Safe - Prowler Miles x Reader

נכתב על ידי Jsjajshbsbdbd

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Y/N L/N and Miles G. Morales have a couple encounters, both with and without the mask. Eventually, they reali... עוד

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - I don't even know her
Chapter 3 - Unexpected
Chapter 4 - Revenge
Chapter 5 - What are you doing here?
Chapter 6 - Partners
Chapter 7 - I can't stop thinking about her
Chapter 8 - Criminals
Chapter 9 - The Figure in the Shadows
Chapter 11 - Rising Conflicts
Chapter 12 - First Battle
Chapter 13 - Q.B.
Chapter 14 - Genius
Chapter 15 - 'Yeah'
Chapter 16 - Home
Chapter 17 - Tutoring Session
Chapter 18 - Mami

Chapter 10 - A Budding Friendship

865 31 26
נכתב על ידי Jsjajshbsbdbd

Chapter Song Rec: Dark Night by Jack Harlow (can you tell that I love his music 💀)


Miles' POV


What the hell is wrong with me?? Why the fuck did I send her a dm so fast?

Miles stared at his phone, the word 'delivered' sending a shock of shame through his body. God was this embarrassing...

It was only a short message, a simple "Hey.", but even that felt like he'd gone too far. He'd only just followed you. He didn't want to seem like some sort of stalker. Shit.

He rolled over, the back of his head resting on the cold pillow, his legs spread out as he continued to refresh the page, hoping you'd respond or at least see it.


It's fine...maybe you just weren't online? No, no, you had to be online, you'd accepted his follow request, right?

Maybe you'd put your phone down?

He let out an audible groan before tossing the phone to the side, staring up angrily, like it was the ceiling's fault you'd left him on delivered. Why did this have to be so difficult??

He was reminded of when he'd last seen you last night, the look on your face right before he'd jumped out the window.

The way you'd reacted to him calling you querida.

His cheeks heat up slightly as he thought back to the moment, another wave of shame passing over him when he realized just how stupid he must've looked, wearing giant claws and an intimidating mask while calling you his darling.

He smacked his forehead, muttering under his breath. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." Tilting his head back he gave his phone one more glance, eyebrows raised in a flash of hope.



"Hey, Miles! Come down here for a sec!"

Miles quickly sat up at the sound of his uncle's voice calling him, a confused expression forming on his face. He sounded...scared? Since when did his uncle ever sound scared?

He jumped off the bed, shoving his phone in his pocket before heading downstairs, skipping a few steps as he sped down the stairs. "What's up, Tio?"

Miles stopped as he noticed his Uncle's face, contorted in fear with his eyes wide. "Where were you last night?"

"Grabbing the supplies for Mami...why?" Miles replied awkwardly, trying to read his Uncle's expression.

"That's it? That's all you did?"


"Come here." Aaron gestured for Miles to join him in front of the television, tuning it to the news channel with a couple taps his finger. "Check this out."

Miles watched curiously, folding his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall while the report played.

"Witnesses have been reporting more and more sights of the new Prowler roaming the streets, his flashy suit catching the attention of not only the general public but also many of the city's major politicians and leaders."

Miles glanced over at his uncle, eyebrow raised. His uncle only nodded in response, putting his hand up. "Wait for it."

"Although recently, it seems the Prowler has become more and more active over the past few nights, with reports pouring in about his whereabouts. He is believed to have robbed the Brooklyn General Hospital last night, with hundreds of dollars in medical supplies found missing this morning."

Miles smiled slightly. The news reporters could never catch him in the act. He was too quick for that. All they could ever do was report what would be missing the next morning. He didn't really understand why his Uncle was showing him this...until-

"However, despite this, a new development seems to show otherwise. The Prowler was also believed to have been involved in the robbery of multiple cargo shipments at the nearby docks. Video evidence filmed by one of the witnesses will be played shortly."

Miles' eyes widened. What robbery? He didn't rob anything else last night.

"Tio, what are they talking about? What robbery?" Miles asked confusedly, approaching his uncle before glancing back towards the tv.

Aaron continued to face the screen, unresponsive as he tapped his foot on the ground, waiting for the video to start playing.

"It's the Prowler!" The guy on the video exclaimed as it started playing, his hands shakily recording the dark figure of a man leaping from a tall pole towards multiple cargo boxes, a large bag slung over his back. "Oh my god it's the Prowler!"

The figure broke into the shipment box quickly, slashing at the metal and ripping it open with his claws. He filled his bag with whatever was in those crates before running out and swinging back towards where he'd come from.

