To Kill A Kingdom | ACOTAR

By Jade14x

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"I see why you are so obsessed with having Tamlin love you now. Quite amusing and unexpected - out of all the... More

Cast + Summary
Chapter 1 - "Why are you answering a question with another question?"
Chapter 2 - "We are faeries fated to die."
Chapter 3 - "How kind and gentlemanly of you."
Chapter 4 - "Or are you just inquiring to be nosy?"
Chapter 5 - "And I thought you knew me well, Feyre."
Chapter 6 - "I'm not a bitch, Lucien."
Chapter 7 - "You need only know that I am here."
Chapter 8 - "I see it takes very little to impress you."
Chapter 9 - "I may be young, but I am still fey."
Chapter 10 - "This is not the time for your games."
Chapter 11 - "Well, I think that remains to be seen."
Chapter 12 - "We have a little more to discuss."
Chapter 1 - "Do you trust me?"
Chapter 2 - "Does that mean you just called yourself horrifying to look at?"
Chapter 3 - "By the Cauldron, you're so boring."
Chapter 4 - " a complex kingdom."
Chapter 5 - "Clearly, you've never met a male Fey."
Chapter 6 - "And when were you going to tell me this?"
Chapter 7 - "It is fine now...water under the bridge?"
Chapter 8 - "You shouldn't eavsdrop on such things."
Chapter 10 - "Oh, was that supposed to be secret?"
Chapter 11 - "Well, that's something they're definitely not getting."
Chapter 12 - "Does it change anything?"
Chapter 13 - "I suppose that makes sense."
Chapter 14 - "All of us? No."
Chapter 15 - "Desperation is the sister of weakness."
Chapter 16 - "Fuck the King!"
Chapter 17 - "A contingency plan, if you will."
Chapter 1 - "Do not finish that sentence!"

Chapter 9 - "Then I'm afraid you're out of luck."

200 10 1
By Jade14x

Evette had been having a relatively good morning, until her uncle came to her and ruined it by suggesting they train alongside Cassian and Feyre, which was why Evette was currently scowling at her uncle as he dragged her to where they had been training.

"I don't need to train, uncle." Evette complained grouchily as they arrived, and Rhys, who had been watching Feyre and Cassian train, looked over in slight amusement. "Everyone knows this."

"Don't be lazy, Evette! If the new Fae girl is ought to do so as well." Her uncle scolded her lightly, and her scowl intensified.

"Feyre has never trained a day in her life!" Evette pointed out displeased. "I have. I don't need to. It's not a necessity."

"Then perhaps do it for...morale? You could do with exploring your powers more now you have that stone." He told her.

"Morale?" Evette scoffed in disbelief. "I'm not doing that."

Caedmon turned and levelled her with a sharp glare, his amber eyes burning brighter. "Evette Du Pont!" He scolded her, making her look at him in bewilderment. He only called her by her father's name when he was really annoyed and mad at her. She counted herself lucky he didn't call her by her Royal last name, which was Tressilian, because he only did that when he was irreversibly and immovably furious. The Fey didn't use their last names much unless it was needed, which was basically never.

At this point, even Cassian and Feyre had paused to look over. "Fine!" Evette grumbled, which was exactly how she had been training non-stop for hours, that she had even began to breath a little heavily. At this point, Azriel had returned and was training with Rhys - he seemed a little...tense from the little Evette had glimpsed.

"I have something important to tell you." Evette told her uncle as she side stepped his sword, and landed a blow in his ribs by driving her knee into them. He lifted his swords end, and drove it into her side, making her stumble to the side.

"Okay." He replied. "What is it?" He swung his sword for her, and Evette held her hands up to him, and a strong gust of wind hit him and threw him back a good few feet. He drove his sword into the ground to stop going so far.

"You need to promise not to get mad." Evette told him pointedly.

"What did you do?" Her uncle asked her with a sigh, as he pulled his sword from the ground and walked towards her. He didn't make a move to attack her and she loosened her body up.

"I may have...made a blood offering to Osiris." Evette explained to him. "Last night."

