Bound To Fae~Prinxiety

By The_Revenant_King

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(Prompt was inspired by Offer me his lips by centreoftheselights on AO3) (Re-upload from second account/Curre... More



52 4 1
By The_Revenant_King

TW~ Abuse (??), Even worse Unsympathetic Roman... (Basically Roman allows two fae to hurt Virgil)

Virgil groaned as that icy chill crawled down his spine. He cuddled the course blanket closer against him shivering lightly at the cold temperature his room always held. He blinked his eyes open watching the dust as it floated about the stale air. At least he had a room. He had a place of his own, a bed with a blanket. He was even given some clothes of his own, although occasionally Patton would drag him to his room for dress-up before just shoveling a bunch of clothes he doesn't wear into his arms.

Virgil slowly sat himself up, coughing a bit over how stuffed and musty it was. He rubbed his eyes as he looked around before just stretching and making his way over to where he had all his clothes on these shelf things. He didn't bother wasting too long with getting ready. There wasn't much of a point in wasting time.

When he finally got out he had to blink a bit over how everyone was bustling about. The whole castle was alive with this urgent energy that took him by surprise. He hastened his steps, before making his way into the office as quietly as he could, expecting to just do his job, before freezing up at the whistle in front of him. His eyes instantly latched on to those bright icy coral eyes of the fae sprawled out in the chair before him, making him freeze up.

"Devo? You never said you had a new pet." Virgil shuddered under the tone the woman had used as she brushed her golden hair to the side. Virgil looked over to see Roman frown before looking up from his desk and sighing the second he spotted Virgil. There was another fae standing beside the prince with a smirk of his own, his ice-frosted dark brown hair and silver eyes a clear indication he was of a different fae court than the other two. "Where'd you snag this one, Huh?"

"It is of no importance." Roman growled, shooting Virgil an obvious glare who just nodded and started about his work, doing his best to ignore the new faces. That must be why everyone is so active. The prince had guests over and that meant not only did everyone have more work to do but they had to impress otherwise Roman would be angry. Virgil was quick to fix all the books that unfortunately had been thrown about by who was no doubt the summer fae in the chair as she still had one in her hands. She just eyed Virgil up and down before giving a kiss making Virgil freeze up on the spot.

"Awe, Devo, he's so cute." She giggled as he pushed up and licked her lips. "I could just... eat him up." Roman paused as he took in the scene in front of him with a roll of his eyes. The winter fae next to him nudged him lightly before just laughing at how his friend was practically stalking Virgil, who was slowly inching his way closer to the desk. "He looks delicious."

"I wouldn't know." Roman said with a very tired tone only making the others smile more. "And I intend on finding out."

"Oh... Let us! Please, Devo? Please? Let us? Just one night?" The summer fae was bouncing only making Virgil shudder. He had a feeling he would not like whatever she had planned for him. Virgil gave Roman a very pleading look but the winter fae just laughed as Roman's eyes darkened in response.

"Oh look, Aspen, the human is scared." The black-haired fae teased as he leaned against the table just watching Roman who stared at Virgil with a very numb expression. "What do you say, your highness?"

"As you wish, Ailio." Virgil's heart completely shattered as everything just went numb on him. He should have known. He was just a human. A human, in which the prince not only didn't care for, but would more than happily let suffer. He shouldn't have bothered to ask for help. Roman waved his hand through the air and Virgil felt the burning hands of the woman behind him, gripping harshly into his shoulders. "Just do keep in mind that he belongs to me and I intend on having him serve me for a very long while." Roman's voice was even dismissive as he turned back to what he was doing before Virgil even walked in. "That means I would like him left alive and that is not up for negotiation."

"If that is your will-..." Roman's eyes darted up making the woman hesitate a bit at his cold glare before just tightening her hold even more. Virgil didn't even whimper at the pain. He knew he would more than likely have to get used to this anyway.

"Keeping that in mind, do understand that I need him to be able to function and serve me. I do not need a dazed human for a servant. Other than that you may do as you please just do not do anything that cannot be reversed."

"Of course, your highness." Ailio purred with a very happy glimmer in his eyes making Roman shake his head a bit in annoyance. "I am very humbled by your allowance to 'play' with your pet."