Miles watched in shock when the video zoomed in slightly, showing the figure more clearly as the lighting changed. It was...him?

But how?

"Is that you?" Aaron asked, looking over at him before pausing the tv.

"No." Miles' heart dropped and it was obvious that his uncle's had too because he immediately put his hands on his hips, staring back at the TV.

"Then who the hell else is it?"

"I don't-" Miles hesitated. Last night, you'd told him you'd seen him. Standing in the hallway of the hospital. Staring at you.

Except it wasn't him. He had been on the floor beneath, grabbing supplies.

Could it be...the same person you'd seen in the hospital?

"You don't? You don't what?" Aaron asked, looking back at Miles confusedly. "Are you hiding something from me?"

" the hospital. Someone else was there. She said-"

"She?" Aaron asked, expression immediately hardening. "Who's she?"

Miles' eyes widened. "No one. There was no she. I got confused." He cleared his throat, looking down to avoid his uncle's eyes. "Anyway, I thought I saw someone there. They were watching me. And they...well they looked just like me. At least the suit did."

"You think it's just some random guy trying to take up the mantle? Or...something else?"

"I don't know." Miles admitted, gaze moving back up towards Aaron's face. "What did they even steal?"

"No idea. Evidence was probably already taken to the police station...but the box might still be at the docks. You want to go check it out later or should I?" Aaron asked, eyeing his nephew curiously.

"I'll do it. I gotta go drop the supplies off at Mami's hospital anyways. I'll say hi to her and by then it'll already get late and I'll be able to go to the docks." Miles replied, already on his way towards the attic to grab his things.

"Hold up a minute, nephew."

Miles looked back over his shoulder, watching nervously as his uncle approached him. "What happened with that girl you were talking about?"

Miles immediately felt all the blood rush to his cheeks. "Huh?"

"Don't play dumb with me, kid. Did you give her the stuff?"

Miles nodded silently, swallowing back his embarrassment as his uncle gave him a slight smile. "Did she like it?"

"Yeah she did." he squeaked out, looking away.

Aaron chuckled deeply, arms folding over his chest. "You ever tried the shoulder touch thing I taught you on her?"

Miles immediately groaned, giving his uncle an annoyed look.

"That a yes or a no?"

"Sort of? I mean I kinda did but I..." his voice faltered off as the memory of him putting his hand on your shoulder sent another wave of humiliation flooding over him.

"Did it work?"


"Hey, I'm just looking out for my nephew" Aaron said with a laugh as he put his hands up defensively. "Is she pretty?"

"No!...Yes! Yeah, she is." he quickly mumbled, stumbling over his words as he tried not to let his voice crack.

"Alright, alright, I see you, kid." Aaron chuckled again, taking a step back. "No more visiting her with that mask on though, alright? You don't wanna get her involved in this shit." Aaron gave Miles a knowing look and Miles immediately felt the guilt begin to seep into his chest.

"Yeah, Tio. I know."


It only took him a few minutes to get into full gear before slinging the bag of medical supplies over his shoulder and making his way out the back so he could swing to the children's hospital.

Stealing medical supplies from one hospital to give it to another might've seemed like a stupid thing to do, but in reality, it was much more than that.

The Brooklyn General Hospital was notoriously known for their clients. Most of them were either rich, famous or both, and they rarely admitted middle or lower-class patients, no matter what they were going through. Those without the best insurance were always sent to the smaller hospital with too many patients for their horrible funding to handle.

The General Hospital didn't need the medical supplies nearly as much as any of the others, especially not the children's hospital his mother worked at. Rio was always telling her son about the delays in shipments that would often lead to the patients' conditions worsening, so he'd made it a chore to rob the supplies they needed at least once a month to help her out.

As he swung through the city, he tried his best to remain inconspicuous. Any more time on the news would definitely hurt his chances at keeping his identity a secret, and he didn't need any more members of the Sinister Six cartel on his tail.

Although, he tried to keep an eye out for his doppelganger. Whoever that was was stuck in the back of Miles' mind the rest of the day, and he just couldn't understand why someone would be posing as him.

For money? For fame? Were they just trying to take his job?

It wasn't like he was a hero...what benefit could this doppelgänger even gain from posing as the Prowler?

Unless...they just wanted the recognition. Could they have been posing as him and letting themselves be seen on camera because it would screw with the Prowler's image?

But...that didn't make sense either.