"You did what?" Her uncle blurted out loudly, making her wince, and making the four Fae pause and stop to glance over. Her uncle's eyes landed on them, before he faced her again. "Are you absolutely insane, Evette? A blood offering...why would you even think that would be a good idea?" He changed languages swiftly.

"Roan's going to die." Evette told him. "I can't just...sit by and let it happen. What would you have done if it had been Ragnar and Moriah in this situation? My mother? Even Dulcamara? You'd do whatever you can to prevent it. And that's just what I'm doing...ensuring my brother doesn't die."

"Evette - "

"No one survives iron poisoning." Evette told him. "Osiris has the means to help him. To save him. And I'm not going to throw such an opportunity away...and I am willing to do whatever she wishes in return. For my brothers, I'd do anything. You know this." She gave him a pointed look. "Besides, I know how to make a deal...I'm no fool."

"There's a reason no one bothers with them to help with their problems with bargains and deals." Her uncle told her displeased. "Everyone avoids them for a reason."

"I'm not everyone." Evette shrugged.

Caedmon sighed and raised a hand to massage his forehead as he shook his head at her. "Just...remember to be careful." He told her, and she gave him a nod. "So, let's get back to it, Evette. Your movements are sloppy. When was the last time you and Kaladin sparred?"

"Kaladin is cruel when it comes to know a long time." Evette replied as she rolled her shoulders out. "And, I'm actually quite tired. I don't think I need any more training." Her uncle didn't say anything...he only lunged for her once more.

Evette had heard Feyre having a moment within a few moments of her and her uncle's fighting...but her uncle was relentless and took her distraction as an advantage, and had her on the ground in seconds. She had flown through the air, and had hit the floor, rolling along it to a stop.

Evette lay on her back groaning softly, when her uncle appeared above her. "You need to get a handle on your Empath powers." He told her as he offered her his hand.

"Easier said than done." Evette took his hand as he pulled her up with ease. "And I think I'm done for the day. For the month."

"Kaladin would be very disappointed." Her uncle mused.

"I'm not training to fight Fey...and even if there is a fight...I'd be using my powers." Evette told him. "I'm a Princess, not a warrior."

"You shouldn't rely solely on your powers." Cassian called over to her, and she turned to find him and Azriel now sparring, and as she looked at them she wondered two things. Why exactly they all had tattoos, and when exactly they had removed their shirts because she certainly hadn't seen them all do so.

Not that she was complaining - the view was pretty spectacular.

"He's surprisingly right." Her uncle told her and he gave her a pointed look. "You know our powers can sometimes fail us." Evette knew that Ragnar and Moriah's powers had once failed them when they were being hunted, and when they were killed by Hybern soldiers. "We don't want that. If you're truly involving yourself in this...I need to know you'll be just fine without them."

Evette looked off to the side slightly. "Still...they're Fae. I can do just fine against the Fae." She gestured to Cassian. "He knows that and can tell you so. So, I'm going to head back."

"Not without my winnowing." Her uncle said.

Evette pushed a sigh out of her nose and instead moved to sit on the ground. "Then I'm staying here until you deign to take me back. Have fun fighting yourself." Evette stretched her legs out in front of her, leaning back on her hands as she did.


It was only two days later when Osiris had found Evette - she had been invited out to Rita's once more. Her uncle had been challenged by Cassian to some sort of drink off - the one she had avoided last time. And Mor was off dancing with whoever, as Rhys was doing whatever it was he was doing. Feyre and Azriel were off to the side sat at a table - they had invited her to join them.

But she had denied them - and took to entertaining any who would come to join her and flirt. She kind of missed Lucien and their little back and forth thing they had - it's why she was doing so. She had a feeling Feyre knew this.

However, the second she saw Osiris from across the room - and she knew it was her...she just felt that it was her - she left and slipped out of Rita's unseen.

And Evette followed her to the edge of the river, where they both stopped and looked at one another. Osiris had took to having a corporeal form in order to conceal what exactly she was. She knew that in this form she often appeared differently to many people - unless she wished to show you her real form of mist and mainly air.

That's what she heard Osiris looked like when not corporeal, at least.

To her, Osiris appeared at a tall woman with bright red hair, and bright green eyes. She had light freckles over her face, and had an innocent looking face and expression. But the expression did not fool Evette - she knew she was anything but innocent.