"Thank you, Devo!" Aspen giggled before literally dragging Virgil out of the door. Virgil didn't even look back to see the uncaring look Roman had as Ailio followed them out. He knew the second they had led him to a room, all the staff watching as they passed with this smirk on their lips, that he had been right to be frightened. Now... Now he just had to be strong and get through whatever they did.

"Thank you, Vernost." Roman mumbled as he finally started to pile up his finished papers. Logan nodded just standing off to the side. "Has there been any notice from Aspen or Ailio?"

"I'm afraid not, Your Highness. Once they retired to their chambers they hadn't been seen since. I suspect they must have tired themselves out quite well." Roman just nodded as he gestured for Logan to leave, who nodded and walked off without another word. Roman groaned as he ran a hand through his hair. He didn't even understand why those two had suddenly decided to drop by. They weren't even friends of his but his brother's instead. Yet they showed up without even the slightest warning.

Roman put all the papers away in his cabinet before snapping and making the lights turn off. He started up the steps towards his bed-chamber when he stopped dead at the sight before him. Virgil laid unconscious ,leaning up against the wall off to the side. He had been on his way to his own room when he passed out. To be honest Roman had expected to not see him for a while as he was certain those too would have done far too much for the human to handle.

Roman rolled his eyes as he walked on past, not even bothering to spare a second look only... A sound sparked in his mind causing him to stop again in his tracks. He frowned as he looked back to see Virgil panting. A pitiful whine pushed through the human's lips and Roman couldn't help burn turn back around with a tilt of his head. It was the first and only sound Roman had ever heard from him before. He wasn't even sure Virgil could make any sounds as Patton had told him he couldn't talk. Virgil's body twitched causing him to shift against the corner wall with a pained groan and Roman's eyes flashed.

Roman carefully made his way over wrapping his arm as gently as he could against the other's back before cradling him close. He pushed his other arm under Virgil's legs listening to the whimpers the human had made with every movement. Roman lifted Virgil up, frowning with a sort of curious look in his eyes, as he carried him off towards his own room. He was not going to risk going down the stairs with him like this.

Roman's eyes flashed as his magic surged making the door slam open. He wasted no time carrying Virgil to his bed and carefully laid him down, eyes glowing brightly as he tried to see if there was anything life-threatening he needed to care for. He told them not to kill or spell the human but that didn't mean that they listened or understood just how fragile humans were. Roman couldn't tell if there was anything that bad but there was still a lot of damage done and it was causing a lot of pain. Virgil whimpered loudly as he tensed up over everything and Roman's frown only grew. He let out an exhausted breath as he brushed Virgil's red hair back letting his magic surround them both, healing any broken bones. He didn't see a reason to heal everything but as long as it lessened some of the pain that was what was important. He realized...

He didn't really enjoy hearing such pained sounds.

When Roman was certain that the human was well enough to make the trip without making any more of those painful sounds as he carried him to the infirmary. He didn't quite care that it was 4 in the morning... or that he had remained awake throughout the entirety of the night just to ensure that he was, in fact, healing him correctly. He knew Patton would be up and heading to the infirmary around 5:30 just to make sure that everything was stocked and ready should they need it.

He laid Virgil down on one of the cots and sighed as he just looked him over. Despite all the cuts and bruises that covered just below that pale skin. Roman assumed he had healed everything. However, he didn't know a thing about humans. He did his best to avoid them at all costs. After what that... Flower man did... he was lucky if he didn't go after them all himself. The point is Roman didn't know if he did in fact heal the human enough. He didn't know anything about humans to be able to make that call. That meant he had to leave it for Patton to figure out.

Roman wrote a note for Patton to explain why Virgil was there before heading for the door only to hesitate a bit. He blinked letting his thoughts go back to sounds he had heard far too many times that night and he shook his head. He just really didn't like those sounds. Still... He left the room without looking back. He was a human after all.

