Bound To Fae~Prinxiety

By The_Revenant_King

1K 82 38

(Prompt was inspired by Offer me his lips by centreoftheselights on AO3) (Re-upload from second account/Curre... More



122 7 0
By The_Revenant_King

(TW- Homelessness, stealing just eat, asshole merchants and knights, creepy lady, talks of human trafficking, Attempted murder)

Virgil stood there leaning against the brick just staring at the people who passed by. He sighed as he dusted his dirt-covered hands over his disheveled worn-out shirt. The people passed about their day oblivious to the scraggly figure that didn't fit into his clothes. He pushed his black beanie down over his oily rust-colored hair. What he wouldn't give to have a few bucks just for some soap. He knew he needed to wash the few clothes he had... not to mention himself. He honestly had forgotten just what color his hair was under all that dirt and grime.

Virgil just blinked before pulling his tattered backpack that he's had for years now over his shoulder, carefully pushing himself into the crowd. People went out of their way to avoid touching him, even if it was subconsciously but no one wanted to come into contact with someone such as him. Dirty, ripped-up clothes barely hanging on by a thread... red puffed eyes that held so much shadow under them from bags he looked as if he smugged coal under his eyes. Honestly, Virgil might as well have with the amount of dirt he had covering him. Virgil kept to himself, just holding his bag close as he slowly followed the path he took nearly every day, just trying to keep out of everyone's way.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Virgil jumped, panic in his blood, as he suddenly froze watching this young boy being chased by a baker. Virgil's eyes narrowed as he tried to get a good look at the boy, thinking he might have looked a bit familiar but... with all the moving it was hard to actually tell. Virgil's face fell as his own stomach growled making him grimace at the hunger pains. He carefully snuck himself over to the bakery keeping an eye out as the baker chased the kid about. He managed to grab a loaf just as he heard the child cry out and he wasted no time running away. "THIEVES, THE LOT OF YOU!" Virgil looked behind him to see that he had been spotted before climbing up a tree and throwing himself over the wall before he could be caught. "DAMN IT!"

Virgil swallowed his panic as he broke a small piece of the bread off quickly pulling his bag off and grabbing the cleanest cloth he had to wrap it in. Virgil held the rest close as he silently made his way through all the nooks and crannies before managing to find the boy from earlier. He knew he recognized him.

He took a step closer making the boy jump and cry out in pain. Virgil's eyes flashed with concern as the boy just stared at him before finally calming down once he got a good look at him.

"Virgil?" Virgil looked around quickly just making sure they were ok before running to the boy to look him over. "Hey. Hey... Stop. I just got caught is all." Virgil frowned as Matt swatted his hands about, noticing just how shakey the boy was. Virgil sighed as he picked up the bread he had accidentally dropped, hating how dirt had now covered the bottom of it. Virgil tried to dust it off before handing it over making Matt give the older a confused look. "Wait... how..." Virgil just smiled as he held it out as Matt took it with a laugh. "Of course you did. Thank's Virge." Virgil nodded before looking over at the street with a worried gleam in his eyes. Virgil gestured for the boy to go back the way Virgil had come as he started to go towards the street. Matt didn't bother to say anything more as he stumbled his way further into the ally.

Virgil clutched his bag tightly as he looked out towards the street spotting the guards instantly with this horror in his eyes. The baker was out there frantically gesturing about before suddenly meeting his gaze and yelling out. Virgil paled as he took off hearing the shout from the officers as they ran after him. Virgil could feel his heart hammering in his chest.

He crossed the road, avoiding the buggies and horses, as he jumped up over the wooden fencing. His feet slapped against the unforgiving gravel as he ignored the burning in his lungs. The yelling and cries never stopped as he pushed himself up into a tree before balancing on a barrier. He just had to get to the woods outside of the city.

Virgil hesitated only a second, looking down to see the guards all coming after him. Some split off from the main group, running up the steps that led to him, as the rest tailed him from below. All this because of a loaf of bread. Virgil's breath hitched as he stumbled back, the guards steadily moving closer with their swords. Virgil panicked as his foot slipped making him jerk back to avoid falling. The guards all laughed as the closest one went to grab him.

Virgil's eyes set with a sudden seriousness as he took off without the slightest hesitance, balancing perfectly on the thin wooden frame before launching himself onto a sign. The guards yelled as Virgil wasted no time throwing himself over this locked fencing, separating himself from the guards enough to get away without being spotted.

Virgil silently made his way further from the city center as the sun's slow crawl through the sky finally started to near its end. Virgil carefully pushed this large grate out of the way, with a grunt over his exhaustion, before crawling into the tunnel and closing it behind him.

When he finally popped out on the other side of the wall he let out an exhausted breath. He pushed the back up more on his shoulder as he stumbled his way into the woods, finding his hideout far enough away from the wall.

His eyes lit up as he gently pushed his leaf sheet out of the way just collapsing into his bed. He shakingly pulled out his small piece of bread and just melted as he sat up against the base of the tree he built his shelter around. He nibbled slowly on the bread as he looked up through the hole in his makeshift rough, seeing the stars starting to show in the sky.