This was so confusing. He'd never dealt with circumstances like these before and it was honestly stressing him out. His relationship with you was stressful enough and he was really struggling to shoulder the weight of everything going on in his life.

Not only did he have to deal with you, but he also had to deal with schoolwork, and his mom. Taking care of the house when she was gone, checking up on her when she had late shifts, making sure she was okay, and of course, getting her the medical kits she needed.

She didn't know it was him doing all this stuff for her hospital. She didn't know he was the Prowler. Aaron hadn't let Miles tell her, because he thought if he did, she'd either go crazy and kill him, or completely cut him off from his nephew. Miles had agreed that it would be a terrible idea to tell his mother, but he found himself regretting it sometimes.

Either way, all of these problems of his were beginning to pile up on his back. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd hold.

Miles caught sight of the open window of one of the hospital rooms. He quietly slipped in, walking into a broom closet to change out of his suit. He simply shoved his jacket and claws into his backpack before pulling a hoodie on and swinging the door back open.

He inconspicuously left the supply bag under the bed, which he knew would lead to one of the nurses or doctors finding it. Now to find his mom.

He walked through the hallways, smiling and nodding at the people who walked by, most of them his mom's friends who he knew.

"Uh, Tia Diaz, do you know where my mom is?" Miles asked one of the nurses he recognized walking by. Her expression lit up when she saw him and she immediately squeezed his face in her hands. "Wow, Miles, you've grown, I barely even recognized you! Ay, pobrecito, have you been eating? You look so skinny!"

He groaned quietly, trying to keep a fake smile on his face while she inspected him, pinching his cheeks. "She should be in room 1331."

"Thanks." he said quickly, dodging out of her grasp before heading in the direction of where his mom would be. "Room 1331..." he muttered under his breath as he spun around, searching for where she could be.

His gaze landed on a half-open door with a giant 1331 on it. He quickly sauntered over, looking behind him as he opened the door. "Miles?"

Miles looked back, a confused expression on his face as he took in the sight. It wasn't his mom...but it was Ravi. He was standing next to the bed, phone in front of him as he stared at Miles. Miles opened his mouth, about to ask why he was here, when he noticed the little boy sitting on the bed and clutching his arm.

"What're you doing in a hospital?" Ravi asked, cocking his head to the side curiously as he put his phone away and crossed his arms over his chest.

"My, uh, my mom works here." Miles replied, awkwardly pulling his hoodie down slightly. "What are you doing here?"

"My brother broke his arm." the little boy, who looked shockingly similar to Ravi, smiled over at Miles through watery eyes, as if he'd been crying. He waved at him with his not broken arm. Miles tipped his head in response.

"Okay, I've got the x-rays!" Miles turned back to see his mom walking through, her arms full of paperwork on files which she promptly laid down on the table. "Oh, mijo, what're you doing here?" Rio immediately pulled Miles in and gave him a big kiss on the forehead.

Miles' expression dropped as he tried to escape his mother's unrelenting grasp, watching Ravi stifle his laughter through the corner of his eye. "Mami- I can't breathe-" he gasped out.

"I didn't know your mom was a nurse." Ravi said with a smile, offering Rio a handshake, which she accepted. "Oh, mijo, are you two friends?"

"Yeah. Yeah we're friends." Miles said quietly, watching his mother. "Did you need something, sweetheart?" his mom asked as she began to inspect the little boy's arm, pressing down gently.

"Nah, I just wanted to check on you." Miles cleared his throat as he tried to ignore Ravi's piercing gaze.

"Mm, actually it's good that you're here. I was going to tell you, I'm probably going to be late tonight. You'll manage right? There should be leftovers in the fridge." she said absentmindedly, scrawling something down on the paper. "I'll go call the doctor." She told the little boy reassuringly.

"Yeah that's fine." Miles replied, gaze softening. "Are you uh-" his voice dropped as he approached his mom. "-are you taking another late shift?"

"Ah, I'm taking late shifts all this week." She said tiredly, trying to keep a smile on her face. Her expression morphed to one of concern. "You'll be alright, right?"

"Hey, I'll be fine, I just wanted to make sure you'd be okay." Miles smiled.

"Oh, how did I get so lucky? I have such a perfect son." She said with a laugh, kissing Miles on the forehead again, to which he begrudgingly obliged. "Love you, mijo."

"I love you too, Mami." he said quietly. He watched as she quickly walked out, taking some of her papers with her. The noise of someone clearing their throat caught his attention as he turned around.