"Kiddo?" Virgil groaned as he tried to roll himself over only to wince at the soreness in his body. "It's ok, but try not to move so much." Virgil blinked his eyes open, cringing at the lights, before turning to see Patton's worried expression. "That's it. How are you feeling, Kiddo?" Virgil simply shrugged before looking around to see he was in the infirmary. His eyes narrowed in question as Patton just sighed and started to look him over just to make sure he was ok. He did have a lot of bruises and cuts after all.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't able to do anything for you. Unfortunately, they are good friends with our prince's brother. Being that they are up there in all that hierarchy stuff... There's nothing a lowly servant can say to stop them from doing what they want." Virgil's eyes darkened as he just stared up at the ceiling. He didn't care anymore. He knew there was nothing that could be done. He gave his life to the very prince who gave them the permission to do what they did. He belonged to him and to be honest... he was surprised it took this long for anything like this to happen. He didn't want to hear about all that. He wanted to know what he was doing here and not on the floor where he knew he had passed out after escaping the room. Speaking of which... Virgil frowned as he held his arm up as his confusion only grew. Why was his arm not broken? How was he not in excruciating pain still? What happened?

"I'm not sure how bad you were, Kiddo, but... it seems as though The Prince found you." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Patton just nodded, holding up the note. "He wrote a note stating that he had to heal multiple broken bones and several bruised ribs. Said he even found a few worrisome internal lacerations and that I had to make sure that there was nothing else to be fixed." Virgil just laid there stunned. He didn't understand. Why would the very prince who told them they could do all that, turn around and heal him afterward? It just didn't make sense. "Good news is his highness healed an extraordinary amount of damage. There isn't a single sprain or break anywhere. In fact... The only damage left at all is all skin level. I'm surprised that he didn't just go ahead and heal that too considering." Virgil shot the other a look making Patton falter, his smile turning sad.

"It's not you, Kiddo. Really... The prince just... I don't have the information to give you to help you to understand. He doesn't open up to anyone. He's as closed off as a literal welded shut safe. The only way to truly understand how he is... is to see how he is with the creatures around him. He's not cruel he's just... It's hard to explain." Virgil just waved him off as he started to get up only making Patton freak out and stop him. "Hey now. Don't you be doing anything when you've been through something so horrible..." Virgil shot the fae this numb look as he raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. Patton huffed as his cheeks started to turn a bright flowery pink from his emotions.

"I MEAN IT! You need to stay here and recover." Patton sighed as he forced himself to relax a bit seeing just how emotionally drained Virgil was. "Look, I'm not just talking about physically. You went through something that was no doubt traumatizing. None of the fae understand human emotions. Fae... They don't 'feel' in the same way that we do. For starters, they can't even lie. Unlike you and I can, just because of the simple fact that we are or were human. They won't understand that you were put through more pain than just the physical. They won't understand that you need time to rest so please... stay here so that I can assist you in any way that I can." Virgil just smiled, a small and broken smile, as he shook his head and waved Patton off, making the poor fae's heart break.

"Kiddo?" Virgil shrugged as he gave the other a very obviously uncaring and dismissive look, that very clearly meant he didn't care. Virgil understood where his place was. There wasn't anything he could do about it and if the prince found out that he could have been working already he would only get angry and think Virgil was lazy. Roman had already made it clear that he hates lazy servants. "Kiddo, at least let me help you for the rest of the day. I'm sure his highness would understand." Virgil just shook his head again and he jumped off the cot and started for the door without a single hesitation. Patton watched with a sad look in his eyes as the door closed behind the other. "Honestly, Your Highness... I do not understand what you are doing."

The first thing Virgil did was go to the kitchen. He didn't grab anything to eat and instead just grabbed a dishrag and started to clean, his mind numb and only focused on busywork. He could hear the whispering... the laughter... he could hear it all as he just went about cleaning the dishes that wasn't exactly his job to do. He didn't care. He just needed to do something. Something to distract from the nothing his mind was giving him.

It wasn't the first time he was beaten. He lived on the streets and stole just to survive. It wasn't like people just willingly gave their things up. No. If he was caught and couldn't get away well they made him wish he had. And if they couldn't, the guards surely did. He understood what it meant when he made that deal with the prince. Even still this life was better than how it was before. Even if he should have a repeat of the night prior. His life was still assured. He was given food, water, and a room with a bed of his own. He was given far more than anything he had before. He would just have to deal with it... just as he had done when on earth.