"I do not know whether to be impressed, or appalled that you decided to bring me here." Osiris mused to her - her voice was smooth and rich. Almost regal. "The very Court that has a High Lord that enjoys to lock creatures like me in a prison we cannot escape. I think I'm leaning more towards impressed...I have never been summoned here. Much less by a Fey royal."

Osiris gazed around them. "I assume you wish for a way out of here?"

Evette shook her head. "No." She replied. "For the current moment...I want to be here." Osiris quirked one brow at her in surprise, that Evette was able to feel very strongly. It was so strong it caused Evette to wince, causing Osiris to start to smile. Her smile was sweet.

"You're an Empath. A baby one, it seems." Osiris grinned at her. "What a treat! I've never had an Empath call upon me before. I've had daemati, shadowsingers, lightbringers, normal Fey, royals, warriors. Never an Empath."

"I suppose this is quite an experience for the both of us then." Evette mused. "So, how about we get to why exactly you're here?"

Osiris smiled. "I like your thinking, Empath." Osiris said. "Do you have a name?"


"Okay, Evette, why have you called upon me if not to get out of this Court of dreadful Fae?" Osiris asked her in interest.

"My brother. He's dying of iron poisoning - my cousin poisoned him." Evette explained to the Goddess. "I am not fool enough to think he'll survive - no Fey survives it. He may have every available person helping him and prolonging his life - but also his agony. But I also don't want him to die. I refuse to allow him to. So, I was thinking we could make a bargain."

Osiris nodded her head slowly. "And, what would this bargain entail?"

Evette knew that she had to be very careful with her wording right now. Very careful, as she may get a nasty shock if her words could be mistaken for another meaning. "It would entail you giving me something that can help my brother survive iron poisoning - I would want plenty of it. Just in case it's defective, or if it reacts differently in each and every body." Evette told her.

"And what would I get in return of this?" Osiris asked her.

"Anything as long as it is not any throne of Angevin and therefore mine, and it isn't me killing my family and friends." Evette replied, and a smirk crossed Osiris' lips.

"Oh, so you're a royal and an Empath." Osiris mused. "You know, the last person, and all those before them, who offered me whatever I want in return were never able to follow through. They couldn't bare to go through with whatever I needed when I came to them to cash in my side of the bargain. Sure you don't want to narrow it down?"

"I am not anybody else!" Evette told her firmly.

Osiris took another sweeping look around them both. "Clearly." Osiris mused. "No other Fey would be comfortable staying in the lands of their immortal centuries long enemy. Yet here you stand in their city."

"Yet here I stand in their city." Evette repeated.

Osiris looked at Evette with a grin. "I think I like you, Evette." She mused, and Evette knew that she mustn't like many others who came to her for bargains if her expression was any indication. "All others tremble in my presence, and they ramble for ages as to why they deserve what they ask for before they even ask. And you did none of's refreshing to have a different reaction."

"So, sure, we'll have a bargain...and just because you're not a pathetic kiss-ass I'll ask something of you that's within reason." Osiris told her as she held her hand out to her, and they grasped each other's hand, and as they did magic thrummed through both of their bodies. "I, Osiris, make a bargain with you, Princess Evette, that will allow the healing of iron poisoning and the prevention of death from it. And in return, you will offer me what I want from you as long as it is within reason. As long as it is not a seat in Angevin royalty. As long as it's not the murdering of your family and friends."

It felt like ropes of white hot fire wrapped round their joined hands. They kept their hands joined for a few more moments, before the rope of fire ceased, and they let go of each other's hands.

"The concoction you desire will appear before you within five days time." Osiris informed her. "If it does not, summon me once more. I will bring it to you personally then. I look forward to seeing you again, Evette, you are one curious being." Then Osiris' corporeal form faded, and she became just a mass of dark black and obsidian mist that had one of the darkest aura's Evette had ever felt, and she left her alone, blinking out of sight suddenly.

"Was that what I think it was?" Amren asked as she joined Evette, who turned to look at the silver eyed woman. The woman's dark hair was out of her face, and she was holding glasses of what Evette smelt to be blood.