Today was a good day. Virgil's eyes shimmered as he snuggled into his ratted hoodie with a content sigh. He helped a friend, got some food, and managed to get away without getting hurt. All in all, today was a great day. Maybe tomorrow he'd head to the pond for a wash...

Yeah... a wash would be nice. Virgil hummed softly as he wrapped the rest of his bread back up before laying himself down into the leaves and randomness he had for a bed. He cuddled his hoodie close as he smiled. Maybe after the pond, he could find something to fix his shelter a bit. Maybe he'll even have another good day...

Just maybe he might get somewhere...

Virgil smiled as he sat there beside the pond, cooling water beside him. He was setting up his makeshift washboard as he waited. He was lucky. He managed to find that one flower... He didn't know what the name of it was but the sent was amazing. When boiled it creates a kind of soap-like substance. It's not perfect but it got a lot of the dirt and grime off his clothes and that was what was important. It wasn't good to use on his skin though so he was just going to have to resign with not bathing for just a bit longer.

That's ok though. It wouldn't be for that much longer. He'd sell some herbs and get enough coins for some proper soap and maybe a cheap meal. He already had his herb bag nearing full. Virgil hesitated a bit as he thought about it all. He had some money saved up hidden back at home. He had enough to stay at an inn and get a proper shower even... but if he spent any of that he wouldn't have enough saved up for the winter months and he was in desperate need of building a better shelter. All the money he had was being saved up for a good-quality quilt. He didn't have long until the first snow anyway.

Virgil sighed as he checked the water beside him, feeling that it was a decent temperature before getting up to grab his clothes. He almost couldn't remember a time in which he had proper walls to surround him and keep him safe. When the winter months weren't something he had to worry about... when food that wasn't hunted or caught by him wasn't a once-in-a-while treat to himself. Then again even then... It wasn't every day he managed to catch something.

Virgil sat himself down on the trunk of this fallen tree as he harshly rubbed his dirty shirt against the warped and rusted metal of his handmade washboard. The suds built up as he just melted into the movement letting his mind wander.

When was the last time he had a home? How old was he again? Virgil couldn't remember. Honestly speaking he didn't even know how old he was now or how long he had been on his own. He didn't know what day it was just that the air was steadily getting colder. Virgil did know he was born while the earth was covered in white. He could remember playing in the snow while his mother sat there knitting a new cap for him as she did every year.

He could envision her fingers as they moved but... If he tried to picture her face it blurred bringing tears to his eyes. He hadn't seen them in so long and he never would again. That's what happens when children are thrown into the street. They learn to survive on their own or they die. Virgil was lucky. He learned quickly. Did what he had to eat and keep warm. He learned what was important and how to help himself if he got sick. He was one of the lucky ones. He survived... he's seen as many children had not... or had turned to more unsavory things to survive.

Virgil stopped cold, just staring into the soapy water, gut-twisting as it gnawed at him in hunger. He swallowed his anxiousness as he quickly rang his shirt and hung it up on one of the trees' branches.

He should see if he could catch any fish later. He hadn't managed to catch anything in his traps as of late. He assumed that meant the hunters were getting them all before he managed to. He grumbled quietly as just sat down again and turned back to his cleaning. Maybe he could sell his herbs tonight. He might even have enough for a quilt now that he thought about it. He had plenty of copper pieces saved up and even several silver ones. Surely that was enough... there had to be equal to a few gold coins.

Virgil quickly finished his washing before dragging all his soaked clothes back to his shelter, before hanging them up on his line. He smiled as he carefully dug out the pouch he had hidden listening to the coins as they jangled about. He stuffed them in his backpack before racing to the river. Maybe if he caught some good fish he could sell some as well.

Virgil stared out into the water as he tossed his basket far down the stream. He wasn't expecting much making a fish or two if he was lucky. Even still he happily waited to see if tonight would be a good night to fish. He sighed as he looked up to the clouds noticing that it was getting late. He could feel his gut twisting up in him over the anxiety of it all. It was getting dark and that meant travel outside wasn't good. It's not often that he would risk going to the city so late at night but the nights were getting far too cold and leaving a fire burning is too much of a risk for Virgil to take.

After a while, Virgil pulled the basket in, smiling softly at the few fish he had caught. He could hear his stomach grumbling. They wouldn't get him much making a few silver coins altogether. But those few silver coins would help get the quilt and a small loaf of cheap bread. He laughed silently as he tied the basket closed before strapping it to his bag. He fixed the straps before hurrying along through the town. He just wanted to get to the markets before they closed.

He managed a good distance before spotting smoke billowing in the distance and his heart clenched. Other than hunters, who never stayed long enough to risk anything, no one ever dared to walk the woods. There were legends and lore about the fae and creatures who lived in these woods. Sure Virgil's never crossed paths with any but that didn't mean they weren't out there. Yet there was a fire. A large enough fire to cast its blackened smoke into the air. Virgil didn't have a good feeling about this at all.

Virgil grimaced as he realized the camp was directly in his path. He was not dealing with that. Virgil quickly changed directions choosing to venture further into the woods to avoid whatever camp that was rather than walk through it. If he had to sleep in the city then he would. It wouldn't be the first time.