"I swear to you, Devo. He was exquisite." Aspen beamed as she kicked her feet from the chair she was sitting in. "The lovely sounds that he would make."

"The fact that he wouldn't beg or say even a single word." Ailio added from the corner he was standing in lost in thought. "It almost makes me wish I had a pet my own." Ailio's eyes darkened with a sick gleam as he just laughed at himself. "However if I did that they would never live long." Roman sat there at his desk trying to get everything done that he needed to before taking a much-needed break for the rest of the day. But of course... Those two had to come in and bug him as usual. If it weren't for the fact that they were friends with his brother he would have kicked them both out just for being annoying. "Although... His screams were nice." Roman's head instantly jerked up with this almost shocked expression as Ailio just laughed.

"He screamed?" Aspen made a face as Ailio just smirked with a nod. "He..." Roman blinked just lost in thought, as his mind took him to all those painful sounds the human had been making. He had been screaming... Roman wasn't entirely sure how he would have reacted if he had heard that considering how he reacted to just the whimpering. "I must admit... I'm a tad shocked over that." Ailio's eyes narrowed in confusion as Aspen just burst out laughing as if she had been told the best joke.

"Shocked? Devo, sweetheart, you know how we are." Roman growled at the name as Aspen just waved him off. "And we aren't anywhere compared to you and your brother. How many humans did you torture that one year?"

"I wasn't counting." Roman hissed as he tried to turn back to his work. Ailio frowned as he noticed how tense the prince was. Unlike his partner Aspen, he was far better at reading a person.

"It was well over 300. Had to be... you were never without a new face." Roman gripped his quill tightly as he glared Aspen down. "You went on a rampage unlike any summer fae had ever gone on before... or after mind you. It's the whole reason you were dubbed 'The Frozen Summer'. Everyone considers you an Honorary Winter Fae."

"Aspen..." Ailio tried to get her to stop considering the way Roman was currently tensed up, eyes glowing, but Aspen just laughed and continued on anyway.

"I'm surprised you even allowed those two humans anywhere near you without killing them. What was that one human... what did you call him? Darling? You didn't get him that far after that year. And now this new one... What are you starting to care about humans?" The quill in Roman's hand snapped making Ailio's eyes shoot wide and yet... Aspen still didn't stop. "You should have been there Devo. You should have drunk up his screams. He was so delicious."

"I told you, I don't plan on ever finding out." Roman growled out every word as Aspen just gave him a confused look. "Besides, I don't feed on pain. You know this."

"I would have thought you would have jumped at the chance regardless considering everything you've done before. I thought you hated humans-..."

"THEY ARE NOTHING BUT SELFISH CREATURES, SO OF COURSE, I HOLD NO LOVE FOR THEM!" Roman finally snapped sending a burst of energy through the room making Aspen and Ailio both bow in submission. "If it weren't for my father I would have eradicated the entire human race. That hasn't changed any. I would rather the humans burn. Just because I made a deal with two does not change my views on them as a species."

"Your Highness." Roman snapped over to see Ailio giving him a soft look. "We understand. We all know what happened. Please forgive her. Aspen just doesn't understand that she shouldn't press."

"I permitted you to have your fun with my pet. I did not permit you to then recount everything done with it back to me, especially when I am working. Unlike my brother, I do not have a mate to push all my work onto... not that I would do that anyway. So if you don't mind... leave me at once, so that I may resume uninterrupted." Aspen didn't bother to respond. She just quickly took Ailio's hand and hurried out of the room, letting Roman crash into his chair with a glare. To be honest he didn't understand why he had helped Virgil.

He knew Patton had startled him with his tears. To have what he thought was a being so full of selfishness and spite, begging you for another being... He was intrigued and found himself wanting to see how far Patton would go. Patton was the ONLY human EVER to show something that wasn't self-entitlement and so he took him. He wanted to keep him away from those monsters. He considered Patton a gift and he refused to allow such a man to get tainted by those creatures. So he made the deal to ensure that Patton would remain away from humankind forever. He wanted to protect that selflessness as much as he could. And look... That very man had become a spring fae. A being that was so kind and feeds off of the life that surrounds it. He had been right to take him... to protect him.