"Well, that depends on what you think it was." Evette replied to the woman - she had never really had a conversation with the woman one to one. But she was able to feel her magic, and it was so ancient. Evette really wondered what exactly she was because Amren didn't at all feel like anything she had felt before.

"I don't want any of your Fey vague answers." Amren told her firmly, as her eyes narrowed on her.

"Then I'm afraid you're out of luck." Evette shrugged at the woman. "All answers that come from my mouth to people like you are vague. And by people like you, I mean ancient beings. You can never know whether to trust beings that came from other realms, after all." She supposed a subtle evasion was best with her.

"Have you met many ancient beings?" Amren asked her, eyeing her with an unreadable expression upon her face, and no emotion leaking from her.

"You'd be surprised how many reside in the prison of Angevin. I've personally met three different beings." Evette replied. "None like you though." Amren raised a brow in questioning. "A Gorgon. A Banshee. A Phoenix. Anyways, I ought to head back in." Evette moved to leave her and to head back to Rita's.

However, Amren stepped in front of her. "You almost got me to forget." Amren told her. "So, tell me, was that what I think it was?"

Evette took a step back from the ancient woman. "Well, Amren, I am the Empath...not the daemati." Evette reminded her. "If you want an answer to your question you're gonna have to tell me what exactly you thought you saw just now."

"An old god." Amren replied. "But not the type we're used to - the usual deity that roams about. That was an old old god - if they could get a solid form." Evette remained silent. "When I was in prison...I heard whispers of the old gods of the Fey. The Faith of the Seven. Rumour has Fey actually descend from them from more than just magic. Physically. Unlike how the Fae descend from your kind from magic."

"The Angel, The Mother, The Sister, The Warrior, The Maiden, The Crone, The Child." Amren listed out the old gods of the Fey. Evette didn't dare let her expression change in front of Amren. She didn't want to show Amren that she was right.

The Mother - Osiris - was the Goddess of Rebirth and Healing. She was the face of life. During Beltane, the Fey celebration for the coming of Spring, and the celebration of life and fertility, she was given offerings by those who still worshipped the old gods.

Those who didn't ignored them - renounced them - for how they were. Evette didn't really understand why - the Fey were just as cruel and cunning as the old gods. It showed that the Fey truly did come from the Seven physically - because they were both beings that were incredibly alike.

The Fey just thought they were better.

And it was also important to note that The Mother from the Faith of the Seven was very different to The Mother that the Fae spoke about. They simply had the same title, and nothing more.

"You'll want to tell me over the others, girl." Amren told her as she began to walk along the street and gestured with her head for Evette to follow her. Evette did so silently.

"And why's that?" Evette finally spoke after they had been walking for a few moments. "Because you're so understanding?" She mused sarcastically before she let out a scoff.

"No." Amren told her. "Because if Rhys finds out you've been bargaining with an old god, he'll set Azriel on you. He's not exactly a fan of...creatures that I know your gods are like. Dangerous. Uncontrollable. Powerful beyond comprehension. And just brought one into his city of peace. She's so powerful and intelligent she didn't set off the wards around here."

"Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him." Evette replied. "And our gods are not like yours - that cause chaos for the sake of chaos. Our gods...are pretty laid back."

"They're dangerous." Amren corrected her sharply, a snap to her voice. "You shouldn't be messing around with them if you value your life."

"It's only when you infuriate them, or do something they don't like that they become a force to be reckoned with." Evette corrected her. "I've heard stories of what they've done to Fey who couldn't follow through on a bargain. I know just how dangerous they are - I don't need you to lecture me on my own people's Gods and Creators. And whatever you've heard in a Prythian prison...I can assure you it's nothing to what we've heard."

"And yet, you make a bargain with her." Amren mused.

"The person it's for is worth it." Evette replied simply.

"A lover? You must love them unconditionally to do such a thing for them."

"A brother." Evette corrected her. "It's to save his life. And there's nothing I wouldn't do to ensure he lives. It's people like me that are meant to be the only ones to even consider going through with a bargain with a God. People with weak disposition are not meant to - they're not made for such things."

"You have a high opinion of yourself." Amren told her.

"Maybe." Evette shrugged. "But it's not a necessarily bad thing if I'm right and follow through."

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