Virgil found himself stumbling through the foliage trying not to disturb too much of the woods around him. He didn't want to upset any of the creatures who had allowed him to live so long in their territory. He shifted the bag a bit correcting its weight before continuing until the sound of a twig snapping caught his attention.

"Looky here boys." Virgil's blood ran cold as he turned around to see a girl leaning against a tree, twirling a blade about in her hand. "Looks like a nice catch here."

"Skin and bones..." A rough voice called behind her and Virgil stumbled back only to bump into another who just laughed.

"But decent size... He could fetch a good amount. Maybe a few gold coins if we play it right." Bandits... They were bandits. Virgil gripped the strap to his bag fingers fussing slightly with the tie wrapped around it. The woman smirked, her hazel eyes like ice as she pressed the blade of the knife against Virgil's chin to get a good look at him. Her eyes shined as Virgil just gulped silently.

"He's not a bad-looking guy. Young... maybe 19? 20? Quiet too. Hasn't so much as cried." The girl hissed with pride as she turned to the man behind her. "What if we kept him? Maybe had our own fun?"

"And risk out on a few gold coins?" The man laughed as the woman just shrugged. "Aeron, check his bag. See what he has worth selling." The woman stepped back as the one behind Virgil went to grab the basket. Virgil's eyes flashed as he suddenly tugged the string making the fish basket fall as he took off running.

"CATCH HIM!" Virgil whimpered as he ran as fast as he could frantically trying to get as far from the bandits as he could, pushing him farther and farther away from the city and his camp. Trees snagged at his bag as if trying to catch him and hold him still. He cried in a panic as he tugged and tried to keep himself free. He could hear as the others chased after him.

One branch snagged him just right that no matter how hard he tugged the bag would not break free. Virgil whined as he tugged free from the bag ripping his jacket as he went. He lost his bag and everything inside it, including all the money he saved up but that was better than losing his life.

The branches and bushes all ripped at his jacket as he ran. He could practically feel the bandit's breath on his neck as he just kept running. Unfortunately... when you're hungry, tired, cold, and weak... you can only get so far on adrenaline. He felt his jacket yanked back as he was slammed into a tree. He felt the blade cut into his side as the man before him growled.

"You aren't worth the hassle." Virgil's vision hazed as the blade was pulled out only to get plunged into his gut sending tears into his eyes. "Let the forest eat your remains."

"He had some money on him." The woman laughed as she tossed it to the other man who looked through it.

"It's not much... but it should pay for the loss. Through him over the edge and let's go." The man who held Virgil tight just smirked as he twisted the blade making Virgil gasp and whimper. He then threw Virgil over the edge of the cliff beside them without a single thought or hesitation.

Virgil couldn't even make a sound as he fell down the steep wooded cliffside. He rolled, hiding rocks and roots as he went brushing and cutting up everything as he went, down into a small clearing surrounded by large protective rocks and towering trees. The moon shined above him cascading light through the leaves as his head rolled, far too weak to move anything else. He spotted the small red and blue flowers littered about the white cap mushrooms and frowned in confusion noticing how odd the placement was as if it circled around in some sort of a ring. Virgil tried to look around just to confirm it but his mind was far too numb and everything was far too dark to even see. It was all going black on him.

"Human..." Virgil tensed, his breath catching in his throat as a sudden presence filled the air around him. "It's been a while since one of you found yourself here." Virgil's eyes fluttered as he forced his head to roll over to see the hazy distorted blob of no doubt whoever was talking standing there directly beside him. The air was silent for a few seconds before the sound of a hesitant sigh filled the air like a gentle breeze. "I can save you..." They spoke... Their voice was like a song in the wind... magic in the air. He could feel the heat all around him as his vision blurred even more and darkened.

"I can save you..." They repeated as the blurry figure bent down to look him over. "...but your life will belong to me... After all..." The figure slowly cleared enough allowing Virgil to get a good look at the ethereal being before him, literally glowing in the night air. "You're the one that fell into my circle." Circle... Circle... Virgil's eyes widened as he stared into those golden amber eyes. The figure's eyes only narrowed more as the light that surrounded them got even stronger. "That is my offer. I will save your life but you belong to me. A life for a life... equal exchange. Do we have a deal?" The figure smirked a bit menacingly as Virgil started to fade out. "Tick-tock human... your time is running out." Virgil gulped painfully before his hand twitched making the figure's eyes narrowed at the sight of it. Virgil panted as he forced his hand up despite the weakness and agony it caused. Virgil held it up as much as he could as if reaching out for the figure who just stared at it in confusion.

"Is this you asking for help? I do not understand humans..." They growled as Virgil just weakly gestured with his hand, desperation filling his face. The figure just stared at him before finally huffing and letting the air heat up more around him. "I will take this as you giving consent to the deal. Once I take your hand you will belong to me. Bound to me. You'll be mine forever... but you'll be alive and I'll make sure you stay as such." There was no change in Virgil as he struggled just to hold his hand up and the figure just nodded as he took Virgil's hand. "So be it."

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