He just didn't understand why he took Virgil.

Virgil hesitated only slightly as he pushed open that office door. He wasn't avoiding it exactly as he knew it had to get done. He just wanted to make sure that if those two fae were there and he ended up leaving with them again... that all his other work had been finished first. He didn't want Roman upset at him for slacking off, especially if it wasn't his fault... And maybe if he was being really honest, he was avoiding the other two fae.

Still, he pushed open the door and his eyes instantly darted over to the prince, finding him alone, and he let out a silent breath of air. Roman glanced up at him for only a second before going back to his work, making Virgil happy that at least he didn't have to deal with any unwanted conversation. What exactly would he say to the man who had given the ok for his torture? Well... if he could say anything anyway.

Virgil noticed the books were once again all over the place making him huff in frustration. Aspen must have thrown them all about again and Virgil knew that the prince absolutely hated not only the mess but his books being treated so horribly. The fact that he, himself, didn't just pick them all up much meant that Roman was far too distracted or busy to notice or deal with them.

He went about carefully picking them up, one or two at a time, before arranging them nicely on the shelf. He was working from the ground shelf up not wanting to put too much strain on his sore muscles as he had already overworked them when cleaning the dishes. You wouldn't think that such an action could cause stiffness and the sort but the repetitive action plus the strength needed to scrape all the grime off resulted in a bit of pain. It was fine. It was minor compared to what he'd been through before. Even still as he finally reached one of the higher shelves, causing him to stretch to reach it, he couldn't help the whine he made.

Almost instantly the book was suddenly out of his hands just floating up in the air as another hand reached out to take it. Virgil tensed up as he swallowed the slight prick of anxiety building in his gut. His eyes darted over to see the prince directly beside him holding the book in his hand with this... muted look in his eyes. Then again all his expressions are muted. In fact, Virgil had never seen any emotion but anger and frustration that WASN'T muted in some way. Still, Virgil could see the subtle concern in his eyes as if some very small part of the prince was actually concerned. Virgil would have laughed if it wasn't for the fact that fae can't lie. The prince was probably concerned for his book and only that.

"What are you doing out of the infirmary?" Roman had to hold back the growl in his voice but he could tell Virgil still heard it. "If you are still in pain then you should have remained there." Virgil just shook his head as he went to grab the book back only for Roman to put it on the shelf for him. "I do not need servants who are ill or injured working when they ought not to. Their work would suffer and it would be a great distraction." Virgil simply gave him a look making Roman blink in surprise. He'd never gotten a look of such... He didn't know how to explain it. The human looked exhausted but he knew it couldn't have been physical as he had made sure the human had slept. If anyone was tired it was the prince. Virgil raised an eyebrow at him making Roman take a step back only for Virgil to just shrug.

"What do you mean by that?" Virgil ignored him, going about to pick up the last of the books, only making Roman frustrated. "Poppet, do not ignore me. Now tell me what you meant by that?" Virgil simply shrugged again before holding several books and carrying them back to the shelf. Virgil went onto his tiptoes, despite Roman standing right there practically glaring at him, and struggled to get the first book into the correct spot. Roman's eyes darted from the shelf to the human, his confusion only growing, as Virgil took a deep breath and did the same for another. This time he whimpered at the strain of stretching so much and all the book flew up onto the shelf making him have to stumble back in surprise. Virgil shot Roman a very confused look as Roman just stood there staring at the ground.

"This is an order, Poppet. You are to go back to Patton and have him look at you again. Do not return to work unless you have his express permission. I cannot have such distractions when I am trying to work. This isn't up for debate. Do you understand me?" Virgil whined in frustration making Roman's eyes shoot up again at the sound. "Do you understand me?" Virgil nodded making Roman's shoulders visibly relax as the prince just nodded. "Then go. You needn't remain where you are not needed. You'd only be a hindrance." Virgil simply nodded again as he went to leave... only to take the trash with him on the way out making Roman growl in response. The prince didn't say anything however and just let him go without anything more.