"You uh, you seem to have a nice relationship with your mom." Ravi said oddly, looking down at his feet. "Yeah. I do." Miles replied, continuing to avoid eye contact.

The silence was deafening.

"H-how did your brother break his arm?"

Ravi looked up, expression relaxing slightly. "He fell off his scooter. Nothing serious. Your mom said it was just a fracture."

"Ah. I see." Miles said, looking up.

The silence continued.

"Look man, I don't want anything to be awkward between us." Ravi said quickly.

"Nothing's awkward." Miles said absentmindedly.

"Things feel awkward."

Miles couldn't help but nod in agreement, putting his hands in his pockets and rocking back on his feet slightly. "Why are things awkward?"

"I don't know, I just-" Ravi sighed, folding his arms over his chest. "-I'm not used to new people." he admitted. "It's hard for me to get used to people."

Miles gave him a sympathetic look, expression softening. "I get it. I'm sort of like that too." He put his hand on the back of his head. "But I didn't really have much of a choice joining a new school in sophomore year."

Ravi chuckled in response, shaking his head. "You're not wrong." He extended his hand towards Miles, a genuine smile on his face, refreshing compared to the forced one Miles was used to by now. "Here's to not being awkward."

He laughed, taking Ravi's hand and shaking it. "Thanks for...accepting me. Into your little group."

"Of course." he shook his head offhandedly, putting his hands back into the pockets of his jeans as he took a small step back. "But I'm not really the one you should be thanking. Maria was the one excited about it." He admitted, smile faltering slightly.

"Maria? I thought it was..." he stopped, eyes widening in realization.

Maria was the one who wanted him to join the trio? He was reminded of how she'd looked at him the first day he'd walked out of class with you. How she was always giggling and smiling at him, touching his arm and trying to get close to him. Did him?

And if she did, that meant...all the lunches that'd been left in his locker. He'd thought they were from you. He thought you liked him.

But no. It must've been Maria.


"Wait." Miles said all of a sudden, approaching Ravi. "Does Maria-" he cleared his throat. "Does Maria like me?"

Ravi's expression hardened, and he scowled. "Yeah. Yeah she does." He said quietly, avoiding Miles' gaze. "Thought it was kind of obvious."

"I don't like her."

"What?" Ravi's jaw dropped and he looked up, his face seeming confused. "You don't like her?"

"Nah. She's nice and all-" Ravi cut him off with a whoop, pulling Miles into a tight embrace. "YES! I HAVE A CHANCE! THANK YOU!"

Miles froze, forced to stand there with his arms pinned to his sides as he tried to process what was happening. "You're welcome?" He smiled slightly as Ravi pulled back, face flushed. "Good luck with her I guess. I didn't know you liked her."

"For the past year." Ravi said, practically leaping with excitement. "I was so scared that you liked her man, I wouldn't have been able to handle it if you asked her out"

"I don't like her." Miles said, giving Ravi an understanding smile. "But-"

Ravi's expression dropped again. Miles couldn't help but be reminded of how cartoon character's expressions would change the same way. "But? But what?" he asked nervously, eyes wide with fear.

"I...uh..." Miles wasn't sure how to tell him. After all, the two of you were good friends. How would he take this new development? "I like Y/N."

The two stared at each for a moment.

"You like Y/N?"



Miles raised his eyebrow. "You're not mad or anything? I thought you two were like best friends?"

"Why would I be mad, bro? I'm just glad I have a chance with Maria. Good luck with Y/N" He snickered. "She's a handful."

"A handful...?" Miles grinned, relaxing for the first time that day. Ravi had a contagious smile.

"Eh, you'll figure it out. She's got an...entertaining personality."

"So I've noticed." Miles chuckled, looking to the side. "I uh, I gotta go."

"Yeah? I'll see you at school." Ravi's eyes widened slightly. "Actually...wait, do you want to hang out sometime next week?"

"Hang out?"

"Yeah. The school's not gonna get fixed up for another week or so, and I'm free."

Miles felt his heart jump with happiness. He wanted to hang out? "Yeah, yeah sure." He replied, trying not to seem too eager. "I'll see if I'm free."

Ravi beamed back at him. "Cool, cool." The two quickly exchanged numbers before Miles left, trying his best to hide the dumb smile on his face when he closed the door behind him, Ravi bickering with his brother in the background.


Short chapter cuz I wanted to focus on developing Miles and Ravi's budding friendship and I wanted to get the chapter out before I get too much work in school because I might be too busy to update 😭 unedited but I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!! <3

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