from everyone I knew causing them to turn their backs on me. He had filled everybody's heads with such lies about me and they believed him. I had no one but him which is why I stayed by his side through everything.

"I don't give a fuck, you better ask that nigga in that bmw for some more" He slammed the door on his way out leaving me to cry on the floor.

I eventually got up walking to the bathroom to clean myself up as I always did. I took a shower washing myself slowly since my whole body was in pain at the moment. I just couldn't sit in my own blood though.

After cleaning myself up I looked at myself in the mirror. I never knew or understood what I had did so wrong to deserve this life. I've always been a good person my entire life, even with the things I go through now. I've always went out of my way for people and I expected that in return but when it was my turn everyone left me.

I went through the darkest times in my life alone. Although it broke me life hadn't completely destroyed me yet. I knew I had to just trust in God and he would make it alright for me.

His timing was always right.

I went into my purse pulling out my phone. While doing that something dropped out landing on the floor. I picked up the small folded piece of paper staring at it intently.

I went and sat on the couch placing my phone and the paper in front of me on the table while sitting there thinking.

Right now I had two options.

I could take a risk and call the number. I don't know the outcome, if it would help me or just dig me into a deeper hole.


I could stay in this house being beat everyday with no one to pick myself up but me.

I sighed grabbing my phone quickly walking to the window seeing Rashad's car gone.

Yes, he had a car but out of spite he made me walk to work everyday even though that was our only source of income. He didn't care though. He would do anything to see me suffer.

I typed the number into the dial pad quickly pressing the green call button. I put the phone to my ear while my leg shook.

"Hello" I heard the voice call out.

"Kennedy" I questioned my heart beating fast.

"Brooklyn? Hey are you okay" She asked from the other line as tears immediately

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