Roman sat at his desk just staring at nothing as his mind raced about. Part of him contemplated turning Virgil over entirely to Patton so that he would never have to deal with the human again unless needed because of the deal. He didn't understand why he helped Virgil to begin with and now... Now after hearing all those pained noises, the other had made, he would do anything to never have to hear them again. The second Virgil had whined he had snapped in before his brain had even registered what had happened. He was his father's son after all. He had a soft spot for things that were in dire need of help.

Maybe that was why he helped Virgil? Despite him being a human, Roman couldn't leave something so hurt and pained in his circle. Although Patton was right. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd ignored an injured or dying human that had stumbled into his circle. This human looked more broken than the others had. It wasn't a common thing at all for someone to find it. So there weren't very many humans for him to compare Virgil to. However, something about it made Roman break just a bit and offer his help. And now god forbid the human cries even the slightest bit around him he would probably break again. Those sounds had hurt far more than they should have. He had to remind himself Virgil was human. Humans were selfish monstrous creatures who would tear out another heart for the fun of it. He wasn't about to let himself fall victim to the beings that hurt his father. He hated humans...

And Roman was certain they were all the same.

Virgil groaned in annoyance as he walked down the halls. Roman had made him go back to the infirmary. It wasn't until now that Patton finally said he could go on his own, but still refused to let him do anything taxing. What exactly does he do that's taxing? He cleans. That's his job. He cleans the foyer, the office, and the hallways. He does the trash and helps Patton with the infirmary and garden. The only taxing thing he does is maybe the weeding and going up and down to clean the stairs. Most of the time he goes to do something and another servant takes over because they don't want a human to mess with anything.

As if that would matter for long. It's only a matter of time before things start to change. How long had he been there? A month? Two? How long did it take for Patton to start turning fae? Would it be the same or is it different for everyone? Honestly, it was all too much for Virgil to think about at the moment.

He didn't exactly know what he was going to do, but even still he found himself heading towards the office, just like every day. He knocked on the door for the first time in a while, not wanting to deal with anything, and gently pushed it open... only to freeze. Of course, the one time he comes back the two fae are just sitting there staring at him. Roman was putting a book up on the shelf when he turned around to see Virgil, and his eyes seemed to flash.

"Poppet. To be honest, I wasn't expecting you." Roman frowned as Virgil slowly made his way in with a nod. He could see the question in his eyes as Virgil glanced around. "If you must, there is the trash. I've been cleaning my office since you've been in the infirmary." Roman pushed another book onto the shelf shooting Aspen a very annoyed glare as she just giggled. "I wouldn't have needed to if certain hands would remain off my property."

"You seemed to have healed quite nicely for a human." Virgil froze like ice, this sick crawl down his spine at that purring voice. Ailio's eyes glimmered as his lips turned to a wicked smirk. "Not a mark on you after only a few day's time. Someone must have spent a lot of energy in healing you." Roman's eyes darkened at that but only remained silent as Virgil subtly moved closer to him. "It almost makes me want to break you all over again."

"Oh wait, yeah!" Aspen beamed as she looked between her partner and the human. "We are leaving tomorrow, aren't we?" Ailio just nodded, oblivious to how Roman rolled his eyes a certain frustration in his expression. "I would love to have another night. Oh, he was just so perfect." Virgil tensed as he quickly made his way behind Roman, acting as if he was grabbing some trash, but the prince could see the look on his face. Sure he didn't understand human emotions but he did know panic when he saw it. He's seen it enough to understand the look.

"Do either of you have a reason for disturbing me again or do you just enjoy being an absolute nuisance?" Roman hissed with a numb look on his face that almost didn't show just how tired he was.

"How are you STILL working?" Aspen yelled as she threw her arms about. "You've been working the ENTIRE time we've been here. You're brother NEVER works this much!"

"My brother isn't being groomed for the possibility of ruling the entirety of fairyland in the future. Nor does he even do his work. I seem to remember him passing it off to his mate every single time I was forced to make an appearance." Aspen's eyes darkened a bit as she gave a subtle glare to the prince.

"He's not a slacker, Devo. He works his ass off." Roman just sighed as he walked back over to his desk, only subconsciously noticing how Virgil followed after, once again pretending to be picking up trash as if to remain close to him and not the others.

"I haven't noticed." was all Roman said before fixing his stance and just staring at the two. "Now, don't get me wrong, he's my brother, but his 'Devotion' to things is entirely different." Both fae shot each other a look before nodding in understanding at what the prince was saying.

Virgil glanced around realizing he was all out of things to stall himself. He was surprised the prince hadn't said anything about him hovering around him, or maybe he hadn't noticed. He didn't care. He knew he couldn't use him as a shield for much longer, especially since he had given the two permission. He was tense and anxious and didn't know what to do. He bit his tongue as he gripped the trash in his hands before trying to move as quietly as he could to the trash bin to hopefully not get noticed. Unfortunately... that didn't work for obvious reasons.

"Awe, look at him. He's just so precious." Aspen lulled as Virgil dumped the trash and ran back to Roman 'to get more'. Roman's eyes narrowed as he looked over to see Virgil shaking as he bent down to pick up a wad of paper that must have fallen. "Devo... Can we please have one last night with him? He was just too perfect."

"Aspen-..." Ailio was tense. He could see the look in Roman's eyes as Virgil started to stand back up shivering.

"Oh, come now, Ailio. You know you want to. That human was just the sweetest thing. So scared and panicked yet... wouldn't beg for anything. I've never met a human who would scream so loudly without saying a single word." Aspen flushed as she pushed herself to the edge of her seat. "Please, Devo? I know he's yours but can we please have one more night with him." Virgil could hold back the whimper of fear that bubbled out of him. He almost didn't hear the prince's chair push back as Roman stood up with this glare in his eyes.

"Considering my answer last time..." Roman started with an almost monotone voice and Virgil just dropped, his arms falling to his side, as he felt his throat start to burn. He knew he shouldn't have bothered hiding behind the prince. Nothing was going to change-... "And the fact that it was I who had to expend needless energy to heal him so that he may do his job, I am going to have to deny you." Virgil's eyes shot up in surprise as Roman subtly put himself in front of the human, who had to bend a bit to see the absolute shock on Aspen's face. Ailio just looked very uncomfortable with everything. "I told you that there was to be nothing that was not reversible. That he was to work. He was to remain alive and unspelled. And yet..." Roman didn't hold back his growl this time making the two other Fae' cower under his presence. "I had to heal not only several broken bones but internal lacerations that I know would have resulted in his death had it not been found."

"We're sorry." They both whispered as Roman just remained glaring at them. Virgil's eyes darted between all of them before just staring up at Roman in complete utter confusion. Roman frowned feeling the gaze as he glanced over to see Virgil's expression, and his eyes softened a bit at the sight. He realized the human genuinely didn't think he would have denied them. Then again chances are he wouldn't have had he not been tortured by those sounds the human had made. He once again hadn't registered that he had even done anything. All he knew was Virgil had whimpered behind him over the other fae and he instantly jumped in to put a stop to it. He couldn't stand hearing those sounds. He wasn't about to let them force them out of the human again. He wasn't going to allow anyone the chance to make the human make those sounds again.

"Now get out, I've grown tired of all this." The two fae simply nodded and left leaving Roman to just stand there in silence. He blinked and Virgil was suddenly on the floor shaking. Roman didn't say a thing. He didn't even move to help him, but he also didn't yell or ridicule. He just left him to whatever he was doing. The only thing he hated was the fact that Virgil was whimpering with every breath.

Virgil hugged himself close, trying to catch his breath. He was waiting for the prince to snap at him, after all, if anything he was being the most annoying with all his crying and crap. He had to think Virgil was weak by this point. Virgil whined loudly in frustration over himself, only to jump at the sudden thud beside him.

Roman stood there staring at the floor where he had dropped a massive pile of papers, just blinking as if he didn't know what had happened. Virgil sighed as he forced himself to his feet, pushing the tears and anxious energy down to do his job. But the second he moved, Roman waved his hand through the air and all the papers floated to the desk.

"I think now would be a good time for me to take a break." Roman stated without even looking at Virgil once. Virgil was just standing there frozen as Roman left without another word.

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